HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC 2018-02-01 Minutes
February 1, 2018
7:00 P.M.
Present: Bill Carney, Andrew Naja-Riese, Felix AuYeung, Roger Smith, Kati Miller, Dirck
Brinckerhoff, Glenn Koorhan
Absent: Bill O’Connell, Gladys Gilliland
Staff Present: Danielle O’Leary, Bill Guerin, Lauren Davini
Members of the Public: Jim Geraghty, Dave Coury
1. Call to Order. Mr Carney, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
2. Approval of Jan 4, 2018 Meeting Summary Notes.
Approved as submitted.
3. Latino Civic Engagement Leadership Initiative
CAC Member Andrew Naja-Riese participated in a Latino Civic Engagement Leadership
Initiative event sponsored by Councilmember Colin designed to increase diversity of
engagement in city boards, commissions, and elected officials by Canal residents. Event
participants had the opportunity to hear directly from city officials and commissioners to
understand the options for civic engagement. Mr. Naja -Riese spoke with eight
community members who were interested in learning more about the CAC and
potentially applying for the CAC vacancy. Additionally, Mr. Naja-Riese and Roger Smith
are serving as “mentors” to provide individual guidance to Latino residents interested in
applying for a position on a city commission.
4. Update on 4th and A project
Mr. Carney reported on a meeting that he and Katie Miller had with the Economic
Development Subcommittee (Mayor Phillips and Councilmember Gamblin) expressing
concerns discussed at the October CAC meeting regarding the proposed streetscape
improvements pilot project at 4th and A Streets. He reported that the City now intends to
replace the existing street trees with a species of similar size that is not prone to damage
sidewalks. Members expressed their views regarding the removal of the concrete
benches and the installation of new trees. Some CAC members expressed that while
seating fulfills a function—particularly for elderly and disabled residents—they favored
upgrading the large concrete seating to something that is smaller and more aesthetically
pleasing. Some members felt that the existing seating is aesthetically pleasing and
creates a welcoming look to 4th street. One member of the public requested that the
pilot be shared with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
5. Public Works Update: DPW Director Guerin and Traffic Engineer Davini provided an
overview of the many active and planned public works projects:
- PASS Grant: DPW applied for and receved a grant to study traffic signals.
- IDEA Grant: $800k grant to improve traffic signals (e.g., smart signals, and
adaptive signals)
- Transit Center Relocation Study: The city is conducting broad outreach in light of
the need for a potential 4th design for a new transit center, to supplement the
three existing designs that have not been universally supported by the City
Council, the community, and stakeholder groups. Consultant Steve Kinsey has
developed guiding principles for the permanent transit center. Golden Gate
Transit has given the City final say in the transit center relocation. On March 20 th,
there will be a public meeting on the permanent transit center design. CAC
members asked if the proposed planning schedule is realistic, and one member
asked that public commuters have the opportunity to provide input on the new
design and location.
- Third Street Rehab project: $12 million project to improve 3rd St. with
modifications that could include bulb outs, widening of sidewalks, and changing
contours of the streets. A technical working group is meeting in March and on an
on-going basis. CAC members expressed the need for traffic calming on the street
and ensuring pedestrians can safely cross 3rd St. One member of the public
comment that turning left on D St is challenging and deserves attention.
- Third & Hetherton: In response to concerns from East San Rafael community
members, work is being done to improve pedestrian safety. The City has a
$500,000 grant to support potential improvements and potential modifications.
- Parking/Wayfinding : No major update.
- Andersen Drive: Construction for SMART-Larkspur extension commenced.
- 4th & A Corner Blocks: Already described.
- N. Manuel T. Freitas/Las Galinas: Construction to be completed in mid Feb.
- Merrydale Promenade: Update on bike and pedestrian path to connect
Northgate with the SMART station.
- 2nd Street/Grand Avenue: Signal upgrades in late February 2018.
6. 1001 4th St. Marketplace: Major updates will be shared at a future meeting.
7. Potential Approaches to Affordable Housing: CAC members discussed various proposals for
supporting affordable housing, with a focus on identifying public lands and air rights over
parking lots, which is happening in other jurisdictions. Teacher housing is particularly importan t,
and there may be opportunities for surplus properties on school lands for housing. CAC
members discussed some of the concerns and advantages around housing density ; this is
expected to be explored within the housing element in the upcoming General Plan process.
Finding funders (both private and public) for affordable housing projects is needed.
8. Officer Elections:
Bill Carney was elected as Chair.
Glenn Koorhan was elected as Vice-Chair.
Andrew Naja-Riese was elected as Secretary.
9. Future Agenda Topics:
Tiny houses, modular houses, and update from BioMarin
10. Meeting Adjourned at 9:06 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Andrew Naja-Riese