HomeMy WebLinkAboutLRC Instructional Services; Ukulele and Glee ClassesCONTRACT FOR INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES (Community Services Department) This Contract for Instructional Services ("Contract") is made and entered into this 20th day of November, 2019, by and between the CITY OF SAN RAFAEL, a municipal corporation ("City"), and Marianne Ellenbereger whose address is and telephone number is ("Instructor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements and conditions contained herein, City and Instructor agree as follows: 1. Instructor's Services. Instructor shall diligently perform the services and furnish the supplies and related materials described in Exhibit A, Scope of Work, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. Staff. The Instructor shall not replace named on-site Instructor(s) without prior approval of the City. The Instructor shall provide to the City a completed Employee Information Form for each employee. 3. Term. Time is of the essence. Instructor shall begin providing the services described in Exhibit A on January 13, 2020 and shall complete those services by May 26, 2020. 4. Compensation. City shall collect payment from all class participants and shall pay Instructor a portion of such collected class fees as follows: Instructor shall be paid seventy percent (70%) of the fees collected. The amount paid shall be based on resident rates for classes, not non-resident rates. For example: (a) 20 resident participants paying $30 each and 2 non-resident participants paying $33 each for class taught by Instructor at City -provided facility [(20x$30)+-(2x$30)]*60%= $396; (b) same number of resident and non-resident participants and sarne class fee at Instructor - provided facility [(20x$30)+(2x$30)]*70%= $462. Changes. City may request, from time to time, changes in the scope of services to be provided by Instructor. Any changes and related fees shall be mutually agreed upon between City and Instructor and shall be the subject of a written amendment to this Contract. Instructor's Status as Independent Instructor. In the performance of the obligations set forth in this Contract, Instructor shall have the status of an independent Instructor and Instructor shall not be considered to be an employee of the City for any purpose. All persons working for or under the direction of Instructor are its agents, servants, and employees and are not agents, servants, or employees of City. 7. Termination at Convenience of City. The City may terminate this Contract at any time by mailing a notice in writing to Instructor that the Contract is terminated. Said Contract shall then be deemed terminated, and Instructor shall perform no further work. If the Contract is so terminated, the Instructor shall be paid for that percentage of work actually completed, based on a pro rata portion of the total fixed sum compensation described above at the time the notice of termination is received. 8. Non -Assignability. The Instructor shall not assign, sublet, or transfer this Contract or any interest or obligation therein. 9. Indemnify and Hold Harmless. Instructor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless, the City and its officers, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, losses, damage, injury, and liability `f-�-h 7R for damages arising from errors, omissions, negligent or wrongful acts of the Instructor in the performance of its set vices under this Contract, regardless of whether the City has reviewed and/or approved the work or services which has given rise to the claim, loss, damage, injury or liability for damages. This indemnification shall extend for a reasonable period of time after completion of the class as well as during the period of actual performance of services under this Contract. The City's acceptance of the insurance certificates required under this Contract does not relieve the Instructor from its obligation under this paragraph. lo. Insurance. During the term of this Contract, Instructor shall maintain in full force and effect at its own cost and expense the following insurance coverage: a. General Liability and Bodily Injury Insurance. A comprehensive, general liability insurance policy in the amount of $1,000,000 combined limit for bodily injury and property damage. The policy shall be endorsed to provide that the City, its officers, employees, agents and volunteers are named additional insured under the policy and that the insurance coverage will be primary and noncontributory as to the additional insureds. The policy shall be endorsed to waive any right of subrogation against the City. Workers' Compensation Insurance. Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of Instructor's employees, all in strict compliance with State laws, and to protect the City from any and all claims thereunder. The Workers' Compensation shall be specifically endorsed to waive any right of subrogation against the City. If Instructor has no employees, Instructor must initial here: and this requirement to provide workers compensation insurance is waived. 11. Certificate of Insurance and Endorsement pa&e. Instructor shall complete and file with the City prior to engaging in any operation or activity set forth in this Contract, certificates of insurance and endorsement pages evidencing the insurance coverage(s) set forth above and which shall provide in writing that no cancellation, major change in coverage, or expiration by the insurance company will be made during the term of this Contract without thirty (30) days written notice to the City prior to the effective date of such cancellation or change in coverage. 12. Notices. All notices herein required shall be in writing and shall be sent by mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: TO CITY: City of San Rafael - Community Services San Rafael Community Center 618 B Street San Rafael, CA 94901 TO INSTRUCTOR: Marianne Ellenberger 13. Conformance to Applicable Laws. Instructor shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Municipal laws, rules and ordinances. No discrimination shall be made by Instructor in the employment of persons to work under this contract, or services provided pursuant to this contract, because of a person's protected classification, including but not limited to race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, age, genetic characteristics, and physical or mental disability (whether perceived or actual). 14. Department of Justice Background Checks. No employees or Instructors with supervision authority over children under the age of 18 shall work at the Facilities until a Department of Justice background check has been completed and the person is authorized to work with children. Instructor shall either: (a) certify that it has screened employees and Instructors using the form attached as Exhibit B to this Agreement; or (b) arrange with City staff to fingerprint and submit the required information to the Department of Justice. All such background checks shall be at Instructor's expense. 15. Business License. Prior to the City's execution of this Contract and prior to the Instructor's engaging in any operation or activity set forth in this Contract, Instructor shall obtain a City of San Rafael business license, unless pursuant to the City of San Rafael's Municipal Code Chapter 10.04.210, Instructor is only providing classes or instruction as part of City -sponsored programs for which fees are collected directly by the City and is otherwise not required to obtain a license under any other provision of the chapter as a result of their other business activities. Instructor must initial here: M� and acknowledge that they have reviewed and are in compliance with Chapter 10.04 — Business License Tax of the City of San Rafael's Municipal Code. 16. Waiver. In the event that either City or Instructor shall at any time or times waive any breach of this Contract by the other, such waiver shall not constitute a waiver of any other or succeeding breach of this Contract, whether of the same or of any other covenant, condition or obligation. 17. Attorney's Fees. The prevailing party in any action brought to enforce or construe the terms of this Contract may recover from the other party its reasonable costs and attorney's fees expended in connection with such an action. 18. Scope of Contract. This writing constitutes the entire Contract between the parties relative to instructional services for the prograni(s) and modification hereof shall not be effective unless and until such modification is evidenced by a written amendment signed by both parties to this Contract. This Contract is executed the date and year first above written. CITY OF -USAN By J' Senior'Recreation Supervisor , INSTRUCTOR By A,UDj,,Q - Instructor's Name (Si ature) INSTRUCTOR AGREEMENT ---EXHIBIT A Instructional Services: Instructor shall provide the following seivices: Ukulele and Glee Classes 2. City Facilities and Equipment: Instructor may only utilize the City's facilities, equipment, and materials during class; Instructor may not utilize these items for their personal use. 3. Supplies: All class—related supplies shall be supplied and stored by the Instructor. No items shall be stored in City -facilities. All duplicating of class -related materials shall be provided by the Instructor. 4. Promotion: The City shall include class descriptions and information in the Activities Guide. City staff will make every effort to assure the accuracy of this information, however, the City cannot be held responsible for printing errors. All other promotional materials and activities are the responsibility of the Instructor. These include the development, printing and distribution of flyers, news releases, feature articles, calendar information and any other promotional activity or material. The Instructor must submit all such promotional materials to the City for approval and attachment of a City logo prior to their production. In addition, the Contactor must notify the City in advance of any plans to be interviewed for the press, radio or TV. 5. Class Attendance: Instructors shall receive attendance rosters prior to the start of the first class session. Roll -call must be taken at the beginning of each class. Discrepancies regarding participants enrolled must be discussed immediately with the City. No participant shall be allowed to participate in any program unless they are on the attendance roster, or can provide a current receipt showing enrollment. Attendance Sheets must be turned into city staff at the end of each session to initiate the invoice payment process. Failure to turn in completed attendance sheets may result in delay of compensation. 6. Class Cancellations — Instructors shall contact Community Services at least (3) three business days before a class starts to cancel a class. If the Instructor cancels for reasons of illness or emergency, they are responsible for informing class participants as well as immediately contacting community services staff. Cancelled classes will be rescheduled if space is available. If dates and times are unavailable to reschedule classes, then a pro -rated refund will be issued to participants at the end of the class session. 7. Program Evaluations: Instructors may be asked to hand out class evaluations at the end of each class session for participants or parents of minor participants to complete. Completed evaluations must be turned in to the City. The City will provide City -approved Program Evaluation forms. 8. Facility Entrance and Exit: Instructors are responsible for all set-up and take down for each of their own classes. Facilities must be left clean and organized as when you first arrive. If instructing a class at an elementary school instructor are required to check-in with school administrative staff at arrival to the school. Once each class is completed, it is the responsibility of instructors to ensure class participants are picked -up by guardians or caregivers before exiting the school. CERTIFICATION OF BACKGROUND CHECKS Instructor/Contractor acknowledges that pursuant to California Public Resources Code §5164 that no employee or volunteer of Instructor may be employed or hold a position having supervisory or disciplinary authority over any person under the age of eighteen (18) if that employee, sub -contractor or volunteer has been convicted of any of various specified offenses'. Instructor/Contractor certifies that Instructor/Contractor has asked each person to verify, and has had fingerprints of the persons listed below taken and submitted to the California Department of Justice for verification, that such person has not been convicted of the disqualifying offenses, and that Instructor/Contractor will be notified of any future disqualifying offenses: Name of Employee, Sub -Contractor Date of or Volunteer Position Background Check Instructor/Contractor further acknowledges that by this Certification of Background Checks, the City of San Rafael will not independently verify the information provided by Instructor; so therefore the Instructor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, and it employees from and against any and all claims, loss, liability and damages resulting from injury or death to any person arising out of or in connection with the misrepresentation of any information provided herein. Instructor/Contracto. Ido &NV�xyee,�, (9�- sj� Full Name, Title __a" 0J1z I Signature Date Company Name (if applicable) 1 Violations or attempted violations of §§ 220, 261.5,262, 273a, 273d, or 273.5 of the California Penal Code, or any sex offense listed in § 290 of the Penal Code, except for the offense specified in subdivision (d) of § 243.4 of the Penal Code, within ten (10) years of the date of such person seeking to be employed or serve as a volunteer of Instructor. L . 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Signature/Agency Parents: Your child most mutt Caltromers to muni a ion "itimawras to be empllcd m wiaol and child cam.l:ccp Iles Record as pmar or immmni,ation. Padres: SL milt) rl •he cunipir con los requi vilac do vannas par n.ci.clar a la escuela v a la varderia. Alaricrr ga evla ('nm rrabmua In necesilana. DT/Td DTaP/Tdap DTP HEPA = Diphteria,tetanus[difleria,tetano] - Diphteria,ictenus,pertussis(wllooping cough)[difteria,tetano,y los forino] = Diphteria,tetanus,penussis(whooping cough)[dilteria,tetano,y los forino] = Hepatitis A HEPB = Hepatitis B HIB - HIB Meningitis (Haemophilius influenzae type B) [meningitis Hib] HPV = Human papilloma virus [viris del papiloma humans] INFV 4 Influenza []a gripe] MENINGOCOCCAL too - Meningococcal vaccine [vacuna meningococia] = Measles, mumps, rubella [sarampion, papms rubeola] PNEUMO POLIO = Pneumococcae vaccine [pncumococica] Poliomielitis [poliomielitis] RV VZv a Rotavirus (rotavirus] Varicella (chickenpox) [varicela] Page 1 of 1 IMMUNIZATION RECORD Comprobante de immunizabon VACCINE vacuna DATE GIVEN fecha de vacunacion DOCTOR OFFICE OR CLINIC medico o clinica DATE NEXT DOSE DUE proxima vacuna TB SKIN TESTS' Pruebas de la Tuberculosis Type' Date given Given by Date read Read by mm:indur Impression PPD 08/21/2019 TIFFANY 08/23/2019 TIFFANY 0 NEG CALDWELL CALDWELL PPD 01/07/2015 402516524 01/09/2015 0 NEG PPD 12/21/2010 225631211 12/23/2010 00 NEG ' A chest x-ray maybe indicated if skin testis positive ' If required for school enl must be Mantoux unless exec tion �mnted b local health department LI CHEST X-RAY Film date: /_/ Interpretation: I= [ ]abnormal [Radiografia] Person is free of communicable tuberculosis [ ]yes [ ]no (Necessary if skin test positive.) Signature/Agency PVx RA f, -1 '44 Y WITH P CONTRACT INSTRUCTOR CONTRACT ROUTING FORM INSTRUCTIONS: Use this cover sheet to circulate instructor contracts for review and approval in the order shown below. TO BE COMPLETED BY INITIATING DEPARTMENT PROJECT MANAGER: Contracting Department: Library, Recreation & Childcare Project Manager: Jason Fong Contractor Name: Marianne Ellenberger Contractor's Contact: Marianne Ellenberger Extension: 3338 ❑ FPPC: Check if Contractor/Consultant must file Form 700 Contact's Email: Step RESPONSIBLE I DESCRIPTION COMPLETED REVIEWER DEPARTMENT DATE Check/Initial TEMPLATE CREATED FOR ONGOING USE 1 City Manager Delegate authority for signing contract instructor agreements to Senior Recreation Supervisors 3/21/2017 N JS 2 City Attorney Review and approve contract instructor agreement template and insurance requirements for ongoing 8/15/2018 N LMM use 3 Department Director Approve contract instructor agreement template for ongoing use 10/18/2018 N SAW PROCESSING INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTS 4 Project Manager Send draft contract instructor agreement to 11/25/2019 ® JF Management Analyst 5 Management Analyst a. Create Job on PINS, send PINS insurance notice 1/13/2020 N CQ to contractor, copy City Attorney c/o Laraine Gittens 1/15/2020 N CQ b. Confirm that contractor submits required insurance documents, send to City Attorney 6 City Attorney Review and approve insurance in PINS 1/15/2020 N LG 7 Project Manager Forward originals of final agreement to contractor Click here to for their signature enter a date. ❑ PRINT CONTINUE ROUTING PROCESS WITH HARD COPY 8 Project Manager Obtain Senior Recreation Supervisor signature and forward signed agreement to Management Analyst with printed copy of this routing form 9 Management Analyst Retain copy for department and forward agreement to City Clerk with this routing form 10 City Clerk Attest signatures, retain original agreement