HomeMy WebLinkAboutIndependent Expenditure Literature 2013 #2Councilwoman Knte Colin
Yale has brought her land -use background and but
Dido involvement to the Cocacil to build a strong crown is
seawry, .lusting the delivery of vial survires Ilk public
letp Before being mainland mad w the Council, Yore was already a airy
leader reduce volunteer and mother of No teenager. She grant
n engaging the public building consensus and goring merge. Her
wide ranging community summer is teswment to me efforts of much
ing u positive difference in Sun Radial.
,udgeMoribeth Bushey Lang
As a judge and andidate for City Council, Monbeth believes
to klunce— in reaching fair, well-informed ampromii that
hwr the urology of people. She hos made Firth billion dallm
decisions about neither for la years .AsaPillar Wines (orwas-
ci nludge, She boom the home stories of the Son Bruno ons explosion
norms and was remanded of the chief rale d our TO responders, me
login allegations but in insuring our day to day team of mind. As the
ahead mother of two who mixed her Atidmn in the almmunity, Mori
beth wenn all Son Ruling families to hes who aM in hater. Ham their
hometown nurtures potmlied, Hardly add hard work She has already
demonstrated her am willingness to work hard for our city.
Councilwoman Kate Colin add
,udReMoribeth Bushey Long
De&agted ro
Responsive City Government
Candidates Colin and Bushey Long how pledged to protan
Son Refuel and to ensure that the silly's police department
has the staffing, training and resources necessary to protM
our community They will he our partners in safeguarding
the public and will work hard on City Council to:
• Ensure char Son Rubel is o SAFE ng aly ino rM1m live,
rk ondmtealamilY
Regore our police department m hall remainder opacity wish
dserraft rmining, equipmenrondspmialicedunin mwdedk
repand in emergencies and FIGHT (RIME
• Farm o awdrs-oriented task fame with weer edmrement him
and wasemhls to m rebas homelessness and ALL ITS
UNDERLYING CAUSES incur bouncy community
• Assess crow 6513 and rte our ahead of Mmvnro mmmunity
eohry lik abandoned homes acd businesses
• Enbvme after-schaal pmpmna to dem pools dmdmwm and
pmride emhbmmC remedial, conventional and menw"W
• Ensure Me woman propmiry all vurammuniry white mvrn-
tominp or says nMmgmand gmng neighborbmd wluee