HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Library Trustees 2019-05-14 AgendaAGENDA
6:00 PM
• Adult Services – Miriam Wallen – Memory Lab
This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on all
items, agendized or not. Presentations are generally limited to two minutes.
• Friends of the Library (Henry Bankhead)
• Library Foundation (Henry Bankhead)
• Special Library Parcel Tax Committee (Henry Bankhead/Susan Andrade-Wax)
• Shared Service Desk Concept Report
• New Library Facility Planning Process Update
• Survey Update –
• Mall Project update and holds question
American sign language interpreters and assistive listening devices may be requested
by calling 415-485-3064 (voice) at least 72 hours in advance. Copies of documents are
available in accessible formats upon request. To allow individuals with
environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting,
individuals are requested to refrain from wearing scented products.
Gary O. Phillips, Mayor • John Gamblin, Vice Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Councilmember • Kate Colin, Councilmember • Andrew Cuyugan McCullough, Councilmember
Location: SRPL, Downtown Library Meeting Room
Date: 04/09/18
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Members Present: Jaimi Cortes
Josh Libresco
Beverly Rose
Catherine Sumser
Claudia Fromm
Members Absent: Robert Ross
Others Present: Henry Bankhead, Interim Director
Jill Tokutomi, Librarian
Jinder Banwait, Administrative Assistant
Susan Andrade-Wax, Community Services Director
The January minutes were unanimously approved on a motion by Libresco and a
second by Cortes. All were in favor.
All present introduced themselves
Tokutomi introduced Zoey Hinks, a Marin County Girls Who Code
Member/Teacher, who presented about why Girls Who Code exists and how it’s
impacting young girls who would like to enter the computer science/technology
What the role of the Chair/Vice Chair is was discussed and Libresco was chosen as
the new Chair by Cortes and a second by Sumser, Libresco accepted. All were in
favor. Cortes was chosen as the new Vice Chair by Libresco and a second by Rose.
All were in favor. The agenda was unanimously approved on a motion by Libresco
and a second by Cortes.
Gary O. Phillips, Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Vice Mayor • Kate Colin, Councilmember • John Gamblin, Councilmember • Andrew Cuyugan McCullough, Councilmember
Bankhead shared information about the new library planning process. The dates
for the community meetings were moved up toward the end of April so that more
community outreach can occur, and a survey can be prepared for additional
feedback. Cortes asked whether the giant Oak Tree at 5th & E St. will stay, Bankhead
confirmed it will.
Bankhead also updated the Board on the status of the mall pop-up. The space is free
to use, with minimum cost for such things as internet and janitorial services. An
MOU is being prepared between the City and the County.
Bankhead discussed the immigration services program provided by staff at the
Pickleweed Library. Due to certain requirements, the staff were unable to provide
immigration services at the level they were hoping. New American Campaign and
other groups have partnered with Pickleweed to assist with offering services.
Bankhead mentioned an upcoming Friends Book Sale.
Cortes asked a question from the executive report about the downtown library
lobby remodel, which wasn’t an item on the agenda. Andrade-Wax explained that
we cannot have a discussion on a topic not on the agenda. That she and Bankhead
can share information, but there can’t be a back and forth session. Bankhead said
he would include this item on the agenda for the next Board meeting. Libresco
explained that it would be a violation of the Brown Act if the discussion took place
without it being on the agenda.
Friends of the Library: Libresco shared information about the Friends, that they
have a book store and hold book sales to fund the many programs at the library.
Andrade-Wax offered space for Friends book sales at the community centers.
SRPL Foundation: Libresco shared information about the Foundation, that they
are a group of older citizens working on raising money for a new library. Bankhead
explained that the group has raised approximately $400,000, but that the library
has received larger donations. Next meeting May 10.
Special Library Parcel Tax Committee: Libresco talked about the role of the
committee, that they provide oversight of how the funds are being utilized and
assist in preparing reports for City Council. Bankhead shared an issue that the
committee members are currently facing, the language of the parcel tax in relation
to the proportionality of the library and the entire City budget.
Gary O. Phillips, Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Vice Mayor • Kate Colin, Councilmember • John Gamblin, Councilmember • Andrew Cuyugan McCullough, Councilmember
Sumser asked about the extension of the mall pop-up. Bankhead explained that
currently the setup is month-to-month, but that we can move to an annual
agreement. Preparation of the MOU is in progress. The County is providing all the
material, we’re providing majority of the staffing.
Bankhead shared information about the progress of the new library facilities
project. Once the locations are narrowed down, a final report will be presented to
the Council, who then will decide the next step in the process. Cortes asked what
the next step would be. Cortes also shared her feelings about the process not
moving fast enough. Andrade-Wax also pointed out the upcoming community
meetings and survey, how there will be opportunities for the community to take
the survey online on our websites, in person at the library and community services
locations, how the information about the survey will be disseminated through
multiple outlets.
Action Items Owner(s) Deadline Details
Henry Bankhead Next
Can we pickup holds
at the mall pop-up
Henry Bankhead Next
Add the discussion
about the lobby
changes to the next
Henry Bankhead Next
IT, same individual
taking multiple
Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Henry Bankhead
May 2019
TO: San Rafael Public Library Board of Trustees
FR: Henry Bankhead, Interim Library Director
RE: Monthly Report to the Board
New Service Desk Upstairs at the Downtown Library
The library just received a new service desk for the upstairs shared service point at the
downtown library. The new desk is from Demco Inc., a library furniture and supplies
provider, and has two separate adjustable height
components that will allow staff to sit or stand while
they are providing help to the public. The curved
section faces the top of the stairs while the straight
section faces the
center of the room
and the back door.
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 2
Recent Library User Comments
• (Bibliocommons user) Thank you for the due date reminders, we really need and
use those. And thank you for making it so easy to renew books which we haven't
been able to finish. We love the library! The Peisert Family
• (Bibliocommons user) Easy to use; simple, straightforward. Thank you.
• (Bibliocommons user) Terrific site - easy to navigate with wonderful features.
Thank you!!
• (Bibliocommons user) It used to be that when I rated a checked out book, it was
automatically transferred to my "Completed" shelf. I recently discovered that this
very nifty function has been removed. Curious as to why? Now I have to open the
'Completed' shelf, open the "Add a Book" function, and then type in the name of
the book. Once the name of the book comes up, there's a one -click to "add to
this shelf." This seems really cumbersome and I would think might dissuade
patrons from using this functionality at all. Help!
• (Bibliocommons user) I find the browser version of the website very easy to use
and navigate. I typically use the iPhone app to search for, order and renew
books, and that too is very easy to use.
Earth Day and Day of the Child at Picklweed Library
We had a super Earth Day-Kids
Day here at Pickleweed last
Saturday, April 20th. The day
began with a cleanup and
weeding of the perimeter of the
building. It was amazing, I
thought we might get a little
corner done, but we had around
40 participants show up and we
were able to weed and mulch
around the entire building and
even plant 15 plants provided by
Parks around the back of the
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 3
YMCA and Flagship
showed up around
10:30, we added
bubbles, hula hoops,
sidewalk chalk, Jenga
and more. More and
more people continued
to gather, and we
estimate around 400
came out to enjoy this
sunny, fun day in the
park. Well-known,
bilingual composer
Jose Luis Orozco started his show around noon. His music is loved by parents alike
who danced and sang with their children. We offered a book giveaway and a snack, all
paid for by the Friends. It was a wonderful, community building day. We worked closely
with Community Service, Parks and the City Volunteer Program to make this all
possible, thank you to everyone.
Paperback Spinners Relocated and Then Returned to Original
Library staff discovered, to their horror, that someone had
been ripping the covers off paperback books. A total of 47
books were discovered to have had their covers ripped off.
As part of making it harder to do this heinous act, staff
decided to move the spinners an area where staff and other
library users could keep an eye on the spinners to either
discover the vandal or deter repetition of the crime. Luckily,
a quick-witted security guard spotted the malefactor in the
act of ripping off a cover and they have been permanently
banned from the library. Subsequently library staff moved
some of the spinners back to their original location by the elevators.
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 4
Library Staff Member Jill Tokutomi Wins INNY innovation award
Jill Tokutomi was honored with an Inny Innovation ward at the 2019 City of San Rafael all
staff recognition event.
Jill is always thinking
of new ways to get
work done. Recently,
because of a backlog
in 3D printing, Jill
figured out a new,
streamlined process
for efficiently doing
the prints. She has brought on many new, enthusiastic teen
volunteers, and has a magical way of figuring out each
volunteer's strengths. In connection with this, she instituted a
Teen Advisory Board, where local youth decide what types
of programs they would like to see hosted at the library for the teen demographic. Jill
loves doing book club outreach at the middle schools and gets to know many students
during her visits. In practicing openness, Jill had a representative from an LGBT group
come to our all staff meeting to explain to staff how to create a welcoming environment
for this demographic. I am always inspired by Jill's enthusiasm and energy and believe
that she would be an excellent recipient of this award.
Bonnie Groshong was recognized at the 2019 All Staff
Recognition Event on May 2nd for 5 years employed at The
City of San Rafael. Bonnie is an integral member of the
library team. She selects books, helps patrons with
inquiries, develops Adult programming for the community
and so much more. Recently Bonnie, with the assistance of
Joan Peck, has been instrumental in providing the library’s
ongoing series of Art Talks in the City Council chambers.
These talks are always highly attended with the last talk,
entitled Early Rubens: A Master Comes Home, having over
80 attendees.
The Mall Popup Update
We are working on extending the Mall popup for a year starting May 1st, 2019 until April
30, 2020. Based on the success of the initial month to month pilot, we hope to engage
in a pilot for the entire next year. In addition, the City of San Rafael has entered into a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Marin County Free library that outlines
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 5
the collaboration between the two libraries that allows the mall to operate. This MOU
was approved at the Marin County Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, May 7 th.
Once our agreement with the mall owners, Merlone-Geier Partners, is fully executed we
will be announcing the extension of the mall popup.
Following in a series of Día de los Niños (Children's
Day) celebrations (Pickleweed, Downtown, Northgate),
the Downtown Library hosted a celebration of children’s
literacy last Saturday, May 4, on the Library
lawn. Attendees enjoyed a Colors of Spanish musical
program, face painting, and a free book giveaway, as
well as traditional childhood pastimes such as sidewalk
chalk, bubbles, hula hoops, and cornhole. The day
was complete with an impromptu hula-hoop
competition between a mother and
daughter. Whew! They were good!
Día de los Niños originated in Mexico in 1925 as a day
to celebrate children and the future that they hold for
humanity. Children’s writer Pat Mora learned of this tradition in 1996. She campaigned
the library community to adopt this observance as Día de los Niños/Día de
los Libros (Children's Day/Book Day), because literacy and books are directly
connected to a child’s wellbeing and future.
At the time of this writing,
there is still one more
celebration to be held at
Northgate Library on
Wednesday, May 8. The
Library is grateful for the
generosity of the Friends
of the San Rafael Public
Library for funding this
delightful, fun event.
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 6
May Meetings
• May 8 — Friends Board Meeting
• May 9 – Bike to Work Day
• May 13 – Station 52 Grand Opening
• May 14 — CS/Library Manager’s Meeting
• May 14 — Board of Trustees Meeting
• May 16 — MARINet Board Meeting
• May 21 — Parcel Tax Committee Meeting
• May 23 — Library All Staff Meeting
• May 23 — CS/Library Manager’s Meeting
New Library Survey Released –
An online survey has been released to solicit feedback from the community regarding
the three main downtown options. The link has gone up on the library website and on
social media. In addition, we are planning to email the survey to San Rafael residents
and to library patrons who have signed up for the online newsletter. We hope to be able
to gather a large swath of feedback within the next two weeks. We are also placing the
link on Next Door, Twitter and Facebook. If you would like to take the survey the link is
May 14, 2019
Best practices in public libraries throughout the San Francisco Bay Area include strong
integration between professional staff (Librarians) and paraprofessional staff (Library
Assistants). Currently, the City of San Rafael Main Library has implemented a shared
service point, emulating a change that Marin County Free Library made in 2010, to
combine the services of reference and circulation at one shared “customer service”
The efficiency that was created by combining a shared service desk has provided
additional resources that could be utilized to staff the Northgate mall location. This
location has broadened the availability of Library services in the City of San Rafael and
has resulted in an increase in new Library card holders since its inception in December
That the Board accept the report and provide comment.
Best practices in public libraries throughout the San Francisco Bay Area include strong
integration between the roles of Librarians and Library Assistants. This integration of
services facilitates staff gaining knowledge and developing skills that allow them to work
on the information or reference desks that serve the public directly with their needs
regarding the Library collection. This work is distinguished from that at the circulation
desk, as the circulation desk staff only assist patrons with account issues as well as with
checking out their materials.
The San Rafael Library is currently engaged in a project that has created a shared
service point, a change that Marin County Free Library made in 2010, to combine the
services of reference and circulation at one shared “customer service” desk. This desk
is staffed by one librarian and by one Library Assistant. This shared desk is located on
the second floor of the Library, where most of the collection is housed and is easily
Page 2 of 4
accessed through a direct entrance. In addition, the customer service desk in the
Children’s Area on the ground floor now aids patrons with account and circulation
The shared desk is configured to eliminate the need for patrons to go to two different
service points for circulation and/or information. Instead both functions are combined at
one desk. The shared service desk opened on January 28, 2019. Prior to its
implementation, there was extensive planning and training completed. The table below
summarizes the timeline and process that was done.
Timeline Action Items
5/2018 County Shared Service Manual shared with supervisors
8/2018 Supervisors Brainstorm Implementation Ideas
9/2018 Field trip to Novato, Q & A with Novato Supervisor
10/2018 Shared Service Working Group Created- Jill H, Margaret, Jamie, Christine,
Joan, Pam, Bonnie, Gina, Jennifer
11/2018 Follow-Up w Working Group – Field trip to Fairfax Library
12/2018 Training, Shadowing between service desks. Mall opens.
1/2019 More meetings w Working Group and Training – Circ desk closed 1/28/19
– shared desk opened 1/28/19
2/2019 Ongoing training continues, document shared of basic circ information for
Librarians. Lobby staff person assigned during high traffic times to
address customer concerns. Library Assistant IIs promoted to Senior
Library Assistants; “quick start” guide for navigating customer service in
children’s room drafted.
3/2019 Ongoing training continues, staff concerns/suggestions addressed and
reviewed in division meetings. Library pages (temporary staff) trained and
coached to assist with check in of materials to help as needed. Senior
Library Assistant meeting held to clarify roles, expectations; mentorship
pairing of Senior LAs with a librarian/supervising librarian discussed.
4/2019 Ongoing training continues, particularly for Library pages with check in of
materials. Draft of expectations of Senior LAs with librarian/supervising
librarian for mentorship currently underway.
The closing of the circulation counter allowed for the redesign of the downstairs lobby.
The redesign resulted in gaining a “check-in room” where staff can process returned
materials without interruption and expansion of the “holds pick up area” by 40%. In
Page 3 of 4
addition, removing the book cases from the lobby allows for better traffic flow throughout
the lobby, and improved access to both the meeting room and the children’s area.
Lastly, two additional self-check machines in the lobby, as well as a self -check in the
children’s area and a self-check adjacent to the service desk in the adult area, were
added as part of the redesign.
The shared service model allows for greater efficiency in staffing and facilitates cross-
training opportunities between Librarians and Library Assistants. Library Assistants
sometimes field reference questions that may need to be referred to Librarians, while
Librarians may be asked circulation questions in which they may need the assistance of
circulation staff. In addition, there exists an overlap where both classes of employees
are comfortable and proficient in answering the same types of questions with regards to
information and circulation. For example, renewing books, locating items on the shelf
and simple factual inquiries.
As a point of information, the Library Assistant job classification does not allow Library
Assistants to perform the basic reference function, i.e. answering questions about books
and information. The Senior Library Assistant job classification includes this job
At the Pickleweed Library this model of Senior Library Assistants and Librarians working
at one shared desk is already in place. Thus, for the sake of parity and consistency it
makes sense to implement a similar solution at the Downtown location.
Therefore, to expand the role of paraprofessional staff and their ability to respond to a
wider range of inquiries, all five Library Assistant lls at the Downtown Library were
offered an internal promotional opportunity to become Senior Library Assistants. Upon
the successful internal recruitment, all five staff were promoted to the position Senior
Library Assistant effective February 16, 2019.
Children’s Area
As part of the lobby redesign, training was included to create a shared service desk in
the children’s area like that of the upstairs/adult area, except for the cash register which
is only available upstairs.
Northgate Mall Pop-Up Library
The efficiency that was created by combining a shared service desk has provided
additional resources that could be utilized to staff the Northgate mall location. This
location has broadened the availability of Library services in the City of San Rafael and
has resulted in an increase of 275 new Library card holders since its inception in
December 2018. For comparison, during the same length of time the Downtown Library
issued 608 cards, and the Pickleweed Library issued 70.
Page 4 of 4
12/8/18 - Present Check-outs Renewals Holds Placed Holds Filled Check-ins
San Rafael 94,188 7,346 4,181 19,880 95,597
Pickleweed 9,466 1,304 841 1,829 10,155
Northgate 10,269 749 397 484 7,016
The promotion of 5 Library Assistant ll staff to Senior Library Assistants required an
additional $22,000. This amount was shifted from the temporary staffing budget of the
circulation, adult services and children’s services departments of the library. This is
additionally sustainable as the elevation of Library Assistant ll to Senior Library
Assistant and linked implementation of the Shared Service Point will allow a reduction in
use of temporary Library Assistants and Temporary Librarians.
Any other action as determined by the Board.
Submitted by:
Henry Bankhead
Interim Library Director