HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD Traffic Methodologies for GP 2040 PPTTRAFFIC METHODOLOGIES GENERAL PLAN 2040 Informational Report CITY COUNCIL JUNE 3, 2019 OVERVIEW History of traffic planning and management Senate Bill 743-CEQA changes + phase out of LOS Introduction of “vehicle miles traveled” (VMT) Options to LOS Next steps HISTORY 1983 = “level of service” (LOS) introduced to coordinate traffic with land development (Northgate) LOS “grades” intersections/arterials from “A” to “F” LOS = universal approach to assessing vehicle movement impacts for CEQA review 1988 General Plan 2000 and 2004 General Plan 2020 + EIRs= LOS memorialized with long-range planning GENERAL PLAN 2020 “LOS” POLICIES LOS “D” standard citywide for intersections/arterials LOS “E” standard for Downtown and selected areas LOS standard maintained through implementing planned transportation improvements (Exhibit 21) Traffic mitigation fee charged to new development ($4,246/AM + PM peak hour trip) SB 743 –Signed by Governor 2013 Focuses on reducing GHG emissions Major changes to CEQA Guidelines + two partsoPhase-out of LOS for analyzing traffic/circulation impacts; replace with VMT or similar method o Transit-oriented development in “transit-priority area” (“TPA”) and covered by a Specific Plan = exempt from CEQA VMT model (+ EIR) must be adopted and in operation by mid-2020 WHAT IS “VMT?” Measures the amount and distance of vehicle travel (origin and destination) attributed to a project or use. . . the longer the distance; the greater the impact Assesses the effects of a project on regional traffic and use of transit and non-motorized vehicles Favors projects close to transit (bridging housing + employment) Established based on the region’s existing travel patterns with unique thresholds (white paper in process) SB 743 DOES NOT. . . Assess vehicle trip impacts on the road network Effect existing traffic fee programs adopted by local jurisdictions Prevent local jurisdictions from considering capacity and congestion issues in TPAs Prevent local jurisdictions from accessing growth Prevent local jurisdictions from continuing to use LOS as a management tool UNDERTANDING “LOS?” Well understood metric Currently set as the performance measure for the roadway network & establishes the significance criteria Presents a big unknown for development and adds idle time We must stop using it as a performance measure (SB 743) We are not prohibited from using it as a tool SAN RAFAEL OPPORTUNITIES Establish a management and monitoring system of local traffic INITIAL GOALS: Easy to predict and implement by development community Easy to understand by City decision makers and all stakeholders Logical, equitable and nexus driven Based on a multi-modal and well-funded improvement program SAN RAFAEL OPTIONS -Concepts Arterial Delay Index Trip Monitoring –Within Established Zones Status Quo, Maintaining Level of Service No Local Monitoring –Use VMT as the only metric Arterial Delay Index Develop a simple ratio between congested and uncongested travel time Basically a simplified version of arterial level of service Include major arterials for each area of the City i.e for the Downtown area (Ex. Second and Third Streets) A project will be cleared locally if the expected travel times after the project is maintained. Trip Monitoring Quantify 2040 GP Growth in terms of AM and PM Peak hour trips for each Traffic Attraction Zone in the City’s Planning Model Growth will be allowed with minimal traffic review until a percentage point of the growth is reached (% TBD) Once the growth hits the target, require limited traffic analysis Status Quo, Maintain LOS Continue to use LOS in our current General Plan Costly and repetitive process VMT Only. No Local Monitoring Develop a VMT threshold No other analysis would be used to monitor local growth SAN RAFAEL OPTIONS Arterial Delay Index Trip Monitoring –Within Established Zones Status Quo, Maintaining Level of Service No Local Monitoring –Use VMT as the only metric INFORMATIONAL REPORT – Accept report –no other action Comment on LOS methodology options Next Steps. . . o “White Paper” to be completed in one month o Return to City Council for more detailed report + policy direction Discussion