HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2012-01-24 #2 Attachment 2AFFAcFjjvjFw3
San Rrp al Planning Commisston
January 24, 2012
oiime o. "It
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......... ___. COUNTY CQ.UN. .U.
ttx of AMAIN
Vmlhx. ri
Memory 5, 2012
Im AP ew1uxaa
ASSISTANT mawY muxee
Mr. timid Tambrnhl, Senior Planner
San Rafael City Han
Ic,ahy Rimes
1400 Fifth Avenue -
Post Offim Box 151500
San Ramel, CA 94901
orad V,Nm°n
Mural d"°
Re. Sen Rffieel Airport Recrea Hmtal Faclll(y
Noisy a.encn•�um
Declaration of Residukrim
M"°d"MW vel..ga
Your Hie No's.: M05-01/UP050WED05-10
esA M."[II con
llmmw I. Ipn.
Dear Mr. Treatments
J..G fl°gerLa
This letter well followu on our tale hone conversation all res
nattiest to Me above
referenced drevelop out proposal 1
posa that also included your City
Mee, MIN. &n.A
MuUTF,lo sml.,h.d
AUpmey Rob Epstein. recall w to you wish respect is the
ration diamAt eters' ( eneu upon
this development Proposal -
development proposal) proposed onear[ December -
pity nountya
2009. Th to sham Wth the the
City the County's positlon
Awuw.,oAnw A.Si:.wT
respect riledhat
vlsr Ietae Federation
city penning W the pmjon visa -vis the Declaration. However, s recent
city correlationhearingthe least thingsowulretlthat
rg* ex
mused ct
respect eprior, le
rausatl same wnmsion wIM respect le the prior letter and Me Cpuntys positlon.
0,1,275 eemmdw
apparently the staff report for planning ingme acteCity's that
tireDecember28,2009 Ofter that the
that Me County agreed
agreed ill City's
the pent
MI the current
ec0onloM yes lyo
preposmwosrNWith the
415 413 2 7 961
Declaration.A not 209lelma
O This is nolmerth The December no position
415 413 3122 1
all With mr tasproposed I001 ar verWok
thto wharedon.aprojeGasproposedwasrorwasnot-
cat onsistent with
consis[en[wlM the DeGamdon.
Second. the County Parks depatlment recently sant a IeXer to Me planning
wracreaion arguably Inferring that the project was not consistent w9h the
Declaration. IniM1is mgard I would like to point out [hat individuals or
departments amfiated with the County may well have opinions In this mimed.
However, areas the Dadaration was greutetl to the County as an entity, only the
Board of Supervisors has authority to fake an official position and/or seekta
enforce Me Declaration,
The Board of Supervisors has asked our office M clarify Me December 28, 2000
letter to reiterate that Me Gnu my of All takes no opsifion as to wM1edler the
project as currently proposed h crime the allowed uses of the Declaration.
San Rrp al Planning Commisston
January 24, 2012
PD.20P2 However, l havealsobeen authorized to inform you that so lone as the proles
remains precisely as currently proposed, the County will not challenge the project
administratively or judicially based upon &a Declaration.
Once again this does not mean Ihot the County agrees that the project is
consistentwith the Declaration. It simply means the County will cwt be
addressing or pursuing this Issue so long as the project remains as moorings
I hope this addresses the concems we have discussed.
Very Duly yours,
wma L. Zalfloommi
_ - Deputy County Counsel
Cc: Supervisor Susan Adams
Undo Dahl, Director Marks County Parks and Open Space_
h resent,
Mamh 15, 2010
.John Company
land lartme rdeno
Outlined, CA 9460452/9
Stibied: Recapitalize to Comments for the Gslogyand hydrology sections of rhe San
Rafael Aipurt Recraficand Facility
This letter responds to annnems on the Hydrology, Gwlogy and Soils section of 1W Dealt FP R
lar the San Robust Airport Recreatem project. TNc concerns not anmeinod 10 alearn dated May 7,
2009. Tic following is our resracnse Is comments in order as they appeal' In the letter. Our identified!
same was to revered to cortnnrnts 1, 2, ], 4, 6, 7 and It.
Hy hOIG y Commemx—$raig Tanda ratni, May 7, 2009
Commend 1. Slgallieam Impacts. Comment notes that the pr jeot is located withen the 100
Yarn flood zone and tluis impacts should be significant.
flasponsin Tho DEM does indicate ihat the project will Navaop•tentiWl sigh ming hplmlegio impacts
to plating sweiares within We flood eons. Fit placing Of structure within the IOD yar floodplain
zoneis specifically eddrcssed in insurer Hyd-2 on page It 30 of Ne IININ. Tic impact discussion dna
oddness hooding Gum levet hung. Subsequent base analysis has shown tM1nt the levees art sound and
not Wilt min mnhtlal which would potentially be susecti ihle in sasmia bulges. The DIIIR goes on to
discussthat the Protect is nm emiahnding housing within the Zone, it aL makes plain that We Gry of
San Rafael's municipal ends, which allows for the construction mousulsorisg las incomes within the
100 -year 0walplain, must comply with TEMA remained floodplain ordinances and policies
ganiGcally, alligation Measure Ryd-2a eMndaRi compliance with P➢MA flooding proofing
specifiwlions These discussions and others within the DEM make a solid case that are sigui em,w
threshold IS watered but that the incorpommin and implementation of the recommended senescent
coverage reduces these potentially afgoi0canl Means to a less than sgMfimnst tlnashold.
Comment 2 NAVD vs. NGND. This comment notes that the DRIR uses NGVD vs. NAVD as
the elevation standard and wondms about the methodology of this damn.
Response: It should be stall that the vertical datum eased in the DRIB analysis does not
oflnenethe love] ofsigmficase with regards to flooding impaots. The project evaluation and
its identification of potentially significant impacts do not change whether We Inject uses the
1929 vertical damns or thea 1988 vntical datum. The correction between NGVD and NAVD is
0.815 meters or 2.67 feet on the project site. NAW is grater than NGVD, thus 4.0 NOVD is
6.67 NAVD.
Be, 711A 1220Isidayed Cove Rd Suitt]0G it. Biehran6 U M807 L511gasailk c5leel GHtI E(acyzar(Sc UE4nm
Son Rri Planning Cmnmissam
January 24, 2012
ase Caunney
Mach 15, 2009
Commuu 3. Levee and Pump Station Mamtemmme Thos common addresses the flat that
the lose and thopump became needaa be maintained to provide sufficient Had peateotion
Response: Qncata contacted the Maria funnly flood Control Depanmant m minim about the
owsraft and maintenance responsibility of the levees and pump station At present Olte pump
station and the majority of the levees surrounding the site ate in private ownership and are
maintalnedbytheawvcr. A small section ofthe levels does belong to the family at the tip of the
Airport numhoula Tim County maintains these levees oat of the general find with maintenmrco
nursling Pr'imedly of mowing sad mspeation ofthe levers. 011ier than those acllvlliee, Marin
County does not maintain any other pails of the sits -3 drainage oyatm a fic applicant wit have a
large Meadow to malntaln me drainage system and vices on she ..considering the Intended
Emiloydamagciftheydidnmt. Also, if the levees fat writer the punnp station docs not opiate,
the damage caused by these actions will be contained ondie Applicaut's fluvatepropeny and not
raped adjaccut Property owners.
The potentially significant impact to the site is floating from a levee breach The normal
states the there wool(] Act be emmagh area to evacuate if a Issue (much did occur. DBBismon
and shows calculations that a lease broach would take approximately 45 mihmtes m2,5 limits to
fill @¢site tesla, extant that a cur could not be used to evaarate flesito Givicuhheshortdistanae
t6 higher humid, approximately 0.44 miles or 2,300 feet, rye bellies that there will be adequate
time for an evacuation to occur ad elha in a motor vehicle at on film
Comment 4, Evaluation Plan. The (nonlinear suggests that the lack of an evacuation plana
an impact are an oversight ofthe DB1R
Response: As previously stated in the response As Comment 3, the evaluation mute is
appeox redilly 0.44 miles. A ear heading u2mile par lmnrwould be able to travel Wat dialance
viilhin less than 15 mi their It will take over 45 area= for water to split tocding the parking
area then another I and 15 minutes to make it impassable. Given the short distance And fine it
world Oaks to get to high Searle wade not believe an evacnAlion plan is ucedusl as mihiantion for
the less. than significant Flailing impacts.
Comment 6. WaterQuality and Erosion Control Plan. 'fire crakes the point mat an erosion
central was nut submitted as put of the FAIR.
Response: TypicallyBra erosion cemml plan is contend dining hortative map submittal lot Oho
project and is a typical estimative for a grating penin[ From the City. The project applicant
will she base to submit the plan as pmt of the overall application to attain a 401 permit flnm the
121gionel Water Qlality Covttol Boats. Because of the interior drainage nulla of the site, (al
all 01 the drainage most he Pllmped fiom the situ), drainage and Alarcon control tar the site is
fairly straight mRvatd slid presents no Willieal problems for tis applicant. Aspire o'obtalving
Permit from the Rational Water Quality Control Board, the applicant will have to propose and
demmenum compliance will all applicablo State of California Beal Management Practices
(MPs) and meet pcdormavce standards for the aetlinum deanInn basin sizing, Given the
proposed land use type them are no known sp,oifuc wale' quellty slandads that the. project site
will aav@'b comply with. Chneot regulations specify mitigation for bilateral mwfflawk and
M[ Ubmmey
Match 15,3009
reforms and mandate that all practical BMN shall be asset to address and airlines nor point
source pollution Item flarpirweart site
ConmwM7. Hadi in Impervious SnYrncCArn. 'Ilia common[ Indicate that the tribunal ladwi
Ms changed to include a reduced impervious surace amu.
Respo bau A dight reduction in mossevlou% surface arca would not have my significant impacts b the
faojecl and therefore no additional analysis is required.
Vermont 11. Solvents Slability or Levess. The let ar dated May 7, 2009 s1Mes'4he ➢C@ fails So
madden the ability ofllm lawns to withstand wismdostaklna."
Resrumam Inpick ]OttrapartorrebMm 10,2010,1011 C. lmmand Asswiate, Inc, Indiana that Say
drilled@mc horsMln lv the levet at Nc pnyat silo. leeaabo Aolos paneheredxmdium nliBSilty Clay
fill, moment stff, im the upper 6 to 7 W,, barbarism by soft Clay Bay Mud to the total depth ofharshn ss
at 106 le I4.5 fat bier IM1c lop of levet. In n nearby horohule drilled inthe proposal mhkri, facility
laation, the soft Clay Bay Mud eros found to extend to a depth a 27 fact tielow gmnnd snr Doe, at which
depth veny stMandy Clay alluvium was pencaated. Th, alluvium was emission by Shale bedrock ata
deplh of approximately 43 fact below burned surface. flew wit mid baAuck nationals are not
siisceptibIttotbeaffe ofselamioallylndncedliqu,faction, The soft clay soils may amplify the gond
shaking elleew doing severe around slaking and will ted t0 shake &r Inger periods than bedrock, but
will not fail due to liquefaction alas of shear strength cartacriansaw by leer and salubad sand suits
doing shag around shaking Based on Ibis, the levees should before edequably during earthquake
induced ground sharing and the impact ofgiemically induced gond failure is less than significant.
We most this is[tie information you burns at this tune. Should you requite additional information please
GanF.mt an Undvaigncd.
Sydn Tre P $59695
Ptiv pia/V'9"k of AydPologial
WiV�I N. Hupkins��
SenicrGgiireenng Geologist
Rat lesson Data wpua'a wwnvwnn
Kraig Tambornini
From: Daniel Murphy DMuryhy1@dtuGva.gav7
Sent: Monday, November 28, 201110 a] AM
To: Kmiy Tambmnny
Sabi Re: San Rafael Airport FED
Ina phyla
Thanks to, your prompt eata11 reply t, my letter xegatdvng the PEIR toy
e SR A,7Fort
develd¢emt proj¢C I had , ,re
%seed c that c vaLfort raghtFare migrated £avis
,functional are,, If the 111palt to
-e r
the protect reopen uLee to
epedHof c ; the TUR, andthat, at you have v mladed turn that the in or
f the
i, t he pro ility ,£.c lamination toriginating £r the coastal onal a umente
yirp, re at the aro out a that. yen r the e pr,pun e t]ou documented
etch r ns >- Youtothconclusion cr instance roh I have
n cin,ru mann tufadc, cnproperty). ldd , rrtotiy 1 ha
far lhcr arta no rad £,r enae that would afirmly erce,al- they , .eznn
antler Look to opr,par thorCC*R. TM1an ke Cuc you mosldea nth nn.
ie1 Murphy, P Chtec
Choy" Costa / Solaro O my Unit
Uerkeley Cleanup Branch
(510) 540-3992
» brute Timb,rlani <K,,ig.Tamhornlnibclty,£aanratacl.CTg>- 11/25/2011
35 PM >>>
When you have a moment, please advise whether my Nov. S, 2011 much l . edequaEly
,d,ntitind P informationresponding t s that airporteer might hav
outamLytodpthen bnl1e1I the lnlunaat... in thn PNIR adequately pm.to,, t ,
macion that would be!sued re l aess,,oi. Plan,, adi if you would still
mcvmust a Phase T assessment lar [lis sate.
Thank you.
kCs"q 'laobornia r,nPlanes,
City of Sea Rafael, CCnuallity able 10facr nt 1400 11£th Ave./PO Box L1560 Can Nelael, CA
Pbu e,: (415) 425-3092
Fax: (415) 455-3154
krnig.tambmnir0cityrecou ralael.ory
h5'nn Najnel Plannirzy ConnlAxion
Jai 24, 2012
Asa A FIN Mauve MONAC✓, CA 94565 1 e' W29 35O4709:l07s137S684 I F...(9251 anmxo
San Rated Airport, LLC January i, 2012
2167 A I net Francisco Rcaknord
San haled. CA W901
Attention: btu Lunn Nibbi
Subject: Phase I I{ vhohmmtnl investigation
San depart Airport Ra:rcatiund Facility
San passel, hdifrmia
project No. M-209
Dear W Nibbi
We have cotnplacd an ctrvbonmctM1sl Inbestie lian consisting of Plause I llnvlroninmad
Site Assessment for the 9.1 -ore pmpody, within the boundaries of the San SAM
Abpml, looatedin the City ofScn Rafael, (811Ponadu
'Ibemsudlsoftbe aim bis(myreviovand theregublorynevmw shore Union jorpollwanuts
have slpg it lyhnpacted [be site to kneels that may requite repud6tbn. prefer, them are
major sources of rantamitm[btt coolant on the adjacent prolhas that could migrate
onto tine elle and adversely Impact thedevelopment of the property, as a rocncal(mwl
f cihity.
In our Invkcsimal opinion, an appropriate level of ingnhty has bear made into In'avions
uses of We site consistent with goad commercial and customary practice In an chart to
minimize liability, and no apparent evWencc or Indication of Recognized F.'nvironmearal
Conditions lave been reveah;d.
If yen have any questions all the Information in this IAll or ifrvecan be of fitdha
astislanm,phsee contact as.
I" A. Santa, REAIs 1088
linvinamtrntal hnghtom
Sem Rufael Plossmag Commission
./ossuary 24. 2012
Hviwxmm�Ml rwlafx�r�/iRafesm
Ynyxnrrl2armRwml Fmlli9r nn Rry{xrl Airyw/
Proposed Recreational Fertility
Sme RafaelAnpmY
San Rafael, Cal(ornla
PMMIIW na-am
o Vlav
A -A
Sco eo(SuV=
Eilelfrvxw ncc
Mlacmt Ln Um
ltdimlim OMWWaage Oispo 10
I I19mim1 RvokgmmN o! IFc YrQlccl Silo aryl Ihu Aiapml
Ae'ial Photoleaplw
Rcgahemy Agmoy R"mv
COy alM Couoly Rapmds
PMMIIW na-am
bmmnmou f romOg'al.. Repml
v,m,mwe...�mmae�an+.w,,, afele;,00e
(Cuo lwm
ApP da A RVgJ URa MSeanLDnN
App�B Ilhbrleal AedallTulo® plm
�M,rawn-:on. u
Proposed Recreational Facility
Saint Rafael Airport
San Rafael, California
A-1. lNernew
This reportpweents thcresults of Phase f Environmental Site Assessment (HSA) for the
proposed recreational 1ho ity (Project Site) within the San Rafael Aimed (Ahpon),
located on the senth sale ofNodh Folk Oallmas mak, within the 1120 -acre prolieny of
the San Ra[el Ahporl in the City of San Itafaej, California. A Site Location Map is
shown on Figure 1. Tiro proposed rµcility consistsofappacsimatsly9,300 agnam itctof
minor sports R;Idg. as wall as an randomsoccer pitch, a count up arca, and a paved
parking area.
This Phase I ESA centuries to and is gmrerally bawd on the gnidclmcy seep; and
Unduadmus of the American Society for fes[ingand Materiels (ASTM) StandaN Pracd;e
I4 1527-05, and is consistent with good commercial a1µ1 customary practice for
envinaun tal investigation.
A-2. Objet
'i be objective ofthis inves[igationwasto assess the Wrclihead orthe psceolmeorpneutially
hmnrdous materials on-site and in the mu nMiate site vicinity tom past and/or pose d uses
ofthe project Site.
r,„e.,m. HM AY
ExWnwmow nnvmgmfi
Aoparl Xrcmvimml Psdaiiss lb(xlNrµwr
AJ. Avinsourb
The appmacn tried to mart the objective was to conduct it site oralk through and a she
vicinity reconnairsunce, a review of reality available information d'' ussnns with was=
aidlor owsow representative mid with Personnel at roguldory agencies, and an evaluation
otlhc rule oblainal.
A-4. Sci cof5etvlces
To standardize environmental site asbraamarts his cownetcul red plate, AS"IM
developed aadtra practius E 1527 for emlromnantal she assessments. The standard
was later revisal at 2000 and again in November 2005; the late revision is doslgnated as
E 1522-05. The rendered services are generally based on the guiddinos and definitions
of due ASTM Madre k 1527 05 (draws ire Isaac), and mnfnn to the genmally accepted
raluitements of the industry.
The goal for this ESA was m klcmiry ienognaed envnnwitened uondinsts; Le., the
presence or likely prasenne of any hazardous substances or peNdemn presents under
conditions that indicate a past, existing or materlat board of release onto the pivpedy,
or into the gond, groundwatmor surface outer of the property. Materials used for this
ESA rely on information that is pMclical ymviervable, i.e., infnmation from a somec is
a veteran that, when examiner, supplies relevant information without extraonllnary
analysis of inrlevant data. further, this ESA relies on information that is mason rbly
oarerininmble; i.e., publicly availdse, obtainable within r'aininable time and cool
constraints, and prncNcally onsenvable.
'[has"] rivedsopeofttrvices Nur ESA ureses flluw¢
➢ A site recinnaissrnw to assess present site wnditious and to look for evidence of
present or prat operations that uscor nmy have used potentially l arardous ma edids,
including tetivities commsioniy associated with the storage of potentially IwzatNous
materials. Silacondkbnsnvrlb ptmtograpbicallydobunimped, whereapplisable;
➢ Observation and recording of the nurseries of nigh power transmission lines and
Imnvfrm ,
egisoNsmaso o
mix/W lnml2xexx Hywrt
Aeyarct ttaxmximmrPari(Y. 5'xn NJadNrpul
Y Discussions with the current property ewer or his reproscreadve;
➢ A site vicinity reconnaissance to mrdies lire type ofbnswcsscs in the journa to site
vtmiiity that may use town dolls substances; that in ourdndgnnonl in ay imine the Ste;
Y A review oFseleated readily avnifable govmvmant agenole"s' winces totaled to the
Pmencer ofpntentiellylrezaNmis coder'idh on the siteand the vicwtyofthe site.
A review of Olen at the local governalued agencies to avers the earnest awl
historical condition; at the Site and for selected imilhiss within dna fwed'wte ate
is A review of information to assess historieul land use and property development
including bin not limited to readily available topographic mon, holiness dhnchalbs,
and localbnllding and planning dumbnent moods;
Y' An'arrow of Inf rtration mgaNing the surfm and subsurf conditions including
the hydrogc l ogg regional groundwater impairments, soil type, and trimpsophy of
the site and site vicinitynsfg inducted ref careg
Y Data evaluation and roportpreps"flon.
A-5. Sitelgatte
Yivoughout this HSA,the following tennis am used rearoNinglY
The "Project She" wicis to the proposed overall fulitydevcapmeen
located on tic. wuth side of North pork Collins Clock, within the San
Rattail Airport (Ahpmt),. in the CRY or San Romil, Marin County,
Cahfari e;
"immediate site vicinity" mfrs to parcels Ire nwhithely adducent to the
Pitied Site; spcolOcally the lands occupied by the Airfoil. The royal
Smith Ranch Ahpod, Marin Rauch Airport and San Refj Aigint Im
beemcal intcashrogeably in this report;
"Ste vicinity" refm to the area within approximately 'Fjmile radius of the
YnnmlSite; and,
the lens "huzardoos" Is used here in general amordwme with is usage in
Title 22, Division 4.5, Chapter 10, Caliform Code of Regulations (CCR).
The. terns. "Wanders tnalaiah" and "Iwtardoon raise" no used
inmmhnng arblY. alta no legal distinction is installed benveenRe two turns
as used Irerain.
EOWMM's'n"d 'xmm, ftR
Napw,vlXxmoti®%YYaIDp .ti„Rl A/qml
A-6. Site Ree onaivwoac
Oa December 2, 2011 we performed a she feconasaie mu which included a walk-Ibmugh
and photogalthing oftlw S¢e, as wall as ob9crVingsnammding areas. On the basis ofthe
site Connaissance and review of terhad a documents, we Pattered the f0llowing site
description. Pholoaaphs numbers l to. 8 show the genual she conditions.
A-0. '[pure maul
no lopogupbv mf the Site and the sm munding areas consist ofrebtivclyfdat bond. Figure3
Iawarmsa lopo"Ida, map of the She end the site vicinity. The Sha Iscurrcttly vacant and
cal ly covered with maintained Kress and steed. The approximate :average sardine
elevation of the She mages firm -2.0 ro 2.0 bet above Mean Sea Low] (MSL). The
project Site 1s basically flue with an apprediable relbf
A-8. Site Geolnmv and HVdromeolomv
'f he Airport she is beaded wthe northeasterly p aunt of the city afSan Rafael (see Figura I
fursite location), the Ahpom occupbs has par them of land between and near the con fiance
rflhe north and south Anks of6allinas Creek.
a. O ologY
The AhportisnWedabby ahalbw mdavd 1p0 maleruk That varies in thickness. ThefltHs
underlain byllay Met, a relatively soli silly clay [bat is agaric -rich. '1'1reAzy Mnd varies
in tbioknoss from Sur as duty feel. Beneath the Bay Mat arc stiff clay and firm alluvial
deposits ova the bedrock. The mases of GII materials are unknown. A review of sone
published doctweuts snggosts that [be Airport sire is underlain by Iioloeene alluvium
consisting ofunconsoddated sandy clog gravelly clay, sandy. silt and silly gravel. About
/, ofa mile went offse Airport site tie aauvul deposits am appmximalely 11 to 16 fret
deep and are underlain by fractured and weathued Allstate which bebogs to the
Cretaceous -age Franciscan assanblage,
e,,,fm'N. nw-vy q
SnvLwmmilnl /naifi%nNmi Reyvn
IMyvetl N.xrcui®MYaelllil'. Ann F 1N'IAiryw(
h Hydrogcnkgy
Rased son reviewoftLc United Slates Geological Survey (L SGS) topographic maps of [lie
area, the Airport Site is baseball between the South Pork and Nmlh pork ofGuiliano; Crcrk
'Ibemtwo wmervays arc tidal cantals that intmoitmntlybucome inundated with tidal water,
umhor sporadically act as a discharge some during heavy ralastomw. '1'be Project Site is
loonlel amen 150 feet to tle sous[of Wo rough fork reflhe waterway.
The occurrence of groundwater bewvlh the Ahpod site is each hlmty sballmv. During
vanmrs mvesrigatlorw at the Situ vicinity, the gtvwdwater table has been encountered
between me and she hart below ground Wurfrce, The regional groundwater flow dnm[kn is
fishipretrd to arms this regional lopo®uplty, which Waradly ropes toward the call.
I fowever. Am to the Project Sily"s unique location sail makcun?nd the offeols of bodies of
water within the Site vleiulty (a lagoon n) dna west and two tidal mark In Sae nhW and
worth) it is arranged teat linin 6rw aPpreoinbk groumlwater nmventurtundcrncath thisSite.
A-9. Site Description
Tire following ddsriplinr was prepared on tld breis of site reeotaaksancc, review of
available habnnation, and how The Projcct Site consists of+ 9.1 gross acres of sal
land, borrow about 150 reel to the murk ofNbr[h pork Gainers Qck. A levee ontheshdh
Aide of the C mk thus akng the mtdhern lamndary of the Project Site. '1'La wlfam of We
Proj t Site Is carnally soured wilts slwmdic weds and grow There S n drainage wale,a
aunt water collection pound, a pnmpmg stator, and a grovel road within or huniediddy
adjacent to the Pr loot Site. Cnrreutb, the had is undeveloped and vaema. Historically,
the Project Site appears to have been no for Paving at one time or a ethr; but it has
warawrd covered Willi mamtnined grass since at least the 1980s. The ntmvay ofthe San
Rafael AUpnt Is .shaded to the south oftha Project S @,
Onthe whole. in iadicatimnafany eovitnndetualieopalement were observed onthc Projcct
Site during We rile tttnttraissaoce.
%.nno. Fa -zoo 5
mrHM lnmlim/ion Rryr/
PmyweAXrcrenFm�NfmJ/Ily, An RI elAipst
A-10. Mhosent Lend Ilse
We perhnmed a findied visual cbservation ofthe sutroundingsltrs in an annual to Identify
areas of Federated risk to Ilis Site resulting Som adjacent site a sivitica Obmaal4m of
surrounding sten was Ihn@ed to accessible areas and aides that could be real observed
ham the Sita.
The immediate .site vicinity solely consorts of the San Rafct A1rpmX which could ba
divided hard tarred general aims. Iaagas aril avimionservicex sorer, miscellaneous business
ever, add taxiways and runway. 'Tian miseelishera s disowns soon is occupied by several
business enterprises. Several environmental invesllgatlovs have been cautioned at the
Ahyod in Ilie past A summary of these investigations arnd their potential hhpaG to the
PMJMI Site are preserved below:
Lvle aced Shipping_
Lyle Need Striping was a Indent at the business sued of the Airport fir approximately 25
yoga. his premises consisted ofa 1200 square fclmG91 building on a concrete slab =it
a handed equipment stmagc soma. As a licensed contra ler, Lyle Reed Striping served av
subcontractor for large Fit Should, aM the passim roadway projects to install ell
and wheel stops Ess part lots, eh. The gad area was hand primarily to Blore varimis
equipments, ha", diff¢cnt cracking notions, compressors, Few vehicles, various
organic solvents and marking paints in Grated transition.
Lyle Recd Striping vacated rte premises in 1999. Before indicating, the San grad Fire
Department requested Lyle Rml Striping to provide a voiren husfness closers plan prior
to leaving the premises. In thspomc to this rocuovl, a winkplan describing the
bandhngldispnsal method for all hayn'dous inatuials. still hayurdoles wastes on the
prehilses was hmwarded to the Rho De hush. Further, Lyle Reed Sdiping readmit the
services of Ilayerdois Disposal Specialists; Inc., a licensed envirosinental disposal
contractor, 10 dispose of all ha sadnh materials and lueanlons wastes on the promises.
The mnoval orsvaae nwtarials are] Ito closure office sate according to the workable
war coaddined in June 1999. No further action was required.
lass,owkil b
opmml Rrvm,M,mV, Pnei/iry. finfll I�n�rpa
Former Fuel Disbo rvae Facility
As pmt of@o eirput alienation, too large ubowgronud Coed tacks stored mel for a rears s.
A 12,000 -gallon aboveground lank containing aviation find and at 8,000gallon
aboveground lankc corilandng jd fuel were located within the aviation services ores.
Reportedly, am buried Pocl fines loading to the dispenses were pretty encased hr concrete.
At the request of the City of Ban patent Hire Department (Fire Depa tnuark, scvmal
programs of soil and groundwater sampling and obemiwl tearing owe conducted at this
location w order to strums rvlmbu the .call and gooundwater leave been In>Nadal by
nmutho ized refuses Som We piping reaper dipence s; and w identify and recommend
appropriate remedial mcasme, if required. She results of the program iodh aced that
contaminated mil and gmumhvaly zones was located at alTroximate depths of2 tc 4 fie
bolmvgmund surface(bgs) within theawnoftlre fellity.
Although nth and &wumheater underneath the fredity contained deteeadde concentrations
ofhydrocarbon the]. A was concluded that thespatial expart rnaurmmts was mrncwhat
limited. It was mtioalized that due to relatively tights raMneablo lilhglogic seyrunms
underneath the Airport, coupled with the position of the Live (Wal cm rks IM contaminants
did not migrate very far offsite. Nowthd� h was concluded that The site %ven reeal
prwuive implementation rrfaremediaLtnamre.
A winkloan containing a cornni ive action plan (CAP) which consisted afaxcavdtign and
offsite disposal of contmninated soil, and extraction and disposal of inspected
guru pocata'was prepared and submlhal to the Fine Department. After approval by the
Fite Department, the CAP was impicnented at the site. in addition, as Iwrtofthe CAP, a
program of quarterly gmuMwa4e exploring for a complete hydrologic cycle wits also
A total of approximately 130 cubic fairs of coneminatat sail none excavated and
sfookpiled mnsho.. Ini tier, water cmocted m mo pit poring the excavation activities was
pumped out and spored in a Baker trek Hvmmapy, (lie water was Muted off-site for
disposal- Alla, the excavated soil stockpiled in a pie deksmined location and covered with
m,areuM, awwn -
Pruymre Romiaanl Fav"m Sm,Rsfi, Lqw
visquim was sa[sequurtly limited to at oft -sac waste d'uposal lecility. Upon ,mil
exeavatimy the pit was lint with vialuht and had fiUml with death cleat imporred ML and
cnalmosa tl.
It was conchWni that major portion of impacted soil order the facility was excavated and
removed. The concentration levels oftenerning mil ame minancc at the Amo underneath
me lcifity were mlmWaly low and dericl rrn, no further renadial activities opiatesd needed,
It was bmlcvml that passive bimxnmediaticn p,ixoswa would act to naturally rnluce red
anatomy clihdnate the low levels of famno ern bydeoa enn components pounnt in the
timzudng contaminated mass n alarmith Ibe Site. Natural ubiquiluun microbial
populations to the soil rarrtully degrade the penrohemn hydrocarbons to carton dioxide and
water, resulting is natural cleanup.
In September 2003, with the mnemonics ornbe FiinUepmnallo,.a quarterly groundwater
moatormg program was cslabliihed to determine whether any,nsidurl contamination
remained at the site.'Ihe pvformaae ofthe groundwater marketing program, under the
oversight ofthe Funlupumneat, war campletd in du1y2005.
The croups ofthe comeotive anslonphn, coupled with theresohs ofthe quarterly marhorurg
languor revealed than thissite met all the immirensnts frr Site Closure as defined and
established by the City of Sea pared lire Department and the California Regional Water
Quality Conrol9oard. AuwNingly, Ilia facility was $anted sheebsura
The fuel dispensing facility a this location was entirely stimulated and a env thekky was
wli blivhctat u new location further west.
➢waren landscape, Inc. was a landmapitg states" that expiated and untanned various
types of snit to the site. An environmental investigation including sell sampling and
chemical testing f pesticides and other chemicals was conduced in M&W 1990. No
chemicals ectad frwere fund at the sye.
eW,..,nom,lw p
uutlh wr Rmwr
AOP^rnlf4ercmiuud4'aiMq .tin no%MAi,14w
Levee Mautenmee Pmim[
'I Ire project involved plans to rsisc the height of the ¢dAing. levee a enT the S mfli hulk
(hi IS le Creek by shout &3 reed. The prose of tris monk was to protect Ilfe Airport
and adjacent properties Sam flooding tut causes damages to airplanes, canmmretel and
aviation a rtatureg residences, coo. Ile plan called for placement ofappmxirnately 2,500
cubic yams of dredged materials on top of [lie h aril 'I E) evaluate the suitability of
dominant luxWfials to he u, d fpr Yapping the lease, a Inugrum of soil sampling and
Chemical analysis leas implemented.
'rho slope of servicer tar this project was developed haled on the recourn andatlona of
the San Planation Ray Regional Water Quality Control. Board (RWQCB) INA Staff
Report, Beneficial Reuse of Dredged Ivhaterialo Sediment Screeung and Testing
Guidelines, dated rely 2000. The Investigation was conducted I August 2002. The
resists of the soil sampling and chronical aualyscs Indicated that significant
concentrations of pollutants woe let bond re the poin¢ at which filo temples Nan
obtained. I ur. her, the bioassay, result also appeared favorable.
A-11. Storaue1lnlue
We did not cassava evidence of poteAwl nndcgronwl or a elvelonund storage Anka for
hydrocarbon fiehs (iss pipes, vents, pumps, concrete foundation, and stains) at the Project
A-11 Indications afPolvehlorhnated ltinhcnvls fPCBs1
During the site walk-through, the PmrCet Site was impacted for the presence of liquid -
cooled electrical units (transformers and eapacilors). Such nude Nay be polential
polyahlminated biphonyl (PCIS) mnrecs. A palomounled hanarpr'ma1was obscrvfd near
Ila pumping station on thenorth aide of the Project Site. No evidence of any leakage or
spill was atwvm. A high vobage Yonsmission line is also located in the site vicinity,
re vever, b is urn fur assay to how ally report an the Project Site.
xrrrunnairier q
bet snenl Malpto„xMw
RMS „/NecrcWrvmrtl 1swift955h11 RlllAI!Iwt
A-13. Indinaliond of5 fitl Waste Difloosal
Evideme of major dumped solid World was not ebser'vsl at.The Project Site during the
arc neteromosance.
We performed a site history tevisv to identify (he firmer nen of the Pjcct Site. 'Ibosoc
history survey, lacluded levies, of axial photographs' and available regional repo¢g and
hrterviaws son knmvledgmablc prople.
B -I. Hist .las send of the Posher Site and the AfrumY
We perhrtmcd s hire nislmy mvisv to identity former laml usexoftha Airport. Acesm ling
to published hommoafinn (independent Journal, 19]9), in Rte early 1900s Ile, Marin Ranch
Airport masa part of the Sae Fafad Israel) ended by Sum Smith and bis uncle, Zeke Smith.
After Wold Wa' I boll, dome barged buy into fire reams via Las (Slliras Creels from San
Jonquil Valley. Aller selling bay to dairymen for reseed yearS, they Asset here the dairy
business themselves 'file ranch was later passed down to Sam Smltlis sons, Edward and
Jordan Smith vote renamed the ranch The Smith Iimfhms Ranob. 'Me Smith brothers
owned aN operated Smith Brothers Ranch onto 1990, when part of hose; sold to the cmmty
nal became. Into F. Mobmis Park. The remainder of We ender land was gradually
developed for residential and rvmnnsulal Issas.
1”. A''1Pht I
Forty-six yeas of serial pimms coveting the Ill Site viva weer Vormhd by Neifie
Aerial Surveys of Oakland, California Tlwse photographs spanned Use years 1953-1990,
amt Avcrc reviewed in stem, when evadable, to aalyec threedimensions feanoes.
In n odion to the show, .loosed aerial photographs covering the PmFect Site and the
nnmcdiale site vicinity seem provided by inv4mwcntal IJaa Femoral (FDR). Thew
acrlat photngrophs spantwd We ycaa 19461998. Appendix B womins wpims of them
Idowrical aerial ple,les.
rrM.ws. ass9 to
hhrsm wal/aaartgAa, FHua
RopaMRmem'imntl FxiNM S'rv, F.j kALkw/
Avr' IPhotoYear Swan
1946 I^=655'
1953 1"=M5,
1965 1"-333'
1952 1"-690'
1993 1-=666'
19" 1"-666'
This ime peca(ionsanctuary oO as aerial poagn'aphs reviewed is pre mated heavy:
1550- Sewage healment plart and Marin Ranh Akport do rm[coirt. Tim area 6- an opus
field. Across the north fork of(ivlllnas Catml there Is a cattle machin bushmes. All runoff
base filecaldc mach appears to lead into We earn fork ofGallinas Gnat To We wmlM1ecet
Of the pmtiwty, across the .mouth Orphans canal, (hue is a small airport with alrplanur,
haagas amt o dirt runway.
1960- Marin Harleh Airport consists of one hangar and a dirt runway. To the mntheast, on
Ore oppos he side of the bills, a sewage balmmn plait Is pralsenl.
19fifi "I'he amstnotionoftlmsemvay is auto:way. Then'nnwayappeeamalongdidrold.
'I:a the south of tie partially there are housing developmenw, ms( to the worth floic. is
ranch with co nsh'netion slid Wading activities gong on. To the wet, along the railroad
Imcksthare are open fields on bulhsides. 'Ilia and Mass Om Madh ark of6a dism Deck
is now owapled by booms.
19]5 - Centrally. on the east side oftle property Were ala warts panda adjacent to IM
r nmwvy. lit tine A'vpo0, tasx ares ciOrlenne hangars Meront. rothewestofthetimprty,
an One olMr sidoaClLa�nilrovdtracks; a knew Vailw pwk aruden' 0onretmGnn.
1950 - Tlm runway aplxms tea ha paved and O¢ Ai rant contains commons hangars and
paeladahplarcv Tim trader park, to the west of(he Sita, class the railroad lucks, eploars
confided. To Ino earth ofthe Site, We cattle baseball linger exists, and (hat Arra appears
to be under ornotnetan.
wvllw. Mcxon 1t
ft u dRmmh ..of Fm'ilea Snn IsoIAiwarl
1299 -Merin Itom:M1 Airport bas mental storage M1ungam prcmnt. 'Phot @re Oro largo bel
tank bwmus Protect; one tank appears empty, with mr top owering Sevealabovagrend
books are visible In btwinw's onto mevCmns.. graven] dark smm-tike areas ppem near the
wcNcra hangars. Suit piles team fisc agrimdture business, along with come Lucks, ale also
Pcsent. TI¢rc isapnrktu the rnNruYlls Nr'pud
Generally, no outstanding fsawms appeal on the aerial photos to iditatc major
environmental impairment ofthe P lett still.
C-1. Regulatory Avwev Review
In order to survey Scandal on- and off-site polhVand meals, we utifimd tiro so-vcees of
En hommetnd Data Reasserts Inc. (®R) to contains savored regulatory linings Use silts
with reported and and groundwater contamiwtiau The Project Site was rot listed oh may
of the datalwms teviewed for this assessment. Within a ono -mile me his of the Property,
no IJPL faci i0¢s wcec idtallacrl. kLrlhcr, within 0.5 -mile radius or IM1e Project Site no
CERCLIS firokics woe Iislcd. WIILis a o.5-mim Iwgus ofthc SIW Nrvo m tililiev rot IM1e
LUST Us[ wcm ideaNEcd. Iv Several, only polevllslly Larardossmaledals released Rnm
bridles Iocaled approximately up -gradient and within ono -quarter of a mile Will IM1e
Patient Site, or immediately adjacent to the Project Site, mejrdgel to law a reasonable
potential ofmdgraRng onto the Property. TM10 Judgmcnl is based on IM1e essnmprion Ibat
materials generally ds not migvdtel only large dissenters hummlly within tinned, but rather
tend to migrate with gemsrdwalcr iulM1egwemldireeiionorgmundwater lime (leeceral
gmmndwaku flow direction in Ihp vicinity of the Project Site is presumed! to be stationary
since there is no appreciubm groundwater movement in the sulsshata.
PatiaO0l stimulants databases reviewed fire this scrod am listed home
/' Awry mfmp 12
FLWmx nalnnm &m Re/m,
R,µwetl Rmenn'an,tllil ieifi955nu N.f dNyw[
ftegnlntury, Database Refnviam
IIS I IPA National Prim'it List NPL
US UPA Comprehensive Envioandeal Response,
Compensation and Liddlitylaformamn System (CERCLIS)
US EPA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA)
Coroceive Actions and A oejdrxl TSD (CORRACI'S)
USEPARCRARegideredl.oege and Small -Quantity
tidewaters (RCFJS-LQO) and (R(1t.S-SQO)
IIS EPA detergency Rwsponse Notification Systun(ERNS)
Cad EPA/ Office cfEmergency fidonnadon Cortese
California Regional Water Qalitycontral lleard (RWQCB),
Isaking Underground Storage Tank (hUS'I
SWF'A,F(SWIS) Solid Waste Information Spain, faadfific,
'/a Mile
Incinerators, or frensf' Station
CA Water Resources Conhnl Budd(SWRCB),Rgistared
Underground or Aboveground Starago Tanks TJ T/AST)
Cali6rnin ikpartmutt ofloxro Snhstmtms Control,(DTSQ
1 mile
No braggy listed on the databases appears to have tiny potential advuse hoped on the
Project Sit,. A copy of the rcmni w-,ach data is presented in Appendix A. Details of
varmoa databases reviewed for this natant dot as follows:
P United States EPA National Intently list (NPi.) Sites or Superfund. List dated
June 30, 2011. The Site did not appear on NPL pat, and no do, was Nunifn:d within
aonam0ewages oflbe Project Sh.
➢ IIS RPA, CLRCLIS. Contumhmtedi sips vada We Comprehensive Envdmninenlal
Reslwnse Compensation and Liability Act of 1930. List dated February Z, 2011. The
She did not appear on the Cl RCLIS IIs. WMdaa C -mit, rndiv of the Project Site no
facility was listed on the database.
➢ U.S. LPA, RCRA Connetive Aellune and Associated Treuneart, Storage, and
llisposal ('M) facilities (CORRACTS). The RCRA TSD list is a dant once
maoaained by the U.S. KPA far facilities at which treatment, storage andlor disposal
Pro AhnR-109 IJ
rn i;rvxmeMM ln,nuRnno„Rnp n
/YMwrnlNuimRm til Yni//p, pull Raja l aq,,t
of Emotions waste lakes' places as defined and regulated by RCRA. LIW is dated
Mauch 9, 2011. InErnmlimr contained in the IND list homeless the Property and no
sires within l-ide; radius often site aremported on the list
E 116 EPA RCRA RMismucd Oevemalom (2m®-IQG) & (RCHIS SQOb Ehe
RCRA C.enerams lists am nWiomvidc dalabasrs created m maintain and regplato
facilities that handle hazardous wastes. These databases mplaced the Ilarardous
Waste Data Management System in Sep[mvbW1992 as the maim system supporting
the Imp[emdolWion of the RCRA. lists arc dated lone 15, 2011. Tnmroalien
constined in the list mdEcols that no family N currently fisted as a small or large
quantity ganeretor within 'l. -mild of the Site. Small quantity generator's (SQOa
generate betel en 100 kg and 1000 kg ofhrmuslous waste per month. image quantity
generama (LQ(g generate over 1000 kgoflossus cus waste per mmol.
➢ U.S. EPA, Ernertl Response Nolifuatiov Skagen (ERNS) Had, The ERNS list is
a Vatican[ computer dambase and letrkVal system used to store information on
maidentd releases of oil and haem9ous endurances. 'Ilia immrmation stared on flits
dambnsa is avgn'ved ilvough IhaNallonal Raspmsa Center. '1'ha Rnter treoksovu
35,000 incidents per year. List dalad October 3, 2011.'1lie Project Site is currently
not listed as heft oil fire PENS duabasu.
➢ Cal EPA/ Office of Emergency Int rmatinn (Conor J. The Cortese 1151 is a
dambase pmvidttl bythe Cal EPA/ Office of N,mergency, f hermation. Eire sites lislal
an the database am taken Gum other lists. 'I he list is dated October 3, 2010, and no
update is ginned. The database lists no facilities.
4 Irenkivg UndeegeouM 9mmgn'fanhs (LI1S'lJ. Yha Calimmis.Siate Wffia Rewmecs
Conal Board tturrpiks psl of Lill reported leaking mudegmnnd storage. tanks incidents
in tl¢ region. 'Ihc lle[ is dated SeVtembiu 19, 201 L 'I'La Shit db not appwr onthc lisp
mid 3 aims within a halY-ndlc radios oflhe She were identified
e lun"ema-vn '14
m blernenermoft., "ase„n
Pnq o.M Mts..911miles,, we Nnf IAirporr
D Eavirostor Database.'I'Im Cuvkesmr databasq prcpatvl by lho CaliWnw Dcpadmml
of Toxic Subsomen Control, (DTSC) Ncnlifi¢ silts IM1aI bavc known contamination or
sh n for which there may be reasons to investurge 0nber. This because Ins ReplacM
Cabskos IAtalmu, wi iob is Met updated anymore. List dated September 13,20 11. not
Project Site did not appear on the linvimstor database, hilt Mae "No Further Auction
Required” facility was ide itifieil within aonemile toms ofthe Project Site,
A Solid Wash Landfills, Ineinoratnra or Icounter Stations (SWIS} Solid Waste
hrfinmwlion System. The California ialegruted Wasm Management hoard maindhis an
nrveisory list of both open as well as closed and Iaactive.wgd welts disposal thoilitirca
and merger stations. 'Ihe list dated Angost 22, 2011. nit Site did not appear on the
SWIS list and one facility was identifid within a% -nide radios ofthe Project She.
D Underground and dbovegronud Storage Tanks (DSTs and ASTs). not;
caballeros are mai termol by lbs Stam Water Resources Control Board of cgidalW
underground and aboveground storage toolM for Region 2. no lists "led Sc iftomer
19, 2011, road August 1, 2011; cospccti rely. no She did ml almost on tither lists,
and no situs wnw, , Idoallfied on the lists within q nilemobis oftbe Project Site
new rob some cnvkonmon al silts that cannot Ise Secluded. but sea Ise Installed by zip rode
or (he city nem. Thwe colts are mfrnvd to as orylnm sitar. A Review of the databases
indicates listing (if several shas; however those facifaies ase all bated a[. considerable
distances Star thePinject Site. lteviaw ofivgnlazory ngeroiae' dxtabaaes buliostae that dnc
to dismnce, potential offsite turbulence; will have no imphet on the Project She.
C-2. City and Couaty Records
No records of envbomnenml ominous far the Project Site were lbund at We Nsarm
County or athe city, of San Rafael regulatory agenoles.
mamn'a MR26915
som,"nmNd /,"iss,im Awd
Plq+nrrtl Rn'rcodairalYaJl/ry,.NnR/ /rlN/rrvt
Thu Phase I Environmental Site Assessment fnchrded recomatheimce visits to the Project
She, mvicw of the listed ava0ablo eovnrommiental databases and related agency
idfimn odian Job the Project She and surrounding sites, rovie , ofprior sage cords and
investigative reports, aerial photographs, published geologic information, interviews with
the owners representative, and other related Items. Spoeilreallg this asussaeul was
undertaken to identify areas of potential mvimnnmraal contain or evidence of chemical
contamination within the limits of the Pinjecl Site md/or as visually observed
tmnedia2ly adjacent nr the Poirot Site that could potentially Impact the development of
the Property as amcmallonal facility.
Trio Pmjcnt Site Is a whows lot that in primes ily a vered withgrasses including rye grass amt
oat hay. A fovea along [lie bank of Tho Noah Pork of Ile Gallinas Qala Is Pealed
approxwmtety 150 f north ofthe projeo oda. A drainage soak, pmullel b the rumvag
passes through the southem boundary of the Project Site and conveys dmfinee and storin
rest muff fiom tha8r jet[ Sita as wall as other portions oftha Airport pmphty hn a
mnectru pound aid damage ramping. station. The collection pound and chuloge
pumping station ate located cast ofthe Pmjcct She. 1ric curzcnt dmanagc. swab rcVlaced a
Im'mcr dmaugc ditch that wru ro-roated in order to fnoilitate a morn eB rive diseamge of
surface runoff from the runway amt runway service mad areas.
Reportedly, theYrujaA Site had been used as part off Inge dairy rash in the early 1900%
and more recently rows used her sheep and goat gating, Normally. low Jawk; ofpesdicides
commentators arc not uncommon arthe ngriculhual envimmueurof die region. Theextent
oftheir Vrush=, Ifany, woald dermar an tea sound ohamicds used and the length oftime
satire theywere applied However, given the gavines land uses, it senns highly unlikely
dut restrikes. have eve' been u. d.
We understand that the Slate or Gdidoors Department oF'I'oxic Substances Cnntml has
requested clad chosen arta whether historical airport opeatbar s may Imve contaminated the
Projml She by way of migration though the drainage ditch. The algmrt Imager and
IMaelmur to
Gbwmwneud nace4iRxtlm, Hepxrt
9n/mvM Renrmfinxx(6mf'llal.Wu nn/m{glrywl
mmmerdal areas are locoed to the wart of the proposed mcmational facility site and the
runway is located south of Ilm pnpreal me etional f 'ility site. A review of reports of
pmvmm mvn4lgations conducted on the adjuuoe aviation and commercial lends indicates
that an matemhmvts have Armed door (he Ahlwtl to the study men. As indicated in
SectioeA-10 ofthis mWA, dehydmaarbonspN ami flee lake is at the former aviation 001
dlspeming Readily, IoesMt approximately 1500 reel to the sonMvest oflbo Prujem Site was
the subject of an extensive levoligall n w file early to mid -2000s. The said was rally
aadrnswad, a corrective action plan was implamceted to Re satiegoWn of at regurdarry
agcaskei, and eventually the facility was gamed site ebmm. Fnrtheq tie mpat bra wolf
Miming cenowtor that Lad varmcd a storage emit within the commercial men near the
.airport rename eoncludcd [[an Ile existence of limited amounts mgmardous materials at
Ilial business Intd not impacted the adjoining properties. Currently, all existing ant
commercial ums at tie airport arc subjcm to the San Regret Phe Deppllnonl Ha moues
Waste reporting program and am operating in accordance with guidelines nor the proper
steepened handlingormmerials.
We Gather undmomuf Ibe onsite airport arrangement aaff has strict .vmrvlaNs %r uses of
the facility to mourn that them is no midamiiwtien of shown dmiugc etc. For cxserpls, the
ocesstonxl plane washing is lfin tedm a spesiLp area and only biodegradable maps may be
taxed. While there is the pouibilityof a limited fuel or ail lark from aireatt on the taxiway
or the runway, an measurable railroads have been released in the pusd,. and an onemewa hr
the grant 'c appears to W nvfikcty. he any case airport management maintains aHaxmm Spill
Kit with abnorled haemato deal with sulfa shampoo glass Id it ucsr.
We did nee identify any major pollutants that could have potentially Imparted the Projccl
Site to severs that new well mmodiatiem The resulta of the site history mvlew and the
rcguletoymvlmw have also shcavu that no pollutants have signitcavtly Impacted [go Project
Sheto lovers that may require pry mancliafmn. Tluxe appear to he no major source of
eonsmhmtion evident on adjacent properties that may migrateW tie Pmjecl Site and'Wtbil
tire duvolopmenl often land to a recreational faultily
rmh 1 e rmsmv p
eMN lnttXiemFmi /(qwX
P,nynrd Furvmunr,vl fneilY. Snn Rn(ne/niryM
This Phase I linvimn armuld Sim Assessment hneluded reconnaissance visits to the Site,
review of environmental and geotechnical rePods, awbor of the listed available
envdrommntal databases add related agency intimation her the She and surrounding
arras, idnerviewa, and review of prior usage. recm'dr aerial phom graphs, published
geologic intimidation; and tilefwrrermanec oflindted all add groundwater sampling and
chronical testing. The information thus gathered was used to cvaivate existing or
potential environmen al impairmnn uflhc Project Site due to current or past land use as
outlined in thisrcport.
Tire Project Site Is an undeveloped paced of lend that was formally used for .some dairy
ac ivides in the rally I9eoa, Out mostly had renmuwd dnadive. There are no oil Aid Instant
to hdieate covibmmntal impairment dried property, and Iheefors, no mfiignidn measure
appears to lit necessary at this time,
hand on the nsmssmcu[described in This report,. die iniiantlgn of hazatdeos matarials or
other envimnmerrtal pollutants from ofd Se wanes onto the Project Site scams wliely.
Acoatd ligly, we malcipate that pollutants tempera st the site vloidty zefred M in this
roped wood not impact Ilctlovelopment ofthopzrect as a declinational fel
fn our pro0sslonal opinion, an appropriate levet of inquiry has bemtmade into the
Previous uses ofthe V duct Sitcconsidmit with good mmnmmW ami customary induction
in an nftiil to minimize liability, and doctor as noted, no ag emond evidence or indication
of RecmgmiaeARmirminser al Cmsdl/iram Q(EC) have been revealed.
'I he investigation oudined in this lapmt reveahed that no "slur pollutants have
significantly impacted 1M. Project Site to levels that may rinuid any remediatiao.
'therefore, m adverse mrvhnunienall impact oar the deve oomenl of IM Reject Site as a
rotational freilhy is anticipated. 'therefore, rid recommenJaliods regarding the
environmental iserms are made at this time.
nymrva sesta 18
rnnlfm..new m, Rq m
imsesenseless Floss &I xl colla l
'the data, interaction, interpretations, arm mcommenda hays contaitred in this technical
report are presented solely as prelm henry hosts and guides to the existing environmental
conditions of a 9 -acre parcel of land, located on the earth side or North Fmk fathers
(seek, within WC San Ramal Airport (ftwrp, in the City of San Rallol, Marin County
Glifomia; The conclusions and pro ossimml opinions prom med larchr were, developed
in accordance with generally accepted mtgineering principles and practimw As )vRhall
gwtedmical and esvironmea l reports, [ba opinions repossess] here ren subject m
revisions in fight or new information, new govmnnnenml regulations or new
nomparreirm of raising regulations, whlclr may be devote* In the Ihtum, and no
warranties are expressed or implied.
Environmental evaluations are limited in the sats then( cmiclnsions and rervnunendalions
re developed Gam peiwnal interviews and infiarnation otramud from limited msemch
and secondary aomr:es, liseept as set faith in this report, we Into made no indeperdert
investigations as to the accuracy or comphemnees of the InNrmation derived fi'am for
weoddmy soneocs and personal meadows and has swooned that such information was
alcumm and complete. _
Thu services provided reprcxont Inofiewin d common, formnWled within specific budge9
limits, open which San RaGcl Airport, uC (the (hancQ can base lesions to reduce the
larcnlist finexposure be liebfilty, for The consequence office occurrence ofb®,ardoos wastµ
Thin report has not been prepared for are by parties alba than San Rafael Ahpmt, LLC. TI
MAY not contain sufficient Information for the purposesofutbm parties or other uses. Irany
changes are made in the pit cot as described in this report, the conclusions and
mvemmendatloce cmaamal beeln should tent be considered valid, orders [lie d alwas; are
reviewed by us, and the conclusions and recommendations are norilicd w.appinved in
s I...re xxroa 19
C limn is Code oCRegulatmlm, Title 22, Division 4.5, Environmental Health, Chapter
11, Admimnm Standards lor Marngement offlaaardoas and liztrencely H:vardinls
Holley, EJ., laloie, R.R., Spangle, W.C. and Had, M.I., 1979, Finland Ileposdsoflhe
San Francisco Bay Region, Chlifonda -Their geology and engineering properties and
their impndonce W the eemprehensiw planning. Geological 5arvny Professional
Farm 943.
GmbH Slatns Geological Survey (OSGS), Howtu and San Rafml, Cmirmnia Qmdmnglc
Map.(1954, photorevised 1980L
AS'1M Standards on Rnvimuuncuml Sita Assesemoula for Car memlalitem Franc, third
Edition, Standard 11 1527-97,1997.
Wader Assooimess, 1997, Irelimhmry Site S:wey and Limited Sail Sampling, Marin
I2awll Ail'port, San Rufiel, California.
Ingrain Mason & Fairhalrd, 2000, Clnfum Investigation, Former Location or Lyle Reed
Striping, Smith Ranch Airport, San Rafael, CA
Ingram Mason &Palrhair:1, 2001, Fuel Dispensing Facility, Smith Reach Allp rrt,
San Rafael, Califinnia
Ingram Mason & Morhnim, 2001, Supplemental Phase If favinamental Investigation,
gaol Dispensing Faoilhy, Smith Manch Ahpon, Sao Rafael, CA
Inglam fjRason & Pairhairn, 20IX2 Lnplcmcmalluu ofu Corrmtivc AGlw Plaq Pud dispensing
Facility, SmiMRnnch Aimml San Rofed, GA
ingrano Mason,2002, Levee Mainimmnv'e Protech. San RflGcl Aiyonrt, Sain Rafad, CA
Ingram Mason,2003, InsmllmiOn oCN ''[ming Wdis ami Forst QuaMvly MOnitming 2epnq
6�un Rafval Ahporl, 3anlWfi:el, G4
hograon Maso%2004,.9e"(IQmnaly Monitoring Report,Sen Rand Ai, ,Sao Rafa,CA
Ingram Manor, 2005; Third Quuna1y Monitoring hepar, San Refad Milan, San Rafael CA
Ingram Sharon, 2005, Fourth and Final Qumterly Manp6rhrg Report, Son Raf IAhprt,
Sm, Rafael CA
re M,nexx-mor 20
A'l7PAC[IM[SN*1 7
�1111 an,
�a WASHINGTON. RCi 20460
dUI z 7 21I0
Mr. Robert Hackmfln
Vim frauddem,RegolatnryAffairs
Aircraft Owners AM Pilo& Association
4AI Aviation Way
FreJedek, Mnrylmal 21701
Dear Me Hackman
Took you for your later of D, 2010, oracular clutificition on issues associated
with our recent Advmnm Notice of Noposed Rulemaking (ANI'R) air Lend Emissions Gum
Piston -Engine Attend Using Leadcl Aviation Gasoline. Following are sear respnses m the
ass as you MW
'Em ANPR Is @o first step EPA is taking to respond to petition arm the Famous of the
Earth impaiding Ilial FPA End endangerment front and act to regulate lead emissions Gom
croft using leaJeJ aviation gasoline (avgatJ. Thisedvmncednodces 6tamileuaddiGmial
arprmetion and input on the basmse in The penionand The potential health and envimnnantal
impacts or lead emissions from mTvmR using leaded avgas. 'IYm ANPR docs not ban leaded
avgas and dors not propoaelo do so, and "A has not maddishcd or imposed any date by which
lead wr isseers from aircraft opeafing on IeadeJ adorn would need to be reduced. In fact EPA
does not have authority N control aAmfion fuels. While the EPA is responsible to make the
decisions with respect to what clemiwl or physical properties our aircraft fuel ur Additive
mderpas the Asan; bea da, the Pelle al Avutim Administration mgnlatus the finds used in
air croft engines; benco, the EPA is coordinating closely with PAA as we multerm emissions of
lead front piamn-engine Ahmed.
We have Insurers! will maintains to coordhute closely with FAA, elalw, industry groups
And user mWAAS On the issues azsmided with potential finnm emission terminate. EPA
uwgness; the wilue ofpiston-engine general sciatica dmngbuul lits United Slated and
specifically in marme regions. Any EPA amino to requim pisheinagim abancift to reduce
cormarions Oflwd in the future will involve a fhmough politic process of identifying options and
will couvdersa2ly,c o impacts and other impact[. 'ITe EPAu mmitlW les voting
with Nese stabodrobers tokeep piston-enginecroft flying in. nvlmnmmtaly accepmblc
and safe mammnf throughout the Unite(( Slatesarr
-v d..raa, oux.eoa Lo, r_ r.. v. .......,> Imu vrao ao.,mPm.
&nRafael Planning Coninussion
January 24, 2012
Again, grams you for your ]crier We welcome Ore opportunity w answer your questions
and we look formed to uoailmdogto work wilhyon. ICyop have maker questions, your staff
may tall Marion Hoyer0 (734) 2144513.
Max eigotis-0g
Officcof Timssponmion aria Air Queliry
IDORmOWOOl1pOVLnVAKD.SU1'I'PJOa - NOVATO. CAWN3 - 019)M2510 - FAX(plu smF an
Decd e012,
lob Ne:OV-I55
Communis Rafael
Comomfh venGupmentIhpf.
1400 Fifth 1560
Se Box 151560
C 0
Sea Rafael, Faro i9J9-1560
Am. Kra1K Tamhnrnini
Re. Comcmpe Mann Fand Pmmcbae
Den Kraig
We pmpamd the mlaohed Plan, Flood prediction Fatalities and Flood Prouci tion desmipteen
whid,itI Vicatea and describes dlc location aRie leveca which ptoact Coaampu Murat tram
flooding as well is prefer tin60e ahpoR Our firm prepared de plans for cam raedon of
Connemara Mann as well as pmvidinK civil coal inerimgServices for dev airport property.
Carl empo Madu Includes areas which are as low as cloatlon 3 NGVW9 which is a sseeal
fees below the 100 year flood Newel ion of 6 NGVD29. At Lm glance it ntigda apPenr Om[ the
rail road OnN m:ment would provide justices on i to Cumempo Madm, hewcva, the raiboad
embmJlmcnt bas lop cicvatiom as low as elevation 4 and is creatures id ballast which is
permeable mid will allow water to pass through is addition to bcin0 susceptible to readapting
by a final elention rf6.lhe levee elevations mnemes the wealvly eidcol'Contompo Mmnnam
m about elevation 6 whlrL will provide little or no liecbowd with reapears the 100 yenrflood
Thus there is modest "nation of the two fampertics by the combined levceeyslan which
surrounds them with eachpmperty dereL a havbtgur ewes tlalinterest lo the comment]
ioagdry ofllt¢mlirc systmmna wdl nathcpotliw ofde systmn adjriWng de htJiviJual
Itthetme new.Iuattler ng euyoftbe foregoing rrifyen nem (urhm iNpt.nmiou
pinnae at me knew. rinnw.
Very Truly Yours,
ed ramped
m. Bob Habvt -
SanRafael Planning Conpnission
Jpnamy 2d. 2012
The property wr s dovs
elopid about twenty year, ago with protection from
flooding from outsidethe Bdgcct provided by [rivers which were either existing
or gamble led In conrynctlol with the Longer I.
The southerly boundary of the elegantly acholoe a hillside, Along the westerly
boundary a levee extends from the hillside northerly to the levee nlong the North
Far% of Oallinos Creek. Along the northerly Inundary, the Collision Creek level
extends to I110 former Northwesle t Pacific Holleran.
These portions of the levee system are pert of mr. property of the Mull
tmme not and asneintaid above tile 100 len -gflood level of 6.0 N,G.V.D.
by the owners of the park.
The easterly boundary of the Mobile Home Park det the Former railroad
Fight of way within which the railroad embankment oxtsls at clevattona which are
as low as (Devotion 4.1 N.G.V.D.
Easterly From the former railroad right of way is find Smith North Airport which
is pronated by 1 Invite system winch is the corrosion of the IevM atony the North
Fork of Galltnas Creek and extends to San Pablo Bay along the North Fork of Gellman
Creek and back along the South Fork of Galliore Creek to the hillside which adjoins
the southerly boundary of the property. This levnc system Is maintained above the
100 -year, flood level of 6.0 N.G.V.D. by the owners or the Smith Ranch Airport.
These systems in the aggregate provide protection for the Cantempo Marin Mobile
Items Pall, against flooding from outside the project from the 100—year flood level of
fine N.G.V.D.
\ PK 01 }
/ \§\/
/ /\
\ ` z/Q®±
- [.. a /
� \, �
. _ .K
� )
m N_ Affinui
P, O 130X'23660
PHONO (110) 296
MAX t510)2WS559
Novembch' 15, 2011
Mc hasig Tandenini
City of San Rafanl
C'anu lunity Development Depann cut
1400 Niflh Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
Dear Mr. Tamborini:,
m� aa9aaa_�
q'l'TACIIffi 19
MRN -101-14.71.
San Rafnd Airport Rem intimal Pacifity— Rhad Ruvuonmrntal lmpald Repdrt(HIR)-
Respolua to Comments - _ ..... -
'1'llankyou for inducting the Calltomia Departmont of"Inanspoltetlon (Depin tmeut) in the __
ellvimnnental review pmoess for the proposed project, and Forlevicwing anSiesponding to Otis
0adineAin the Selrtemda'23,20111ettrs_Basedontheprojectlocmion Cie , -
Deparimcn is padlealadyconcerned with the pmeulisl for tre1Hc to queue at nnylmdl of the
freeway unripe, in the area onto the mainline of US llighway (IIS) 101,.msuhtng in potentially
eiglficant impacts to haveler. safety.
Comment M2, Response to Canonent 3-12: Under existing and future conditions, the battles at
study hast sections it3 (Smith Rauch RpadFUS-101 Northbound Ramps) and b4 (inns Valley
Road/OS-1111 Somhbound Ralnps) exceed the av lablestomp capadty, for [he mmlanes. Since
them is no mchniul analysis dcmonsttaGng that signal Omiug adjustanpnts would adequately
arduce gunning, please rovise In mitigation measules of the/911 to inehude that ire expected
burning ptobmms can be adcfi xs it by adjusting the hafOc signal timing slid that the ig paltrucrd
will be included in the process. Phalan provide the signal ¢ming plans to the Depadment when
the City of San Rafael is ready to sbetthe evaluation.
craw �w�.,�aa�ro„v.anr.mn
San Niel Planning Nontinisatad
- Jrvmary 24. 20[2012
M, Kraig Tamborum/City of San Rafed
Novembm' I$ 2011
Page 2
Should you ieyuim fuhh rinfioetnauon mhave any gueatlons eagading tltlaleha', pleam chatact
Connery Ccfeda of my staff at (510) 286-5535.
1Tiehfct ch C of
local Development- Thegpvemmcnlal Review
cw nr ammv I,ealY=1i3Ona(nm]a"
ATFACHAllit 10
San Rafael Anpmuus been a local leader in environmental mslainabifity. We wereone
ofthe first large commercial properties in Marm County mconval In renewable energy.
Cut 40 kilonvad rooftop solar facility has offset over 250 tons ofgumig once gas
emissions amu me Installed it back in 2004. We were also a scud motion and Meth
tester for ET Water, aSued intention controller that is now Sold rating wide, and which
bas out our company ami personal water nsagc by over 35% since 2005.
In addition, wcmaintaln an active recycling and composting program hila at the airport,
wed we recenly have begun family organic fruit and sego able gardening, along with
barley production. We Lave tom at kleehie veliffes, on(a dv, and we plan soon to adult
an electric chagingsmtion to Service those vohlcks. Weplautopartioipatcstartingf
January in the City nfSan Rafael'sgreen business program.
Finally, we are vary excited and expect to assert Shortly on plans for a 1 megavan
rooftop Solar farm (on on existing aviation greens) that will provide local green morgy
to Mai n pretty Authority cnstonwn. This Is expected to be MGA's first local utility
earn project, and will be the first Step to fulfilling their promise to provide locally
generated green power to Marin residents (vs. buying it team elsewhere and importing it).
The prnject will annually offset over 750 has ufgreenlmose gas emissions.
Clearly wo have been committed to lmvoring our embog footprint for many yon, and
lint focus Los continued with dm propoacdrecreation project Foressunplo,we
volunmrily committed to LEED certification back in 2006, long fibers the City had
adopted any Rican building re9uirinaik Ibe San Rafael Airport Sports Complex is
munnims! to achieving a high dela¢ orenvion mental sustamablllty in built its
mshnctionamdorvgningopemtlonu. While Imprifeetenvimnmemal reviowpol dams
and is therefore exempt form AB32 and ensuing greenhouse gas thresholds, we have
nonetheless committed be comply will, the City of San Rafael's Greenhouse Gas
Reduction Strideffyvithich ban integral component ofthc City's Climate Change Accton
hire adopted in 2009 to address the mandates of 1192,
San kirael Planning Commobsion
Jdnwry 24, 2012
'I'lie City of San Ralhcl's GHG Retlnction strategy colones resolved and recommended
elements. Onrprofccl is examen Gom cvlain Nlhc meptkW elGinvds (orals as the Groan
Building Ordinance), but as shown below we have nevertheless agreed to comply svlth all
of them, as wall as numerous of the recommended elummdo
Green Building Ordinance
• 1.194DCold confliction; pr jar registered fur LEED in 2006
• I lighly energy elYiem wnatructon
o Steel panelsau 1000siccyeldble&built with 25%mcycled comm(
o Minimum R30 insulation throughout tostop but loss and noise transfer
o prescient glans Is minimize daytime lighting needs
• Nobeofingmcoalingafindom field arcus
Water Efficient landscape On
• Hscnativeordr'ouglmtolvmst Plank
Use Smad inigallon controller to minlndze water use ami eliminate runoff
Crash nation andDemolitiou Debris Recycling Ordinance
• SU^h nfconstmclion debris will Ka to Certified Recovery Facility
Bicycle Parking Regulations
• Provide 19 or lame bicycle parking spaces near building minic(s)
Clean Air Vehicle Parking Regnlafians
• Provide IS or more parking spaces designated for Clean Air Vehicles
• Providcl orrsms elaGic vehicle cbargiug edtionspmvved by soLr panels
Affordable Horsing Ordinance
• pay requisite ln-lim housing fee into City's Affordable Housing Fund
Solar fewer lreductioa
• Install solar panels of rwfto provide 1000A ofprject electricity demand
Installation m Wiring For Kleetrie Vehicle Char ging Stations
Install I or more electric vehicle charging somorn powered by solar panels
Pre-insMil wiring toaccommndme up to 2 adddinnal6mging slminvs
Nahvalmlo-ation rmearkmsengrade arpl
• DscwdvpennwMe operaand paved to minimize run orefrom pandscrats
• Adsslid tf finntprjem intendsovert age
ddemptionanall passthrough erindsonpe
bets end vegetated resales to enconrnge ademption and normal filtering
preserve Significant Trees
• Nosignificantbecs\vlllboremtvwd
• Project adds 141 new trees, increasing carbonncslrntlon
I ligh Albedo(refleclive)Ruufiug
• Metal roofand wall panels will contain pedcence orating to cool building
• Solar PV and bol wary tubing on leof will beneficially reuse solar beat load
SidmvalklBicYcle land Opgrndc
• C'onstnmtnmv bipYolelpedes[rian lent tiara Smi[L I<unch head m project sire
New Environmentally Referable ("green") Business
• Resection is a business that crnb'iotes greatly m community hath and quality
orllrq while directly pralucing little or no pollution
• Will reduce oat of County car [lips (and (it Gemissions Wm wilpiprs) by
providing local indem recreation facilities
• Sports City uses state-of-lbeail Moore Green Generation field lighting
o Gses 50"34, less clwvicity[Far Standard Ridding
o Shielding elhniales glary into surrounding prnportles
Field Turf uses i regaled rubber and unlike goes, cards no water or chemicals
• Cap5 inonu tui 11 include healthy onganle food Sellers.
As shown above, the San Repast Sports Complex has committed to meet or exceed fee
City of San Raise 's Crsenbome Cas Reduction Strategy tin new projects. This strategy
Is part orthe implementation plan far WC City's Chains Change Action Plan adopted in
2009, Whose gu*d is to reduce greeolsose gas emissions by 25% by 2030, and 80% by
2050. Bymeming the City's GI IG Reduction strategies. the largest complies with the.
City's minp[ed plan to noxi state angels tnnanating firm passage ofAB32.
'f bo project P.IR contains aOlIII net emissions e,timam of 2204 metric Ions. We hill
dams, belms, that this estimate is significantly overstated for 2 primary rc s! (1)it
does not factor in of l of the Oreenhome Ons person ion Smetegiw outlined above, and (2)
it contains urate estimates of project energy usage and vehicle mows travelled by
pl'oject asset.
'I'be project predate, GI I(I emissions Ilk oesholds related to AN32. 'flat GHG analysis in
the OR is therefore informational in nature, and intended only to provide a bound, worst
sere , pie oftire pmjectsposen ell (iI IG .m
emissions. Many or lily
practice outlined above not known by the consultant nuke time the Ol le, analysis
was conducted. PUI example, di (fine prnlelt solar energy system was unknown.
Also to kkno n was the projected energy usage ofthe fviIity. Ilemiled building planar
necessary for an accurate edimnte, but such plans me typically only required ache
to data
Apro permit tine The GIIG consultantlion hemi is relies. IIo average2001
damprotativ bytireAnergy Information Adm ry. Iourarmeanevme. wansulmiv not
thecwch-all ora 2012LEED Cold certified faeap Fnrthennuildars, Me type was"Pulotimm d
the catch-all type,wally the more appropriate ithengtype including
Assembly",wealth truth, no,
idt, and lly sports
Recreation Utilizing
ng(wldr to Assemnalplenbly"
gymnayinn; haeltill dnb,loc lino and elated rrna). Utilising "falltoAssembly vel.
tOther" redoes We oslimamd oumgy-elated CHG emissions by canon half (from 1232
tans down In 6741ans).
Clearly [lie bas( eslimam of iuture oumgy nsc is past energy net. Sports City, the project
operator, has over 10 years experience operating two similar facilities in Cl(mtand Santa
Bust. As showy In the mlachad chat, their 2010 energy usage at those facilities is
roughly 110a of the Public Assembly average across the US. Partially this can be
ata bated to our moderate Camaro (Spoils City docs trot plan to beat or over lire Indoor
field areas). based oil their 2010 energy Liege levels, Sport City's estimated GHG
in the now faclllly will be only 213 [ora, compared to 1232 tons attracted ion
the hiR �sFurthermore, since ISl%ofdac project's electricity demand will be provided by
rooRog solar panels, most i r ,of all or this remaining 213 tons will also be eliminated.
til radiation or 1100-1200 tans or GHG emissions limn energy use brings Ile project
vary nem to l 100 tons of GHG emissions. Nealy all of the remaining redinhakad
emissions re front vehicle miles travelled by families using the reality. Hos ever, the
vehicle miles moment used by the EM consultant did not include lac Iethereal In vehicle
milers by Mann goailias who will go to the naw San Ralhcl Spoils Cerner In Iicu of
travelling long visionary to visit indoor sports hankers in Cater, Sunni Rasta, or other
distant cities. We know this is a signi ficem number benne we have hundreds of bonds
and looks in the Err record from local Mann families and street league officials who
have testified hr [his very fact. Spoils City, lot example. currently has 463 Mads
residents registered fire macer lesions ad their Cokali and Santa Rosa facilities. They
expect all of those I radicals will swinh to[lie new San broker facility whoa it is
coin plural. since II will as closer to their homes. Ireland of aavelIing 80 miles
rand trip, San Rafael Ianor Iics will drive 10 miles or less to reach the Sun Rafael Sports
Compiec At these mileages, the elimination of I trip to Santa hour offsets ] nine trips to
the San Raper facility. Clearly, Incorporating this data into Elie GHG analysis mould
Rather: a significant reduction in estimated GI IG emissions trait vehicle trips.
In summary, while the project is exempt from emissions thr ihords, tvc have
demonstrated hacin that Ibc actual project GI IG emissions me likely to be enroll mom
I loo train, which would be cousidurd a ICss than sinal fhcant impact under Ao32 mimed
standards. Further Moro, we leave agreed to institute comprehensive p jest sustalaablllty
strategies Ilia[ fully comply with the City of San Rafael's Climate Change Action Plan,
which is designed to feducc City -bide GfIG emissions by 25% by 2020, and 8o%by
2050. Finally, thuigh not project related, San Rafael Aiq»rt expects In 2012 to construct
u I megmvatt solar then on existing rooftops, which wil I annually e1& { over 950 tans of
carbon eamissioir,.Thu combination of (be Sports Complex and solan Can. islikely to
i ash It in near net /oro mnhssint
ns front nice projects at San Rafael Air
})�! ry
Robert HoORd
Raberl HeNst
nuMay, December 29, 20119:54 AM
He dHeN
SpXS City 2010 UWIty Usage
FOM: AMAw RwvleTf BaA 1
Edd: Tuevky, p !Rer M, 20116:06 PM
Th:R ft Herbs[
Bebjed: SOWS Qty UUIN6
Herewup.., SanW0ma25,0005f C"l 20,M SF
TaW Nedrb xB6xgo 45,000 rf = 4. $8 kW 1, Fir F
T4W GM f 4136 _: 45 etn5F - .0)H tilerv..5 dta' r
+F Irok.w:=Teo c..b:cf + 1O0 �,A;a &'t = 4.4 cuE:c
f.r r fgt
H.EmUcl h
329 -
TaW Nedrb xB6xgo 45,000 rf = 4. $8 kW 1, Fir F
T4W GM f 4136 _: 45 etn5F - .0)H tilerv..5 dta' r
+F Irok.w:=Teo c..b:cf + 1O0 �,A;a &'t = 4.4 cuE:c
f.r r fgt
saa ral'ad
City of San Rafael'I uilding
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy Compliance Checklist
Application Name/Address: :SA^ R CeC AnCr I I fid / h yet)
Application Nos.: 7dVE-011, UPAS -os; Nbli F- >—
Green Building
(SRMC Chapter 12.44)
❑ Not
S� 'w Rnog L $p *13
❑ project Loss
ills /
0 <x
Not Comply
"r rvd
Water Cgiciant
Landscape Ordinance
(SRMC Section 14.16.3]0)
El Not
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
WoodBurning Appliance
Ordinance -
(SRMC Chapter 12.45)
❑ Project Does
Demolition Debris Complies
Recycling Ordinance IJ Not J.,
(SRMC Chapter 12.46) Applicable II �e_ $R.5G55)
❑ Project Does
Recycling Regulations Complies /Tairar b✓,///he
(SRMC ChapterX XXX) ❑ Not
Applicable Ry'are) M s7. 1eeL
0 Project q Dces Iv/Ftf6 NFJkr qND Ci/y (tp5
Single -Use Carryout Bag 10 Project
/ SQL G�R$es5,
(Retail projects only]blot
(SRMC Chapter XXWQ
fib, /oi-
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
❑ Project Does
Take -Oat Footl Container
Not Comply
[Restaurant and local food
purveyors only]
(SRMC ChapterX%XXX)
❑Project Does
❑ Not
CSBP Scss�"
Not Comoly
(SRMC Section 14.18.080)
Clean -Air Vehicle Parking
❑ Not
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
/ SQL G�R$es5,
(SRMC Section 14-18:040)
❑ Not
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
Affordable Housing
[Residential and Non-
❑ Not
CSBP Scss�"
Residential Pmjoce]
(SRMC Chapter 12.44)
❑Project Does
Subscribe to Marin Energy ❑Project
Authority' Dark Green" Complies
power 10 -Not
❑ Project Does
Wind or solar ower ¢Proiect
generation Complies
❑ Not
Applicable _
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
Installation or Wiring forto
electric vehicle chargingCompiles
Project goesNot
Project Does
Not Comply
Use of recycled water for
❑ Project
landscape or toilets/urinals
❑ Nol
4e Asr1 /F
❑Projad pees
Br7 ^MG✓L
Not Comply
Natural filtration of parking
lot runoff
❑ Not
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
Geeen lopf
W -Not
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
High albetlo (reflective)
roofing or paving
❑ Not
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
Preserve signtticain trams.
❑ Not
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
Sidewalk upgrade
❑ Not
C � 59<eS6
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
Bicycle lane upgrade
❑ Not
CSPG eesesg /
❑Project Does
Not Comply
Installation/upgrade of bus
O Not
O Project Does
Not Comply
Par[Icipeton in car share
Ll Project
9 Fot
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
Participation in bke. skate
❑ Project
- -
Program -
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
Rideshare/TOM coordinator
for employees
❑ Project Does:
Not Comply
Transit or carpool subsidles
❑ Project
for employees
❑ Project Does
Not Comply
Provision of
employeeiresident shuffle
p Not
❑ Project Do"
Not Comply
New enviroomenfally
❑ Not
( L
1 rJ`g
❑Project Does
Not Comply