HomeMy WebLinkAboutPW Resident Appeal of an AT&T Encroachment Permit____________________________________________________________________________________ FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Council Meeting: December 6, 2021 Disposition: Item continued to December 20, 2021 Agenda Item No: 7.a Meeting Date: December 6, 2021 SAN RAFAEL CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT Department: Public Works Prepared by: Rafat Raie, Deputy Director of Public Works City Manager Approval: __________ TOPIC: RESIDENT APPEAL OF AN AT&T ENCROACHMENT PERMIT SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF A RESIDENT APPEAL FROM THE ISSUANCE OF AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO AT&T TO INSTALL A UTILITY CABINET IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONGSIDE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 109 BAYVIEW STREET, SAN RAFAEL RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt resolution denying appeal and upholding the issuance of the encroachment permit to AT&T to install a utility cabinet in the public right-of-way alongside the property located at 109 Bayview Street in San Rafael. BACKGROUND: California Public Utilities Code section 7901 provides that telephone corporations may construct lines and erect equipment along public roads in ways and locations that do not “incommode the public use of the road.” However, the law also permits a city to impose reasonable “time, place, and manner” regulations on the location of such facilities in the public right-of-way. San Rafael Municipal Code Section establishes a requirement for an encroachment permit any time a person, utility, or special district encroaches in the public right- of-way. City Council Resolution No. 12371, Attachment 3, adopted on October 25, 2007, established standard specifications and requirements for the design and installation of encroachments within the public right-of-way. Exhibit “A” to the resolution details design requirements for above-ground encroachments in the right-of-way. On June 21, 2021, AT&T applied for encroachment permit No. EP2106-060 to place a fiber cabinet near the Southeast corner of the intersection of Bayview Street and D Street. According to the permit application package, Attachment 2, the proposed cabinet is approximately 3.5 ft(H) x4 ft(W) x2 ft(D) and is proposed to be placed in the planter strip by 109 Bayview Street, approximately 16 ft east of the Southeast curb return of the intersection of Bayview Street and D Street. The planter strip and sidewalk are within the City’s right-of-way and installation of the proposed cabinet requires a utility/special district encroachment permit. The application was reviewed by Public Works staff for compliance with City Municipal Code and the adopted resolution. City staff found that the application complied with the City’s requirements, and approved issuance of the encroachment permit on July 16, 2021. Any person aggrieved by City action on a utility/special district encroachment permit can file an appeal pursuant to San Rafael Municipal Code Section, which provides: RESIDENT APPEAL OF AN AT&T ENCROACHMENT PERMIT / Page: 2 Any person aggrieved by the director's action on a utility/special district encroachment permit application may appeal by submitting a written appeal to the city council, along with any applicable appeal fee as provided in the city's master fee schedule, within fifteen (15) days of the date on which action was taken on the application. The city council shall hold a hearing on the appeal at its next regularly scheduled meeting not less than fourteen (14) days after receipt of the appeal, and shall give the applicant and the appellant at least ten (10) days' written notice of the time of the hearing. The decision by the city council on the appeal shall be final. Appellant Rich Petovello, the owner of the 109 Bayview Street property, submitted emails and verbally appealed the issuance of the encroachment permit to AT&T. City staff accepted the appeal and scheduled a hearing before the City Council at the December 6, 2021 meeting. ANALYSIS: City staff issued AT&T’s encroachment permit after determining that the application complied with the standards set forth in Exhibit A to Resolution No. 12371. A detailed analysis of the application against Exhibit A is below: A. Structures shall be located in a manner so as not to obstruct pedestrian passage on a sidewalk or pedestrian walking path, consistent with the access requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title 24 of the California Building Code. The proposed cabinet does not obstruct the pedestrian path of travel. There is a 5 ft wide sidewalk behind the cabinet and the doors open towards the street. B. All structures shall be located so that sight lines shall remain unobstructed along all public rights-of-way, in accordance with the latest version of the FHWA' s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the California Supplement thereto. The MUTCD references the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Geometric Design of Highway and Streets Manual for intersection sight distance design. The D Street and Bayview Street intersection is a traffic signal- controlled intersection and does not have clear sight distance requirements. The City’s Municipal Code section 14.16.295, Attachment 4, includes a vision triangle requirement where the corner area measured 15 ft from the curb return shall be kept free of any visual obstruction between 3ft to 8 ft above street grade elevation. The proposed cabinet is approximately 16 ft away from the curb return and complies with the vision triangle requirement. C. All new structures shall be finished in an earth tone color, or a color otherwise approved by the City Council. All existing associated structures shall be refinished to match the color of the new structures, unless the refinishing of existing structures will impair manufacturer' s warranties thereon. The proposed cabinet is expected to match the color of the existing cabinets which are earth tone color. D. Any structures to be located within the drip line of any existing tree or planting shall be evaluated by the City Arborist, and the Director may impose conditions to address concerns raised by the City Arborist' s report. The proposed cabinet is outside of existing tree driplines. RESIDENT APPEAL OF AN AT&T ENCROACHMENT PERMIT / Page: 3 E. Structures shall not be located directly in front of the entrance to any building located on adjacent property. As shown on page 1 of Attachment 2, the proposed cabinet is not directly in front of the entrance to any building. F. No structures shall be installed adjacent to sites containing historic landmarks as identified in the San Rafael Historical/Architectural Survey, as it may be amended from time to time hereafter. The proposed cabinet is not adjacent to sites containing historic landmarks. G. All structures shall be set back a minimum of eighteen inches (18) from the face of the curb. As shown on page 3 of Attachment 2, the concrete pad for the cabinet is set 18 inches (1.5 ft) from the face of curb. H. Structures shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from any fire hydrant, parking meter, street light pole, driveway, curb ramp, or blue zone parking space. The proposed cabinet is over 5 feet from any fire hydrant, parking meter, street light pole, driveway, curb ramp, or blue zone parking space Mr. Petovello called the Public Works Department on September 14, 2021 to express his concerns about the cabinet installation. He stated that he saw AT&T employees by his property and that he had an issue with an additional utility cabinet being placed near his property frontage since there are already 2 utility cabinets in the planter strip on Bayview Street. The City informed him that the planter strip is within the City right-of-way, not private property, and that utility companies are allowed to maintain their infrastructure within the right-of-way. Mr. Petovello wanted to know if there were any alternative locations for the cabinet, so the City put him in contact with AT&T’s representative. AT&T and Mr. Petovello discussed the project and several alternatives over the following weeks. As shown in the Alternative Options Exhibit, Attachment 5, there are currently two cabinets in the planter strip along Bayview Street. The encroachment permit application was to add a third cabinet dedicated to fiber in an existing red curb area close to the corner of D Street. After Mr. Petovello expressed his concerns over the third cabinet by his property frontage, AT&T provided two alternative options. The first option was to repurpose one of the existing cabinets closest to the driveway on Bayview Street to hold the new fiber equipment in addition to the copper equipment already stored in it. This option involved keeping the original cabinet configuration with the doors opening into the street and would require the curb in front of the cabinet to be painted red so AT&T could access the cabinet. Mr. Petovello did not approve of this option because he did not want to lose a parking space in front of his property. The second alternative involved reconfiguring the existing cabinet by the driveway on Bayview Street so the doors would swing towards the sidewalk and the parking space would not be affected. The reconfiguration would involve making a larger cabinet to accommodate the fiber and copper equipment stored there. Mr. Petovello did not approve of this option because he did not want a larger cabinet in front of his property. The Department of Public works had a meeting with AT&T and Mr. Petovello to try to come to a solution on the issue on November 9, 2021. The situation and the required design standards RESIDENT APPEAL OF AN AT&T ENCROACHMENT PERMIT / Page: 4 were discussed with the parties but we were unable to come to an acceptable compromise, so the issue is being presented to the Council per the appeal. Staff maintains its opinion that the proposed encroachment complies with all City requirements and recommends denial of the appeal. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact is associated with this report. OPTIONS: The City Council has the following options to consider on this matter: 1. Adopt the resolution denying the appeal and upholding issuance of the encroachment permit. 2. Grant the appeal and direct staff to prepare a resolution for City Council action at a future meeting. 3. Direct staff to return with more information. 4. Take no action. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt the resolution denying the appeal and upholding issuance of the encroachment permit to AT&T to install a third fiber cabinet in the public right-of-way alongside the property located on 109 Bayview Street in San Rafael. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution Denying an Appeal from the Issuance of an Encroachment Permit to AT&T to Install a Utility Cabinet in the Public Right-of-Way Alongside Property Located at 109 Bayview Street, San Rafael 2. EP2106-060 Application Package 3. Resolution No. 12371 4. City Municipal Code Section 5. Alternative Options Exhibit 1 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN RAFAEL DENYING AN APPEAL FROM THE ISSUANCE OF AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT TO AT&T TO INSTALL A UTILITY CABINET IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ALONGSIDE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 109 BAYVIEW STREET, SAN RAFAEL WHEREAS, the City of San Rafael received an encroachment permit application from AT&T to install a utility cabinet in the public right-of-way alongside the property located at 109 Bayview Street in San Rafael; and WHEREAS, City staff found the proposed installation complies with the standards and specifications required by City Council Resolution No. 12371 for above-ground encroachments and approved the encroachment permit, No. EP2106-060, to place a fiber cabinet near the Southeast corner of the intersection of Bayview Street and D Street; and WHEREAS, Mr. Rich Petovello, the property owner of 109 Bayview Street, appealed the issuance of the encroachment permit, expressing concerns about the proposed installation by AT&T and specifically to the location of the fiber cabinet specified in the encroachment permit; and WHEREAS, the City investigated the concerns and initiated a meeting between the property owner and AT&T’s representative to try to resolve the dispute, but the parties were not able to find a compromise; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a hearing on the appeal on December 6, 2021 and accepted all oral and written testimony presented at the hearing; and WHEREAS, the City Council makes the following findings: 1. AT&T is a telecommunications utility that has a right under state law to install facilities in the public right-of-way, subject to reasonable local time, place and manner regulations. 2. City Council Resolution No. 12371, adopted on October 25, 2007, establishes standards for the design and placement of above-ground encroachments in the City’s right-of-way. 3. The staff report on appeal and evidence given at the appeal hearing establishes that there is substantial evidence that the proposed encroachment complies with each of Resolution No. 12371’s standards for placement of an above-ground encroachment in the City right-of-way. 4. The appellant has presented no evidence that the proposed AT&T utility cabinet does not comply with Resolution No. 12371’s standards for an above-ground encroachment into the City’s right-of-way, or any other applicable regulation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, based upon consideration of all the evidence in the record on appeal, the City Council hereby denies the appeal and upholds the issuance of encroachment permit No. EP2106-060 to AT&T for installation of a utility cabinet in the public right-of-way alongside appellant’s property at 109 Bayview Street, San Rafael. 2 I, LINDSAY LARA, Clerk of the City of San Rafael, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held on Monday, the 6th day of December 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: ___________________ Lindsay Lara, City Clerk ( ( RESOLUTION NO. 12371 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN RAFAEL ADOPTING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGN, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ENCROACHMENTS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Rafael has adopted Ordinance No. 1862 regulating encroachments into the public right-of-way within the City; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1862 requires applicants for certain encroachment permits to comply with detailed specifications for design standards for above-ground encroachments, and/or for excavations in the public right-of-way, and/or for the construction of curbs, gutters, driveway cuts and related work in the public right-of-way, and authorizes the City Council to adopt such specifications by resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed and considered the requirements and specifications attached hereto as Exhibits "A, "B," and "C," for design standards for above- ground encroachments, for excavations in the public right-of-way, and for the construction of curbs, gutters, driveway cuts and related work in the public right-of-way, and finds that adoption of such specifications will advance the public health, safety and welfare by ensuring the consistent, safe and proper construction of improvements in and to the public right-of-way; and WHEREAS, the City is limited by the requirements of State law as to the extent to which it may regulate the use of its rights-of-way by telecommunications agencies, and the City Council has been advised that it may only regulate the time, place and manner of such use. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Rafael that the requirements and specifications set forth in Exhibits "A, "B," and "C," 1 ( attached hereto and incorporated herein, for design standards for above-ground encroachments, for excavations in the public right-of-way, and for the construction of curbs, gutters, driveway cuts and related work in the public right-of-way, are hereby adopted and shall apply to applications and permits for encroachments in the public right-of-way pursuant to Ordinance No. 1862, effective upon the effective date of such Ordinance. I, JEANNE M. LEONCINI, Clerk of the City of San Rafael, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of said City on October 15, 2007 by the following vote, to wit: A YES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Heller, Miller, Phillips & Vice-Mayor Cohen NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None DISQUALIFIED/ ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: Mayor Baro (due to absence from meeting) 2 EXHIBIT "A" DESIGN AND LOCATION STANDARDS FOR ABOVE-GROUND ENCROACHMENTS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. A. Structures shall be located in a manner so as not to obstruct pedestrian passage on a sidewalk or pedestrian walking path, consistent with the access requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Title 24 of the California Building Code. B. All structures shall be located so that sight lines shall remain unobstructed along all public rights-of-way, in accordance with the latest version of the FHWA's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the California Supplement thereto. C. All new structures shall be finished in an earthtone color, or a color otherwise approved by the City Council. All existing associated structures shall be refinished to match the color of the new structures, unless the refinishing of existing structures will impair manufacturer's warranties thereon. D. Any structures to be located within the drip line of any existing tree or planting shall be evaluated by the City Arborist, and the Director may impose conditions to address concerns raised by the City Arborist's report. E. Structures shall not be located directly in front of the entrance to any building located on adjacent property. F. No structures shall be installed adjacent to sites containing historic landmarks as identified in the San Rafael Historical/ Architectural Survey, as it may be amended from time to time hereafter. G. All structures shall be set back a minimum of eighteen inches (18) from the face of the curb. H. Structures shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from any fire hydrant, parking meter, street light pole, driveway, curb ramp, or blue zone parking space. 3 l EXHIBIT "B" REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR EXCAVATIONS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY A. Timing of Installations-Special right-of-way restoration standards. 1. No excavation shall be permitted in any portions of the public right-of-way that were constructed or resurfaced during the five (5) year period prior to the proposed excavation. This prohibition shall not apply to emergency excavations approved by the Director. A proposed excavation shall be considered an emergency if it is necessary to repair or replace underground facilities in order to prevent a disruption of services to customers or prevent injury or damage to life or property. This prohibition also shall not apply to excavations required to provide essential utility services to a property where there are no other reasonable means of providing such services to the property or where the work is mandated by state or federal laws or orders and the excavation cannot be reasonably avoided as determined in both events by the Director. In the event of an excavation permitted by this subsection, the affected right-of-way shall be restored in accordance with the right-of-way restoration standards approved by the Director. 2. The special right-of-way restoration standards described in Subsection (B)(l) also shall apply to any portions of the public right-of-way that have been constructed or resurfaced more than five (5) years before the proposed excavation, provided that the right-of- way has a pavement condition index of seventy (70) or higher as described in the City's pavement management program. 3. On an annual basis, the City and each utility, special district or other user of the public right-of-way shall coordinate their current-year and to the extent practicable their five-(5) year capital improvement programs for public right-of-way installations in order to reduce the number of excavations that occur. Such coordination shall occur annually at the time and in the manner specified by the Director. The Director may submit an annual report to the City Council on the results of this coordination process. This report may include recommendations on the timing of City right-of-way projects to accommodate street projects planned by utilities, special districts, or other users of the public rights-of-way. B. Performance of work. No trench, for the purpose oflaying pipes or conduits, shall be opened in any graded street or thoroughfare farther than necessary in front of the pipe or conduit place therein, except in case of emergency and upon consent of the Director. All such trenches shall be backfilled and the old tom-up pavement shall be removed from the street, together with the surplus excavated material, within two (2) working days from the time such material is placed upon the street, except as otherwise allowed in writing by the Director. Backfilling of an excavation shall be in accordance with the standard details and specifications of the City, or those other specifications required by the Director for the particular project, both as to material and method. Backfill shall not be placed in any excavation without compaction of the material used therein, the degree and method thereof to be in accordance with City standards and to the satisfaction of the Director. All trenches shall be restored within twelve (12) working days 4 ( from the time the trench was refilled, except as otherwise approved by the Director. All open trenches (trenches not filled to finished grade) shall be covered with anti-skid metal trench plates and properly wedged. Cutback shall be placed around the plates to provide a smooth transition with the surface of the contiguous pavement. In every case, the work of repaving over all trenches shall commence immediately after said trenches are backfilled. The work of clearing up the streets is to be considered a part of the repaving work, and shall be finished within the time allowed for repaving and to the satisfaction of the Director. C. Pavement requirements. In every case the street or thoroughfare opened or tom up shall be restored by the person opening or tearing up the same according to the standard plans and specifications for pavement on file with the office of the Director, unless otherwise approved by the Director. D. Work to be maintained --performance of work by City. In case the pavement or surface of the street over openings should become depressed or broken at any time due to improper or inadequate work by the permittee, the permittee for whom the street was opened shall, upon a written notice from the Director, immediately proceed to repair and restore the pavement in a proper and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the Director. In case the pavement is not completely restored within ten (10) working days after such notice has been given, and unless delayed by conditions beyond the permittee's control, the Director shall thereupon cause the work to be done, at the expense of the delinquent permittee, after giving the permittee not less than five (5) working days final notice. E. Abandoned facilities. Whenever any pipe, conduit, duct, tunnel or other structure located under the surface of any public street, alley or other public place, or the use thereof, is abandoned, the person, utility or special district owning, using, controlling or having an interest therein, shall, unless otherwise approved by the Director, either remove the pipe, conduit, duct, tunnel or other structure or cap the ends to prevent water intrusion. F. Weight limitation exemptions and designated streets. 1. Exemptions. The weight limitation set forth in Section 5.52.021 of this code shall not be applicable to vehicles operating on a project for which a grading or fill permit has been issued by the City, provided said vehicles are traveling on routes designated by City's Department of Public Works. 2. Authorized Routes. The Department of Public Works of the City shall have the authority to designate the route or routes to be traveled by vehicles operating on projects for which grading and or fill permits have been issued. G. Security. 1. Prior to the issuance of any encroachment permit, the Director may require the permittee to deliver to the City satisfactory security in the amount of one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the total estimated cost of all work to be performed under such permit, as determined by the Director. Such security shall consist of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash 5 deposit, or performance bond as determined by the Director. The security shall be provided in the manner required by the Director and maintained in full force and effect until the permitted work in the public right-of-way is completed to the satisfaction of the Director, at which time the amount of the security shall be reduced to ten percent (10%) of the actual cost of the work. The reduced security shall be maintained by the permittee for a period of one year as a guarantee that the work is of good quality and free from any defective or faulty material or workmanship. Any surety supplying a performance bond must be an "admitted surety insurer," as defined in Section 995.120 of the Code of Civil Procedure, authorized to do business in the State of California. Return of the security shall be conditioned upon the permittee' s faithful performance of all work in the public right-of-way specified in the applicable permit. In the event the permittee fails to comply with any provisions of this chapter related to such work, or any provision of the encroachment permit or encroachment permit agreement, or other approval related to such work, any damages or loss suffered by the City as a result thereof shall be recoverable from the security, including but not limited to the full amount of any compensation, indemnification, cost of removal, or abandonment of any property of the permittee, plus reasonable attorneys' fees and costs up to the full amount of the security. Performance securities shall not be required from any utility or special district except where the Director finds that there are exceptional circumstances indicating that such security is required to protect the City. 2. Neither the provisions of this section nor any damages recovered by the City hereunder shall be construed to excuse the permittee's faithful compliance with any encroachment permit or encroachment permit agreement or limit the liability or damages of the permittee under this chapter, either to the full amount of the security or otherwise. In addition to its rights to take action under the security, the City may pursue any other remedy provided by law. 6 ( ( EXHIBIT "C" REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CURBS, GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAY CUTS, ETC. IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. A. Construction materials. No sidewalk, driveway approach, curb, or curb and gutter shall be constructed other than of concrete, unless special permission therefor be first obtained from the Director by the permittee. B. Line and grade stakes. Where the street is unimproved or where existing curbs are in poor condition, or not on official line and grade, the applicant may be required, if so directed by the Director, to hire a registered engineer at the applicant's sole expense to provide a detailed engineered plan for the frontage improvements for review and approval by the Director, to ensure that proposed improvements will be compatible with construction of future improvements by adjacent properties. C. Performance of work. All sidewalks, driveway approaches, curbs, or curbs and gutters must be constructed in accordance with the standard plans and specifications for sidewalks, driveway approaches, curbs, or curbs and gutters on file in the office of the Director, reference to which is hereby made for further particulars. All sidewalks, driveway approaches, curb, or curb and gutter work shall be done under the general direction and to the satisfaction of the Director. D. Gutter obstruction by driveway approaches. The Director has the power to require property owners to remove driveway approaches where they are an obstruction to the gutter, and to reconstruct driveway approaches where drainage or other conditions are unsatisfactory. E. Limitation on width of driveway approaches. 1. No driveway entrance or approach leading from the street into any property, premises, structure or building fronting thereon, shall be constructed or maintained which is a) less than the minimum width required under the zoning ordinance; orb) greater than forty feet (40'). No additional driveway entrance or approach shall be constructed or maintained into or from the same premises at any distance closer than twenty-five feet (25') to any existing driveway entrance or approach. Where two (2) or more driveway entrances or approaches are constructed at or about the same time, they shall be constructed so as to be separated by a sidewalk area or island not less than twenty-five feet (25') in width at the narrowest point. 2. Notwithstanding the prohibition of subsection (E)l of this section, the Director may grant an encroachment permit for the construction or maintenance of driveway entrances or approaches of any width or separation when the location or use of the subject property, public safety, or any other factors so require. 7 ( ( F. Replacing curb where driveway no longer used. Where a curb has been broken to provide a driveway for a residence or a business and such driveway is no longer needed or used as a driveway, the owner of the property or the owner or operator of the business shall replace the curb and repair any damage done to the sidewalk by the use of such driveway. Such work shall be done in conformity with the requirements for the construction of curbs and sidewalks. 8 104-2021CITY : SAN RAFAELGIGAPOWER PROJECT109 BAYVIEW ST, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901,USAPROJECT NO : A01ZFFAISSUE1222 VINE ST., SUITE 301PASO ROBLES, CA 93446Tel: (805) 467-2528 Fax: (805) 467-2529GEO/CO ___________________________________EXCHANGE ___________________________________ENGR. ________________ TEL. ______________ENGR ARC _________________________________TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION _____________________RO/EST. NO. ____________________DWG. ___________OF ___________DA # 2242LAA01ZFFA1 6GIGAPOWER PROJECTPERMIT PLANBAYVIEW STDATESNRFCA01BAYVIEW STBAYVIEW STPFP PHYSICAL ADDRESS : 109 BAYVIEW ST , SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901, USAW371SMITH, PETER JVIEW OF PROPOSED PAD MOUNTED CABINETLOOKING EAST ALONG BAYVIEW STVIEW OF PROPOSED PAD MOUNTED CABINETLOOKING NORTH ALONG BAYVIEW STVIEW OF PROPOSED PAD MOUNTED CABINETLOOKING WEST ALONG BAYVIEW STCONSTRUCTION DRAWING/SUBMITTAL REVIEWAPPROVEDAPPROVED WITHCHANGES NOTEDREVISE AND RESUBMITREJECTEDSUBMITTAL WAS REVIEWED FOR DESIGN CONFORMITY ABDGENERAL CONFORMANCE TO MUNICIPAL REQUIREMENTS.BY : _______________ DATE:_______________PERMIT # : ______________ PFPLOCATIONMH 333 SB2377AT&T WILL BE ACCESSING:· MH 333 TO SPLICE· SB 2377 TO PLACE FIBER & SPLICE· PFP LOCATION TO PLACE NEW PAD PAD MOUNTED CABINET, CONDUIT, & SPLICE FIBERINDEX:DWG 1. COVER SHEETDWG 2. LAYOUT DRAWINGDWG 3. LAYOUT DETAIL DRAWINGDWG 4. CABINET SPECSDWG 5. TCP TYPICALDWG 6. TCP TYPICAL~at&t 40fi 401 □ □ 402 HJ ·oo 106 □ □ iewsr 02 Bayview St 347 ?07 Bayview St PEARCE ---))SERVICES 346 343 07 344 ()5 10 ~3;;1 33~ 340 - ROWC/LBOCROWBOCSIDEWALKSIDEWALKROWC/LBOCROWBOCSIDEWALKSIDEWALKROWC/LBOCROWBOCSIDEWALKSIDEWALKBAYVIEW ST ASPHALTBAYVIEW ST ASPHALTBAYVIEW ST ASPHALTBAYVIEW ST34'60'34'60'SIDEWALK D ST ASPHALTROWC/LBOCSIDEWALKBOCSIDEWALKROW D ST ASPHALT40'74'74'40'0+84 AT&T VRAD CABINET0+98 AT&T SAI CABINET0+53 (P) AT&T FIBER CABINET0+62 AT&T SPLICE BOX(P) 1-4" CONDUIT0+90 JOINT POLE(P) 5' X 3' CONCRETE PAD0+000+80 DOWN GUY ANCHOR800-227-2600 or 8111222 VINE ST., SUITE 301PASO ROBLES, CA 93446Tel: (805) 467-2528 Fax: (805) 467-2529GEO/CO __________________________________EXCHANGE_________________________________ENGR. ________________ TEL. _____________ENGR ARC ________________________________TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ____________________RO/EST. NO. ____________________DWG. ___________OF ___________ALP-84BUWTESSDGROW RIGHT OF WAYROW RIGHT OF WAYBOC BACK OF CURBLOG LIP OF GUTTERFOW FRONT OF WALKBOW BACK OF WALKEOD EDGE OF DRIVEWAYEOW EDGE OF WALKWAYSW SIDEWALKPS PARKSTRIPD/W DRIVEWAYC/L CENTERLINEUTILITIESWATERTELEPHONEELECTRICSANITARY SEWERSTROM DRAINGASWATER VALVEWATER METERDIG PITTREEHEDGEFENCELINEPOTHOLEBOLLARDROAD SIGNMANHOLEPOLEFIRE HYDRANTMONUMENTTRAFFIC LIGHT(STANDALONE)STREETLIGHTSUB BOXVARD CABINETSAI CABINETMHLEGENDCALL USA TOLL FREE48 HRS PRIOR TO DIGGINGFOR ALL SUBSTRUCTURELOCATIONSGIGAPOWER PROJECTPERMIT PLAN1 04-2021ISSUEDATE0' 20' 40' 60' 80'1" = 40'2 6GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES :1. EXERCISE EXTRA CAUTION WHEN DIGGING ANDPLACING THE FACILITIES FOR AT&T CALIFORNIA, ASOTHER UTILITIES MAY BE IN PROXIMITY OF THE WORKLOCATION.2. EXTREME CARE IS TO BE TAKEN TO ENSURE MINIMALDAMAGE TO PLANTED AREAS.3. ALL BENDS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A 6'-0"MINIMUM RADIUS.4. NOTIFY CITY OR COUNTY OFFICIALS 48 HOURSPRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK OPERATIONS. ADHERETO ALL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS.5. ALL WORK AREAS TO BE RESTORED TO CITY ORCOUNTY/ MUNICIPALITY STANDARDS.6. AT&T ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEACCURACY OF THE SUBSTRUCTURE INFORMATIONHEREIN PROVIDED. THE USER ASSUMESRESPONSIBILITY FOR VERIFYING SUBSTRUCTURELOCATIONS BEFORE EXCAVATING AND ASSUMES ALLLIABILITY FOR DAMAGE TO TELEPHONE FACILITIES ASA RESULT OF SUCH EXCAVATION. CALL UNDERGROUNDSERVICE ALERT ON:(800) 227-2600 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING INPROXIMITY TO TELEPHONE PLANT.CONSTRUCTION DRAWING/SUBMITTAL REVIEWAPPROVEDAPPROVED WITHCHANGES NOTEDREVISE AND RESUBMITREJECTEDSUBMITTAL WAS REVIEWED FOR DESIGN CONFORMITY ABDGENERAL CONFORMANCE TO MUNICIPAL REQUIREMENTS.BY : _______________ DATE:_______________PERMIT # : ______________DA # 2242LAA01ZFFASNRFCA01W371SMITH, PETER JPROPOSED WORK:1) PLACE 5' OF 1-4" CONDUIT FROM SB 2377 TO NEW AT&T FIBER CABINET2) PLACE 5' X 3' CONCRETE PAD3) PLACE AT&T FIBER CABINET4) RESTORE ALL LOCATIONS TO SAN RAFAEL STANDARDSlt I I ... -~ ... .'•.: l/t ------=::::::: □ □ □ □ ~at&t r 7 L .J SEARCE p ))SERVICES -,==1 ==--71 ROWC/LBOCROWBOCSIDEWALKSIDEWALKBAYVIEW ST ASPHALT60'34'0+84 AT&T VRAD CABINET0+98 AT&T SAI CABINET0+53 (P) AT&T FIBER CABINET0+62 AT&T SPLICE BOX(P) 1-4" CONDUIT0+90 JOINT POLE(P) 5' X 3' CONCRETE PADSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SANSAN SANSAN SAN0+80 DOWN GUY ANCHOR5'0+001.5'2.1'800-227-2600 or 8111222 VINE ST., SUITE 301PASO ROBLES, CA 93446Tel: (805) 467-2528 Fax: (805) 467-2529GEO/CO __________________________________EXCHANGE_________________________________ENGR. ________________ TEL. _____________ENGR ARC ________________________________TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ____________________RO/EST. NO. ____________________DWG. ___________OF ___________CALL USA TOLL FREE48 HRS PRIOR TO DIGGINGFOR ALL SUBSTRUCTURELOCATIONSGIGAPOWER PROJECTPERMIT PLAN1 04-2021ISSUEDATE3 6DETAILEDVIEWGENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES :1. EXERCISE EXTRA CAUTION WHEN DIGGING ANDPLACING THE FACILITIES FOR AT&T CALIFORNIA, ASOTHER UTILITIES MAY BE IN PROXIMITY OF THEWORK LOCATION.2. EXTREME CARE IS TO BE TAKEN TO ENSUREMINIMAL DAMAGE TO PLANTED AREAS.3. ALL BENDS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A 6'-0"MINIMUM RADIUS.4. NOTIFY CITY OR COUNTY OFFICIALS 48 HOURSPRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK OPERATIONS.ADHERE TO ALL PERMIT REQUIREMENTS.5. ALL WORK AREAS TO BE RESTORED TO CITY ORCOUNTY/ MUNICIPALITY STANDARDS.6. AT&T ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEACCURACY OF THE SUBSTRUCTURE INFORMATIONHEREIN PROVIDED. THE USER ASSUMESRESPONSIBILITY FOR VERIFYING SUBSTRUCTURELOCATIONS BEFORE EXCAVATING AND ASSUMESALL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE TO TELEPHONEFACILITIES AS A RESULT OF SUCH EXCAVATION.CALL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT ON:(800) 227-2600 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING INPROXIMITY TO TELEPHONE PLANT.CONSTRUCTION DRAWING/SUBMITTAL REVIEWAPPROVEDAPPROVED WITHCHANGES NOTEDREVISE AND RESUBMITREJECTEDSUBMITTAL WAS REVIEWED FOR DESIGN CONFORMITY ABDGENERAL CONFORMANCE TO MUNICIPAL REQUIREMENTS.BY : _______________ DATE:_______________PERMIT # : ______________DA # 2242LAA01ZFFASNRFCA01W371SMITH, PETER JGIGAPOWER PROJECT109 BAYVIEW ST, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901,USAPROJECT NO : A01ZFFAPROPOSED WORK:1) PLACE 5' OF 1-4" CONDUIT FROM SB 2377 TO NEW AT&T FIBER CABINET2) PLACE 5' X 3' CONCRETE PAD3) PLACE AT&T FIBER CABINET4) RESTORE ALL LOCATIONS TO SAN RAFAEL STANDARDSINDEX:DWG 1. COVER SHEETDWG 2. LAYOUT DRAWINGDWG 3. LAYOUT DETAIL DRAWINGDWG 4. CABINET SPECSDWG 5. TCP TYPICALDWG 6. TCP TYPICAL~at&t --~ ----PEARCE ----•))SERVICES □ □ □ □ 1 04-2021CITY : SAN RAFAELDA # 2242LAA01ZFFA4 6GIGAPOWER PROJECTPERMIT PLANGIGAPOWER PROJECT109 BAYVIEW ST, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901,USAPROJECT NO : A01ZFFAISSUE1222 VINE ST., SUITE 301PASO ROBLES, CA 93446Tel: (805) 467-2528 Fax: (805) 467-2529GEO/CO ___________________________________EXCHANGE ___________________________________ENGR. ________________ TEL. ______________ENGR ARC _________________________________TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION _____________________RO/EST. NO. ____________________DWG. ___________OF ___________DATESNRFCA01W371SMITH, PETER JCONSTRUCTION DRAWING/SUBMITTAL REVIEWAPPROVEDAPPROVED WITHCHANGES NOTEDREVISE AND RESUBMITREJECTEDSUBMITTAL WAS REVIEWED FOR DESIGN CONFORMITY ABDGENERAL CONFORMANCE TO MUNICIPAL REQUIREMENTS.BY : _______________ DATE:_______________PERMIT # : ______________AT&T WILL BE ACCESSING:· MH 333 TO SPLICE· SB 2377 TO PLACE FIBER & SPLICE· PFP LOCATION TO PLACE NEW PAD PAD MOUNTED CABINET, CONDUIT, & SPLICE FIBERINDEX:DWG 1. COVER SHEETDWG 2. LAYOUT DRAWINGDWG 3. LAYOUT DETAIL DRAWINGDWG 4. CABINET SPECSDWG 5. TCP TYPICALDWG 6. TCP TYPICALPFP LS576/864 CONCRETE PAD & MOUNTING BRACKET. -.. • ,d P.C,C. (CLA:S A) CJ lc29 ~ ~ LANDSCAPED EARTH CONCRETE IPA!BAND OR [XIS'll'IN,G CONCRETE OR AREA GIRA VEL BED ASPHALT ARiE:A 4' DIA STANDARD STEEL PIPE, 25 Lll/F T M]N . IP□RTLAND CEMENT C□NC.RETE (CLASS A> PiROflLE Of' CONCRETE PA1D WITHIIN LANDSCAPED AREA CORNING PFP LS576/864 CAB 49.75'"(H) x 7'6.5'"(W) x 26.0~(D) PROFILE OF OONICREfE PAO FLUSH WITH IE:XISTING GRADE CCINCRE:TE: PAD DIMEN$1[]MS VARY PER LOCA llON SCALE: /'IOI Ill 8Gliflt ~at&t □ □ □ □ PEARCE -----e))SERVICES 1222 VINE ST., SUITE 301PASO ROBLES, CA 93446Tel: (805) 467-2528 Fax: (805) 467-2529GEO/CO __________________________________EXCHANGE_________________________________ENGR. ________________ TEL. _____________ENGR ARC ________________________________TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ____________________RO/EST. NO. ____________________DWG. ___________OF ___________GIGAPOWER PROJECTPERMIT PLAN1 04-2021ISSUEDATETANSATPORTABLE FLASHING BEASCON (P.F.B)TYPE III BARRICADE W/SIGNTYPEMII BARRICADE W/SIGNCHANNELIZING DEVICETRAFFIC CONE WITH CLIP ON SIGNTYPE I W/SIGNEXISTING SIGNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONFLASHING ARROW BOARDHIGH LEVEL WARNING DEVICE (FLAGTREE)FLAGGERTOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANY TIMEEXISTING DRIVEWAYWORK ZONE (ACTIVITY AREA) LIMITSDIRECTION OF TRAFFIC (NOT PAVEMENT MARKING)SLEGEND* - The distances are approximate, are intended for guidance purpasesonly, and should be applied with engineering judgment. These distancesshould be adjusted by the Engineer for filed conditions, if necessary, byincreasing or decreasing the recommended distances.TAPER LENGTH CRITERIA ANDCHANNELIZING DEVICE SPACINGSPEED(S)MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH*FOR WIDTH OF OFFSET 12 FEET (W)MAXIMUM CHANNELIZINGDEVICE SPACINGX Y Z**TANGENT2LMERGINGLSHIFTINGL/2SHOULDERL/3TAPERTANGENT CONFLICTMPH FT FT FT FT FT FT FT20 160 80 40 27 20 40 1025 250 125 63 42 25 50 1230 360 180 90 60 30 601535 490 245 123 82 35 701740 640 320 160 107 40 80 20451080 540 270 1804590 2250 1200 600 300 200 50 100 25551320 660 330 220 50 100 2560 1440 720 360 240 50 100 2565 1560 780 390 260 50 100 2570 1680 840 420 280 50 100 25751800 900 450 300 50 100 25ADVANCE WARNING SIGN SPACINGROAD TYPEDISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS*A BCFT FT FTURBAN - 25 MPH OR LESS100 100 100URBAN - MORE THAN 25 MPH TO 40 MPH 250 250 250URBAN - MORE THAN 40 MPH350 350 350RURAL500 500 500EXPRESSWAY/FREEWAY1000 1500 2640PEDESTRIAN CONTROL NOTES :A DEDICATED INDIVIDUAL WILL BE ASSIGNED THERESPONSIBILITY OF ESCORTING PEDESTRIANSTHROUGH THE WORK AREA IN ACCORDANCE WITHTHREE MAJOR CONSIDERATIONS:1. PEDESTRIANS SHOULD NOT BE LED INTODIRECT CONFLICT WITH WORK SITE VEHICLES,EQUIPMENT OR OPERATIONS2. PEDESTRIANS SHOULD NOT BE LED INTODIRECT CONFLICT WITH MAINLINE TRAFFICGOING THROUGH OR AROUND THE WORK SITE.3. PEDESTRIANS SHOULD BE PROVIDED WITH AREASONABLY SAFE, CONVENIENT ANDACCESSIBLE PATH THAT REPLICATES ASNEARLY AS PRACTICAL THE MOST DESIRABLECHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXISTINGSIDEWALK OR FOOTPATH.* - For other offsets, use the following merging taper length formula for L:For speed of 40 mph or less, L = WS²/60For speed of 45 mph or more, L = WSWhere: L = Taper length in feetW = Width of offset in feetS = Posted speed limit, off-peak 85th-percentilespeed prior to work starting, or the anticipatedoperating speed in mph** - Use for taper and tangent sections where there are no pavement markings or wherethere is a conflict between existing pavement markings and channelizers (CA).5 6TYPICAL APPLICATION APPLIESFOR SB 2377 & PFP LOCATIONCONSTRUCTION DRAWING/SUBMITTAL REVIEWAPPROVEDAPPROVED WITHCHANGES NOTEDREVISE AND RESUBMITREJECTEDSUBMITTAL WAS REVIEWED FOR DESIGN CONFORMITY ABDGENERAL CONFORMANCE TO MUNICIPAL REQUIREMENTS.BY : _______________ DATE:_______________PERMIT # : ______________DA # 2242LAA01ZFFASNRFCA01W371SMITH, PETER JINDEX:DWG 1. COVER SHEETDWG 2. LAYOUT DRAWINGDWG 3. LAYOUT DETAIL DRAWINGDWG 4. CABINET SPECSDWG 5. TCP TYPICALDWG 6. TCP TYPICALCalifornia t-1ll'I'C..1J 2014 Edifum Page 1150 · r A'9 1'.ITITCD 2009 Edlrtio:u,, !iIJdu:diillg Jt:Btision,; 1 & -, as :m!l!lldl!d for me in C:lilifi:m1iia) F"gure 6H .. 6. Shoulde1r Work wiith Mino·r Encr,oachment ,(TA. 6) OYlHY )Rf(JM GYOH +.., __ E_Na __ \_.. fl:OAD WORK G20-2 G20-2 HOM OVOH ON] (optional~ Chapter 6H-'Fypfca11 Ap~lcia1., lilllS Pm eJ -T~Dlll'OnlJrY Tr;;,f:fic Comcl A ' .J. t 10 It ~ I■ I (aptional) Note· S e ,. ti>H-2 and .. ,Bfl--3 for ll'u!i r'rlilar'Ling of (hs symbols srxlfor letter oooos used I I fi.g11.1re. 1!'3 L i A l W:20-1 ROAD Jf0RK ,\~EAO Ncrvember 1 2014 ~at&t * e---1 >--< • --.----_Li_ 2 I ¥ -1' ~ FA ... □ □ □ □ PEARCE ----,.:))SERVICES GIGAPOWER PROJECTPERMIT PLAN1222 VINE ST., SUITE 301PASO ROBLES, CA 93446Tel: (805) 467-2528 Fax: (805) 467-2529GEO/CO __________________________________EXCHANGE_________________________________ENGR. ________________ TEL. _____________ENGR ARC ________________________________TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ____________________RO/EST. NO. ____________________DWG. ___________OF ___________1 04-2021ISSUEDATETANSATPORTABLE FLASHING BEASCON (P.F.B)TYPE III BARRICADE W/SIGNTYPEMII BARRICADE W/SIGNCHANNELIZING DEVICETRAFFIC CONE WITH CLIP ON SIGNTYPE I W/SIGNEXISTING SIGNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONFLASHING ARROW BOARDHIGH LEVEL WARNING DEVICE (FLAGTREE)FLAGGERTOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANY TIMEEXISTING DRIVEWAYWORK ZONE (ACTIVITY AREA) LIMITSDIRECTION OF TRAFFIC (NOT PAVEMENT MARKING)SLEGEND* - The distances are approximate, are intended for guidance purpasesonly, and should be applied with engineering judgment. These distancesshould be adjusted by the Engineer for filed conditions, if necessary, byincreasing or decreasing the recommended distances.TAPER LENGTH CRITERIA ANDCHANNELIZING DEVICE SPACINGSPEED(S)MINIMUM TAPER LENGTH*FOR WIDTH OF OFFSET 12 FEET (W)MAXIMUM CHANNELIZINGDEVICE SPACINGX Y Z**TANGENT2LMERGINGLSHIFTINGL/2SHOULDERL/3TAPERTANGENT CONFLICTMPH FT FT FT FT FT FT FT20 160 80 40 27 20 40 1025 250 125 63 42 25 50 1230 360 180 90 60 30 601535 490 245 123 82 35 701740 640 320 160 107 40 80 20451080 540 270 1804590 2250 1200 600 300 200 50 100 25551320 660 330 220 50 100 2560 1440 720 360 240 50 100 2565 1560 780 390 260 50 100 2570 1680 840 420 280 50 100 25751800 900 450 300 50 100 25ADVANCE WARNING SIGN SPACINGROAD TYPEDISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS*A BCFT FT FTURBAN - 25 MPH OR LESS100 100 100URBAN - MORE THAN 25 MPH TO 40 MPH 250 250 250URBAN - MORE THAN 40 MPH350 350 350RURAL500 500 500EXPRESSWAY/FREEWAY1000 1500 2640PEDESTRIAN CONTROL NOTES :A DEDICATED INDIVIDUAL WILL BE ASSIGNED THERESPONSIBILITY OF ESCORTING PEDESTRIANSTHROUGH THE WORK AREA IN ACCORDANCE WITHTHREE MAJOR CONSIDERATIONS:1. PEDESTRIANS SHOULD NOT BE LED INTODIRECT CONFLICT WITH WORK SITE VEHICLES,EQUIPMENT OR OPERATIONS2. PEDESTRIANS SHOULD NOT BE LED INTODIRECT CONFLICT WITH MAINLINE TRAFFICGOING THROUGH OR AROUND THE WORK SITE.3. PEDESTRIANS SHOULD BE PROVIDED WITH AREASONABLY SAFE, CONVENIENT ANDACCESSIBLE PATH THAT REPLICATES ASNEARLY AS PRACTICAL THE MOST DESIRABLECHARACTERISTICS OF THE EXISTINGSIDEWALK OR FOOTPATH.* - For other offsets, use the following merging taper length formula for L:For speed of 40 mph or less, L = WS²/60For speed of 45 mph or more, L = WSWhere: L = Taper length in feetW = Width of offset in feetS = Posted speed limit, off-peak 85th-percentilespeed prior to work starting, or the anticipatedoperating speed in mph** - Use for taper and tangent sections where there are no pavement markings or wherethere is a conflict between existing pavement markings and channelizers (CA).6 6TYPICAL APPLICATION APPLIESFOR MH 333CONSTRUCTION DRAWING/SUBMITTAL REVIEWAPPROVEDAPPROVED WITHCHANGES NOTEDREVISE AND RESUBMITREJECTEDSUBMITTAL WAS REVIEWED FOR DESIGN CONFORMITY ABDGENERAL CONFORMANCE TO MUNICIPAL REQUIREMENTS.BY : _______________ DATE:_______________PERMIT # : ______________DA # 2242LAA01ZFFASNRFCA01W371SMITH, PETER JINDEX:DWG 1. COVER SHEETDWG 2. LAYOUT DRAWINGDWG 3. LAYOUT DETAIL DRAWINGDWG 4. CABINET SPECSDWG 5. TCP TYPICALDWG 6. TCP TYPICALC lifu.mia _ fUTCD _0,1 Edi ·ac. (_FH!JT.A • ~ MUTCD 009 Edrnoo, irdmi5:n.g _ ·-· = 1 & , u am.endelll fllr ros~ tm · · ·olill!11) Figure 6H-24. Hallf Road Closl!.llre on th,e F,a1rSiide cf altiil lme'rs.ectlon (TA-24) W20-1 ~ T .. Arruw bo rd ... -+ W20·1 : Sea Tebles, 6 2 snd '6H-J for the mealli11g cf lite 5-yrnboJ!I ardl'ar lett&I a::deas used iri thi figura. Cm.pt!r 6.H-T)p:till A!!!pl?c.a't:iDIIS Rm ti-e~ 'Thaffi.c. Cootoo. C (optl001!l) G:0-:2 ,.,,.!N:U (OP w I) ... t W.20-1 . ·o-vemb!r , 201 ~at&t * e-----1 >-< • ----.----_u_ 2 ¥ -1' ~ FA ... □ □ □ □ PEARCE -----e))SERVICES