HomeMy WebLinkAboutSp. Library Parcel Tax Committee 2018-10-22 AgendaAGENDA
Special Library Parcel Tax Committee
October 22, 2018
6:00 p.m.
San Rafael Public Library Meeting Room
1100 E St., San Rafael, CA
Committee Members: Phyllis Brinckerhoff, Peter Lee, Gregg
Kellogg, Pamela Cook, Gil Pruit
City Staff: Henry Bankhead (Interim Library Director)
1. Review Minutes from May 2108 meeting.
2. Review of final annual budget report for 2017/2018
3. Planning for annual report on 2017/2018 budget and
expenditures from Committee to City Council (for a December
Council meeting)
4. Review of Library’s outreach efforts for 1st quarter of 2018/2019
5. Open discussion
Special Library Parcel Tax Committee
May 15, 2018, 6:00 PM: Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Phyllis Brinckerhoff, Peter Lee, Robert Ross
Members Absent: Pamela Cook, Gregg Kellogg,
Staff Present: Sarah Houghton (Library Director), Henry Bankhead (Assistant Library
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:01 PM
II. Approval of February minutes: Minutes could not be approved as we did not
have a quorum from that meeting to do the approval.
III. Review of Library’s 2017/2018 Quarter 3 budget report: Houghton presented the
3rd quarter budget report. The Library is on target with its expenditures in both
the Parcel Tax and General Fund budgets.
IV. Review of Library’s 2017/2018 Quarter 3 strategic plan achievements report:
Houghton presented the 3rd quarter achievements for the strategic plan.
V. Review of Library’s 2017/2018 Quarter 3 outreach report: Houghton presented
the 3rd quarter outreach efforts.
VI. Review of Library’s 2018/2019 draft budget: Houghton presented the draft
budget for next fiscal year, with this year’s current budget as a comparison. The
only budget changes are an estimated increase in staffing costs (labor
negotiations are ongoing, so what was presented was a best guess) and an
increase in the budget allocation for IT services. The City’s General Fund
allocated additional funds to cover this increase, so the Library did not have to
cut any services to cover the increase.
VII. Open Discussion: Houghton talked briefly about the Library Facilities Project.
The Working Group is having a meeting on the 31st to finalize the options to
present to the public for input. Noll & Tam has also been engaged to do an
assessment of the state of the Downtown Library and what it would take to keep
it functioning another ten years.
VIII. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:47 PM
as of June 30, 2018
This report provides year-to-date figures on the General Fund and Parcel Tax funding
spending for the third quarter of 2017/2018. As of this report, 100% of the fiscal year has
elapsed. The overall activity was 96% expended. General Fund expenditures ended at 99%
of budget and Parcel Tax expenditures ended at 86% of budget. Parcel Tax was underspent
due to the appropriation of the entire amount of the contract with Noll and Tam ($187,860)
which has not been fully spent but remains in the Parcel Tax Budget for the next FY 18/19.
Revenue Highlights
• The Parcel Tax revenue provides 26% of the Library’s total operations budget.
• The Friends of the Library provide 1% of the Library’s total operations budget.
Expenditure Highlights
• General Fund expenditures:
1. Extra hire expenditures are over-budget as we have had three staff out on paid
multi-month medical leaves and have needed to hire substitute staff to cover their
basic duties.
2. Expenditures on travel, conference, training, and instruction this year are high as
we have been focusing a multi-year effort on professional development for all
• Parcel Tax expenditures:
1. Expenditures on training and instruction this year are high as we have been
focusing a multi-year effort on professional development for all staff.
GF Budget GF YTD Q4 GF % Total Spent PT Budget PT YTD Q4 PT % Total Spent Total Total YTD Q4 % Total Spent
Total for Revenue (estimates)63,700 1,054,595 1,118,295
Regular Hire Salaries & Benefits 2,341,957 2,266,662 97%647,444 666,411 103%2,989,401 2,933,073 98%
Extra Hire 100,096 129,502 129%124,765 112,914 91%224,861 242,416 108%
Personnel Services 2,442,053 2,396,164 98%772,209 779,325 101%3,214,262 3,175,489 99%
Bldg.Maint.Contracts 39,493 35,235 89%- - - 39,493 35,235 89%
Maint.Bldg.Improv.24,610 19,825 81%- - - 24,610 19,825 81%
Maintenance & Repair;Equp & Machine 4,000 3,123 78%- - - 4,000 3,123 78%
Utiltities-Gas & Electricity 44,245 46,028 104%- - - 44,245 46,028 104%
County Administrative Fee - - - 28,342 26,007 92%28,342 26,007 92%
Contract Services (MARINet, security, etc.)305,500 344,058 113%202,860 54,142 27%508,360 398,200 78%
Internal Service Charges (IT, phone, ins)233,809 233,809 100%- - - 233,809 233,809 100%
Office Supplies 48,927 41,755 85%- - - 48,927 41,755 85%
Books 57,890 58,512 101%120,219 98,056 82%178,109 156,568 88%
Periodicals 7,000 8,407 120%6,250 5,192 83%13,250 13,599 103%
Digital Branch Resources 3,000 3,000 100%56,353 55,012 98%59,353 58,012 98%
Audio/Video Materials 27,000 24,839 92%- - - 27,000 24,839 92%
Technology Supplies & Materials - - - 16,000 16,000 100%16,000 16,000 100%
Travel & Conference 7,650 12,339 161%- - - 7,650 12,339 161%
Training & Instruction 3,990 6,196 155%5,000 4,939 99%8,990 11,135 124%
Professional Dues & Subscriptions 1,950 1,833 94%- - - 1,950 1,833 94%
Credit Card Fees 756 440 58%- - - 756 440 58%
Unbudgeted items - - N/A - - N/A - - N/A
Non-Personnel Services 809,820 839,399 104%435,024 259,348 60%1,244,844 1,098,747 88%
Total 3,251,873 3,235,563 99%1,207,233 1,038,673 86%4,459,106 4,274,236 96%
Other Budget Sources Budget Sources Annual % of Total
Friends of the Library (books, programs)$50,767 General Fund 3,251,873 72.11%
TOTAL $50,767 Parcel Tax 1,207,233 26.77%
Other 50,767 1%
Special Funds TOTAL 4,509,873 100.00%
Donation funds $91,799
Leprechaun fund $65,826
Kay Corlett Memorial fund $473,843
Kenneth Edlin Memorial fund $387,807
Robert and Lorraine Joses Memorial fund $1,292,079
Parcel Tax capital set-aside balance $541,195
Parcel Tax fund balance $126,376
Donation for new building $300
TOTAL $2,979,224
San Rafael Public Library Budget Fiscal Year 17-18
Budget and Expenditures