HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2020-01-16 Agenda Packet
Thursday, January 16, 2020
6:00 P.M.
San Rafael Community Center, 618 B Street
• Pledge of Allegiance
• Roll Call
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of November 21, 2019
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
A. Catherine Quffa – Assistant Library & Recreation Director, Recreation & Childcare
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. Speakers are
encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes.
If necessary to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits
for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. California Park and Recreation Society - District 1 Community Service Award
5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the
Commission members.
6. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
NEXT MEETING: March 19, 2020
Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Page 2 of 2 September 20, 2018
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Council less than 72 hours
before the meeting, shall be available for inspection at the Community Services Department, San Rafael,
Community Center, 618 B Street, San Rafael, CA 94901, and placed with other agenda-related materials on
the table at the Commission meeting prior to the meeting. American Sign Language interpreters and assistive
listening devices may be requested by calling (415) 485-3198 (TDD) or (415) 485-3333 (voice) at least 72
hours in advance. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request. Public
transportation is available through Golden Gate Transit, Line 20 or 23. Paratransit is available by calling
Whistlestop Wheels at (415) 454-0964. To allow individuals with environmental illness or multiple chemical
sensitivity to attend the meeting/hearing, individuals are requested to refrain from wearing scented products.
San Rafael Community Center – 618 B Street, San Rafael, CA
November 21, 2019 – 6:00 p.m.
Chair Tom Obletz called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Chair Tom Obletz, Vice Chair Mark Machado, Stacey Laumann,
Kathryn Reisinger, Ariel Gutierrez, Jeren Seibel, and Cecily
Emerson (arrived 6:08)
Commissioners Absent: Jeff Jones
Staff Present: Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director, Catherine
Quffa, Management Analyst, Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative
Assistant, Debbie Younkin, Senior Recreation Supervisor, and
Tiffany Haley, Program Coordinator.
Commissioner Reisinger made a motion to amend the agenda to move the New
Commissioners Oath of Office to Item 1. Commissioner Machado seconded the motion.
AYES: Commissioners: Obletz, Machado, Laumann, Reisinger, Emerson
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioner: Jones
1. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
A. New Commissioners Oath of Office – Lindsay Lara, City Clerk
Ms. Andrade-Wax introduced Ms. Lara. Commissioners Emerson, Gutierrez
and Seibel were sworn in by Ms. Lara. The Commissioners introduced
2. Approve regular meeting minutes of October 17, 2019
A motion was made by Commissioner Laumann, seconded by Commissioner Reisinger,
to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2019 meeting. The motion was approved
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
4. 2019 Annual Aquatics Program Review
Ms. Andrade-Wax introduced Debbie Younkin, Senior Recreation Supervisor and Tiffany
Haley, Program Coordinator. Ms. Haley presented the 2019 Annual Aquatics Program
Commissioner Gutierrez asked where the lap swimmers go in the Winter months. Ms. Younkin
answered they have surveyed the lap swimmers and either they don’t swim, they swim at the
Marin YMCA or the Marin JCC.
Commissioner Obletz asked about attendance being down at the Hamilton Pool. Ms. Younkin
replied that it was a cold Summer, and yes attendance was down. Also, families are traveling
more and not buying the season pass.
Commissioner Emerson asked if the goal is to break even each season. Ms. Younkin replied
that the Department is constantly looking at ways to reduce the costs of running the pools.
Currently, the City is in the process of conducting a master fee study. The last
comprehensive fee study was conducted in 2011. Since then, most City fees haven’t been
adjusted. So, the hope is to be able to increase fees so that they cover the increases in
program and facility expenses.
Commissioner Obletz asked if the staff expenses for Ms. Younkin and Ms. Haley were
included in the contract for Hamilton. Ms. Younkin replied that a portion of their salaries are
budgeted into both pool budgets as well as the Terra Linda Community Center budget.
Commissioner Seibel asked if they are given a target percentage for cost recovery. Ms.
Younkin answered not at this time.
5. Selection of Commission Chair, Vice Chair and Committee Assignments
Commissioner Reisinger made a motion for Jeff Jones to be Chair. Commissioner Emerson
seconded the motion.
AYES: Commissioners: Obletz, Machado, Laumann, Reisinger, Emerson, Gutierrez
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSTAIN: Commissioner: Seibel
ABSENT: Commissioner: Jones
Commissioner Machado made a motion for Commissioner Laumann to be Vice Chair.
Commissioner Reisinger seconded the motion.
AYES: Commissioners: Obletz, Machado, Laumann, Reisinger, Emerson, Gutierrez
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSTAIN: Commissioner: Seibel
ABSENT: Commissioner: Jones
Commissioner Laumann made a motion for Commissioner Reisinger to serve on the
Pickleweed Advisory Committee Assignment. Commissioner Obletz seconded the motion.
AYES: Commissioners: Obletz, Machado, Laumann, Reisinger, Emerson,
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioner: Jones
Commissioner Obletz made a motion for Commissioner Gutierrez to serve as the alternate on
the Pickleweed Advisory Committee Assignment. Commissioner Laumann seconded the
AYES: Commissioners: Obletz, Machado, Laumann, Reisinger, Emerson, Gutierrez
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioner: Jones
6. Review of the Commission Meeting Schedule for 2020
Ms. Andrade-Wax presented the dates that the Commission normally meets. The Commission
recommended to canceling the February 20th, August 20th and December 17th meetings. If
there is a need for a February meeting, then it will be re-scheduled for February 13th.
Commissioner Laumann made a motion to accept the calendar as modified. Commissioner
Machado seconded the motion.
AYES: Commissioners: Obletz, Machado, Laumann, Reisinger, Emerson, Gutierrez
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioner: Jones
Ms. Andrade-Wax asked the Commission to discuss the starting time of the meetings. It was
determined that the Commission would continue to meet at 6:00 for the January 16th meeting.
At the January meeting there would be a follow up discussion for either 6:00pm or 6:30pm
meeting start time.
Commissioner Laumann asked about the Park and Recreation Commission venue as there
was past discussion about moving the meetings to the City Council Chambers. Ms. Andrade-
Wax stated that she needed to make sure that the Commissioners would fit on the dais before
there was a decision to move the meetings.
Commission Reports and Comments
7. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
Commissioner Obletz attended the dedication celebration at the Falkirk Greenhouse in honor
of former Mayor Mulryan.
Staff Comments
8. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Ms. Andrade-Wax noted that the city offices will be closed November 26th and 27th due to the
Thanksgiving holiday. Friday, November 28th is the parade of lights and Winter Wonderland.
There are new activities that will be available at the event, and there will not be snow this year
due to funding.
Commissioner Obletz asked if the Winter Wonderland event is a BID event. Ms. Andrade Wax
answered that the event is supported by the City and is organized by an outside vendor.
Commissioner Emerson asked what the report was from the new farmer’s market. Ms.
Andrade-Wax replied that it was successful. She will get the details of the report to pass along
to the Commission.
Commissioner Emerson asked that they could have a forecasting of presentations and topics
for upcoming meetings on the calendar, so the Commission could discuss and have input on
items they would want more information on.
The meeting was adjourned 7:30 p.m.
January 16, 2020
Item # 4
California Park and Recreation Society (CPRS) District 1 hosts an annual banquet to
recognize community service efforts and install their board of directors. Agency
representatives can nominate 1-2 recipients that made an outstanding contribution to a
CPRS District 1 agency and community either by volunteering or making a donation that
assisted in “Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs”.
That the Commission receive the report and provide feedback.
Founded in 1946, CPRS is a nonprofit, professional and public interest organization and
the leading professional association for the Parks and Recreation industry. The California
Park and Recreation Society’s mission is to advance the park and recreation profession
through education, networking, resources and advocacy.
The state is divided geographically into 15 districts and supports over 4,000 members.
District 1 includes the counties of Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa,
Solano, Sonoma and Trinity. Individual members are linked to their Agency and/or District
and are given the opportunity to designate which of the seven (7) special interest sections
within the organization they would like to join. The interest sections include;
Administrators, Aging Services and Activities, Aquatics, Development & Operations,
Educators, Recreation and Recreation Therapy.
The City of San Rafael is a member agency of District 1 which will be hosting their annual
awards and installation banquet to recognize community service efforts and install their
board of directors which will be held on Saturday, February 1, 2020 at the Petaluma
Community Center. Agencies can nominate 1-2 recipients that have made an
outstanding contribution to a District 1 agency and community either by volunteering or
making a donation to “Creating Community Through People, Parks and Programs”. The
deadline for CPRS District 1 Community Service Award nominations is January 17, 2020.
Staff is recommending that the Park and Recreation Commission consider nominating
“The B Team” for a 2019 Community Service Award in recognition of their involvement
with the Albert Park Improvement Project. The B Team is a small group of neighbors
that formed to co-create solutions to community challenges. Driven to increase the
amenities in Albert Park to attract more neighborhood users and reclaim the park area
as a clean, family-friendly space for all to enjoy,
The B Team committed to be a part of the change by working with City staff to develop
a community engagement and fundraising campaign, develop marketing material,
organize community clean up days, and remove hardscape. Members served as project
ambassadors, hosted fundraising events, and developed relationships with elected
officials to increase advocacy.
Staff has drafted a nomination for the Community Service Award for the Commission’s
review and consideration (Attachment 2).
There are no costs associated with nominating an individual/group and the cost of their
banquet ticket is complimentary on behalf of CPRS District 1. Additional banquet tickets
may be purchased at $55.00 per person.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Ashley D. Howe, MS
Senior Recreation Supervisor
1. California Park and Recreation Society District 1 Community Service Award
2. Draft Community Service Award nomination for The B Team