HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Library Trustees 2019-03-12 AgendaAGENDA
6:00 PM
This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on all
items, agendized or not. Presentations are generally limited to two minutes.
• Northgate Mall Pop-up YouTube Video
• Friends of the Library (Henry Bankhead)
• Library Foundation (Henry Bankhead)
• Special Library Parcel Tax Committee (Henry Bankhead)
• Mall Project update
• New Library Facility Planning Process update
• Library - Community Services merger update (Susan Andrade-Wax & Henry
American sign language interpreters and assistive listening devices may be requested
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environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting,
individuals are requested to refrain from wearing scented products.
Gary O. Phillips, Mayor • John Gamblin, Vice Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Councilmember • Kate Colin, Councilmember • Andrew Cuyugan McCullough, Councilmember
Date: 1/8/19
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Chair, Presiding: Melanie Leavitt Cantarutti
Members Present: Doug Van Gessel
Jaimi Cortes
Josh Libresco
Melanie Leavitt Cantarutti
Robert Ross
Members Absent: Scott Harrup (Alternate)
Others Present: Henry Bankhead, Interim Director
Jamie Poirier, Circulation Supervisor
Jinder Banwait, Administrative Assistant
The agenda was unanimously approved on a motion by Cantarutti and a second by
Libresco. Bankhead announced that Scott Harrup had resigned from the board.
The December minutes were unanimously approved on a motion by Cantarutti and
a second by Libresco. Libresco commented that he appreciated the former practice
of the minutes being sent out right after the meeting for corrections. Bankhead
replied that this would no longer occur because it was not standard practice and
that to avoid and perceived violations of the Brown Act, we should really be having
the discussion regarding minute corrections in a public forum, i.e. at the meeting,
rather than by email.
Bankhead gave the Board a tour of the Northgate Popup library facility including
the virtual sandbox, virtual reality equipment, 3D printer, face-out shelves and
Gary O. Phillips, Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Vice Mayor • Kate Colin, Councilmember • John Gamblin, Councilmember • Andrew Cuyugan McCullough, Councilmember
None. Cortes would like Bankhead to inquire what “correspondence” is and
whether it is required in City minutes.
Bankhead discussed the mall project, how it was conceived and how it is operating.
Libresco had numerous suggestions for improving the Tapyness survey that is
being deployed on the iPad at the mall. Cortes suggested creating a Spanish
language version.
Friends of the Library: Bankhead: Friends cancelled December meeting.
SRPL Foundation: Bankhead: Foundation cancelled December meeting.
Special Library Parcel Tax Committee: Have not met since last Trustees meeting.
Board of Trustees Annual Report - Bankhead reiterated the plan for all boards
and commissions to submit an annual report. Cortes and Van Gessel mentioned
that a tie in to the strategic plan for the library would be useful for this report.
Bankhead will send out report draft and strategic plan to solicit feedback from
individual board members.
Mall Project update – Bankhead provided the Mall update as part of his tour of
the Northgate popup.
New Library Facility Planning Process update – Bankhead reported that costing
info from Noll and Tam would not be available till later in February. Noll and
Tam have not started the survey as they are waiting on costing info. Bankhead
surveyed the board as to whether the survey should happen before the last set
of community meetings or before. The board were unanimous in thinking the
survey should happen first. Cortes and Libresco expressed continued
frustration that the process was taking so long and were very concerned that
opportunities were being lost by the delayed process. Bankhead responded that
the more extended process had been vetted by the City and by direction coming
out of the Council Retreat. Board members continued to express concern about
the slowness of the work progress in the New Library Facilities Planning
Correspondence – Bankhead reported that, per the elected city clerk,
correspondence is not a required part of the regular agenda.
Gary O. Phillips, Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Vice Mayor • Kate Colin, Councilmember • John Gamblin, Councilmember • Andrew Cuyugan McCullough, Councilmember
Action Items Owner(s) Deadline Details
Send out Annual
Report Draft and
strategic plan
Henry Bankhead Next
Meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Henry Bankhead
March 2019
TO: San Rafael Public Library Board of Trustees
FR: Henry Bankhead, Interim Library Director
RE: Monthly Report to the Board
Laurel Dell Class Visit by Serena Makofsky
Where can I find the movie Moana? How about Elephant and Piggie books? First-grade
students from Laurel Dell discovered the answers to these questions and much more at
a special library night-time open house for their class and families on March 5th at the
Downtown Library Children’s Room.
Every year, the first-grade young
scholars and their families visit the
library for a bilingual tour of the
children's room. For this year's event,
there were 60 people in attendance! The
fun started with a warm bienvenidos over
pizza and veggies. Then, the parents
and caregivers attended a brilliant
plática by Senior Library Assistant
Alejandra Barrios, focusing on strategies
for building early literacy in Spanish
and English as well as tips for
navigating the collection.
Meanwhile, the children enjoyed a bilingual storytime by substitute bilingual librarian,
Serena Makofsky, on the theme of magic, prompting them to reflect on the magical
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 2
treasures to be found in the library. The students then moved to the library stacks for a
scavenger hunt that had them rushing to locate their favorite materials including, yes,
Elephant and Piggie. Thanks to Librarian Jill Tokutomi for designing this
clever juego and to Library Assistant Aisha Rodriguez for her leadership and crowd
management. Thanks to Supervising Children's Librarian Jill Harris for organizing the
family night with Laurel Dell teacher Vanessa Nuñez.
The enthusiasm of parents and children was evident in their numerous questions about
books in Spanish and recounting of favorite titles and characters. Felicidades to the team
that put together this stellar event. Here's to building future ravenous readers!
Facility Updates & Shared Service Point Update
Shared service point
has arrived! At the
beginning of February,
we combined our
circulation desk with
the upstairs reference
desk to offer all the
services the library
provides in one
location. Similar
models have
been widely adopted
in libraries, including
at local libraries like Novato and Corte Madera. As part of shared service, we have
expanded our holds area in the lobby to provide better access to holds. This means that
we have closed the large service desk and we are moving holds to bookshelves
mounted in front of where the desk used to be. This has allowed us to remove the
existing wooden
bookshelves which
were blocking access
to the back of the
lobby. Patrons who
need personal help
from a staff member
can now be directed to
one of two staffed
desks in the building,
either in the children’s
room or upstairs. A
staff member is
available at peak times
at a touch down station in the lobby to assist patrons
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 3
Library Personnel Updates: The internal promotional recruitment for Senior
Library Assistant has concluded. Five candidates have been selected for promotion.
Congratulations to Jennifer Kiefer, Minh Nguyen, Joan Peck, Christine Sorensen and
Gina Vaziri.
The Mall Popup Extended!
The Mall popup continues to be popular with patrons. We have extended the popup
through the end of March 2019. The Mall library continues to be a great success. We
have started a Storytime Program on Wednesdays Afternoons that has been attracting a
regular crowds of children and caregivers. XRMarin, the partner who is providing the
Virtual Reality equipment, has produced a short two minite film about th emall popup.
This film will be shown at the Marin County Board of Supervisors meeting this coming
Tuesday, February 12th.
Beatty Committee by Jill Harris
Over the past year I have been serving on the California Library Association's 2019 John
and Patricia Beatty Award Committee. The Beatty, "honors the author of a
distinguished book for children or young adults that best promotes an awareness of
California and its people." Along with six other librarians from all over the state, I
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 4
contacted publishers for submissions, and read and evaluated about 55 books published
in 2018 that had something to do with California. On Saturday February 2nd we
convened at the San Luis Obispo Library for a day of discussion to select the winner, as
well as runner-up titles for the annual Eureka! list. I am very excited about the book and
author we chose to honor. The winner will be announced in May and honored at the
2019 CLA Annual Conference. Participating on this committee has given me the
opportunity to network with librarians from around the state, working in both urban,
suburban, and rural locations, bringing us together to learn from each other and
challenge ourselves to consider new viewpoints. I have grown as a librarian through
this process and will bring my new knowledge and experience to the San Rafael Public
Library team.
For more information about the Beatty Award and to view past winners and Eureka!
reading lists, visit https://www.cla-net.org/page/113
Photo 2, L to
R: Allison Tran,
Mission Viejo
Library; Kate Hug,
Oakland Public
Library; Ayana
Gaines, Camarillo
Public Library;
Me! Sherry Wade,
Kern County
Library; Charity
Anderson, Sonoma
County Library. (Not
pictured - Roxanna
Garcia, Riverside
County Library,
attended via video
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 5
New Newspaper Area
William Calhoun and Marlene Austin
recently worked together to redo the way
newspapers are displayed in the Carnegie
wing of the library. The newspapers were
moved from a spinner rack and shelves in
one corner of the room over to the other side
of the room at the end of the magazine racks.
This creates a less congested display for
newspapers. It also addresses some concerns
that were raised when browsers of the papers
in their former location were inadvertently
standing quite close to patrons seated at the
adjacent desk
Recent Library User Comments
• The Best Library in Marin. You always have everything I want and you have the
best nicest customer service.
• (Bibliocommons user) I find searching for a book very easy and love being able
to request a book online and pick it up at my local branch. THANK YOU
• (Bibliocommons user) I love this library. I had the name of a book that was
recommended to me, I searched for it on-line and found that the library has two
copies, and so I put a hold on one copy and will pick it up in a day or two. Yea!
Also, I know when I got to the library the staff will be really friendly and helpful.
You all are the best!
• (Bibliocommons user) Well-designed, very convenient and easy to use.
• (Bibliocommons user) good idea not to mail notices. But I do imagine many will
protest . . . to be expected.
• (Bibliocommons user) y'all doin' good, thank you :3
• (Bibliocommons user) I LOVE getting all library notices online. It saves so much
paper and trips to the library. Keep up the good work.
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 6
Library and Community Services Merger- update
Library and Community Services met for a
day long workshop on February 7th, 2019.
This workshop was facilitated by
Management Partners. For the morning
portion all staff worked together on
getting to know each other. We discussed
what both departments do, did a post-it note exercise about what each department
wanted to know about the other department, what concerns staff had about the merger
and what staff were excited about. We then discussed potential collaborations that
could happen between the two departments. The afternoon session included managers
and supervisors from both departments. We talked about a shared mission statement
and a shared vison statement for both
department and identified factors for success in
the new combined department. Next steps are
for management partners to document all the
input that was shared at the workshop and then
to use that information to inform the next
workshop with both departments on March 8th.
Deaccessioned Library Materials Appreciated by Veterans
The Library received a handmade thank you card from the
Veteran’s Hospital for the Popular, Blues, Soundtrack, and World
music CDs that we discarded. When library materials are damaged
or when they are no longer in demand our practice is to deaccession
(weed/get rid of) the materials. Are books are sent to the Internet
Archive in Richmond, CA. In this instance we were able to donate
CDs to the Veteran’s Hospital. Here is the handmade thank-you card
that they sent us.
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 7
March Library Director Activities
• March 6 — Department Directors Meeting
• March 8 — 2nd Community Services/Library Workshop Day
• March 11— Parcel Tax Committee Meeting
• March 12 — Board of Trustees Meeting
• March 13 — Friends Board Meeting
• March 21 — MARINet Board Meeting
• March 27 – Library Staff Meeting