HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC 2018-06-07 MinutesCitizens Advisory Committee for Economic Development and Affordable Housing (CAC)
CIty of San Rafael
Third Floor Conference Room, City Hall
June 7, 2018
Meeting Summary Notes
CAC Members Present: Kati Miller, Bill Carney, Gladys Gilliland, Roger Smith, Andrew Naja-Riese, Dirck
Brinckerhoff, Bill O’Connell, Andrea de la Fuente, Mari Jones
CIty Staff Present: Danielle O’Leary
Members of the Public Present: Raul Isaac, Lori Schifrin, Jim Geraghty
Guest Presenters: Wick Polite, Seagate Properties
1. Call to order: Mr. Carney, Chair, called the CAC meeting to order at 7:02 pm.
2. Approval of April 4, 2018 Meeting Notes: Approved as submitted.
3. Seagate Properties Presentation: Returning to the CAC for a follow-up presentation, Mr. Polite
shared an overview of the current status of the proposed multi-family housing development at 703 Third
Street. The previous design was not well accepted by various stakeholder groups, and Seagate
Properties developed a revised proposal with a new architect. Mr. Polite said the proposed development
site allowed a building 54 feet high, with a state density bonus allowing an additional 12 feet to reach 66
feet. The building takes up 136,000 square feet, which is a reduction of approximately 37,000 square feet
from the previous design. The building would house 120 units. The building has 100% site coverage, with
more articulation and upper-story setbacks than the previous design, and is raised above the FEMA flood
level. The ground floor would consist of parking, retail, common facilities, and commercial areas. The
parking uses a puzzle lift model with mechanical stacking machines, similar to novel parking garages in
the East Bay. Other transportation elements would include electric vehicle charging stations, bicycle
concierge, Uber/Lyft drop-off locations, and a car/ride space. One advantage of the parking model used
may be the flexibility to remove parking and add additional units at a future date.
The residences would vary in size with the smallest unit of 450 - 500 square feet. Rent would cost
between $2,800 to $3,700 per month. Some of the apartment floorplans would cater to roommates or two
single adults to share a unit.
Comments from CAC members
One member of the CAC questioned why there was a reduction in the proposed units from 138 units to
120. Mr. Polite responded that the previous building projected five feet over the public right of way, which
had now been cut back on 3 sides, resulting in an overall smaller footprint. Multiple CAC members shared
concerns regarding the number of affordable units: only 20 percent of 61 units would be affordable, that
is, 10 percent of the total units. Additional units over the 61 allowed by the state density bonus would
require City approval of a financial analysis showing th at the project would not be feasible without the
additioal 59 market-rate units. One CAC member shared that tax credit financing would be an extremely
powerful tool to increase the percentage of affordable units to 20 percent. Another CAC member inquired
about retail space: Mr. Polite shared that the space would likely be a lunch spot or coffee shop.
Comments from the Public:
A local property owner asked about the intended profile of residents (e.g., BioMarin employees). Mr.
Polite shared that residents would likely match the salary and education levels of a BioMarin employee.
He expects commuters on the ferry/SMART, generally in the 25-35 years age range. A member of the
Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) recommended that the on-site bicycle concierge
include electric bike sales, a charge station for electric bikes, as well as a partnership with Trips for Kids.
A third local resident shared support for additional housing in proximity of downtown transit, but wanted
more affordable units on this site.
Action: The CAC voted to draft and send a letter of support for the project to the City Council. The CAC
sees the project as an additional anchor for downtown San Rafael, notin g the economic impact of an
additional 120 units to downtown, and a boost to the city’s nightlife. Given the site’s proximity to the
downtown San Rafael Transit Center/SMART, the property represents an important opportunity for
housing near transit. However, the broader issue is to understand what the future of this neighborhood
would look like, and how Seagate’s project fits into the neighborhood as the local area develops. The
CAC also strongly recommends that the developers increase the proportion of un its that are affordable
beyond the current ten percent of total units, while exploring finance mechanisms, such as tax credit
financing or other ways to maximize the number of affordable units.
4. Project Updates
a. BioMarin/Whistlestop: Environmental Impact Review work is beginning on the property. The
CAC has not heard back from the developers with their parking analysis, as requested during a
previous meeting.
b. Transit Center and Station Areas. The following week, CAC members and the public are invited
to attend a public meeting to see proposed concepts on the proposed transit center. Steve
Kinsey, consultant on the project, will also share updates at the July CAC meeting.
c. General Plan progress: Met a month ago with no major updates to share.
d. Other Projects:
i. Jeff Rhoads, working with Resilient by Design, is raising public consciousness of sea
level rise, particularly in the Canal and downtown San Rafael. CAC members and the
public are encouraged to learn more by visiting the web site of Resilient by Design.
ii. 4th and A project: the project went to the BPAC advisory committee, where an hour of
public testimony indicated strong views that the public did not support the removal of the
current benches, but some suggested using a mosaic treatment for the benches.
iii. 1004 4th Street: the City is in conversations with the developer.
5. Public Comments on Non Agenda Items : None
6. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items:
● Update on the Transit center.
● Understanding disaster response in the Canal neighborhood
● CAC Annual dinner suggested in August or September?
7. Meeting Adjourned at 9:03 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Andrew Naja-Riese