HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Library Trustees 2017-06-13 MinutesMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SAN RAFAEL LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2017 DOWNTOWN LIBRARY MEETING ROOM 6:00 P.M. SARAH HOUGHTON, SUBSTITUTE CHAIR, PRESIDING MEMBERS PRESENT: JOSH LIBRESCO JAIMI CORTES DOUG VAN GESSEL MEMBERS ABSENT: CAROL MANASHIL, CHAIR MELANIE LEAVITT CANTARUTTI OTHERS PRESENT: SARAH HOUGHTON, DIRECTOR HENRY BANKHEAD, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR PAM KLEIN, DOWNTOWN LIBRARY ADULT SERVICES SUPERVISOR APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda was approved unanimously on a motion by Van Gessel and a second by Libresco. APPROVAL OF MINUTES May minutes were approved unanimously on a motion by Libresco and a second by Van Gessel. PUBLIC COMMENT None STAFF PRESENTATION Pam Klein discussed the start of the adult summer reading program as well as the recent activities of the Teen Advisory Board. She also presented a packet of materials highlighting the library’s history from 1887-1909 (when the Carnegie building was opened). CORRESPONDENCE None REPORT FROM LIBRARY DIRECTOR Personnel Updates Recruitments for the three vacancies have closed and staff are reviewing the applications. City Council Actions On May 15th, the City Council agreed to form a new Special Library Parcel Tax Committee. On June 5th, the City Council unanimously voted to support the continuation of the library facilities project. Facility Updates: A project to conduct a top to bottom assessment of the Downtown Library facility was approved as a top priority item in the coming fiscal year’s Capital Improvement Projects list from Public Works. Library Activities CENIC Gigabit Ethernet Connections Update This project continues to have delays, though to comply with the terms of the grant funding both libraries must have installation completed by the end of June. Downtown Library Children’s Services Update On April 22nd, we kicked off the Dia de los Ninos celebration at the Downtown Library. Youngsters and families were able to enjoy face painting, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, music, and a free book giveaway. Pickleweed had a Dia event one week later on April 29th, with 350 attendees. Also on April 29th, the Downtown Library featured Ane Carla Rovetta who presented a Harry Potter Herbology program in collaboration with our good friends at Falkirk. Together San Rafael The City of San Rafael has launched a new initiative for all employees called Together San Rafael. This initiative’s purpose is threefold: 1) bringing staff and management together figure things out cross-departmentally, rather than through a top down approach, 2) empowering all City employees, regardless of position or tenure, to share and implement their innovative ideas, and 3) celebrating the innovation happening every day in our departments. Pickleweed Supervising Librarian Recognized at City Employee Recognition Luncheon Pickleweed Supervising Librarian Josh Alperin was the recipient of the Innovation Award from the City for his work on the Reading Buddies project. Library’s 130th Anniversary Celebration The 130th anniversary celebration of Library Services in San Rafael on June 3rd was a success with over 600 people, including many families with children. The Marin Independent Journal also provided some positive coverage: http://www.marinij.com/general-news/20170603/san-rafael-library-hits-130-years-of- service-looks-to-expand REPORTS FROM LIBRARY SUPPORT GROUPS AND OTHER RELATED GROUPS Friends of the Library: The Friends’ annual library lawn booksale is Saturday, June 17th. SRPL Foundation: The Foundation Board has not met since the last Trustees meeting. Special Library Parcel Tax Committee: The Committee has not met since the last Trustees meeting. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS School library card drive update—Assistant Director Bankhead gave an update on this project. The MOU with the schools was signed some time ago, but we have yet to receive the student data from the school IT staff. We had hoped to get cards to all students by the end of the school year but that did not happen. We are aiming to launch the project when school commences in August and are looking at possibilities of making the process more seamless for the students. 2017/2018 final annual library budget—Director Houghton presented the library’s final budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Questions were asked about the increased spending on physical materials and whether or not the libraries had space to house the materials, and the increases in the building maintenance contracts and office supplies line items. Library facilities project update—Director Houghton discussed the next steps for this project: issuing an RFP for bird’s eye view footprints for 3 sites in Downtown, 3 sites in Terra Linda, and a Pickleweed branch expansion. Cortes asked for a timeline on this and Houghton replied that the hope would be to finish the RFP in the next month and have it approved and issued in approximately two months. Libresco asked how the Farmers Market outreach is going. Library staff and volunteers from our affiliate groups have been present at three markets so far and will be attending every other week for the entire market season. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm. Respectfully submitted by Sarah Houghton