HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2016-03-17 Minutes1
San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes: March 17, 2016
Vice Chair Eric Holm called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at the San Rafael Community Center
Roll Call: Commissioners: Mark Bustillos, Eric Holm, Jeff Jones, Stacey Laumann, Mark Machado, Ralph
Mihan, Chair, Tom Obletz, Cicily Emerson, Alternate
Commissioners Present: Bustillos, Emmerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann, Machado
Commissioners Absent: Mihan, Obletz,
Staff Present: Carlene McCart, Director, Community Services
After call to order, Director McCart commented on the recent and sudden passing of Public works
director, Dean Allison. Mr. Allison earned the respect and admiration of the San Rafael community in his
short tenure, and was remembered as a positive listener, innovative thinker, and responsive professional.
The City staff appreciates the outpouring of sympathy and support from the Commission and residents in
the loss of a colleague and valuable team member.
1. Action Items
A. Annual Report: Marin Bocce Federation
Gina Silvestri, President, Marin Bocce Federation presented the Annual Report, a required review
stated in the Agreement between the City of San Rafael and MBD for use of Albert Park. The
Annual Report provides the nonprofit organization’s revenue and expenditure history for 2015,
along with program statistics.
Highlights of the 2015 report are:
Completion of the $175,000 bocce court refurbish project
Recognition and honor for the late Dolly Nave with a celebration and donation in her
name to a student scholarship program.
Successful operation of three seasons of bocce league play, mornings and evenings,
serving 1500 players per season.
Public access to open play at the Bocce Complex two days per week and available
Maintenance of league fees at $294 per team for 9 weeks of play
Facility improvements, such as handrail refurbishment, restroom upgrades, seating and
furnishings replacement
MMWD water audit of the Bocce complex and subsequent irrigation and water use
modifications for consumption reduction.
Retirement of all debt
Receipt of $242,544 in program and rental revenue
Operational expenditure of $186,703.
Net Income of $55,840.
MBF Initiatives for 2016
Replacement of current outdoor lighting to LED fixtures
Refurbishment of interior flooring
Repair of building roof
Sealing and painting of building exterior surfaces
Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2016
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Commissioner Jones commented that Bocce play was the “best deal in town’. Silvestri responded that
the organization seeks to expand its patronage base with outreach to elder care facilities for resident
Commissioner Emerson inquired about patron demographics. The average age of league players is
younger than in the past, but there remains a large representation of 50 and older adults.
Vice Chair Holm asked for more specific information on the new lighting equipment, with concern for
“light pollution”. Silvestri explained a lighting design consultant was hired to determine the appropriate
level, placement and fixture features for the site and application. Currently areas of the complex are not
lit well, which is problematic during eveni ng programs. Of the equipment specified one model will be
tested in the evening for the members of the MBF Board of Directors and depending on approval will be
purchased and installed. The estimated cost is approximately $1,000 per court.
In answer to a question regarding the wait list of players for league teams, Silvestri reported there were
currently up to 50 players waiting for assignment. MBF staff manages the list with frequent referrals
connecting teams with potential players. Teams have a minimum of four players and may have up to
eight players by league rules. Board member and national competitor Diane Pellegrini offers free lessons
and shooting clinics to involve more players and help teams improve.
Commissioner Machado asked if MBF is actively seeking to host major competitions. Silvestri responded
that the Board will review the production and results of the National Bocce Competition in the Bay Area
this summer, but have no plans to make a bid to host future events of that magnitude. She a lso offered
that the Board adopted a three-year term limit for members and that this was her second and final year
as President.
The Commission thanked her for the report and her service and accepted the Annual Report.
B. Request for Resurfacing of the Basketball Court at Sun Valley Park
Jimmy Chandler and Jim Ruben residents of the Sun Valley neighborhood made a presentation to the
Commission. The basketball court at Sun Valley Park is cracked by tree roots and dangerously uneven
making the court unusable for games and other active play. The neighborhood was informed last year
that the resurfacing project was on the proposed City’s Capital Improvement Program list. The project
was not prioritized for 2016, and conditions continue to decline. Chandler and Ruben showed a video
interview of park visitors describing how the condition effects their use of the park and how resurfacing
would enhance the park experience. They asked for assistance in accomplishing the project and offered
to fundraise to cover the costs.
The Commission agreed the court surface needs repair or replacement, and explained the amount of
similar park improvement projects are too numerous and costly to complete this year. Sun Valley Park is
allocated some Measure A funds for playground equipment replacement in 2017. Perhaps that amount
could be re-programed. They inquired of whether a local paving contractor may be availab le to provide
in-kind donations, or if the neighborhood could fund raise toward the project. Chandler and Ruben
agreed to research the neighborhood resources. They indicated willingness to form a nonprofit
organization to promote fundraising.
After discussion it was agreed that staff would coordinate with the Public Works Director to provide an
assessment of the project scope and cost estimate. The availability and use of Measure A funds will be
explored and information will be reported back.
Commissioner Machado left the meeting at 8:00 pm.
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March 17, 2016
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C. Community Services Department Fee Adjustment Proposal
McCart presented the proposed adjustments to the fee schedules utilized for facility rental (community
centers rooms, park picnic areas, sports fields, Falkirk, etc.), pool admission, passes and rentals and child
care services. Staff is preparing the proposal for City Council consideration. The adjustments are based
on the following criteria:
Current market rate in Marin County
Bench marks within the fee structure
Cost covering goals as set by Council policy
During the Recession, fees and charges were frozen or in some cases reduced to attract customers with
affordable products. There have been neither increases nor adjustments since 2010 in the case of facility
use fees. Child Care fees were not increased for several years. The results are fees that are not at
current market rate and that are not structured equally to benchmarks.
Staff researched similar services and facility use fees in other Marin jurisdictions. While comparisons are
not exact due to the variety of facility features and program scope, the intent is to remain in a
competitive price range for services.
The City Council policy regarding recreation and child care fees direct that youth and senior serving
programs and services are 60% cost covering by fees or other means; adult serving programs and
services 70-100%. The policy refers to direct cost recovery, as opposed to cost recovery at the fully
burdened rate. In addition the Council adopted a policy that the fees charged for the use of facilities at
the Albert J. Boro Community Center is set at 50% of the rates charged for the San Rafael Community
McCart then reviewed the adjustments. After discussion it was
M/s Jones/Laumann to support the proposed fee adjustments
AYES: Bustillos, Emmerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann, Machado
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mihan, Obletz
2. Commission Items
A. Director’s Report
McCart reported on the Community Service Award Presentation to Boy Scout Troops 51 and 100,
meetings with Safeway management regarding security, private security services at the San Rafael
Community Center and Albert Park, complaints around the Albert Park Ballfield locker rooms, field
closures, Gerstle Park vandalism, sports leagues and tennis court issues, Department software
replacement, and the announcement of Steve Mason, Employee of the Year.
B. Falkirk Report
The current gallery show features the work of Kathleen Lipinski and Tom Emory. The noted Marin artists
drew over 200 to the Opening Reception and spoke of their work and careers.
C. Parks Report
The Parks Division reported that crews teamed with the Streets Division for sixteen straight days on
storm related work this month, the pool was prepared and opened for swim team practice, several trees
were removed due to storm events, met with Gerstle Park Neighborhood Association to discuss
formulating a tree inventory and re planting plan, met with the new Vegetation Management Coordinator
to strategize for the upcoming season, prepared Albert Field for opening for baseball and softball use,
installed new bases, pitching rubbers and home plates, devoted significant resources to remove debris
associated with homeless encampments.
D. Commission Members Time
Commissioner Bustillos reported on a City of San Jose ordinance that addresses issues of promoting or
attracting behavior detrimental to the community. The Nuisance Business ordinance allows for the
improvement, modification or elimination of businesses that generate significant crime statistics and calls
for emergency services, compromise the security of citizens and businesses or impact community
commercial vitality. He suggested San Rafael might benefit from review of San Jose’s ordinance.
E. Approval of Minutes, January 21, 2016
M/s Jones/Bustillos to approve the February 19, 2016 Minutes
AYES: Bustillos, Emmerson, Holm, Jones, Laumann
NOES: None
ABSENT: Machado, Mihan, Obletz
3. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.