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San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes: March 19, 2015
Chair Mihan called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. at the San Rafael Community Center
Roll Call: Commissioners: Mark Bustillos, Eric Holm, Jeff Jones, Stacey Laumann, Mark Machado,
Ralph Mihan, Chair, Tom Obletz, Cicily Emerson, Alternate
Commissioners Present: Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz, Emerson
Commissioners Absent: Bustillos, Holm
Staff Present: Steve Mason, Senior Recreation Supervisor, Dave Davenport, Parks Superintendent,
Kevin McGowan, Assistant Public Works Director (late)
The meeting began with roundtable introductions of Commissioners.
1. Action Items
A. Community Park Improvement Priority Input
Chair Mihan gave a background on Measure A and the Commission’s role to evaluate park
improvement priorities by their next meeting in order to make a recommendation to City
Reuel Brady of the Terra Linda Homeowners’ Association made follow-up comments to the
presentation they made at the February Commission meeting. Mark Day School was
committed to support TLHA’s proposal. Kaiser and Terra Linda Rotary Club were
interested but had not committed. Youth Empowerment Services (YES) may have
volunteers. The Association will also reach out to neighborhood residents who are in
construction to help.
Commissioner Obletz asked if there has been any investigation to costs. Brady replied no
but that at the last meeting Carlene said that she could help with that.
Commissioner Jones did a walkthrough and sees it could be a perfect spot and saw the
need for a gate and maybe a red zone in front of the gate.
Brian Magner from the Bret Harte Community Association stated that a group of dads are
enthusiastic to get involved in fixing up Bret Harte and would like to see a permanent
restroom and the restoration of the hillside. He solicited funds from a grant program at his
work and has received $5,000 for the Bret Harte Community Association.
Chair Mihan asked if Magner would send something to the City in writing by April 1.
A member of the public asked if Albert Park had been represented on the list. Yes. She
then asked if Measure A funds had been used on the recent work at Boyd Park. No.
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Meeting Minutes, March 19, 2015
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Paul Minault from the Dominican neighborhood and Marin Conservation League would
love to see a significant amount of Measure A funds allocated to open spaces. He proposed
that some portion, of the funds be dedicated, one quarter, to open space on a continual
basis to integrate open space with the community. He stated that following the models
stated in his letter would redress an imbalance. .
Chair Mihan asked Minault if they would expect the first year’s allocation be spent on
planning. Minault replied probably more than one year. He added that the Commission
may be thinking haven’t we already been spending Measure A money on open space with
fire work the past few years. Yes but they are addressing as a City liability. Marin
Conservation League would like to see it funded and treated as an asset to the community.
Commissioner Obletz asked what the Conservation League might do to support. Minault
replied he can inquire
Cheryl Douglas stated that the Dominican/Black Canyon neighborhood is aware of the
situation they are in, backing against open space. They have partnered with groups to
clean-up and clear broom plants. “We need City help.” Three trails really need attention as
they are overgrown. “Catch now before we never get to them.”
Chair Mihan asked if they were asking for financial support. Yes. Your letter states that
you have volunteers to help clear? Yes, a group is committed to help remove debris.
Commissioner Machado asked how long would the project take? Less than two weeks.
Commissioner Obletz asked if it was their sense that the broom clearing is beyond the
ability of neighborhood volunteers. Yes
Commissioner Machado asked how they would see it done so it does not grow back. How
and when you cut and specific of broad leaf spray was Douglas’ reply.
Commissioner Obletz asked if they would cut or use a tool to extract. Douglas said that it is
easier without the tool and that fortunately broom has a very shallow root system.
The commission thanked all who spoke. No other public comments were made on park
Chair Mihan introduced the draft ranking criteria template that Community Services
Director McCart had created for review. Initial comment was to include the Marin
Conservation League’s request for funding for open space and the Dominican/Black
Canyon Homeowners Association’s request for clean-up within Barbier Park in the
Mountain View Avenue corridor.
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Emerson asked about the process of recommendation. Laumann asked about current City
park budget. Davenport and McGowan stated that contractors have been hired to help
maintain some parks and that fixed allocations were more than half of the Parks budget.
Mihan stated that the Parks budget may be needed for the next meeting’s evaluation
Laumann suggested that the criteria note the number of people served. Demographics,
Mihan added.
Emerson stated that the cost of a project would make a difference. Also found Marin
Conservation League’s proposal to allocate funds in quarters interesting.
Obletz asked about past practices of using a matrix. McGowan stated that the City uses
similar matrixes for other projects. McGowan prefers not to add too many categories, no
more than 5 or 6.
Laumann and Obletz asked about the different rating scales for various categories.
McGowan stated that it is good to have varying scales when comparing criteria items such
as health and safety to other categories. Emerson added that safety should be rated high.
Health is also important when considering the obesity epidemic as well as shade features.
When prioritizing projects, McGowan suggested considering, is it required by law?
Jones asked about cost of projects and McGowan noted that Victor Jones Park is on the CIP
list. Mihan asked more about the CIP list. Mason stated that the criteria list should be a
ranking of projects. Those projects could be in phases and span several funding years.
Additionally, McCart and Davenport would be at next month’s ranking meeting and would
be available to provide general information on cost background if necessary.
Emerson expressed that next year a form should be made for presenters so that requested
information is complete and consistent from the various groups. Mason explained that the
presentations were only a portion of the process as information on the priority list has
been accumulated from various sources since last summer, including a survey that was
distributed at Albert J. Boro Community Center, and other locations, to individual users.
McGowan suggested providing ranking examples for the next meeting. An example he
provided was under safety, a tripping hazard would be rated a 10.
Emerson felt that open space should be considered separate than playgrounds and that it
would be a good idea to create a policy for open space.
Mihan asked why tennis courts were on the list, especially considering the cost and
wondered if it should be removed. Obletz felt they should be left on. General discussion
was that it is a list of priorities given by the community and everything should remain.
Mihan agreed that the courts should be left on.
The suggested ranking of criteria and rating scale was reviewed with Safety being 1-10
points, Intensity of Use being 1-8 points, Health 1-5 points, Partnership Opp 1-10 points,
Time Lapse 1-5 points, and Ongoing Commit 1-5 points.
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B. Marin Bocce Federation Annual Report
Gina Silvestri, Marin Bocce Federation President presented their annual report. The
Federation recently celebrated its 20th year. Eight outdoor courts have been completely
resurfaced making them ready for in-house USBF and National events. The atmosphere at
Marin Bocce has shifted to where everyone is happy and safe. The cost of resurfacing the
courts was $178,000 and was done without any loans. The Federation have been
maintaining the Bocce facility and have had the concrete floor polished and the gardens
look lovely. On Saturdays, now through June, the Special Olympics will be there and the
Federation is looking into hosting a Wounded Warriors program.
Mihan asked what the hours were for open play to the public. Silvestri replied Tuesdays 9
am – 1 pm, Fridays 9 am – 3 pm, Saturdays 9 am - 4 pm and Sundays 9 am - 4 pm. Leagues
play is on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Mihan asked if there is a sign with hours
on the gate. Yes. Silvestri added that it cost $4 per person to use the courts and that
Saturdays are not full.
Obletz stated that he has played for 20 years and congratulated Silvestri on her second
term as President. He asked if the roses were cut back for water consumption. Silvestri
said that they were trimmed for aesthetics and not due to water.
Silvestri said that no hard alcohol is allowed and that members self-police for abuse. The
group also has someone to do Facebook and social media for them.
Obletz said the signage on B Street should be clearer and Silvestri replied that they just got
new signs. Obletz suggested that perhaps they also need a sign to advertise that the
complex is available for rent.
M/s Obletz/Jones to accept and approve the Marin Bocce Federation 2014 Annual Report.
AYES: Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz, Emerson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bustillos, Holm
2. Commission Items
A. Director’s Report
Mason announced that the City will be recruiting for the positions of Public Works Director
and Assistant City Manager as a result of recent retirements and promotions.
Superintendent Davenport will provide a detailed report on Boyd Park, however Mason
said a tentative date of Sunday, April 26 has been set for the park’s reopening. The
Pickleweed Advisory Board is currently working on their annual report for the
Commission in May. The Board has been requested to also present their report to City
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Council this year. On Saturday, March 14 Mason took the Pickleweed Advisory Board on a
tour to see four synthetic turf fields at school sites in Marin. The City is moving forward in
pursuing funds to convert the existing natural turf fields to synthetic. Mason has been
working with the County and several non-profits to develop the annual multi-
organizational matrix of summer program for youth and the Summer of Opportunities’
summer kick-off BBQ on Saturday, June 13 in Pickleweed Park.
B. Falkirk Report
There was no Falkirk Report.
C. Parks Report
Davenport reported on the removal of the old picnic tables and tons of vegetation at Boyd
Park. A new driveway and approach has been poured. The Boy Scouts have painted the
gate and railings. The restrooms will be demolished and the Parks Department is
considering eventually replacing them with a restroom that has automatic locks, similar to
what is used in other parks. Davenport will be contacting Marin Municipal Water District
regarding water use and enforcement this season. The State recently stated that sports
fields can only be watered twice a week.
Obletz asked if security was being hired to patrol Boyd Park. It is being planned.
D. Approval of Minutes, Meeting of February 19, 2015
There were no changes to the minutes. M/s Obletz/Machado to approve the February 19, 2015
AYES: Jones, Laumann, Machado, Mihan, Obletz, Emerson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bustillos, Holm
3. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.