HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC 2018-11-01 MinutesCitizens Advisory Committee for Economic Development and Affordable Housing (CAC)
City of San Rafael
Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall
November 1, 2018
Meeting Summary Notes
CAC Members Present: Bill Carney, Kati Miller, Gladys Gilliland, Glenn Koorhan, William
O’Connell, Andrew Naja-Riese, Andrea de la Fuente, Mari Jones, Dirck Brinckerhoff
City Staff Present: Danielle O’Leary, Simon Vuong
Members of the Public: Steve Hartounian, Don Magdanz
Guest Presenters: Peter Stackpole, Ross Guehring, Andrew Hening
1. Call to Order: Chair Carney called the CAC meeting to order at 7:03 pm.
2. Approval of October 4th Meeting Notes: Approved as submitted.
3. Presentation – Northgate Walk
Mr. Stackpole, of LCA Architects, and Mr. Guehring presented updates on the Northgate Walk
project at 1005, 1010, 1020, and 1025 Northgate Drive, which proposes to demolish the existing
commercial building and gas station and build 3 new 4-story, residential condo buildings. The
Four Points Sheraton hotel is staying, but many hospitality functions are being replaced. 136
units are proposed on two sites, with a mixture of market rate, affordable, and senior housing.
Now in its fifth year of project planning, the Northgate Walk project has undergone multiple
iterations in response to considerable public comment. Each condo building would have a
courtyard, its own amenities, and share some amenities with the Four Points Sheraton.
Generally, the architects shared that community feedback focused on having a less urban, less
dense project, which resulted in a 40 percent reduction (91 units) from the original proposal. The
sites are zoned for 313 total units. In total there would be 28 ‘affordable’ units. Community
feedback also requested an expansion of walkways and open spaces at the sites. Additional
traffic from more residents at the sites is expected to increase peak hour traffic by 54 trips,
which the Planning Department says will keep intersection levels of service acceptable.
CAC members discussed what is driving the number of units and what strategies can be
employed to increase the number of units. The speakers responded that they are driven by
political pressure to reach a project that can be approved. Overall, the CAC recommends more
units and are disappointed in the process, and particularly by the reduction of senior units.
There is growing attention to the housing shortage in San Rafael, yet there continues to be
opposition from surrounding neighborhoods for this project. The CAC has previously written
letters to the City Council requesting support for more units. The site and building design are
scheduled to be reviewed by the Design Review Board on January 23, 2019.
4. Presentation - Sources of Income Protection and Related Housing Options:
Andrew Hening, Director of Homeless Planning and Outreach, presented an overview of
‘sources of income’ protection for renters, and an update on strategies to address housing and
housing affordability. Mr. Henning stated that the City is following the lead set by the County on
rental protections by considering a policy that renters who use housing vouchers or 3rd party
rental vouchers cannot be discriminated against. Renters pay one-third of their income towards
the rent, with the balance of rent funded by subsidies. Mr. Henning also described the
mandatory mediation process where an increase in annual rent by at least 5% triggers
mandatory non-binding mediation between the tenant and landlord, if requested by the tenant.
CAC members asked about rent control, and Director Hening stated that the City is not
considering “full blown rent control”. According to Director O’Leary, staff to enforce rent control
is difficult. CAC members also discussed just-cause evictions and economic evictions, where an
increase in rent is so substantial that it forces a tenant to move. CAC members mentioned
situations with abusive tenants, making it important to engage in a thoughtful process about
just-cause evictions. The City is seeking additional data on the real causes of evictions.
A member of the public shared his positive feedback as a landlord in renting to Section 8
tenants and the reliability and consistency of receiving rent checks from the government. He has
an extremely positive experience with renting to tenants who benefit from Section 8 housing.
5. Presentation – Affordable Housing Financing Options
CAC Member Andrea de la Fuenta presented an overview of financing mechanisms to pay for
the development of affordable housing. In the past, low-income housing was specifically created
through public housing; however, that is no longer as common. The largest tools are bonds and
tax credits. Low-income housing tax credits are used as leverage for tax-exempt bond financing.
The Bay Area is home to a variety of 501(c)(3) non-profit affordable housing developers, and
often times they will partner with other for-profit developers. Ms. de La Fuenta walked the CAC
members through the complexity of tax credit programs, and the added state standards in place
in California. CAC members expressed their appreciation for Ms. de La Fuenta’s presentation
and recommended that her Powerpoint presentation be shared with the recent developers who
have presented at CAC meetings.
6. Project Updates
a. Transit Center: Director O’Leary and Chair Carney shared updates on the downtown
area transit center project. During the most recent public forums, the Golden Gate
Bridge, Highway and Transportation District presented the same four station options,
along with the “5th option” that Steve Kinsey had shared with the CAC. The takeaway
from the forum is that all five options are still being considered and that the
Environmental Impact Review will examine all of them. There are community concerns
about buses under the freeway, and more generally concerns about taking away parking
for commuters. The CAC discussed what are the “must-haves” in the project, mentioning
the need for 17 bus bays.. The CAC believes further discussion is needed about
alternatives to the Whistlestop building. CAC members also felt that it is important to
improve conditions under the freeway, whichever alternative is selected. The CAC will
again send the same letter it has previously shared with the Council, prior to the
District’s November 19 deadline for comments.
b. General Plan Progress: No updates.
c. Other Projects: Director O’Leary announced there is an on-line survey for community
feedback on the development of the San Rafael Market Hall on 4th Street.
5. Public comment on non-agenda items: None
6. Suggestions for future agenda items: None
7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Andrew Naja-Riese