HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2011-08-09 #1CITY OF
Meeting Date: August 9, 2011
Agenda Item:
Community Development Department— Planning Division Case Numbers: ED 11-036
P. O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
PHONE: (415) 485-3085/FAX: (415) 485-3184 Project Planner: Raffi Boloyan (415) 485-3095
SUBJECT: 91 Larkspur St — Request for Environmental and Design Review Permit to allow the
installation of a new, 22 -foot -tall by 28 -foot -wide painted mural on the wall of an
existing commercial/office building; APN: 008-082-49; Core Canal Industrial/Office
[CC[/O] Zone; Josephine Varner and Josephine Pickens, Owners; Larry Siegel -
ForWords , Applicant; Canal Neighborhood.
**Continued from July 12, 2011 Planning Commission meetina**
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the attached Resolution conditionally approving
the Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED11-036) for the installation of a mural at 91 Larkspur St
(Attachment 1).
This application was noticed and scheduled for Planning Commission review and action on July 12,
2011. A copy of the complete staff report, with applicable exhibits, is attached (Attachment 2). Due to two
unplanned absences, the Commission did not have four members present required for a quorum.
Without a quorum, the Commission was unable to take action on the matter and the meeting did not
As a courtesy to the applicant and their students that were present that night, the two Commissioners
(Vice -Chair Wise and Commissioner Pick) decided to listen to the staff presentation and the applicant's
presentation. Larry Siegel, the Director of ForWords organization made the introductory remarks and the
rest of the presentation on this project was made by the students and teachers of ForWords. These
students have developed the concept and plans for the mural. No members of the public, other than
members of the application team, were present.
Although not a meeting, the two Commissioners that were present provided their thoughts on the
application, both citing full support for the design, size and placement of the mural. Both Commissioner's
also apologized for not being able to take action on the item at that meeting. The Commissioners
congratulated the students on their work and dedication in the pursuit of this project as well as their
public presentation.
Given that there was no quorum, the Commission was unable to take any action (to either approve or
even continue) so the item automatically rolled over to the next available Planning Commission meeting.
Any testimony or comments made on July 12thg cannot be relied on for the record.
Therefore, the Commission should review and evaluate the project based on the information presented in
this staff report (with attachments). A complete analysis and description of the project, including the
DRB's review and positive recommendation can be found in the July 12th staff report (Attachment 2).
Both staff and the DRB have reviewed the project and find it well designed and consistent with applicable
design criteria. Staff recommends approval of the project as presented with conditions of approval that
have been included in the draft resolution. Given the positive DRB and staff recommendation and lack of
public comments, staff has placed this matter on the consent calendar. This means that should the
Commission agree with the staff report and analysis and has no questions, the item can be approved
without discussion or presentation. However, if the Commission has any questions or issues with the
project, the item can be pulled from the consent calendar and staff will provide a presentation and
answer any questions.
Notice of hearing for the project was conducted in accordance with noticing requirements contained in
Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Notice of Public Hearing was mailed to all property owners and
occupants within a 300 -foot radius of the subject site and the Canal Alliance and the Canal Area Property
Owner's Association, and all other interested parties, 15 calendar days prior to the date of the DRB
meeting as all well the July 12th Planning Commission meeting. Given that the item was continued to
date certain, additional noticing of this meeting was not conducted. Public notice was not also posted on
the subject site given that posting was not required for this type of project.
As part of their application materials, the applicant submitted hundreds of petitions and letters of support
from surrounding businesses and residents. Copies of these were not included in the July 12th staff
report, but are available if the Commission would like to review them at the meeting. No new
correspondence has been received since the July 12th Commission meeting.
The Planning Commission has the following options:
1. Approve the mural design as presented (staff recommendation)
2. Remove the item from the consent calendar and approve the mural design with certain
modifications, changes or additional conditions of approval.
3. Remove the item from the consent calendar and continue the project to allow the applicant to
address any of the Commission's comments or concerns
4. Remove the item from the consent calendar and deny the project and direct staff to return with a
revised Resolution.
1. Draft Resolution approving project with conditions.
2. Planning Commission Staff Report, with selected exhibits, July 12, 2011
a. Vicinity Map
b. Draft Reselutien
c. Proposed Mural Design (Color copy distributed to Commissioners only)
d. Photographs - Location of Proposed Mural ((Color copy distributed to Commissioners only)
e. Written Description of Mural Details,
f. Letter from ForWords, applicant, 1/12/11
g. Letter from Cindy Pickens, property owner about responsibility of maintenance, 6/22/11
h. Letter of support from Thomas Peters, Marin Community Foundation, 6/10/11
i. Public Hearing Notice
91 LARKSPUR ST. (APN: 008-082-49)
WHEREAS, on May 18, 2011, Larry Siegel of the "ForWords" organization submitted an
Environmental and Design Review Permit application (EDI1-036)to allow the installation of a 22 -foot -
tall by 28 -foot -wide, painted mural on the exterior of the existing commercial building located at 91
Larskpur St in the CCI/O District; and
WHEREAS, Larry Siegel of the "ForWords" organization applied for and received a waiver of
planning application fees for the required Environmental and Design Review Permit application. The fee
waiver was reviewed and granted by the City Council on June 6, 2011 through the adoption of City
Council Resolution No. 13157; and
WHEREAS, the proposed mural does not include written script or pictures of a business or
items sold or services offered on site and is therefore not considered a sign as defined by the City's Sign
Ordinance (SRMC Chapter 14.19). However, painted murals (that do not provide any advertising nor
considered signage) are considered a "Major Physical Improvement" pursuant to San Rafael Municipal
Zoning Code Chapter 14.25.040.A.5 and, thus, require the approval of a Major Environmental and
Design Review Permit; and
WHEREAS, on June 21, 2011, the project was referred to the City of San Rafael Design Review
Board for its recommendation on the mural deign. The Board unanimously recommended approval (4-0-
2; Members Kent and Lentini absent) of the application to the Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the project has been determined to be exempt from the requirements of the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the
CEQA Guidelines which exempts minor alterations to existing facilities; and
WHEREAS, on July 12, 2011, the San Rafael Planning Commission held a duly noticed public
hearing on the proposed Environmental and Design Review Permit (EDI 1-036), accepting all oral and
written public testimony and the written report of the Community Development Department staff; and
WHEREAS, the application was continued to the next available Planning Commission hearing,
August 9, 2011, due to the fact that a quorum of the Commission was not present and therefore the
Commission was unable to take action on the matter; and
WHEREAS, on August 9, 2011, the San Rafael Planning Commission held a continued hearing
and considered the proposed Environmental and Design Review Permit (EDI1-036)on the consent
calander, accepting the oral and written public testimony from the July 12`h meeting and the written
report of the Community Development Department staff; and
WHEREAS, the custodian of documents, which constitute the record of proceedings upon which
this decision is based, is the Community Development Department.
File #: ED11-036
Title: Draft Resolution
Attachment: 1-1
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Commission makes the following
findings supporting the approval of Environmental and Design Review PermitED11-036:
A. As proposed, the mural placement and design would be consistent with the following applicable
General Plan 2020 Policies:
1. Community Design Policies CD -2 (Neighborhood Identity), CD -10 (Nonresidential Guidelines),
CD -15 (Participation in Project Review) and CD -16 (Property Maintenance) in that: a) the
addition of a mural on the subject building would provide a distinct identity to this building
which is located in the center of the Canal neighborhood and serves as a gathering place for the
community; b) the design of the mural was reviewed by the Design Review Board and
recommended for approval; c) public notice was provided for the DRB and Planning
Commission meetings to solicit public input and the applicant has sought and gathered public
support for the design of the mural; d) the mural proposes to utilize specific paint and other
materials to coat the mural and ensure that the mural can easily be cleaned and restored in case of
damage; and e) and conditions of approval have been imposed to ensure proper maintenance and
clarify responsibility for maintenance.
2. Culture and Arts Policies CA -3 (Cultural and Arts Programs and Activities), CA -5 (Public Art)
and CA -6 (Community Art) in that: a) the proposed mural is a student led effort to express their
views as well as provide public art on a blank building wall that would be visible for the public;
and b) the mural design is vibrant and would introduce culture and arts into this neighborhood of
predominately non-descript buildings.
3. Neighborhoods Element Policy NH -61 (Public Plaza) in that the addition of the mural would
enhance the natural gathering place around this commercial building.
B. As proposed, the mural design would be compatible with the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance, in
that it is consistent with the purposes specified in SRMC Section 14.01.030.A (to implement and
promote the policies of the general plan), Section 14.01.030.I (to promote design quality in all
development and preserve and enhance the city's historic, architectural and cultural resources)
given that:
1. The proposed size, location and design are appropriate for the site and its surroundings given that
they are proportional to the building wall on which it is mounted and the design presents a
vibrant artist image of the vision of the world from the students mind;
2. The mural would introduce interest in this area of the Canal and break up the large expanse of
concrete building wall that currently faces Larkspur St;
3. The vibrant colors would help liven a fairly non-descript building wall;
4. The mural would use high quality materials and colors and adequate measures have been
incorporated into the design and materials to ensure easy cleanup and repair in case of damage to
the mural; and
5. The design of the mural was developed by the students of the "ForWords" program and portrays
a noble message of peace and education. Although not technically part of the City's design
review process, the intent and purpose behind the mural is admirable for the students of the
"ForWords" program and the Canal neighborhood.
C. As proposed, the color scheme would be consistent with the purposes and review criteria of Zoning
Ordinance Chapter 25 (Design Review) in that: 1) high quality materials are proposed for the mural;
2) the colors are vibrant and add interest to this building wall; 3) the mural would provide interest
and break up the large expanse of concrete wall on the building elevation; 4) the mural would relate
File #: ED11-036
Title: Draft Resolution
Attachment: 1-2
proportionally to the building on which the mural is mounted; and 5) achieve a high quality finish
and low -reflective paint colors in the mural design that will be coated with protective coating.
D. The project was reviewed by the Design Review Board for general design principals and compliance
with the criteria in Chapter 25 of the Zoning Ordinance and received a unanimous recommendation
of approval, as discussed in Finding A, B and C above.
E. The project design is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and landscaping design criteria
and guidelines for the Core Canal Industrial/Office (CCI/O) District in which the site is located
given that the mural has been reviewed by the DRB for general design principals and review criteria
contained in Chapter 25 of the Zoning Ordinance as discussed in Findings A, B and C above.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Planning Commission hereby approves Environmental and
Design Review Permit EDI 1-036 for the new mural at 91 Larkspur Street subject to the following
1. This Environmental and Design Review Permit (EDI1-036)approves a 22 -foot -tall x 28 -foot -wide
painted mural at 91 Larkspur St. The mural is approved to be installed on the eastern portion of the
building wall along the Larkspur Street elevation, as shown on the approved plans on file with the
Department of Community Development
The approved mural design and location is as illustrated on the approved plans consisting of the
mural design, picture of the mural location and written description of mural date-stamped approved
"August 9, 2011", and on file with the Community Development Department, Planning Division.
This Environmental and Design Review Permit (EDI1-036)shall run with the land and shall remain
valid regardless of any change of ownership of the project site or business, subject to the conditions
and limitations of the Design Review Permit contained herein, provided that within two (2) years of
this approval or until August 9, 2013: a) the mural is installed; or b) a time extension request is
submitted to the City's Community Development Department. Failure to completely install the mural
or apply for a time extension by the specified date will result in the expiration of this Design Review
4. This Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED11-036)approves a painted mural and shall not
include any advertising or written script or pictures of a business or items sold or services offered on
site. If advertising or written script of pictures are proposed to be installed on the mural, the mural
would be considered a mural sign and be subject to the City of San Rafael Sign Ordinance (SRMC
Chapter 14.19).
There shall be no changes to the design, colors, size or method of attachment without prior review
and approval of the Community Development Department. Minor modifications or revisions to the
project that do not alter the general design or message shall be subject to review and approval of the
Community Development Director. Modifications deemed not minor by the Community
Development Director shall require an amendment to the Design Review Permit and may require
review and approval of the Design Review Board and Planning Commission.
6. As proposed, the mural shall be coated with the protective coating to protect against ultra violet light,
graffiti or other pollutants. Four coats of the protective coating shall be applied on the bottom 8 feet
to give an extra hard surface for easy maintenance of graffiti. If the mural is vandalized and
subsequently cleaned, affected areas shall be re -varnished after cleaning, if needed.
File #: ED11-036
Title: Draft Resolution
Attachment: 1-3
7. The mural, including all supporting components of the mural and its structure, shall be maintained in
good, undamaged condition at all times, free of graffiti or other non approved markings or painting.
This condition requires that the mural always appear as shown on the approved plans and any
damaged, worn or faded improvements shall be replaced in a timely manner as specified below.
8. In case this mural is damaged or defaced, the applicant shall be responsible for either:
a. Cleaning and restoring the mural design to a good condition in a timely manner. A timely manner
shall generally mean within 72 hours of the damage or a longer period as reasonable, but no more
than 10 days. An extension past the 10 days may be requested by the applicant, but shall be
subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department and shall require
that the applicant demonstrate that all reasonable steps are being taken to address the issue and
more time is necessary and the extension would not result in additional public nuisance.
b. Removing the mural design and all supporting structures, followed by a repair of and repainting
the underlying wall thus returning the building wall to it pre -mural condition.
c. The property owner shall be ultimately responsible to maintain the mural as required by these
conditions of approval in case the applicant is unwilling, unable or no longer a tenant of the
A decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to the City Council, in accordance with Chapter
14.28 of the Municipal Code by filing an appeal form and fees within five (5) working days of the date of
approval. If a timely appeal is not filed the decision of the Planning Commission shall be final.
The foregoinResolution was adopted at the regular City of San Rafael Planning Commission meeting
held on the 9" of August, 2011.
Moved by Commissioner
and seconded by Commissioner
Robert M. Brown, Secretary
Dan Sonnett, Chair
File #: ED11-036
Title: Draft Resolution
Attachment: 1-4
n � a-� �y Meeting Date: June 12, 2011
Agenda Item: 4
Community Development Department— Planning Division Case Numbers: ED11-036
P. O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
PHONE: (415) 485-3085/FAX: (415) 485-3184 Project Planner: Raffi Boloyan (415) 485-3095
SUBJECT: 91 Larkspur St - Request for Environmental and De Review Permit to allow the
installation of a new, 22 -foot -tall by 28 -foot -wide d mural on the wall of an
existing commercial/office building; APN: 008-082-49; re Canal Industrial/Office
[CCl/0] Zone; Josephine Varner and Jose ine Picke Owners; Larry Siegel -
ForWords , Applicant: Canal Neiahborhood
ForWords, an organization that provides literac
submitted a request to install a mural on the di
for a blank, stone -faced wall adjacent
14.25.040A.5, murals are considered a "
and Design Review Permit. Major Design Revie
Design Review Board (DRB) and approval of the
On June 21, 2011, the DRB r we Th
as presented. Both staff an e DRB reco
location results in an appro ate design and
add some vibrancy to the fa non-descript t%
r ervices for stu the Canal area, has
ding a]1 _ 1 Larkspur Stree . mural is proposed
anal Alba'' ce_ offices. Pursua MC Section
sical Imi ro ement" requiring a r Environmental
its re re the review and r mmendation of the
g omission.
and u usly recommended approval of the design
that t al design proposed by ForWords at this
e fort din and its surroundings, and would
> uilding.
Address/Loc51111111111111111111L. 1 91 Larkspur Strep I Parcel Number(s): 1 008-082-49 1
I Property Size: IREEMLOO sauaraMt I Neiqhborhood: I Canal Neiahborhood I
Site Characteristics
General Plan Designation
Zoning Designation
Existing Land -Use
Project Site:
Light Industrial/Office
CCI/O District
High Density Residential
HR1.5 District
Light Industrial/Office
CCI/O District
Light Industrial
Light Industrial/Office
CCI/O District
Light Industrial
Light Industrial/Office
CCI/0 District
Light Industrial
Page 2
Site Description/Setting:
The project is proposed on a flat, 62,000 -square -foot site fronting Larkspur, Belvedere and Alto Streets.
The site is currently developed with two, separate two-story buildings that total approximately 36,000
square feet and 177 surface parking spaces. The two buildings are occupied by office and a variety of
commercial uses. The building exterior is concrete with both exposed rock and smooth finish surfaces.
ForWords provides literacy support services for students in the Canal area. This organization operates
as a sub -entity of Canal Alliance, and collaborates with Canal AlliaAdirectll
vide services to students in
the after-school education program. Marin Community Foundation warded ForWords a grant to
create a community mural in the Canal Area. The grant is intendee support and materials for
the creation of a mural on which ForWords students can be volved in its planning and
execution. Further, the students plan to produce a movie an ookg the development, purpose
and making of the mural.
With the help of a mural designer, the students have desi eme that focuses on the
importance of a peaceful, non-violent world with the oal ofeduca i x oposed mural design is
illustrated in Exhibit 3. The proposed mural wo et tall by 28 -fee and mounted on the
east building fagade facing Larkspur St. The w located to the le acing the building)
side of the building entry leading to the Ca iance offi he wall is blank a n exposed roc
surface. Three photographs of the prop e I locatio cluding an outline o e mural size, are
provided as Exhibit 3.
the effecte rea after cleaning, if nee
Consistency an Rafael
Painted murals a consi
items sold or seed
Ordinance (Section 1 .
xterior wall, using a curtain wall H -channel
th rdi-Backer cement fiberboard. The Hardi-
ing f by approximately 3 inches. The cement
of the naeterial. Details of the mural are
inted w oat of primer paint and then acrylic
ive coa to protect if from the elements and
violet I ht and would include pollutant resisters.
I the bottom 8 feet to give an extra hard surface
iz a mild solvent (Cleverclean) would be used to
se of vandalism, the applicant would re -varnish
L-neraffl Plan 2020 and Zoning
-Wred if they include written script or pictures of a business or
i Mural signs are further regulated under provisions of the Sign
rng Ordinance). Painted murals that do not provide any advertising,
ect to an Environmental and Design Review Permit (Section 25.040.A.5
In this particular application, the proposed mural does not advertise any products or businesses, and is
therefore considered a mural and not signage. There is no design criteria contained in the General Plan,
Zoning Ordinance or Non -Residential Design Guidelines that are applicable to painted murals. Given the
lack of specific review criteria, both staff and the DRB have utilized the following common design
principles in reviewing this mural:
Page 3
1. Whether the design and colors of the mural are an integral part of, compatible with, and
complement the existing building on the site where it is proposed;
2. Whether the design and colors of the proposed mural are compatible with the character and
design of other buildings in the immediate neighborhood of the site;
3. Whether the design or message of the mural is obscene or offensive to morals; and
4. Whether there are adequate measures to maintain the mural and keep it clean and free of
graffiti or weather damage.
Overall, both staff and the DRB have reviewed this proposedmural a d recommend approval of the
design. The proposed size, location and design are appropriate fort site and its surroundings. The
mural would introduce interest in this area of the Canal and breaJwd
e large expanse of concrete
building wall that currently faces Larkspur St. In addition, the vibras that would help enhance a
fairly non-descript and blank building wall. As designed, the murmaintain an approximately
three-foot area of textured concrete around the entire mural erverder to frame the mural.
➢ Condition #5 — Prohi
substantive changes
Permit. ,
➢ Condition #6 — Req
and that the ural t
g mural t review and approval of the staff and more
d requi end the Environmental and Design Review
that the mural be=tained d form and condition, free of graffiti
tained in a manne appein like it is new, free of fading
➢ Cond'
#7 — qui
sible for either clea
or removing the mura
plicant shows there is
ent, that is intended i
damage to the mur,
e, removal is an or
if the mural Mtains damage from graffiti, the applicant is
d repairing th amage within in 72 hours, but not more than 10
her. The hours can be extended with approval of staff if
they need more time. In terms of the removal
be more of a final action in case there is either: 1) constant and
or 2) the applicant no longer wants or is present to deal with the
Staff notes tha opertyWownCindyPickens, has also submitted a letter confirming their
understanding that esponsible for the mural should the applicant be unwilling or no
longer present on the s A y issues (Exhibit 7).
The DRB reviewed this application on June 21, 2011 (Commissioner Pick as Liaison). Overall, the Board
was extremely supportive of the design, location and method of construction of the proposed mural.
Many of the students involved in the planning and design of the project attended the hearing and
presented the project and explained the meaning of the mural to them. In addition, the contractor helping
with the installation was present to describe the installation/construction of the mural as well as the
security and maintenance provisions for the mural. There were two members of the public who spoke,
both in support of the mural design.
The Board's only concern was that of maintenance of the mural in case of weathering or graffiti. The
Board asked questions about the protective coating material and if security cameras were considered.
The contractor explained the protective coating product is specifically designed to coat the paint and seal
the mural design and that any subsequent painting or markings on the mural can be easily cleaned and
removed. The contractor stated that he has worked on many embassies which have security cameras
installed and does not believe they serve as a deterrent The Board encouraged the organization to
ensure that adequate funds are reserved to allow for periodic maintenance and upkeep of the mural and
did not feel the security camera was necessary.
In conclusion, the Board unanimously recommended approval
members Kent and Lentini absent). Video of the
www.citvofsanrafael.org/meetings and clicking on the video link
Archived Videos section.
of thural as presented (4-0 with
.ting can be viewed at
f June 21, 2011 meeting in the
alterations to commerical buildings. 4491%
Notice of hearing for the project was conducte
Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Notice Isite
occupants within a 300 -foot rad�interties,
Owner's Association, and al e
Fwith noticing requi ments contained in
g was mailed to all property owners and
Canal Alliance and the Canal Area Property
iIjendar days prior to the date of the DRB
Jkpot also posted on the subject site given
tted hueds of petitions and letters of support
ase wee not included in the staff report, but are
1. Approve theIWR�W7
resented (staff recommendation)
2. Approve the mural design with certain modifications, changes or additional conditions of approval
3. Continue the project to allow the applicant to address any of the Commission's comments or
4. Deny the project and direct staff to return with a revised Resolution.
1. Vicinity Map
2. Draft Resolution approving projeGt with Genditions.
3. Proposed Mural Design (Color copy distributed to Commissioners only)
4. Photographs - Location of Proposed Mural ((Color copy distributed to Commissioners only)
5. Written Description of Mural Details,
6. Letter from ForWords, applicant, 1/12/11
7. Letter from Cindy Pickens, property owner about responsibility of maintenance, 6/22/11
8. Letter of support from Thomas Peters, Marin Community Foundation, 6/10/11
9. Public Hearing Notice
Page 5
'117) 417
File#: ED1 1-036
Title: Vicinity Map
Exhibit: 1
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atie Siegel
Commm- O-ity
Writing Center
est. 2007
www,forwords.org Addendum: Details for Mural Application.
Mural Location: Canal Alliance, 91 Larkspur, San Rafael.
The mural will be:
On the Canal Alliance building fagade, 91 Larkspur, immediately to the left
of the front door (looking from the street).
The mural will be 22 feet high and 28 feet wide.
The mural will be fully removable from the exterior wall, using a "curtain
wall H -channel assembly." The assembly will be attached to the wall and
protrude a few inches from the wall.
The mural will be `non-bearing'. and built with Purock board panels.
The mural will be plastered for the application of the mural material.
The mural will be first painted with one coat primer or gesso and then the
"best" acrylic paint, highly pigmented, lightfast and durable. Once dried,
the mural will be given a coating to protect it from the elements, graffiti, etc.
SHEILA TORRES 7. The theme of the mural was entirely designed by our students with a focus
SUZANNR WARNRR on the importance of a peaceful, non-violent world in which education is the
DAVID WARNER central goal (in the eye of the woman in the middle is a diploma and at the
bottom -center there is a book that says, "Learning is an achievement in
KRISTINA H. WOOLS, 8. Our students will produce a movie and book describing in detail the
development, purpose, components, and making of the mural.
9. The mural is a collaborative project between the Canal Alliance and its
educational partner, ForWords. The funding for this project was made
entirely possible by a grant from the Marin Community Foundation.
File #: ED11-036
Title: Written Mural Details
Exhibit: 5
recycled L,t recyclable
The Catie Siegel
C Mn-R?Aality
Writing Center
BSt. 1,00
9ti �.70T)G"I.,
Uz:;?!.� tPeii r3 t:R
January 11, 2011
City of San Rafael
Community Development Department
Planning Division
1400 Fifth Ave.
San Rafael, CA 94915
RE: Waiver of Fee for City Mural
Dear Planning Division:
ForWords is an organization that provides literacy support services for the
students in the Canal Area of San Rafael. The Canal Alliance is our 501(c)(3)
agent and also the entity with which we collaborate directly to provide services
to students in the Canal Alliance's after-school educational programs [Youth
Development Education Program = YDEP]. ForWords can be found @ www.
ForWords has received a $15,000 grant from the Marin Community
Foundation for 2011 to create a community mural in the Canal area. Our grant.
will be specifically used to provide support, materials and other professional
activities so that the YDEP students can be directly involved in the planning and
creation of this mural.
We will be submitting required documents to secure a permit for this
project, but understand that we can request a Waiver of the permit fee prior to
such submission.
We are therefore requesting a waiver of the full fee (approximately
$7,800). Our request is based on the following:
1. We project a total cost for planning, developing, and creating the mural at
or potentially above the $15,000 grant so that any license fee will
represent a significant portion of our total budget. Without a complete
waiver the project cannot likely go forward.
2. The educational and other needs of our students are profound and this
E. -VU . °;-a'«_::•:<._: project will allow them a chance to engage in educational and other
activities that will help them become productive members of the Marin
File #: ED11-036
Title: Letter from Applicant 1/11/11
Exhibit: 6-1
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San Rafael Planning Division
January 12, 2011
Page Two
community and our democracy. Our students will be engaged in a variety of
activities that go to the heart of providing them an enriched program and the
opportunity to overcome the challenges they face. Among other things our
students will engage in significant research, analysis and discussion regarding the
-possible topics of the mural; they will be directly involved in the permit process
and other procedures; they will engage the community so that the mural
represents the vision and hopes of the community; they will work with University
of California Bay Area Writing Project consultants to develop the written
plans/ideas for the mural and produce (separately) a published book on their
activities as well as a documentary of the process; and finally they will work
directly with artists to make the mural a reality. The benefits to these students and
the community (which currently has little or no visually appealing amendments to
the coirunwiity and certainly nothing that conveys the pride and determination of
this community) will be significant, both in terms of educational growth and
community involvement.
3. The Canal Alliance meets all requirements regarding the Waiver. I note the
The annual median income for Marin County (2009) is $89,019; the median
income for Canal residents is $28,000 or less (our students are part of families
that are represented by these concerning. figures).
For 2010-2011, 77.2% of the Canal Budget will go to direct services.
We hope you will carefully consider the above and provide a full waiver of any
potential permit fee so that this necessary project can go forward.
Thank you.
awrence Siegel
Co -Found ForWords
File #: ED11-036
Title: Letterfrom m Applicant 1/11/11
Exhibit. 6-2
Belvedere Building
P.O_ 13ox 601834
5ACt2AMEN-'o, CA 95660
June 22, 2011
To: San Rafael City Planning Commission
RE: Canal Alliance Mural for 91 Larkspur
Dear Commission:
I am responsible for the property at 91 Larkspur in San Rafael and have provided
my approval (and signature) to the formai application submitted to you byForWords (in
conjunction with the Canal Alliance) for a mural on this property.
I understand that I am responsibility for all aspects of the property including the
File #: ED11-036
Title: Letter from Prop Owner, 6/22/11
Exhibit: 7
Z -d . V092-9971-929
r` "'1ER-rF._ D Thomas Peters, Ph.D.
President & Chief Executive Officer
June 10, 2011 ja! 1 7 2011
CCI° Mtja=llrDFV,F1_nFMENlT
Ci i s 'i i' CAN'.l-
Raffi Boyo Ian
Principal Planner
City of San Rafael
1400 Fifth Ave.
San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
Dear Mr. Boyolan,
It is with great pleasure that I submit to you the Marin Community Foundation's enthusiastic
support of the For Words Mural Project. We appreciate the Design Review Board's keen focus on
high quality public artwork and are impressed by the mural design created by students participating
in this project.
MCF is deeply committed to providing under -resourced communities with access to the arts. Public
art in particular promotes access by making art a part of everyday life. Public art has been shown
to encourage economic investment in an area, promote safer and healthier neighborhoods, and instill
a sense of neighborhood pride. We are especially enthused about this project because it will add a
vibrant and positive visual message to the Canal community.
We have reviewed the design and location of the mural and are impressed by this project. We hope
our commitment will find support as you review this important project.
Thomas Peters, Ph.D.
c: Mayor Al Boro
Nancy Mackle, City Manager
File #: ED11-036
Title: Letter of Support 6/10/11
Exhibit: 8
5 Hamilton Landing, Suite 200, Novato, CA 94949 , ph: 415.464.2510 , fax: 415.464.2555 m, +il Ic 1.0i i
You are invited to attend the Planning Commission hearing on the following proposed project:
PROJECT: 91 Larkspur St. — Request for an Environmental and Design Review Permit to allow a 22 ft. tall by 28 ft. wide painted mural on a
building wall along the Larkspur St. frontage; APN: 008-082-49; Core Canal Industrial Office (CC]/0) District; Josephine Varner and Josephine
Pickens, owner; Larry Siegel/For Words, applicant; File No(s).: ED11-036
As required by state law, the project's potential environmental impacts have been assessed. Planning staff recommends that this project will not have a
significant effect on the environment and is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15301
(Minor Improvements). If the Planning Commission determines that this project is in an environmentally sensitive area, further studies may be required
MEETING DATE/TIME/LOCATION: Tuesday, July 12, 2011, 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 1400 Fifth Ave at D St, San Rafael, CA,
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact Raffi Boloyan, Project Planner at (415) 485-3095 or raffi.boloyan@cityofsanrafael.org. You can also
come to the Planning Division office, located in City Hall, 1400 Fifth Avenue, to look at the file for the proposed project. The office is open from
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Tuesday and Friday. Due to budget cuts, all City
offices are closed the 2 d Monday of each month as a furlough day. You can also view the staff report after 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the
meeting at http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/planningcommission
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: You can comment on the project. The Planning Commission will consider all public testimony and decide whether to
approve or deny the application.
IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND: You can send a letter to the Community Development Department, Planning Division, City of San Rafael, P. O.
Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560. You can also hand deliver it prior to the meeting.
At the above time and place, all letters received will be noted and all interested parties will be heard. If you challenge in court the matter described above, you may be limited to raising
only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered at, or prior to, the above referenced public hearing
(Government Code Section 65009 (b) (2)).
Appeals of decisions by the Planning Commission to the City Council shall be made by filing a notice thereof in writing with the required fee to the Planning Division of the Community
Development Department within 5 working days of a decision involving Title 14 (Zoning) (SRMC Section 14.28.030) or within 10 calendar days of a decision involving Title 15
(Subdivisions) (SRMC 15.56.010).
Sign Language and interpretation and assistive listening devices may be requested by calling (415) 485-3085 (voice) or (415) 485-3198 (TDD) at least 72 hours in advance. Copies of
documents are available in accessible formats upon request.
Public transportation to City Hall is available through Golden Gate Transit, Line 22 or 23. Para -transit is available by calling Whistlestop Wheels at (415) 454-0964.
To allow individuals with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity to attend the meeting/hearing, individuals are requested to refrain from wearing scented products.