HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Library Trustees 2019-01-08 AgendaAGENDA
6:00 PM
This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on all
items, agendized or not. Presentations are generally limited to two minutes.
• Pop-up Tour
• Friends of the Library (Henry Bankhead)
• Library Foundation (Henry Bankhead)
• Special Library Parcel Tax Committee (Henry Bankhead)
• Board of Trustees Annual Report
• Mall Project update
• New Library Facility Planning Process update
• Correspondence as a regular item in the agenda
American sign language interpreters and assistive listening devices may be requested
by calling 415-485-3064 (voice) at least 72 hours in advance. Copies of documents are
available in accessible formats upon request. To allow individuals with
environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting,
individuals are requested to refrain from wearing scented products.
Gary O. Phillips, Mayor • John Gamblin, Vice Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Councilmember • Kate Colin, Councilmember • Andrew Cuyugan McCullough, Councilmember
Location: SRPL, Downtown Library Meeting Room
Date: 12/11/18
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Chair, Presiding: Melanie Leavitt Cantarutti
Members Present: Doug Van Gessel
Jaimi Cortes
Josh Libresco
Melanie Leavitt Cantarutti
Robert Ross
Members Absent: Scott Harrup (Alternate)
Others Present: Henry Bankhead, Interim Director
Jamie Poirier, Circulation Supervisor
Jinder Banwait, Administrative Assistant
The agenda was unanimously approved on a motion by Cantarutti and a second by
The November minutes were unanimously approved on a motion by Cantarutti and
a second by Libresco.
Bankhead shared information about the Pop-up Library at Northgate Mall, a
collaboration between Marin County Free Library and the San Rafael Public
Library. Bankhead talked about the excitement amongst staff and the community,
how the “library services are being delivered to where the people are.” Bankhead
also talked about the various services and programs at the Pop-up Library, book
drop, reservations, VR, 3D printing, sandbox, DVDs, books, Playaways, internet,
WiFi, and storytimes. Bankhead also discussed the concept of shared service points.
Libresco recommended having a short two question survey for community input.
Cortes recommended ideas for outreach, one being bookmarks for mall food court
Gary O. Phillips, Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Vice Mayor • Kate Colin, Councilmember • John Gamblin, Councilmember • Andrew Cuyugan McCullough, Councilmember
Poirier shared a short presentation about how some of the ideas gathered from
library tours are being implemented in the circulation area. The changes are mostly
logistical, removing shelving, utilizing book trucks, converted and moved A/V drop
to the City Hall side entrance, dedicated media drop on E St. side, and addition of
drop near the driveway exit.
None. Cortes would like Bankhead to inquire what “correspondence” is and
whether it is required in City minutes.
Bankhead shared the news of hiring a new Library Assistant I, Aisha N. Rodriguez
Ruiz. Aisha is also bilingual in Spanish.
Bankhead also discussed the progress Management Partners has made. The next
step is reviewing the results from the recent survey.
Bankhead shared that staff from the library and community services have begun
reaching out and visit the various departments to learn and build new
Board agreed that a FY Annual Report makes more sense than a calendar year
report. Board members discussed the purpose of the Board and their mission.
Board members also discussed attending City Council Meetings to bring more
awareness to the accomplishments of the Board. Cortes talked about reaching out
and engaging the community.
Friends of the Library: Bankhead: Friends cancelled December meeting and have
funded a program that they initially thought they would be unable to fund. Friends
also anticipate an increase in online sales.
SRPL Foundation: Bankhead: Annual letter went out.
Special Library Parcel Tax Committee: Bankhead: Finished report that will be on
the City Council Agenda for December 17th. The Committee would like to see the
budget ratio compared to the larger overall City General Fund Budget, in light of
how that would look after the merger.
Gary O. Phillips, Mayor • Maribeth Bushey, Vice Mayor • Kate Colin, Councilmember • John Gamblin, Councilmember • Andrew Cuyugan McCullough, Councilmember
Action Items Owner(s) Deadline Details
Correspondence Henry Bankhead Next
Ask about the
purpose of
correspondence in
City minutes.
New Library
Planning Process
Henry Bankhead Next
Add standing item.
Meeting adjourned at 7:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Henry Bankhead
January 2019
TO: San Rafael Public Library Board of Trustees
FR: Henry Bankhead, Interim Library Director
RE: Monthly Report to the Board
Facility Updates
Upstairs Shelves
Removed! In an effort to
prepare the upstairs desk
for our shared service
point project we have
removed the book case
that was adjacent to the
side of the upstairs desk.
The materials that were
formerly on this bookcase
have been moved to
other bookcases more
towards the center of the
room. This service point
will be undergoing some
ongoing upgrades that
are focused on making
this a convenient place to
provide the full range of
services that the library
has to offer in one
convenient location.
Library Personnel Updates
Internal Recruitment for Senior Library Assistant Position was posted. This is a para-
professional position that has the widest latitude in job function with regards to helping
patrons at the public service desk. The recruitment is open to existing employees only
and will be open for one week. Interviews are scheduled for January 14th.
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 2
The Mall Popup!
The Mall popup continues to be popular with patrons. On a regular basis the mall
location is filled with people, particularily in the late afternoon and evening hours. We
are installing a kiosk mounted tablet to collect user feedback. The partneship with the
Marin County Free Library is proceeding very productively, with the county providing
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 3
the books and other materials and the city the some of the technology and staffing. We
plan to extend the trial period into January to continue to test this concept and to record
data and feedback on how the project is working.
The two Oculus Rift headsets have been
extrememly popular at the mall, as has been the
3D printer and the virtual sandbox (Provided by
XR Marin). Mall patrons with children have been
finding the space very welcoming as there is a lot
of opportunity to explore and engage in a
captivating experience. We also have a lot of kid-
sized chairs, picture books and board books
placed low on the shelves that provide easy
access for childrens and families. A widescreen
TV is in place to display the streaming services
that the library provides, Hoopla and Kanopy.
We are planning to institute a regular storytime
at the Mall location in th enear future.
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 4
As part of the mall popup the
library has started to gather user
feedback in a simple and direct
way using Tapyness – an app that
allows users to rate their
experience on convenient touch
screen. We currently have one
iPad in place in the front of our
mall location to gather user
feedback. The application allows
for several different simple
questions to be asked. The user
data is available via email daily.
We plan to explore the use of this
technology and look at deploying
it in other locations to provide a
more accessible way for the
public to rate our services.
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 5
Tapyness Graphs from 12/17/18 and 1/3/19
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 6
Shared Service Point Update
Library staff are working diligently toward implementing the shared service point
model at the downtown library. Currently Library Assistants from Circulation,
Technical Services, and Pickleweed are shadowing and cross-training at the upstairs
and children's room service desks. Staff are also cross-training between downtown and
Pickleweed. Librarians are learning tasks that have traditionally been done only by
Circulation staff, and Library Assistants are getting oriented to the work flow of the
desks traditionally staffed by Librarians. We are all learning a lot with the lovely bonus
of getting to work side-by-side with co-workers we haven't worked with directly
before. The promotional recruitment for the Senior Library Assistant will offer us more
flexibility in terms of where and what staff can do from a job classification standpoint.
Within the shared service point model, patrons will be able to accomplish all their
library business with a minimal amount of redirection. When more staff know how to
do more things, we can serve the public more efficiently and effectively. This new and
greater flexibility increases our capacity to delight and inspire the community, and
ultimately fulfill our mission and vision as an organization.
Recent Library User Comments
• (Bibliocommons user) Excellent website making searches easy even for us who
are older than the average bear (lol). Thanks for maintaining this modality to
literature, music and movies for us as San Rafael residents and the community at
• (Bibliocommons user) Love it! It's easy to search and reserve the books, cds and
dvds that I want. Like being able to place holds on things that aren't in my
• (Bibliocommons user) The Marin Library system is the best...it eclipses all the
other reasons to love Marin! On line ordering, renewing, status...etc. So easy, so
convenient! Many thanks!
• Thank you for a great renewal process. It would be very helpful if we could
renew items more than twice as long as there is no 'request' for the item....this is
especially helpful around holiday times!
• (Mall user) This is the best thing the Mall has ever done!
• (About Mall library from NextDoor) I am delighted! It's a long trek from TL to
the Civic Center. A mall library would be an asset. I was the teacher librarian at
TLHS in the '90s, and I know how difficult it was for our students to access the
Civic Center library for research. The county explored the option of opening a
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 7
mini-branch at TLHS, but it really wasn't feasible. A branch west of 101 would be
so useful, especially to the high schoolers who do not drive.
• Thank you for being such a wonderful partner in our Mary Silveira Book clubs.
We have made so many kids readers, and we are so thankful for you. Happy
New Year!" - Thank you note received by children's room staff from a teacher at
Mary E. Silveira Elementary School. The day after receiving this note, Jill Harris
ran into this teacher again, and had a great conversation about our streaming
media services (Hoopla and Kanopy) and interactive book collections (Bookflix
and Tumblebooks) which she is very excited about and plans to use in her
• (Bibliocommons user) Good 2019 Library Team! I've mentioned this before and
know it may be a priority. It would be terrific if our "borrowing history" could
be sorted by Author. Has any progress been made?
• (Bibliocommons user) The search and reserve functions work very well. I am
grateful to be able to reserve or renew books this way.
• (Marin IJ Letter to the Editor Dec. 29) As a former librarian at San Rafael Public
Library who also served on the Vision in Action Committee for North San Rafael, I
was intrigued to read about the pop-up library at the Northgate mall. Then I went
to see for myself and, boy, was I impressed.
Working together, the San Rafael and Marin County libraries have packed a whole
lot into an attractive space. It was great to see two teenage boys using virtual
reality as well as people browsing the DVDs and books. I would love to see this
continued. It would be a very convenient location in North San Rafael for library
users to pick up items on hold and return materials, as well as browse. Kudos to
all involved!
— Kay Noguchi, Terra Linda
Library and Community Services Merger- update
Library and Community Services will be meeting together for a day long workshop on
February 7th, 2019. This workshop will be facilitated by Management Partners and will
include Managers and Supervisors for ½ of the day and all staff of both departments for
½ of the day. Both departments are working together on a reciprocal series of
opportunities to learn about each other. We have mutually decided to explore creating
several working groups to address intersections of both departments. Topics include:
Services to Older Adults, Services to Children, Teens, Programming, Facilities
Maintenance and Technology.
Monthly Library Report to the Library Board of Trustees, p. 8
Teen Advisory Board
Teen Advisory Board or TAB,
is a place where teens can
share their opinions and
directly improve the library’s
teen programs, services and
collections. TAB meets the
fourth Tuesday of every
month. Teens must be in
grades 7-12 to participate.
Pizza will be provided and participating in TAB counts as community service hours!
One of the latest TAB gatherings was followed by a teen-led program to create holiday
cards for hospitalized kids (pictured here).
Library Card Drive update
Building upon the update MOU between the City of San Rafael and the San Rafael City
Schools we have moved forward with the next round of library card distributions. We
have made the library cards for the students who don’t have them, and we are awaiting
the upload of these records into the MARINet database.
December Library Director Activities
• January 8 — Library Board of Trustees Meeting
• January 9 — Department Directors Meeting
• January 9 — Friends Board Meeting
• January 17 — MARINet Board Meeting
• January 23 — Department Directors Meeting
• January 25-27 —ALA Mid-Winter Meeting