HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2011-09-27 #4 Resolution 1
(APN: 175-321-37)
WHEREAS, on April 26, 2011, Scott Blair, applicant, submitted an application to the City of San Rafael
requesting a Sign Program Amendment (to previously approved Sign Program SR08-074) to install a new 15
square foot, halo-illuminated sign designed to fade slowly across the color spectrum at the Northgate One
Shopping Center; and
WHEREAS, upon review of the application, the project was determined to be statutorily exempt from
the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section
15270, Projects which are Disapproved; and
WHEREAS, on June 7, 2011, the proposed project was reviewed by the Design Review Board and
recommended for approval with the condition that the sign be halo-illuminated with white only and non-fading;
WHEREAS, the applicant requested that the Planning Commission review their proposal to include a
halo illuminated wall sign that fades across the color spectrum; and
WHEREAS, on August 9, 2011, the San Rafael Planning Commission held a duly-noticed public hearing
on the proposed project, accepting all oral and written public testimony and the written report of the Community
Development Department staff; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission discussed the project and Maribeth Lang moved and Charlie Pick
seconded a motion to approve the project (vote 3-2-2, Commissioners Lang, Pick and Colin: yes,
Commissioners Robertson and Sonnet: no, Commissioners Paul and Wise: absent) and directed staff to return
with a revised Resolution for approval, including Findings for a Sign Exception, on the next available Planning
Commission meeting; and
WHEREAS, on September 27, 2011, the San Rafael Planning Commission reviewed the revised
Resolution for approval which had been updated to reflect the Commission’s intention to conditionally approve
the Sign Program Amendment and the Sign Exception.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Rafael does
hereby approve the Sign Program Amendment and Sign Exception to allow a 15-square foot sign, based on the
following findings of fact and conditions of approval below:
Sign Program Amendment (SP11-003)
1) All of the signs contained in the program have one or more common design elements such as placement,
colors, architecture, materials, illumination, sign type, sign shape, letter size and letter type:
a. The new “Northgate One” sign will be designed as individual aluminum faced letters and halo-lit,
consistent with the existing signs at the shopping center approved as part of a Master Sign Program
(SR08-74). In addition, the style of lettering will be the same as the signs on the entrance walls and the
freestanding sign; and
b. The proposed fading color change will not detract from the existing static illuminated signage at the
shopping center because the fading color change is slow and subtle and the sign size is only 15 square
feet in size.
2) All of the signs contained in the program are in harmony and scale with the materials, architecture, and other
design features of the buildings and property improvements they identify, and the program is consistent with
the general design standards specified in Section 14.19.054 and Section 14.19.055 in that:
a. The proposed “Northgate One” sign is small (15 square feet) and would fit proportionally on the metal
arch beam to which it is proposed to be mounted;
b. The proposed “Northgate One” sign is simple, designed to mount directly to the arch beam and
therefore would not clash with the background color and materials of the metal arch beam;
c. The proposed sign will serve as an identification sign at the end of the main entry and act as a focal
point at the end of the main entry to the center, bringing interest to what is now a plain blank surface;
d. The proposed change in light intensity is subtle, using soft color hues that will fade slowly (no less
than 3 second intervals) so as not to appear to blink or flash, or change abruptly and as such, does not
conflict with illumination standards.
3) The amount and placement of signage contained in the program is in scale with the subject property and
improvements, as well as the immediately surrounding area in that there is only one sign proposed as
part of the sign program amendment and the material used to design the sign and the type of lettering is
similar to the existing “Northgate One” signs in the center.
Sign Program Exception (SE11-001)
1) The exception is necessary to overcome special or unusual site conditions such as exceptional building
setbacks, and lack of or limited visibility due to orientation, shape or width of the property and building
a. The proposed identification sign location on the trellis arch between Starbucks and Kinkos, is setback
300 feet from the main roadway (Manuel Freitas Parkway); and
b. The entry arch is currently blank and in need of an identification sign more centrally located and closer
to the tenant spaces. The proposed sign is intended as an identification sign, similar to the identification
signs along the entry walls in other locations on the project site, approved as part of a Master Sign
Program (SR08-74).
2) The exception is appropriate in that it would allow signage that would be in proper scale with the building
and site improvements, would be compatible with other conforming signs in the immediate vicinity, and
would promote a good design solution:
a. The proposed sign is only 15 square feet in size and is in scale with the surrounding signs and centered
on the trellis arch beam. The style of lettering will be the same as the signs on the entrance walls and the
freestanding sign and provide a centrally located identification sign;
b. The fading color is designed to be a stand alone element for the center courtyard identification sign and
is not meant to be part of the sign design for individual tenant spaces in the shopping center. While the
color change itself is a different design element, the halo illumination and the channel letters proposed
for the new signs conform to the design style for the other walls signs in the shopping center; and
c. The fading color sign will bring a sophisticated and elegant new design to the center, which will enhance
the pedestrian experience in the courtyard area.
3) The exception would permit an improvement that would not be detrimental or disruptive to the safety or
flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic either on-site or off-site in that the proposed sign is only 15 square feet
in size and the fading illumination would be only minimally visible from Freitas Parkway and as such,
would not be distracting to vehicular traffic.
Sign Program Amendment (SP11-003) and Sign Exception (SE11-001)
Conditions of Approval
1. The proposed 15 square foot identification sign shall be built in conformance to the elevations and
appearance of the sign as submitted by Blair Sign Programs on April 26, 2011 and date stamped
Approved September 27, 2011, by the Planning Division, and on file at the Community Development
2. All other existing signs at the Northgate One Shopping Center shall be subject to requirements and
conditions of approval under the previously approved Sign Program (SR08-076), as delineated in
Planning Commission Resolution 09-04.
3. The proposed 15 square foot identification sign shall be subject to the following restrictions:
a. The colors shall fade in unison (all letters changing at the same time).
b. The illumination shall maintain a minimum of 3 seconds to cycle between colors.
c. The sign shall be non-illuminated from 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m.
d. The changing illumination is approved for a period of 6 months and shall be subject to
review and approval of the City to continue past 6 months.
e. During the 6 months trial period, the applicant shall provide a one week period during
which the sign illumination shall be static with one color.
f. The applicant shall notify the Planning Division at least 30 days in advance of the one week
static color trial period. In turn, the City will notify the Planning Commission and Design
Review Board of the date of the one week trial period for their review and comparison with
the changing illumination.
g. During the 6 month trial period, the City shall review the proposed sign and illumination,
including the one week trial period of static illumination, to consider whether the changing
illumination is appropriate for the site and consistent with the presentation and
descriptions during the Planning Commission hearing. If the City finds that the changing
illumination is incompatible within the 6 month trial period, the City shall notify the
applicant the fading color sign is not allowed. Within 3 weeks of such notification, the
applicant shall convert the sign illumination to be permanently static. Choice of the
permanent static color would be subject to Planning staff review.
h. At the conclusion of the 6 month trial period, absent any further action or communication
by the City to the applicant as described in # 3g above, the project (fading color
illumination) is approved in perpetuity as originally proposed and subject to the conditions
of approval in this Resolution.
4. Minor modifications or revisions to the proposed signage shall be subject to review and approval of the
Community Development Department, Planning Division. Modifications deemed not minor by the
Community Development Director shall require review and approval by the original decision making
5. This Sign Program Amendment (SP11-003) and Sign Exception (SE11-001) shall run with the land and
shall remain valid regardless of any change in ownership of the project site, subject to these conditions,
provided a building permit is obtained or a time extension request is submitted to the City’s Community
Development Department within two (2) years of this approval or until September 27, 2013. On-going
compliance with all conditions of approval shall be required to keep the Sign Program Amendment
6. A copy of the Conditions of Approval for Sign Program Amendment (SP11-003) and Sign Exception
(SE11-001) shall be included as a plan sheet with the building permit plan submittal.
The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the City of San Rafael Planning Commission
held on the ___day of ______ 2011.
Moved by Commissioner ______________ and seconded by Commissioner ______________.
ATTEST: __________________________ BY: __________________________
Paul Jensen, Secretary Daniel Sonnet, Chair