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San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes: January 19, 2017
Chair Ralph Mihan called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. at San Rafael Community Center
Roll Call: Commissioners: Mark Bustillos, Eric Holm, Jeff Jones, Stacey Laumann, Mark Machado, Ralph
Mihan, Chair, Tom Obletz, Cicily Emerson, Alternate
Commissioners Present: Emmerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann (Late), Machado, Mihan, Obletz
Commissioners Absent: Bustillos
Staff Present: Steve Mason, Senior Recreation Supervisor; Debbie Younkin, Senior Recreation Supervisor
1. Action Items
A. Proposal of Design Concept for Masterplan of North Side of Freitas Park
Senior Supervisor Mason introduced Sylvia Brady from the Terra Linda Homeowners Association
who presented a design concept proposal for recommendation as Master Plan for North side of
Maria B. Freitas Park. Commissioner Obletz stated he had done some research on labyrinths and
had concerns that raised items could be a “trip and fall” hazard, especially for seniors. Brady
responded that the design could be shaped by grass, other plant material, or flat tile. Obletz asked
if the HOA had the ability to levy money for projects such as this. Brady responded no, that the
members only pay a $10 annual fee. In discussing the property, it was said that there were
currently rods sticking out of the ground near the steps that could be a hazard should someone fall.
Mason said he would notify the Parks Department.
Joe Harvey, Head of School at Mark Day School, supported the design and said that the school will
help with the maintenance of the park area which is adjacent to the school garden. Brady stated
that since there was an old non-working water fountain in the park there was probably access to
water. Mason clarified that an irrigation and planting plan must be approved by Marin Municipal
Water District and that reclaimed water will need to be brought to the site and separate backflow
prevention installed. Chair Mihan asked if leveled out, could a temporary labyrinth be laid out,
perhaps made of gravel or small rocks. Janell Hobart, the Landscape Designer working with the
HOA, said that a temporary labyrinth could be made and with a variety of items including spray
paint. Mason recommended not using spray paint as that may inspire local teens who hang out in
the park to treat it as a canvas for graffiti. Hobart said that the pine trees in the proposed area
may be diseased and have to be removed. Obletz suggested that the HOA work with the City’s
volunteer program and Parks Department for cleaning up the park. The potential need for required
ADA improvements should changes to the park be made was discussed and removal of the stairs
was suggested by Brady.
Commissioner Machado asked how long would it take for the HOA to raise the money for the
project. Brady replied that the playground project across the street took 15 years to fundraise.
Commissioner Jones asked if there was any support from Kaiser and Brady said that the chaplain
liked the idea and would walk there. Commissioner Emerson asked what the next steps for the
HOA would be. The general consensus of the Commission was for the HOA to consider the
workday clean-up and a temporary/trial labyrinth. Brady added that neighbors want to donate
trees. It was stated that the Parks Department be consulted regarding the planting of trees.
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January 19, 2017
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Commissioner Laumann asked if the HOA members had been surveyed about the project. Brady
replied that they have the support. Mihan mentioned that an email was received from Lee
FitzGerald opposing the development of the north side of Freitas Park as a labyrinth, favoring a
pétanque court instead. Brady was unaware of any opposition. Hobart said that considering the
California drought, a labyrinth is drought resistant and would utilize native plants where needed.
The area would have maintenance needs and Mark Day School has offered to have work days help.
Mihan suggested for the concept to go forward Brady should talk with Community Services Director
Carlene McCart about grading and having the City’s Parks Department look to see if the trees in
question are diseased, before proceeding with a trial labyrinth.
B. Open Space Procurement Policy
The Commission reviewed the Open Space Procurement Policy that had been amended at the
November 2016 meeting. Additional corrections were suggested, not limited to: changing the word
procurement to acquisition where appropriate; changing “Properties must satisfy a majority…” to
“Properties must satisfy significant elements…”; and changing “A property should provide a utility”
to “… provide a public good”. Additionally Laumann suggested have the City Attorney’s office check
to see if the criteria, “A property should have title with no alternative ownership options for
preservation and preferably fee simple title transfer” needed to be word-smithed.
M/s Holm/Obletz to approve the Open Space Procurement Policy as amended.
AYES: Emmerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bustillos
C. 2017 Community Service Award
The Annual California Park and Recreation Society District 1 Awards and Installation Banquet was
discussed. Traditionally the Commission nominates a community volunteer or service group to be
recognized. Mason and Younkin explained that this year the ceremony was two weeks earlier and
that the deadline to submit a nomination was the next day. A few ideas for this year and next were
suggested, however the Commission decided to pass on nominating a volunteer this year. Mason
and Senior Supervisor Younkin then informed the Board that retiring Community Services Director
Carlene McCart was being nominated for a professional award at the Banquet.
D. Reschedule of March Commission Meeting
Alternative dates for the March Park and Recreation Commission meeting were discussed since the
traditional day conflicts with the State of the City Dinner. Whereas a perfect date was not possible,
the Commission decided to meet on Thursday, March 9. Jones regretfully will not be able to
2. Commission Items
A. Director’s Report
Mason relayed McCart’s Director’s report including the Albert Park Redesign Project- Public Meeting
#1 Summary, the upcoming Albert Park Clean Up Day on January 21, the Community Services
Director recruitment, City Council’s January 17 approval of a 5% increase in Childcare fees, a
Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2017
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successful kick-off meeting with PerfectMind management software, and a budget recap of the first
six months of the current fiscal year.
B. Falkirk Report
Mason reported that the agreement with UC Davis Extension for the Marin Master Gardeners at
Falkirk was currently being negotiated as the current agreement sunsets this year.
C. Parks Report
There was no report.
D. Commission Members Reports
Holm reported on the status of the Albert Park flagpole.
Mihan announced the election of the Commission’s Chair and Vice Chair and said that it was time
for him to step aside for some new blood. Mihan then added that traditionally the Vice Chair
moves up to Chair and suggested that Holm do so and nominated Obletz as Vice Chair
M/s Mihan/Machado to appoint Holm as Chair of the Park & Recreation Commission and Obletz as
Vice Chair.
AYES: Emmerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz
NOES: Bustillos
Obletz thanked Mihan for 36 years of service Commission, many of which as Chair
E. Approval of Meeting Minutes November 18, 2016
M/s Obletz/Machado to approve the November 18, 2016 Park & Recreation Commission Minutes.
AYES: Emmerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz
NOES: Bustillos
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.