HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2016-05-19 Minutes1 San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes: May 19, 2016 Chair Ralph Mihan called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at the San Rafael Community Center Roll Call: Commissioners: Mark Bustillos, Eric Holm, Jeff Jones, Stacey Laumann, Mark Machado, Ralph Mihan, Chair, Tom Obletz, Cicily Emerson, Alternate Commissioners Present: Bustillos, Emmerson, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz Commissioners Absent: Holm Staff Present: Carlene McCart, Director, Community Services 1. Action Items A. Proposal for Albert Park Improvements Danielle Sloneker, resident of the Gerstle Park neighborhood addressed the Commission. She spoke on behalf of a group of parents and business owners in the neighborhood, The B Team. They have common concerns for security in Albert Park, reporting that most residents avoid the park, and do not allow children to walk through unaccompanied. The B Team wishes to activate the park w ith activities and facilities that will attract local residents, whose presence will reduce or eliminate destructive and intimidating behavior. Ms. Sloneker was joined by B Team members, Bo Hansen, Natalie Levy and Amen O’Brien. While not affiliated with Gerstle Park Neighborhood Association, Cammie Marmash represents the B Team on the GPNA Board of Directors. Mr. Hansen added the group was also concerned for illegal activities occurring on B Street. The proposal is for a new children’s play area in Albert Park replacing the seating area at the B Street entrance that attracts loitering, garbage and negative activities. The B Team is willing to organize private support if the City will partner with them on the project The B Team has the capacity for community outreach utilizing social media and technology. Beyond resident contact, Marin Bocce, Panama Hotel, San Rafael Pacifics Baseball and other businesses and organizations in the immediate area of Albert Park would be canvassed for feedback on the prop osal. Trinity Preschool and Parkside Children’s Center families may also be supportive of a new play area. Commissioner Obletz commented that Albert Park is well utilized as the site of the Community Center, Ballfields, Tennis Courts, Children’s Center and Marin Bocce Complex. A play area that attracts walk-in users would complement existing uses without over programing of the site. Commissioner Laumann asked for clarification of the group’s target: replacement of the existing preschool playground with a similar size and scope or expansion. The B Team supports a larger, multi-age play area that would encompass a new preschool play area to replace the existing one. Chair Mihan inquired of staff the process to develop the project proposed. Director McCart responded that if there is willingness to advance the idea, the services of a landscape architect would be needed to analyze the site, identify the options, work with the community to design a concept plan, and provide a cost analysis. Measure A funds have been allocated to Albert Park this year for a playground project. A portion could be used to pay for the planning process. Once a design has 2 Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes May 19, 2016 Page 2 been approved by the community through the Commission a recommendation will be made to the City Council to adopt a Masterplan revision and accept the new design. Commissioner Bustillos suggested the group reconnect with the neighborhood to determine if there is support for the Measure A funds allocated to the preschool playground replacement to be re programed for this larger project. Director McCart said the City Manager has directed staff to research what additional funds could be used for the project. Mihan noted that the approved allocation for the Measure A funds would need to be amended to support this project. Commissioner Bustillos suggested the B Team re connects with the neighborhood to gauge support for the use of the Measure A funds. Laumann asked staff if spending of the Measure A funds could be delayed until the B Team had an accurate assessment of neighborhood support. McCart affirmed this was appropriate. M/s Laumann/Emerson To defer spending of the Measure A Workplan funds allocated for Albert Park for three months by which the B Team will return to the Commission with the result of the neighborhood outreach. AYES: Bustillos, Emmerson, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz NOES: None ABSENT: Holm B. Report on Measure A Workplan McCart presented the Measure A Workplan FY 2016-2017 as approved by the City Council on May 16. Measure A, a ¼ cent sales tax increase to support parks and open space, was approved by Marin voters in November 2012. The Measure generates approximately $10 million annually and is distributed as follows:  65% of the funds is retained by Marin County Parks to restore natural resources, maintain county parks and open space preserves, restore and improve public access, and protect natural lands  20% is dedicated to saving Marin family farms and ranches  15% is allocated to cities, towns, and special districts to manage parks, open space preserves, nature preserves, recreation programs and vegetation to promote biodiversity and reduce wildfire risk. It is projected by the County of Marin that Measure A will collect a total of $12,540,300 in FY 16/17. $1,383,588 will be distributed to cities, towns, and County Service Districts. San Rafael is allocated 22.91% of the distribution, based on population. The total FY 15/16 distribution to San Rafael plus roll over funds from previous years was $587,982. The General Fund (GF) contribution to Measure A initiatives was $46,515. The total FY 15/16 Measure A Workplan was $634,497. 3 Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes May 19, 2016 Page 3 Annually, the City Council approves a Work Plan for the San Rafael allocation of Measure A Funds. The proceeds from Measure A in the past three years were divided equally between Fire, Public Works and Community Services Departments, with a designated distribution to the Police Department. The Fire Department directed its Measure A funds to support the Wildland Urban Interface program, both with an inspector to coordinate defensible space clearing with property owners adjacent to City property, and contractual services to manage vegetation along those City property lines. Public Works allocated its Measure A funds to continue two programs: vegetation management in parks and open space, primarily utilizing goat grazing services and contractual landscape maintenance of the City Parkettes (facilities less than .25 acres). Police continued funding 50% of the two person Open Space Ranger staff with Measure A funds. Community Services completed the refurnishing of the San Rafael Community Center with tables, cha irs and video equipment, utilizing Measure A Funds were set aside to support the Pickleweed 2.0 sport field conversion project partnered with Public Works to complete a project at Freitas Park. The Bret Harte Park Restroom Installation Project funded for FY 15/16 was not competed and will roll forward to the FY 15/16 Workplan proposal. Last year the City Council approved the recommendation by the Park and Recreation Commission for expenditures in the Park Improvement category. The recommendation was the result of nine months of public outreach to determine community priorities for neighborhood parks. Three years of expenditures were approved with one amendment to the recommendation for play equipment at Pickleweed Park. Measure A Approved Community Priority Park Improvements FY 15/16 FY 16/17 FY 17/18 Pickleweed Park $ 25,000 Pickleweed Park $ 25,000 Pickleweed Park $25,000 Bret Harte 250,000 Victor Jones 100,000 Sun Valley 40,000 Freitas 12,000 Albert 50,000 Starkweather 50,000 SRCC Furn. 15,000 Terra Linda 10,000 Gerstle 40,000 Total: $302,000 Total: $185,000 Total: $155,000 The accomplishments to date for the FY 15/16 Measure A Workplan are: Fire Department Over 100home and private property inspections resulting in cooperative vegetation clearing as per the City Wildland Urban Interface Program. Hired P/T Vegetation Management Inspector, January 1, 2016. 4 Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes May 19, 2016 Page 4 Police Park Ranger patrol and enforcement in Open Space and City parks, July 1 – April 30, 2016 Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes May 20, 2016 Page 3 Incidents: 609 Reports: 287 Campsites Located/Posted 317 Campsites removed 304 Citations 125 Arrests 92 Warnings 624 Public Works Vegetation Removal- (goat grazing locations) 580 Ditch Partridge/Peacock Robert Dollar Canyon Oak San Pablo Rd Boyd Smart Train Mahone Creek Windward Way Parkette Maintenance – 9 parkette locations throughout San Rafael Community Services Park Improvement Projects* – Freitas Park, Pickleweed 2.0, San Rafael Community Center Furnishing Replacement Bret Harte Park Restroom installation and will be carried over from FY 15/16 to 16/17. A full report on completed projects and Measure expenditures for FY 15/16 will be submitted to the City Council for recommendation to the County of Marin as required in September 2016. 5 Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes May 19, 2016 Page 5 Proposed Measure A Work Plan for FY 16/17 Workplan FY 16/17 Project/Initiative Proposed FY 16/17 Budget Managing Department 1. .5 FTE WUI Vegetation Mgmt. Inspector $52,000 Fire 2. Contractual Vegetation Removal to support WUI $40,000 Fire 3. Contractual Vegetation Removal for Parks and Open Space $100,000 Public Works 4. Contractual Parkette Maintenance 5. Open Space Rangers $55,000 $93,030 Public Works Police 6. Park Improvement- Community Priorities: Bret Harte, Victor Jones, Albert, and Terra Linda Parks $435,000 Community Services/ Public Works. Projects/Initiatives 1-5 are carried over from FY 15/16 to continue valuable and productive work. Park Improvements will include Bret Harte Park Restroom Installation Project, Victor Jones Park Playground Replacement Project, Albert Park Playground Phase 1, Design, and Terra Linda Park Playground Shade Equipment installation. The value of the Measure A FY 16/17 Measure A Workplan is $775,030. The General Fund will support 50% of the cost of the Open Space Rangers with $46,515. The total estimated Measure A Fund expenditure under this Workplan is $728,515. The County of Marin projects San Rafael will receive in $316,980 FY 16/17 Measure A Funds. The carry- over of Measure A funds in FY 15/16 is anticipated to be $430,000 due to vacancies, and other efficiencies. The total funds estimated to be available from Measure A to San Rafae l in FY 16/17 is $746,980. The City General Fund supports the Open Space Ranger positions included in this Work Plan, by 50% or $46,515. The total estimated expense for the FY 16/117 Measure A Workplan is $775,030. 6 Park and Recreation Commission Meeti ng Minutes May 19, 2016 Page 6 Measure A Workplan FY 16/17 Funding Estimates FY 15/16 Measure A carry-over funds $430,000 FY 16/17 Measure A revenue $316.980 FY 16/17 General Fund transfer $ 46,515 Estimated Total Workplan Funds $793,495 Estimated Workplan Expenditure $775,030 Contingency/carry-over for FY 17/18 $ 18,465 After discussion the Commission accepted the report by consensus. 2. Commission Items A. Director’s Report Director McCart announced the June 15 showing of the Movie “The Great Race” at the Rafael Theater to benefit the Library. June 18 is the Great Race event in downtown. June 18 is also the Summer of Opportunities event at Pickleweed Park. Albert J. Boro Community Center will be retrofitted with solar panels this summer. The Pools at Terra Linda and Hamilton sites are open. Albert Park scoreboard will be installed hopefully by the first baseball game of the Marin County Athletic League championships. Staff met with Sun Valley School families regarding child care and after school programs for next semester. Full time child care registration is at capacity at Parkside Children’s Center and parents still needing a care plan for their students were directed to other options. Part time staff is now in place to service park rentals on the weekends. B. Falkirk Report A new encampment on the grounds has prompted research into demolition of some out building structures that conceal site lines and provide illegal storage. Falkirk host Marin Open Studios this year featuring six artists. A summer internship for a Dominican art student has been secured. C. Parks Report There was no report D. Commission Members Time The subcommittee has not met to review the proposal for a flag pole and seating installation at Albert Park. Bustillos reported that the Public Safety Center is ready for final approvals. The Blue House will be put on sale with the requirement that it be removed from the site. Commissioner Obletz announced the Pacifics Baseball Club work days at Albert Field. Ghillotti Construction donated the installation of concrete on the third base viewing area. He complimented the Falkirk web site E. Approval of Minutes, April 21, 2016 M/s Jones/Bustillos to approve the April 21, 2016 Minutes AYES: Bustillos, Emmerson, Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz NOES: None ABSENT: Holm 7 Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes May 19, 2016 Page 7 3. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.