HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC 2020-03-05 Agenda PacketMARCH 5, 2020 CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING CITY MANAGER CONFERENCE ROOM CH201, CITY HALL 7:00 P.M. AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of February 6th Meeting Notes 3. Presentation and Discussion – Economic Vitality Policies – Barry Miller • Staff Report on Economic Vitality Element Policies: https://storage.googleapis.com/proudcity/sanrafaelca/uploads/2020/02/ATT2- EconomicVitalityPolicies.pdf • Economic Vitality Element Policies (2020 vs. 2040): https://storage.googleapis.com/proudcity/sanrafaelca/uploads/2020/02/ATT2A- EconVitality-2040vs2020.pdf 4. Homeless Housing Proposal - 190 Mill Street: • https://marinindependentjournal- ca.newsmemory.com/?publink=13144eab2_1343547 5. Los Gamos Rd Housing – Followup Letter 6. Project Updates • Website: https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/major-planning-projects/ 7. General Plan Updates 8. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items 9. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items 10. Adjournment City of San Rafael Citizens Advisory Committee for Economic Development and Affordable Housing (CAC) Meeting Summary Notes February 6, 2020 CAC Members Present: William O’Connell, Roger Smith, Joe McCallum, Bill Carney, Dirck Brinckerhoff, Glenn Koorhan, Kati Miller CAC Members Absent: Gladys Gilliland, Andrew Naja-Riese, Mari Jones, Madeline Silva Khan City Staff Present: Simon Vuong Guests Present: Ross Guehring, Chris Hart, Colin Russell Members of the Public Present: Kelley Kromhout, Pam Reeves 1. Call to Order: Chair Carney called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. 2. Approval of February 6th Meeting Minutes: Approved as submitted. 3. Presentation – Los Gamos Rd Housing – Ross Guehring Ross Guehring (representative), Chris Hart (developer), and Colin Russell (architect), collectively the ‘Team’, presented an overview of the project. They have been working with the City for the past year on a project that includes 180 for rent residential units on 10 acres that are affordable by design. The units are intended to be targeting the need for workforce housing in Marin. There will be a mix of 1, 2, and 3-bedroom units all less than 900 square feet, and the aim is to have 20% of the units affordable. The project is preserving much of the open space and will include a nominal amount of commercial space, possibly a food option. The project was positively received by the Planning Commission. The CAC was pleased with the project, asking whether the site could accommodate additional units as it is in an ideal location, but there was hesitancy in developing the additional open space and an uncertainty if there was a desire to propose even more units above 180 for a site that originally only allowed 5. As proposed, the project seems sensible and fits in with the neighborhood identity, and there does not appear to be a visual impact. The CAC encouraged the team to use the site and the prominent topography and to identify connections to surrounding areas. Although there were questions regarding the viability of the proposed commercial space, the project as a whole was well received by the CAC. The next steps would be to continue working with the Planning Division and to get on the DRB’s schedule. Members of the public discouraged active recreation in the open space, to preserve the existing views, and to actively explore additional units. The CAC subcommittee will draft a letter of support for the project at a future meeting, with the following key points: discuss the ability to add more housing, additional units should also be subject to the 20% affordability, possibly greater height, encourage acquisition of County land, potential relocation of the market, and flexibility with parking. 4. Project Updates Mr. Vuong provided project update on 1001 4th St project (Goldstone) regarding the schedule, the lead team, the anticipated number of parking stalls, and the developer’s phase in the process. 999 3rd St (BioMarin/Whistlestop) was approved at Planning Commission and was heading to City Council sometime in March. Mr. Vuong will also be assisting the Planning Division with the Francisco Blvd hotel project as it moves towards the entitlement phase. 815 B St is under construction following demolition, and the AC Marriott hotel project in Downtown is continuing excavation and moving on to construction. 5. General Plan Updates Chair Carney provided a brief update regarding the General Plan and that the end of the process is in sight. In March, the focus of the conversation will be on transportation and traffic, parks and recreation, and diversity and inclusion. 6. Public Comment None 7. Annual Election of Officers: Bill O’Connell was elected Chair, Andrew Naja-Riese, Vice-Chair, and Joe McCallum as Secretary as officers of the CAC for the remainder of 2020. 8. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items Discussion to invite Barry Miller back in April or May, outreach to an affordable housing professional, and/or an update on the Precise Plan. 9. Meeting Adjourned at 9:08 PM Respectfully submitted by Simon Vuong Draft Economic Vitality Policies * February 12, 2020 1 MEETING DATE: February 12, 2020 AGENDA ITEM: 5.A ATTACHMENT: 2 REPORT TO GENERAL PLAN 2040 STEERING COMMITTEE Subject: Economic Vitality Element Policies EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Staff has prepared Draft Economic Vitality policies for the 2040 General Plan. The policies incorporate feedback from City staff and the General Plan Steering Committee, as well as an “audit” of the policies in the prior (2020) General Plan. The new Economic Vitality Element is approximately the same length as the existing plan, but has been augmented with updated policies and action programs. The proposed 2040 policies are included in this staff report. Attachment A compares the 2040 policies with the 2020 policies in two side-by-side columns, with a third column provided for Steering Committee comments. REPORT Background The Economic Vitality Element is considered an “optional” element of the General Plan. A growing number of cities have adopted such elements in their plans, recognizing the relationship between the local economy and topics such as land use, housing, and transportation. In Marin County, Novato, Mill Valley, Sausalito, and the County of Marin have added economic elements to their Plan. Overview The Draft 2040 Economic Vitality Element includes three goals: (1) A healthy, sustainable economy (2) A range of goods and services (3) Distinctive business areas The first goal focuses on attracting investment, creating jobs, supporting businesses, and creating positive fiscal conditions in the city. The second goal emphasizes San Rafael’s role as the business hub of Marin County and a full-service location for shopping, services, and hospitality. The third emphasizes the quality of the City’s business districts, including Downtown, Northgate, East San Rafael, industrial and business parks, and community and neighborhood centers. The goal supports creative, compatible infill development in each area. Draft Economic Vitality Policies * February 12, 2020 2 The Draft Element incorporates feedback from the Steering Committee and City staff. Several Committee members submitted written comments on the Economic Vitality policy audit provided in July 2019. In addition, oral comments from the July 10, 2019 Steering Committee meeting were reviewed to identify new issues and potential policies and programs. Staff also considered input from the City’s Economic Development Department, the findings of the baseline report completed by the General Plan economic consultant, and “best practices” in other general plans. Policies The proposed Economic Vitality goals, policies, and programs are included on the following pages. There are 21 policies (there were 17 in the prior plan), summarized below: • Policy 1.1 emphasizes the importance of a strong economy to the City’s fiscal health and quality of life. • Policy 1.2 addresses partnerships and positive relationships between the City and business community. • Policy 1.3 addresses business attraction. It calls for a City economic development strategy. • Policy 1.4 encourages a business-supportive environment in the city. • Policy 1.5 is a new policy covering San Rafael’s marketing and branding. • Policy 1.6 carries forward an existing workforce housing policy. • Policy 1.7 addresses workforce development (this was a Program in General Plan 2020). • Policy 1.8 promotes sustainable business practices and green businesses, tying in language from the Climate Action Plan and the Sustainability Element from General Plan 2020 • Policy 1.9 addresses economic resiliency and the engagement of the business community in disaster preparedness planning. • Policy 2.1 emphasizes San Rafael’s regional role as a “full service” city. • Policy 2.2 addresses the health of the retail sector and its adaptation to national and regional trends. • Policy 2.3 promotes local shopping and purchasing. • Policy 2.4 calls for industrial land preservation. • Policy 2.5 recommends a robust tourism and hospitality sector. • Policy 3.1 addresses the quality of the City’s business districts. • Policy 3.2 covers revitalization and upgrading of older commercial and industrial properties. • Policy 3.3 recognizes the importance of authenticity to San Rafael’s economic success. This is a new policy. • Policy 3.4 emphasizes the city’s economic identity as a waterfront city. This is a new policy. • Policy 3.5 calls for investment in business-supportive infrastructure. This is a new policy. • Policy 3.6 addresses relationships between the business community and nearby neighborhoods. • Policy 3.7 encourages creative infill development. This was expressed as a Goal in General Plan 2020. Economic Vitality Element Policies * DRAFT 1 * February 6, 2020 Page 3 Economic Vitality Element GOAL EV-1: A HEALTHY AND SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY Maintain a healthy and sustainable local economy that attracts investment, creates jobs, and provides services for residents and visitors. San Rafael will strive for a diversified tax base that provides the revenue needed to sustain City services and infrastructure while maintaining fiscal health. The City will adapt to economic change and foster the success of local businesses. Goal 8 POLICY EV-1.1: QUALITY OF LIFE Recognize the importance of a healthy economy to the quality of life, especially the ability to provide excellent schools, public safety services, recreation, and other government services. Policy EV-1 Program EV-1.1A: Education About the Local Economy. Continue to provide information to decision- makers and the public about the inter-relationship of community life and economic vitality. This should include data on the local economy, including indicators of San Rafael’s economic health. Program EV-1A and 1B Program EV-1.1B: Economic and Fiscal Impacts. Continue to evaluate economic and fiscal impacts in reports to the Planning Commission and City Council. Land use decisions should consider potential City revenues and costs, impacts on jobs and housing, the potential for community benefits, and opportunity costs. Program EV-4A POLICY EV-1.2: RELATIONSHIP BUILDING Strengthen positive working relationships between the City and the business community, neighborhoods, and surrounding communities. Policy EV-5 Program EV-1.2A: Chamber of Commerce and Business Improvement District. Sustain partnerships with the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business Improvement District to improve the business climate and support local businesses. Programs EV-2a and 5C Program EV-1.2B: Commercial Broker Relationships. Engage the local commercial real estate and development community in identifying and resolving barriers to doing business in San Rafael. New Program EV-1.2C: Marin County Economic Forum. Work with the Marin County Economic Forum to improve the economic health of the region and encourage businesses success in San Rafael. Program EV-5A Program EV-1.2D: Communications with Residents. Regularly communicate with residents on economic issues through meetings with neighborhood associations, the City website, the Citizens Advisory Committee, and similar means. Program EV-5B POLICY EV-1.3: BUSINESS ATTRACTION Build on San Rafael’s strengths, including its location, housing diversity, transportation system, weather, scenery, history, culture, and people, to leverage economic growth and private investment. The City will work with local partners to attract businesses that enhance and diversify the City’s economy. Replaces Program EV-2C Economic Vitality Element Policies * DRAFT 1 * February 6, 2020 Page 4 Program EV-1.3A: Economic Development Strategy. Develop and periodically update an Economic Development Strategy that provides guidance for maintaining economic health, fostering business success, and responding to economic trends. New Program Program EV-1.3B: Industry Clusters and Supply Chains. Identify core industries and develop economic development programs to attract these business types. Encourage supply chains for core industries and encourage business-to-business relationships. New POLICY EV-1.4: BUSINESS SUPPORT Create a favorable environment for business in San Rafael. Maintain ongoing communication with the business community and respond to needs and concerns as they arise. Replaces Policy EV-2 and EV-9 Program EV-1.4A: Development Opportunities. Provide site location assistance to developers and prospective businesses by maintaining data on vacant and underutilized sites in the City, including vacant buildings. Data should include allowable uses and intensity, site availability, and potential issues. Program EV-2B Program EV-1.4B: Permit and Technical Assistance. Where feasible, provide ombudsperson services to assist local businesses. Seek opportunities to innovate with technology to help improve service delivery. New Program EV-1.4C: Small Business Support. Partner with the Marin Small Business Development Center to provide small business advisory and training opportunities including business plan development, marketing and social media, human resources strategies, and access to capital/investment. Program EV-9A Program EV-1.4D: Business Incubation. Encourage business mentoring, education, and incubation programs that could be undertaken in cooperation with public, institutional and/or private sector partners. Program EV-9B Program EV-1.4E: Business Recognition. Support recognition programs for exemplary businesses, such as annual awards programs. New POLICY EV-1.5: MARKETING AND BRANDING Encourage and support marketing and branding efforts that promote San Rafael. New Program EV-1.5A: Media Relations. Generate media coverage that communicates a positive image of San Rafael and increases the City’s recognition as a great place to do business. Implement social media strategies that reinforce this message. New Program EV-1.5B: Competitive Edge. Market San Rafael’s competitive edge relative to other Marin cities and mid-sized Bay Area cities. San Rafael’s branding should highlight the City’s reputation as the business, civic, cultural, dining, and entertainment hub of Marin County. New POLICY EV-1.6: WORKFORCE HOUSING Aggressively encourage creation and retention of housing that is affordable to low and moderate-income wage earners providing essential local services, such as public safety, health care, elder care, and education. Policy EV-12 Economic Vitality Element Policies * DRAFT 1 * February 6, 2020 Page 5 Program EV-1.6A: Benefits of Workforce Housing. Work with community partners to educate residents regarding the benefits of workforce housing. Program EV-12A Program EV-1.6B: School Partnerships. Work with local school districts to explore opportunities to build housing for teachers, public safety employees, and other essential service employees on public land. Prog 12B POLICY EV-1.7: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Support education and workforce development programs that improve access to employment and promote career advancement for all San Rafael residents. Program EV-10C Program EV-1.7A. Workforce Development Programs. Support the efforts of businesses, labor organizations, non-profits, schools, and the public sector in providing job training and other services that help San Rafael residents find local employment. Policy EV-10 Program EV-1.7B. Mentoring Programs. Continue to participate in mentoring, apprenticeship, and internship programs, including participation in programs run by other agencies and organizations. Program EV- 10A Program EV-1.7C: English as a Second Language. Continue to support community wide efforts to provide English as a Second Language (ESL) training, citizenship, and other educational programs for foreign-born residents. Program EV-10B POLICY EV-1.8: SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS PRACTICES Promote sustainable business practices that reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources and support the City’s climate action goals. Policy EV-7 Program EV-1.8A: Green Economy. Support the creation of environmentally beneficial jobs and green businesses opportunities. Policy SU-12, Program SU-12A, SU-12C Program EV-1.8B: Green Business Practices. Coordinate with Marin County, environmental organizations and the Chamber of Commerce to promote greener business practices and participation in the County’s Green Business Program. Program EV-7A, Program SU-12B, and CCAP CE-E5 Program EV-1.8C: Innovation Working Group. Convene an economic development and innovation working group to explore ways to move toward a low-carbon economy while fostering local business success. (CCAP Program CE-C4) Program EV-1.8D: CCAP Implementation. Work with local business to help achieve the goals of the 2030 Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), including a shift toward renewable energy, reduced waste, increased composting, and low-carbon transportation. New POLICY EV-1.9: ECONOMIC RESILIENCE Encourage economic resilience, including energy independence and improved ability to function after a natural disaster. New Economic Vitality Element Policies * DRAFT 1 * February 6, 2020 Page 6 Program EV-1.9A: Business Engagement. Actively engage the business community in disaster preparedness planning. GOAL EV-2: A RANGE OF GOODS AND SERVICES Sustain a diverse and balanced local economy that provides a wide range of goods, services, and opportunities. San Rafael is widely recognized as Marin’s “go to” city for shopping, dining, entertainment, and an array of day-to-day and specialized services. Local businesses provide jobs in both traditional and emerging sectors of the regional economy. Goal 9 POLICY EV-2.1: FULL-SERVICE CITY Keep San Rafael a full-service city by retaining and supporting a broad range of businesses. Policy EV-8 POLICY EV-2.2: RETAIL SECTOR Respond to changes in the retail economy so that San Rafael’s commercial areas can adapt and remain an integral part of the City’s economy. Policy EV-7 Program EV-2.2A: Shopping Center Evaluation. Periodically evaluate the performance of the City’s retail centers. Use the data to help improve retail performance or assist centers with attracting other compatible uses. New POLICY EV-2.3: PROMOTING LOCAL PURCHASING Encourage local purchasing of goods and services by residents, workers, businesses and City government in order to cycle dollars back into the local economy, support local businesses, and generate revenue for the City. Policy EV-6 Program EV-2.3A: Local Shopping Campaigns. Support campaigns to “Shop Locally” and raise awareness about the benefits of supporting local businesses. Program EV-6B Program EV-2.3B: Event Promotion. Continue to promote events that bring people to Downtown, Northgate and other community commercial centers to support local businesses. Program EV-6A Program EV-2.3C: Local Preference. Continue to explore the viability of a local business preference policy for City purchases of goods and services. Program EV-6C Program EV-2.3D: Day and Evening Visitors. Attract a variety of retail businesses to encourage patronage during both day and evening hours. Program EV-4c POLICY EV-2.4: INDUSTRIAL LAND SUPPLY Preserve the City’s supply of industrial land. Policy EV-8 Program EV-2.4A: Industrial Zoning. Maintain zoning for industrial areas to prevent a loss of industrial businesses. Program EV-8B Economic Vitality Element Policies * DRAFT 1 * February 6, 2020 Page 7 POLICY EV-2.5: TOURISM Recognize and support tourism as a significant contributor to San Rafael’s economy. Policy EV-3 Program EV-2.5A: Tourism Strategies. Explore strategies to enhance local tourism, improve hotel and conference facilities, and support tourism programs of the Chamber, Downtown Business Improvement District, and Marin County Visitors Bureau. Program EV-3A Program EV-2.5B: Downtown Arts District. Support the Downtown Cultural Arts District through marketing, programs, and partnerships. New Program EV-2.5C: Special Events. Encourage special events and festivals that draw visitors to San Rafael, showcase its vibrant arts and cultural scene, and have net positive effects on local businesses and City revenues. New Program EV-2.5D: Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT). Explore ways to increase economic development program funding through increased TOT revenues. Program EV- 3D See the Land Use Element for policies on home occupations. See the Mobility Element for policies on telecommuting, flextime, and other strategies to reduce peak hour commuting. Goal EV-3: DISTINCTIVE BUSINESS AREAS Sustain vital, attractive, distinct business areas. Downtown, Northgate, West Francisco, East San Rafael, and the Miracle Mile each play a unique and complementary role in the City’s economy. These districts are complemented by attractive, convenient neighborhood centers that provide local services and gathering places. Goal 10 POLICY EV-3.1: BUSINESS AREAS Strengthen the positive qualities of each business area in San Rafael to create a stronger sense of place and brand identity. Policy EV-13 Program 3.1A: Zoning Regulations. Ensure that zoning regulations for each business area help support their unique economic role and enhance their identity as satisfying, attractive places. Program EV-13A POLICY EV-3.2: REVITALIZATION Support and encourage redevelopment and upgrading of commercial and industrial properties while retaining economic and business diversity. The City should work with property owners, businesses, and business organizations to address issues such as parking, beautification and landscaping, streetscape improvements, and circulation and access. Policy EV-14 Program EV-3.2A: Business Improvement Districts. Support the use of BIDs to improve services to business districts and provide a funding source for localized improvements. New Program EV-3.2B: Public Private Partnerships. Encourage public/private partnerships as one means of revitalizing deteriorated and underdeveloped areas. Policy EV-16 Economic Vitality Element Policies * DRAFT 1 * February 6, 2020 Page 8 Program EV-3.2C: Business Assistance Programs. Explore the feasibility of programs to assist local businesses with property improvements, such as landscaping, signage, façade improvements, and design assistance. New POLICY EV-3.3: AUTHENTICITY Recognize the value of local historic resources as an economic asset and placemaking tool that distinguishes San Rafael from other cities. Leverage historic buildings, sites, and districts to promote the city as an authentic and distinct place. New POLICY EV-3.4: WATERFRONT Enhance San Rafael’s identity as a waterfront city. Leverage opportunities to create attractive waterfront gathering places and vistas along the San Rafael Canal and San Francisco Bay shoreline for business, visitors, and residents. New POLICY EV-3.5: BUSINESS INFRASTRUCTURE Support investment in telecommunications infrastructure so that San Rafael’s business districts remain economically competitive and can meet changing business needs and technology requirements. New See the Infrastructure Element for policies on fiber optics communication and similar services POLICY EV-3.6: MUTUAL SUPPORT BETWEEN BUSINESS AREAS AND ADJACENT NEIGHBORHOODS Promote productive relationships between residential neighborhoods and adjoining business areas. Policy EV- 15 Program EV-3.6A: Business/Neighbor Collaboration. Seek innovative ways for businesses and their residential neighbors to collaboratively solve mutual concerns and conflicts. Work with commercial property owners to encourage businesses that benefit local neighborhoods and contribute to their vitality. Program EV-15A Program EV-3.6B Neighborhood Upgrades. Use the planning and development review process to support improvements to commercial centers that can be used by workers and residents, such as community gathering places and child care facilities. Prog 15B POLICY EV-3.7: CREATIVE INFILL Encourage creative infill development and redevelopment that maximizes existing resources and makes the best use of limited available space. Expedite the development review process by establishing clear expectations for design, and effectively involving the community. Goal 11/Policy EV-17 Program EV-3.7C: Pre-submittal Process. Improve the efficiency and speed of the development review process by revisiting neighborhood notification and meeting procedures and updating the pre-submittal process to identify initial concerns and encourage higher quality applications. Program EV-17A Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 1 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies GOAL EV-1: A HEALTHY AND SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY Maintain a healthy and sustainable local economy that attracts investment, creates jobs, and provides services for residents and visitors. San Rafael will strive for a diversified tax base that provides the revenue needed to sustain City services and infrastructure while maintaining fiscal health. The City will adapt to economic change and foster the success of local businesses. GOAL 8: A SOUND ECONOMY It is the goal for San Rafael to have a vital, forward- looking citywide economy developed with appropriate respect for our environment. San Rafael has an economy that readily adapts to and takes advantage of changes in the way business is conducted. City government helps shape the existing economy and provide for its growth in a way that ensures sufficient municipal revenue without adversely impacting our quality of life. Policy and land use decisions promote San Rafael’s economy with an emphasis on balance and infrastructure limits, while maintaining a commitment to the environment. Policy EV-1.1: Quality of Life Recognize the importance of a healthy economy to the quality of life, especially the ability to provide excellent schools, public safety services, recreation, and other government services. Policy EV-1: Economic Health and Quality of Life Understand and appreciate the contributions essential to our quality of life made by a healthy economy, especially to public safety, our schools, recreation, and government services. Program EV-1.1A: Education About the Local Economy. Continue to provide information to decision-makers and the public about the inter-relationship of community life and economic vitality. This should include data on the local economy, including indicators of San Rafael’s economic health. Program EV-1a: Education About the Local Economy. Continue to promote a business-friendly climate by educating decision makers and the public about interrelationships of community life and economic vitality. Disseminate information through the City newsletter, City website, staff reports, the State of the City dinner, and other means. Program EV-1b: Economic Database. Maintain databases, generally available to the public, of economic and demographic information to support attainment of economic goals. Protect confidential economic data. Program EV-1.1B: Economic and Fiscal Impacts. Continue to evaluate economic and fiscal impacts in reports to the Planning Commission and City Council. Land use decisions should consider potential City revenues and costs, impacts on jobs and housing, the potential for community benefits, and opportunity costs. Program EV-4a: Economic Impacts. Continue and expand identification and evaluation of relevant economic impacts in staff reports to Planning Commission and City Council. Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 2 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies Policy EV-1.2: Relationship Building Strengthen positive working relationships between the City and the business community, neighborhoods, and surrounding communities. Policy EV-5: Strengthen Positive Relationships Strengthen the positive working relationships among the business community, neighborhoods, surrounding communities and City government. Program EV-1.2A: Chamber of Commerce and Business Improvement District. Sustain partnerships with the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business Improvement District to improve the business climate and support local businesses. Program EV-2a: Business Retention. Continue the business retention program in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce to keep existing businesses thriving in San Rafael. Program EV-2c: Partnership with the Chamber. Continue to support the Chamber of Commerce’s business promotion and recruitment efforts. Program EV-5c: Chamber of Commerce and Business Improvement District. Continue regular meetings to coordinate with and support the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Business Improvement District. Program EV-1.2B: Commercial Broker Relationships. Engage the local commercial real estate and development community in identifying and resolving barriers to doing business in San Rafael. New Program EV-1.2C: Marin County Economic Forum. Work with the Marin County Economic Forum to improve the economic health of the region and encourage businesses success in San Rafael. Program EV-5a: Marin County Economic Commission. Work with the Marin County Economic Commission on shared approaches to the economic health of the region and on ways to encourage businesses to remain in and move to San Rafael. Program EV-1.2D: Communications with Residents. Regularly communicate with residents on economic issues through meetings with neighborhood associations, the City website, the Citizens Advisory Committee, and similar means. Program EV-5b: Communications with Residents. Regularly communicate with residents regarding relevant economic issues. Maintain consistent and accessible contact with residents through, for example, monthly meetings with neighborhood associations, and the City newsletter and website. Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 3 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies Policy EV-1.3: Business Attraction Build on San Rafael’s strengths, including its location, housing diversity, transportation system, weather, scenery, history, culture, and people, to leverage economic growth and private investment. The City will work with local partners to attract businesses that enhance and diversify the City’s economy. New Program EV-1.3A: Economic Development Strategy. Develop and periodically update an Economic Development Strategy that provides guidance for maintaining economic health, fostering business success, and responding to economic trends. New Program EV-1.3B: Industry Clusters and Supply Chains. Identify core industries and develop economic development programs to attract these business types. Encourage supply chains for core industries and encourage business-to- business relationships. New Policy EV-1.4: Business Support Create a favorable environment for business in San Rafael. Maintain ongoing communication with the business community and respond to needs and concerns as they arise. Policy EV-2 : Seek, Retain, and Promote Businesses that Enhance San Rafael Recruit and retain businesses that contribute to our economic vitality, thus helping to provide needed local goods, services and employment, and enhance the City’s physical environment. Policy EV-9: Business Assistance Programs Support the creation and retention of programs that assist small businesses. Program EV-1.4A: Development Opportunities. Provide site location assistance to developers and prospective businesses by maintaining data on vacant and underutilized sites in the City, including vacant buildings. Data should include allowable uses and intensity, site availability, and potential issues. Program EV-2b: Infill and Reuse Opportunities. Identify redevelopment opportunities and expansion potential and make this information available for the real estate community. Prepare an inventory of vacant and underutilized sites that could be redeveloped for more beneficial use. Address the type of infill appropriate, intensity of use, fiscal impacts, other likely impacts, and timing/phasing issues. Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 4 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies Program EV-1.4B: Permit and Technical Assistance. Where feasible, provide ombudsperson services to assist local businesses. Seek opportunities to innovate with technology to help improve service delivery. New Program EV-1.4C: Small Business Support. Partner with the Marin Small Business Development Center to provide small business advisory and training opportunities including business plan development, marketing and social media, human resources strategies, and access to capital/investment. Program EV-9a: Business Education. Work with the Chamber of Commerce and other public and private organizations to strengthen business education programs. Program EV-1.4D: Business Incubation. Encourage business mentoring, education, and incubation programs that could be undertaken in cooperation with public, institutional and/or private sector partners. Program EV-9b: Business Incubation. Evaluate the feasibility for business mentoring and incubation programs that could be undertaken in cooperation with public, institutional and/or private sector partners. Program EV-1.4E: Business Recognition. Support recognition programs for exemplary businesses, such as annual awards programs. New Policy EV-1.5: Marketing and Branding Encourage and support marketing and branding efforts that promote San Rafael. New Program EV-1.5A: Media Relations. Generate media coverage that communicates a positive image of San Rafael and increases the City’s recognition as a great place to do business. Implement social media strategies that reinforce this message. New Program EV-1.5B: Competitive Edge. Market San Rafael’s competitive edge relative to other Marin cities and mid-sized Bay Area cities. San Rafael’s branding should highlight the City’s reputation as the business, civic, cultural, dining, and entertainment hub of Marin County. New Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 5 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies Policy EV-1.6: Workforce Housing Aggressively encourage creation and retention of housing that is affordable to low and moderate-income wage earners providing essential local services, such as public safety, health care, elder care, and education. Policy EV-12: Workforce Housing Aggressively encourage creation and retention of workforce housing, both owner and renter-occupied especially for public safety and community service personnel. Program EV-1.6A: Benefits of Workforce Housing. Work with community partners to educate residents regarding the benefits of workforce housing. Program EV-12a: Benefits of Workforce Housing. Educate residents regarding the benefits to the community of workforce housing. Program EV-1.6B: School Partnerships. Work with local school districts to explore opportunities to build housing for teachers, public safety employees, and other essential service employees on public land. Program EV-12b: Housing Opportunities for Local Public Service Workers. Aggressively support efforts to build and retain workforce housing opportunities for local public service workers such as, but not limited to, public safety employees and community service personnel. Policy EV-1.7: Workforce Development Support education and workforce development programs that improve access to employment and promote career advancement for San Rafael residents. Program EV-10c: Workforce Education. Support the education of the workforce in order to strengthen skills needed to fill jobs in the community. Program EV-1.7A. Workforce Development Programs. Support the efforts of businesses, labor organizations, non- profits, schools, and the public sector in providing job training and other services that help San Rafael residents find local employment. Policy EV-10: Cooperation with Local Training and Education Efforts Assist and support the efforts of business associations, labor organizations, businesses, non-profit organizations, cities, county, state, and schools in providing job and language skills training programs and business education. Program EV-1.7B. Mentoring Programs. Continue to participate in mentoring, apprenticeship, and internship programs, including participation in programs run by other agencies and organizations. Program EV-10a City Internships and Mentoring. Continue to participate in mentoring and internship programs, including cooperation with other agencies and organizations. Program EV-1.7C: English as a Second Language. Continue to support community wide efforts to provide English as a Second Language (ESL) training, citizenship, and other educational programs for foreign-born residents. Program EV-10b English as a Second Language. Continue to support community wide efforts to provide English as a Second Language (ESL) training, citizenship, and other educational priorities as expressed by neighborhoods. Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 6 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies Policy EV-1.8: Sustainable Business Practices Promote sustainable business practices that reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources and support the City’s climate action goals. Policy EV-7: Environmentally-Friendly Business Practices Promote environmentally friendly business practices that reduce the need for non-renewable resources. Program EV-1.8A: Green Economy. Support the creation of environmentally beneficial jobs and green businesses opportunities. Policy SU-12: Environmentally Beneficial Economy Support environmentally beneficial businesses and job creation. Program SU-12a: Local Green Businesses. Continue to promote new green businesses opportunities. Program SU-12c: Environmentally Beneficial Jobs. Support the creation of environmentally beneficial jobs, particularly for low income residents. Program EV-1.8B: Green Business Practices. Coordinate with Marin County, environmental organizations and the Chamber of Commerce to promote greener business practices and participation in the County’s Green Business Program. Program EV-7a: Green Business Practices. Coordinate with Marin County, environmental organizations and the Chamber of Commerce to promote green business practices (alternate transportation modes, energy conservation, water conservation, packaging reduction, etc.) and the County’s Green Business Certification Program. Previous accomplishments have included promotion of environmentally-friendly business practices through the City’s sustainability web pages, obtaining a green business certification for the City Hall, and City staff’s participation with the Chamber of Commerce Green Business Committee and help in promoting green businesses. Program SU-12b: Marin County Green Business Program. Support and encourage green businesses in conjunction with Marin County’s Green Business Program. CCAP Program CE-5: Encourage local businesses to participate in the Marin County Green Business Program. Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 7 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies Program EV-1.8C: Innovation Working Group. Convene an economic development and innovation working group to explore ways to move toward a low-carbon economy while fostering local business success. CCAP Program CE-4: Convene an economic development and innovation working group to explore ways to move toward a low-carbon economy while fostering business success Program EV-1.8D: CCAP Implementation. Work with local business to help achieve the goals of the 2030 Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), including a shift toward renewable energy, reduced waste, increased composting, and low-carbon transportation. New Policy EV-1.9: Economic Resilience Encourage economic resilience, including energy independence and improved ability to function after a natural disaster. New Program EV-1.9A: Business Engagement. Actively engage the business community in disaster preparedness planning. New GOAL EV-2: A RANGE OF GOODS AND SERVICES Sustain a diverse and balanced local economy that provides a wide range of goods, services, and opportunities. San Rafael is widely recognized as Marin’s “go to” city for shopping, dining, entertainment, and an array of day-to-day and specialized services. Local businesses provide jobs in both traditional and emerging sectors of the regional economy. Goal 2: A RANGE OF GOODS AND SERVICES The goal of San Rafael is to have an economy that provides a full range of goods and services, business, employment, educational and training opportunities, and ample work force housing. San Rafael’s economy is balanced. The City enjoys a broad diversity in its local business communities, which include industrial concerns, knowledge-based companies, professional and financial services, retail, cultural and entertainment providers, and restaurateurs. Policy EV-2.1: Full-Service City Keep San Rafael a full-service city by retaining and supporting a broad range of businesses. Policy EV-8: Diversity of our Economic Base Keep San Rafael a full-service city by retaining and supporting a broad and healthy range of businesses. Policy EV-2.2: Retail Sector Respond to changes in the retail economy so that San Rafael’s commercial areas can adapt and remain an integral part of the City’s economy. New Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 8 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies Program EV-2.2A: Shopping Center Evaluation. Periodically evaluate the performance of the City’s retail centers. Use the data to help improve retail performance or assist centers with attracting other compatible uses. New Policy EV-2.3: Promoting Local Purchasing Encourage local purchasing of goods and services by residents, workers, businesses and City government in order to cycle dollars back into the local economy, support local businesses, and generate revenue for the City. Policy EV-6: Shop Locally Encourage local purchase of goods and services by residents, workers, businesses and City government so as to cycle dollars back into our local economy and generate revenue for the City. Program EV-2.3A: Local Shopping Campaigns. Support campaigns to “Shop Locally” and raise awareness about the benefits of supporting local businesses. Program EV-6b: Education about ‘Shop Locally.’ Support the Chamber of Commerce and the Business Improvement District in their efforts to educate people about the benefits of shopping locally. Program EV-2.3B: Event Promotion. Continue to promote events that bring people to Downtown, Northgate and other community commercial centers to support local businesses. Program EV-6a: Event Promotion. Continue to promote events that bring people to Downtown, Northgate and other community commercial centers to support local businesses. Program EV-2.3C: Local Preference. Continue to explore the viability of a local business preference policy for City purchases of goods and services. Program EV-6c: Local Preference. Where other factors, such as price, are equal, the City should give preference to purchasing goods and services from local vendors. Program EV-2.3D: Day and Evening Visitors. Attract a variety of retail businesses to encourage patronage during both day and evening hours. New Policy EV-2.4: Industrial Land Supply Preserve the City’s supply of industrial land. Policy EV-8 New Program EV-2.4A: Industrial Zoning. Maintain zoning for industrial areas to prevent a loss of industrial businesses. Program EV-8b: Industrial Zoning. Maintain zoning for industrial areas to the extent feasible to prevent a loss of industrial businesses. Policy EV-2.5: Tourism Recognize and support tourism as a significant contributor to San Rafael’s economy. Policy EV-3 Policy EV-3: Tourism Recognize and support tourism as a significant contributor to San Rafael’s economy. Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 9 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies Program EV-2.5A: Tourism Strategies. Explore strategies to enhance local tourism, improve hotel and conference facilities, and support tourism programs of the Chamber, Downtown Business Improvement District, and Marin County Visitors Bureau. Program EV-3a: Tourism Strategies. Explore strategies to take advantage of tourism opportunities in the County, to improve hotel and conference facilities in San Rafael, and to support the City’s, Chamber’s and Business Improvement District’s tourism enhancement programs. Program EV-2.5B: Downtown Arts District. Support the Downtown Cultural Arts District through marketing, programs, and partnerships. New Program EV-2.5C: Special Events. Encourage special events and festivals that draw visitors to San Rafael, showcase its vibrant arts and cultural scene, and have net positive effects on local businesses and City revenues. New Program EV-2.5D: Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT). Explore ways to increase economic development program funding through increased TOT revenues. New Goal EV-3: DISTINCTIVE BUSINESS AREAS Sustain vital, attractive, distinct business areas. Downtown, Northgate, West Francisco, East San Rafael, and the Miracle Mile each play a unique and complementary role in the City’s economy. These districts are complemented by attractive, convenient neighborhood centers that provide local services and gathering places. GOAL 3: DISTINCTIVE BUSINESS AREAS It is the goal for San Rafael to have vital and attractive business areas, each with a distinctive character and emphasis. San Rafael has a broad spectrum of businesses. The business areas within Downtown, North San Rafael, East San Rafael, West Francisco Boulevard and the Miracle Mile maintain the community’s position as a full-service city. In addition to these districts, there are distinct, attractive and convenient neighborhood-serving retail centers. Policy EV-3.1: Business Areas Strengthen the positive qualities of each business area in San Rafael to create a stronger sense of place and brand identity. Policy EV-13 Business Areas Promote San Rafael’s economy and the strengths and benefits of all of its business areas. Pursue actions that revitalize and sustain San Rafael’s business areas such as: • Planning and managing the supply and operations of parking. • Beautification efforts along City public areas, such as installation and maintenance of planters, street trees, and lighting. • Housing and economic development. Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 10 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies • Multi-modal circulation improvements for residents, workers, suppliers and customers. Program 3.1A: Zoning Regulations. Ensure that zoning regulations for each business area help support their unique economic role and enhance their identity as satisfying, attractive places. Program EV-13a: Zoning Regulations. Review zoning and development regulations for each business area and make sure that they are consistent with the objective of strengthening the unique economic role of each area. Policy EV-3.2: Revitalization Support and encourage redevelopment and upgrading of commercial and industrial properties while retaining economic and business diversity. The City should work with property owners, businesses, and business organizations to address issues such as parking, beautification and landscaping, streetscape improvements, and circulation and access. Policy EV-14: Support for Business Areas Support and encourage public and private redevelopment and upgrading of both existing and underdeveloped commercial and industrial properties, while retaining economic and architectural diversity. Program EV-3.2A: Business Improvement Districts. Support the use of BIDs to improve services to business districts and provide a funding source for localized improvements. New Program EV-3.2B: Public Private Partnerships. Encourage public/private partnerships as one means of revitalizing deteriorated and underdeveloped areas. Policy EV-16: Partnerships for Infill Development Encourage public/private partnerships as one means of redeveloping and revitalizing deteriorated and underdeveloped areas. Program EV-3.2C: Business Assistance Programs. Explore the feasibility of programs to assist local businesses with property improvements, such as landscaping, signage, façade improvements, and design assistance. New Policy EV-3.3: Authenticity Recognize the value of local historic resources as an economic asset and placemaking tool that distinguishes San Rafael from other cities. Leverage historic buildings, sites, and districts to promote the city as an authentic and distinct place. New Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 11 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies Policy EV-3.4: Waterfront Enhance San Rafael’s identity as a waterfront city. Leverage opportunities to create attractive waterfront gathering places and vistas along the San Rafael Canal and San Francisco Bay shoreline for business, visitors, and residents. New Policy EV-3.5: Business Infrastructure Support investment in telecommunications infrastructure so that San Rafael’s business districts remain economically competitive and can meet changing business needs and technology requirements. New Policy EV-3.6: Mutual Support Between Business Areas and Adjacent Neighborhoods Promote productive relationships between residential neighborhoods and adjoining business areas. Policy EV-15: Mutual Support Between Business Areas and Adjacent Neighborhoods Promote productive relationships between residential neighborhoods and adjoining business areas to foster positive interaction. Program EV-3.6A: Business/Neighbor Collaboration. Seek innovative ways for businesses and their residential neighbors to collaboratively solve mutual concerns and conflicts. Work with commercial property owners to encourage businesses that benefit local neighborhoods and contribute to their vitality. Program EV-15a: Business/Neighbor Collaboration. Seek innovative ways for businesses and their residential neighbors to collaboratively solve mutual concerns. Encourage conflict resolution between businesses and neighbors. Program EV-3.6B Neighborhood Upgrades. Use the planning and development review process to support improvements to commercial centers that can be used by workers and residents, such as community gathering places and child care facilities. Program EV-15b: Neighborhood Upgrades. Through development review, encourage neighborhood-friendly improvements, such as pedestrian and bicycle facilities and gathering places where appropriate that can be used by workers and residents. Proposed 2040 General Plan Economic Vitality Policies Compared to Existing 2020 Policies * February 6, 2020 Page 12 Proposed 2040 Plan Origin of statement (2020 Plan, etc.) Comments ATTACHMENT 2A: ECONOMIC VITALITY ELEMENT: Proposed 2040 Policies Compared to 2020 Policies Policy EV-3.7: Creative Infill Encourage creative infill development and redevelopment that maximizes existing resources and makes the best use of limited available space. Expedite the development review process by establishing clear expectations for design, and effectively involving the community. Goal 11: Creative Infill. The goal of San Rafael is to have creative infill development and redevelopment that takes maximum advantage of our existing resources. Little vacant land remains in San Rafael. Further development will have to be extremely creative, utilizing infill wherever possible, together with redevelopment designed to obtain the highest and best use of our limited space, and the preservation of open space and ecologically-sensitive areas. In some areas, reinvestment is needed to upgrade or replace buildings and make other improvements so that these commercial areas are more competitive and better serve the community. Policy EV-17: Development Review Expedite the development review process by encouraging design excellence, and effective community involvement. Program EV-3.7A: Pre-submittal Process. Improve the efficiency and speed of the development review process by revisiting neighborhood notification and meeting procedures and updating the pre-submittal process to identify initial concerns and encourage higher quality applications. Program EV-17a: Pre-submittal Process. Review the pre-submittal process to identify ways to foster quality project submittals. Refine the neighborhood notification and meeting procedures to ensure productive involvement in the development review process. Periodically update the pre-application process and public notice requirements for streamlining and consistency. See the Mobility Element for policies on workplace alternatives to reduce congestion and vehicle miles traveled, such as telecommuting. See the Land Use Element for policies on home businesses. Policy EV-11: Promotion of Workplace Alternatives Promote the establishment of workplace alternatives, including home-based businesses, telecommuting and satellite work centers.