HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2018-05-17 Agenda
Thursday, May 17, 2018
7:00 P.M.
San Rafael Community Center, 618 B Street
• Pledge of Allegiance
• Roll Call
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of March 15, 2018
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
A. Marin Bocce Federation
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. Speakers are
encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes.
If necessary to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time limits
for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Review Measure A Work Plan for July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019
5. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by the
Commission members.
6. Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda Page 2 of 2 May 17, 2018
NEXT MEETING: June 21, 2018
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Council less than 72 hours
before the meeting, shall be available for inspection at the Community Services Department, San Rafael,
Community Center, 618 B Street, San Rafael, CA 94901, and placed with other agenda-related materials on
the table at the Commission meeting prior to the meeting. American Sign Language interpreters and assistive
listening devices may be requested by calling (415) 485-3198 (TDD) or (415) 485-3333 (voice) at least 72
hours in advance. Copies of documents are available in accessible formats upon request. Public
transportation is available through Golden Gate Transit, Line 20 or 23. Paratransit is available by calling
Whistlestop Wheels at (415) 454-0964. To allow individuals with environmental illness or multiple chemical
sensitivity to attend the meeting/hearing, individuals are requested to refrain from wearing scented products.
San Rafael Community Center – 618 B Street, San Rafael, CA
March 15, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.
Chair Eric Holm called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Cicily Emerson, Jones, Stacey Laumann, Mark Machado, Vice Chair Tom
Obletz and Chair Eric Holm
Commissioners Absent: Mark Bustillos and Ralph Mihan
Staff Present: Debbie Younkin, Interim Community Services Director; Aaron Tubbs,
Parks Maintenance Supervisor; and Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative
Phil Martino was not present, but wanted to thank San Rafael for their support for the 2018 M.A.D
Festival that was on March 10th. Eric Holm also expressed his gratitude of support to Jason Fong,
Debbie Younkin, and Susan Andrade-Wax.
A. Selection of Commission Chair and Vice Chair
A motion was made and seconded to nominate and elect Eric Holm to continue to serve as the
Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission for March – December 2018.
AYES: Commissioners Emerson, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Obletz and Holm
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Bustillos and Mihan
A motion was made and seconded to nominate and elect Tom Obletz to continue to serve as the
Vice Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission for March – December 2018.
AYES: Commissioners Emerson, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Obletz and Holm
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Bustillos and Mihan
B. Review of the Commission Meeting Schedule for 2018
Staff reviewed with Commissioners the meeting schedule for 2018 and asked them to consider
and make changes as required. Commissioners reviewed the meeting schedule and agreed
that no changes were required at this time. There was some discussion of possibly changing
the meeting day.
C. Approval of Meeting Minutes January 18, 2018
A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the January 18, 2018 meeting.
The motion was approved unanimously.
A. Parks Report and Park-A-Month Program
Parks Maintenance Supervisor Aaron Tubbs presented information on the Park-a-Month
program. April 21st will be the first park clean up and beautification day which will be held at
Gerstle Park. Outreach has been co-coordinated through the City’s Volunteer Coordinator with
the assistance of the HOA and Nextdoor. The program will be supervised by both Parks
Maintenance Supervisors Aaron Tubbs and Brendan Mitchell and features eight (8) City parks
between April and November. Tools and supplies will be provided to the volunteers when they
get there. To ensure safety, the Parks staff will walk the park sites prior to the clean-up days to
dispose of any needles or other paraphernalia.
Commissioner Obletz asked if they would be taking suggestions from the HOA on projects and
things they want and/or need done. Aaron replied that yes.
Commissioner Laumann asked that they please keep track of the volunteer numbers. Debbie
replied that staff have to keep track anytime the City uses volunteers.
B. Directors Report
• Interim Director Debbie Younkin stated that the new Community Services Director,
Susan Andrade-Wax started on February 20th. She is enthusiastic and supportive.
• Both Ms. Andrade-Wax and Senior Recreation Supervisor Steve Mason are both
attending CPRS conference.
• The ABCC front desk Office Assistant, Jeannette Sotomayor retired after 20+ years
working for the City.
• The Summer brochure is coming out next week.
• The Coleman Childcare Director, Theresa Fullmer will also be retiring next month
after 25 years with the City. Stacey asked what the outlook for recruiting was, and if
it was still a crisis. Debbie replied that the Salaries, job classification, and Union
negotiations are coming up this Fall. We are looking to move away from the
Childcare module. Dixie school district is using an outside vendor to contract to the
Dixie childcare sites. The Union may not be ok with this model. Stacey asked if we
could go to the school district directly, and Debbie let her know that Bushy and
Gamblin are involved with the school board meetings already.
• This summer there are four (4) movies in the park nights planned, and a summer
festival in June at the Terra Linda Park.
C. Commission Members Report
• March 24th is March for our Lives
• Opening day for Little League is March 24th. The streets will be blocked off and
Albert Park will be barricaded and caution tape surrounding the area for safety.
• Saturday, May 12th is the May Madness event. There will be a car show, parade of
cars, and an after party hosted by the Elks with “Pride and Joy”.
• The Italian street fair will be held on June 23rd and June 24th in Downtown.
• Commissioners Holm and Jones went to the 2040 General Plan meeting. Stephanie
Plant is the Chair. There was not a general statement. They adopted the 2020 plan
to make tweaks to the 2040 plan.
• Commissioner Obletz discussed the tree survey. There is a very specific survey
done on the downtown area, and neighborhood to neighborhood. San Rafael has
been a tree city for 36 years. Near the Riley Street Arts store he doesn’t see a lot of
replanting of trees. He would like to see us step up the effort. He would like to see
this as a topic for next month’s meeting.
• Commissioner Jones brought up Measure A funds. We voted on this a couple of
years ago. Debbie said she brought this to the Director’s attention to bring to the
meeting next month.
• Commissioner Emerson Cecily brought up the parks prescriptions program. This
brought up the detection of Lyme disease in Gerstle Park. She said this is the only
park that has tested positive. Commissioner Obeltz stated that the neighborhood
association is concerned.
The meeting was adjourned 8:47 p.m.
May 17, 2018
Item 4
In November 2012, an ordinance (“Measure A”) of the County of Marin was approved by a two-
thirds majority of the electors voting on the Measure. Measure A imposes a nine year one-
quarter of one percent retail transactions and use tax that is administered by the County of
Marin. The purpose of Measure A is to support the preservation of Marin County parks, open
space preserves, and farmland. The tax is generated is estimated, at current collection levels, to
generate approximately $10 million per year. This level of revenue changes during the life of the
Measure due to the variability in annual receipts.
Measure A’s expenditure plan outlines three (3) programs for spending the sales tax proceeds.
Each program is described by its funding allocation, and types of projects and activities that the
funding supports. They include the County Parks and Open Space Program, the Farmland
Preservation Program; and the City, Town, and Applicable Special District Program.
Historically the City has used Measure A funding to support four general activities: park
maintenance, vegetation management, protection of open space and park improvements. In FY
2018-2019 the City will continue to support these activities with $763,399 in planned program
That the Commission receive report and provide comment.
Page 2 of 3
In November 2012, an ordinance (“Measure A”) of the County of Marin was approved by a two-
thirds majority of the electors voting on the Measure. Measure A imposes a nine year one-
quarter of one percent retail transactions and use tax that is administered by the County of
Marin. The purpose of Measure A is to support the preservation of Marin County parks, open
space preserves, and farmland. The tax is generated is estimated, at current collection levels, to
generate approximately $10 million per year. This level of revenue changes during the life of the
Measure due to the variability in annual receipts.
Measure A’s expenditure plan outlines three (3) programs for spending the sales tax proceeds.
Each program is described by its funding allocation, and types of projects and activities that the
funding supports.
• County Parks and Open Space Program (65%)
o 80% is to protect or restore natural resources, and maintain existing county
parks and open space preserves.
o 20% is dedicated to the permanent preservation of land for public open space,
community separators, wildlife corridors, greenbelts, and habitat.
• Farmland Preservation Program (20%)
o To protect Marin County farmland at risk of subdivision and development and
preserve Marin's working farms and ranches.
• City, Town, and Applicable Special District Program (15%)
o Funding is allocated to cities, towns, and special districts to manage parks, open
space preserves, nature preserves, recreation programs, and vegetation to
promote biodiversity and reduce wildfire risk.
Of the 15% that is allocated to town, cities and special districts (approximately $2.08 million),
the City of San Rafael receives 22.91% based on its population. In Fiscal Year 2018-2019 the
projected Measure A tax revenue is $476,662. The City of San Rafael uses this funding to
support park maintenance, removal and vegetation management, protection of open space, and
park related capital improvement projects. The proposed project expenditures for Fiscal Year
2018-2019 was presented to the City’s Finance Committee on May 8, 2018.
Historically the City has used Measure A funding to support four general activities: park
maintenance, vegetation management, protection of open space and park improvements. In FY
2018-2019 the City will continue to support these activities with $763,399 in planned program
• Community Wildfire Protection: the focus of the Fire Department’s vegetation
management program is to reduce the risk of highly flammable vegetation, like juniper
and bamboo, from causing large fires in residential areas. $122,555, or 16%, will support
wildfire protection through vegetation management. The Measure A funding the
department receives funds a fixed term Vegetation Management Specialist that works
with property owners throughout the community to reduce the amount of highly
flammable vegetation surrounding homes.
• Vegetation Management and Parks Maintenance: Public Works utilizes $155,000, or
21% in Measure A funding for a vegetation management and parks maintenance
program that focuses on City parks and open space. The program relies on goats and
vegetation “chipper days” to reduce invasive species and to control erosion.
Page 3 of 3
• Preservation of Public Safety in Community Open Space: the police department has
two (2) open space rangers dedicated to patrolling open space within the City of San
Rafael. The purpose of these rangers is to minimize the occurrence of illicit and illegal
behavior in City parks and open space. A total of $75,509, or 10% of Measure A funding
supports this function.
• Park Capital Improvements and Maintenance
The City’s FY 18-19 Capital Improvement program will rely on $410,335, or 54% of
Measure A funding to support the following park improvement projects in FY 18-19.
o Albert Park Improvement Project the City proposes utilizing $310,335 of
Measure A funding in support of a redesign of the Albert Park playground area.
The City has contracted with Abey/Arnold Associates, Landscape Architects, to
conduct public meetings and develop design concepts for the park redesign
which is also included in the City’s Capital Improvement Plan.
o Victor Jones Park Improvement Project this project includes accessibility and
infrastructure improvements to Victor Jones Park, a 6-acre park located in the
Glenwood neighborhood and will utilize $100,000 in Measure A funding in FY 18-
The City has received funding in support of Open Space preservation and improvement
activities on an annual basis since 2012. The City is permitted to roll unused funding from
previous fiscal years into the next fiscal year to be used towards programing. In FY 18-19 the
projected unused Measure A funding is $284,937. When combined with projected revenue for
FY 18-19 of $476,662, there will be a total of $763,399 in funds available to support the
$763,399 in planned program expenditures.
Any other action as determined by the Commission.
Submitted by:
Susan Andrade-Wax
Community Services Director
1. Measure A Work Plan for July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019
Page 1 of 4
Work Plan
Measure A City, Town, and Applicable Special District Program
Proposed Expenditure of Measure A Funds for July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019
Timely and accurate completion of this report is a condition of receiving Measure A funds.
• This work plan must be completed by an authorized representative of the recipient.
• Please complete this work plan, then scan and e-mail it to Kevin Wright, Marin County Parks External Affairs Coordinator (kwright@marincounty.org), by June 1, 2018.
• Contact Mr. Wright by e-mail (kwright@marincounty.org) or phone (415) 473-2129 if you have any questions, or if you have suggestions to improve this form.
• Marin County Parks will review this plan within one month of its receipt to ensure that proposed expenditures are consistent with Marin County Ordinance 3586 (Measure
• Recipients must provide Marin County Parks with 30-days prior notice of any project additions or substitutions that are proposed while a work plan is in effect.
• Total actual project expenditures may not exceed recipient’s actual Measure A funding for any given fiscal year, plus any balance remaining from previous years.
This portion of page is intentionally blank. Proceed to next page.
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A. Name of Recipient (city, town, or special district): City of San Rafael
B. Recipient’s representative and contact information: (Please print all information)
Name: Mark Moses
Title: Finance Director
Address: PO Box 151560
City, Zip: San Rafael, CA 94901-1560
Phone: 415.485.5018
E-mail: mark.moses@cityofsanrafael.org
C. Total estimated funds for Fiscal Year 2017-18:
i. Estimated carry-over
balance of
recipient’s Measure A
funds from
previous fiscal years
ii. Estimate of recipient’s
Measure A funds for
FY 2017-18. (This
information will be
provided by Marin County
iii. Total estimated available
funds for FY 17-18
(i + ii).
$ 284,937.00 $ 476,662.00 $ 763,399.00
Page 3 of 4
D. Recipient’s Measure A Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2018-19:
Name of work or project: Primary purpose
of work or project.
Select only one
from list below. **
Description. Be as specific as possible.
Include numbers related to square footage of
facilities, acreage, etc. If Measure A funds
were used for maintenance, use numbers to
indicate change from pre-Measure A
Amount of Measure A
funds estimated to be
amount(s) of
for use. If
none, enter
Total expenditures
projected for work or
project in current
reporting year
Wild Land Urban Interface
Vegetation Program
e .5FTE Wildland Urban Interface Inspector $ 82,555 -0- $82,555
Vegetation Removal on City
Park/Open Space
Contractual removal of vegetation on City
Park/Open Space to support Wildland Urban
Interface Program
$ 40,000 -0- $40,000
Contractual Vegetation Removal for
Parks and Open Space; Invasive
Species Removal
g Contractual removal of vegetation within City
Parks/Open Space $100,000 -0- $100,000
Contractual Parkette Maintenance
a Contractual maintenance services for 9 City owned
Parkettes $ 55,000 -0- $55,000
Park Improvements b
Albert Park Playground Improvements
Victor Jones Park Improvements
-0- $410,335
Park/Open Space Security e P/T Open Space Ranger services to secure
against activity posing high risk for fire damage $ 75,509 -0- $75,509
Estimated Total
$ 763,399
Page 4 of 4
**Select work or project purpose only from the following menu:
a) Routine maintenance
b) Renovation of existing recreational facility, including infrastructure (includes planning, environmental review, permitting, design development, etc.)
c) Construction of new park or recreation facility (includes planning, environmental review, permitting, de sign development, etc.)
d) Parkland acquisition
e) Fuel reduction - all types of fuel breaks, including primary, ridgeline, etc.
f) Flashy fuel reduction (ROW, street ends, trail heads, etc.)
g) Natural resource protection and restoration, and invasive plant control
h) Maintaining vehicle access
i) Sudden Oak Death
j) Hazard tree removal
k) Inventory and monitoring
l) Wildlife management monitoring
m) Vegetation and wildlife management - Other-
E. Certification
I certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge.
__________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
Signature Title
__________________________________________ _________________________________
Print Name Date
Item 6
Date: May 17, 2018
To: Parks and Recreation Commission
From: Susan Andrade-Wax, Community Services Director
Subject: Schedule of Upcoming Meetings and Events of Interest
Date Time Meeting/Event Location
May 17 6:00 – 9:00 pm Downtown San Rafael Market Downtown San Rafael
May 17 7:00 pm Parks and Recreation
San Rafael Community Center, 618 B Street,
San Rafael
May 21 7:00 pm City Council City Council Chamber, 1400 Fifth Avenue, San
May 22 7:00 pm Planning Commission City Council Chamber, 1400 Fifth Avenue, San
May 24 6:00 – 9:00 pm Downtown San Rafael Market Downtown San Rafael
May 28 All Day Memorial Day All City Offices Closed
May 31 6:00 – 9:00 pm Downtown San Rafael Market Downtown San Rafael
June 2 5:05 pm Pacifics Opening Day Albert Park Field
June 4 7:00 pm City Council City Council Chamber, 1400 Fifth Avenue, San
June 7 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Community Job Fair San Rafael Community Center, 618 B Street,
San Rafael
June 7 6:00 – 9:00 pm Downtown San Rafael Market Downtown San Rafael
June 8 5:00 – 8:00 pm 2nd Friday Art Walk Downtown San Rafael
June 12 6:00 pm Library Commission Library Meeting Room, 1100 E Street, San
June 12 7:00 pm Planning Commission City Council Chamber, 1400 Fifth Avenue, San
June 14 6:00 – 9:00 pm Downtown San Rafael Market Downtown San Rafael
June 16 5:00 – 7:30 pm Family Fun Day Terra Linda Park, 670 Del Ganado Road, San