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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSp. Library Parcel Tax Committee 2019-02-19 AgendaAGENDA
Special Library Parcel Tax Committee
February 19, 2018
6:00 p.m.
Community Development 3rd Floor Conference Room
San Rafael City Hall
1400 5th Ave, San Rafael, CA
Committee Members: Phyllis Brinckerhoff, Pamela Cook, Gregg
Kellogg, Peter Lee, Robert Ross
City Staff: Henry Bankhead (Interim Library Director), Nadine
Hade (Finance Director), Jinder Banwait (Senior Administrative
1. Approval of November 26, 2018 minutes
2. Review of Report from City Attorney regarding proportionality
between Library General Fund Budget and Library Parcel Tax
3. Review of 2018/2019 Q2 budget report
4. Open discussion
Special Library Parcel Tax Committee
November 26, 2018, 6:00 PM: Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Phyllis Brinckerhoff, Pamela Cook, Gregg Kellogg, Gil Pruit
Members Absent: Peter Lee
Staff Present: Henry Bankhead (Interim Library Director)
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM
2. Approval of October minutes: Cook moved, Kellogg seconded
3. Review of Draft for annual report on 2017/2018 budget and expenditures
from Committee to City Council: Cook and Brinckerhoff presented the report.
The committee discussed and approved. Members present signed the signature
sheet. Bankhead will visit Lee to obtain Lee’s signature
4. Open Discussion: Additional concerns were raised about the merger with
Community Services regarding the mechanism by which finance will be able to
discern which expenditures go to the library and which go to Community
Services. Bankhead reiterated that finance had this covered.
5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:42 p.m.
AS OF: 1/22/19
GF Budget GF YTD Q2 GF % Total Spent PT Budget PT YTD Q2 PT % Total Spent Total Total YTD Q2 % Total Spent
Total for Revenue (estimated)42503.00 1057895.00 1100398.00
Regular Hire Salaries & Benefits 2346400.50 1015286.99 43.27%684790.52 352058.13 51.41%3031191.02 1367345.12 45.11%
Extra Hire 102031.83 94824.72 92.94%123400.00 45408.46 36.80%225431.83 140233.18 62.21%
Personnel Services 2448432.33 1110111.71 45.34%808190.52 397466.59 49.18%3214262.00 1507578.30 46.90%
Bldg.Maint.Contracts 39493.00 21474.13 54.37%- - - 39493.00 21474.13 54.37%
Maint.Bldg.Improv.24610.00 2896.06 11.77%- - - 24610.00 2896.06 11.77%
Maintenance & Repair;Equp & Machine 4000.00 0.00 0.00%- - - 4000.00 0.00 0.00%
Utilities-Gas & Electricity 44245.00 20984.41 47.43%- - - 44245.00 20984.41 47.43%
County Administrative Fee - - - 28342.00 19439.26 68.59%28342.00 19439.26 68.59%
Contract Services (MARINet, security, etc.)329346.00 300764.84 91.32%202860.00 74778.72 36.86%532206.00 375543.56 70.56%
Internal Service Charges (IT, phone, ins)279267.38 139633.84 50.00%- - - 233809.00 139633.84 59.72%
Office Supplies 48927.00 15684.19 32.06%- - - 48927.00 15684.19 32.06%
Books 57890.00 54884.14 94.81%120219.00 13823.13 11.50%178109.00 68707.27 38.58%
Periodicals 7000.00 7000.00 100.00%6250.00 3215.50 51.45%13250.00 10215.50 77.10%
Digital Branch Resources 3000.00 3000.00 100.00%56343.00 16904.86 30.00%59343.00 19904.86 33.54%
Audio/Video Materials 27000.00 9863.52 36.53%- - - 27000.00 9863.52 36.53%
Technology Supplies & Materials - - - 16000.00 2525.00 15.78%16000.00 2525.00 15.78%
Travel & Conference 7650.00 5913.85 77.31%- - - 7650.00 5913.85 77.31%
Training & Instruction 3990.00 3990.00 100.00%5000.00 2168.24 43.36%8990.00 6158.24 68.50%
Professional Dues & Subscriptions 1950.00 1274.00 65.33%- - - 1950.00 1274.00 65.33%
Credit Card Fees 756.00 210.55 27.85%- - - 756.00 210.55 27.85%
Unbudgeted items - - - - - - - - -
Non-Personnel Services 879124.38 587573.53 66.84%435014.00 132854.71 30.54%1268680.00 720428.24 56.79%
Total 3327556.71 1697685.24 51.02%1243204.52 530321.30 42.66%4570761.23 2228006.54 48.74%
Other Budget Sources Budget Sources Annual % of Total
Friends of the Library (books, programs)35,000.00 General Fund $3,327,556.71 72.25%
TOTAL 35,000.00 Parcel Tax $1,243,204.52 26.99%
Other $35,000.00 1%
Special Funds TOTAL $4,605,761.23 100.00%
Donations Fund 97,357.93
Leprechaun Fund 65,480.46 Budget Sources + Special Funds:$7,571,275.66
Kay Corlett Memorial Fund 473,842.53
Kenneth Edlin Memorial Fund 387,806.81
Robert and Lorraine Joses Memorial Fund 1,292,078.85
MC Parcel Tax Capital Set-Aside Balance 541,195.00
MD Parcel Tax Fund Balance 107,508.68
Donation for New Building 300.00
Immigration Services Grant -55.83 NOTE: Revenue - Expenses + Prior Year Fund Balance = Current Fund Balance
TOTAL 2,965,514.43 NOTE: Appropriations are only an estimated budget, actuals are provided at the end of the fiscal year.
San Rafael Public Library Budget - Fiscal Year 18/19
Budget and Expenditures