HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 5774 (Amend Reso 5621 Misc Employees)RESOLUTION NO. 5774 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN RAFAEL AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 5621 PERTAINING TO THE COMPENSATION FOR MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of San Rafael as follows: Section 1A. Salaries. Effective October 1, 1979, the following classes of positions and salary ranges are hereby created for Miscel- laneous Employees. Section 1.1. Administrative - Professional Salary Range No. Title A B C D 21 Building Development Engineer 1787 1877 1968 2069 17a City Electrician 1514 1585 1664 1748 17a Senior Building Inspector 1514 1585 1664 1748 17 Assistant Civil Engineer 1480 1550 1620 1703 16 Associate Planner 1412 1480 1550 1620 15a Building Inspector 1381 1444 1514 1585 15a Public Works Inspector 1381 1444 1514 1585 15 Junior Civil Engineer 1350 1412 1480 1550 15 Senior Draftsman 1350 1412 1480 1550 13a Recreation Supervisor 1261 1320 1381 1444 13 Planning Technician 1230 1288 1350 1412 12a Recreation Center Supervisor 1203 1261 1320 1381 12 Senior Engineering Aide 1175 1230 1288 1350 12 Planning Draftsman 1175 1230 1288 1350 12 Recreation Program Aide 1175 1230 1288 1350 11 Accountant I 1125 1175 1230 1288 8 Buyer 983 1028 1074 1125 Section 1.2. Clerical - Fiscal 7a Secretary 961 1008 1051 1099 6a Stenographer Clerk II 920 961 1008 1051 6a Accountant Clerk II 920 961 1008 1051 6 General Services Clerk 901 940 983 1028 5a Typist Clerk II 881 920 961 1008 5 P.B.X. Operator 860 901 940 983 5 Clerk Cashier I 860 901 940 983 4a Stenographer Clerk I 843 881 920 961 4a Account Clerk I 843 881 920 961 B Typist Clerk I 706 737 771 805 A Clerk 596 628 658 690 Section 1.3. Trades - Crafts - Construction - Custodial Salary Range No. Title 18 Maintenance Foreman 1550 1620 1703 1787 16a Assistant Park Supervisor 1444 1514 1585 1664 16 Senior Bldg. Maintenance Worker 1412 1480 1550 1620 14 Tree Maintenance Lead Worker 1288 1350 1412 1480 14 Maintenance Lead Worker 1288 1350 1412 1480 14 Tree Climber 1288 1350 1412 1480 22 A/23aft -niGiNAL i7 RESOLUTION NO. 5774 Section 1.3. Trades - Crafts - Construction - Custodial cont. Salary Range No. Title A B C D 13 Automative Mechanic 1230 1288 1350 1412 13 Maintenance Worker III 1230 1288 1350 1412 13 Grounds Worker III 1230 1288 1350 1412 13 Gardener 1230 1288 1350 1412 12 Equipment Operator 1175 1230 1288 1350 12 Sweeper Operator 1175 1230 1288 1350 12 Electrician 1175 1230 1288 1350 11 Maintenance Worker II 1125 1175 1230 1288 11 Grounds Worker II 1125 1175 1230 1288 10 Parking Meter Collector 1074 1125 1175 1230 9 Electrician's Helper 1028 1074 1125 1175 9 Grounds Worker I 1028 1074 1125 1175 9 Maintenance Worker I 1028 1074 1125 1175 9 Garage Serviceman 1028 1074 1125 1175 9 Custodian 1028 1074 1125 1175 Section 1.4. Libr 12a Librarian II 1203 1261 1320 1381 9a Librarian 1051 1099 1152 1203 8a Library Assistant Supervisor 1008 1051 1099 1152 6 Library Assistant 901 940 983 1028 4a Library Clerk 843 881 920 961 Section 1.5. Community School A Community School Coordinator 1139 1327 1393 (3 -step range) - 2 - 22 A/24 RESOLUTION NO. 5774 Revised Salary Schedule Salary Range No. A B c D A 596 628 658 690 B 706 737 771 805 1 722 753 788 824 la 737 771 805 843 2 753 788 824 860 2a 771 805 843 881 3 788 824 860 901 3a 805 843 881 920 4 824 860 901 940 4a 843 881 920 961 5 860 901 940 983 5a 881 920 961 1008 6 901 940 983 1028 6a 920 961 1008 1051 7 940 983 1028 1074 7a 961 1008 1051 1099 8 983 1028 1074 1125 8a 1008 1051 1099 1152 9 1028 1074 1125 1175 9a 1051 1099 1152 1203 10 1074 1125 1175 1230 10a 1099 1152 1203 1261 11 1125 1175 1230 1288 lla 1152 1203 1261 1320 12 1175 1230 1288 1350 12a 1203 1261 1320 1381 13 1230 1288 1350 1412 13a 1261 1320 1381 1444 14 1288 1350 1412 1480 14a 1320 1381 1444 1514 15 1350 1412 1480 1550 15a 1381 1444 1514 1585 16 1412 1480 1550 1620 16a 1444 1514 1585 1664 17 1480 1550 1620 1703 17a 1514 1585 1664 1748 18 1550 1620 1703 1787 18a 1585 1664 1748 1835 19 1620 1703 1787 1877 19a 1664 1748 1835 1926 20 1703 1787 1877 1968 20a 1748 1835 1926 2022 21 1787 1877 1968 2069 21a 1835 1926 2022 2123 22 1877 1968 2069 2171 22a 1926 2022 2123 2230 23 1968 2069 2171 2281 23a 2022 2123 2230 2341 24 2069 2171 2281 2394 24a 2123 2230 2341 2459 25 2171 2281 2394 2514 - 3 - 22 A/25 RESOLUTION NO. 5774 Section 1B. Salaries. Effective July 1, 1980, the following classes of positions and salary ranges are hereby created for Miscel- laneous Employees. Section 1.1. Administrative - Professional Salary Range No. Title A B C D 21 Building Development Engineer 1894 1990 2086 2193 17a City Electrician 1605 1680 1764 1853 17a Senior Building Inspector 1605 1680 1764 1853 17 Assistant Civil Engineer 1569 1643 1717 1805 16 Associate Planner 1497 1569 1643 1717 15a Building Inspector 1464 1531 1605 1680 15a Public Works Inspector 1464 1531 1605 1680 15 Junior Civil Engineer 1431 1497 1569 1643 15 Senior Draftsman 1431 1497 1569 1643 13a Recreation Supervisor 1337 1399 1464 1531 13 Planning Technician 1304 1365 1431 1497 12a Recreation Center Supervisor 1275 1337 1399 1464 12 Senior Engineering Aide 1246 1304 1365 1431 12 Planning Draftsman 1246 1304 1365 1431 12 Recreation Program Aide 1246 1304 1365 1431 11 Accountant I 1193 1246 1304 1365 8 Buyer 1042 1090 1138 1193 Section 1.2. Clerical - Fiscal 7a Secretary 1019 1068 1114 1165 6a Stenographer Clerk II 975 1019 1068 1114 6a Accountant Clerk II 975 1019 1068 1114 6 General Services Clerk 955 996 1042 1090 5a Typist Clerk II 934 975 1019 1068 5 P.B.X. Operator 912 955 996 1042 5 Clerk Cashier I 912 955 996 1042 4a Stenographer Clerk I 894 934 975 1019 4a Account Clerk I 894 934 975 1019 B Typist Clerk I 748 781 817 853 A Clerk 632 666 697 731 Section 1.3. Trades - Crafts - Construction - Custodial Salary Range No. Title 18 Maintenance Foreman 1643 1717 1805 1894 16a Assistant Park Supervisor 1531 1605 1680 1764 16 Senior Bldg. Maintenance Worker 1497 1569 1643 1717 14 Tree Maintenance Lead Worker 1365 1431 1497 1569 14 Maintenance Lead Worker 1365 1431 1497 1569 14 Tree Climber 1365 1431 1497 1569 4 - 22 A/23 RESOLUTION NO. 5774 Section 1.3. Trades - Crafts - Construction - Custodial cont. Salary Range No. Title A B C D 13 Automative Mechanic 1304 1365 1431 1497 13 Maintenance Worker III 1304 1365 1431 1497 13 Grounds Worker III 1304 1365 1431 1497 13 Gardener 1304 1365 1431 1497 12 Equipment Operator 1246 1304 1365 1431 12 Sweeper Operator 1246 1304 1365 1431 12 Electrician 1246 1304 1365 1431 11 Maintenance Worker II 1193 1246 1304 1365 11 Grounds Worker II 1193 1246 1304 1365 10 Parking Meter Collector 1138 1193 1246 1304 9 Electrician's Helper 1090 1138 1193 1246 9 Grounds Worker I 1090 1138 1193 1246 9 Maintenance Worker I 1090 1138 1193 1246 9 Garage Serviceman 1090 1138 1193 1246 9 Custodian 1090 1138 1193 1246 Section 1.4. Libra 12a Librarian II 1275 1337 1399 1531 9a Librarian 1114 1165 1221 1275 8a Library Assistant Supervisor 1068 1114 1165 1221 6 Library Assistant 955 996 1042 1090 4a Library Clerk 894 934 975 1019 Section 1.5. Community School A Community School Coordinator 1207 1407 1477 (3 -step range) - 5 27.1 A/13 RESOLUTION NO. 5774 Revised Salary Schedule Salary Range No. A B c D A 632 666 697 731 B 748 781 817 853 1 765 798 835 873 la 781 817 853 894 2 798 835 873 912 2a 817 853 894 934 3 835 873 912 955 3a 853 894 934 975 4 873 912 955 996 4a 894 934 975 1019 5 912 955 996 1042 5a 934 975 1019 1068 6 955 996 1042 1090 6a 975 1019 1068 1114 7 996 1042 1090 1138 7a 1019 1068 1114 1165 8 1042 1090 1138 1193 8a 1068 1114 1165 1221 9 1090 1138 1193 1246 9a 1114 1165 1221 1275 10 1138 1193 1246 1304 10a 1165 1221 1275 1337 11 1193 1246 1304 1365 Ila 1221 1275 1337 1399 12 1246 1304 1365 1431 12a 1275 1337 1399 1464 13 1304 1365 1431 1497 13a 1337 1399 1464 1531 14 1365 1431 1497 1569 14a 1399 1464 1531 1605 15 1431 1497 1569 1643 15a 1464 1531 1605 1680 16 1497 1569 1643 1717 16a 1531 1605 1680 1764 17 1569 1643 1717 1805 17a 1605 1680 1764 1853 18 1643 1717 1805 1894 18a 1680 1764 1853 1945 19 1717 1805 1894 1990 19a 1764 1853 1945 2042 20 1805 1894 1990 2086 20a 1853 1945 2042 2143 21 1894 1990 2086 2193 21a 1945 2042 2143 2250 22 1990 2086 2193 2301 22a 2042 2143 2250 2364 23 2086 2193 2301 2418 23a 2143 2250 2364 2481 24 2193 2301 2418 2538 24a 2250 2364 2481 2607 25 2301 2418 2538 2665 W11E 27.1 A/16 RESOLUTION NO. 5774 Section 1C. Salaries. Effective July 1, 1981, the following classes of positions and salary ranges are hereby created for Miscel- laneous Employees. Section 1.1. Administrative - Professional Salary Range No. Title A B C D 21 Building Development Engineer 2008 2109 2211 2325 17a City Electrician 1701 1781 1870 1964 17a Senior Building Inspector 1701 1781 1870 1964 17 Assistant Civil Engineer 1663 1742 1820 1913 16 Associate Planner 1587 1663 1742 1820 15a Building Inspector 1552 1623 1701 1781 15a Public Works Inspector 1552 1623 1701 1781 15 Junior Civil Engineer 1517 1587 1663 1742 15 Senior Draftsman 1517 1587 1663 1742 13a Recreation Supervisor 1417 1483 1552 1623 13 Planning Technician 1382 1447 1517 1587 12a Recreation Center Supervisor 1352 1417 1483 1552 12 Senior Engineering Aide 1321 1382 1447 1517 12 Planning Draftsman 1321 1382 1447 1517 12 Recreation Program Aide 1321 1382 1447 1517 11 Accountant I 1265 1321 1382 1447 8 Buyer 1105 1155 1206 1265 Section 1.2. Clerical - Fiscal 7a Secretary 1080 1132 1181 1235 6a Stenographer Clerk II 1034 1080 1132 1181 6a Accountant Clerk II 1034 1080 1132 1181 6 General Services Clerk 1012 1056 1105 1155 5a Typist Clerk II 990 1034 1080 1132 5 P.B.X. Operator 967 1012 1056 1105 5 Clerk Cashier I 967 1012 1056 1105 4a Stenographer Clerk I 948 990 1034 1080 4a Account Clerk I 948 990 1034 1080 B Typist Clerk I 793 828 866 904 A Clerk 670 706 739 775 Section 1.3. Trades - Crafts - Construction - Custodial Salary Range No. Title 18 Maintenance Foreman 1742 1820 1913 2008 16a Assistant Park Supervisor 1623 1701 1781 1870 16 Senior Bldg. Maintenance Worker 1587 1663 1742 1820 14 Tree Maintenance Lead Worker 1447 1517 1587 1663 14 Maintenance Lead Worker 1447 1517 1587 1663 14 Tree Climber 1447 1517 1587 1663 - 7 - 27.1 A/14 RESOLUTION NO. 5774 Section 1.3. Trades - Crafts - Construction - Custodial cont. Salary Range No. Title A B C D 13 Automative Mechanic 1382 1447 1517 1587 13 Maintenance Worker III 1382 1447 1517 1587 13 Grounds Worker III 1382 1447 1517 1587 13 Gardener 1382 1447 1517 1587 12 Equipment Operator 1321 1382 1447 1517 12 Sweeper Operator 1321 1382 1447 1517 12 Electrician 1321 1382 1447 1517 11 Maintenance Worker II 1265 1321 1382 1447 11 Grounds Worker II 1265 1321 1382 1447 10 Parking Meter Collector 1206 1265 1321 1382 9 Electrician's Helper 1155 1206 1265 1321 9 Grounds Worker I 1155 1206 1265 1321 9 Maintenance Worker I 1155 1206 1265 1321 9 Garage Serviceman 1155 1206 1265 1321 9 Custodian 1155 1206 1265 1321 Section 1.4. Library 12a Librarian II 1352 1417 1483 1552 9a Librarian 1181 1235 1294 1352 8a Library Assistant Supervisor 1132 1181 1235 1294 6 Library Assistant 1012 1056 1105 1155 4a Library Clerk 948 990 1034 1080 Section 1.5. Community School A Community School Coordinator 1279 1491 1566 (3 -step range) 8 - 27.1 A/15 RESOLUTION NO. 5774 Revised Salary Schedule Salary Range No. A B C D A 670 706 739 775 B 793 828 866 904 1 811 846 885 925 la 828 866 904 948 2 846 885 925 967 2a 866 904 948 990 3 885 925 967 1012 3a 904 948 990 1034 4 925 967 1012 1056 4a 948 990 1034 1080 5 967 1012 1056 1105 5a 990 1034 1080 1132 6 1012 1056 1105 1155 6a 1034 1080 1132 1181 7 1056 1105 1155 1206 7a 1080 1132 1181 1235 8 1105 1155 1206 1265 8a 1132 1181 1235 1294 9 1155 1206 1265 1321 9a 1181 1235 1294 1352 10 1206 1265 1321 1382 10a 1235 1294 1352 1417 11 1265 1321 1382 1447 lla 1294 1352 1417 1483 12 1321 1382 1447 1517 12a 1352 1417 1483 1552 13 1382 1447 1517 1587 13a 1417 1483 1552 1623 14 1447 1517 1587 1663 14a 1483 1552 1623 1701 15 1517 1587 1663 1742 15a 1552 1623 1701 1781 16 1587 1663 1742 1820 16a 1623 1701 1781 1870 17 1663 1742 1820 1913 17a 1701 1781 1870 1964 18 1742 1820 1913 2008 18a 1781 1870 1964 2062 19 1820 1913 2008 2109 19a 1870 1964 2062 2165 20 1913 2008 2109 2086 20a 1964 2062 2165 2272 21 2008 2109 2211 2325 21a 2062 2165 2272 2385 22 2109 2211 2325 2439 22a 2165 2272 2385 2506 23 2211 2325 2439 2563 23a 2272 2385 2506 2630 24 2325 2439 2563 2690 24a 2385 2506 2630 2763 25 2439 2563 2690 2825 - 9 - 27.1 A/17 RESOLUTION NO. 5774 Section 2. Retirement Contribution. Effective April 1, 1980, City agrees to payment of employees' contribution to Marin County Retire- ment System, up to a maximum of four percent (4%) of an employee's salary or fifty percent (50%) of the employee's retirement contribution rate, whichever is less. Section 3. Insurance Program. Effective July 1, 1980, as an added fringe benefit, a maximum amount of One Hundred Twelve and 50/100 Dollars ($112.50) per month will be contributed toward the cost of each eligible employee's Health, Accident, Life and Disability Insur- ance Package. Selection of coverage must include the employee's basic health plan and $5,000 life insurance policy offered by the City. Effective July 1, 1981, this amount will be increased to One Hundred Twenty -Seven and 50/100 Dollars ($127.50) per month. Section 4. Dental Insurance. Effective October 1, 1979, the City will provide and pay the premiums to have a dental insurance program carried by the California Dental Service, Program III A, as shown in CDS proposal dated May 7, 1976, at the premium rate quoted therein under the heading "Super -Composite". In the event that the rate is increased at any time after October 1, 1979 but before June 30, 1982, the City shall continue the Program and shall pay the increased rate from the date of the increase for the term of this resolution. Section 5. Sick Leave. Upon termination of employment, by resig- nation, retirement or death, employees employed at the present time who leave the municipal service in good standing shall receive compensation of all accumulated unused sick leave based upon the rate of three percent (3%) for each year of service, to a maximum of fifty percent (50%). In the event of the death of an employee, full payment for unused sick leave shall be paid to the employee's beneficiary. Effective October 1, 1979, new employees will not be entitled to cash in unused accumulated sick leave upon separation from the City. - 10 - 27 B/14,15 Section 6. Floating Holiday. Effective July 1, 1980 Admission Day will be deleted as a holiday granted to the employees covered by this resolution, and one (1) floating holiday per year added, making a total of two (2) floating holidays per year, to be taken by the covered employee subject to the consent of his or her Department Head. This resolution shall take effect forthwith upon its adoption and the several compensations and allowances herein provided shall be in full force and effect as of and from October 1, 1979. I, JEANNE M. LEONCINI, Clerk of the City of San Rafael, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted at a regular meeting of the Council of said City on Monday, the 1st day of October, 1979, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Breiner, Jensen, Miskimen, Nixon & Mayor Mulryan NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None JEANNE M. LEONCINI, City Clerk G GINA -A. BUCHANAN, Deputy City Cler - 11 - 27 B/14,15