HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Library Trustees 2019-11-12 Agenda
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
6:00 P.M.
Library Meeting Room
1100 E. Street, San Rafael, CA 94901
• Roll Call
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of October 15, 2019
2. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
A. Presentation on the “Value of Libraries” grant by Jamie Poirier
3. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda. Speakers
are encouraged to limit comments to 3 minutes.
If necessary to assure completion of the following items, the Chairperson may establish time
limits for the presentations by individual speakers.
4. Discussion of Macmillan eBook embargo
5. Discussion of Nut Allergy Verbiage
6. Discussion of Q1 Library Budget
7. Other brief reports on any meetings, conferences, and/or seminars attended by Board
Library Board of Trustees Agenda Page 2 of 2
A. Measure D Parcel Tax Committee
B. Friends of the San Rafael Public Library
C. San Rafael Public Library Foundation
D. MARINet Board
E. NorthNet Board
F. City Librarian Update
NEXT MEETING: December 10, 2019
• Selection of Chair, Vice Chair and Committee Assignments for 2019
• Review of Meeting Schedule for 2019
Any records relating to an agenda item, received by a majority or more of the Board less than 72 hours before the
meeting shall be available for inspection in the Library, 1100 E Street. Sign Language interpreters and assistive listening
devices may be requested by calling (415) 485-3066 (voice), emailing Lindsay.lara@cityofsanrafael.org or using the
California Telecommunications Relay Service by dialing “711”, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. Copies of
documents are available in accessible formats upon request. Public transportation is available through Golden Gate
Transit, Line 22 or 23. Paratransit is available by calling Whistlestop. Wheels at (415) 454-0964. To allow individuals with
environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting/hearing, individuals are requested to refrain
from wearing scented products.
San Rafael Library – 1100 E Street, San Rafael, CA
October 15, 2019 – 6:00 P.M.
Chair Libresco called the meeting to order at 6:02 P.M.
Roll Call
Board Members Present: Josh Libresco, Jaimi Cortes, Claudia Fromm, and Beverly Rose
Board Members Absent: Robert Ross and Catherine Sumser
Staff Present: Henry Bankhead, Assistant Library & Recreation Director/City
Librarian, Susan Andrade-Wax, Library & Recreation Director,
Jinder Banwait, Senior Administrative Assistant
Chair Libresco requested two changes:
1. Under item Meeting Open to the Public, move public comment up so that it comes
before the presentation of the downtown location survey.
2. Move Board Reports and Comments up so that the discussion of the October 7, 2019
City Council meeting can take place immediately after the presentation of the downtown
location survey.
Ms. Andrade-W ax explained that if an item such as the “Board Reports and Comments” is
moved up on the Agenda, then once the item has been moved the Board does not have the
opportunity to also include it later in the Agenda to discuss again. Board Member Libresco
replied that according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Article 4, Section 22, 4th Edition, the most
current edition, the Board can suspend the rules pertaining to the order of business.
A motion was made by Board Member Libresco, seconded by Board Member Rose, to amend
the agenda. The motion was approved unanimously.
1. Approve regular meeting minutes of September 10, 2019
Chair Libresco requested the following changes:
1. Change the word “judgement” to “judgment”.
2. On page 4, toward the middle, change “complementary” to “complimentary”.
3. On page 5, toward the bottom, change “Trustless” to “Trustees”.
Chair Cortes requested the following changes:
1. On page 3, after “NOES: Board Members: Cortes”, add “in favor of
eliminating fees without additional information”.
2. October 8, 2019 Library Board Meeting was moved to October 15, 2019 due
to a Jewish Holiday falling on October 8, 2019.
A motion was made by Board Member Rose, seconded by Board Member Fromm, to
approve the minutes of the September 10, 2019 meeting. The motion was approved
2. Public Comment from the audience regarding items not listed on the agenda
A member of the public read aloud a letter sharing someone’s personal feelings about
their strong desire to renovate the current downtown library building. Board Member
Libresco asked that the letter be emailed or mailed to the Assistant Library & Recreation
Director/City Librarian, Mr. Bankhead.
3. Introductions/Awards/Recognitions/Presentations
Board Member Libresco presented the downtown library survey results. Board Member
Cortes asked whether a link to the survey is available. Ms. Andrade-Wax replied that
the survey results will be included in the meeting’s packet.
4. Board Member Libresco provided a summary of the October 7, 2019 City Council
Meeting as it pertained to the library. He explained that the City Council received the
new library related presentations from the various presenters accurately, but that after
the data was presented, the City Manager and library staff provided a report
recommending the Albert Park option. Board Members felt that the recommendation
went against survey results and that the Board Members were never informed or asked
for advice in pursuing the Albert Park option.
Ms. Andrade-Wax explained that the recommendation was made in coordination with
the City Manager in collaboration with the City Council. She said the City Council can
accept staff’s recommendation or they choose one of the alternative options that were
also included in the staff report.
Ms. Andrade-Wax shared with the Board Members and the public that the October 7,
2019 City Council Meeting is recorded, and the video and all related documents are
available online on the City’s website.
5. Mr. Bankhead presented information about the consumption of food policy in the
Guidelines for Library Use. The policy states:
“Responsible consumption of individually packaged food and drinks in designated
areas; full meals and pungent foods should be consumed outside the library.”
He explained that this policy was added in 2018, since then, there has been no negative
impact of allowing individually packaged food and drinks in the library. Implementing this
policy has allowed the community to feel more welcome and has increased their
enjoyment of the library space. This policy has also allowed the staff and the security
guard to focus on more important matters instead of spending their time enforcing food
Board Member Cortes shared that food allergies are potentially fatal and can be
triggered by minor traces of food particles. She suggested adding signage alerting and
reminding visitors of the dangers of food allergies. Board Member Cortes also
suggested designating certain parts of the building for food consumption. She shared
that perhaps library staff can do something to bring attentions to this serious issue
during Food Allergy Awareness Week.
Mr. Bankhead replied that he would work with his staff to develop signs/displays to bring
awareness of this issue. Ms. Andrade-Wax recommended reviewing the policies of
other MARINet libraries and seeking counsel from staff and the City Attorney.
The Board Members accepted the report as presented.
Mr. Bankhead shared updates about Library groups and other relevant information with
the Board Members.
A. The Parcel Tax Committee met on October 1, 2019. They are planning their final
report for the City Council.
B. The Friends of the San Rafael Public Library met on October 9, 2019. They
discussed the October 7, 2019 Council Meeting. They are having a Rare & Special
Book Sale from Friday, October 25, 2019 to Saturday, October 26, 2019 at the First
Presbyterian Church on E St. across from the library.
C. The Library Foundation met on October 11, 2019. Their annual dinner was
postponed from October 10, 2019 to November 7, 2019 due to potential power
outages. They are working on crafting an appeal letter in sync with the October 7,
2019 City Council Meeting. They are very excited about the direction given by the
City Council.
D. MARINet Board will meet on Thursday, October 17, 2019. At the last meeting, the
Larkspur City Manager attended as they are currently recruiting for a Library
E. NorthNet North Bay Cooperative Library System is meeting on Thursday, October
17, 2019 as part of the next MARINet meeting. NorthNet is the consortium the library
belonged to in the past for which the library has financial retiree liabilities. There may
be seven to nine thousand dollars a year that the library may be responsible for
paying soon.
F. During the October 7, 2019 Council Meeting, the new library planning process has
made more progress than prior studies in that the Council supported the
development of a conceptual plan for a new library location. They are also interested
in potential reuse ideas for the Carnegie building.
Board Member Cortes left at 7:33 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: November 12, 2019
Budget update.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 P.M.
November 12, 2019
Item #4
Macmillan publishers recently announced that it will impose a two-month embargo on new
eBook releases for libraries across the country. This means that as of next week, they will
only be selling each library system, no matter the size of the institution, one copy of any
new eBook for the first eight (8) weeks after the eBooks’ release.
That the Board accept the report and provide comment.
Macmillan publishers recently announced that it will impose a two-month embargo on new
eBook releases for libraries across the country. This means that as of next week, they will
only be selling each library system, no matter the size of the institution, one copy of any
new eBook for the first eight (8) weeks after the eBooks’ release. This one copy will be
made available at half price (roughly $30), and after the 8-week embargo period regular
copies can be purchased for full price. Unfortunately, this means longer wait times for our
patrons. This is especially true because Macmillan has chosen to regard a shared
consortia collection such as ours, that serves seven public libraries, as one library system.
This compounds the effect of the embargo. Macmillan isn’t alone in imposing restrictions
on library purchases, but it is the latest in a trend that directly affects our patrons.
Some libraries have chosen to boycott Macmillan ebooks in response to this restriction,
however the MARINet board has not yet come to a shared decision on this matter.
According to Publisher’s W eekly, July 5, 2019, the CEO of Macmillan John Sargent wrote.
“It seems that given a choice between a purchase of an e-book for $12.99 or a frictionless
lend for free, the American e-book reader is starting to lean heavily toward free,” Sargent
wrote. “Our new terms are designed to protect the value of your books during their first
format publication. But they also ensure that the mission of libraries is supported."
In the memo, Sargent asserted that 45% of Macmillan’s U.S. “e -book reads” were now
“being borrowed for free” from libraries," a trend he attributed to a mix of factors, including
Page 2 of 2
the lack of "friction" in e-lending compared to physical book lending, the "active marketing
by various parties to turn purchasers into borrowers," and unnamed apps "supporting e -
book lending regardless of residence, including borrowing from libraries in different states
and countries."
In stark contrast to the profit-based explanation by the Macmillan CEO, the American
Library Association has issued their own statement supporting the plight of libraries facing
this embargo. American Library Association President Wanda Brown has denounced the
change writing, “Macmillan Publishers’ new model for library eBook lending will make it
difficult for libraries to fulfill our central mission: ensuring access to information for all ”,
she went on to write, “Limiting access to new titles for libraries means limiting access for
patrons most dependent on libraries. When a library serving many thousands has only a
single copy of a new title in eBook format, it’s the library – not the publisher – that feels
the heat. It’s the local library that’s perceived as being unresponsive to community needs.”
In a post on the Marin County Free Library website library patrons are urged to do the
▪ Write a letter to Macmillan Publishers CEO, John Sargent
▪ Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper
▪ Submit an op-ed to your local paper
▪ Speak up in social media
(To access the above documents and sign the petition one can visit eBooksForAll.org or
text EBOOKS to 40649.)
Any other action as determined by the Board.
Submitted by:
Henry Bankhead
Assistant Library and Recreation Director / City Librarian
1. After Tor Experiment, Macmillan Expands Embargo on Library E -books
2. ALA denounces new Macmillan library lending model, urges library customers to
voice objections
November 12, 2019
Item #5
On October 15, 2019 the Library Board of trustees discussed the Guidelines for Library
Use https://srpubliclibrary.org/about/guidelines-for-library-use/ allowing the limited
consumption of food within the library. Concern was voiced that verbiage be developed
to make library patrons aware of the hazards of consuming peanuts and tree nuts and
related food products in the library children’s area.
That the Board accept the report and provide comment.
The Board suggested that staff develop some verbiage to be used on signs in the
Children’s area. The signage would serve as a warning and raise awareness both for
those who may inadvertently consume or bring potentially allergenic substances into the
library and for those who may be subject to food allergies.
Library staff discussed various options and they are provided below for the Board’s
review and consideration:
"Due to the severity of nut allergies, we are asking that you be mindful of this
when bringing nuts into the library. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our
patrons safe."
"Peanut Allergy. Please do not feed me!"
"Peanut and Tree Nut Allergy Aware Library. Thank you for helping us provide a
safe environment for our friends with food allergies."
Any other action as determined by the Board.
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Submitted by:
Henry Bankhead
Assistant Library and Recreation Director / City Librarian
as of September 30, 2019
This report provides year-to-date figures on the General Fund and Parcel Tax funding
spending for the fourth quarter of 2019/2020. As of this report, 25% of the fiscal year
has elapsed. The overall activity was 27% expended. General Fund expenditures
ended at 28% of budget and Parcel Tax expenditures ended at 25% of budget.
Revenue Highlights
•The Parcel Tax revenue provides 25% of the Library’s total operations budget.
•The Friends of the Library provide 1% of the Library’s total operations budget.
Expenditure Highlights
•General Fund expenditures:
1.Contract Services expenditures are significantly high as the Library
experienced an increase in MARINet costs and the total amount of the
MARINet costs for the year has been paid during the first quarter.
2.Digital Branch Resources is significantly high as part of the MARINet costs,
paid in full, is paid out of the Digital Resources account.
3.Office supplies are slightly high due to the purchase of furniture for the new
Teen Area.
•Parcel Tax expenditures:
1.Extra-hire costs are high as the library has several open positions which
have been backfilled using temporary staffing.
Item 6
AS OF: 10/23/19
GF Budget GF YTD Q1 GF % Total Spent PT Budget PT YTD Q1 PT % Total Spent Total Total YTD Q1 % Total Spent
Total for Revenue (estimated)38005.00 1082648.00 1120653.00
Regular Hire Salaries & Benefits 2462723.45 523262.37 21.25%753370.15 181058.86 24.03%3216093.60 704321.23 21.90%
Extra Hire 80324.74 3966.24 4.94%115636.00 62265.59 53.85%195960.74 66231.83 33.80%
Personnel Services 2543048.19 527228.61 20.73%869006.15 243324.45 28.00%3412054.34 770553.06 22.58%
Bldg.Maint.Contracts 39493.00 7369.48 18.66%- - - 39493.00 7369.48 18.66%
Maint.Bldg.Improv.20000.00 931.71 4.66%- - - 20000.00 931.71 4.66%
Maintenance & Repair;Equp & Machine 1000.00 0.00 0.00%- - - 1000.00 0.00 0.00%
Utilities-Gas & Electricity 44245.00 15606.61 35.27%- - - 44245.00 15606.61 35.27%
County Administrative Fee - - - 28342.00 0.00 0.00%28342.00 0.00 0.00%
Contract Services (MARINet, security, etc.)305134.00 304134.00 99.67%- - - 305134.00 304134.00 99.67%
Internal Service Charges (IT, phone, ins)234322.87 58580.68 25.00%- - - 234322.87 58580.68 25.00%
Programming Supplies - - - 15,000 2772.33 18.48%15000.00 2772.33 18.48%
Office Supplies 34308.00 9631.64 28.07%- - - 34308.00 9631.64 28.07%
Books 60736.00 0.00 0.00%137983.00 20301.55 14.71%198719.00 20301.55 10.22%
Periodicals 7000.00 0.00 0.00%6250.00 0.00 0.00%13250.00 0.00 0.00%
Digital Branch Resources 3000.00 3000.00 100.00%56343.00 14690.60 26.07%59343.00 17690.60 29.81%
Audio/Video Materials 27000.00 2768.16 10.25%- - - 27000.00 2768.16 10.25%
Technology Supplies & Materials - - - 6000.00 0.00 0.00%6000.00 0.00 0.00%
Travel & Conference 8640.00 1607.10 18.60%- - - 8640.00 1607.10 18.60%
Training & Instruction 4000.00 0.00 0.00%5000.00 757.65 15.15%9000.00 757.65 8.42%
Professional Dues & Subscriptions 1545.00 140.00 9.06%- - - 1545.00 140.00 9.06%
Credit Card Fees 600.00 57.62 9.60%- - - 600.00 57.62 9.60%
Unbudgeted items - - - - - - - - -
Non-Personnel Services 791023.87 403827.00 51.05%254918.00 38522.13 15.11%1045941.87 442349.13 42.29%
Total 3334072.06 931055.61 27.93%1123924.15 281846.58 25.08%4457996.21 1212902.19 27.21%
Other Budget Sources Budget Sources Annual % of Total
Friends of the Library (books, programs)35,165.00 General Fund $3,334,072.06 74.20%
TOTAL 35,165.00 Parcel Tax $1,123,924.15 25.01%
Other $35,165.00 1%
Special Funds TOTAL $4,493,161.21 100.00%
"Leprechaun" Fund 62,471.78
Copy Fund 12,787.85
Donations Fund 106,166.69 Budget Sources + Special Funds:$7,497,619.13
Kay Corlett Memorial Fund 483,979.89
Kenneth Edlin Memorial Fund 413,406.56
Robert and Lorraine Joses Memorial Fund 1,368,875.96
MC Parcel Tax Capital Set-Aside Balance 353,335.00 previously 541,195.00
MD Parcel Tax Fund Balance 203,137.27 previously 107,508.68
Donation for New Building 300.00 NOTE: GF Contract Services, $267,887 YTD Expenditures, $36,247 Barbier Security Encumbrances
Immigration Services Grant -3.08 NOTE: Revenue - Expenses + Prior Year Fund Balance = Current Fund Balance
TOTAL 3,004,457.92 NOTE: MD appropriations are only an estimated budget, actuals are provided at the end of the fiscal year.
San Rafael Public Library Budget - Fiscal Year 19/20
Budget and Expenditures