HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2017-02-16 Minutes1
San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes: February 16, 2017
Chair Eric Holm called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. at San Rafael Community Center
Roll Call: Commissioners: Mark Bustillos, Eric Holm, Chair, Jeff Jones, Stacey Laumann, Mark Machado,
Ralph Mihan, Tom Obletz, Vice Chair, Cicily Emerson, Alternate
Commissioners Present: Emmerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz
Commissioners Absent: Bustillos
Staff Present: Kevin McGowan, Assistant Director, Department of Public Works, Laura Washburn,
Marketing Coordinator, Steve Mason, Senior Recreation Supervisor; Debbie Younkin, Senior Recreation
1. Action Items
A. Freitas Park Proposal Update
Director McCart provided a summary of the history of the request by Terra Linda Homeowners Association
to secure improvements to the north parcel of Freitas Park. The original request was submitted by TLHA to
the Commission for recommendation to the Measure A Workplan. The proposal was not prioritized for
recommended funding. The TLHA returned to the Commission in January 2017 to request the design for
improvements be accepted as a Masterplan for the north parcel to enable the HOA to seek grant funding for
its installation. Staff indicated the cost of the project may be prohibitive due to infrastructure requirements
such as providing re-claimed water for irrigation, installing an irrigation and drainage system, and meeting
any ADA compliancy issues triggered by the improvements. The City cannot commit to resources for the
project at this time. The general consensus of the Commission was for the HOA to consider the workday
clean-up and a temporary/trial labyrinth. The Commission heard the request and held the agenda item
open for second public hearing on February 16.
Silvia Brady was introduced to speak on behalf of the TLHA. She thanked the City for addressing the safety
issue of exposed re-bar on the park site. She requested the trees on the site be assessed for health and
safety. Brady indicated the HOA would participate in organizing volunteer clean-up and work party events
on the site, fundraise for the purchase of new picnic tables and benches, and fundraise for the installation
of a temporary labyrinth feature for the park.
Obletz noted the City enters into many public/private partnerships that are beneficial to the community.
This is a project that can be accomplished using that approach.
Commissioner Mihan remarked the design is soothing, refreshing and peaceful.
Staff will coordinate volunteer and donation efforts with TLHOA
B. City Website Introduction and Review
Marketing Coordinator Washburn projected the City webpage on the screen and introduced the new
product as friendly for use on mobile devices and socially engaging. The new features are relevant and
current to how residents conduct business, with much improved understandability. The site format is easier
to use and to update.
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February 16, 2017
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The process to migrate from the previous website and build the new version consumed a year of time from
a team assembled to represent all departments, working with the contractual vender, ProudCity. Team
members worked on pages from different departments to assure that the information presented was
informative and understandable to those not in the specific field. Washburn helped to develop the
Economic Development page, for example.
She then demonstrated how to navigate and fully utilize the site.
Commissioner Emmerson noted that Rebecca Woodbury, Management Analyst was awarded the Code for
America recognition by the City, County, and Commission Marketing Association at a recent conference for
the web page project.
Commissioner Laumann commented on the positioning of a portion of the details on one page for
Commissioners agreed the look, feel and usability of the new site is engaging and a significant improvement
for the community.
C. Storm Damage Update
Assistant Director McGowan reported the resent storms produced ground saturation that resulted in hillside
slides as the primary impact. In January the Parks Division was temporarily combined with the Streets and
Sewer Division for maximum emergency response. Assigned staff worked 12 hour shifts to provide 24-hour
response. Major slides occurred on Irwin Avenue, where a house was red-tagged and others were in
jeopardy, on Mt View Avenue where one home was lost, and on Greenwood Avenue. All slides occurred on
private property. The City provided emergency safety, building and engineering services and support to
residents affected. The City will request FEMA assistance to reimburse costs incurred.
The City has a contract for emergency tree removal, and several trees were cleared and/or removed from
roadways during storm activity. City crews removed debris generated by water, sliding and wind, clearing
streets, culverts and other paths of travel.
Erosion on City owned Open Space caused minor sliding on gold Hill Grade.
Commissioner Obletz inquired about Boyd Park. McGowan responded that the visible water flow through
the park site and on to Mission Avenue is seasonal and typical as this is the runoff site for Dollar Hill.
Commissioner Mihan asked if streets were affected by fallen trees. McGowan responded streets were
blocked on 5th and on Bret Harte Avenues for periods of time during the storms.
Commissioner Laumann complimented the Public Works Department on their efficiency and responsiveness
during challenging times and conditions.
2. Commission Items
A. Director’s Report
Director McCart reported on steps to address child care service expansion in light of community need; City
approach to issues surrounding public improvements to Loch Lomond development; progress on new
software migration; repairs to the Terra Linda Community Pool deck; progress on the flagpole installation at
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Albert Park; recruitment process for the new Community Services Department Director; Parkside Children’s
Center interior paint project.
B. Falkirk Report
McCart reported on a successful second annual MashUp event that attracted poets and artists from five high
schools showing and reciting their work MashUp is a partnership with Marin Poetry Center. The next art
show is themed The Ocean and will feature lectures, art display, and children’s activities to coincide with
Earth Day. University of California Extension will enter into a ten year agreement with the City to continue
to provide the services of Marin Master Gardeners to the Falkirk grounds.
C. Parks Report
There was no report
D. Commission Members Reports
Chair Holm reminded the Commission that ticket sales have begun for the San Rafael Pacific’s 2017 baseball
Laumann announced she will participate on the interview panel for the Community Services Department
Director selection process.
E. Approval of Meeting Minutes January 19, 2017
M/s Obletz/Machado to approve the January 19, 2017 Park & Recreation Commission Minutes.
AYES: Emmerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz
NOES: None
ABSENT: Busillos
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
After the meeting was adjourned the Commission recognized Carlene McCart for her service and
congratulated her on her pending retirement.