HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2019-06-06 Minutes1
San Rafael Community Center – 618 B Street, San Rafael, CA
June 6, 2019 – 7:00 p.m.
Vice Chair Machado called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Mark Machado, Jeff Jones, Stacey Laumann, Kat Reisinger and
Cecily Emerson (arrived at 7:05)
Commissioners Absent: Tom Obletz, Mark Bustillos and Nicholas Skewes-Cox
Staff Present: Susan Andrade-Wax, Community Services Director, Jinder
Banwait, Senior Administrative Assistant, Catherine Quffa,
Management Analyst, and Ashley Howe, Senior Recreation
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of March 21, 2019
A motion was made my Commissioner Laumann, seconded by Commissioner Jones, to
approve the minutes of the March 21, 2019. The motion was approved unanimously.
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
Ms. Andrade-Wax introduced Jinder Banwait, Senior Administrative Assistant with the
City’s Library who was attending the meeting in Becky Ordin’s absence.
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
4. Marin Bocce Federation Annual Report
Ms. Howe, Senior Recreation Supervisor introduced Ms. Nunez, President and Ms. Libien,
General Manager from the Marin Bocce Federation. Marin Bocce Federation, a non-profit
organization, started in 1994 have been providing services to the community of San Rafael by
hosting classes, tournaments, and leagues at the facility located on B Street next door to the
San Rafael Community Center. The City and Marin Bocce Federation partnership agreement
is valid from December 1, 2011 to November 30, 2030. Through this partnership, the
Federation has made many improvements to the facility and have developed it into a very
attractive social gathering place for the citizens of San Rafael. Ms. Nunez and Ms. Libien
presented the report on the various services that are provided at the facility, website, and
bookkeeping improvements, demographics, and financials. The 25 th year gala party is on
August 18, 2019 and will feature food, music and bocce.
Commissioner Laumann asked if there were any concerns, Ms. Libien answered that parking
continues to be the biggest issue. Commissioner Jones asked about the homeless situation,
Ms. Libien shared that having the improved park nearby has dramatically impacted the
surrounding area in positive way and that the issues related to homelessness have become
rare. Commissioner Reisinger asked whether the City owns the land, Ms. Nunez explained the
Federation is responsible for managing and operating the facility while the City owns the land.
Ms. Andrade-Wax added that the operation is self -sustaining and that there is no City subsidy.
Ms. Andrade-Wax also stated that the agreement between the City and the Federation can be
obtained and reviewed to understand the exact terms.
Ms. Howe shared information about the upcoming Open Studios Closing Session at the Falkirk
Center on June 14th from 5 -8 p.m.
5. Review the Measure A Work Plan for July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020
Ms. Quffa presented information on the County’s Measure A Workplan, it’s historical
background, how the City has spent its portion of the funds, and the fund allocations for the
upcoming 19/20 fiscal year. The focus of Measure A is to support the preservation of Marin
County Parks, open space preserves, and farmlands. Marin County Cities receive their funding
based on population, which is 15% or $2.12 million annually. The City of San Rafael receives
22.91% of the $2.12 million available funds. Based on the public outreach process in 2014 that
the Commission undertook, eight parks and recreational projects were selected and prioritized.
Much of the funding has been used to improve/revitalize four of these areas. The remaining
four projects will be funded by Measure A and building funds.
The State will be releasing Prop 68 per capita grant funding next year which will provide
funding through a grant application in addition to the per capita grant distribution.
Commissioner Reisinger asked whether the City has applied for the grant, Ms. Quffa replied
no. Commissioner Emerson asked whether the County dictates how the Measure A funds are
used. Ms. Andrade-Wax explained that the funds can be used based on certain criteria. Ms.
Andrade-Wax also said that the City is pursuing an assessment tax for fire prevention services,
and if that passes, Measure A funds could possibly be used specifically for parks and
recreation facility improvements in the future. Commissioner Machado asked about the
Pickleweed Park Field Conversion Design Community Engagement and whether that had to
do with improving the soccer field. Ms. Quffa replied that we will be requesting funding through
the State Prop 68, grant process, which is a competitive grant process. Commissioner
Emerson asked about the timeline for the grant. Ms. Andrade-Wax explained that the first initial
application period closes in August 2019. She continued to explain that Prop 68 language
focuses on low-income areas where there is no park land, which the only designated low-
income area in San Rafael is the Canal area. However, because the State draws a half mile
radius on a spot on the map, the neighboring demographics are also included, which ma de the
Canal area appear to be less deserving. Ms. Andrade-Wax also shared that the State had
previously considered the canal area (water) around the park and recreation areas as park
land as well, but recently updated its designation . Also, to receive a higher rating on the grant
application, it is recommended that the applicant hold five public hearings. Therefore, to
increase the City’s chances of getting a higher rating and have enough time to hold five public
meetings, the City will submit their grant application in the second round of submissions.
Though the odds of receiving the grant is very low, the City feels it is worth the effort for the
potential $5-8 million funding. Ms. Quffa explained that partnering with local groups when
submitting the grant application will also help increase the City’s chances of receiving funding.
Commissioner Machado asked when the work on the Sun Valley playground replacement
project will begin. Ms. Andrade-Wax replied that after the Commission, the project would be
presented to the City Council for their review and consideration. She also explained that at
Pickleweed, a bid process was conducted to replace the playground equipment, which has
reduced the project cost by approximately 66%. It’s more cost effective to exclude an
architectural design, which is only required if the new foot print is la rger than the existing
Commissioner Jones asked when Measure A will sunset. Ms. Andrade-Wax answered that it
will after 9 years, which is in a few years, but the County has met with the City and will place it
on the ballot again for renewal. Commissioner Jones asked whether the Commission should
do additional outreach since it has been 5 years since the plan was implemented. Ms.
Andrade-Wax replied that the City has not done a Park and Recreation Master Plan process
since 1974. She also said that the City recently completed a facilities assessment of all City
facilities. Commissioner Jones asked if the Commission can have a copy of the City
assessment, Ms. Andrade-Wax replied that she doesn’t have the assessment report at this
Commissioner Reisinger asked about the New Library Facility Planning Process presentation.
Ms. Andrade-Wax shared the three options that have been identified for the new library facility,
which include the existing Carenage site, Boyd Park, and San Rafael Community Center/Albert
Park. She mentioned that the Commission is highly encouraged to attend the Council meeting
where the Library Planning process is discussed since two of the three site options are parks.
Commissioner Laumann asked whether the General Plan is addressing community facilities
and park issues. Commissioner Jones said Barry Miller, who is the driving force behind the
General Plan was supposed to be at the meeting. However, Ms. Andrade-Wax explained that
the General Plan is not a detailed specific plan and that it often refers to other complimentary
plans such as Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Downtown Precise Plan, etc. Commissioner
Laumann asked for clarification, whether Ms. Andrade-Wax is advocating for a Park &
Recreation Master Plan and Ms. Andrade-Wax confirmed.
AYES: Commissioners: Emerson, Jones, Laumann, Machado, and Reisinger
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Bustillos, Obletz, and Skewes-Cox
The motion passed.
6. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
Commissioner Jones presented a report on the General Plan. The report is available on the
Park & Recreation website. Commissioner Machado asked Commissioner Jones how Park &
Recreation is being viewed in the General Plan. Commissioner Jones explained that it is a
great idea to obtain a Park and Recreation Master Plan just because of its specificity.
Commissioner Emerson asked what the timeline is to adopt the General Plan, Commissioner
Jones replied that the Committee is currently in the process of updating the document now and
that the formal adoption process will follow at its conclusion. Ms. Andrade-Wax said she would
follow up with Barry Miller as to the timeline. Commissioner Jones said he would send a link to
everyone and is happy to present it on behalf of the Commission. Commissioner Jones shared
information about the Downtown Precise Plan survey results and public meetings. Ms.
Andrade-Wax explained that a Park and Recreation Master Plan provides specifics as to the
community’s needs based on surveys, assessment, and current infrastructure.
7. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest.
Ms. Andrade-Wax shared information about the Movies in the Park program. It’s a series of
five movies on Thursday evenings after the Downtown Thursday Night Market ends. Ms.
Andrade-Wax will send the Commission members information about the Thursday Night
Commissioner Reisinger asked whether the Commission meetings can begin at 6 p.m. rather
than 7 p.m. and Ms. Andrade-Wax replied that the Commission could change the time on a
temporary basis. However, any permanent or on-going change would require the City
Council’s approval before it could be changed in the City’s Municipal Code. Ms. Andrade-Wax
will include this item on the agenda for the next Commission meeting.
The meeting was adjourned 8:30 p.m.