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San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes: May 24, 2017
Chair Eric Holm called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. at San Rafael Community Center
Roll Call: Commissioners: Mark Bustillos, Chair Eric Holm, Jeff Jones, Stacey Laumann, Mark Machado,
Ralph Mihan, Vice Chair Tom Obletz, Cicily Emerson, Alternate
Commissioners Present: Bustillos, Emerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz
Commissioners Absent: None
City Councilmember Present: N/A
Staff Present: Kelly Albrecht, Senior Recreation Supervisor; Laura Washburn, Program Coordinator; Dave
Davenport, Parks Superintendent; Kevin McGowan, Assistant Public Works Director; Stacey Petersen,
Human Resources Director and Debbie Younkin, Interim Community Services Director
Open time for Public Comment: NA.
Commission Chair, Eric Holm asked for item 2B be moved to the top of the agenda.
2B. Parks Report
Parks Superintendent Davenport presented information on the draft Integrated Pest Management policy
currently being reviewed by the City. Included in the policy is a list of approved pesticide and herbicides.
Policy includes review of IPM for city buildings, parks, landscaped areas and all public facilities. New system
will allow for improved training program, reporting and using website for educating the public. Davenport
reported that posting requirements require a 24 hour posting in advance of all parks and public right way
areas. He reported that they would be meeting with Councilmember Colin to review the new policy.
Commissioner Mihan commented about the controversy over exposure in public areas such as Parks.
Davenport commented that the new policy would align with the County of Marin’s approach and policy.
Commissioner Mihan asked about the weed/overgrown vegetation issue. Davenport commented that due to
all of the rain and vegetation growth that the public will need to exercise some tolerance as it relates to
weeds. Councilmember Obletz recommended that a copy of the sign that staff use to notice the
herbicide/pesticide application be included in the policy as an example. Assistant Public Works Director
McGowan commented that the hope is other jurisdictions in the county will follow suit and everyone will
move in the same direction with the IPM policy.
McGowan reported on the Capital Improvement Project list and the process. Receiving over ninety inches of
rain this past year affected the priorities of what could be done. He said a few projects had been lost due to
the staff and resources needed from the storms. McGowan reported that the Bret Harte Restroom was
delayed. He also said that Economic Development was moving into the Boyd House and that installation of
a new park restroom is continuing to move forward since there are ADA issues that need to be met.
McGowan mentioned that the loss of two engineers created the delay in the Victor Jones Park project but
that a consultant has been hired and it should be moving forward. He also commented that on June 19, the
Albert Park Improvement project will go before City Council for awarding of design documents. McGowan
informed the Commission that the Shoreline Parkway bathroom was closed roughly 20 years ago and when
the City asked to remove it, BCDC has recently asked that it be re-opened. Concerns have been expressed
over safety issues with reopening the restroom and the City is trying to get BCDC to reconsider its
McGowan commented that the CIP list is an extensive document that is prioritized based on safety,
aesthetics and goals. All departments are part of the process to determine what funding is available, what
needs to be done now and what can be deferred. Some projects are pushed if resources such as funding
or staffing become stretched.
1. Action Items
A. Childcare presentation
Kelly Albrecht, Senior Recreation Supervisor, reported on the Childcare program. Albrecht
mentioned that the program is at capacity with waitlist at certain sites, especially in the Dixie
School District. As a licensed childcare program, they have a 1:14 ratio. Part of the waitlist
issue is due to a lack of staffing. Albrecht said she has been recruiting for qualified teachers but
is having a hard time finding staff to fill positions. She used Vallecito childcare as an example,
the site is licensed for 119, but they are only able to take 95. If fully staffed, that would leave
roughly 40 on the waitlist. Albrecht mentioned that Department staff was looking into the
possibility of adding an additional portable at Vallecito School but that additional locations
would need to be considered to help with the waitlists at Mary Silveira and Dixie Schools.
B. Budget
Kelly Albrecht, Senior Recreation Supervisor, reported on the $3.8 million operating Childcare
budget. The last five years the program has been self-supporting and money is set aside
each year towards the replacement of portables at school sites. Albrecht mentioned that fees
will be increased in July and have not been raised in four years. Albrecht shared that San
Rafael School District is moving to full day kindergarten which means the need to juggle staff
and adding a morning program to Glenwood and Coleman.
C. Community Engagement
Laura Washburn, Marketing Coordinator, presented a promotional flyer that detailed
programs, facilities and participation numbers along with a survey. This is the first piece
being developed to help with community engagement relating to Community Services.
Commissioners provided suggestions to enhance the flyer and suggested additional items for
the survey.
D. Summer Events
Younkin reported that new special events were planned for the month of July which is the
national July is Park and Recreation month. She reported that the an old fashion family fun
event would be planned that would include games, music, food and fun for the family. Events
would take place at Boyd Park, Terra Linda Park and Gerstle Park. The goal is to also include a
family movie night in August to wrap up the summer. Commissioner Mihan suggested looking
into use of the park at Bio Marin for the movie night.
2. Commission Items
A. Director’s Report
Younkin reported that the Mother’s Day Brunch at Falkirk sold out prior to the event and that Risa
DeFerrari did a nice job organizing the event that included everything from a catered lunch,
vendors, photos, donations and more. Younkin reported that the floors at the pool had been fixed
but that there was a concern over the two different colors of flooring and that will be repaired
during the off season. Younkin also reported that the tennis courts at Albert Park will be resurfaced
soon. She also mentioned that the front line Department staff will start cross training between
locations to get a better understanding and appreciation of each position and area of responsibility,
as well as be able to assist customers without the need to transfer calls. Younkin reminded
Commissioners of the Pacifics upcoming opening night on June 6, where retired Community
Services Director, Carlene McCart will be recognized.
C. Commission Members Reports
No reports
E. Approval of Meeting Minutes April 20, 2017
M/s Machado/Jones to approve the April 2017 Park & Recreation Commission Minutes as amended.
AYES: Emerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Obletz
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bustillos, Mihan
The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.