HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2011-06-26 #5CITY OF
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Meeting Date
Agenda Item:
June 28, 2011
Community Development Department — Planning Division Case Numbers: UP11-014; ED11-013
P. O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
PHONE: (415) 485-3085/FAX: (415) 485-3184 Project Planner: Paul Jensen —(415) 485.5064
SUBJECT: Canal Community Garden — Southwest Corner of Bellam Boulevard and Windward
Way — Request for Use Permit and Environmental and Design Review Permit to allow
the establishment and operation of a community garden on a 15,480 -square -foot vacant
lot; APN: 009-280-08; Light Industrial/Office (LI/O) District; San Rafael Sanitation District,
owner: Trust for Public Lands, applicant: Case Numbers: UPI 1-014: ED11-013
On behalf of the Canal Community Gardens and Trails Collaborative, the Trust for Public Lands (TPL)
has filed Use Permit and Environmental and Design Review Permit applications requesting approval to
establish and operate a community garden in the Canal neighborhood. The Canal Community Garden is
proposed to be sited on a vacant lot located at the southwest corner of Bellam Boulevard and Windward
Way. The garden would contain up to 92 raised planting beds, ancillary garden uses and site
landscaping. The proposal includes a request to reduce the amount of required on-site parking. As the
garden would serve the residents of the Canal neighborhood, much of users would walk or cycle to/from
the garden.
As discussed in this report, staff concludes that the project, as proposed and as conditioned, is
consistent with the San Rafael General Plan 2020, and complies with all applicable zoning development
standards. The City Traffic Engineer has reviewed the request for parking reduction finding it to be
reasonable and justified. A draft resolution has been prepared (see attached Exhibit 2) outlining findings
and recommended conditions to support project approval.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the Resolution (attached) approving the Use
Permit and Environmental and Design Review Permit
Address/Location: I Bellam Blvd/Windward Way Parcel Number(s): 009-280-08
Property Size: 1 15,580 square feet I Neighborhood: I Canal Neighborhood
Site Characteristics
General Plan Designation
Zoning Designation
Existing Land -Use
Project Site:
Light Industrial/Office
LI/O District
Medium Density Residential
MR3 District
Parks and Open Space
P/OS District
Light Industrial/Office
LI/O District
General Commercial
GC District
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case Nos: UP11-014 and ED11-013 Page 2
Site Description/Setting:
The project site is located at the southwest corner of Bellam Boulevard and Windward Way. The
property is approximately 15,580 square feet in size, is level and vacant. The site is owned by the San
Rafael Sanitation District. While in 1984, the City of San Rafael accepted an offer of conveyance from
the Sanitation District, property ownership has remained with the District. Improvements along the
Bellam Boulevard and Windward Way frontages include sidewalks, full curbs and on -street parking.
The project site is bordered by Picante Restaurant to the west and vacant lands to the south and east.
North of Bellam Boulevard are residential communities including Baypoint Lagoon, Ecology House and
Rafael Bay Townhomes.
Prior to 2005, the Pickleweed Community Park, located at 40 Canal Street included a large and active
community garden. The garden served the residents of the greater Canal neighborhood. In 2005, the
Pickleweed Community Center was renovated and expanded. As a result, the community garden was
eliminated and never replaced. Since then, there have been numerous efforts to re-establish a
community garden at other locations in the Canal neighborhood. Schoen Park, which is located east of
Pickleweed Community Park was initially considered for a re-established community garden but was
rejected because of its limited size, presence of trees and direct exposure to bay front winds.
In 2007, a more organized effort to re-establish a community garden was initiated and the Canal
Community Gardens and Trails Collaborative was formed. This collaborative includes, among others,
representatives from the Canal Alliance, Marin Master Gardeners, Conservation Corps North Bay and
the Marin County Board of Supervisors. In 2008, the Trust for Public Lands (TPL) was introduced to
assist in facilitating the project. TPL was commissioned to provide community outreach, coordinate the
design of the garden and manage fundraising. With grant funding from the Marin Community
Foundation, TPL pursued the community process and design.
In 2009, the subject site was selected for the community garden. In 2010, the community garden use of
this site was endorsed by the Park and Recreation Commission and the City Council.
The project proposes the establishment and operation of the Canal Community Garden on the project
site. The use, as well as site and architectural improvement components are described below:
➢ The community garden is intended to serve the residents of San Rafael. While all residents of
San Rafael would be eligible to participate in the garden, the primary purpose and goal of the
garden is to provide a service to the residents of the Canal neighborhood. Garden users would
be selected on a first -come -by -first -serve basis, with a yearly rotation if there is a waiting list.
Garden users would rent a planting bed, which, at present is estimated to rent for $30.00 or
$60.00 per year, depending upon bed size.
➢ The garden area is proposed to include raised planting beds for users and a central common
area that would contain: a greenhouse; a working shed that includes individual lockers for users;
a shade trellis with tables and benches; and composting bens. This garden area would occupy
approximately 90% of the site and would be fenced. The remaining 10% of the site area located
outside of the fence would be landscaped.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case Nos: UP11-014 and ED11-013 Page 3
➢ The proposal includes a request for a reduction to the parking requirements set forth in the
Zoning Ordinance (SRMC Title 14). While the Zoning Ordinance does not specify a parking
standard for a community garden, the project proposes to limit on-site parking to one, van -
accessible (ADA -compliant) parking space accessed from Windward Way. All other garden
parking would rely on use of on -street parking along the Windward Way and Bellam Boulevard
➢ The garden would be open and available for use from sunrise to sunset, seven days per week,
which is consistent with City public park hours. Therefore, no exterior lighting is proposed for
➢ The community garden would be managed by the Canal Alliance. The Canal Alliance proposes
to have a part time manager that would oversee garden maintenance in partnership with an
elected garden board made up of gardeners.
Site and Architectural Improvements
➢ Ninety-two raised planting beds are proposed to be arranged in a geometric pattern sited around
the central common area. The raised beds would be constructed of redwood boards and posts
and raised 12 -inches from grade.
➢ A 110 -square -foot, 12 -foot -tall greenhouse is proposed in the central common area. The
greenhouse would include two potting tables and is constructed of metal framing places above a
concrete foundation wall and footing. The remaining surface of the greenhouse would be safety
➢ A 120 -square foot, 10 -foot tall shed is proposed in the central common area. The shed would
provide storage area and user lockers. This pre -fabricated structure (Tuff -Shed) would be
surfaced with painted wood siding and trim, and an asphalt shingle roof.
➢ Two, 10 -foot tall wood trellis structures are proposed in the central common area. The trellis
structures would be constructed of redwood. Pockets for vine plantings are proposed as the base
of each structure post for the trellis. Tables and benches are proposed below the trellis.
➢ Four trash receptacles and two compost bins are proposed in the central common area.
➢ The common area and entrance path would be surfaced with concrete pavement, which would be
ADA -compliant. The access paths bordering the planting beds would be decomposed granite.
➢ Six secured hose bibs (accessible by key) are proposed throughout the garden for the garden
users and management. However, a drip irrigation system equipped with a solar -powered
controller is proposed for the common area and perimeter landscaping.
➢ The garden would be enclosed by a six-foot high vinyl -coated chain link fence, which would
provide security yet be transparent for visual inspection from the public street. Three secured
access gates are proposed (accessed by key) with the main access from Windward Way.
➢ The garden would be surrounded by a landscape setback, which has an average width of 10 feet.
The landscape palette includes a combination of native ground cover and shrubs. To address
water quality runoff requirements, a vegetated bio-swale is proposed along the western
landscape setback and would be planted with a variety of grasses and ground cover.
➢ One, small monument sign is proposed at the Bellam Boulevard entrance to the garden.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: UPI 1-014 and ED11-013 Page 4
It should be noted that no on-site restroom is proposed to be constructed and provided for the community
garden. TPL has been working on an agreement with the owner of the adjacent Picante Restaurant for
use of the restaurant restrooms.
Planning Applications:
• Use Permit. The Use Permit is required to approve the establishment and operation of a
public/quasi-public recreation use in the LI/O District. In addition, a Use Permit is required to grant
the approval of a reduction to the required parking standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance.
• Environmental and Design Review Permit, The Environmental and Design Review Permit is required
to approve the design of the community garden site and architectural improvements, as required by
SRMC Chapter 14.25.
San Rafael General Plan 2020 Consistency:
The project has been reviewed for consistency with the San Rafael General Plan 2020. The community
garden use is consistent with the General Plan goals and policies that are pertinent to the site and use.
A summary of the key policies is provided as follows:
LU -4. Reasonable Interim Use of Property.
Allow a landowner reasonable interim use of property in areas where development is precluded
pending needed traffic improvements. Structures should not be permanent, and uses should be low -
or off-peak traffic generators.
Response: Consistent. The community garden provides an excellent interim use of this vacant lot.
The use proposes minimal site improvements while presenting a use that would be beneficial to the
neighborhood and community.
LU -14. Land Use Compatibility.
Design new development in mixed residential and commercial areas to minimize potential nuisance
effects and to enhance their surroundings.
Response: Consistent. The community garden is low-key in its design and improvements. The
extent of landscape setback proposed along Bellam Boulevard and Windward Way would be
generally consistent with the landscape setbacks of neighboring developed sites.
NH -14. Gathering Places and Events.
To spark social interaction and create a greater sense of community, encourage both daytime and
nighttime gathering places and events in appropriate locations, such as cafes, restaurants, outdoor
eating places, bookstores, shopping facilities, libraries, schools, churches, parks, recreation facilities,
community gardens, farmers' markets, transit stops, parks, recreation facilities, commercial facilities,
cultural facilities, teen facilities, and City -sanctioned street closures for festivals, parades, and block
Response: Consistent. The community garden would replace and valuable neighborhood resource
that was lost with the 2005 renovation and expansion of the Pickleweed Community Center. The
garden would provide a gathering place for neighborhood residents and would promote education on
agriculture and sustainability.
NH -57. City Lot at Southwest Corner of Bellam and Windward Way.
Use this site, or proceeds from development of the site, to provide needed neighborhood services.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case Nos: UPI 1-014 and ED11-013 Page 5
Response: Consistent. The community garden would provide a needed neighborhood service.
PR -16. Community Gardens.
Continue to support and maintain community gardens and look for ways to sustain the gardens.
➢ Response: Consistent. The community garden would be managed and maintained by the Canal
Alliance. As discussed above, the Canal Alliance proposes to have a part time manager that
would oversee garden maintenance in partnership with an elected garden board made up of
Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP)
The proposed community garden use is consistent with the City -adopted Climate Change Action Plan
(CCAP). CCAP Program EN5 encourages the creation of community gardens, including possible use of
surplus City properties.
Zoning Ordinance Consistency:
Use Consistency with Zoning
The community garden use is appropriate for the proposed location and consistent with the conditional
uses allowed in the LI/O District. As supported by the findings presented in the attached, draft resolution,
the community garden use would be compatible with surrounding uses, would not be detrimental to the
safety or welfare of neighboring properties or improvements, and would provide a needed neighborhood -
serving use. Operational conditions are recommended, which are outlined in the attached, draft
resolution (Exhibit 2).
Parking Reduction
Consistent with SRMC Section 14.18.040B, the City Traffic Engineer has studied the parking needs for
the community garden finding that a reduction to one, on-site parking space and reliance on on -street
parking along Windward Way and Bellam Boulevard (approximately 8 parking spaces) is reasonable and
appropriate, and would not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of garden uses, pedestrians or
neighboring properties in that: a) on -street, curbside parking along Windward Way and Bellam Boulevard
is ample and available given the very limited land development along Windward Way; and b) parking
demand for garden users is expected to be very low given that users are neighborhood residents and
pedestrian/bicycle access to and from the garden is expected to be high.
Design Conformance with Environmental and Design Review Permit Criteria
As supported by the findings presented in the attached, draft resolution, the design of the community
garden is consistent with the criteria required for the approval of an Environmental and Design Review
Permit. The types of proposed improvements including garden structures, fencing and landscaping
would present a competent design that is in keeping with the improvements of neighboring, developed
properties. Given the limited level of site improvements and small structures, the project was not
referred to the Design Review Board for review and comments (SRMC Section 14.25.070).
The community garden use and improvements have been reviewed to determine if this project is subject
to environmental review. Per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections 15303
(New Construction) and 15304 (Minor Alternations in Land), the project is categorically exempt from
environmental review.
Prior to determining that this project is exempt from environmental review, potential project impacts were
considered. The project is located in a traffic -sensitive area and is near a signalized intersection that
presently operates beyond capacity (LOS E) during the weekday, AM peak hour. As part of this review,
the City Traffic Engineer considered site trip generation and potential impacts of project traffic on local
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case Nos: UPI 1-014 and ED11-013 Page 6
intersections. The City Traffic Engineer has determined that the community garden would not result in
substantial new traffic and that payment of citywide traffic mitigation fees was not warranted in that:
a. While the community garden project would generate new vehicle trips, most trips would occur
during off-peak periods (midday and weekends).
b. Most new vehicle trips would be modest as many of the community garden users would be
residents of the Canal neighborhood where there is a high percentage of pedestrian and bicycle
trip travel.
C. The community garden would not result in the construction of permanent buildings and
development, which would trigger the payment of citywide traffic mitigation fees.
No neighborhood meeting was held on this project. However, as the project facilitator, TPL coordinated
community outreach. Notice of public hearing for the project was conducted in accordance with noticing
requirements contained in Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Notice of Public Hearing was mailed to
all property owners and occupants within a 300 -foot radius of the subject site, numerous Homeowners
Associations, and all other interested parties, 15 calendar days prior to the date of all meetings, including
this hearing. (Exhibit 5). To date, no correspondence has been received.
The Planning Commission has the following options:
1. Approve the applications as recommended.
2. Approve the applications with certain modifications, changes or additional conditions of approval.
3. Continue the applications for additional information or response to the Commission comments or
4. Deny the project applications and direct staff to return with a revised resolution.
1. Vicinity/Location Map
2. Draft Resolution Recommending Approval of Use Permit and Environmental and Design Review
3. Canal Community Garden Project Summary prepared by Trust for Public Lands (TPL), dated -
stamped as received on June 9, 2011
4. Parks and Recreation Commission meeting minutes, September 18, 2010
5. Public hearing notice
6. Project Plans (distributed to Planning Commission only)
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Thursday, June 23, 20119:26 AM
WINDWARD WAY (APN 009-280-08)
WHEREAS, in 2005, the Pickleweed Community Center located at 40 Canal Street was
renovated and expanded. As a result of this renovation and expansion, a large and active
community garden was eliminated and never replaced on the Pickleweed Park lands; and
WHEREAS, since 2005, there have been numerous efforts to re-establish the community
garden at other locations in the Canal neighborhood. Schoen Park, which is located east of
Pickleweed Park was originally considered for a re-established community garden site, but was
rejected given its limited size, the presence of large trees and direct exposure to bay front winds;
WHEREAS, in 2007, the loss of the community garden was brought to attention of
Marin County Supervisor Steve Kinsey. Supervisor Kinsey was requested to assist in initiating a
more organized effort to re-establish a community garden. In response, the Canal Community
Gardens and Trails Collaborative was formed, which included representatives from, among
others, the Canal Alliance, Marin Master Gardeners, Conservation Corps North Bay and the
Marin County Board of Supervisors; and
WHEREAS, in 2008, the Trust for Public Lands (TPL) was introduced to the Canal
Community Gardens and Trails Collaborative to provide assistance in facilitating the community
garden project. TPL was commissioned to provide community outreach, coordinate the design of
the garden and to manage fundraising; and
WHEREAS, in 2009, after a search of local sites, the City of San Rafael Community
Services Department suggested use of the vacant, 15,580 -square -foot lot located at the southwest
corner of Bellam Boulevard and Windward Way. This lot is owned by the San Rafael Sanitation
District. On September 16, 2010 the community garden use proposal for this property was
presented to and endorsed in concept by the City of San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission;
WHEREAS, on October 18, 2010, the City Council approved a request to use the subject
Bellam Boulevard/Windward Way site for a community garden; and
WHEREAS, on February 18, 2011, Use Permit and Environmental and Design Review
Permit applications were filed with the City Planning Division proposing the establishment,
development and operation of a community garden (Canal Community Garden) on the vacant lot
located at the southwest corner of Bellam Boulevard and Windward Way. The Use Permit is
required for two reasons: a) the community garden is located within the LI/O zoning district,
which permits a public/quasi-public use that provides recreation and education, subject to the
approval of a Use Permit; and b) the garden project proposes a reduction in the amount of parking
required by the San Rafael Municipal Code. The planning applications propose a fenced/secured
garden containing 92 raised planting beds, two greenhouses, an equipment storage and work shed
that contains 100 lockers, a large trellis with four tables and benches, composting bins and one
accessible (ADA) parking space; and
WHEREAS, following the filing of the Use Permit and Environmental and Design
Review Permit applications, the project was reviewed to determine if it is subject to
environmental review. As part of this review, the City Traffic Engineer considered site trip
generation and potential impacts of project traffic on local intersections. The City Traffic
Engineer has determined that the community garden would not result in substantial new traffic
and that payment of citywide traffic mitigation fees was not warranted in that:
a. While the community garden project would generate new vehicle trips, most trips
would occur during off-peak periods (midday and weekends).
b. Most new vehicle trips would be modest as many of the community garden users
would be residents of the Canal neighborhood where there is a high percentage of pedestrian and
bicycle trip travel.
C. The community garden would not result in the construction of permanent
buildings and development, which would trigger the payment of citywide traffic mitigation fees.
Following a review of potential traffic impacts, it was determined that proposed activity is
Categorically Exempt from environment review, per Section 15303 (New Construction) and
15304 (Minor Alternations of Land) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, on June 28, 2011, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public
hearing on the proposed Use Permit and Environmental and Design Review Permit applications,
accepting all public testimony and the written report of the Department of Community
Development; and
WHEREAS, the custodian of documents, which constitute the record of proceedings
upon which this decision is based, is the Community Development Department.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission makes the t
following findings be to support the approval of Use Permit UPI 1-014 and Environmental and
Design Review Permit ED 11-013 for the proposed Canal Community Garden project:
Findings for Use Permit (UP11-013)
In accordance with the SRMC 14.22.080. Findings, following findings are required for approval
of a use permit:
As proposed and as conditioned, the Canal Community Garden use is in accord with the San
Rafael General Plan 2020, the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance, and the purposes of the
Light Industrial/Office zoning district in which the site is located in that:
a. The community garden would be consistent with General Plan Land Use Policies,
specifically LU -4 (Reasonable Interim Use of Property) and LU -14 (Land Use
Compatibility) in that it would: 1) provide a reasonable and appropriate interim land use
for this vacant site in an area with constrained traffic conditions that stifle permanent land
development opportunities; and 2) propose a land use that is compatible with the
surrounding commercial and residential land uses.
b. The community garden would be consistent with General Plan Neighborhood Element
Policies NH -2 (New Development in Residential Neighborhoods), NH -11 (Needed
Neighborhood -Serving Uses), NH -14 (Gathering Places and Events) and NH -57 (City
Lot at SW Corner of Bellam and Windward Way) in that: 1) the use and nature of the
property improvements would not impair or impact the character of the residential
neighborhood located north of Bellam Boulevard; 2) the community garden would
provide a needed neighborhood -serving use; and 3) the garden would provide a
neighborhood resident gathering place for interaction.
c. The community garden would not conflict with San Rafael General Plan 2020 Circulation
Policy C-5 (Traffic Level of Service Standards) and would be consistent with Policy C-8
(Eliminating and Shifting Peak Hour Trips) in that: 1) it is a use that generates little
traffic during the weekday AM and PM peak hours, so it would have limited if any
impacts on local intersections operating near or at capacity (e.g., intersection of Bellam
and Kerner Boulevards); and 2) it is sited in close proximity to the residences of garden
users (Canal residents) so pedestrian and bicycle access to and from the garden is
projected to be high.
d. The community garden would supplement the recreational needs of the Canal
neighborhood, which would be consistent with General Plan 2020 Parks and Recreation
Element Policies PR -3 (Neighborhood Recreation Needs) and PR -16 (Community
e. The project consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance (San Rafael
Municipal Code Title 14) as it: 1) is a conditionally permitted use in the Light
Industrial/Office (LI/0) District; 2) would be open from dawn to dusk, which are the
same hours of operation for City of San Rafael public parks; and 3) incorporates design
and operational measures to comply with adopted noise and property design standards.
2. As conditioned, the proposed Canal Community Garden use will not be detrimental to the
public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the
vicinity, or to the general welfare of the City in that:
a. The use is proposed to be contained by a fence and security gate, which would ensure the
safety of the garden users and their planting improvements.
b. The use includes a generous landscape setback sited between the property line and the
fenced garden, which maintains adequate sight distance along Bellam Boulevard and
Windward Way and provides adequate land area for the required filtration of site runoff.
c. The garden rules and regulations would prohibit the use of pesticides and herbicides,
limiting pest management to compliance with the City's Integrated Pest Management
d. Lastly, the project has been reviewed by Community Development Department and other
appropriate City Departments and conditions have been applied to minimize potential
impacts to the public health, safety and welfare.
3. As conditioned, the proposed Canal Community Garden use would comply with each of the
applicable provisions of the LI/O District contained in the Zoning Ordinance. The project
would also comply with other applicable provisions in the Zoning Ordinance.
4. The proposed community garden use is consistent with the City -adopted Climate Change
Action Plan (CCAP). CCAP Program EN5 encourages the creation of community gardens,
including possible use of surplus City properties.
5. As recommended, this Use Permit authorizes the approval of a parking reduction to allow
one, off-street accessible (ADA compliant) parking space complying with ADA and reliance
on on -street parking to meet the project parking needs. The City parking provisions (San
Rafael Municipal Code Section 14.18.040) require that a parking study be conducted to
determine on-site parking needs for a public service use. Consistent with SRMC Section
14.18.040B, the City Traffic Engineer has studied the parking needs for the community
garden finding that a reduction to one, on-site parking space and reliance on on -street parking
along Windward Way and Bellam Boulevard (approximately 8 parking spaces) is reasonable
and appropriate, and would not be detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of garden uses,
pedestrians or neighboring properties in that: a) as approved, the community garden use
would rely on the use of on -street, curbside parking along Windward Way and Bellam
Boulevard, which is ample given the very limited land development along Windward Way;
and b) parking demand for garden users is expected to be very low given that users are
neighborhood residents and pedestrian/bicycle access to and from the garden is expected to
be high.
Findings for Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED11-013)
In accordance with SRMC 14.25.090. Findings, following findings are required for approval of
an Environmental and Design Review Permit:
As proposed and conditioned, the Canal Community Garden design is in accord with the
pertinent policies of the San Rafael General Plan 2020, the objectives of the Zoning
Ordinance, and the purposes of the LI/O zoning district in which the site is located in that:
a. The community garden design would be consistent with General Plan 2020 Community
Design Element Policies CD -16 (Property Maintenance), CD -18 (Landscaping) , CD -19
(Lighting) as it would: 1) provide improvements to a vacant site that would facilitate
continued property maintenance; 2) provide landscaping that would be compatible with
the surrounding neighborhood and improve the appearance of this property; and 3)
propose no exterior lighting that would result in light or glare impacts to neighboring
b. The community garden design would be consistent with San Rafael General Plan 2020
Parks and Recreation Element Policy PR -16 (Community Gardens) as it proposes a well
designed and secured facility that would promote maintenance and support sustainability.
c. The community garden would be in conformance with as it proposes: 1) a competent
design that is harmonious with the subject property and surrounding improvements; 2)
adequate on-site drainage that has been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer; and
3) facility improvement materials and colors that would be compatible with the site and
the surroundings.
2. As proposed and conditioned, the Canal Community Garden project is consistent with the
LVO District adopted for the property. While the LI/O District is primarily intended to
address light industrial and office land uses in a suburban setting, this district permits public
service uses, such as the proposed community garden. The community garden has been
designed to comply with the development standards of the LI/O District including the
proposed landscape setbacks along the Windward Way and Bellam Boulevard frontages, the
security fencing and the landscape details.
3. As approved with a parking reduction authorized by Use Permit UPI 1-014, the proposed
project complies with the Chapter 14.18 Parking Standards in terms of parking space
dimensions and the number of required parking spaces. The single parking space that is
proposed on-site is designed to be in compliance with ADA standards.
4. The project design would not result in potential adverse environmental impacts. It has been
determined that the proposed improvements and activities associated with the Canal
Community Garden use is categorically exempt from environmental review per CEQA
Guidelines Sections 15303 and 15304.
As conditioned, the design of the community garden below will not be detrimental to the
public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the
vicinity of the project site, or to the general welfare of the City of San Rafael in that: a) the
proposed project has been reviewed by appropriate City departments and conditions have
been recommended to address public health, safety and welfare; and b) the project design
includes features such as landscape setbacks, drainage and storm water filtration and security
6. As designed, the community garden would comply with the criteria required for approving an
Environmental and Design Review Permit, as set forth in SRMC Section 14.25.050 (Review
criteria) in that the plans present: a) a competent design that carefully considers site features,
access, parking, and drainage; and b) architectural features and improvements (garden
structures, furniture and fencing) that is appropriate for an interim use of the property yet
compatible with the improvements of surrounding, developed properties; and c) a landscape
plan that is consistent with the pattern of landscaping on neighboring properties.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission approves Use Permit
UPI 1-014 and Environmental and Design Review Permit ED11-013 subject to the following
Use Permit Conditions of Approval
General and On-going
Community Development Department Planning Division
1. Except as modified herein, this Use Permit (UPI1-014)authorizes the establishment and
operation of a community garden on a 15,480 -square -foot vacant lot as shown on the
approved plans prepared by Sherwood Design Engineers, date stamped as received on June 9,
2011. The Use Permit authorizes a community garden use with the following components:
a. 92 raised planting beds;
b. Two greenhouses;
c. An equipment storage and work shed with 100 lockers;
d. A large trellis with tables and benches;
e. Composting bins;
£ A security fence and gate; and
g. One on-site accessible parking space (ADA -compliant).
Any modifications or revisions to the project shall be subject to the review and approval of
the Community Development Department, Planning Division. Modifications deemed to be
major by the Community Development Director shall require review and approval by the
Planning Commission, if necessary.
2. This Use Permit (UP 11-014) shall be valid for the life of the project provided that a building
permit is obtained from the City's Community Development Department and the community
garden use is in operation within two (2) years of this approval of this approval. Failure to
obtain a building permit and initiate the use, or apply for a time extension by the specified
date, will result in expiration of this Use Permit.
3. The project sponsor shall be responsible for implementing a trash recycling program, which
shall also include the installation of recycling receptacles for garden users. Trash receptacles
shall be placed on the project site.
7. All landscaping shall be maintained in good health through the life of the project. Any dying
or dead landscaping shall be replaced in a timely fashion and all landscaping shall be
maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free of weeds and debris.
8. All site improvements, including but not limited to the site fencing, paths, exterior building
surfaces (shed, greenhouse, trellis and paving shall be maintained in good, undamaged
condition at all times. Any damaged improvements shall be replaced in a timely manner.
9. The Use Permit does not authorize or approve exterior lighting for evening use. Exterior
lighting shall be limited to security lighting as required and approved by the City Police
10. On-site composting is authorized but all materials shall be contained within closed bins. No
on-site stockpiling of compost or manure material is authorized.
11. This Use Permit approves a parking reduction to one (1), on-site accessible (ADA -compliant)
parking space as shown on the approved site plans.
12. Failure to comply with any of the conditions of approval may result in the revocation of the
Use Permit. The San Rafael Planning Division can initiate revocation hearing regarding this
Use Permit (UPI 1-014) before the Planning Commission to revoke the Use Permit.
13. A sign shall be posted in the common area of the garden noting the name and contact
information for the garden management (Canal Alliance).
Public Works Department
14. This operation of the community garden shall comply with the City's Integrated Pest
Management program. Signs shall be posted and maintained within the garden area notifying
garden users of the rules and consequences for using pesticides and herbicides that are not
allowed on the IPM.
Environmental and Design Review Permit Conditions of Approval
General Conditions
Community Development Department, Planning Division
1. The design of the proposed project shall be the same as presented in plans (Sherwood Design
Engineers) and materials submitted by the applicant and date-stamped as received by the City
of San Rafael on June 9, 2011. Any modifications or revisions to the project shall be subject
to review and approval of the Community Development Department, Planning Division.
2. This Environmental and Design Review Permit (EDI1-013)shall be valid for two (2) year of
this approval and shall become null and void if the proposed facility use has not commenced
operation and the required conditions of approval are not implemented and operational by the
above date. Continued compliance with all conditions of approval shall be required for the
duration of the use.
Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit or Construction -Related Permits
Community Development Department Planning Division
3. A final landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to Community Development
Department for review and approval of the Planning Division and the Department of Public
Works subject to the following:
a. A row of trees shall be installed within the 10 -foot landscape setback along both the
Bellam Boulevard and Windward Way frontages. The project landscape
architect/designer shall select a tree species that is appropriate to the site and soil
conditions and can achieve a generous canopy. Trees shall be planted at a 24 -inch box
size and spaced at 20 -foot intervals.
b. The final landscape and irrigation plan shall be designed to comply with Marin Municipal
Water District (MMWD) Water Conservation Ordinance No. 421. The final plans
submitted with a building and/or grading permit application shall demonstrate proof of
plan approval by MMWD (written approval or stamped plans).
Communi1y Development Department Building Division
4. As designed and as approved, the community garden requires the approval of a building
permit. All required building -related permits shall be secured prior to commencement of
The project sponsor shall prepare and submit a detailed erosion control plan (ECP) and
narrative to the Building Division for review and approval. The ECP shall be designed to
mitigate erosion and sedimentation impacts during construction.
6. The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with the 2010 California
Building Code, 2010 Plumbing Code, 2010 Electrical Code, 2010 California Mechanical
Code, 2010 California Fire Code, and 2008 Title 24 California Energy Efficiency Standards.
7. The monument -type address sign proposed at the garden entrance is approved. The sign shall
not exceed 20 square feet in area and six feet in height. The property address numbers shall
be posted prominently on a monument sign.
8. The project shall be designed to provide access to the physically disabled in accordance with
the requirements of Title -24, California Code of Regulations.
Department of Public Works
9. The community garden must be designed to be accessible to the general public and shall be
ADA -compliant. The final site plan submitted with the Building Permit application shall
include the following:
a. One van accessible parking space located on site (9'x18') with an 8' wide accessible aisle
meeting UBC standards.
b. All features within the garden area need to be accessible. All walk areas shall be 4 feet
wide minimum. All features, water spigots, compost beds, green houses shall be
c. The material utilized for the main pathways around accessible planting beds and access to
features shall include a binder in order to maintain a compliant surface. It is
recommended that cement be added to the decomposed granite path material to compact
the surface.
d. Install a compliant driveway approach to the main entrance to the facility for accessibility
10. The final site plan submitted with the Building Permit application shall include the following:
a. The project engineer shall incorporate features that would clean site waters in. accordance
with RWQCB and Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program
(MCSTOPPP) standards before they enter the City storm water drainage system.
Features can include the installation of grassy swales to connect and filter surface water
b. The existing fire hydrant shall be shown on the plan.
c. The existing street corner of Windward Way and Bellam Boulevard has a curb cut that
does not meet current standards. The existing ramp shall be replaced with a compliant
ramp, as approved by the Department of Public Works. The details for ramp replacement
shall be shown on the plan.
Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD)
11. The property and community garden use will be eligible for water service upon request and
fulfillment of the requirements listed below:
a. Complete a High Pressure Water Service Application;
b. Submit a copy of the building permit;
e. Pay appropriate fees and charges;
d. Complete the structure's foundation within 120 days of the date of application;
e. Comply with the District's rules and regulations in effect at the time service is requested;
f. Comply with the District's Water Conservation Ordinance 421. Plans shall be submitted
to MMWD and reviewed to confirm compliance with this ordinance. The following plans
are required:
1) Landscape plan
2) Irrigation plan
3) Grading plan for projects with grades over 10%.
Any questions regarding the ordinance should be directed to the plan review program
manager at (415) 945-1497. You can also find information about the ordinance online at
12. The project shall comply with the MMWD backflow prevention requirements. If, upon the
District's review of the final plans backflow protection is warranted, compliance shall include
installation, testing and maintenance. Questions regarding backflow requirements should be
directed to the MMWD Backflow Prevention Program Coordinator at (415) 945-1559.
Fire Department
13. A Knox Box is required to be installed at the gate entrance to the garden.
During Grading and/or Construction
Community Development Department, Planning Division
14. Construction Hous: Construction hours shall be limited as specified by Municipal Code
Section 8.13.050.A which are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and Saturday
from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Construction shall not be permitted on Sundays or City -observed
holidays. Construction activities shall include delivery of materials, arrival of construction
workers, start up of construction equipment engines, playing of radios and other noises
caused by equipment and/or construction workers arriving at or on the site.
15. Reclaimed water shall be used during construction if available from the Central Marin
Sanitation Agency (CMSA) or the Las Gallinas Valley Sanitation District Treatment Plant.
The foregoing resolution was adopted at the regular City of San Rafael Planning Commission
meeting held on the 281h day of June 2011.
Moved by Commissioner
and seconded by Commissioner
Robert M. Brown, Secretary
Canal_grdn.PC Reso_6.28.11
Viktoriya Wise, Vice -Chair
Western Regional Office
101 Montgomery St.
Eleventh Floor
San Francisco, CA
T: (415) 495-5660
F: (415) 495-0541
Project Summary
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® Group @ `
101 � 6r�a.rtm
LOCATION: San Rafael, CA
Canal neighborhood, corner of Bellam Blvd and Windward Way
. SIZE: .35 Acres
PROJECT TYPE: Community Garden
DESCRIPTION: Residents in the Canal neighborhood have expressed keen interest in being
able to grow and produce organic foods close to their homes. When the
Pickleweed Community Center was renovated, the adjacent community
garden Nvas removed. 5 years later, we are trying to rebuild it.
The Trust for Public Land (IPL), a non profit land conservation and park
building organization, has offered to fundraise, design and build the garden, in
partnership with the City of San Rafael, the owner of the parcel, and Canal
Alliance, the management partner of the project. TPL conducted an extensive
multi year outreach process to residents in the Canal community, in
coordination with many local partners. Through this community engagement,
residents worked closely with TPL to produce a final garden design.
A large number of organizations have helped to make this project a reality:
Canal Alliance, Marin County Board of Supervisors, Marin Master Gardeners,
Conservation Corps North Bay, Marin Link, Marin Organics, Canal
Community Gardens and Trails Collaborative, Healthy Marin Partnership and
The project has been approved by the San Rafael City Council.
SITE FEATURES: The proposed site is an empty lot with easy access to the Canal community.
Located on the corner of Bellam Blvd and Windward Way, it is across from a
walking and bike path and close to the freeway. No parking was included in the
project, as a majority of the users bike or walk to the site from the surrounding
neighborhood. Parking would also eliminate a number of beds, a primary
concern for residents and users.
The improvements to the site will include:
(1) greenhouse, ADA accessible
(1) shed, ADA accessible, with (100) lockers
(1) trellis
(92) raised beds, ADA accessible
(3) bike racks
(4) tables, (2) ADA accessible
(6) benches, all ADA accessible
Potting table, ADA accessible
Compost bins, ADA accessible
Trash and Recycling Area
Entry signage/bulletin board, designed by residents
Centrally located community mosaic art project
Concrete and decomposed granite paving
Drought tolerant landscaping, including bioswale to resolve existing onsite
drainage issues
Drip irrigation and (8) hose bibs
6' tall vinyl coated chain link perimeter fence
There is no onsite restroom, due to cost implications. TPL and Canal Alliance
are in discussions with the adjacent restaurant and store for restroom use in
exchange for access to free beds.
MANAGEMENT: Canal Alliance and the City of San Rafael have developed an agreement to
maintain and manage the garden. Canal Alliance will have a part time manager
who will oversee the garden in partnership with an elected garden board, made
up of gardeners.
All site management and maintenance issues shall be dealt with by Canal
Alliance. Issues regarding physical site modifications shall be dealt with by
Canal Alliance and the City of San Rafael.
Participation dues for the garden are set at $30/$60 per year, based on bed
size. Dues cover cost of water, insurance and savings for site repairs. Canal
Alliance management will be paid through grants.
All residents of San Rafael are able to participate in the garden. Gardeners will
be chosen on a first come first serve basis, with a yearly rotation, in the case of
a waiting list.
Hours of operation will be sunrise to sunset, 7 days per week.
The garden will be locked, with (2) perimeter gates. All gardeners, as well as
the City and Canal Alliance, will have keys to access the site.
Communal gardening equipment, such as wheelbarrows and shovels, shall be
kept in the onsite shed. The shed will also have individual lockers, with locks,
for gardeners to store equipment.
The garden does not have lights or electricity, as it will not be open at night.
The communal planting areas will be irrigated via a drip irrigation system with
a solar powered controller. Individual beds will use (8) hose bibs with keys,
provided to all gardeners, the City, and Canal Alliance.
The perimeter vinyl coated chain link fence was selected specifically for its
transparency. It will be easy to see into the site and there are few structures to
hide behind in the garden. Security of the space should be easily maintained
by visual inspection from the street, by neighbors or local police.
There will be compost bins onsite to manage green waste. Trash and recycling
will be picked up weekly through a contract with Marin Sanitary, a donation of
The Trust for Public Land
Project Summary Sheet—Canal Community Garden
San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes, September 16, 2010
Chairman Ralph Mihan called the meeting of the San Rafael Park and Recreation
Commission to order at 7:10 p.m.
Roll Call: Mark Bustillos, Susan Clark, Eric Holm, Mark Lubamersky, Ralph Mihan,
Armando Quintero, Fred Warnecke, Jeff Jones (Alt)
Commissioners Present: Susan Clark, Eric Holm, Ralph Mihan, Armando Quintero,
Jeff Jones
Commissioners Absent: Mark Bustillos, Mark Lubamersky, Fred Warnecke,
Staff Present: Director Carlene McCart, Assistant Director Bill Scharf, Parks
Superintendent John Tune
Action Items
A. Review of Proposal for Canal Community Garden
Director McCart introduced the item with a review of the May meeting where Trust for
Public Land first proposed the Canal Community Garden project to the Commission.
The concept was approved, but TPL was requested to return with more in depth
information about the management plan and partner for the garden, and commitments
from the collaborative partners to the project. McCart reintroduced Meghan Pecaut, The
Trust for Public Land to present additional information.
Ms Pecaut reiterated the Canal Community Garden proposal was in response to a
community outreach process. The design relates to the elements desired by the
residents and organizations in the Canal Neighborhood. TPL was granted funding to
conduct the community outreach process, create the design, lead the fundraising
campaign, develop the design through construction documents, file for all permits, bid
the project and provide construction management. Since May, the project has attracted
funding and service commitments and a new management organization.
Two community meetings were held with 40 participants in attendance. The attendees
support the concept for 102 garden plots, outdoor classroom, and other site features
included in the concept plan.
Further conversation with Marin Master Gardeners and Marin Conservation Corps
refined the concept of public education opportunities at the proposed Garden.
Construction budgets were updated. The project is now estimated to cost $487,000 to
construct and $51,000 to manage annually. Financial partners are under solicitation at
present. Matching donors are particularly sought.
Visiona Compromiso a non profit organization operating in Northern California was
San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes, September 16, 2010
Page 2
originally agreeable to managing the Canal Community Garden after construction. The
group no longer has the fiscal capacity to do so. Canal Alliance, a San Rafael non profit
operating in the Canal neighborhood met with TPL, project partners and City staff about
the management role and has stepped forward to assume it as lead agency. Ms Pecaut
Park and Recreation Commission introduced Sandy Poneck, Supervisor of Development
for Canal Alliance to elaborate on the organization's suitability for the management role.
Ms Poneck reported that Canal Alliance received a three year grant to fund a current
program assisting apartment communities in the Canal Neighborhood organize organic
garden projects. Four sites are operating communal gardens and more are requesting
the services of the project organizers. Maite Duran is the current staff person assigned
to the organic gardens project and prepared to assume the staff role for the
management of the Canal Community Garden. She is well known in the community and
well connected to the gardening industry and organizations in Marin County. Her position
will be .5 FTE in this roll. In addition to Ms Duran's administrative position, Canal
Alliance anticipates hiring a professional gardener/permaculture specialist 10 hours per
week to work with interested youth and young adults in the Canal Community Garden.
An Advisory Group of participants in the Garden will be formed to assist in the creation
and enforcement of rules and regulations, program development and other issues.
Commissioners inquired about funding for the positions. Poneck responded Canal
Alliance is seeking grant funds for the two staff positions and the operating costs.
Mr. David Escobar, representing Marin County Supervisor Steve Kinsey, stated the
community garden is part of a larger vision for the Canal Neighborhood supplementing
the County Health Care Center, the Pickleweed Community Center, Marin Square, and
other community serving enhancements. The garden project has green value systems
and organic gardening opportunities that will benefit the community with focus on health
and wellness.
Ms Teri Rockas, Kaiser Healthy Marin Partnership spoke for the project. She added the
garden project will be one more tool to combat obesity issues and provide insight to
healthier choices for children and families. She stated date support links to general
population health and diverse demographic opportunities.
Commissioner Clark inquired if Kaiser has shown support for the project. Ms Rockas
replied that the group has applied for a Kaiser Foundation Grant, and the results will be
known in January 2011. Marin Community Foundation has encouraged the project
partners to apply for grant funding as well. Commissioner Jones inquired about other
funding commitments. Ms Poneck replied as Development Department Director of
Canal Alliance, she will consider this core project and work toward full funding.
Clark went on to ask how the garden plots will be assigned. Ms Pecaut replied the
Advisory Committee will design the assignment system.
San Rafael Park and Recreation Commission
Meeting Minutes, September 16, 2010
Page 3
Commissioner Quintero asked if the participants will pay for the use of the garden and
programs. Participants will be charged a small fee to pay for maintenance of the
Community Garden. Are construction costs covered by fundraising yet? No.
Chair Mihan stated that there are many operational details not included in the proposal.
He asked that Canal Alliance and TPL return at an appropriate time with an operational
plan for the Commission to review. Mr. Escobar replied that interns serving the County
researched and prepared reports on four management models operating across the
country. From these a model will be selected or created to guide the operations of the
Canal Community Garden. Pecaut said that the second half of the community process
will focus on operational issues.
Mihan continued with a question regarding eligibility for participation in the garden. The
Garden will be open to all residents; however there may be a percentage of plots allotted
to different demographics to insure diversity. His question regarding security was
answered with the assurance that fencing, gates and keys will be utilized and the San
Rafael Police have submitted suggestions as well. Fencing and structures will have low
profile features to preserve sight lines. The designers are considering switching a
restroom facility for the water capture tank to improve the sight lines and service to
McCart inserted that Rodger Roberts and Jean Starkweather representing Marin
Conservation League both contacted staff and are in support of the project.
It was M/s Clark/Holm to approve the proposal for the Canal Community Garden,
recommending it to City Council with the provision that amendments to the current plan
must be submitted for Commission review.
AYES: Susan Clark, Eric Holm, Ralph Mihan Armando Quintero, Jeff Jones
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mark Bustillos Mark Lubamersky, Fred Warnecke
B. Recognition of the Marin Master Gardeners
Chair Mihan described his visits to the Mediterranean and Succulent Gardens at the
Falkirk Cultural Center. Marin Master Gardeners and City of San Rafael have a five year
agreement for the organization to design, install and maintain the two gardens on the
grounds of the Cultural Center. Both areas are planted as demonstration gardens,
highlighting native and exotic plantings that are suited well to the Marin environment.
The gardens are also examples of low water consuming landscape. Now maturing the
gardens are attracting tours of local and out of area residents. Sales of plants and
seedlings have helped financially support the projects.
Marin Master Gardeners have dedicated countless hours to the success of the two
gardens and continue to provide maintenance through volunteers. Master Gardeners
Public Hearing Notice
Canal Community Gardpn, Bellam Blvd/Windward Wav (UP11-014; ED11-013
SCALE 1 :2,646
200 0 200 400 600
Monday, May 23, 2011 9:50 AM
You are. Invltpri to gttpnri the Planninn C-.nmmiccinn hanrinn — +ho ---4 r..,..,,.+.
PROJECT: Bellam Boulevard and Windward Way — Request for Use Permit and Environmental and Design Review Permit to allow the
establishment and operation of the Canal Community Garden and associated site and landscaping improvements on a vacant, 15,500 -square -
foot site; APN: 009-280-08; LI/O (Light Industrial/Office) District; Trust for Public Lands, applicant; City of San Rafael/San Rafael Sanitation
District, owner, ; File No(s).: UP11-014; ED11-013.
As required by state law, the project's potential environmental impacts have been assessed. Planning staff recommends that this project will not have a
significant effect on the environment and is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15304. If
the Planning Commission determines that this project is in an environmentally sensitive area, further studies may be required
MEETING DATE/TIME/LOCATION: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 1400 Fifth Ave at D St, San Rafael, CA.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Paul Jensen, Project Planner at (415) 485.5064 or paul.jensen@cityofsanrafael.org. You can also
come to the Planning Division office, located in City Hall, 1400 Fifth Avenue, to look at the file for the proposed project. The office is open from
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Tuesday and Friday. Due to budget cuts, all City
offices are closed the 2nd Monday of each month as a furlough day. You can also view the staff report after 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the
meeting at http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/planninqcommission.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: You can comment on the project. The Planning Commission will consider all public testimony and decide whether to
approve or deny the application.
IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND: You can send a letter to the Community Development Department, Planning Division, City of San Rafael, P. 0.
Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560. You can also hand deliver it prior to the meeting.
At the above time and place, all letters received will be noted and all interested parties will be heard. If you challenge in court the matter described above, you may be limited to raising
only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered at, or prior to, the above referenced public hearing
(Government Code Section 65009 (b) (2)).
Appeals of decisions by the Planning Commission to the City Council shall be made by filing a notice thereof in writing with the required fee to the Planning Division of the Community
Development Department within 5 working days of a decision involving Title 14 (Zoning) (SRMC Section 14.28.030) or within 10 calendar days of a decision involving Title 15
(Subdivisions) (SRMC 15.56.010).
Sign Language and interpretation and assistive listening devices may be requested by calling (415) 485-3085 (voice) or (415) 485-3198 (TDD) at least 72 hours in advance. Copies of
documents are available in accessible formats upon request.
Public transportation to City Hall is available through Golden Gate Transit, Line 22 or 23. Para -transit is available by calling Whistlestop Wheels at (415) 454-0964.
To allow individuals with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting/hearing, individuals are requested to refrain from wearing scented products.
U You are invited to attend the Planning Commission hearing on the following proposed project
PROJECT: Bellam Boulevard and Windward Way — Request for Use Permit and Environmental and Design Review Permit to allow the
establishment and operation of the Canal Community Garden and associated site and landscaping improvements on a vacant, 15,500 -square -
foot site; APN: 009-280-08; LI/O (Light Industrial/Office) District; Trust for Public Lands, applicant; City of San Rafael/San Rafael Sanitation
District, owner, ; File No(s).: UP11-014; ED11-013.
As required by state law, the project's potential environmental impacts have been assessed. Planning staff recommends that this project will not have a
significant effect on the environment and is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15304. If
the Planning Commission determines that this project is in an environmentally sensitive area, further studies may be required
MEETING DATE/TIME/LOCATION: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 1400 Fifth Ave at D St, San Rafael, CA.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Paul Jensen, Project Planner at (415) 485.5064 or paul.jensen@cityofsanrafael.org. You can also
:ome to the Planning Division office, located in City Hall, 1400 Fifth Avenue, to look at the file for the proposed project. The office is open from
3:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Tuesday and Friday. Due to budget cuts, all City
)ffices are closed the 2nd Monday of each month as a furlough day. You can also view the staff report after 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the
neeting at htti)://Www.cityofsanrafael.org/planninqcommissi'on.
NHAT WILL HAPPEN: You can comment on the project. The Planning Commission will consider all public testimony and decide whether to
approve or deny the application.
F YOU CANNOT ATTEND: You can send a letter to the Community Development Department, Planning Division, City of San Rafael, P. O.
Sox 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560. You can also hand deliver it prior to the meeting.
J the above time and place, all letters received will be noted and all interested parties will be heard. If you challenge in court the matter described above, you may be limited to raising
my those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered at, or prior to, the above referenced public hearing
3overnment Code Section 65009 (b) (2)).
.ppeals of decisions by the Planning Commission to the City Council shall be made by filing a notice thereof in writing with the required fee to the Planning Division of the Community
levelopment Department within 5 working days of a decision involving Title 14 (Zoning) (SRMC Section 14.28.030) or within 10 calendar days of a decision involving Title 15
Subdivisions) (SRMC 15.56.010).
ign Language and interpretation and assistive listening devices may be requested by calling (415) 485-3085 (voice) or (415) 485-3198 (TDD) at least 72 hours in advance. Copies of
ocuments are available in accessible formats upon request
ublic transportation to City Hall is available through Golden Gate Transit, Line 22 or 23. Para -transit is available by calling Whistlestop Wheels.at (415) 454-0964.
o allow individuals with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting/hearing, individuals are requested to refrain from wearing scented products.