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Planning Commission 2013-12-10 #2
CITY OF Meeting Date: December 10, 2013 r Agenda Item: . t Community Development Department— Planning Division Case Numbers: ED13-46, UP13-25, LLA13-03 P. O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560 & EX13-06 PHONE: (415) 485-3085/FAX: (415) 485-3184 Project Planner: Kraig Tambornl� 5)485-3092 REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: 1415 Third Street (Dialysis Center) - Request for Environmental and Design Review Permit, Use Permit, Lot Line Adjustment and Subdivision Exception for demolition of an existing (8,429 sq. ft.) commercial building on a 16,977 sq. ft. parcel and construct a new 10,652 sq. ft. medical office building for a dialysis center with 28 stations in a two- level building (one floor over ground level parking), with 36 covered and uncovered on- site parking spaces, parking modification to allow a reduced parking standard, adjustment to increase the subject property and reduce the adjacent property at 814 E Street by 798 sq. ft. (resulting in 17,829 sq. ft. and 5,000 sq. ft. lot sizes, respectively) and exception to allow the smaller lot to be reduced further below a minimum required 6,000 sq. ft. lot size; APN: 011-252-20; 2/3MUW District Zone; Mike Conn, Applicant; Cowperthwaite Peter & Lynne 2012 Tr, Owner (1415 Third Street) Peter Pelz, Owner (814 E Street); Downtown Activity Center Neighborhood; Case Number(s): ED13-46, UP13-25, LLA13-03 & EX13-06 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The project requires Design Review approval for construction of a new 10,652 square foot medical office building at 1415 Third Street; pursuant to San Rafael Municipal Zoning Code (SRMC) Chapter 25.050.040, A Use Permit approval is also requested to apply the lower professional office parking ratio to the development (supported by a parking study); pursuant to SRMC 14.18. Lastly, the project requests a Lot Line Adjustment and Subdivision Exception to increase the subject parcel area and allow the existing substandard sized parcel at 814 E Street to be further reduced in area; pursuant to SRMC Title 15. The lot line adjustment is proposed and necessary for the site to provide minimum required parking and maneuvering area for the use. Also, the building at 814 E Street is listed as a locally significant historic structure. The Design Review Board reviewed and recommended approval of the project at its November 5, 2013 meeting. Based on review of the applicable zoning and design criteria, discussed in detail below, staff has concluded that the project adequately addresses the applicable standards and design criteria for approval of the project. As recommended by staff and the Design Review Board, the project would be subject to approval with conditions to address the following items: Site Plan ® The gate between the subject site and 814 E Street property shall be moved back so that it will not conflict with the 1415 Third Street drive aisle. o Parking for 814 E Street shall be subject to further review and approval by Planning and Public Works to ensure compliance with City standards based on the total number of living units to remain. • Parking spaces along the E Street drive aisle shall provide and maintain wider (10') space dimensions, as shown on the plan, in order to allow a reduced 23'6" backup space to serve these spaces. REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-46, UP13-25, LLA13-03 & EX13-06 Page 2 Landscaping & Lighting • The final landscape plans shall, include notes incorporating recommendations of a soils analysis prepared for the project. • Light fixtures in the garage area shall be recessed or shielded to prevent glare or visible light sources as viewed from off-site. • Lighting shall be subject to the standard 90 day post installation review period. Signs • Building signage shall not be placed above the first floor level and shall be subject to separate sign permits. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution to approve the project, with conditions. PROPERTY FACTS Address/Location: 1415 Third Street Parcel Number(s): 011-252-20 Property Size: 16,977 sq. ft. Neighborhood: Downtown Activity Center Site Characteristics General Plan Designation Zoning Designation I Existing Land -Use Project Site: Second/Third Mixed Use 2/3MUW Commercial North: Second/Third Mixed Use 2/3MUW Offices/Multi-residential South: Second/Third Mixed Use 2/3MUW City lot/Multi-residential East: Second/Third Mixed Use 2/3MUW Multi-residential/offices West: Second/Third Mixed Use 2/3MUW Commercial/Office Site Description/Setting: The site subject site to be redeveloped is a 16,977' sq. ft. irregularly shaped parcel with a slight 7 - percent cross -slope, frontage on Third Street and secondary frontage on E Street (APN 011-252-20). Currently, the site is developed with an 8,429 square foot, two-story wood frame and stucco commercial building. The property is adjacent to historic structures, with existing commercial uses to the east and west, a City parking lot to the south and adjacent residential uses to the east and the southwest. The historic residential property at 814 E Street (APN: 011-252-15) is included as a part of the project entitlements, as a result of a Lot Line Adjustment request made by the project proponent. The applicant is in the process of acquiring both properties. BACKGROUND On April 15, 2013, the applicants, Meridian Property Company, requested and received comments on a pre -application proposing redevelopment of the existing site, including demolition of the existing commercial building and construction of a new medical office building. The plans were circulated to City departments and comments were provided to the applicant. A current survey completed for the property established the existing site area as 17,031 square feet. REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-46, UP13-25, LLA13-03 & EX13-06 Page 3 On July 3, 2013, the applicant submitted a formal application for major Environmental and Design Review Permit and minor Use Permit approval to construct a new medical office building, with a parking modification. The formal plans were prepared with responses to comments provided based on the pre - application request. On October 7, 2013, revised plans and materials were provided in response to additional comments from staff. The applicant amended the application to provide a sufficient amount of parking to accommodate a potential re -occupancy of the building with another office use, such as professional offices which may be permitted within the district. This change prompted submittal of requests for a Lot Line Adjustment and lot size exception; in order to adjust the boundary line between the subject site and 814 E Street in order to improve access, parking and circulation from E Street to the new medical office use. On November 5, 2013, the project was reviewed by the Design Review Board. By a vote of 3-1 (Member Huntsberry opposed) the Board recommended approval of the project, as presented and with the staff recommended conditions. The Board concluded that the project substantially satisfied all of the applicable design criteria for the district and the intended office use, which is a permitted use within the district. Inter -Departmental Comments The project plans have been reviewed inter -departmentally and conditioned accordingly to assure that final plans prepared for construction based on the design concept presented for zoning approval could address all applicable construction requirements of Building, Fire and Public Works. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Use: The project would result in construction of a new 10,652 square foot medical office building, with one-story over a parking level, for a 28 station dialysis center (DaVita Dialysis), and a modified parking rate. The proposed office building would replace an existing 8,249 square foot two story commercial building. The existing site is not culturally or historically significant, nor is the building a significant structure, architecturally or historically. The project includes a Lot Line Adjustment and proposed parking lot revisions to the adjacent historic residential building at 814 E Street. The applicants engaged the firm of Carey & Co, a San Francisco based historic architectural firm to complete an analysis of the structure. As proposed, the use and exterior of this adjacent building would not be modified, and would be restored by the project applicant (pursuant to the recommendations of the evaluation prepared for the site by Carey & Co). Site Plan: The site plan provides frontage and a pedestrian entrance on Third Street and vehicular access to on-site parking from E Street. Site access and circulation is adequate, as illustrated on Sheet C6. A trash enclosure is provided in the parking area on E Street, which has been reviewed by Marin Sanitary Service and recommended as adequate. The building footprint including its orientation and setback from the street frontage is in keeping with the adjacent downtown structures. A rendering has been provided (Sheet 1), site plan (Sheet 3 & 4), and "3D" block shading diagram (Sheet 10). The historic residential structure at 814 E Street proposes a change in the access and circulation to on- site parking, which would create a parking space that backs onto E Street. The exterior of the residential structure at 814 E Street would not be altered, but would be restored (pursuant to the recommendations of the Carey & Co report). The applicant proposes to provide access to parking at 814 E Street from the shared driveway with 1415 Third Street. A Reciprocal Easement Agreement (REA) will be recorded to facilitate this design. Parking for the residential use complies with City requirements, and the proposal is REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-46, UP13-25, LLA13-03 & EX13-06 Page 4 not in conflict with the historic character of the residence. In addition, a new gate and fence proposes to exit across the property line which needs to be addressed. Architecture: The new medical office building is composed of one floor over a ground floor parking level with varied elevations, roof parapets and wall planes. The details propose to stucco foam cornice trim for the proposed parapet walls, which are designed to consider all four sides of the building. Materials include metal awnings, corrugated metal siding, smooth and split face CMU, three -color stucco with reveal joints and foam accents, stained cedar siding, anodized bronze window and door frames, 4' tall metal railings, and metal gate. Details are called out on the elevations (Sheets 1, 5 & 6), roof plan (Sheet 7), sections (Sheets 8 & 9) and details (Sheets 11 through 14). Color and materials will be available for viewing at the hearing. Landscaping: Landscaping includes a 5'11" deep raised planter in front of the building, with green - screens, shrubs and trees, and low retaining wall, narrow 2 -foot landscape strips along interior property lines between the property to the east and west (including areas subject to vehicle overhang) with denser landscape areas around the trash enclosure on the E Street and at the back southeast corner of the site (Sheet L1.0 & L2.0). Staff notes that a soils analysis also has been prepared with recommended amendment for the soil. Lighting: Sheet E1 indicates a 15 -foot overall height light pole standard with a 250W metal -halide lamp in the parking lot (which would need to be relocated to the north boundary line). Surface lighting with 100W metal -halide fixtures are proposed in the garage. Sheets 1 &.5 indicate two decorative wall pack lights on each side of the entry door. Grading/Drainage/Utilities: The project involves minor cut/fill to prepare the site for the new parking and building area, and would result in a 4.5 foot retaining wall at the rear of the site, facing the City parking lot (Sheet C2.1). A geotechnical investigation has been completed to confirm site development can be pursued as presented. Drainage improvements include a bio -retention planter area at the back northeast corner of the site (Sheet C5). Utilities are shown on Sheet 3 and Sheet C3. This would include an above grade backflow preventer device on E Street and a transformer in front of the building. Signs: Placement of a sign is indicated at the upper floor level. This location would require an exception to the sign ordinance, which states sign placement is permitted at the ground floor level, and should be designed for viewing at pedestrian level in the downtown. The applicant has acknowledged that the front sign would need to be placed at the first floor level. A secondary sign over the parking garage entrance facing E street is proposed (Sheet 13). Separate sign permit approvals would be required for the signs. Zoning Entitlements: The project requires Planning Commission approval with recommendation of the Design Review, for the following entitlements: • Environmental and Design Review Permit (major): For review of the new 10,652 square foot medical office building and related site improvements; pursuant to SRMC Chapter 14.25. • Use Permit (minor): For approval of an alternate parking ratio for the use; pursuant to SRMC Chapter 14.18 and 14.22. • Lot Line Adjustment: To adjust the boundary between 1415 Third Street and 814 E Street; pursuant to the subdivision ordinance Title 15. • Subdivision Exception: To reduce the existing non -conforming lot size of 814 E Street from 5,798 square foot to 5,000 square feet lot size; pursuant to the subdivision ordinance Title 15. REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-46, UP13-25, LLA13-03 & EX13-06 Page 5 ANALYSIS San Rafael General Plan 2020 Consistency: The project is generally consistent with the General Plan 2020 including the Second/Third Mixed Use land use designation, which supports medical office use. The type and intensity of development is consistent with that anticipated for the site under General Plan 2020, and all applicable policies, including the following (summarized below): ➢ Land Use Policies; LU -9 Intensity of Nonresidential Development, LU -12 Building Heights, LU -14 Land Use Compatibility, LU -23 Land Use Map and Categories. The project is consistent with the floor area, height and office uses anticipated for the 2/3 MU land use category. ➢ Neighborhood Design Policies: NH -15. Downtown Vision, NH -16 Economic Success, NH -17 Competing Concerns, NH 25 Pedestrian Comfort and Safety, NH -27 Parking, NH -28 Special Place, NH -29 Downtown Design, NH -30 Pedestrian Environments, NH -31 Ground Floor Designed for Pedestrians, NH -32 Historic Character, NH -40 Second/Third Mixed -Use District, NH -41 Second/Third Mixed Use District Design Considerations. The project would provide additional new office development, revitalizing the area with land uses specifically anticipated for the site. The design has considered landscaping and parking needs of the site, relationship with adjacent buildings and provides a pedestrian scale along the street frontage. Further, although no changes are proposed to the historic building at 814 E Street, the applicant provided staff with an historic evaluation of the property that would be used to evaluate building permits for future anticipated renovation work. ➢ Community Design Policies; CD -1 City Image, CD -2 Neighborhood Identity, CD -3 Neighborhoods, CD -4 Historic Resources. CD -9 Transportation Corridors, CD -10 Nonresidential Design Guidelines, CD -15 Participation in Public Review, CD -16 Property Maintenance, CD -18 Landscaping, CD -19 Lighting, CD 20 Commercial Signage, CD -21 Parking Lot Landscaping. The project respects and complements the existing character of the area, and would preserve and protect the existing historic building at 814 E Street. Landscaping, lighting, signage and parking lot landscaping would comply with City zoning standards. ➢ Economic Vitality Policies; EV -1 Economic Health, EV -8 Diversity of Economic Base. The project would provide a vibrant new re -use with an office use, which is anticipated and encouraged in the subject district and supports local jobs/housing balance. ➢ Circulation Policies; C-5 Traffic Level of Service, C-6 Proposed Improvements, C-7 Circulation Improvements Funding, C-27 Pedestrian Plan Implementation, C-30 Downtown Parking. The project would contribute to planned traffic improvements identified for build -out under the City General Plan through payment of traffic mitigation fees for the increase in building area (above existing). No additional improvements are required. REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-46, UP13-25, LLA13-03 & EX13-06 Page 6 ➢ Infrastructure Policies; I-8 Street Trees The site would be served by adequate existing City infrastructure. Street trees are encouraged along the downtown roadway. None currently exist nor are any proposed as part of this project. ➢ Sustainability Policies; SU -1 Land Use, SU -2 Promote Alt. Transportation, SU -3 Alt Fuel Vehicles. SU -5 Reduce Use of Nonrenewable Resources, SU -6 New and Existing Trees, SU -12 Monitor Sustainability, SU -14 Adapting to Climate Change, The project complies with the Sustainability Element addressing its potential greenhouse gas and climate change impacts, based on its compliance with the City of San Rafael Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies checklist (which documents compliance with the Sustainability Element and related 2009 City Climate Change Action Plan, as amended in 2011) (Exhibit 5). Zoning Ordinance Consistency: The Medical Office Use is permitted by the underlying 2/3MUW district land use table. Further, the project would substantially comply with the applicable 2/3MUW development standards, subject to review and approval of required entitlements that include deviations to parking standards, minimum lot size and sign requirements, as discussed below. Chapter 18 — Parking Standards Parking Supply A parking study for the proposed DaVita Dialysis Center was prepared by TJKM, October 7, 2013 (Exhibit 4), and reviewed by the City Planning Division and Public Works Department. The purpose of the study was to determine the amount of parking required for the facility, which is different from a typical medical office building. The three page report demonstrates that the parking demand for the facility, as proposed with 28 dialysis stations, is less than the Parking Standard requirement in Chart 14.18.040 (i.e., 31 spaces would be adequate for the facility as opposed to 45 spaces that would be required for a standard medical office use based on 1 space per 225 square feet of building area). Public Works and Planning staff have reviewed and confirmed the parking study as adequate. However, the Planning Division has required that the parking supply parking be increased to provide sufficient parking for accommodate a future re -use of the building with another permitted professional office use (to avoid an over -specialized occupancy that could limit future re -use of the building). As a result, the applicant has revised the plan to provide at least 36 parking spaces, which would satisfy parking demand for a general office use, with 1 space per 300 square feet of building area (Sheet 3). The use also provides clean air vehicle parking and a 3 -capacity bicycle storage that complies with Chapter 14.18 requirements. Staff supports the parking supply, as proposed, including the Use Permit request to apply a reduced parking standard for the 28 station dialysis center. Parking Design The project also proposes to adjust the property boundary between the site and 814 E Street in order to improve the parking layout and supply, and access and site maneuvering from E Street. This enables the project to consider 90 degree parking along the E Street drive aisle. However, a reduction in the required 26 -foot backup space to 23'6" is still required. Parking along the drive aisle is subject to several constraints that make it difficult to meet all city code standards. These constraints include: • Narrow width of the property access from E Street ® The building footprint of 814 E Street is only 10" from the property line • The parking spaces serving 824 E Street extend over the property line to 1415 Third Street • Desired landscaping and tree planting schemes REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-46, UP13-25, LLA13-03 & EX13-06 Page 7 Staff has recommended that spaces along the drive aisle be widened in order to improve vehicle maneuverability, as the available backup space would be less than 26 -feet. The applicant has provided turn radius and maneuvering diagrams (Sheet C6). The Public Works Departments has reviewed and recommended the alternate design. These spaces could be provided as 60 degree angled spaces, but the 90 degree spaces are preferred (avoiding requiring vehicles to enter the garage area to turn around and exit the site). Chapter 19 — Signs Third Street Wall Sign Conceptual sign plans and details are shown on the elevations and details plan (Sheets 5, 6 & 13). Office uses are permitted one sign per business frontage on a public street or public parking lot calculated at one-half foot of sign area per linear foot of business frontage; with a directory sign allowed at the door for multi -tenant uses. Approximately 45.5 square feet of sign area may be permitted on the Third Street frontage, with approx. 30 square feet of potential sign area facing E Street. Staff recommends that the proposed individual halo -illuminated channel letter signs are well designed, and that the dimensions and area as proposed on Third Street would be appropriate (1'6" tall by 13'9.25" wide, 20 square feet in area). However, the location of this sign above the ground floor level would not be permitted, pursuant to SRMC Section 14.19.053, without grant of a sign exception. The applicant has acknowledged this limitation and intends to propose office signage at the first floor level only. E Street Wall Sign The location of the sign on the ground floor level of the E Street fagade, over the garage entry, appears appropriate. However, only a portion of the building fagade (being the garage entry) is visible from E Street. As a result, a smaller sign may be recommended, in keeping with the building scale. Chapter 22 — Use Permit As noted above, the project requires a Use Permit approval in order to deviate from the Chapter 14.18 parking standards. Staff supports the Use Permit as providing parking that is adequate, logical and sufficient for the intended use and potential future uses of the building. Chapter 25 — Environmental and Design Review Permit Major design review is subject to the criteria in SRMC Section 14.25.050, and the San Rafael Nonresidential Design Guidelines. In general, staff finds that the project proposes a detailed plan with a well designed and articulated building, proposing high quality materials and colors that would complement the downtown setting. The building has maintained the existing grade elevations to minimize potential grade conflicts at property lines, and the two-level building does not require any further modifications in order to be compatible with the scale or design of adjacent two-story structures. The finishes propose matte and earth -tone colors. As noted in the Project Description, a new gate is proposed to access 814 E Street from the subject 1415 Third Street site, which would need to be moved back so that the gate would not encroach into the drive aisle for 1415 Third Street. Landscaping has also been provided for the site to the extent feasible, while accommodating the desired building area. The applicant has spent a considerable amount of time and effort evaluating this site in order to come up with a plan that would result in a building that accommodates its needs and responds to the City's goals, policies and design requirements. In general, staff supports the amount and location of landscaping for the site, particularly the attention given to the street frontages, and selection of vertical screening shrubs between properties and proposal to provide high quality railing details. However, given the subsequent REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-46, UP13-25, LLA13-03 & EX13-06 Page 8 Lot Line Adjustment proposed that would increase the size of the 1415 Third Street property, the amount of landscaping shown on final plans would need to be verified as meeting the minimum 10% requirement after adjustment. The applicant has advised staff and the Design Review Board that the landscape area would in fact comply with this standard, as presented. Based on analysis of the building, site, parking, and landscaping plan, staff recommends the following: • The gate for 814 E Street shall be moved back so that it will not conflict with the 1415 Third Street drive aisle. • The new parking layout for 814 E Street shall be subject to further review by Planning and Public Works, or revised to include room for vehicles to turn around and exit the site without backing out. San Rafael Design Guidelines The nonresidential guidelines encourage logical parking lot design, integrated landscaping design that includes varied tree planting locations and screening of. unsightly uses, shield and limit lighting intensity for safety and security and to avoid glare, consider pedestrian orientation and access, consider existing streetscape pattern and design in building form and scale, provide defined entryways, consider use of arcades, awnings, etc. to add liveliness, interest and sense of human scale, and use colors, articulation, texturing and detailing, to minimize reflectivity and accent the building. In downtown, buildings should reinforce the street edge, entry(s) should be well designed and well lit, include glass storefronts, interest in design, and avoid creating monotonous unbroken wall planes. In the Second/Third Corridor, varied building setbacks, landscaping along the frontage, and high canopy and traffic tolerant street trees are encouraged. As noted above, the project would also include above grade utility equipment, which is encouraged to be screened from view to the extent possible, and lighting fixtures which are required to be shielded and appropriately consider the use and setting. Further, a soils analysis has been prepared that includes recommendations for site landscaping. No changes to existing historic buildings are proposed. Staff has concluded that the project substantially responds to the applicable design criteria. Additional street trees have not been recommended, or proposed. This is primarily due to the desire for patient drop-off and/or parking to remain in front of the building. Also, this location could be required for aerial apparatus access if the building exceeds 30 feet in height from grade. Staff recommends the following: • Final landscape plans shall include notes that incorporate the recommendations of the soils analysis and verify that a minimum landscape area is provided equivalent to 10% of the total site area. • Light fixtures in the garage shall be recessed or shielded to prevent glare or visible light sources as viewed from off-site. • Lighting shall be subject to the standard 90 day post installation review period. Subdivision Ordinance Consistency: Title 15 — Lot Line Adjustment / Exception (Lot Size) The Lot Line Adjustment is being pursued to increase the size of the subject lot in order to improve parking supply and access at E Street. A Lot Line Adjustment is typically subject to review for compliance with zoning and building codes. In this case, the adjustment would not affect any building code requirements given that the lot lines adjacent to the structure at 814 E Street would not change. The current use of this structure and parking supply would remain compliant with zoning standards (1.5 spaces per 2 bedroom unit in downtown, requires 3 spaces — not covered). However, approximately 798 square feet of property would be taken from 814 E Street, which is currently substandard in size (less than the required 6,000 square feet). Therefore, staff has determined that an exception to the subdivision ordinance would also be required (per SRMC section 15.01.120). Planning staff has concluded that the REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION - Case No: ED13-46, UP13-25, LLA13-03 & EX13-06 Page 9 lot size cannot be reduced below 5,000 square feet, otherwise the lot would become subject to additional restrictions as a nonconforming small lot. The following findings are required to support further reduction in the nonconforming lot size: ➢ That there are special circumstances or conditions of the property that warrant approval of the exception to lot size ➢ That the exception is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the property owner; and ➢ That granting the exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity. The adjustment, as proposed, would not create any other legal nonconformities and would preserve the existing historic residential structure and use of this property. If it is approved as proposed, the applicant would also be required to reserve a cross -lot access easement, for benefit of future owners of the lot. The applicant has prepared proposed project findings, including exception findings, for consideration by staff and the Planning Commission. The adjustment is considered important by the applicant in order to be feasible by meeting their objectives for building size, parking, circulation and financing. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD RECOMMENDATION The Design Review Board reviewed the project at one meeting, on November 5, 2013. It was concluded that the project substantially satisfied the applicable design criteria for a commercial medical office building, with high quality building materials, interest and articulation of building walls, detailed elevations, rooftop screening, appropriate setbacks and upper story articulation which respects the adjacent structures and setting. The project was recommended for approval as submitted on a 3-1 vote. Member Huntsberry voted against the project. Reasons for not supporting the project include opinion that the design was not particularly inspired architecturally or special. The meeting can be viewed online at http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/meetings/ ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The project, as proposed, would qualify for an exemption from environmental review pursuant to the following California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections: ➢ Section 15303 (Class 3); which exempts new construction in urbanized areas that would not exceed 10,000 square feet in area where all necessary public services and facilities area available and the surrounding area is not environmentally sensitive. ➢ Section 15305 (Class 5); which exempts minor Lot Line Adjustments and issuance of minor encroachment permits, not involving creation of additional parcels. ➢ Section 15331 (Class 31); which exempts projects limited to maintenance, repair, stabilization, restoration, preservation, conservation or reconstruction of historical resources in a manner consistent with the Secretary of Interiors Standards. ➢ Section 15332 (Class 32); which exempts in -fill development projects located on sites less than 5 acres in size served by existing utilities and infrastructure, that are consistent with the general plan and zoning, that are not located in environmentally sensitive areas, and that would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality or water quality. The use as proposed and conditioned qualifies for the above exemptions given that it would comply with applicable general plan policies and zoning standards, would not alter an existing historic resource, would result in a minimal 2,223 sq. ft. net increase in commercial development of the site (less than 2,500 sq. ft. increase over the current existing building area), would not include a hazardous use or any REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: ED13-46, UPI 3-25, LLA13-03 & EX13-06 Page 10 significant amounts of hazardous materials, is not an environmentally sensitive site or in an environmentally sensitive location, nor would it cause or contribute to any potential effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality or water quality. Traffic, noise, air quality and water quality impacts would be adequately addressed through required compliance with City standards and payment of required mitigation fees which would be referenced in project conditions of approval and implemented during review and prior to issuance of permits required for construction (including encroachment permits) and during 'inspection of work. NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING 1 CORRESPONDENCE Notices were mailed to surrounding property owners and residents within 300 feet of the site, and posted on site, at least 15 days before the subject hearing, and all prior public meetings held for this project. No written comments have been received on this proposal. Additionally, the applicant held a Public/Neighborhood meeting on May 14, 2013, and reported positive feedback from the attendees. OPTIONS The Planning Commission has the following options: 1. Approve the project, with conditions (staff recommended) 2. Approve the application with certain additional modifications, changes or additional conditions of approval. 3. Continue the applications to allow the applicant to address any of the Commission's comments or concerns 4. Deny the project EXHIBITS 1. Vicinity Map 2. Draft Resolution 3. Applicants October 7, 2013 Letter and Draft Findings 4. TJKM Parking Study 5. Project Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies checklist 6. Interdepartmental Comments from SR Sanitation District, SR Fire, Public Works, and Building (Project Plans have been distributed to the Planning Commission only) cc: Mike Conn, Meridian Property, 3000 Executive Parkway #450, San Ramon, CA 94583 Cowperthwaite Peter & Lynne, 87 Woodland Ave, San Anselmo, CA 94960 Peter Pelz, PO Box 151098, San Rafael, CA 94915 Exhibit 1 - Vicinity Map (1415 Third Street) 933 901 W 908 ti 909 4 970 e. h � 3RD Sr �1 S� 24 3WD ST 1� 027to �. W 877 809 814 820 871 873 CIO:? 898 805 877 80g 4 807 Bos 892 80� 894 02 p n 805 ^ 0 803 2ND ST 80 2ND � M 713 I „ 2ND ST � a LQ T h Exhibit 2 RESOLUTION NO. 13 - RESOLUTION OF THE SAN RAFAEL PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING AN ENVIRONMENTAL AND DESIGN REVIEW PERMIT (ED 13-46) FOR A NEW OFFICE BUILDING, USE PERMIT (UPI3-25)FOR PARKING MODIFICATION, LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (LLA 13-03) AND LOT SIZE (SUBDIVISION) EXCEPTION (EX 13-06) FOR DEVELOPMENT AT 1415 THIRD STREET APN: 011-252-20 WHEREAS, on April 15, 2013, the applicant, Meridian Property Company, requested and received comments on a pre -application proposing redevelopment of the existing site in the 2/3MUW District, including demolition of the existing commercial building and construction of a new medical office building. The plans were circulated to City departments and comments were provided to the applicant; and WHEREAS, on July 3, 2013, the applicant submitted a formal application for major Environmental and Design Review Permit and minor Use Permit approval to construct a new medical office building (28 station dialysis center) with a parking modification for reduced parking rate for the use in -lieu of 1 space per 225 square feet of building area required for medical office; and WHEREAS, on October 7, 2013, revised plans and materials were provided in response to comments from staff, the applicant amended the application to provide parking at the downtown professional office rate of 1 space per 300 square feet of gross building area in order to allow accommodate potential re -occupancy of the building with another permitted office use, and additional requests for a Lot Line Adjustment and lot size exception were submitted to adjust the boundary line between the subject site and 814 E Street (APN: 011-252-15) in order to improve access, parking and circulation from E Street to the new medical office use; and. WHEREAS, on November 5, 2013, the project was reviewed by the Design Review Board and on a 3-1 vote (Member Huntsberry opposed) recommended approval of the project site and building design; and WHEREAS, on November 6, 2013, the application was accepted as complete for processing; and WHEREAS, upon preliminary review of the application, the project has been determined to be exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section's 15303 (Class3), 15305 (Class 5), 15331 (Class 31), and 15332 (Class 32) of the CEQA Guidelines which allows for exemption of new in -fill development, minor lot line adjustments and conservation of historic structures, and WHEREAS, on December 10, 2013, the San Rafael Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed zoning entitlements, accepting all oral and written public testimony and the written report of the Community Development Department staff. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Commission makes the following findings: Use Permit Findings (UP13-25) A. The proposed parking modification is in accord with the San Rafael General Plan 2020 given that Policy C-30 supports provision of adequate parking for uses in the downtown area, and the site will provide on-site parking that meets its demand as supported by a traffic analysis prepared for the use, as well as potential demand of a future re -use of the building; and B. The proposed parking modification, as proposed and conditioned, is in accord with the objectives of the zoning ordinance, and the purposes of the 2/3MUW district in which the site is located given that the parking design and supply would provide safe and effective parking for the subject use and potential future uses of the site, compliant with the San Rafael Municipal Code Chapter 14.18 zoning standards, as discussed further in finding D below; and C. The proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the zoning ordinance in that a parking modification has been requested as required by San Rafael Municipal Code Chapter 14.18 and has been supported by; a) a parking analysis that shows the proposed dialysis medical facility with 28 stations would require 31 spaces in lieu of 45 spaces as required by the Chapter 14.18 parking table, b) 36 spaces are proposed and recommended by Planning Staff in order to satisfy demand of potential reuse of the building with a permitted professional office occupancy, and c) the modification has been reviewed and recommended by the Planning Division, Public Works and Design Review Board as appropriate and adequate for the use; and D. The parking modification together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, or to the general welfare of the City given that the parking supply and design would comply with City safety and design standards and not cause potential traffic problems at the abutting streets or intersections. Environmental and Design Review Permit Findings (ED 13-46) A. The project design is in accord with the San Rafael General Plan 2020 given that the project has been subject to Design Review, which has included a review of applicable design criteria found in the General Plan 2020 Neighborhood Design Element and other elements of the plan that have been incorporated into the San Rafael Nonresidential Design Guidelines, and the Design Review Board has recommended approval of the project based on its substantial compliance with the applicable criteria; and B. The project design is in accord with objectives of the zoning ordinance and the purposes of Chapter 14.25 given that, as recommended by the Design Review Board, the project design results in a high quality design that relates harmoniously with the adjacent and nearby downtown structures; and C. The project design is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and landscaping design criteria and guidelines for the 2/3MUW given that it results in a unique design that is appropriate for the intended use, the front fagade is pedestrian scale, the site -2- incorporates landscape setbacks, required parking lot landscaping and parking that is screened from view, the building is articulated and detailed on all four of its sides, and mechanical equipment will be screened from view; and D. The project design minimizes adverse environmental impacts given that the project complies with the zoning development standards and would comply with all applicable building and fire code requirements; and E. The project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, nor materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity given that the project would not result in any potential environmental impacts as discussed in Use Permit Finding D, and would be exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section's 15303 (Class3), 15305 (Class 5), 15331 (Class 31), and 15332 (Class 32) of the CEQA Guidelines which allows for exemption of new in -fill development, minor lot line adjustments and conservation of historic structures. Lot Line Adjustment Findings (LLA13-03) A. The lot line adjustment is consistent with the San Rafael General Plan 2020 given that it would serve to preserve and protect an existing historic resource and promote redevelopment of a site with office uses consistent with the underlying Second/Third Mixed Use land use designation; and B. The application is in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance (Title 14) and any other pertinent municipal code provisions, and is in conformance with the California Building Code (CBC) given that; a) the lot size of the existing substandard size parcel at 814 E Street would not be reduced below 5,000 square feet in size and therefore would not increase the effects of the nonconformity by subjecting the property to additional City provisions applicable to small lots, b) an exception has been requested for the reduced lot size, pursuant to San Rafael Municipal Code Title 15, to allow the substandard size lot area (i.e., below the 6,000 square foot minimum 2/3MUW standard) to be further decreased, and c) the adjustment would not create any new building code setback or other structural deficiencies. Lot Exception Findings (EX13-06) A. There are special circumstances and/or conditions of the property that warrant the approval of the lot size exception in that: a. The site that would be reduced in size is occupied by a 1900 Victorian building which is an important community and neighborhood asset, and the adjustment would not compromise the existing historic condition but rather would improve its opportunity to be revitalized; and b. The site at 1415 Third Street is irregularly shaped and its driveway access to the rear of the parcel is substandard, limiting its ability to redevelop to its fullest potential as encouraged and desired by the City zoning standards and general plan designations, and the adjustment would create the opportunity needed to redevelop the subject property and revitalize the adjacent 814 E Street site. B. The exception is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the owner in that it would provide for substantial improvement of the structure and site landscaping at 814 E Street, converting asphalt to landscaping, improving overall -3- access by allowing vehicles to enter the parking area from the adjacent driveway via reciprocal access agreement with 1415 Third Street, and allow for improved access and full potential redevelopment of 1415 Third Street by improving the access, circulation and parking provided for this property; and C. Granting the exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity in which the property is situated, and will in fact provide for improvements that would not be possible without the approval of the exception such as improved property lines and site geometry, improved parking number and access, improved parking lot spacing and distribution, better grading and drainage solutions for both properties, greater setbacks and landscaping areas, better vehicular access, and promoting preservation of an historic resource. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Rafael approves the Use Permit and Environmental and Design Review Permit subject to the following conditions: Conditions of Use Permit Approval (UP13-25) Community Development Department, Planning Division 1. This use permit approval permits a parking modification for a new 10,652 square foot medical office use (dialysis center). Parking shall be provided for the building based on the current downtown district "professional office" rate of 1 space per 300 square foot gross building area. 2. A minimum of 36 off-street parking spaces shall be provided for the use of the building, as proposed and conditioned; consisting of a 28 station dialysis center within the 10,652 gross square foot building that satisfies an established parking demand of 1.23 spaces per station. 3. The proposed standard 90 -degree parking spaces shown along the driveway access from E street shall be a minimum width of 10' feet in order to allow for vehicles to access these spaces from the limited available 23'6" backup space. 4. Any future modification to the proposed use, parking supply or change in occupancy of the building shall be subject to prior review and approval by the Planning Division to assure parking is provided and maintained in compliance with this approval and the zoning district. 5. This approval shall be valid for an initial period of two (2) years from date of approval, or December 10, 2015, during which time the applicant shall either inaugurate the use by obtaining building permits for construction of the facility and pursue work diligently to completion, or apply for an extension of time. If this initial planning approval or any subsequent building permits issued in reliance upon same are allowed to expire,' the use permit shall be null and void and the project would be subject to applying for and obtaining new project approvals to proceed. Conditions of Environmental and Design Review Permit Approval (ED13-46) Community Development Department, Planning Division 1. A new gate access proposed from 814 E Street property onto 1415 Third Street shall be placed further back into the property so that the gate shall not swing over the property line or conflict with the 1415 Third Street drive aisle. 2. The final parking plan for 814 E Street shall comply with City standards based on the number of units to remain on-site. Separate building and/or zoning approvals shall be obtained for work to this site, which shall be implemented in accordance with the state Secretary of Interior Standards for Preservation of Historic Properties. 3. The Parking spaces along the drive aisle (i.e., from E Street to the 1415 Third Street parking spaces) shall provide a minimum dimension of ten -feet (10') in order to allow access to the spaces from the limited 23'6" backup space available. 4. The final landscape plans shall incorporate recommendations of a soils analysis prepared for the project. Further, the minimum landscape area shall occupy ten -percent of the total project site area after adjustment of the lot area. 5. Bicycle and alternative fuel vehicle parking shall be implemented as indicated on the project plans, in compliance with the current parking standard. 6. Light fixtures in the garage area shall be recessed or shielded as necessary to prevent undue glare and conceal light sources from view off-site. 7. Lighting shall be subject to the standard 90 day post installation review period. 8. Building signage shall not be placed above the first floor level and shall be subject to separate sign permits. 9. The trash enclosure shall be provided and maintained in good repair and condition for the duration of the use, as shown on plans, with a high quality, durable screened enclosure to conceal dumpsters. Trash bins shall be kept within the enclosure when not being serviced by the waste hauler. 10. The applicant is advised that the project must obtain all required permits and approvals of the City of San Rafael, the sewer and water district agencies that serve the site, and any other agency with permitting authority over the facility. This includes but is not limited to the following memorandums containing conditions and comments (subject to any applicable code or requirement revisions at time of construction permits): a. San Rafael Sanitation District, July 22, 2013 Memorandum from Karen Chew. b. San Rafael Fire Department, July 18, 2013 Memorandum from David Heida. c. Building Division, August 15, 2013 Memorandum from Steve Buffenbarger. d. Public Works, October 14, 2013 Memorandum from Kevin McGowan. (Including payment of required Traffic Mitigation Fee for new development, prior to issuance of building permits, calculated as $42,640.00 based on generation of four (4) new AM and six (6) new PM vehicle trips). -5- 11. The building techniques, materials, elevations and appearance of this project, as presented for approval by the Planning Commission on December 10, 2013, shall be the same as required for the issuance of a building permit. Any future additions, expansions, remodeling, etc., shall be subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director, 12. All mechanical equipment (i.e., air conditioning units, meters and transformers) and appurtenances not entirely enclosed within the structure (on side of building or roof) shall be screened from public view. The method used to accomplish the screening shall be indicated on the building plans and approved by the Planning Division prior to issuance of a building permit. 13. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant is to comply with conditions of the Marin Municipal Water District for the landscaping improvements. 14. Construction activities shall comply with City's Noise Ordinance. 15. If, during the course of construction, cultural, archaeological or paleontological resources are uncovered at the site (surface or subsurface resources) work shall be halted immediately within 50 meters (150 feet) of the find until it can be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist. The City of San Rafael Planning Division and a qualified archaeologist (i.e., an archaeologist registered with the Society of Professional Archaeologists) shall be immediately contacted by the responsible individual present on-site. When contacted, the project planner and the archaeologist shall immediately visit the site to determine the extent of the resources and to develop proper mitigation measures required for the discovery. 16. This Design Review Permit approval shall be valid for two years from approval or until December 10, 2015, and shall be null and void if a building permit is not issued or a time extension request has not been submitted prior to the expiration date. Conditions of Lot Line Adjustment & Lot Exception Approvals (LLA13- 003 & EX13-006) 1. This approval permits a lot line adjustment between 1415 Third Street and 814 E Street that would reduce the lot size of 814 E Street from a current non -conforming size of 5,798 square feet (less than the required 6,000 square feet in area) to not less than 5,000 square feet in area, as indicated on approved plans. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits for the development, as approved under concurrent approval ED13-46, the lot line adjustment shall be recorded or lots merged. 3. The applicant shall submit four (4) copies of the final plat map shall be submitted to the Community Development Department, with a title report, map of the lot line adjustment prepared by a licensed surveyor, closure calculations and deeds and relevant information related to the lot line adjustment. The final documents shall be forwarded to the Department of Public Works for review. 4. Once the final deed documents are approved for recordation by the Department of Public Works and Planning Director, the owner shall cause the deeds to be recorded and submit verification to the City of San Rafael, Community Development Department, prior to issuance of building permits for the project. M 5. A reciprocal access agreement shall submitted with the final deeds for review and recorded with the deeds to grant 814 E Street access across 1415 Third Street to required parking spaces. 6. Approvals LLA13-003 and EX13-006 shall be implemented as approved within two years, by December 10, 2015, or a time extension applied for prior to that date, otherwise these approvals shall be deemed expired. The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular City of San Rafael Planning Commission meeting held on the 10th day of December, 2013. Moved by Commissioner AYES: COMMISSIONERS NOES: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS and seconded by Commissioner SAN RAFAEL PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: BY: Paul A. Jensen, Secretary -7- Larry Paul, Chair Exhibit 3 MERIDIAN BUILDING FOR LIFE October 7, 2013 Mr. Kraig Tambornini Associate Planner City of San Rafael 1400 Fifth Avenue San Rafael, CA 94915-1560 Dear Mr. Tambornini: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this application for a medical dialysis clinic at 1415 Third Street and the restoration and rehabilitation of the existing adjacent Victorian residential structure (circa 1900) at 814 E Street. The project was initially submitted as a Pre -application (ED 13-046/UP13-025) and this application is now submitted in response to the comments we received from you and the other City departments to that Pre -application. We believe that the proposed project, as revised, addresses and resolves all of the issues raised in those comments and that the resulting project will not only create a positive addition to the neighborhood but will also provide much needed, life-saving medical services to local residents. We sincerely appreciate all of your help and look forward to working with you as the project proceeds through the planning process. Summary of Pre -Application Process Pre -application Submittal: April 15, 2013 Public/Neighborhood Meeting at 1415 Third Street: May 14, 2013 Attendees: 4 people Feedback: Positive Receipt of City's 30 -Incomplete Letter: August 2, 2013 Summary of Revised Proposal: Since receiving the City's August 2°d letter, significant modifications to the project have been made to address the City's comments. The most significant change is the addition (acquisition and rehabilitation) of the adjacent existing Victorian home (circa 1900) residential structure at 814 E Street. The decision to acquire this property is based upon the multiple benefits that accrue to both properties from a combined development plan. The dialysis clinic is similar in size and scale to the Pre -application, but the addition of the 814 E Street property significantly improves the pro- ject and will result in substantial improvements to the residential structure including: Meridian Property Company 13000 Executive Parkway, Suite #450 i San Ramon, CA 94583 1 Tel. 925-302-1400 1 Fax 925-302-1410 Exhibit 3 Dk1 EFdDM WILDING FOR LIFE • Property line / site geometry improvement • Parking — number of spaces, access, dimensions and spacing • Grading and drainage • Landscaping and setbacks • Vehicle Access • Historic Preservation pursuant to the City's requirements Details of Proposal: The proposed application now includes the following — as more fully described below: 1. Use Permit for: A. A 10,700 sf medical dialysis clinic; B. Parking Exceptions ■ Parking Ratio Based upon the specific requirements of the proposed use based upon the recommendations of TJKM Transportation Consultants (attached) ■ Driveway Width of 23'-6" - based upon turning movement analysis of Kier & Wright Civil Engineers 2. Design Review for Building and Combined Site Improvements including approval of a Load- ing/Unloading Area on Third Street 3. Lot Line Adjustment 4. Subdivision Exception for reduced lot size for 814 E Street 1. Use Permit for 1411-1415 Third Street: Meridian Property Company proposes to demolish the existing building at 1415 Third Street and build a 10,700 square foot medical dialysis center. The building design and improvements have been specifically designed to provide life-saving treatment for patients with advanced stage kid- ney disease. Many dialysis patients in the San Rafael area desperately need these services, and the clinic would provide a critical and valuable service for the community. The dialysis company operates over 2,000 dialysis centers across the United States and is highly regarded as a leader in patient focused medical care. The operator plans to operate at this loca- tion for 15 years or more. Medical Clinic Building Details: Building Square Footage: 10,700 sf Parking for 37 vehicles (1:289 sf) Architecture: A combination of attractive building materials, colors and textures per the attached colored elevations Landscaping: Well designed, drought tolerant, site landscaping will enhance the building archi- tecture. Compliance with City drainage and storm water pollution prevention code requirements; Energy efficient, well designed site lighting to reduce light and glare impacts to adjacent neigh- bors, Meridian Property Company 13000 Executive Parkway, Suite #450 1 San Ramon, CA 94583 1 Tel. 925-302-1400 1 Fax 925-302-1410 UtiMERIDIAN BUILDING FOR LIFE ADA compliant building access Operational Characteristics: A dialysis center is a unique medical office use, with operating characteristics that are quite dif- ferent from a typical medical clinic in that the staffing and scheduling are very specific to the treatment schedules. Dialysis patients require treatment three times per week for 3-4 hours per treatment. Therefore, the number of patients, staff and appointment times are predictable with little variation. The number of patient visits is limited by the number of stations (28) and the number of shifts per day. Three shifts are proposed, with the possibility of a fourth shift should the demand occur in the future. Patients are typically scheduled on a `Monday — Wednesday — Friday' or a `Tuesday Thursday —Saturday' schedule. The facility is closed on Sundays but would be open 52 weeks per year as the treatment is mandatory for the patients on a consistent, continual basis. The typical dialysis patient has significant mobility limitations, therefore the patient arrival and departure process is carefully managed to ensure that each patient receives proper attention and patient care. Patient arrivals are precisely scheduled every 15 minutes to ensure a smooth transi- tion process Hours of Operation: Initial hours of operation are expected to be 6 am to 7 pm. However, at its maximum capacity, the proposed clinic would have four, 4 -hour shifts with patients being treated between the hours of 6:00am and 10:00pm, Monday through Saturday as follows: 1st Shift — 6:00am- 10: 00am 2nd Shift — 10:00am — 2:00pm 3rd Shift — 2:00pm — 6:00pm Clean up and preparation for following day — 6:00pm -7:00 pm A future 4th Shift: 6:00 pm — 10:00 pm Clean up and preparation for the following day: 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm Parking Exceptions: Dialysis patients with advanced kidney disease often have mobility impairments associated with their disease or their age. Therefore, they are less likely to drive themselves to their dialysis ap- pointments. The dialysis company operates approximately 2000 dialysis clinics throughout the US and the following data are typical for their facilities: Approximately one-third of all dialysis patients are transported to and from dialysis by transportation companies, in wheelchair -compatible vehicles; approximately one-third are brought by a loved one, some of whom stay for a portion or the entire treatment period; and approximately one-third drive themselves to the center. Meridian Property Company 13000 Executive Parkway, Suite #450 1 San Ramon, CA 94583 1 Tel. 925-302-1400 1 Fax 925-302-1410 MERJ.Dlt`)_1'V WILDING FOR LIFE Parking Analysis Conclusions: TJKM Transportation Engineers prepared a parking analysis (copy attached), wherein they ana- lyzed the parking use / demand at four Bay Area dialysis centers. Based upon their analyses, and using a very conservative methodology, TJKM has concluded that the parking demand for the proposed clinic will range between a low of 25 spaces (.9 spaces per station) and a high of 34 (1.23 spaces per station) parking spaces. The 37 parking spaces are more than adequate to serve the needs of the dialysis clinic. In the event that the dialysis clinic exits the building in the fu- ture, sufficient onsite parking would be provided to accommodate a general office use. A Parking Exception for driveway width is also proposed and is supported by the following facts: a. The driveway is adequate for access and maneuvering as shown on the attached draw- ing by Kier and Wright, Civil Engineers b. The spaces that will access the driveway are compact spaces only c. The approval of the driveway width exception is necessary given the location of the existing Victorian d. Without, the driveway width reduction, the parking spaces on the adjacent property at 824 E Street will need to be relocated so as to eliminate their intrusion onto the sub- ject property. This would create a negative impact on the adjacent property that can be avoided with the proposed reduction. 2. Design Review for Building and Combined Site Improvements including approval of a Load- ing/Unloading Area on Third Street The following City zoning provisions apply to the subject property: 2/3 MUW Zoning District - Compliance Allowed Uses. The Second/Third mixed use district west is to become more attractive, efficient and better utilized with a mix of compatible uses serving local, community and regional needs. Uses which benefit from the high visibility along Second and Third Streets and which do not re- quire heavy pedestrian traffic, such as office and office -support retail and service uses, retail usually accessed by car (i.e., daily needs retail such as grocery and drug stores, etc.), and lim- ited auto -serving and large item retail are allowed. Housing is encouraged throughout the dis- trict. The proposed use will create an attractive, efficient (including parking beneath the build- ing) state-of-the-art medical office building. By including the adjacent residential structure in the project and sharing the driveway access for both properties, the amount of onsite paving is decreased, and existing paved area behind the Victorian will be returned to land- scaped/garden area. The use will benefit from the high visibility along Second and Third Streets by replacing an older building with a new attractively designed building. The use will not result in heavy pedestrian traffic, but a significant pedestrian entrance will Meridian Property Company 13000 Executive Parkway, Suite #450 1 San Ramon, CA 94583 1 Tel. 925-302-1400 1 Fax 925-302-1410 _ MERI DL 1N BUILDING FOR LIFE be provided on the Third Street to allow the building to provide a pedestrian connection and opportunities for visitors, patients and employees to walk to the downtown. The proposed use will serve the local, community and regional medical needs of dialysis patients, many of whom are experiencing difficulty finding access to this type of care in Marin County. Design Intent. Development will help create a more inviting appearance to the district. Parking areas should be attractive, screened and easy -to -find. Because of the high volume of traffic, the street front design should give special attention to pedestrian safety and comfort through set- backs and landscaping. Each cross street should have a pleasant walking environment as well as an individual and unique identity. Building heights are three (3) stories, and intensities transi- tion from a higher FAR close to Fourth Street to a lower FAR south of Second Street near the neighborhood. The proposed project will create a more inviting appearance to the district. Parking will be provided beneath the building and in an above ground parking lot. All parking will be ac- cessed from E Street, thereby eliminating the need for the existing driveway on Third Street. The elimination of the existing driveway will improve pedestrian safety and com- fort. In addition, the front setback will be landscaped to provide a pleasant walking envi- ronment. Building height is 32' (4' less than the 36'42' maximum). The proposed FAR is approximately .60, less than the .70 allowed. Findings for Use Permit That the proposed use is in accord with the general plan, the objectives of the zoning ordinance, and the purposes of the district in which the site is located; The proposed use is a medical dialysis clinic and is consistent with the general plan and zoning ordinance and the purposes of the district as discussed above. That the proposed use, together with the conditions applicable thereto, will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, or to the general welfare of the city; The proposed project will improve the public health, safety and welfare and will improve the district and general welfare of the City by: - Providing a critically needed, life-saving medical service to members of the community. - Eliminating an existing driveway on Third Street - Locating the majority of the parking beneath the building - Reducing the amount of paving on 814 E Street - Creating significant improvements to the Victorian structure by restoring it to its origins as a single family home. Meridian Property Company 1 3000 Executive Parkway, Suite #450 1 San Ramon, CA 94583 1 Tel. 925-302-1400 1 Fax 925-302-1410 j ERID f N WILDING FOR LIFE That the proposed use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the zoning ordinance. With the approval of the proposed parking exceptions that are part of the proposed Use Permit, the use complies with the applicable provisions of the zoning ordinance. 3. Lot Line Adjustment/ REA Improved Access The proposed Lot Line Adjustment will provide the following improvements: • Property line / site geometry improvement • Parking — number of spaces, access, dimensions and spacing • Grading and drainage • Landscaping and setbacks • Vehicle Access • Historic Preservation pursuant to the City's requirements The Lot Line Adjustment specifically will improve efficiency and site design by provide for parking spaces that are accessed via the drive aisle for 1415 Third (from E Street). The "offsite" access to these spaces, allows for greater flexibility in the parking lot layout for both sites and greater garden and landscaped areas for the residential building without the requirement for a long driveway to the rear of the site. It is important to note that the existing lot at 814 E Street is located in the 2/3 MUW zoning dis- trict. It is non -conforming in two areas, lot size and lot width as follows: Existing Proposed Required Lot Size 5,790 SF 5,062 SF 6,000 SF Lot Width 42.5 Feet No Change 60 The Lot Line Adjustment results in a slight reduction in lot area that we believe is justified as it creates significant benefits to the site that would be impossible without the joint planning/project. 4. Subdivision Exception for Reduced Lot Size for 814 E Street As described in Item 3 above, the existing parcel at 814 E Street is non -conforming for size and lot width. The proposed Lot Line Adjustment will require an exception to the City's subdivision ordinance for lot size and width. We believe that the benefits of the combined plan justify the exception based upon the following facts: 1) That there are special circumstances and/or conditions of the property proposed for subdivision that warrant approval of the exception: As described in this letter, there are many special circumstances and/or conditions that warrant approval of the exception including: • The site is occupied by a circa 1900 Victorian building that is considered an important community and neighborhood asset Meridian Property Company 13000 Executive Parkway, Suite #450 1 San Ramon, CA 94583 1 Tel. 925-302-1400 1 Fax 925-302-1410 I MERIDIAN BUILDING FOR LIFE • The existing parcel is substandard in size and width as it exists today • The driveway access to the parking spaces in the rear of the parcel is narrow and doesn't meet current standards • The back-up distance and maneuvering area for the parking spaces is substandard • The majority of the back portion of the parcel is paved with little landscaping and is poorly maintained. 2) That the exception is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the subdivider or property owner; As described in this letter, the exception is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the subdivider (aka Lot Line Adjustment applicant) or prop- erty owner. The proposed project will provide for the substantial improvement of the structure and the site landscaping — converting asphalt to landscaping and improving over- all access by allowing vehicles to enter the parking area from the adjacent driveway (via a reciprocal easement agreement) on the site at 1415 Third Street. 3) That the granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity in which the property is situated. The granting of the exception will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other property in the vicinity in which the property is situated and will in fact provide for the following improvements that would not be possible without the approval of the excep- tion: • Property line / site geometry improvement • Parking — number of spaces, access, dimensions and spacing • Grading and drainage • Landscaping and setbacks • Vehicle Access • Historic Preservation pursuant to the City's requirements Response to Comment Letter Items As requested, attached is an annotated version of your August 2, 2013 letter, which includes written responses for each of the items included. Summary: The proposed project will provide a critical and valuable service for the community. The build- ing and site will be well designed and maintained and the adjacent property will be significantly improved. In addition, the proposed use will be operated in a manner that will minimize impacts to the surrounding neighbors. Sincerel , GI(, - C. Quinn dian Property Company Meridian Property Company 13000 Executive Parkway, Suite #450 1 San Ramon, CA 94583 1 Tel. 925-302-1400 1 Fax 925-302-1410 UEM�,IDLAN BUILDING FOR LIFE Attachments: Traffic Study by TJKM Transportation Consultants, October 7, 2013 Responses to August 2, 2013 City Letter Meridian Property Company 13000 Executive Parkway, Suite #450 1 San Ramon, CA 94583 1 Tel. 925-302-1400 1 Fax 925-302-1410 Exhibit 4 ViaionIlm Ma+►e Your Community Transportation- Consultants October 7, 2013 Mr. Mike Conn Meridian Property Company 3000 Executive Parkway, Suite 450 San Ramon, CA 94583 Re: Parking Study for Proposed DaVita Dialysis Center in San Rafael Dear Mr. Conn: This is to present the results of parking demand studies that TJKM conducted for the proposed DaVita Dialysis Center to be located in San Rafael. The purpose of the study is to determine the appropriate parking ratio for the proposed facility by studying existing parking demands at four other Bay Area DaVita locations. DaVita has dozens of locations in northern California; four locations were selected to study based on the similarity with the proposed operation in downtown San Rafael and the ability to accurately survey accumulated parking demands related only to the DaVita operations. The four locations surveyed have either single use parking lots or lots where it was possible to accurately determine which parkers related to the nearby DaVita function. Survey Locations The four DaVita centers surveyed are located at 650 Las Gallinas Avenue in San Rafael, 404 N. Wiget Lane in Walnut Creek, 3201 Doolan Road in Livermore and 1 150 E. Leland Road in Pittsburg. DaVita serves patients who typically receive dialysis treatments three days a week— either on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Treatments last three to four hours with one hour or more breaks between patients for cleaning equipment; therefore three patients per day can be served at each "station" within the dialysis center. Two of the locations surveyed have 24 stations; one has 20 and one has 12. The centers are open about 12 hours per day beginning as early as 5 a.m. or as late as 9 a.m. Employees Pleasanton typically do not work in shifts; medical employees work 12 hours and administrative employees 4305 Hacienda Drive work about 8 hours. Suite 550 Pleasanton, CA 94588-2798 Patients arrive for treatment by various means. Some patients drive themselves and park. Some 925.463.061 1 925.463.3690 fax are dropped off by private auto; the driver either parks and waits for the patient to finish or leaves Fresno and returns after the treatment is over. Some patients arrive by medical van, shuttle or bus and 516 W. Shaw Avenue are dropped off and picked up after the treatment. Employees park in the same lots where Suite 200 Fresno, CA patients, visitors and caregivers park. 93704-2515 559.325.7530 559.221.4940 fax Survey Description Sau mento TJKM conducted parking surveys of the four locations during January, April and June of this year. 980 Ninth Street The oldest three studies were conducted for a proposed new DaVita in the City of Walnut Creek. 16� Floor Sacramento, CA Each location was surveyed on both of the Monday /Wednesday /Fridy a and 95814-2736 Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday cycles. The survey periods were adjusted to account for the operating 916.449.9095 hours on the day of the survey. During the survey, all vehicles present during the survey period Santa Rosa were recorded, whether they were parked or in the process of dropping off or picking up patients. 1400 N. Dutton Avenue Suite 21 Surveys were made each 30 minutes during a survey period of about eight to twelve hours. The Santa Rosa, CA survey periods were designed so that all patient shift breaks were covered. As noted previously, 95401-4643 707.575.5800 employees work for a full day. 707.575.5888 fax tjkmLa.�gkin.com www.tjknixom Exhibit 4 Mr. Mike Conn TJKM October 7, 2013 rransportatiorr p{kw,.2 Consultants The results of the two day surveys are shown in Table 1. The field sheets for each location are in the Appendix. Table I Parking Survey results Location and Information Day I Day 2 San Rafael: 650 Las Gallinas Avenue 12 stations. Hours Monday through Saturday, 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, 6/11/2013 Friday, 6/7/2013 Occupancy during three peak busiest periods and average 14, 14, 14. Average = 14.00 10, 10, 9. Average = 9.67 Parking Occupancy/Station 1.16 0.81 San Rafael Las Gallinas Averages 0.99 stalls per station Walnut Creek: 404 N. Wiget Lane. 24 stations', Hours M/W/F 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.. T/Th/5 5:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday. 4/18/2013 Friday. 4119/2013 Occupancy during three peak busiest periods and average 27, 29, 27. Average = 27.67 31, 33, 31. Average = 31.67 Parking Occupancy/Station 1.15 1.31 Walnut Creek Wiget Averages 1.23 stalls per station Livermore: 3201 Doolan Road. 34 Stations. Hours 111W/F 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., TITh/S 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday. 01/10/2013 Friday, 01/11/2013 13, 12, 11. Average = 12.0 Occupancy during three peak busiest periods and average 22, 22, 21. Average = 21.7 Parking occupancy/Station 0.50 0.90 Livermore Averages 0.70 stalls per station Pittsburg: 1150 E. Leland Road, 20 stations. Hours M/WIF 5 a.m. to 6 p.m.. TITh/S 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, 01 / 10/2013 Friday. 01 / 11/2013 9, 8, 8. Average = 8.33 Occupancy during three busiest peak periods and average 19, 19, 19. Average = 19.0 Parking occupancy/Station 0.42 0.95 Pittsburg Averages 0.69 stalls per station Four Locations Average Parking occupancy/Station 0.90 Survey Results At each location during each day from 16 to 24 occupancy observations were made on 30 minute intervals. TJKM selected the three busiest time observations and averaged them. Most of the busy periods occurred between mid morning and mid afternoon. It can be seen that even though three of the four locations were of similar size, the number of parked vehicles varied substantially. TJKM calculated the parking demand per station. As seen in the table, the results of these calculations also varied significantly, ranging from 0.69 to 1.23 parking stalls per station. The average parking demand was 0.90 stalls per station. When examining the results it can be seen that the Walnut Creek location on Wiget Lane had two-day averages -- 1.23 stalls occupied per station -- that were considerably higher than the other survey locations. The lowest survey location, located on Leland Road in Pittsburg, experienced a two day average of 0.69 stalls per station. The average peak occupancy of the four locations surveyed was 0.90 stalls per station. I Mi. Mi' : Conn TJKM October 7, 2013 Transparcltion Page 3 Col isulta ncs The proposed downtown San Rafael facility will have 28 stations in its new building. Using the observed factors from the TJKM studies, the following ranges of parking demand can be predicted for the proposed facility: Low end of range: 28 stations x 0.69 (Pittsburg) = 20 stalls Middle of range (Average of all observations): 28 stations x 0.90 = 26 stalls Upper end of range: 28 stations (Walnut Creek) x 1.23 = 35 stalls It can be seen that the likely range of peak parking demand in the downtown San Rafael facility will be between 20 and 35 stalls. As noted from the charts on the following pages, these ranges represent the peaks for each day, which are only reached on three or four of the 30 -minute observations. We understand the proposed facility at Third Street and E Street will have 37 parking stalls. As noted in the data above, the likely range of parking demand at the new facility will be from 20 to 35 stalls, with the average peak of four other DaVita locations producing a demand of 26 stalls. Therefore, the 37 stalls proposed are expected to handle even the most heavily utilized DaVita site surveyed, with a surplus of at least two parking stalls. Please contact me if there are questions. Very truly yours, 6 - -P. )ew� Chris D. Kinzel, P.E. Vice President Attachment: Parking Surveys rOoread4 �] r F a W P � �aa N - € 4 m V• 3 T - tl o W > a a o 'L C c ° ° o Q O h>a o I " a z as No� �w WWF A e � ¢ ¢ d d o a1 a —=ti F a W o W > a a o w a C c ° ° o Q O h>a o I z as No� �w WWF A e � ¢ ¢ d d o a1 a a a � � a w m ¢ d ¢ O g or > a-H++d+ dd-H-H- '+ > •n w pC n w O V A 5! 5 55 ss 8 M m 8 M 8: zz FO w � = 55y 55' yy 55 '5555$$ 555�5! C O d l8 8 R $ 8 m$ 8 MSR 8 R 8 Rdi - z L 9 H � N; w Z > n ;o > ❑ ❑ w= e ❑ a _ i x N O W • '' e 4 C o � 6 N C s n o a x i 6 N 3 o IL a �<�� c N •>�_ _ Pis 'g _ � Q d U M - � N; w Z > ;o > ❑ ❑ w= e ❑ N O W � F N Q d U M ga W w4 �I . u y da o a a a ¢ q ¢ w � a d a¢¢ a¢ d d ¢¢¢¢ d a d¢ ¢ O W Fz w�i'j:aw a J a off y z z a v 121!:! 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N N m m 7 � v a, 0 o v v v o a E w s Q w w C y~j Y w aJ C al 6 m Z d O Q Q 4-- 0 O O a o a v Q Q Y O a O N d E r6 6 w W Q Q O a N O O 0 0 3 a a Y Q Q Y Y C4 w w v m c C Q Q pa) Q a w w -o ai a � M a CC .. .. @ T O C m 0 w Y al al m m o, E cVG w a) N $+ al Q m Q Q m O" Q O al ip N m Q N a) '0 (1 o ow ' o W W 0 W > o a a o Q o 0 0 0 0 ° 4 E i o 0. E F Fr Ca x G N w U w w . 0 >> a 0 0 a O w 0 0 a >> w a D w o a C4 a � M aar � , 0 '0 O P+ o W W W W W W W i F Fr z E w w w a O N r r` N N N z LL �y+ O O qq�j C-1 O C1 x F cq N N a' Ic �c V' cc 00 C, [- It 'd' cr 7 eh N N d in ~ CA a a a o a w a o a o 0 0 o N N M d W F ¢¢ d a a off. a a a d o o 6 O o o o 0 o ai O Exhibit 5 san rafael City of San Rafael building Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy Compliance Checklist Application Name/Address: 1415 Third Street (Dialysis Center) Application Nos.: ED13-46, UP13-25, LLA13-03 & EX13-06 Required Elements Regulation Project Discussion Compliance Green Building U Project Building construction will be subject to an meet Ordinance Complies the City GBO. (SRMC Chapter 12.44) ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Water Efficient E,77Project Preliminary landscaping concepts have been Landscape Ordinance Complies designed to comply with regulations. (SRMC Section 14.16.370) ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Wood -Burning Appliance ❑ Project Ordinance complies (SRMC Chapter 12.45) 1I1 Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Construction and roject Project will be subject to and comply with Demolition Debris Complies construction requirements. Recycling Ordinance ❑ Not (SRMC Chapter 12.46) Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Commercial/Multi-Family ❑ Project Recycling Regulations C -implies (SRMC Chapter XXXXX) 11 Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Exhibit 5 Single -Use Carryout Bag 0 Project Ordinance .0omplies [Retail projects only] Not (SRMC Chapter XXXXX) Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Take -Out Food Container ❑ Project Ordinance Cgmplies [Restaurant and retail food [ Not purveyors only] Applicable (SRMC Chapter XXXXX) ❑ Project Does Not Comply Bicycle Parking ''Project Provided in parking area. Regulations Complies (SRMC Section 14.18.090) ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Clean -Air Vehicle Parking Cd Project Provided in parking area. Regulations Complies (SRMC Section 14.18.040) ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Affordable Housing ET Project Complies with the Municipal Code regulation. Ordinance Complies [Residential and Non- ❑ Not Residential Projects] Applicable (SRMC Chapter 12.44) ❑ Project Does Not Comply Recommended Subscribe to Marin Energy ❑ Project Not proposed or required. Authority "Dark Green" Complies power 0 Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Wind or solar power ❑ Project Not proposed or required. generation Complies WNot Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Installation or wiring for ❑ Project Not currently proposed or required. electric vehicle charging Complies stations [9 Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Rainwater storage and ❑ Project Not proposed or required. reuse Complies ❑' Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Use of recycled water for ❑ Project Not proposed or required in this location. landscape or toilets/urinals Complies �J Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Natural filtration of parking P'Project Not feasible. lot runoff Complies ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Green roof ❑ Project NA Complies C M1 of Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply High albedo (reflective) ❑ Project NA roofing or paving Complies 'Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Preserve significant trees ❑ Project NA Complies ❑ Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Sidewalk upgrade ❑ Project NA Complies G Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Bicycle lane upgrade ❑ Project NA Complies Q' Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Installation/upgrade of bus ❑ Project NA shelter Complies 17 Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Participation in car share ❑ Project Not proposed or required. program Complies 0 Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Participation in bike share ❑ Project Not proposed or required. program Complies LTJ Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Rideshare/TDM coordinator ❑ Project Not proposed or required. for employees Complies Fk.rwot Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Transit or carpool subsidies ❑ Project Not proposed or required. for employees Complies © Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply Provision of ❑ Project Not proposed or required. employee/resident shuttle Complies 13 Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply New environmentally ❑ Project Not proposed or required. preferable ("green") Complies business 1:1 Not Applicable ❑ Project Does Not Comply San Rafael Sanitation District Memorandum DATE: July 22, 2013 TO: Kraig Tambornini, Planner FROM: Karen Chew - SRSD SUBJECT: 1415 Third Street APN: 011-252-20 Permit No.: ED13-046 & UP13-025 Major Design Review and Use Permit (parking reduction) to demolish an 8,429 sq. ft. warehouse retail building and construct a 10,763 dialysis center with 31 parking spaces; whereas 48 spaces are required by code, less any "grandfathered" parking allowance. This project was previously reviewed as a pre -application request no. PA 13-003 on May 15, 2013. 1. Sanitary sewer construction shall comply with the San Rafael Sanitation District Standard Specifications and Drawings. 2. Sewer Connection fees will be required for the San Rafael Sanitation District and Central Marin Sanitation Agency. Credit will be given to the existing plumbing fixtures; therefore, I recommend compiling a list of the existing fixtures. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the existing sewer lateral ' shall be televised to determine its condition. The results of this televised survey shall be submitted to the City with the building permit application and forwarded to the San Rafael Sanitation District (SRSD) for review. In the event the televised survey recommends improvements or repairs to the sewer lateral, the project sponsor shall be responsible for completing this work in coordination with the SRSD staff. If you have any questions, please contact me at 458-5369. cc: Doris Toy, District Manager/ Engineer CITY OF SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA INTER -DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: July 18, 2013 TO: Kraig Tambornini FROM: David Heida SUBJECT: Planning File #ED13-046 - 1415 3RD ST Meridian Dialysis Center This memorandum is intended to assist the applicant in determining the feasibility of this project and in the preparation of construction documents with regard to compliance with the California Code of Regulations Title 24 and local ordinance requirements. After review of the application and plans provided for this project, the Fire Prevention Bureau has the following comments: Merits of the Project Standard Comments: The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with the 2010 California Fire Code and City of San Rafael Ordinances and Amendments. 2. A building permit is required for the proposed work. Applications shall be accompanied by three (3) complete sets of construction drawings to include: (larger projects require 4 sets of construction drawings) a. Fire sprinkler plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau) b. Fire alarm plans (Deferred Submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau) 3. A Knox Box is required at the primary point of first response to the building. 4. Fire lanes must be designated; painted red with contrasting white lettering stating "No Parking Fire Lane" A sign shall be posted in accordance with the CFC Section 503.3. As the building is over 30 feet in height, an aerial fire apparatus access roadway is required parallel to one entire side of the building. The Aerial, apparatus access roadway shall be located within a minimum 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building. 6. The minimum unobstructed width for an aerial fire apparatus access road is 26 -feet. 7. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire apparatus access roadway, or between the roadway and the building. David Heida Fire Inspector II CITY OF SAN RAFAEL SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA INTER -DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: August 15, 2013 TO: Kraig Tambornini FROM: Steve Buffenbarger SUBJECT: Planning File 4ED13-046 - 1415 3RD ST Meridian Dialysis Center This memorandum is intended to assist the applicant in determining the feasibility of this project and in the preparation of construction documents with regard to compliance with the California Code of Regulations Title 24 and local ordinance requirements. After review of the application and plans provided for this project, the Building Division has the following comments: Merits of the Project Standard Comments: The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with the 2010 California Building Code, 2010 Plumbing Code, 2010 Electrical Code, 2010 California Mechanical Code, 2010 California Fire Code, 2010 California Energy Code, 2008 Title 24 California Energy Efficiency Standards, 2010 California Green Building Standards Code and City of San Rafael Ordinances and Amendments. Applications submitted for building permit after January 1, 2014 shall comply with the 2013 California Codes. 2. A building permit is required for the proposed work. (4) complete sets of construction drawings to include: a. Architectural plans b. Structural plans C. Electrical plans d. Plumbing plans e. Mechanical plans Applications shall be accompanied by four f. Site/civil plans (clearly identifying grade plane and height of the building) g. Structural Calculations h. Truss Calculations i. Soils reports j. Green Building documentation k. Title -24 energy documentation 3. The occupancy classification, construction type and square footage of each building shall be specified on the plans. 4. The maximum area of unprotected and protected openings permitted in the exterior wall in any story of a building shall not exceed the percentages specified in CBC Table 705.8 "Maximum Area of Exterior Wall Openings Based on Fire Separation Distance and Degree of Opening Protection." In order to calculate the maximum area of exterior wall openings you must provide the building setback distance from the property lines and then justify the percentage of proposed wall openings and include whether the opening is unprotected or protected. Each building must have address identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers painted on the curb do not satisfy this requirement. In new construction and substantial remodels, the address must be internally'or externally illuminated and remain illuminated at all hours of darkness. Numbers must be a minimum 6 inches in height with 1/Z inch stroke for commercial applications. The address must be contrasting in color to their background SMC 12.12.20. 6. Any demolition of existing structures will require a permit. Submittal shall include three (3) copies of the site plan, asbestos certification and PG&E disconnect notices. Also, application must be made to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District prior to obtaining the permit and beginning work. 7. School fees will be required for the project. School fees for commercial space is computed at $0.47 per square foot of new building area. Calculations are done by the San Rafael City Schools, and those fees are paid directly to them prior to issuance of the building permit. With regard to any grading or site remediation, soils export, import and placement; provide a detailed soils report prepared by a qualified engineer to address these procedures. In particular the report should address the import and placement and compaction of soils at future building pad locations and should be based on an assumed foundation design. This information should be provided to Building Division and Department of Public Works for review and comments prior to any such activities taking place. A grading permit may be required for the above-mentioned work. 9. All site signage as well as wall signs require a separate permit and application (excluding address numbering). 10. Monument sign(s) located at the driveway entrance(s) shall have address numbers posted prominently on the upper portion of the monument sign. it. In the parking garage, mechanical ventilation will be required capable of exhausting a minimum of .75 cubic feet per minute per square foot of gross floor area CMC Table 4-4. 12. Each building shall be provided with sanitary facilities per CPC Sec 412 and Table 4-1 (including provisions for persons with disabilities). Separate facilities shall be required for each sex. 13. In accordance with California Plumbing Code section 412, separate toilet facilities shall be provided for each sex. Except: 1) residential occupancies. 2) In occupancies serving 10 or fewer people, 1 toilet facility designed for use by no more than one person at a time is allowed. 3) In business and mercantile occupancies with a gross floor area of 1500 square feet or less 1 toilet facility designed, for use by no more than one person at a time shall satisfy the requirements for serving customers and employees of both sexes. 14. Minimum elevator car size (interior dimension) 60" wide by 30" deep with an entrance opening of at least 60" or a car size of 42" wide by 48" deep with an entrance opening of 36" or a car size of 60" wide by 36" deep with an entrance opening of at least 36". 15. The parking garage ceiling height shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 8' 2" where required for accessible parking. 16. This project is subject to the City of San Rafael Green Building Ordinance. A sliding scale is applied based on the valuation of the remodel or addition project. Renovations to existing non- residential buildings must comply with the LEED for Commercial interiors or Operations and Maintenance rating systems. Upon submittal of a building permit application, based on project valuation incremental energy efficiency tools will need to be included as part of the application such as documentation that LEED Prerequisites WE P 1 and EA P3 and Credit EA C 1.3 have been addressed in project plans, and waste management. Steve Buffenbarger Deputy Building Official i ..,E AND SMOKE PROTECTION FEATURES TABLE 705.8 p41A�i n!crAnirs: Arvin n;=rRFF OF OPENING PROTECTION MAXIMUM AREA OF EXTERIOR WALL. UVrwuv"Zi FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE (feet) 01-10w vim ,- - �• ^• •^• • - - -- DEGREE OF OPENING PROTECTION ALLOWABLE AREAe 0 to less than 3b, ° Unprotected, Nonsprinklered (UP, NS) Not Permitted Unprotected, Sprinklered (UP, S)' Not Permitted Protected (P) Not Permitted 3 to less than 5d, e Unprotected, Nonsprinklered (UP, NS) Not Permitted Unprotected, Sprinklered (UP, S)' 15% Protected (P) 15% 5 to less than 10e.f 10 to less than 151, f. B Unprotected, Nonsprinklered (UP, NS) 10%h 25% Unprotected, Sprinklered (UP, S)' Protected (P) 25% Unprotected, Nonsprinklered (UP, NS) 15%h Unprotected, Sprinklered (UP, S)' 45% Protected (P) 45% 15 to less than 20f, a Unprotected, Nonsprinklered (UP, NS) 25% Unprotected, Sprinklered (UP, S)' 75% Protected (P) 75% 20 to less than 25f s Unprotected, Nonsprinklered (UP, NS) 45% Unprotected, Sprinklered (UP, S)' No Limit Protected (P) No Limit 25 to less than 30f- B Unprotected, Nonsprinklered (UP, NS) 70% Unprotected, Sprinklered (UP, S)' No Limit Protected (P) No Limit 30 or greater Unprotected, Nonsprinklered (UP, NS) No Limit Unprotected, Sprinklered (UP, S)' Not Required Not Required Protected (P) For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm. UP, NS = Unprotected openings in buildings not equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. UP, S = Unprotected openings in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. P = Openings protected with an opening protective assembly in accordance with Section 705.8.2. a. Values indicated are the percentage of the area of the exterior wall, per story. b. For the requirements for fire walls of buildings with differing heights, see Section 706.6.1. c. For openings in a fire wall for buildings on the same lot, see Section 706.8. d. The maximum percentage of unprotected and protected openings shall be 25 percent for Group R-3 occupancies. e. Unprotected openings shall not be permitted for openings with a fire separation distance of less than 15 feet for Group H-2 and H-3 occupancies. f. The area of unprotected and protected openings shall not be limited for Group R-3 occupancies, with afire separation distance of 5 feet or greater. g. The area of openings in an open parking structure with a fire separation distance of 10 feet or greater shall not be limited. h. Includes buildings accessory to Group R-3. i. Not applicable to Group H-1, H-2 and H-3 occupancies. 175 2010 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE Exhibit 6 Review Comments 1415 T- Street LD13-088 TO: FROM: CITY OF SAN RAFAEL, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM RAFFI BOLOYAN DATE: October 14, 2013 PRINICAPL PLANNER KEVIN MCGOWAN K n1 FILE NO: 13.02.18 ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS DIRE'CTOR/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: 1415 3'-' Street (Medical Offices — Kraig Tambornini, Project Planner) We have reviewed the referenced design referral and find the submittal complete. The following items shall be addressed prior to the issuance of a Building Permtt�7,rI ED All other items listed below:��� I 0i3 1.0 Grading PLANNING 1.1 Plans must show any site work, such as grading, retaining walls and drainage plan. Retaining wall heights shall be labeled on the plan (Example: H=5ft). The plan shall show site topography, edge of pavement, property lines, centerline of the roadway and all information to clearly convey what is proposed. 1.2 Show the limits of grading on the plan. The grading may not cross the property line without prior written consent of any adjacent property owner. 1.3' Show the cut and fill quantities on the plan. 1.4 An Encroachment Permit is required for the new sidewalk, curb, gutter, and driveway located in the City of San Rafael's right-of-way and can be obtained at Public Works at 111 Morphew Street. 1.5 It appears that the existing driveway is to be removed and the "(E) CURB TO BE REMOVED" is actually a proposed new curb and gutter. "(E) SIDEWALK" is confusing. Please clarify. 2.0 Parking 2.1 This property is located within the Downtown corridor such that the parking spaces may be 8.5'x18' in size. Department of Public Works Page 1 of 2 r ' ` "-" 1---1 Exhibit 6 Review Comments 1415 3" Street LD13-088 Sheet 3 shows 31 parking spaces when 45 are required. The parking study indicates the average of maximum demand of 4 surveyed locations equating to 1.1 spaces per station. For this facility there will be 28 stations. This equates to 31 required parking spaces (28*1.1). Therefore, the parking study does justify the number of parking spaces provided. 2.5 A traffic mitigation fee of $42,460 (4 AM plus 6 PM trips) will be required at the time of building permit issuance for this project. 2.7 The number of compact spaces indicated on sheet 3 is more than maximum allowed by the municipal code. (8 + 9 = 17 spaces) The municipal code allows for a maximum of 30% of the total spaces may be allocated as compact. Modify the plan to comply with the municipal code. 2.8 Parking spaces #18-te #23 shall have wheel stops. 2.9 Provide 20 feet of back out space behind parking spaces #24 to #31. Decrease the width of the planter to accommodate this minimum driveway width. 2.10 The new plan shows parking spaces 28 through 37 as 90 degree spaces with an aisle width of 23.5 feet which is less than the municipal code. The aisle width is a safety concern and shall be adhered to. Modify the plan to have angled parking in the exit driveway with a 26 foot driveway isle. 3.0 Surface Runoff Water Quality 3.1 Provide a conceptual Surface Runoff Pollution Control Plan, which address post construction control measures, referred to as Best Management Practices (BMP). Such BMPs may include infiltration trenches, filter strips, parking lot sweeping, catch basin "socks", and landscape management procedures. 3.2 Include the attached sheet labeled "Pollution Prevention — It's Part of Plan" as part of the construction documents for the project. 4.0 Drainage 4.1 Provide a site plan showing all site drainage existing and proposed. Show all roof drains and drainage. systems on the plan. 5.0 Lot Line Adjustment 5.1 Following approval by the Community Development Department the applicant sliall submit the following information to complete the Lot Line Adjustment: o Community Development Design Review approval of the LLA o Title Report o Map of the LLA prepared by a licensed Surveyor o Closure calculations o Deeds and relevant information related to the LLA Department of Public Works Page 2 of 2 City of San Rafael