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San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes: January 15, 2015
Chair Mihan called the meeting to order at 7: 05 p.m. at the San Rafael Community Center
Roll Call: Commissioners: Mark Bustillos, Eric Holm, Jeff Jones, Mark Machado, Ralph Mihan, Chair,
Tom Obletz, Commissioners, Patricia Bassett, Alternate
Commissioners Present: Bustillos, Holm, Mihan, Obletz, Basset
Commissioners Absent: Jones, Machado
Staff Present: Carlene McCart, Director, Community Services, Dave Davenport, Parks Superintendent,
Stephanie Lovette, Economic Development Manager
1. Action Items
A. Community Park Improvement Priority Input
Director McCart introduced the item with background on the history of Measure A funds
supporting park, recreation and open space facilities in Marin County, the distribution of funds
since 2013, and the process by which the City is soliciting community inp ut for priority
improvements to park facilities in San Rafael.
The Chair opened the meeting for public comment on Measure A community priorities
Judith Gallegos addressed the Commission with suggestions for Albert Park: increase capacity
for trash collection with larger receptacles; replace existing seating at the entrance with single,
backless benches; thin ivy at entrance for security; increase maintenance/policing of the park,
replace playground with multi-age play equipment; install a restroom; create a volunteer
maintenance effort. She submitted copies of the Parks survey she distributed to park users.
Superintendent Davenport commented on the maintenance schedule and noted that additional
garbage receptacles have been installed on site. He also noted the Downtown Streets Team
weekly collects litter in the park.
Hugo Landecker added support for the replacement of the playground in Albert Park , also
commenting on the increased calls for Police Department service on Albert Park Lane.
Amy Likeover, spoke on behalf of the Gerstle Park Neighborhood Association, in support of the
expansion of the playground in Albert Park. Likeover is President of the 200 member
Association. She suggested formation of a Friends of Albert Park to assist in projects and
Stacy Lowman requested improved bike/ped pathways through Albert Park to accommodate
Davidson Middle School students going to and from campus. She also noted currently Albert
Park feels unsafe for children, especially in the morning hours, due to vagrant presence.
Martha O’Brian asked for a replacement of a large fallen tree in Gerstle Park, and for tables and
seating in Albert Park to invite residents to spend time in the park.
McCart will send Ms. Gallegos a copy of the Albert Park Masterplan. Public input will continue
through the March 19 meeting of the Commission, after which a recommendation will be
formulated for presentation to the City Council.
Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes, January 15, 2015
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B. Beach Park Concept Design Review
This item was postponed
2. Joint Meeting with Citizens Advisory Committee on Economic Development and Affordable
A. Downtown Initiatives for Community Art
Stephanie Lovette, Economic Development Director introduced Tom Adams, Economic
Development Specialist and the Committee members:
Bob Jackson, Dirk Brinkerhoff, Gordon Mansell, Phil Abby, Bill Carney
She explained that one focus of the CAC was arts and culture as a factor in the economic vitality
of San Rafael in downtown San Rafael. She noted the Commission is the City Council liaison for
matters of public art and cultural affairs, therefore the two appointed groups had intersection of
interest and issues. Ms. Lovette invited ArtWorks Downtown and the Business Improvement
District to make presentations to the joint groups for updates on what is happening with public art
initiatives, and what is proposed for future inclusion.
Mihan welcomed the CAC and representatives and invited the presentations.
Elizabeth Seaton and Stan Gibbs, of ArtWorks Downtown were joined by Gary Jaffe, a member
of the Board of Directors. The organization facility located on 4th Street includes four galleries, 4
retail outlet spaces, a ceramics center, 27 working artists’ studios, 47 affordable housing units
and reception spaces.
Artworks Downtown provides community outreach for the arts through facility management,
public art interface, Second Friday Art Walks, juried art shows, and events. Seaton highlighted
the following:
AWDT has member artists from throughout the Bay Area
Gallery shows are presented on annual themes; 2015 features art displays related to Climate
The organization supports off site auxiliary art shows
AWDT produces and coordinates with the City the Public Sculpture temporary rotating
exhibits; there is a desire to increase the locations for the Public Sculpture program from 8 to
Information on AWDT is marketed through a monthly newsletter, website, and social media
A new vender was recently installed in the restaurant retail space: Green Chili Kitchen
2nd Friday Art Walks attract 2-400 attendees, who, provided with maps, visit various locations
and art installations each month, from 5-8 p.m.
AWDT collaborates with Marin Open Studios, Youth in Arts, and California Film Institute
Committee and Commission members discussed the relationship of Falkirk Cultural Center with
It was agreed that improved signage along 3rd and 4th Streets is needed to promote AWDT
programs. The City can assist with the recognition of artists through media, and official
appreciation. An ongoing funding source in partnership with the City is warranted. There was
inquiry about the availability for Measure A funds to be applied.
Carol Thompson, representing the San Rafael Business Improvement District presented next.
The goal of including art and culture experiences in San Rafael is to enhance San Rafael as a
destination for visitors drawn by cultural assets. In this regard the BID collaborates with AWDT
on the 2nd Friday Art Walks, California Film Institute, Marin Open Studios, and other arts
organization. The BID produces the Banner Art Project on 4th Street, Merchant Window
San Rafael Parks and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes, January 16, 2015
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Promotions, Downtown Paint Out, building on existing assets. Projects under consideration
include Parking Lot Art, Ultra Theater Productions and more
After discussion, and expressed appreciation, the Joint Meeting was adjourned.
2. Commission Items
A. Director’s Report
Interviews are scheduled for January 16 for the position of Recreation Supervisor vacated by the
retirement of Gary Burns. The plans for Beach Park will be presented at the February meeting,
where the Commission will review for consistency with the concept plan, safety, viability and site
enhancement. The City Council has called for applications to fill the vacant position on the
Commission created with the appointment of John Gamblin to the City Council. Staff has worked
with ADA experts to mediate access issues to the Terra Linda Community Garden.
B. Parks Report
Davenport reported the December storms caused seven City trees to fall, and a small slide in
Terra Linda. Previous work to clear DI catch basins, clear leaves from gutters, building roofs and
other preparatory measures reduced exposure to storm damage. The Department of Public
Works divides the City into 8 zones for street maintenance. Pickleweed Park fields were over
seeded and are anticipated to re-open in May after closure in November. The infield and
perimeter of the outfield in Albert Park was re-sodded. Turf repair and re-seeding was completed
at the Terra Linda community Pool and Park. Crews planted 35 trees, and will replace a large
fallen tree in Gerstle Park as the observation of Arbor Day. The continued draught conditions will
delay Spring planting.
C. Falkirk Report
Risa DeFerrari was selected to assume the position of Program Coordinator – Falkirk Cultural
Center. Risa comes to the City with skills in marketing, programing, and facility management.
She has worked for the Chamber of Commerce and other non-profit organizations connected with
San Rafael. Risa will start in February.
D. Reports from Committees
Mihan reported on a meeting with the San Rafael Pacifics that addressed issues for the upcoming
season, and pointed out the annual report produced by the county of Marin on the disbursement
of Measure A Funds.
Election of Chair/Vice Chair. Mihan and Holm were selected to serve as Chair and vice Chair for
E. Approval of Minutes, Meeting of November 20, 2014
M/s Holm/Basset to approve the minutes
AYES: Bustillos, Holm, Machado, Mihan, Obletz, Basset
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bustillos, Machado
3. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.