HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2011-06-26 #4 CITY OF
Community Development Department – Planning Division
P. O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
PHONE: (415) 485-3085/FAX: (415) 485-3184
Meeting Date: June 28, 2011
Agenda Item:
Case Numbers:
ED11-017; UP11-024
Project Planner:
Sarjit Dhaliwal–(415) 485-3397
SUBJECT: 350 Los Ranchitos Road (Guide Dogs for the Blind) – Request for an Environmental
and Design Review Permit and Use Permit to demolish an existing 22,560-sq. ft.
residential hall and rebuild it as a 26,626-sq. ft. structure (this application if approved
would amend a previously approved Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED10-
001) and Use Permit (UP10-002) for this facility); APN: 175-250-03; Public/Quasi-Public
(P/QP) District; Phred Starkweather, applicant; Guide Dogs for the Blind, owner; ED11-
017; UP11-024.
In April 2010, the Planning Commission approved a project for demolition of 14,875 sq. ft. administration
building, 22,560 sq. ft. residential hall, and 2,517 sq. ft. maintenance/training building and rebuild them
as 34,196 sq. ft. administration building (Welcome Center) and 23,124 sq. ft. residential hall rebuilding.
Due to the economic slowdown, the April 2010 approval has been scaled down to the current project.
The project proposes the replacement of an existing residential hall for the Guide Dogs for the Blind
campus, resulting in an increase of approximately 4,066 sq. ft. However, the proposed new structure
would not change the intensity of the use, but provide a structure that would be in compliance with the
current building and fire codes and would serve its function better. The Guide Dogs facility has been in
operation at this site for over 60 years and has operated without any significant issues or complaints.
Given that the existing facility is regulated by a Use Permit, the proposed replacement of the structure
and increase in its size: 1) an amendment to the Use Permit for the facility to allow the new structure;
and 2) Environmental and Design Review Permit for the design of the new structure, site improvements
and landscaping.
The revised project design was reviewed by the Design Review Board (DRB) in May 2011 and the DRB
recommended some modifications to project design, materials and colors. The applicant has
incorporated the recommended changes into the project plans. The DRB reviewed the amended design
on June 7, 2011 and recommended approval. Given that the project complies with all applicable
development standards and the design has been reviewed and recommended for approval, staff
recommends that the Commission approve the project.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution approving the proposed Use Permit
and Environmental and Design Review Permit.
Address/Location: 350 Los Ranchitos Road Parcel Number(s): 175-250-03
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED11-017; UP11-024 Page 2
Property Size: 496,148 sq. ft. (11.39 ac) Neighborhood: Rafael Meadows (Los
Site Characteristics
General Plan Designation Zoning Designation Existing Land-Use
Project Site: Public/Quasi-Public (P/QP) P/QP Guide Dogs for the
North: P/QP P/QP Cemetery
South: Low Density Residential
LDR Single-family
East: Light Industrial/Office (LI/O) LI/O Storage warehouse
and SMART rail line
West: High Density Residential
PD1821, PD1537 Multifamily residential
Site Description/Setting:
The property is located at 350 Los Ranchitos Road and is almost flat, exhibiting a slight downsloping
grade from the street to the rear of the property. The facility is accessed off Los Ranchitos Road and
Merrydale Road extension, with primary access from the Los Ranchitos entrance. The Merrydale access
is used generally by employees to access the parking lot and kennels. Delivery trucks use Los Ranchitos
access and exit at the Merrydale access point. Both entrances have gates that are locked at night.
The property is currently developed with a training facility for dogs for the blind (Guide Dogs for the
Blind). The existing development is significantly screened by a large number of trees of varying types
and sizes. The property is bounded by Mt. Olivet Cemetery to the north; single family residences to the
south; Highway 101, a storage warehouse and SMART rail line to the east and multifamily residential
development across Los Ranchitos Road to the west.
The existing use was originally approved by Marin County with a Use Permit in 1951. After the 1975
annexation of the property into the City, the development has been expanded/altered a several times for
addition to office building, parking lot and landscape modification, expansion of veterinary clinic,
rebuilding the visitor center, etc. Currently the development consists of an administration building, a
volunteer center, residential hall for students, dog kennels (with associated office, veterinary clinic,
breeding areas), parking and landscaping. The property has been consistently well maintained.
In April 2010, the Planning Commission approved demolition of several buildings, with relocation and
reconstruction of the two main buildings: Administration Building and Residence Hall. The 14,875-sq. ft.
Administration Building was approved to be rebuilt as a 34,196-sq. ft. structure and the 22,560-sq. ft.
Residence Hall was approved to be reconstructed as a 23,124-sq. ft. structure. The approval included
related landscaping and site improvement changes.
Due to the current economic slowdown, the project has been downsized. The requested Use Permit
would document the existing facility and the proposed project modifications.
The project includes demolition of an existing 22,560 sq. ft. residential hall and rebuilding it as a 26,626
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED11-017; UP11-024 Page 3
sq. ft. building, modified walkways and landscaping adjacent to the residence hall and expansion of
existing on-site loop road. The addition of a number of new parking spaces and the updating of 27
nonconforming parking spaces to meet current code standards, would result in number of parking spaces
increase from the 181 to 183 spaces.
Site Plan:
The proposed Site Plan would improve emergency and passenger vehicular circulation and slightly
expand parking capacity. Due to the location of the project site and the limited proposed building height,
the proposed design would not impact views of the San Pablo Bay, wetlands, bay frontage, the Canal,
Mt. Tamalpais and the hills from public streets and public vantage points.
The rebuilt residential hall would be a U-shape building with the court containing a covered area along
the building for dog relief. The central area of the court would be off-leash dog play area.
The rebuilt Residence Hall would be designed in a U-shaped configuration in order to orient all the guest
rooms to a common centralized courtyard which contains the Dog Relieving Area. The Hall would contain
18 single-occupancy guest rooms as compared to 12 double-occupancy guest rooms in the existing Hall.
The new building would be one-story modern design structure, incorporating elements of natural finished
vertical wood siding, zinc gray colored standing seam metal roofing and fascia, and painted exterior
The building includes deep overhangs and significant amount of glass surfaces. The modern design
would be consistent with the existing character of the neighboring development in terms of the height,
which would be appropriately setback and screened from the street and the neighboring single
family-residential development to the south.
The building would provide a flat floor, day lit Auditorium for graduation ceremonies and other assembly
functions. The Auditorium would be linked to the outdoor pedestrian area.
The project proposes the removal of 38 trees and replanting of 51 new trees resulting in a total of 261
trees. Eight of the new trees would be shade trees located in the new (modified) parking lot. Additionally,
ground cover and shrubs would be planted. The project would result in a total of 110,038 sq. ft. (22.18%)
landscape areas, including the existing landscape areas.
The project would require grading of 713 cy cut and 171 cy fill. A total of 542 cy of fill would be exported.
The required grading is necessary to obtain the finish floor level of the new buildings for the desired use.
On average, grade cuts would be 1.0 foot in depth with a maximum cut of 1.25 feet and a maximum fill
depth of 0.5 foot, over the project area.
The proposed project would update 27 existing, non-conforming parking spaces and add additional
parking spaces resulting in a total of 183 parking spaces from 181 existing parking spaces.
Listed below are the relevant General Plan 2020 policies, Zoning Ordinance design criteria and San
Rafael Design Guideline policies that the Board should use when evaluating the project:
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED11-017; UP11-024 Page 4
General Plan 2020 Consistency:
The General Plan Land Use designation for the subject site is Public/Quasi Public. As detailed in Exhibit
3, the project is consistent with the applicable General Plan policies regarding intensity of development,
use, building height, parking, nonresidential design visual compatibility, outdoor lighting and parking lot
landscaping. Pertinent design criteria are also reflected in the Zoning Code and the San Rafael Design
Although, the proposed project would increase the size of the existing residence hall from 22,560 sq. ft.
to 26,626 sq. ft., the proposal would not increase the intensity of the use. Therefore, traffic mitigation fee
that would have been required in the case of an increase in the use-intensity, would not be required.
Zoning Ordinance Consistency:
The project is consistent with all the applicable Zoning Ordinance regulations. This project would improve
and continue to provide a unique and valuable use in the City through the provision of new upgraded
facilities for the campus. The proposed new facility would not increase the intensity of use for the
Public/Quasi Public District. The existing use is an appropriate use for the P/QP District that has been in
operation for numerous years without issues. This project would continue the existing use, but improve
the facilities for the campus. A complete analysis of the project’s consistency with the applicable Zoning
Ordinance regulations is in provided in Exhibit 4.
The existing Use Permit allows a Guide Dogs facility for breeding and training the guide dogs. The use
includes kennel office, veterinary clinic, breeding area, kennels and other associated uses. The number
of employees or dogs is not specified. The permit also allows a volunteer center (out of which volunteers
work), an administration office and a residence hall containing 12 double occupancy rooms.
As described in detailed in the Project Description section of this report, the current Use Permit would
allow expansion of the parking lot with the reconstructed parking lot containing 183 parking spaces,
relocation and expansion of a residence hall from 22,560 sq. ft. to 26,626 sq. ft. and would contain 18
single occupancy rooms. The resident hall would include a 2,172 sq. ft. assembly room, kitchen and
dining area, classroom and support services such as staff offices, nursing, student lounge, exercise area
and laundry room.
In order to grant a Use Permit and Environmental and Design Review Permit for the proposed project,
the Planning Commission must make the findings required for each permit. Based on the analysis in this
report and in the attached General Plan and Zoning Ordinance tables, staff recommends that the
required findings can be made.
San Rafael Design Guidelines:
The San Rafael Residential Design Guidelines, adopted November 15, 2004, strive to improve the
design of all residential and non-residential development. The project complies with all the applicable
criteria from the San Rafael Design Guidelines. A complete analysis of the project’s consistency with the
criteria is provided in Exhibit 5.
On May 17, 2011, the Design Review Board (DRB) favorably reviewed the project design (Commissioner
Pick, Liaison). With a 5-0 vote (DRB Minutes, Exhibit 6), the DRB made the following recommendations:
• The plaster color is too bright and needs to be toned down with a darker color
• Assure that parking lot lighting along the south edge of the site is sensitive to neighbors with
cutoff shields and landscaping (used to screen light sources and prevent spillover)
• The main entry needs to be more pronounced. Recommendations were to modify the roof and or
materials to enhance the entry
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED11-017; UP11-024 Page 5
• Consider reintroducing more of the wood siding to break up the amount of plaster wall area and
bring back the warmth of that material. The entry might be a good location to use more of this
material to enhance/distinguish the entryway
• Landscape diversity is good, however, note that redwood trees do not thrive with reclaimed water
so an alternate water source of potable water will be needed.
The above recommendations have been incorporated in the project plans. The DRB reviewed the
amended plans on June 7, 2011 and unanimously recommended approval of the project with the
provision that the applicant pursue the issue of watering the redwood tress with potable water to a higher
level with Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) to address the issue raised by Board member Kent.
Environmental and Design Review Permit condition #13 (Exhibit 2-5) is recommended to address this
The proposed project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA), pursuant to Section 15302 (replacement of an existing structure to provide earthquake resistant
structure that would have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the existing structure).
Notice of hearing for the project was conducted in accordance with noticing requirements contained in
Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Notice of Public Hearing was mailed to all property owners and
occupants within a 300-foot radius of the subject site, Marin Gardens Homeowners Association and
Rafael Meadows Improvement Association, and all other interested parties, 15 calendar days prior to the
date of all meetings, including this hearing. Public notice was also posted on the subject site 15 calendar
days prior to the date of all meetings, including this hearing.
The Planning Commission has the following options:
1. Approve the application as presented (Staff recommendation)
2. Approve the application with certain modifications, changes or additional conditions of approval.
3. Continue the applications to allow the applicant to address any of the Commission’s comments or
4. Deny the project
1. Vicinity/Location Map
2. Draft Resolution
3. General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
4. Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
5. San Rafael Design Guidelines Consistency Table
6. Design Review Board Minutes, May 17, 2011
Full-sized and 11”x17” plans have been provided to the Planning Commission members only.