HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2018-07-19 Minutes1
San Rafael Community Center – 618 B Street, San Rafael, CA
July 19, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.
Vice Chair Tom Obletz called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Vice Chair Tom Obletz, Cicily Emerson, Jeff Jones, Stacey
Laumann, Mark Machado, Kathryn Reisinger
Commissioners Absent: Mark Bustillos, Nicholas Skewes-Cox
Staff Present: Susan Andrade-Wax, Community Services Director; Steve Mason,
Senior Recreation Supervisor; Henry Bankhead, Acting Library
Director; and Becky Ordin, Senior Administrative Assistant
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of May 17, 2018
A motion was made by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Commissioner Laumann, to
approve the minutes of the May 17, 2018 meeting as corrected. The motion was approved
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
A. Pickleweed Advisory Board 2017 Annual Report
Ms. Andrade-Wax introduced Steve Mason, Senior Supervisor for the Boro Center and
Pickleweed Park. Mr. Mason introduced Former Chair, Jenny Broering, and Lieu Phan.
Ms. Broering presented the 2017 Annual Report. She also spoke about the idea of putting a
light up sign in front of the center to display events and programs that are going on.
Commissioner Laumann asked if there was room for more programing with additional
activities. If yes would it warrant pursuing additional parking to alleviate the access frustrations
and grow the reach of the center.
Mr. Mason stated that the issue with adding programs is that the parking is limited. In the
original plans of the center there was an outdoor basketball court next to the preschool. In
eliminating the court, we could potentially gain 12-18 parking spaces. The City is also working
at other areas for parking including something near Schoen park.
Ms. Broering stated the sign idea came from City Council. The Board didn’t think it was
something they needed. Mr. Mason noted that it came from the Community engagement
initiative from City Council. Kate Colin is very involved in that and felt that we could
communicate in multiple languages including English, Spanish and Vietnamese. The sign
could post community meetings and events, and the center could promote activities, and
special events that are going on.
Commissioner Jones asked if the 3-hour parking has helped. Mr. Mason answered that it has
helped, but it hasn’t solved it. Commissioner Jones thanked Mr. Mason and Ms. Broering.
Each year, their presentation gets better and better each year.
Commissioner Machado asked about the Kids Club waitlist and wanted to know if that was due
to not having enough people to work with the kids, or just not having enough space in the
facility. Ms. Broering answered that it’s kind of both. They are the only organization that gives
a full disclosure of their staff’s budget, and they are paying their staff benefits. For every child
in the program there are 2 on the waitlist. Most students come in when they are in first grade
and continue through fifth grade. The large waitlist is a combination of the limited space of the
facility and the amount of staff that Catholic Charities can provide.
Commissioner Reisinger asked if they have ever tried valet parking. Mr. Mason answered that
they have, but only for City sponsored events. If they ever did get the basketball area, they
could use that area, but it is limited to space. They have also used the school’s parking lot,
and the Health and Wellness Campus for large events like Day of the Dead.
Commissioner Emerson asked who the parking contact was through the Health and Wellness
Campus, and did we have to pay extra? Mr. Mason answered that we did not have to pay
extra, and Douglas Mundo, who is also on the Pickleweed committee, helped arrange it. The
Community Service vans were used to shuttle. Commissioner Emerson thinks that the County
would allow the Albert J. Boro Community Center to use their parking lot more frequently since
it is not utilized after 5pm.
Commissioner Emerson also asked if Mr. Mason has looked at using the areas along the field
for parking. Mr. Mason stated that the area is mostly wetlands past the fields, and even if it
were usable there are a lot of security issues with people partying back there on the
weekends. Commissioner Emerson added that they are all doing such a great job, and have
many well-established programs in the community, and they are really thriving. She is looking
forward to more programs that can get to that level where they are institutionalized.
Commissioner Obletz would like to explore having the Commission meeting at the Boro Center
when they give their annual report next time. It is a good opportunity for the Commission to
get out into the community and let Steve show off his fabulous facility. He also asked if the
group was subject to term limits. Mr. Mason answered no, and the chairs are voted in and
Commissioner Obletz commented that it appears we are over the transition period with Perfect
Mind. He asked if things are going well with that. Mr. Mason answered that yes, and it has
been a growing experience. There are still a few little glitches, but everything is working, but it
can work smoother. We are making progress.
Commissioner Obletz also spoke of the parking. He attended both the Day of the Dead, and
the Eagle Scouts ceremony, and thought using Pickleweed’s limited parking and using Bahia
Vista school’s parking worked out well. For the Eagle Scouts ceremony, he created a parking
space for former Mayor Al Boro to be able to get into the building with his limited mobility. Mr.
Boro was pleased to be there.
Commissioner Obletz asked with respect to revenue and expenses how long before you will
really know what the numbers are after you close out from last year? Mr. Mason stated that
they will know by the end of July. Commissioner Obletz would like to get an update from the
Director. He would like to compare registration and activities year over year.
Ms. Broering added, regarding the Eagle Scouts, the board issued letters for the kids to build
their portfolios documenting their community service they have done in recognition of the City
of San Rafael. It was an easy thing for them to do, and very meaningful for them.
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
Commissioner Reisinger was asked to introduce herself to the Commission while the Library
was setting up. Commissioner Reisinger has lived in San Rafael her entire life except the 4
years that she was at Cal Berkeley. She currently works for the City of Mill Valley as a Parks
and Recreation Supervisor. She previously worked at the Terra Linda Community Center as a
Program Coordinator. She is a mom to 3 kids. She has been wanting to be on the Parks and
Recreation Board for some time and is excited to have finally joined the Commission.
4. Library Facilities Planning Project Update
Ms. Andrade-Wax introduced Henry Bankhead who is the acting Director for the Library
Services Department.
Mr. Bankhead stated he the purpose of the presentation is to give the Parks and Recreation
Commission a heads up on the Library expansion planning process, and how it could affect the
parks. Mr. Bankhead gave his presentation.
Commissioner Laumann asked if the consultants will be studying underground parking for all
the locations. She thinks Albert park would be a great opportunity for under the library parking.
This would connect more activities to the San Rafael Community Center, which would be
valuable to the community. Mr. Bankhead stated that underground parking adds to the cost. It
is more expensive than building up. Commissioner Laumann stated that Pickleweed should be
a definite consideration to have a multi-level parking lot.
Commissioner Jones questioned Boyd park not being a popular spot. Mr. Bankhead stated
that the concern was losing park space. Commissioner Jones asked how the expansion of the
Terra Linda Community Center into the basketball court area was received. Mr. Bankhead
answered that there weren’t many people there to get the appropriate feedback.
Commissioner Jones stated that he supports everything they do to make this happen.
Commissioner Machado is very excited to see the Library expansion. He believes that the City
is going to become denser, and people will need places to go. He asked if there will be some
public relations, or outreach program regarding the impact of helping the folks that are
concerned about the traffic other issues that may come out of the project. Mr. Bankhead
answered they are reaching out to people beyond the public meeting phase. Such as a
survey. There is a library foundation that is dedicated to the project. Once they get a concept
they can build the enthusiasm.
Ms. Andrade-Wax stated this initial study is to try and identify every viable option/location and
to explore them more fully. After the initial study is completed, it will be presented to the City
Council for their review and direction. This is just the beginning step of a much larger process.
Commissioner Machado asked to consider when they do the design could they do so in such a
way that there wouldn’t be a lot of space for loitering. Mr. Bankhead worked with the group
that designed the Los Gatos Library that was designed for many people.
Commissioner Reisinger was not aware that this project was even happening. She would like
to help get the word out through the schools and social media. Mr. Bankhead said they do
post things through the schools using Peach jar and could send something out that way.
Commissioner Emerson asked what is the general timeline at this point? Mr. Bankhead
answered that 5 years is optimistic. The architects say it will be 2 years from approval.
They are planning on presenting the study to the City Council in the Fall.
Commissioner Emerson asked if the idea is that all 3 sites get built. Mr. Bankhead answered
yes and no it is hard to say. They are not locked into doing them all, but they are looking at
doing them all. They all relate to each other, and they won’t know until they get further in the
Commissioner Laumann commented that from the Parks and Recreation Commission
perspective she can see all of these as a great opportunity for our parks. It brings more
activity, more connection, and the curb appeal will be heightened at all the locations.
Commissioner Obletz suggested checking out what is going on in the Portland area. Their
Hollywood branch has 6 floors of senior housing. There is a pool between the housing and the
library, which was part of the design, so that if a pipe was ever to break it would go into the
pool area. The housing also provides built in volunteers for the library. Regarding
partnerships, don’t rule out Dominican University, and don’t give up on the County.
5. Selection of Commission Chair and Commission Representative to the General
Plan 2040 Steering Committee
Ms. Andrade-Wax explained the options for the selection.
Commissioner Obletz asked for nominations for Chair of the Commission. Commissioner
Machado nominated Commissioner Tom Obletz, and Commissioner Laumann seconded the
AYES: Commissioners Obletz, Emerson, Jones, Laumann, Machado, and
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Bustillos and Skewes-Cox
Commissioner Jones nominated Commissioner Machado as Vice Chair. Commissioner Obletz
seconded the nomination.
AYES: Commissioners Obletz, Emerson, Jones, Laumann, Machado, and
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Bustillos and Skewes-Cox
Commissioner Obletz asked for nominations fo r the 2040 Steering Committee. Commissioner
Laumann nominated Commissioner Jones. Commissioner Machado seconded the motion.
AYES: Commissioners Obletz, Emerson, Jones, Laumann, Machado, and
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Bustillos and Skewes-Cox
Commissioner Jones nominated Commissioner Emerson as alternate representative.
AYES: Commissioners Obletz, Emerson, Jones, Laumann, Machado, and
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Bustillos and Skewes-Cox
Ms. Andrade-Wax stated that this will be formally approved, hopefully, at their August 6th
meeting because there have been several shifts that have occurred. It is part of the bylaws
that stated it had to go back to City Council.
6. Review of the Commission Meeting Schedule for 2018
Ms. Andrade-Wax reviewed the existing calendar for the remainder of the year. She stated the
Commission must take formal action if they would like to cancel the August and December
Commissioner Jones made a motion to cancel the August and December meetings.
Commissioner Machado seconded it.
AYES: Commissioners Obletz, Emerson, Jones, Laumann, Machado, and
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Bustillos and Skewes-Cox
7. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by
the Commission members.
Commissioner Emerson reported that the Health and Human Services is going to do an
information fair that the community will be invited to in October. In the past it was just an
internal event.
Commissioner Machado requested that when giving comments after presentations that when
we go in order we start at the opposite end after each p resentation. Commissioner Emerson
suggested that we have a show in hands and go in order of the show in hands.
Community Services was successful in upgrading some of our positions to Program
Coordinator. One of the positions will be for the Albert J Boro Community Center under Steve
Mason, and the other will be overseeing the Goldenaires and Contract Class programs at the
San Rafael Community Center. There is also a Management Analyst, who will be looking at
the Department’s budget and cost recovery goals, program and facility fees, and reviewing the
Department’s policies and procedures.
Lastly, the Albert Park Playground Renovation project is currently ‘out to bid’. She will keep
the commission updated on the process as the project moves forward.
The meeting was adjourned 9:14 p.m.