July 20, 2011
PRESENT: Diane Linn Gladys Gilliland Abe Fang Jane Winter
Bill Carney Dirck Brinckerhoff Bob Jackson Phil Abey
ABSENT: Glenn Koorhan
STAFF PRESENT: Stephanie Lovette, Patti Brennan, Rebecca Woodbury
OTHERS PRESENT: William Thompson and Keith Bloom (Thompson Dorfman), Judy
Wetterer, Alan Zahradnik (SMART), John Eells, Kay Karchevski, Shelley Hamilton, Harry
(community member, no last name given)
Chairperson Diane Linn called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. and welcomed the two new
committee members Jane Winter and Bob Jackson.
As there were no additions or corrections to the minutes of the June 2nd meeting, Gladys
Gilliland moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Phil Abey seconded the motion, and the
vote to approve was unanimous.
Rebecca Woodbury provided copies of a Workshop Summary Report available online at:
(httD://www.citvofsanrafael.ore/Assets/CDD/Planning/CC+SAP+Workshop+l+Summary+04+201 Lod)
for the Downtown Station Area Plan's second community workshop. Bill Carney said the
workshop was well -attended and there were lively discussions. He said the effort has advanced
significantly. Ms. Woodbury added that there was general consensus at the workshop of a
unified transit block. She noted that the consultants are analyzing the issues regarding moving
the buses to the Citibank site. Additional studies will be required in the future for this option.
She also said that people were not opposed to taller buildings in the area and seemed to support
new development around the station.
Ms. Woodbury gave the committee an overview of the schedule for the next several months. In
September and October, the CAC will review the draft plan and provide direction as needed.
The CAC will review the findings from the alternatives analysis and look at various other issues
and trade-offs. In November and December, City staff will be conducting focus group outreach
for the draft plan. She said CAC volunteers are invited to attend these meetings with City staff.
In January, the CAC will be asked for direction on a final plan based on focus group outreach.
The final plan will be presented to the City Council in early February. Mr. Carney requested
conceptual images of the major ideas for the September meeting. He also asked staff to clarify
the major decision points.
The Elks Lodge is located outside of the RDA boundaries but the CAC requested a presentation
on the project as part of their interest in Downtown housing and affordable housing. This
proposed residential development has been in the works for five years. A formal application was
submitted to Community Development in March 2011. Thompson Dorfman plans to complete
the Design Review and Planning Commission process this Fall with final approval by the end of
2011. After obtaining all necessary approvals, it will be 2-1{2 to 3 years to project completion.
The project is a 67 -unit apartment complex with four levels of residential and two garage levels.
Seven of the units would be affordable to residents with incomes at or below 60% of County
median income. The proposed development will include sidewalk and landscaping
improvements on Mission Avenue. To eliminate an existing traffic hazard, the improvements
would also include moving the Elks Lodge entry west of the existing entrance, and combining it
with the entrance to the apartment complex.
Bill Carney asked if the project would include internal access to the Boyd and Falkirk properties.
The developer indicated that the three properties can be accessed from the improved sidewalk on
Mission Avenue. There are no safe, secure and ADA accessible internal paths between the
properties. Mr. Carney said that he would like to see the project include the most walkability
1) Proposed Professional Baseball at Albert Park: staff will bring Centerfield Partners' proposal
back to a City Council meeting in the next two - four weeks, after Council's subcommittee,
consisting of Mayor Al Boro and Council Member Damon Connolly, have the opportunity to
hold two community meetings. Diane Linn told the group that she will track the process and
if appropriate to reiterate the committee's support, then she will contact the CAC members.
2) Proposed Target: opponents did not collect enough signatures for a referendum. A lawsuit
has been filed against the Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
3) Former Borders: TJ Maxx will be occupying this space.
4) Former Yardbirds: Staff has received some broker calls on this site.
5) Status of California Redevelopment Agencies: the State has shut down redevelopment
agencies, so the Agency cannot enter into any contracts until after October 1, 2011. At that
point the Agency can agree to pay their portion of the $1.7 billion that the State is expecting
as revenue from all redevelopment agencies in California. San Rafael's liability is
approximately $300,000 and could be paid from affordable housing funds.
6) Whistlestop Relocation: Gladys Gilliland expressed concern that Whistlestop and SMART
have not been able to reach an agreement on SMART's potential purchase of the Whistlestop
building. Ms. Lovette said that staff will be meeting with Whistlestop to discuss their
relocation needs. Ms. Linn asked if there could be an onsite meeting of all interested parties
to ensure that potential reuse scenarios would benefit the Downtown and align with the
CAC's work on the SAP.
7) 999 Third Street: PG&E is still doing soils testing on the property, and it will be another year
before a Request for Proposals (RFP) can be sent out for possible reuse of this site.
California DTSC has not cleared the site for housing but an office, or hotel use is acceptable.
No items were discussed.
1) Update Status of Proposed Professional Baseball at Albert Park.
2) Update Status of Elks Lodge Housing Development
Dirck Brinckerhoff seconded the standing motion to adjourn. All approved, and the meeting was
adjourned at 8:58 p.m.