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San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes: April 20, 2017
Chair Eric Holm called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at San Rafael Community Center
Roll Call: Commissioners: Mark Bustillos, Eric Holm, Chair, Jeff Jones, Stacey Laumann, Mark Machado,
Ralph Mihan, Tom Obletz, Vice Chair, Cicily Emerson, Alternate
Commissioners Present: Emerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Obletz
Commissioners Absent: Bustillos. Mihan
City Councilmember Present: N/A
Staff Present: Ashley Howe, Senior Recreation Supervisor, Debbie Younkin, Interim Community Services
Open time for Public Comment:
1. Action Items
A. San Rafael Pacifics Update
Mike Shapiro reported out on the 2016 Pacifics Baseball Season and welcomed everyone to
opening day on June 6 where retired Community Services Director, Carlene McCart will be
recognized for her support of the Pacifics. Appreciation was also expressed to Eric Holm, Tom
Obletz, Ashley Howe and the City of San Rafael for the continued support and partnership.
Pacifics are going into their sixth year. They have made seventy five community appearances,
everything from schools, fundraisers, non-profits and more) and donated over $20,000 in
tickets to local non-profits. Over 18,000 visitors came to the Pacifics games and 40% was from
San Rafael. Attendance has been declining, with a primary reason of families travelling more.
In 2016, the Pacifics lost money. There was a decline in sponsorships and ticket sales and have
acquired more long term debt. For 2017, they are working on more fun activities to encourage
more people to come out such as “My Immigrant Story”; Women in Sports and much more.
Pacifics are looking for host families and sponsorships. The Pacifics are hoping to help with
improvements to the facility including upgrades, renovating visitors’ clubhouse, painting and
upgrades to backstops. Commissioner Jones asked the status of other teams in the area. Mike
commented that Napa is hoping to add a team in 2018. A new mascot will be introduce “John
the running Toilet”. Commissioner Emerson asked if there had been outreach to the Latino
community and Mike commented that they were working with Canal Alliance. Commissioner
Obletz asked if there were any parking concerns and Mike commented that Bio Marin was very
supportive. Obletz suggested a community group be formed to brainstorm ideas to help with
the Pacifics success.
B. Marin Bocce Federation Annual Report
Jolene Kramer, President of the Marin Bocce Federation presented on the 2016 season. Jolene
Kramer mentioned that she replaced Gina Silvestri as President. Kramer is a small business owner,
San Rafael resident for 35 years and has been playing bocce for the last ten years. This is the 21st
year in operation and relies heavily on community support. During the peak season there can be
5,000 players in a month. The leagues are filled with 160 teams. There is a current waitlist of about
one year. Kramer commented that all ages play bocce and those with mobility issues still find a way
to play. She mentioned that they have players in wheelchairs and walkers who come out to play.
The Marin Bocce Federation was able to donate money to the Albert Park Improvement Project.
They are financially solvent and provided a copy of their profit/loss spreadsheet for 2016. There will
be no increase in player fees for 2016. Kramer provided a written annual report that was provided
to Commissioners.
C. Program Area Update – Athletics
Ashley Howe, Senior Recreation Supervisor reported out on the start of spring leagues. Howe
reported that rain delayed the field opening from Feb. 6 to March 6th and cancelled 15 high school
and little leagues games. Howe is working with the high schools and San Rafael Little League to
reschedule as many Marin Academy and San Rafael High games as possible before May 13th. The
Marin County Athletic League (MCAL) playoff games will be hosted at Albert Park on May 17, 18 &
19. She also reported that leagues are down in participation. Saturday fast pitch softball was
cancelled for spring season due to low team commitment. A minimum of four teams is needed to
run the league. Increased marketing efforts to increase participation and awareness for Monday
night fast pitch scheduled to begin May 22. Seven teams returned for Sunday night slow pitch
softball on April 2nd and the league continues to attract new players. We hope to see the league
grow to 8 or 10 teams in the next year.
The ages changed for men’s basketball from 40 to 35 years of age to increase participation.
Our Men’s basketball league has increased team registration over the last three seasons from four
to eight teams. Spring season games are hosted at Hall Middle School on Thursday nights from
March 23- June 15.
COED slow pitch softball began April 30th at McInnis Park with four teams. Team enrollment is
down from five teams last fall and six last summer. We are working to reach past teams and
increase participation for the fall season. We hosted a Softball Fest event at Albert Park on
Saturday, March 4th to kick off the season. Phil Martino and JD Diego, Team Managers of the
Sunday Night Slow Pitch league organized warm ups, a scrimmage, homerun derby, and BBQ with
the Elk’s Club. They also recognized the Elk’s Club donation and installation of the new flag pole
and thanked Carlene McCart, Erik Holm, and Ashley Howe for their assistance and partnership
through the process.
D. Measure A Project Status
Director Younkin reported that Measure A and CIP project lists for the coming year were still in
discussion but before Carlene McCart retired, she had recommended that Measure A funds for the
coming year be direct towards the Albert Park Improvement project. Commissioner Jones asked if
the Commission could revisit the list and tour park sites to determine priorities.
E. Bounce Houses in Parks
Director Younkin reported that she and Supervisor Howe were hoping to allow bounce house
rentals as an option for park rentals. Howe reported that there are many unauthorized bounce
houses in the parks. Younkin reported that the City Attorney’s office said bounce houses can be
allowed in City Parks. Younkin reported that staff would be evaluating park locations that would
make the most sense for bounce houses and will be looking into fees and guidelines for allowing
bounce houses in parks as part of a rental.
2. Commission Items
A. Director’s Report
Younkin reported that Carlene McCart had a successful retirement party and thanked those that
could attend and help with the event. Younkin reported that the Terra Linda Pool men’s locker
room flooring is cracking and will need to be redone. Younkin also reported out that a meeting with
held with Vice Mayor Bushey, along with Senior Recreation Supervisor, Kelly Albrecht, Assistant
Public Works Director Kevin McGowan, Trish Saylor’s, Child Care Director along with the
Superintendent of Dixie School District and the Principal of Dixie School met at Vallecito school to
discuss expansion ideas for childcare at Vallecito Elementary School. Younkin also reported that she
was hoping to implement family friendly events in the park this summer and asked for input from
the Commissioners. Music in the Park, Movie Nights and Old Fashion Carnival themes were
B. Falkirk Report
Younkin reported that the Falkirk would be having a special Earth Day celebration around the Living
Ocean on April 22. Falkirk will also be hosting a Mother’s Day Brunch on May 14.
C. Parks Report
Parks Superintendent Davenport provided information that was reported out. Parks crew worked on
installing new garbage cans in Gerstle Park (areas 1 and 2), cleaned up easements in Terra Linda,
planted vines and shrubs at the Terra Linda Community Center, awarded median contract to
Gardeners Guild, Inc, directed PG&E for tree planting program due to the mitigation of the gas
pipeline project., aerated, top dressed, and seeded the Pickleweed soccer field, completed Bayfront
Park landscaping project per requirements of BCDC, purchased drain covers for the Terra Linda
Pool; per County Health Department guidelines, removed play structure at Bernard Hoffman, due to
rotting structure and pruned in front of City Hall and the Library. Commissioner Laumann asked
about the status of the bathroom at Bret Harte. Younkin reported that she had left a message
earlier looking into the status and had not heard back yet.
D. Commission Members Reports
No reports
E. Approval of Meeting Minutes March 22, 2017
M/s Jones/Machado to approve the March 2017 Park & Recreation Commission Minutes with corrections:
Bustillos was absent; page 3 should reflect that Teresa Mastrioni is the Director of Trinity Preschool.
AYES: Emerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Obletz
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bustillos, Mihan
The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 p.m.