HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2011-04-12 Minutes
SRPC MINUTES (Regular) 4/12/11
APRIL 12, 2011
Commissioners Present: Colin, Kirchmann, Lang,
Paul and Chair Sonnet
Commissioners Absent: Pick and Wise
Community Development: Raffi Boloyan, Principal Planner
Kevin McGowan, Assistant Public Works Director
1. Minutes, March 15, 2011
2. 99 Montecillo Road (Kaiser Medical Center) – Project consists of the following: 1) the
seismic retrofit of the existing 407-space, multi-story parking structure and addition to
the front (north) of the existing structure with a new multi-story parking structure
consisting of 290 parking stalls, 18 motorcycle stalls and 12 bicycle spaces; 2)
replacement of the Emergency Department (ED) involving: a) demolition of a portion of
the General Services Building (GSB), b) seismic retrofit of the remaining portion of the
GSB; and c) construction of the Replacement ED within the same footprint of the
demolished remaining GSB area; and 3) associated site, parking lot, lighting and
landscaping modifications; APN: 175-060-57; Planned Development (PD 1566) District;
Kaiser Permanente, owner, Ed Walera /Kaiser Permanente, applicant; File No(s).: ED10-
079; UP10-052.
* * * *
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Chair Sonnet explained for the benefit of the audience the Public Hearing procedures to be
SRPC MINUTES (Regular) 4/12/11
1. Minutes, March 15, 2011
Chair Sonnet asked for a motion.
Commission Paul suggested one change to the minutes to reflect that Chair Sonnet was the
Commissioner who brought up the Public Notification item, not Commissioner Lang.
Commissioner Paul moved and Commissioner Colin seconded, to approve the Minutes of March
15, 2011 with one change to be made as indicated above. The Motion carried 4-0-2-1 as follows:
AYES: Commissioners: Colin, Kirchmann, Paul, and Chair
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Wise, Pick
ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Lang
2. 99 Montecillo Road (Kaiser Medical Center) – Project consists of the following: 1) the
seismic retrofit of the existing 407-space, multi-story parking structure and addition to the
front (north) of the existing structure with a new multi-story parking structure consisting of
290 parking stalls, 18 motorcycle stalls and 12 bicycle spaces; 2) replacement of the
Emergency Department (ED) involving: a) demolition of a portion of the General Services
Building (GSB), b) seismic retrofit of the remaining portion of the GSB; and c) construction
of the Replacement ED within the same footprint of the demolished remaining GSB area; and
3) associated site, parking lot, lighting and landscaping modifications; APN: 175-060-57;
Planned Development (PD 1566) District; Kaiser Permanente, owner, Ed Walera /Kaiser
Permanente, applicant; File No(s).: ED10-079; UP10-052.
Project Planner: Raffi Boloyan
Environmental Review: Categorically Exempt
Project Planner Boloyan introduces the project as a Kaiser Parking structure addition, a new four-
level parking structure that would result in a net increase of 308 new spaces within the parking
structure and that would result in net new parking throughout the campus of 252 new spaces. He
states that the project also includes seismic retrofitting, relocation of modular units and site and
landscape improvements.
He reports that the second part of project would entail replacement of Emergency Dept to a new
location. This would involve the demolition of the General Services Building and replace with a
new Emergency Department Building, slightly larger with the old building in that location.
Planner Boloyan remarks that at a previous Conceptual Review hearing three main issues were
addressed as follows:
1) Amount of Grading proposed for parking structure addition – primarily behind existing
structure into the hill.
2) Design consistency of parking structure addition and how it related to existing parking
3) Design of the new Emergency Department building and concerns with massing, and
design consistency with other buildings on Campus.
SRPC MINUTES (Regular) 4/12/11
He reports that since that Conceptual Review hearing, there have been the following changes
proposed for the sight:
1) Moving the parking structure toward Montecillo Road, away from the hill behind, to
reduce a lot of grading
2) Redesign parking structure to match existing design
3) Emergency Building design changed to reduce height and color palette revised to
compliment other buildings on campus
4) Proposed relocation of modular buildings to include more cladding of exterior of the
building to create more of a “permanent” building feel
Planner Boloyan reports that during Conceptual Review process, as well as the time following,
there was a great degree of input by Fire and Building, and there were issues around Fire access
in and around the parking structure. He states that the applicant worked with the Fire dept and
worked out an Alternate Means and Methods agreement to allow an alternate fire access to/from
the parking structure. The plans presented tonight reflect this new agreement.
Planner Boloyan reports that since the Conceptual Review process, there are three areas where
items were added with visual impacts as follows:
1) A third staircase was added to the front of the parking structure
2) The circular driveway does not meet current code for width for fire apparatus– so
applicant will remove/alter landscaping/hardscape in this area to correct this
3) Landscaping in front of parking structure to be reduced due to fire truck/ladder access
Planner Boloyan reports that the project complies with zoning regulations for this site (PD
zoning) and with FAR ratio requirements, height, landscaping and parking requirements. He
states that the DRB reviewed this project as a formal application and recommended approval with
minor modifications.
The modifications include additional research be done to add landscaping in front of parking
structure, and further design enhancements to Emergency Building. Also, the final details of the
bio-swale will be relooked at to be more aesthetically pleasing. In addition, they called for the
applicant to find a more direct pedestrian connection from Montecillo Road to the Hospital.
Lastly, further design enhancements to modular buildings to make them look more like a
“permanent” building.
Planner Boloyan states that the Applicant has drafted revisions to the DRB recommendations and
will be going back to the Design Review Board at a later date.
Planner Boloyan would like to turn it over the Public Works Department, and states that
particularly Condition #84 and Condition #85 are to be looked at. Staff has drafted recommended
revisions to those conditions that have been presented to the Commission in strike
through/underline format. The proposed revisions were placed on the dias before the meeting.
He introduces Kevin McGowan, Assistant Public Works Director . Mr. McGowan expresses
concern over potential impacts from heavy construction truck traffic that would exist for the
project. The conditions that he has laid forth have to do with the size and scope of what is being
proposed. He suggests that Public Works should take picture/video of the current roadway
conditions and then upon near completion of the project, the applicant should notify PW to
SRPC MINUTES (Regular) 4/12/11
identify any damage to the roadway and review them and prepare plan to repair roadways. The
applicant would be expected to finance repairs that they created. In addition another condition
refers to assurance that these large trucks do not negatively impact residents in the area.
Boloyan remarks that Neighborhood meetings have taken place and no public comments have
been received for this hearing. He states that staff supports the project and that many staff
concerns have been addressed by the applicant. He remarks that the provision of additional off-
street parking would address an additional issue of overflow street parking from Kaiser
employees that has been an issue with the neighborhood for many years. The parking structure is
in a good location, well screened. The Emergency Department building has specific spatial needs
and the massing does fit in with the surrounding buildings and the materials and colors fit in well.
The trailers, the design has been greatly enhanced lately, the applicant has gone along way to
incorporate design elements to fit in with the Campus.
Planner Boloyan remarks that Construction Management is a main concern for this project and
that they are numerous conditions to address in the packet provided to the Planning
Commissioners. He reassures that efforts will be made by the applicant to minimize construction
during evenings and weekends. There will be valet service for staff and employees. Construction
hours will be limited to 7 am to 6pm weekdays and from 9 am to 6 pm weekends (for interior
work only). Also, there will be Noise Disturbance Coordinator required for this project. An off
site location for parking of delivery vehicles, or spillover of trucks will require a temporary use
permit for portion of parking lot at Aldersgate Church for contractor employees parking only. He
remark that there will be a construction communication plan for informing employees and the
public for update on what is going on with the site.
Chair Sonnet asks applicant to make a presentation. Pat Kendall makes a presentation. Ed
Walera makes a presentation. He discusses the timeline for construction and that the parking
structure would be first, and then the Emergency Department building.
Chair Sonnet thanks Mr. Valera for his presentation and opens the meeting to the public for their
Cathy Chandler, manager of the Kaiser Emergency Department, remarks about struggles with
size issues at hospital and is in support of the project.
Gail Miller, resident of San Rafael and employee at Kaiser and supports this project.
Sonnet then turns it over to the Commissioners, for their questions.
Commissioner Colin asks about early arrival of trucks – where will they be waiting? Mr Walera
applicant responds that trucks will be idling before the 7am start time, and if they arrive earlier,
they will be instructed to hold their vehicles at the Park and Ride on Smith Ranch Road until the
appropriate time. She asks if the noise complaint info be posted on site? The applicant says there
will be a hotline to call in and a web site which will give info on what will happen on site and is
happy to post this information on the site. Boloyan interjects that this is one of the conditions.
She asks about the signage pointing to the modular buildings and the applicant responds that the
many of the occupants of the modular buildings are employees and are familiar with their
location, but there will be signs anyway designating the buildings for the public.
Commission Paul asks about timing of phases. Mr. Walera responds that the Parking Garage will
be completed first, and then the Emergency Building. Commissioner Paul also inquires about the
SRPC MINUTES (Regular) 4/12/11
pedestrian walkway from Montecillo Emergency Building and notes that the sidewalk ends and
should continue on to the entrance to the building. Mr Walera agrees and will have this detail
changed to reflect a continuous sidewalk for pedestrian use. Mr. Paul inquires about landscaping
and asks if it will be put in right after the completion of the parking garage, or will it be put in
after completion of the Emergency Department building? Mr. Walera responds that the
Landscaping will be put in right after completion of the garage and will not be delayed until after
the Emergency Department building is completed.
Commissioner Lang asks about condition #85 – noise with construction – is the reason for the
delivery materials from large trucks/cranes etc. on weekends due to less pedestrian/vehicle traffic
at the hospital than during the week? The applicant responds that this is the case.
Kirchmann expresses concern about the potential impact this transport of large construction
materials on trucks on weekends will have on community events (like a parade or bike race).
Assistant Public Works Director McGowan explains that there would be extensive coordination
with Police, Community Development staff to make sure that these events were not negatively
impacted by the construction traffic at Kaiser.
Chair Sonnet asks about the way the revised condition #85 is written seems more open-ended
and that they way conditions are usually written in such a manner to imposed the condition(s) on
the applicant. Planner Boloyan explains that is it written that way due to correlating previous
conditions and to give a little more flexibility.
Chair Sonnet asks about the hotline in terms of who will pick up the calls? Planner Boloyan
responds that the applicant would be the primary responder to noise complaints, but the City
would be also notified. He states that Resolution condition #67 describes the signs which would
be posted will be subject to be reviewed by City and the applicant would keep a log of the calls.
Chair Sonnet inquires about the temporary use permit that would be required to allow the
contractor parking at Aldersgate – does it come back to Planning Commission? Boloyan replies
that the Temporary Use Permit is staff level approval and does not require Planning Commission
input. However, the concept of the off site parking was provided to the Commission so that they
are aware that it is part of this project
Chair Sonnet asks when will the project start – 45 days from approval? Planner Boloyan states
that once the Applicant has already submitted, at their own risk, for a Building Permit and if this
project is approved tonight, it is technically feasible for the construction to go forward with 45
Chair Sonnet closed public hearing.
He returns the dialogue back to Commission for discussion/final comment and action on the
Commissioner Kirchmann supports overall architecture and color materials for the project.
Commissioner Colin supports the project comments on the importance on neighborhood outreach
going forward as illustrated on the lack of controversy tonight.
Commissioner Paul expresses that applicant has responded well to DRB comments and supports
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the project.
Commissioner Lang likes the project and expresses her confidence in the Public Works Director
in dealing with potential construction/noise issues and hours of operation.
Chair Sonnet favors project. He remarks about the importance of the sidewalk completion from
Montecillo to the Emergency Department Building and the landscaping around parking structure.
Planner Boloyan ensures him that the landscaping associated with Parking Structure will be
installed prior to occupancy of parking structure
Commissioner Paul moved and Commissioner Colin seconded, to approve the Environmental and
Design Permit and the Master Use Permit amendment with revisions as noted above, including
acceptance of the draft revisions presented by staff to condition # 84 and # 85 and additional
conditions to require landscaping to be installed around the parking structure prior to final
occupancy of the parking structure addition and 2) extend the sidewalk from Montecillo Rd into
the driveway at the Emergency to ensure pedestrian access. The Motion carried 4-0-2-1 as
AYES: Commissioners: Colin, Lang, Kirchmann, Paul and Chair Sonnet
NOES: Commissioners: None
ABSENT: Commissioners: Pick and Wise
ABSTAIN: Commissioners: None
Planner Boloyan reports that on April 4, City Council considered and approved an extension to
the Moratorium on large group homes and research will continue and a possible zoning
ordinance amendment could be presented to the Planning Commission at a later date this year.
Also, on April 18th the City Council will receive an update on the budget – projections for next
fiscal year are currently at a $4.3 million deficit. Also there is a Council Item on the April 18th
agenda to approve for a grant application to secure zero waste. On April 21, Council is set to
review the Community Impact Report for Target at 6:00 pm. At DRB last month, there was a
second review of the proposed Ascona place subdivision focusing on site plan, elimination of one
lot. Staff would like to bring the project to the PC as a special study session for feedback. In
regard to the condos proposed at the Elks Club, Planning staff has received formal an application
for condo units, and the applicant will be applying for a density bonus and the project will exceed
height limits, and therefore a variance to height limits will be requested. Planner Boloyan reports
that the second meeting in April (4/26/11) will be cancelled due to lack of items. The next
meeting will be in May either May 10 or May 24.
Paul remarked that he will not be present for first meeting in May (if there is a meeting)
By order of the Chair, the Planning Commission meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Derrick, Recording Secretary