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Park & Rec Commission 2019-02-21 Agenda
PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA Thursday, February 21, 2019 7:00 P.M. San Rafael Community Center, 618 B Street CALL TO ORDER • Pledge of Allegiance • Roll Call AGENDA AMENDMENTS MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of January 17, 2019 MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations 3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. Speakers are encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes. MATTERS BEFORE THE COMMISSION If necessary to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits for the presentations by individual speakers. 4. Approve Replacement of Playground Equipment at Pickleweed Park COMMISSION REPORTS AND COMMENTS 5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the Commission members. STAFF COMMENTS 6. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest NEXT MEETING: March 21, 2019 ADJOURNMENT FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Page 2 of 2 September 20, 2018 Notice Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Council less than 72 hours before the meeting, shall be available for inspection at the Community Services Department, San Rafael, Community Center, 618 B Street, San Rafael, CA 94901, and placed with other agenda-related materials on the table at the Commission meeting prior to the meeting. American Sign Language interpreters and assistive listening devices may be requested by calling (415) 485-3198 (TDD) or (415) 485-3333 (voice) at least 72 hours in advance. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request. Public transportation is available through Golden Gate Transit, Line 20 or 23. Paratransit is available by calling Whistlestop Wheels at (415) 454-0964. To allow individuals with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting/hearing, individuals are requested to refrain fr om wearing scented products. 1 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION DRAFT MINUTES _____________________________________________________________________________________________ San Rafael Community Center – 618 B Street, San Rafael, CA January 17, 2018 – 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER/ Chair Tom Obletz called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Commissioners Present: Chair Tom Obletz, Vice Chair Mark Machado, Mark Bustillos, Stacey Laumann, Jeff Jones, Nicholas Skewes-Cox, Kathryn Reisinger, Cicily Emerson Commissioners Absent: None Staff Present: Susan Andrade-Wax, Community Services Director; Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant, Debbie Younkin, Senior Recreation Supervisor AGENDA AMENDEMENTS None MINUTES 1. Approve regular meeting minutes of November 15, 2018 A motion was made by Commissioner Laumann, seconded by Commissioner Jones, to approve the minutes of the November 15, 2018 meeting as corrected. The motion was approved unanimously. 2 MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations None 3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda Lisa Rubio introduced herself. She started gardening two years ago, when she was given a plot at the Terra Linda Community Garden, and the benefits to her have been numerous. During her time at the garden, Ms. Rubio has come to realize that the gardeners are a very selective group, and she feels that it seems the rules and attitude of the garden have become very static and self-serving, rather than being community at large centered. Ms. Rubio is requesting that the Community Garden be robustly advertised and highlighted in the Community guide mailers, in the Community Centers and more. She would also like to request that there be one plot per household implemented. She would like for the gardens to be made known to the Community at large, so that everyone can have a chance to enjoy the benefits of the Community Garden. MATTERS BEFORE THE COMMISSION 4. Annual Review of the Terra Linda Orcas Swim Club Program Ms. Andrade-Wax introduced Debbie Younkin, the Senior Recreation Supervisor for the Terra Linda Community Center. Ms. Younkin introduced the new Orca President, Molly Hodge. Ms. Hodge was accompanied by Erica Providenza, who has served on the board for many years. Ms. Hodge introduced herself and presented the Annual Review of the Terra Linda Orcas Swim Club Program. See attachment. Ms. Andrade-Wax asked Ms. Younkin to share with the Commission what the City provides in the way of staffing. Ms. Younkin stated that the City provides two lifeguards, except for early in the season when there are young and novice swimmers. During that time the City provides three lifeguards. The Orca Swim Team pays for the cost of the lifeguards. In addition, the Orca Swim Team pays for space they rent at the Community Center for their Pasta Power Night, and Awards. Ms. Younkin commented that thanks to Susan’s leadership the Terra Linda Community Center can create a new agreement with the Orca Swim Team where they are more of a rental and will no longer need to come to the Park and Recreation Commission for a new agreement. 3 They will still be encouraged to come to the Park and Recreation Commission each year to give an update on the team and meet the new members. Commissioner Obletz asked if they would be developing a multiyear agreement. Ms. Andrade - Wax answered that it is considered a regular rental as they will be renting the pool on an annual basis. Commissioner Obletz asked how we will attribute the change in the annual payment over the year as shown on the report. Ms. Younkin replied that the agreement has changed from a service agreement to a rental agreement, therefore the Orcas are paying the City directly for the cost of lifeguarding services. Commissioner Machado asked how many swimmers were on the Orca Swim Team. Ms. Hodge answered that there were 236 total participants; 180 are on the swim team and 56 are in the Junior Orcas program. Commissioner Reisinger asked if the Orcas are the largest team in the NSL? Ms. Hodge replied that they are not, as the Swim Teams from Sleepy Hollow, Tidal Waves and Strawberry are larger. Commissioner Laumann asked if Terra Linda High School also has a pool , and if they have a High School swim program. If so, does it conflict with the Orca Swim Team? Ms. Hodge stated that there is no conflict, however they both have the same coach. 5. California Park and Recreation Society – District 1 Community Service Award Ms. Younkin stated that this the 68th year for the District 1 CPRS to hold their annual event where they induct the new Chair and honor someone for their Community Service Award. This year the event will be Saturday, February 9th in Windsor. Ms. Younkin asked the Commission for their consideration in nominating Ralph Mihan for his 38 years of service to the City of San Rafael’s Park and Recreation Commission. A motion was made by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Bustillos to nominate former Commissioner Mihan for the District 1 CPRS Community Service Award. AYES: Commissioners: Jones, Laumann, Obletz, Skewes-Cox, Reisinger, Machado, and Bustillos NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None The motion passed. 4 6. Selection of Commission Chair and Vice Chair Ms. Andrade-Wax stated that last Spring the Commission went through the process of electing a Chair and Vice Chair due to two openings. Annually, the Commission will have the opportunity to select their Chair and Vice Chair at either the November or January meeting. Whomever is elected would be seated at the follo wing Commission meeting. Commissioner Emerson asked if there were any term limits for Chair and/or Vice Chair. Ms. Andrade-Wax replied no, but some other municipalities have their Chairs and Vice Chairs serve one-year terms so that all their respective commissioners have a chance to serve. Commissioner Reisinger asked if there are other responsibilities for the Chair and Vice Chair other than leading the meetings. Ms. Andrade-Wax stated that other than running the meetings, the other responsibilities are gratuitous. An example would be for the Chair and Vice Chair to be at the opening of a new park or give a summary of what the Commission is working on at an event or meeting. Commissioner Machado nominated Commissioner Obletz for Chair, seconded by Commissioner Laumann. AYES: Commissioners: Jones, Laumann, Skewes-Cox, Machado, Bustillos and Reisinger NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None Commissioner Obletz nominated Commissioner Machado for Vice Chair, seconded by Commissioner Jones. AYES: Commissioners: Jones, Laumann, Obletz, Skewes-Cox, Bustillos and Reisinger NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None 7. Review of the Commission Meeting Schedule for 2019 Ms. Andrade-Wax observed that the Commission has chosen to cancel its meetings in August and December. Ms. Andrade-Wax did comment that she will be absent from the March 21, 2019 Park and Recreation Commission meeting and will have a Community Services Manager sitting in for her unless there are no agenda items. If that is the case, the meeting will be cancelled. 5 Commissioner Jones asked if it is common to cancel a meeting if there are no agenda items. Ms. Andrade-Wax answered that unless there are agenda items, the Commission cannot conduct a meeting. In addition, public workshops or park tours that the Commission hosts that require public notification, Commissioner Obletz asked if there should be a motion to pass the Commission’s schedule as it is presented and cancel the meetings in August and December. Commissioner Laumann amended the motion to cancel the August meeting. Commissioner Obletz made a motion to pass the calendar, and to go dark in December, Commissioner Jones seconded the motion. AYES: Commissioners: Jones, Obletz, Laumann, Skewes-Cox, Machado, Bustillos and Reisinger NOES: Commissioners: None ABSENT: Commissioners: None Motion Passed COMMISSION REPORTS 8. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or semina rs attended by the Commission members. Commissioner Jones attended the General Plan meeting. They discussed Climate Change, and that discussion went way over on the time allocated. There were a lot of good points, but no one could agree. The topic was tabled for discussion at another time. They also discussed the Land Use Policy. This a large topic, and there will be many more discussions on this topic. Commissioner Laumann asked if there was any discussion specifically to park usage, or sea level rise adaptation. Commissioner Jones answered no to park usage, and yes to sea level rising, but not specifically to parks. Ms. Andrade-Wax noted that there are prior meeting summary notes on the City of San Rafael website. Commissioner Laumann asked if there is a parks or open space element to the General Plan, and does the Commission have a consensus about how to guide that element. Ms. Andrade-Was stated that there is a Park and Recreation element included in the General Plan and that is why the Commission has a representative on the General Plan Subcommittee 6 COMMISSION COMMENTS Commissioner Reisinger attended the Falkirk Christmas Tea with her children, and it was a great event. She also noted that there is a District 1 CPRS summer camp round table coming up January 31, 2019. Commissioner Reisinger asked how the pop-up library is doing at the Northgate Mall. Ms. Andrade-Wax replied that it has been very successful and that their visitation has exceeded their projections. They are pursuing keeping it up for an additional three (3) months and would like to pursue extending it. Commissioner Laumann asked when the Commission will see information on the Capital Improvements Plan specifically the things they have voted on from the Measure A funds. Commissioner Obletz added that he would also like an update on the handicap access at Beach Park. Ms. Andrade-Wax replied every year the City Council reviews the annual report during March to May. Last year the Falkirk roof moved to the top of the list because it is leaking. The first three items on the Capital Improvement Project’s active or current list include Victor Jones Park, Albert Park and Bret Harte Park, which either have been completed or under construction. Commissioner Jones asked when the Commission would be able to look at what they voted on years ago and have an opportunity to update something that may be a higher priority now. Ms. Andrade-Wax answered that the City just went through the process of hiring a consultant to do a City-wide facilities assessment and create a list of priorities. The first draft has recently been given to the Department of Public Works. Commissioner Emerson suggested that the Commission be able to review a schedule that identifies upcoming commission meeting topics that they review annually to get a general sense of the rhythm and general business that the Commission reviews year to year. She would like to be able to review it and make suggestions about topics that she would like to see throughout the year. STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Andrade-Wax stated that Albert Park will be finished in the Spring. They are hoping to have it completed by the end of March, and have a dedication scheduled for mid to late April. Ms. Andrade-Wax provided an update on Shoen and Pickleweed Parks. 7 Ms. Andrade-Wax stated that there will be a set of three meetings to review the information received from the Library Master planning process and they will be held in late March at the Terra Linda Community Center, Albert Boro Community Center. 9. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest. Commissioner Obletz added that January 22, 2019 Chief Gray will be presenting his fire safety plan. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned 8:43 p.m. PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT February 21, 2019 Item 4 TITLE: APPROVE REPLACEMENT OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT FOR PICKLEWEED PARK SUMMARY The installation of new playground equipment at Pickleweed Park which will include the removal of the existing play structure, swings, slides, and sand but will not impact the concrete footprint. After the new playground structures have been constructed, engineered wood fiber will also be installed in place of sand. The existing outline footprint of the play area will not change, only the play equipment will be replaced (Attachment 1). RECOMMENDATION That the Commission approve the preferred selection of proposed playground equipment to replace the current play equipment at Pickleweed Park. FISCAL IMPACT The City has received funding to replace the play equipment at Pickleweed Park from a Community Development Block Grant. This grant has a specific timeline such that the City needs to submit an order to secure the new play equipment by mid-March 2019, otherwise the City forfeits grant funding. Page 2 of 3 BACKGROUND Pickleweed Park is a heavily utilized park system. This park is centrally located in the canal neighborhood and is adjacent to the Albert J Boro Community Center which also is heavily utilized. The existing playground structures at this Park have been in place for almost 20 years and are experiencing some significant wear and tear due to the amount of use they receive. Schoen Park is a very small park located just east of the Albert J. Boro Community Center. This park is exceptionally small with a few swings, benches and minor play equipment. This park is not heavily utilized and presents a security issue at night time. The City in years past has been contemplating upgrading the equipment in this park; however, the Tiscornia Marsh project initated by the Marin Audubon society will impact this park. The Tiscornia Marsh project includes marsh restoration and increasing the height of the levee behind Schoen Park. Raising the levee height will also increase the overall footprint of the levee and encroach into the current foot print of Schoen Park. Since the footprint of Schoen Park could be dramatically reduced for the levee project, the City is recommending that Schoen Park be de-commissioned and funding that was originally allocated to this park be redirected to replacing equipment at Pickleweed Park which serves the same community. In addition, parking in the canal neighborhood has been a significant issue over the last several years. With the elimination of Schoen Park there is an opportunity to install additional head in parking near the community center. Reconfiguring the parking spaces near the current Schoen Park location will add approximately 15 spaces to help alleviate parking congestion issues. Installation of new playground equipment at Pickleweed Park will include the removal of the existing accessory structure, swings, slides, and sand but will not impact the concrete footprint. After the new playground structures have been constructed, engineered wood fiber will be installed in place of sand. The existing outline footprint of the play area will not change, only the play equipment will be replaced. PUBLIC OUTREACH Public Works has reached out to local schools, organizations, and the community at large by means of online surveys and a public meeting held at the Albert J. Boro Community Center on February 6, 2019 (Attachment 2). People who attended the public meeting were able to choose which structures they would like to see purchased. In addition, the online survey allows the public to indicate which equipment they prefer. Currently, we have received more than 50 responses from online survey (Attachment 3). The City will need to secure a certified contractor to remove the existing play equipment and install the new facilities. While the timing of this work has not been determined yet we anticipate this work occurring after summer when school is back in session. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. The commission may support staff’s effort by approving the concept plans for replacing the equipment 2. The commission may recommend another alternative in which case the City may forfeit the funding for the purchase of the equipment for this location. Page 3 of 3 Submitted by: Theo Sanchez Theo Sanchez Associate Civil Engineer Attachments: 1. Site Area Map 2. A. Public Workshop Flyer (English) 2. B. Public Workshop Flyer (Spanish) 3. Preferred configuration as chosen by the community F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N , P L E A S E C A L L 4 1 5 -4 8 5 -3 3 5 5 O R HELP SELECT PICKLEWEED PARK'S NEW PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT VOTE ONLINE! https://goo.gl/forms/8P5hqpet0ngB0kQn1 H O W : A T T E N D T H E P I C K L E W E E D A D V I S O R Y B O A R D C O M M U N I T Y M E E T I N G W H E N : W E D N E S D A Y , F E B 6 7 :0 0 P .M .-8 :3 0 P .M . W H E R E : A L B E R T J . B O R O C O M M U N I T Y C E N T E R , 5 0 C A N A L S T R E E T , S A N R A F A E L , 9 4 9 0 1 . R O O M 3 P A R A M Á S I N F O R M A C I Ó N , L L A M E A L 4 1 5 -4 8 5 -3 3 5 5 O ¡AYÚDANOS A SELECCIONAR EL NUEVO EQUIPO DE JUEGOS PARA EL PARQUE PICKLEWEED! ¡VOTE EN LA RED! https://goo.gl/forms/DdwBUtOfKH3ilhxf2 ¿C Ó M O ?: A C O M P Á Ñ E N O S E N L A R E U N I Ó N C O M U N I T A R I A D E L P I C K L E W E E K A D V I S O R Y B O A R D ¿C U Á N D O ?: M I É R C O L E S , 6 D E F E B R E R O 7 :0 0 P .M .-8 :3 0 P .M . ¿D Ó N D E ?: E L C E N T R O C O M U N I T A R I O D E A L B E R T J . B O R O , 5 0 C A N A L S T R E E T , S A L Ó N 3 , S A N R A F A E L , 9 4 9 0 1 N ➤➤ N © 2018 Google © 2018 Google © 2018 Google Item 6 MEMORANDUM Date: February 21, 2019 To: Park and Recreation Commission From: Susan Andrade-Wax, Community Services Director Subject: Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest Date Time Meeting/Event Location Feb. 13 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. 2040 General Plan Steering Committee BioMarin Conference Room, 750 Lindaro Street, San Rafael Feb. 18 CLOSED HOLIDAY ALL CITY OFFICES Feb. 19 7:00 pm City Council City Council Chamber, 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael Feb. 21 7:00 pm Park and Recreation Commission San Rafael Community Center, 618 B Street, San Rafael March 4 7:00 pm City Council City Council Chamber, 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael March 8 5:00 – 8:00 pm 2nd Friday Art Walk Downtown San Rafael March 18 7:00 pm City Council City Council Chamber, 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael April 28 3:30 p.m. Re-Dedication of Albert Park Playground Albert Park Playground, 618 B Street, San Rafael