HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark & Rec Commission 2014-09-18 Agenda
San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes: September 18, 2014
Chairman Mihan called the meeting to order at 7: 00 p.m. at the San Rafael Community Center
Roll Call: Commissioners: Mark Bustillos, John Gamblin, Eric Holm, Jeff Jones, Mark Machado, Ralph
Mihan, Chair, Tom Obletz, Commissioners, Patricia Bassett, Alternate
Commissioners Present: Gamblin, Jones, Machado, Mihan, Obletz,
Commissioners Absent: Bustillos, Holm, Basset
Staff Present: Carlene McCart, Director, Community Services, Dave Davenport, Parks Superintendent
1. Action Items
A. Report: San Francisco Bay Trails Plan
Maureen Gaffney, Bay Trail Planner, Association of Bay Area Governments made a
presentation as a community outreach on the 25th anniversary of San Francisco Bay Trails, a
program that seeks to connect bicycle/pedestrian and alternative transportation routes around
the perimeter of San Francisco Bay. She narrated a Power Point presentation describing the
500 connected trails and paths in 9 counties and 47 cities around the Bay Area. To date 43
miles of Bay Trails have been completed and/or identified. Tail segments are located as close to
the shoreline as feasible. The Bay Trails project contributes to the transportation and recreation,
education and quality of life of the communities in the Bay Area.
San Francisco Bay Trails is a program administrated by the Association of Bay Area
Governments since 1989. The non- profit organization employs three planners who report to a
Board of Directors. Funding is received from the Coastal Conservancy, Marin Transportation
Commission, bridge toll funds and other sources.
Grant programs to local jurisdictions are allotted over 150 current projects, representing 55 miles
of trail development. In and around San Rafael existing trail segments include Starkweather
Shoreline Park and McInnis Parkway. Bay Trails planners participated in the Canal Area
Transportation Study, and the Grand Avenue Bridge widening project. There are 17 additional
segments to develop in and around San Rafael at an estimated total of $8 million. Some of the
locations are Civic Center Drive along the SMART line, China Camp, Andersen Drive, and
Canalways segement of Starkweather Shoreline Park.
The Commission posed questions about the planned, undeveloped Trail segments .
Gaffney announced a new iPhone application provided curated tours along Bay Trail segments;
the same is available on the Bay trail website.
The Commission expressed appreciation for Gaffney’s work and presentation and encouraged
Bay Trails to continue to support San Rafael’s connecting segments with partnership projects
between the agency and the City.
B. Report: Progress of Village at Loch Lomond Project
Director McCart made a Power Point presentation on the history and current status of the Loch
Lomond Village development on Point San Pedro Road. The development plan was reviewed
and the phased construction explained. The public recreation elements are included in Phase 1
of development now underway.
Park and Recreation Commission
Minutes, September 18, 2014
Page 2
The Commission inquired about the recent petition by neighbors on PSP Road to the City
Council to change or modify new bike lanes and parking configurations. This issue is not
related to The Village at Loch Lomond project, however after build out there will be an
assessment over two years to determine if parking on PSP Road is adequate.
2. Commission Items
A. Director’s Report
Staff and volunteers are circulating the Parks Priority Surveys in the Canal Neighborhood,
reaching out to users of the Boro Community Center and Pickleweed Park; the City Council will
consider a recommendation from the Pickleweed Advisory Board to increase the commercial
rental rates; the City Council approved the Lease of Beach Park to Terrapin Crossroads,
effective in October; the pending retirement of Gary Burns was announced; staff recently
participated in an outreach effort by the County of Marin as part of the master planning process
for McNears Beach; the Pacifics concluded the 2014 Season and will address the Commission
in October.
B. Falkirk Report
There was no report.
C. Parks Report
Superintendent Davenport reported the contract for maintenance, a Measure A project, of the
City’s nine parkettes and Starkweather Shoreline Park is now in effect; goats completed the
clearing of the Canalways Property off Windward way eliminating combustible plant material and
areas secluded by overgrowth that harbor illegal camping; the goat herd has been contracted to
clear grasses and plant growth in the ditch area parallel to I 580; goats cost the City less than
20% of the price of mechanical removal of organic material on that site; volunteers will gather on
September 20 in Victor Jones Park to paint, weed and perform other cleanup activities; a Land
and Water grant for $125,000 was awarded to the City for the Grand Avenue Bridge project;
garbage cans have recently been located on Dollar Drive at the request of neighbors concerned
for camping activity in the vicinity; water use was originally reduced by 20% at the request of
Marin Municipal Water District and then require to be reduced again by 20%.
D. Reports from Committees
Commissioner Gamblin reported progress at the Mary Silvera Children’s Center where the
installation of a new ramp was recently completed. He suggested the Commission assign a
member to represent them on issues regarding Child Care services such as bussing and
expanding demand for services. The Commission agreed and Gamblin was named to serve on
the Child Care Committee.
E. Approval of Minutes, Meeting of July 17, 2014
M/s Obletz/Jones to approve the minutes
AYES: Gamblin, Jones, Machado, Mihan, Obletz,
NOES: None
ABSENT: Bustillos, Holm, Mihan
3. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.