HomeMy WebLinkAboutSp. Library Parcel Tax Committee 2019-10-01 Agenda
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
6:00 P.M.
San Rafael City Hall - 2nd Floor Conference
1400 5th Avenue
• Roll Call
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of July 2, 2019
2. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the
agenda. Speakers are encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes.
3. Review the FY 2018/2019 4th Quarter Annual Revenue and Expenditure
Budget Report
4. Planning FY 2018/2019 Annual Revenue and Expenditure Report from
Committee to City Council
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Board less than 72 hours
before the meeting shall be available for inspection in City Hall, 1400 Fifth Avenue. Sign Language
interpreters and assistive listening devices may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice),
emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the California Telecommunications Relay Service by
dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meetin g. Copies of documents are available in
accessible formats upon request. Public transportation is available through Golden Gate Transit, Line
22 or 23. Paratransit is available by calling Whistlestop Wheels at (415) 454-0964. To allow individuals
with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting/hearing, individuals are
requested to refrain from wearing scented products.
AS OF: 9/24/19
GF Budget GF YTD Q4 GF % Total Spent PT Budget PT YTD Q4 PT % Total Spent Total Total YTD Q4 % Total Spent
Total for Revenue (actual)33418.18 1052431.68 1085849.86
Regular Hire Salaries & Benefits 2346400.50 2039131.00 86.90%684790.52 687024.43 100.33%3031191.02 2726155.43 89.94%
Extra Hire 102031.83 147276.70 144.34%123400.00 106314.12 86.15%225431.83 253590.82 112.49%
Personnel Services 2448432.33 2186407.70 89.30%808190.52 793338.55 98.16%3214262.00 2979746.25 92.70%
Bldg.Maint.Contracts 39493.00 39493.00 100.00%- - - 39493.00 39493.00 100.00%
Maint.Bldg.Improv.24610.00 25163.93 102.25%- - - 24610.00 25163.93 102.25%
Maintenance & Repair;Equp & Machine 4000.00 4000.00 100.00%- - - 4000.00 4000.00 100.00%
Utilities-Gas & Electricity 44245.00 39375.73 88.99%- - - 44245.00 39375.73 88.99%
County Administrative Fee - - - 28342.00 25919.00 91.45%28342.00 25919.00 91.45%
Contract Services (MARINet, security, etc.)329346.00 346961.82 105.35%202860.00 155902.90 76.85%532206.00 502864.72 94.49%
Internal Service Charges (IT, phone, ins)279267.38 279267.58 100.00%- - - 233809.00 279267.58 119.44%
Office Supplies 48927.00 46843.84 95.74%- - - 48927.00 46843.84 95.74%
Books 57890.00 57890.00 100.00%120219.00 108732.50 90.45%178109.00 166622.50 93.55%
Periodicals 7000.00 7000.00 100.00%6250.00 6250.00 100.00%13250.00 13250.00 100.00%
Digital Branch Resources 3000.00 8000.00 266.67%56343.00 44495.31 78.97%59343.00 52495.31 88.46%
Audio/Video Materials 27000.00 26322.58 97.49%- - - 27000.00 26322.58 97.49%
Technology Supplies & Materials - - - 16000.00 5055.33 31.60%16000.00 5055.33 31.60%
Travel & Conference 7650.00 7652.88 100.04%- - - 7650.00 7652.88 100.04%
Training & Instruction 3990.00 4043.05 101.33%5000.00 4969.50 99.39%8990.00 9012.55 100.25%
Professional Dues & Subscriptions 1950.00 1576.00 80.82%- - - 1950.00 1576.00 80.82%
Credit Card Fees 756.00 363.70 48.11%- - - 756.00 363.70 48.11%
Unbudgeted items - - - - - - - - -
Non-Personnel Services 879124.38 893954.11 101.69%435014.00 351324.54 80.76%1268680.00 1245278.65 98.16%
Total 3327556.71 3080361.81 92.57%1243204.52 1144663.09 92.07%4570761.23 4225024.90 92.44%
Other Budget Sources Budget Sources Annual % of Total
Friends of the Library (books, programs)35,000.00 General Fund $3,327,556.71 72.25%
TOTAL 35,000.00 Parcel Tax $1,243,204.52 26.99%
Other $35,000.00 1%
Special Funds TOTAL $4,605,761.23 100.00%
"Leprechaun" Fund 65,923.97
Copy Fund 13,115.17
Donations Fund 106,035.28 Budget Sources + Special Funds:$7,543,215.61
Kay Corlett Memorial Fund 482,951.41
Kenneth Edlin Memorial Fund 412,565.07
Robert and Lorraine Joses Memorial Fund 1,366,071.01
MC Parcel Tax Capital Set-Aside Balance 353,335.00 previously 541,195.00
MD Parcel Tax Fund Balance 203,137.27 previously 107,508.68
Donation for New Building 300.00
Immigration Services Grant -55.83 NOTE: Revenue - Expenses + Prior Year Fund Balance = Current Fund Balance
TOTAL 2,937,454.38 NOTE: MD appropriations are only an estimated budget, actuals are provided at the end of the fiscal year.
San Rafael Public Library Budget - Fiscal Year 18/19
Budget and Expenditures
AS OF: 9/24/19 Budget Actual % Spent Budget Actual % Spent
Classified Personnel 2,346,401 2,039,131 86.90%684,791 687,024 100.33%
Temp Personnel 102,032 147,277 144.34%123,400 106,314 86.15%
Personnel Services 2,448,432 2,186,408 89.30%808,191 793,339 98.16%
Building Maintenance Contracts 39,493 39,493 100.00%- - -
Maintenance and Building Improvements 24,610 25,164 102.25%- - -
Maintenance & Repair;Equp & Machine 4,000 4,000 100.00%- - -
Utilities-Gas & Electricity 44,245 39,376 88.99%- - -
County Administrative Fee - - - 28,342 25,919 91.45%
Contract Services (MARINet, security, etc.)329,346 346,962 105.35%202,860 155,903 76.85%
Internal Service Charges (IT, phone, ins)279,267 279,268 100.00%- - -
Office Supplies 48,927 46,844 95.74%- - -
Books 57,890 57,890 100.00%120,219 108,733 90.45%
Periodicals 7,000 7,000 100.00%6,250 6,250 100.00%
Digital Branch Resources 3,000 8,000 266.67%56,343 44,495 78.97%
Audio/Video Materials 27,000 26,323 97.49%- - -
Technology Supplies & Materials - - - 16,000 5,055 31.60%
Travel & Conference 7,650 7,653 100.04%- - -
Training & Instruction 3,990 4,043 101.33%5,000 4,970 99.39%
Professional Dues & Subscriptions 1,950 1,576 80.82%- - -
Credit Card Fees 756 364 48.11%- - -
Unbudgeted items - - - - - -
Non-Personnel Services 879,124 893,954 101.69%435,014 351,325 80.76%
Total Expenditures 3,327,557 3,080,362 92.57%1,243,205 1,144,663 92.07%
Total Revenues 3,327,557 3,080,362 92.57%1,243,205 1,052,432*84.65%
Special Funds Revenue Source Comparisons
"Leprechaun" Fund 65,924 Revenue Sources Annual % of Total Revenues
Copy Fund 13,115 General Fund $3,080,362 73.91%
Donations Fund 106,035 Measure D Parcel Tax $1,052,432 25.25%
Kay Corlett Memorial Fund 482,951 Other (Friends of the
Library)$35,000 1%
Kenneth Edlin Memorial Fund 412,565 TOTAL $4,167,793 100.00%
Robert and Lorraine Joses Memorial Fund 1,366,071
MC Parcel Tax Capital Set-Aside Balance*353,335 previously 541,195.00
MD Parcel Tax Fund Balance*203,137 previously 107,508.68
Donation for New Building 300
Immigration Services Grant -56
TOTAL 2,937,454
*At the request of the Measure D Parcel Tax Committee, $187,860 was transferred from the Measure C Parcel Tax Capital Set-Aside balance to the Measure D Parcel Tax Fund to pay for the Noll & Tam Facilities
Planning process. This transfer is in addition to the Actual revenue numbers reported above and is reflected in the "Special Funds" balances.
San Rafael Public Library Budget - Fiscal Year 18/19 - Alternate View
General Fund Measure D
as of June 30, 2019
This report provides year-to-date figures on the General Fund and Parcel Tax funding
spending for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2018/2019. As of this report, 100% of the fiscal
year has elapsed. General Fund expenditures ended at 93% of budget and Parcel Tax
expenditures ended at 92% of budget.
Revenue Highlights
1. The Parcel Tax revenue provides 27% of the Library’s total operations budget.
2. The Friends of the Library provide 1% of the Library’s total operations budget.
Expenditure Highlights
General Fund Expenditures:
1. Regular Personnel Salaries & Benefits expenditures were underspent due to staff
2. Extra Hire expenditures were higher as the Library has had unfilled positions which
are backfilled by temporary staff.
3. Building Maintenance Contracts expenditures are slightly higher due to furniture and
building upgrades.
4. Contract Services expenditures are slightly higher as the Library experienced an
increase in MARINet costs.
5. Digital Branch Resources expenditures were $5,000 overspent due to a billing error;
$5,000 was billed to the General Fund account for Digital Branch that should have
been billed to the Measure D account. Overall, the combined General Fund and
Measure D budget was underspent.
6. Audio/Video Material expenditures were lower than expected because ordering
slowed down due to switching to a new vendor for Audiovisual materials.
7. Training & Instruction expenditures were slightly higher than expected as the
California Library Association Conference was in Santa Clara this year and multiple
staff attended.
8. Professional Dues & Subscriptions expenditures were lower than expected as only
staff actively participating in an organization are authorized to become members.
9. Credit Card Fees were lower due to decreased use of this method of payment and
fewer fines collected.
Parcel Tax Expenditures:
1. County Administration Fee expenditures were lower than expected.
2. Contractual Services expenditures (Noll & Tam and programming) were lower as the
appropriation was set higher than necessary.
3. Books expenditures were lower as the Library has had a delay in book ordering due
to the implementation of the new shelf-ready book purchasing program.
4. Digital Branch Resources expenditures were lower due to the billing error explained
in line 5 above which would have increased this expenditure from 79% to 88%.
5. Technology Supplies expenditures were lower than expected as staff made fewer
purchases this year and are hoping to spend these funds in the next fiscal year
toward a new public computer system.
Library Parcel Tax Fund Balance Calculations
Measure D Fund Balance
Actual Budgeted
Prior Year Fund Balance $107,508.68 $107,508.68
+ Property Tax Revenue $1,052431.68 $1,243,204.52
+ Transfer from Measure C Capital Set-Aside* $187,860 $0
- Expenditures $1,144,663.09 $1,243,204.52
= Current Fund Balance $203,137.27 $107,508.68
Measure C Capital Set-Aside Balance
Actual Budgeted
Prior Year Fund Balance $541,195 $541,195
- Transfer to Measure D Fund* $187,860 $0
= Current Fund Balance $353,335 $541,195
Total Parcel Tax Fund Balance, $203,137.27 + $353,335 = $556,472.27
* At the request of the Measure D Parcel Tax Committee, $187,860 was transferred from the Measure C Parcel
Tax Capital Set-Aside balance to the Measure D Parcel Tax Fund to pay for the Noll & Tam Facilities Planning