HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2011-10-25 #2 CITY OF
Community Development Department – Planning Division
P. O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
PHONE: (415) 485-3085/FAX: (415) 485-3184
Meeting Date: October 25, 2011
Agenda Item:
Case Numbers:
ZC11-002, UP11-033; DA11-001;
Project Planner:
Paul Jensen –(415) 485.5064
SUBJECT: 750-790 Lindaro Street/781-791 Lincoln Ave (San Rafael Corporate Center) –
Request(s) for amendments to the approved Planned Development (PD-1754) zoning
district, Master Use Permit and Development Agreement for the San Rafael Corporate
Center, an approved and largely-developed 401,000 square-foot, general and
administrative office complex. The amendments propose to expand the allowable uses to
include medical use (up to 68,068 square-foot portion of the approved complex), as well
as research and development use. The request includes a reduction from the required
parking for the medical use component (5-6% reduction for the office park complex).
The project proposes no physical changes or improvements to the approved and largely
developed office complex; APN: 013-021-34, 35, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, & 55; Planned
Development (PD-1754) District; SR Corporate Center Phase I, LLC, owner/applicant;
File No(s): ZC11-002; UP11-003; DA11-001.
The project proposes to expand the list of the land uses permitted at the San Rafael Corporate Center,
which is located in Downtown San Rafael. The 401,000-square-foot multi-building office park, which is
located south of Second Street, is current zoned (PD-1754 District) and approved for general and
administrative office use only. Medical use and research and development use are proposed, which
require an amendment to the Planned Development (PD-1754) zoning district and to the Master Use
Permit approved for the office park. The project proposes a 68,068-square-foot allowance for the
medical use, along with a 5-6% reduction in the off-street parking that would be required for this use.
The project proposes no physical changes or improvements to the office park development or site.
As discussed in this report, staff concludes that the project, as proposed and as conditioned, is
consistent with the San Rafael General Plan 2020, and complies with all applicable zoning development
standards, as amended. The City Traffic Engineer has reviewed the projected traffic for the addition of
these uses finding that operational conditions to local intersections and arterials will not be impacted.
Further, the City Traffic Engineer has studied the requested parking reduction for the medical use finding
that it is reasonable and justified. Draft resolutions have been prepared by staff (see Attachments 1-4)
outlining findings and recommended actions.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the attached resolutions recommending to the
City Council adoption of a Negative Declaration, and amendments to the PD-1754 District, Master Use
Permit and Development Agreement.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: ZC11-002, UP11-033, DA11-001 and IS11-002 Page 2
Address/Location: 750-790 Lindaro Street,
781-791 Lincoln
Parcel Number(s): 013-021-34, 35, 50, 51,
52, 53, 54 & 55
Property Size: 15.54 acres Neighborhood: Downtown
Site Characteristics
General Plan Designation Zoning Designation Existing Land-Use
Project Site: Lindaro Office PD-1754 District Office Park
North: Second/Third Mixed Use 2/3 MUE District Commercial
East: Park P/OS District Mahon Creek
South: Park
P/OS District
I District
Albert Park
West: Second/Third Mixed use 2/3 MUE District Residential (Albert Lofts)
Site Description/Setting:
The project site encompasses 15.54-acres of level land located south of Second Street in Downtown San
Rafael. The property is bordered by Second Street (major arterial) to the north, Mahon Creek to the east
and south, and Andersen Drive to the south. Immediately west of the site is a PG & E substation and a
multiple-family residential development (Albert Lofts). Lincoln Avenue and Lindaro Street (collector
streets) intersect the project site in a north-south direction, splitting the 15.5-acre property into three large
parcels. See attached Vicinity/Site Map.
As shown on the attached vicinity/site map, the property is divided into three main parcels: the central
parcel (central office building campus); the western parcel (parking lot and structure west of Lindaro
Street); and the eastern parcel parking east of Lincoln Avenue. The central and western parcels were
formerly owned by PG &E and these parcels were once used (by PG &E) to produce gas and fuel. Due
to groundwater and soil contaminants associated with the former gas and fuel processing use, these two
parcels are subject to a long-term monitoring program (order) issued by the Department of Toxic
Substance Control (DTSC). In association with the DTSC order, a deed restriction is recorded for the
central and western parcels, which prohibits residential and child care land uses. The eastern parcel
was formerly owned by the City of San Rafael and once was the site of the City Corporation Yard.
Neighboring uses include a PG &E substation and Albert Lofts Apartments to the west, Albert Park,
Mahon Creek and industrial uses to the south, and commercial uses to the east and north.
In 1998, the City of San Rafael approved a master/development plan for the 15.5-acre site, which
permits the development of a 401,000-square-foot office park (San Rafael Corporate Center). The office
park is approved for the development of five, 3-4-story office buildings on the central parcel (PD District
permits up to 406,000 square feet of office use sited between Lincoln Avenue and Lindaro Streets) and
supportive surface and structured parking (total of 1,323 parking spaces) on the western and eastern
parcels (see Exhibit 2 for master/development plan). Land use and planning approvals for the office park
included: a) establishment of a Planned Development zoning district (PD1754 District) solely applying to
the 15.54-acre office park; b) a Master Use Permit; c) an Environmental and Design Review Permit
approving the project layout, design and architecture; and d) a Tentative Map authorizing division of the
land to create a separate parcel for each office building.
As project construction was expected to be phased over many years (which has occurred), City
approvals included a Development Agreement between the City and the property owner. The
Development Agreement was executed to ensure that land use and planning approvals remain valid for a
minimum of 10 years. In 2009, the Development Agreement was extended to vest project build-out to
September 28, 2013. The terms of this extension also include an option for an additional extension
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: ZC11-002, UP11-033, DA11-001 and IS11-002 Page 3
through 2015. Regarding allowable land uses, the PD1754 District and Master Use Permit approve the
office park for administrative and general office use only. Medical office use is currently prohibited.
To date, the first two phases of the San Rafael Corporate Center office park have been built (Office
Buildings A, B, C & D totaling 319,000 square feet, the western parking structure and surface parking
totaling 707 parking spaces). The remaining phase of development that has yet to be constructed is one
office building (Building E, 82,000 square feet) sited for the corner of Second Street and Lincoln Avenue)
and the eastern parking structure (on the eastern parcel - former Corporation Yard site, total of 616
parking spaces). All planning permits and discretionary approvals have been secured for Building E.
The eastern parking structure has received preliminary design approval. The final design of this parking
structure must be reviewed and recommended for approval by the Design Review Board.
The San Rafael Corporate Center office park was subject to extensive environmental review. Prior to the
1998 action, a comprehensive Environmental Impact Report was prepared and ultimately certified by the
City (Fair, Isaac Office Park Project Final Environmental Impact Report). The FEIR provided the
following conclusions:
1. The office park development would result in three significant, unavoidable adverse
environmental impacts to US101 traffic travel through Central San Rafael. Specifically, the
office park project would impact: a) southbound traffic during the AM peak along the US101
segments between North San Pedro Road and Lincoln Avenue and between Lincoln and the
Central San Rafael exit; and b) northbound traffic during the PM peak along the US101
segment between I-580 and the Central San Rafael exit. At the time, all three highway
segments operated at capacity (LOS E/F conditions). In order to approve the office park
project, the City was required to make “findings of overriding consideration,” meaning that the
community benefits of the project were weighed against the significant, unavoidable traffic
2. The office park development would result in a number of potentially significant environmental
impacts associated with aesthetics, geology/soils, hydrology/water quality,
transportation/traffic, parking, noise, biological resources, air quality, and hazardous
materials. The FEIR recommended specific mitigation measures to reduce or eliminate these
impacts, which were memorialized in the approval of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program (MMRP) and required as conditions of project approval. Nearly all of the mitigation
measures are linked to site development, so most have been implemented.
As discussed above, City action on the San Rafael Corporate Center included the approval and
execution of a Development Agreement. This agreement includes a number of agreed requirements and
obligations of the developer such as:
¾ The installation of needed transportation improvements in the Downtown area (in addition to
required traffic mitigation fees). The improvements, which have been installed, include the
widening of 2nd Street (additional travel and turning lanes), widening Lindaro Street and installing
a mid-block traffic signal and safe-travel pedestrian crossing between 2nd Street and Andersen
drive, and a pedestrian crossing on Lincoln Avenue.
¾ A publicly-accessible park and trail along the southern edge of the office campus abutting Mahon
Creek. This area is open to the public from dawn to dusk.
¾ Public use of ground level conference rooms for meetings and events.
¾ Public parking use of the western parking lot and garage during evening hours and weekends.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: ZC11-002, UP11-033, DA11-001 and IS11-002 Page 4
Expand Allowable Land Uses
The project proposes to introduce medical and research and development uses to the mix of allowable
office uses for the San Rafael Corporate Center. The expanded uses are described as follows:
1. Medical Use. Medical use is defined as medical office, clinic or medical laboratory (daytime,
testing services for patients/visitors). A total of 68,068 square feet of medical use is proposed
as an allowance, meaning that of the total 401,000 square feet of office park area currently
approved for general and administrative office use, up to 68,068 square feet could be used for
medical use. The modification proposes that the medical use allowance be generally applied
to the office park and that it not be approved for any one building or concentrated in any one
area of the park site.
2. Research and Development. Research and Development use is defined as use engaged in
scientific, medical or technological research with limited product testing and production. This
use excludes full production industrial-type manufacturing and generally operates similar to
and characteristic of low-intensity, general office use. Medical laboratories established for
research (as opposed to labs providing testing services for patients/visitors) would be
considered a research and development use.
Neither uses are in conflict with the land use deed restriction recorded on the property. Further, the
project proposes no physical changes to the approved San Rafael Corporate Center office park. No
changes are proposed to the approved site plan, architecture, building layout or final construction
phasing that would trigger and amendment to the approved Environmental and Design Review Permit.
Parking Reduction for Proposed Medical Use
The proposal includes a parking reduction request for the medical use component. The research and
development use component shares the same parking requirement as the currently approved general
and administrative office use (3.3 spaces/1000 gross square feet). The parking reduction for medical
use proposes application of the 3.3 parking space per 1,000 gross building square foot standard, which
is the parking ratio that is currently required and approved for multiple-tenant, general and administrative
office use at this site. The San Rafael Municipal Code requires a 4.4 parking space per 1,000 gross
building square footage ratio for medical use. The proposed parking rate would result in a parking
reduction of 5-6% from that required under the City code for the entire office park complex. The following
table provides a breakdown on the current and proposed parking, as well as the reduction amount that is
being requested for approval:
Use Building
General &
401,000 sf 3.3 spaces/
1000 sf
General &
Office; Research
& Development
332,932 sf 3.3 spaces/
1,000 sf
77 spaces
Medical Use 68,068 sf 4.4 spaces/
1000 sf
TOTAL: 1,400
+ San Rafael Municipal Code Chapter 14.18 (Parking)
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: ZC11-002, UP11-033, DA11-001 and IS11-002 Page 5
Planning Applications:
The project requires the following actions:
¾ Amendment to PD District Zoning (ZC11-002). An amendment to the current PD1754 District
zoning is required to allow medical and research and development uses. As noted above, the
current zoning limits the office park use to administrative and general office use.
¾ Amendment to Master Use Permit (UP11-033). An amendment to the Master Use Permit is
required to allow medical and research and development uses. As noted above, the current
Master Use Permit (UP97-10b) limits the approved land uses to administrative and general office.
The amendment would permit a use mix that includes up to 68,068 square feet of medical use in
the office park. Further, the amendment to the Master Use Permit is requested to approve the
proposed parking reduction for medical use.
¾ Amendment to Development Agreement (DA11-001). An amendment to the executed
Development Agreement is proposed to incorporate the currently proposed use mix. In addition,
other terms are proposed to be amended as they are obsolete or need to reflect current
ordinance numbers.
San Rafael General Plan 2020 Consistency:
The project has been reviewed for consistency with the San Rafael General Plan 2020. The proposed
medical and research and development uses would be consistent with the General Plan goals and
policies that are pertinent to the site and use. A summary of the project’s consistency with key policies
(from the Land Use, Circulation, Neighborhood and Sustainability Elements) is provided as follows:
LU-23. Land Use Map and Categories.
The San Rafael General Plan 2020 has adopted the Lindaro Office land use designation for the
project site.
Response: Consistent. The Lindaro Office land use designation permits a variety of land uses
including, among others, office and hotel uses that are intended to promote and support employment
in Downtown San Rafael. Medical and research and development land uses are commonly found in
and around Downtown and would further promote visitors to the area.
C-5. Traffic Level of Service.
Circulation Element C-5 sets level of service (LOS) standards for local, signalized intersections and
arterial segments. A LOS E standard is adopted for Downtown San Rafael.
Response: Consistent. A traffic study has been completed finding that the proposed, expanded land
uses would not impact or change the LOS conditions at local signalized intersections or along
segments of Second and Third Streets, which are arterial streets.
NH-38. Lindaro Office District.
This policy encourages a mix of compatible land uses for the office park site, and City-sanctioned
street closures for festivals, parades, and block parties.
Response: Consistent. The proposed project would expand the allowable land uses for the San
Rafael Corporate Center, which would encourage increased employment success in Downtown San
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: ZC11-002, UP11-033, DA11-001 and IS11-002 Page 6
SU-1. Land Use.
Sustainability Element Policy SU-1 encourages land uses that increase commercial intensities (e.g.,
employment) within walking distance of high frequency transit centers and corridors.
Response: Consistent. The project proposed to broaden the mix of allowable uses at the Corporate
Center, which is in immediate proximity and walking distance to the Bettini Transit Center and
planned SMART rail station.
Zoning Ordinance Consistency:
Amendment to PD-1754 District
The project site is solely regulated by the Planned Development (PD-1754) zoning district that is adopted
for the San Rafael Corporate Center. The proposed amendments to the PD-1754 District would expand
the allowable uses at the project site; these uses are consistent with the San Rafael General Plan 2020.
The land uses and development standards for this zoning district are listed in Exhibit A of the PD-1754
District ordinance. Amendments to Exhibit A of this ordinance are proposed (see Attachment 2), which
include the following:
1. The expanded land uses (medical and research and development).
2. Revisions to the development standards for required on-site parking. The revisions proposed to
eliminate the minimum parking requirement of 3 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross
building area (initially required for Fair, Isaac Company, a single-campus tenant), but maintain the
3.3 parking space per 1,000 square foot standard required for a multiple-tenant campus. The
proposed parking standard would apply to all allowable uses.
3. Edits to update information such as new permit file numbers, updated reference dates and
corrected information about overall office park square footage (build-out at 401,000 sf instead of
406,000 sf). Please note that the “Terms” section of Exhibit A has been deleted. This section
was prepared and adopted prior to the execution of the Development Agreement between the
City and the property owner, so this section is now moot.
Use Consistency with Zoning
As amended, the proposed medical and research and development land uses would be consistent with
the PD-1754 District. Amendments to the Master Use Permit are proposed and presented in the
attached draft resolution (Attachment 3), which include the following:
1. Condition 1 (pages 3-4 and 3-5) has been revised to list the three allowable land uses. As
medical use would result in the generation of new AM and PM peak hour trips, condition 1b
requires the payment of citywide traffic mitigation fees that would be required for new medical use
tenants as the initial square footage allowance is filled. This fee would be paid as the first
medical tenants occupy office space, until the 68,068 square feet of medical use occupancy has
been reached. Once the medical use allowance has been reached, any future change in use
from an existing medical use to another medical use, no traffic mitigation fees would be required.
2. Condition 5 (page 3-7) addresses the revisions in the off-street parking to specify a required ratio
of 3.3 parking spaces per 1,000 gross square feet of building area. As a parking reduction is
proposed for the medical use component, the condition requires periodic monitoring to ensure
that the parking supply exceeds demand. The condition also includes contingencies measures in
the event addition parking is needed to meet demand. See separate sub-section below for an
expanded discussion of the parking reduction.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: ZC11-002, UP11-033, DA11-001 and IS11-002 Page 7
3. Condition 7 (page 3-6) addresses the Transportation Systems Management Program (TSM) that
was required with the initial approval of the office park. Since then, a TSM program has been
prepared and approved by the City. Condition 7 has been revised to acknowledge the TSM
4. No changes have been made to the other, presently approved Master Use Permit conditions.
Other conditions which remain unchanged include condition 4 (pages 3-5 and 3-6). Condition 4
requires the property owner to: a) maintain and provide public access to the private park area
fronting Mahon Creek; and b) allow public use of the private park area and 2,500 square feet of
conference and meeting room space in Building A (790 Lindaro Street) for special events and
Parking Reduction
Consistent with SRMC Section 14.18.040B, the City Traffic Engineer has studied the parking needs for
the project finding that the 5-6% parking reduction is justified and appropriate for the following reasons:
1. The currently adopted standard of 3.3 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of building area is
consistent with the medical use parking standard studied and recommended by the Institute of
Transportation Engineers (ITE). The ITE standards are based on case studies of developed land
uses, and are widely used by local agencies and licensed traffic engineers.
2. The 5-6% reduction in the parking requirement is a nominal amount. Further, such reductions are
encouraged when a large site is developed and occupied with a mix of land uses that have
different peaks in parking demand.
3. The approvals and agreements established for the San Rafael Corporate Center require that the
existing western parking lot and structure be made available for public use during the evening
hours and on weekends. The parking reduction would not conflict with this agreement in that the
peak parking use periods for medical use are during weekdays.
4. The San Rafael Corporate Center is in immediate proximity to the Bettini Transit Center (mass
transit hub for Marin County) and the planned SMART rail station. The immediate access to
mass transit reduces parking demand, which appropriately supports lower parking standards.
Development Agreement
The revisions to the Development Agreement are outlined in the attached, draft resolution (Attachment
4). The revisions are limited to incorporation of the expanded land uses and minor revisions to terms.
No major changes to the Development Agreement are proposed.
The initial review and approval for the San Rafael Corporate Center development was subject to a
lengthy and technical environmental review process. As discussed in the Background section of this
staff report, in 1998 the Fair, Isaac Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) was prepared (and
certified) assessing numerous issues and topic areas associated with the development of this office park.
The proposed addition of medical and research and development land uses to the office park requires an
amendment to the Planned Development (PD-1754) District and Development Agreement, which are
subject to environmental review. Per California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections
15063 (Initial Study), an Initial Study has been prepared finding that the project will not result in any
potentially significant environmental impacts, nor result in new mitigation measures based on the
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: ZC11-002, UP11-033, DA11-001 and IS11-002 Page 8
1. The project was reviewed against impacts identified and mitigation measures included in the
certified 1998 FEIR. The purpose of this review was to determine if the project would result
in: new significant impacts; an increase in the severity of impacts; or new or expanded
mitigation measures from those analyzed and determined in the 1998 FEIR. This review has
concluded that none of the conditions analyzed under the FEIR have changed, nor does the
proposed project result in any significant environmental impacts that require new or expanded
mitigation measures. In addition, since the 1998 FEIR certification and approval of the
project, the US 101 Gap Closure Project (additional travel lanes, HOV lanes, etc. completed
by Caltrans) has been completed for the US 101 segments through the Central San Rafael.
As a result, the significant, unavoidable traffic conditions for the highway segments have been
corrected and these segments now operate at acceptable service levels. Therefore, no new
or additional findings of overriding consideration are required to approve the proposed land
2. A traffic study was prepared by the City Traffic Engineer to analyze trip generation and
potential impacts on the local intersections. The City Traffic Engineer focused this study on
the proposed medical use (68,068 square foot allowance) and did not complete traffic
modeling for the proposed research and development use. It was concluded that the
introduction of research and development (as defined above) would result in trip generation
and distribution similar to or less than the currently approved administrative and general office
use; therefore, this use is part of the baseline conditions for study. The traffic study
determined that the allowance for up to 68,068 square feet of building area for medical use
would generate up to 51 AM and 164 PM peak hour trips. The study modeled the projected
traffic finding that the increase in trips would not change the LOS conditions at local,
signalized intersections or arterial segments. As discussed above, the medical use would be
subject to citywide traffic mitigation fees, which is outlined in the amendments to Master Use
Permit UP11-033 (Attachment 3).
3. A quantitative greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) analysis was completed. The analysis
concludes that the collective annual emissions from the project fall below the threshold for
significant GHG emission impacts established by the Bay Area Air Quality Management
Consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15073, the Initial Study/Negative Declaration was published
and made available for a 20-day public review period. The public review period closes with the closure
of the October 25, 2011 Planning Commission public hearing. To date, the City has received no
comments on the Initial Study/Negative Declaration.
No neighborhood meeting was held on this project. A Notice of Public Hearing was mailed to all property
owners and occupants within a 400-foot radius of the subject site, numerous Homeowners Associations,
and all other interested parties, 20 calendar days prior to the date of all meetings, including this hearing.
(Exhibit 5). To date, no correspondence has been received.
The Planning Commission has the following options:
1. Recommend approval of the applications as recommended.
2. Recommend approval of the applications with certain modifications, changes or additional conditions
of approval.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case Nos: ZC11-002, UP11-033, DA11-001 and IS11-002 Page 9
3. Continue the applications for additional information or response to the Commission comments or
4. Deny the project applications and direct staff to return with a revised resolution.
Vicinity/Location Map
1. Draft Resolution Recommending to the City Council the Adoption of a Negative Declaration
2. Draft Resolution Recommending to the City Council the Adoption of an Amendment to the PD-1754
3. Draft Resolution Recommending to the City Council the Approval of an Amendment to Master Use
4. Draft Resolution Recommending to the City Council the Adoption of an Amendment the Development
5. Public hearing notice
Initial Study/Negative Declaration previously distributed to Planning Commission (on file with Community
Development Department
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