HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Library Trustees 2017-08-08 MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SAN RAFAEL LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 2017 DOWNTOWN LIBRARY MEETING ROOM 6:00 P.M. CAROL MANASHIL, CHAIR, PRESIDING MEMBERS PRESENT: CAROL MANASHIL, CHAIR MELANIE LEAVITT CANTARUTTI JOSH LIBRESCO JAIMI CORTES MEMBERS ABSENT: DOUG VAN GESSEL OTHERS PRESENT: SARAH HOUGHTON, DIRECTOR HENRY BANKHEAD, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR JOSHUA ALPERIN, SUPERVISING LIBRARIAN, PICKLELWEED LIBRARY APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda was approved unanimously on a motion by Cantarutti and a second by Libresco. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A quorum of attendees from the June meeting was not present, so minutes approval was tabled until the September meeting. The July minutes were approved unanimously on a motion from Libresco and a second by Cantarutti. PUBLIC COMMENT None STAFF PRESENTATION Joshua Alperin, Supervising Librarian at the Pickleweed Library, talked about the success of the summer reading challenge at the Pickleweed Library. Weekly special performances were averaging 150 attendees per show, crafts averaged 40 people per event, and there were 600 participants from Pickleweed in the summer reading challenge. In addition, the Library partnered with the National Park Service to take a bus of families from the Canal to Chrissy Field for the day. CORRESPONDENCE None REPORT FROM LIBRARY DIRECTOR Personnel Updates Round 1 interviews have been completed for all three vacant positions and Round 2 interviews are being scheduled. City Council Actions On July 17th the City Council held interviews for the new 5-person Parcel Tax Committee and selected the following five members: Phyllis Brinckerhoff, Peter Lee, Pamela Cook, Robert Ross, and Gregg Kellogg. Facility Updates: New tables and chairs have been installed in the Downtown Library’s Children’s Room. Library Activities CENIC The gigabit Ethernet connection went live at both libraries on July 10th. Staff Day Both libraries will be closed on Friday, September 22nd for our annual all staff day. Eclipse Program There was some discussion about the Downtown Library’s plans for viewing the solar eclipse on Monday morning, August 21. The Library has already distributed several hundred sets of safety glasses, and will have more available for at the event. REPORTS FROM LIBRARY SUPPORT GROUPS AND OTHER RELATED GROUPS Friends of the Library: The Friends Board has not met since the last Trustees meeting. SRPL Foundation: The Foundation Board has not met since the last Trustees meeting. Special Library Parcel Tax Committee: The newly formed Committee, with two continuing members and three new members, will have its first meeting in October. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Quarterly strategic plan update—The Board accepted the update and asked questions specifically about the glading project for children’s books (organizing by categories that make sense to children instead of by author’s last name), and about immigration issues related to the library and the library as a safe space. Quarterly outreach activities update — The Board accepted the update. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm. Respectfully submitted by Sarah Houghton