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San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes: July 21, 2016
Chair Ralph Mihan called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at the San Rafael Community Center
Roll Call: Commissioners: Mark Bustillos, Eric Holm, Jeff Jones, Stacey Laumann, Mark Machado, Ralph
Mihan, Chair, Tom Obletz, Cicily Emerson, Alternate
Commissioners Present: Bustillos, Emmerson, Holm, Laumann, Mihan, Obletz, Machado
Commissioners Absent: Emmerson, Jones
Staff Present: Carlene McCart, Director, Community Services; Steve Mason, Senior Recreation
Chairman Mihan called the meeting to order in honor of the 500+ year-old Blue Oak Tree that graced
Falkirk Estate until July 4, 2016 when it fell on a rare day when no events or guests were in or around
the Mansion.
1. Action Items
A. Report on Albert Park Improvement Project and Public Outreach
Director McCart introduced Natalie Levy, Danielle Sloneker and Carrie Marmish residents of the Gerstle
Park neighborhood and members of The B Team organized to beautify and improve the B Street vicinity.
The women returned to report back on the results of the neighborhood outreach requested by the
Commission to gauge support for an enlarged and improved playground area in Albert Park.
The group utilized Survey Monkey and social media to engage residents and business representatives.
333 responded. The highest expressed priority for improvements to Albert Park was the proposed
playground installation, at 35% of the responde nts. Two areas for specific age group play were preferred.
Picnic facilities were the second highest priority. When queried about safety issues in Albert Park, the
survey revealed that most respondents won’t utilize the Park unless the area has a perception of
improved safety and intimidating factors are replaced.
The group also met with the Marin Bocce Federation, San Rafael Police and distributed hard copies of the
survey at the Parkside Children’s Center and the San Rafael Community Center. MBF supports the
project if no additional parking demand is placed on the parking lot that serves the Bocce Complex,
Community Center, ballfields and park.
After the presentation, the Commission commented:
o Good effort to reach out the businesses, residents and safety services
o Survey categories were broad
o San Rafael Pacifics also endorsed the project
o Did the outreach include deliberate inclusion of specific demographics such as seniors, or
other age groups (No the survey did not ask for age, however the survey was made
available in English and Spanish and feedback from MBF was considered to be
representative of the older adult patrons of the Park)
o Interest from any local landscape architects willing to donate time/information? (Two
requested more information)
The Commission asked for comment from the floor.
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July 21, 2016
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Lori Schefflen has reservations about the validity of the survey. The survey allowed for multiple
interpretations of the questions. 333 respondents is not enough to gauge neighborhood support;
can cameras be activated to reduce bad behavior and illegal activity?; security is the prime
concern; most important survey comments were about safety.
Brian Klein, representing the Land Collaborative, and a San Rafael resident, offered services as a
Landscape design and construction firm.
Gina Silvestri, President, MBF underscored the Federation’s support if the facilities are designed
to attract users that walk on to the Park site or if additiona l parking is part of the project.
Parking for Bocce patrons is difficult on and around Albert Park.
Amy Likover, President, Gerstle Park Neighborhood Association commented the project
compliments the GPNA goals for Albert Park. She encouraged the Commission to “think big” with
more initiatives to create a viable community space. The play area will be a draw for users, and
a modest way to make a big impact.
Steven Schoonover offered that improvements won’t be successful in eliminating the presence of
homeless individuals and the behavior that concerns most. Address homelessness in the Park
first before investing in improvements.
The B Team members concluded the comments by committing to the activation of B Street,
which will produce a safer environment at Albert Park.
After discussion, in which Commissioners supported work toward expanded improvements, and
thanks for the efforts of those involved it was:
M/s Laumann/Holm to accept the report and recommend to the City Council to utilize Measure A funds
reserved contract for a Landscape Architect services for the Park Improvement Project design process.
AYES: Bustillos, Holm, Laumann, Mihan, Obletz, Machado
NOES: None
ABSENT: Emmerson, Jones
B. Pickleweed Advisory Board Annual Report
Steve Mason introduced Pickleweed Advisory Board members, Jenny Boren, Salvador Avatos, Lien Phan
and Louise Youst. Together they presented through a Power Point the statistics of the previous year of
operation of the Albert J. Boro Community Center. They highlighted the following:
Pickleweed 2.1, the fundraising effort to convert the park sports fields to synthetic turf is
underway; the asset will be better used when year-round and all weather access is available.
The east side of the park continues to be a native plant restoration cooperative project with
environmental groups and Bahia Vista School students.
225 rental contracts were issued for the Community Center in 2015.
3,827 bookings were managed at the facility.
$129,000 rental revenue was collected.
$46,000 program revenue was generated for the City at the Center.
The City co-sponsored 8 community partnership programs at no or low cost to residents.
$339,326 in rental revenue was waived to host community serving programs.
8,900 attended City sponsored classes and programs
22,000 attended events
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May 19, 2016
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Over 100,000 attended partnership programs
The Board looks forward to new and better ways to outreach to residents.
New partnerships this year include Vision Impaired of Marin Spanish support Group, Hub Club
National Park Service, Women in Science UCSF career book series
Enriching Lives Through Music, Marin County Probation Division picnic, Dominican University Art
Club. DU dance club, Junior Giants, Blue Point Conservation.
The Commission commended the Board for the ongoing commitment to the success of the Boro Center
and Pickleweed Park, and the care taken to represent the best interests of the Canal Neighborhood
Commissioner Machado inquired about the status of the parking issues. Mason outlined the parking
policy and the three hour limit recently overlaid on the Center parking lot. Some regular users complain,
but enforcement has eased the parking overflow on weekdays. Weekends remain problematic.
Commissioner Obletz complimented the Power Point for its thorough documentation, and the year to year
Chair Mihan noted the use statistics revealed about half of the programing is provided through co -
sponsorships and half through City resources.
After further discussion about the field renovation project it was
M/s Obletz/Holm to accept Pickleweed Advisory Board Report
AYES: Bustillos, Emmerson, Holm, Laumann, Mihan, Obletz, Machado
NOES: None
ABSENT: Emmerson, Jones
2. Commission Items
A. Director’s Report
McCart reported over 100 attended the recent Grass Volleyball Tournament; Circus Vargas will give a free
performance at Pickleweed Park; Branson students are conducting two free basketball camps for youth at
the Boro Center; the summer theater production of RENT has sold out it’s Gala performances; Child Care
announces two new Pre School Directors ; food vender trucks are causing traffic; parking and garbage
problems at Pickleweed Park; Beach Park is attracting 80-100 each Sunday afternoon for free family
programming; the Pacifics and the City are producing San Rafael Night on August 3; City Council issues
include the MOU with Ritter Center, Multi Use Path on Rice and West Francisco, Lincoln Avenue
roadwork, San Pedro Road speed enforcement, RV Parking Ordinance.
B. Falkirk Report
The Terra Linda Community Center Ceramics program opened a second annual art show at Falkirk to the
largest reception attendance in memory.
C. Parks Report
There was no report
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July 21, 2016
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D. Commission Members Time
Obletz inquired about the Albert Field scoreboard
Holm announced the plans and budget for the flag pole project are ready for Committee review.
E. Approval of Minutes, June 16, 2016
M/s Obletz/Bustillos to approve the minutes
AYES: Bustillos, Emmerson, Holm, Laumann, Mihan, Obletz, Machado
NOES: None
ABSENT: Emmerson, Jones
3. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.