HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2012-01-24 #2 Attachment 14KE IACRNE IT 14
(received after the Nov. 15. 2011 HeaNne)
San Rojo Ip7anning6'ommmsion
January 24, 2012
Page I of I
Kraig Tambornini
From: vibe nman [vil esmanSkeatlMnk net]
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 20127 38 AM
To: Frog Tambornini
-----Forwarded Message -----
From: dinesman
Sent: San 10, 2012 10:13 PM
To: kralg.humborinlCcityofsamufael.og
Cc: Rob Epstein
Subject: I oppose the San Rafael Airport Recreational Facility Project
bear Kraig,
As a project planner for the City Planning Commission, you hum on AFFIRMATIVE duty to
safeguard this section of San Rafael from further pillage. The further development of this
fragile and already heavily Impacted valley ie ill-conceived and unwanted by tine humans, birds,
coyotes and other Inhabitants of this old watershed,
Years ago, this land was alternately a dairy, a brick factory and even a refuse dump,
bordered by a Nike Missile sight up the hill, all overlooking this beautiful valley.
What is this sports facility going to do for San Rafael? Why not have the sports Facility
partner with Albert Park and alternate soccer with baseball. Now that is an ideal spot -
served by public transport, with the bus hub conveniently located in the middle, Why transport
automobiles to this remote spot? Who is REALLY benefltlng from this sneaky land grab?
I am angry that Can Rafael over and aver has trampled over beautiful natural wonders that
re part of an incredibly beautiful landscape - and city leaders stand by and do nothing. They
used M call San Rafael 'the armpit of Marin'. I now understand why.
Witness the ugly mess called Menasha Mall - I find it utterly incredible that the best water
views of the mall are in the back?I - who designed this mall? who approved it???
Rose van Buchou
51euhan'e van Bucboa .-- rigorous critic of film classlcal must
a-tw1cs sfgam.rom/.../ITJ25505 1_son-fraxlrro-examiner-searNe-ap...Cached
bee 22, 2006 - 5tephanle von Boohm. a passionate music and film critic whose take -no -
prisoners reviews ran in Bay Area publications and national ...
rn..c voo bucnao
Steve Stafford
From: Joan Herriges pheregesHicomcst
Posted At: Friday, December 30, 20112:09 PM
Convarsatiom Airport Sports Complex
Posted To: Community Development Internet Mail
Subject; Almon Sports Complex
I know you have
¢ m
a difficult demak, 9a,d ng thm
e Canal el£onmeaLarl dpcmimLs
toe the syorts
rniplux at San Rafael Airport.
1e19hhor lower Lens Valley) of ever 97 vicars, nhe injoyn and cheriall Lhe bird,
and other winLlitc 1, the f eek a ueld ask tbat a salon yon m c a
III r part of the -antl' PGc par , have been oLher "he in It
Cuunity ohe took thn and Ione on uu lur, V ts, ra otl history ahe(,, we ,,, the better for
now other napnK of this complex then boLhSLS mn IS d cafe that agod null o snd hest.
This is Simply re. u chin ad .. net
Carl LIten y dergoo and LLible. gn£ a emblem
1, thn mty. t driv,q nduhigdrinking
,siEe doe rvrg goad ethelpLo. Vie i Lore Lo
flue complex m very
giv, and highway sa£eLy in en iaaue. v➢ppmvley the sale of ligirgr-
wonl [! be using] erY p��r ]udgmonf.
'Thank you far taking this vote se fer ously. YI rape,L, Joan nc viper
20 T oak Hill Drive
San Rafael, t 94903-I12o
(9151 919-492'!
Page i of I
Kraig Tambornini
From: Ulnke.5lelnbaM iulnkeslelnbacM1Qlrotmailcoin7
Sent: Monday. December 26, 2011242 PM
To: held Turkmen
Subject: Book recommendation: Hot Living Through The brad Fifty Years on Earth
Heb Kraig,
I have been m the meetings regaling the San Rafael Airport Project and head many neighbors raise concern
regarding the levee system. I dont Oink these mnrems were adeyualdy addressed. Further, most often
noted as an narration response te sea level the is maintaining marsh arca and not devebping marsh areas.
I have been reading the book HSS:. Living Tbrinial _The Nexr±�cers on Tom by Mark Herisgaad and
thought about the envinnmendl argmrents regarding th airport Project and sea leve rise. (Do you notice how
we never all It the soccer center project? 1 find that Interesting.)
On page 34 In Hot, .._"some sGendsts believe our civilization could expenence throe feet of sea level use within
the next guy wars..... It is what the legendary Insurance company J(hats of broken has been told to honest by
one of its scientific advisers, Professor David Smith of Oxford WrvenSl y, who projects sea levels will rise 2 toughs
(6.5 feet) by 2100.
HMsgaad also dila about Will Travis, tire Exec Director dee SF Bay Conservation and Development
Commission which regulates achvdies in the bay and senators haw the Bay Area will look with such a sea level
On page 631n Hat, ""._In Califoinb, the effects building a new bridge across ban Francisco Bay apparently dklydt
get Me memo Sn climate change [Hertsgaal's sarcasm]. The old bridge had been damaged by the earthill
of 1989. Planners made sure Ifs replacement, a $6.3 billion investment, could wiNsmed future Takes but did
not homer to factorsha leve rise into their calculations, 'The enhance amps to the Bay Bnrlge on the East Bay
side arc at sea level, "said Flektr of Me PaclOc Institute.. "Fifty years from now, N not Winner, those ramps will
have te be raised."
I amalready concerned regaling the brand[ to the Bay Area of such a water (e, and [Ills almort inject needs
W address this issue In kti final environmental Impact report better than it has.. The impact of project will
further threaten my home directly on the Frank.
Thank yon,
Ulnim Anne Steinbach
Smith Ranch Homes
December lG 2011 — �d0 nr c n so v c k As s 0 i as i ion
Community 0evelopment Department- Planning Division ��`C�/"+D
City of San Rafael
P.O. Box 1515W SCC
San Rafael, CA 94915-1560 Qom 1j , `
Attenlion.'.Kaig 1mjmi Senior -Planner
Res R fael AirseentR thIFanllty FOR —QyFUs
Dear Planning Commissioners:
On behalf of the Board of DIrectral the Smith Handl Iaall fa moownarf Association ("Ohm
Association'), I write to time the Commission to reject entirely the proposed Airport Recreational
Facility- For they ns Stated belaw, lho Association Supports the large group of San Rafael residenh
and organizations that are opposed to the project.
1. The proposal is designed to he much more than a mere recreational Use, whether "public or
"private", and more than a soccer facility. It would be malt and opnmmd for pro it -making purposes
and should be careful and regulated as a common fuse, for which the Airport site is not an
appropriate location.
2. The C➢ntempleted development would have heavyadverse impact on the sensitive natural areas,
Including wetlands, which directly adjoin the Airport site.
3 The Impact on local traffic and parking, fire planned density and extended dally operating periods,
and the intention to develop a facility serving the whole of Man11 County, are features that dearly
contravene the intent of the Declaration of Restrictions, and will adversely affect the residential
developments that have been to In the area north of the civic Center, in reliance than the
4. Tha Aseon-fralepreseas nuorethan?Do San Rafael residents and condominium owners, who all
live in the area near the Airport, and who operate Collu[tivuly the 30 mare independent living facility
known as Smith Ranch Ilomes That facility and all Its residents would also be directly and adversely
affected by the Airport Recreation Project and the high density of use for wMch it has been designed.
We believe it, 4EIR Is inadequate because it does riot ardently address the concerns we have
Indicated. Thank you for considering our opinion.
For Board ofDirectors
, X
Madeline Ingram
(415) 3463900 FAX (415) 4924901
December 14,2011
San Radial City Council
San Rafa Planning Commission
1400 FifthAvenue
Y.O. Box 151560
Sao Rufwl, CA 94915-1560
Re! San Raged Airport Recreational Facility EIR and Radmlimml Species Impacts
Thr Center for Biological Diwraty mages the Sm Rafael City Counoil unto nobbythe
final oa d"Anoenml lmpced Capel Fertile proposed San Robert Airpecrt Rccmatinnal
FaciIity, due to signgioaatcmmcrun abuttminadcgoacy of theM sedlinfaihaeto
fully address hapacts to cadanglad speiw resulting farm hurPar o.
The Could fiss Biological Mvarsity is it non-profit ar0ewvlion B; st rod, to protest
endangered species and wihl places mar ughsciuoce, policy, edhmnfion, wian activism,
and mmrewenWl bran. no Center has an 01190mg inh"I fir pCatleming endangered
wildli@ in the Sao Francisco Buy Ates.
'fha proposed reductional Y 'Iityproject will have poleNially signs ant imposed CA
venal imparrled sprrics Pmlerted nmder tlmTdetul Rndangemd Species AM (Califouda
clapper rail, Sall I'm, all barvmt mouse and Centra Const ateelbend W lot) and a bid
slocheg to] lY protected under We Ca Moana Endangered Species Act, he ck reit. -
We Neve reviewed the final BIR Propound by the San &diel Planning Department n, well
nests 810 Concerns ham Ieca conceptual gruops. We cones with ceamems
ubarimal by the law firm a511Am, Afthaiy, Wamossu er on behalf a Cal Ihad Cre k
Defend Cmmail Beat the BBt dead ]lot cninply with the California Bnvilonsucand Quality
Act, and it does notedequamlydavcdhethe pmjmtor evaluate all uses thatwanld Ian
Prnnifted, fila to adequately analya and mitigate the p Jocpa sietdficam enineducnad
Cooperate, and dam mat adequately disclose. atemafives to tlm Proposed project.
We & mhgly sughout the City Co voilrot Certify the Rnal RlR for fo poorest Auntmalueat
the preparation of a legally adClnam fla ]bat Mly complies with the California
l:nvlrmmhmml Quality Ad And mvidds to 0eprojcd to mold impacts to maanecred
The Proposed pasped woad lune Hmacecplable and unmitigated imparts on an impotlant
Meed'mB Population of (be Critically imperiled Califenia Clapper rail. Survey, in 2005
iddAMW only 543 clapper aJs In the entire Sam Franchno Day Anne. 'f oo U.S. Fish and
Wildtil'cSeccidi fiaomuvcoy plan for the CaliforWaclapper nil Rj.S. r.Bhand --
wildli6fiervioe 1984) And the order dmf up hatendrecoverypwn(N.S. Fish and
arm„n•rauav,n•.,.�,.rmrco.u,w.oara,•nraxea.nu,�;,. meaawa•vwswn..vum;rcim,.x
t , CA,,wmew, lr yr , _
non:: 415-436eaz.sos xi. r 415 ase naea.in =n nwadarverslbuen saran
Wildlife Scrvia 2010) identify the timpparail brecdingpopnianwin Galiines C kas
ame of the most important in the north bay.
the pmjedincludes an 85,700 square font indoor sport building two seldom ostmtmf
car parts, 30O-ipaac asphallpmklvg lot, fight-Ilms lighting and activity, md all the
mmldurthemao lore and imposts. Yetthe FETR ersommisty anelades that the posted
will ort base a siplrfrr::nd import mi clapp wrails; which are docummitcd to uwm
immMidcly adimssitto the pmjcet ads to We north fork of Goldman Cwxic.
the closest slaorcinie an tllcpmjcd dWA as wen as throughout IW:ndddic, imak and uppm
reaches of Chatham Umk(2009 F1WO report to the U.S. Fish and Wildnf Seavice).
mils from maslnulim and use noise,
'flee P.IRalso hunnedlyasvmnce test clapper mils in the vicinity or the project site have
meadow admin dm dee presence a innews and Ii mon activities, implying that
constractorn disbnbaaco, humanprescucg nmiac, lighting, and hummradaptal pmdamm
reading Sam thepmject will rear Audit 1n sipnillesat impacts on nearby staples rails.
The U.S. Fish and Witch F Service coinages We Cmifomin clipper mil sensitive to
heron dutmhanae, parteolady diming bmedmg innson. Extxsdve lmem dislmbanm
Andaaiae dad all tail blxdmg season can dumpt breeding and eventead to nest
abaokormed or imse ductive tailors. 'the clapper murvery plan conciudea that aelmagh
the complete effects of brands disitabmmc on rails me unknown, Ory am pmealially
significant rim til R nada m address the likel i hood o t flu level of impaGs nom addil ive
night fight him nous, and creation of cadedilims f vorable for hamar- adapted predator,
with mwiting tenurially signiiwrt threat a the spectra. The paid cal world Ilkely
evxease In carrion onrdln by Attracfmg Arm nahPig predulgm comb as Norway rat and
fcml cat aM by inflaOng populadans ofhemmn-adapled relive predsom such as reveals
and iaecoorca. Man-made nhrrdnms wall b iman mushy can immaw pttdmion on clapper
mils by prmlifwg mesa for rithAing aml routing ofavi m paadatnm mrd attracting mdmda
dam talesman Met.
Minor activity me disturbance w nal bnbital past -project will most certainly be
naidembly grmter Aim curmd conditions. Clappm mil habitat in(3allims Crock is
masmilly separated farm most mbar activities by the airport mnvay safety wages, which
kccp german dishrbanccit the man shiss to a comment. no Alawn is We pedestrian
and on-kasb cingwalking nail along the north bank Ali orak border hall Maine s Pasty
which is infrequently used, primarily during daylight hoes. Existing human disnutlancei
Mr nN •Hew Mun;o •Aladn - taco -Arse w •/P4m6-MmmrmW. gsuo •Wnhipkn. X
ma len Mllla. Canto 0u gdroo -36r CAN101.1a St.his,nee - its Frmva a4104
Pnsnn. 415 436-5682lies • is 415436.9503 • IMlkreelasalalamersRun
amt noise insects mostly on die dal side of North Park Callims Clark,'fha tuopoad
Project would bring considaiablymore hours activity mut wise to the opposite Mmk of
the crock whcrehumun presencerwm'the Creek is annually inhequad, thac arena lights,
motion andnoise aro iulinquenhrnowin t is seasomul, ringlets Ended to nitportudds mut
oightlime ¢cavity sessentiallymonsif as n lReprepost snd do not
conalmcean and baffer tenet al impacts
s.5 colligatenn meammS donot¢liretrials n:
significantly reduce d[ Votenlial impacts an eLsppermilA
'rM1epotenhal wrp cm an waleryualityaldhab➢atforsteelheadtrout due to mnnlffi'om
300isled have
par king apecasaml cialurait dosidgsdraininginrothe Callinae Creek
watershal fiave icor been adegnamly uwilumed ocrnittgaled in flrepElR
Tho FEW does not contain specific raidgationv idegrmte to address these endangered
species con=es. Due to rmumepteblc impacts to ailed populations ofdidangered
wildilfy the proposed pager site is an graspingness handsel for til: bardlity. Thom we
such mae appropriate Imalion i bur Athletic bolds, yet dapper rails have very ]!initial
suitable marsh bubild remaining.
Au additional cvncnn is the Ending that gmcnimuse pas Causeless me "significant" and
ewintimmtion on grecuhouae Was em ldoa levels mild iM l'adoe oftile p jod to meet
DAAQMD guidelines.
'the theal envimnmeuml Impd raped should not be digit and theeuvlmlwenoll
impact report should be re -circulated to address these basics.
C'ervntial Advocuto
Center for Biological Divemity
Mutsu sz.ompur Marrow. nmrYs. Ater civ. uvmmu.WaAGg�ay UC
n m xex�av xa,Mvw •stn
Telt Mail
Il co on loos sock IAK lhomla gl6.6eiie WA •ran Ranouuo. rg 44104
Vaano .5dJ6H64[X1e3•lan4W36 J•milluBbiolegiaNlvtully.oig
Planning Division
Qty of San Rafael
1400 5m Ave.
San Rafael. CA 94901-1043
December 20, 2011
Dear Members of the Planning Division
Please do not allow the horrible Soccer/Complex proposal to be approved. If we continue to
destroy what makes Marin so unique and treasured, we will not be able to reverse the mistakes
We need to turn the Gallinas Creek area into an environmental educatlon facility and invite
chlldren from allover California to visit and learn the importance of preserving.
It the hideous condo complex on North San Pedro Road had remained commercial and sought
out a company large enough to keep 200 ars off the highway heading South, we would not be
in that sorry sAuafion.
Thank you for your time.
San Rafael resident for 35 years.
Nancy Murphy
59 Village Circle
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 492-0230, ext 308 (offer)
PZG-;! J)
nr .
WM•�I rNr •r Dl3t.�I r3nl;rNT
Kraia Tambormin
In Support of tire. San Rafael Alport Recreation Facility Project [no -replyitwufoo.coml
Tuesday, January 03, 20124:07 PM
disl2sletmadnplay.coal Imanchlpripyahoo.eOm2@Z
Thank you for your rule. Ip2751
Name* Janet Pero
Email* mad5oero(o)vahoocom
Message to the Planning Commission ` Both mydaughters play soccer and Marin is in desperate
need of quality facilities. You must approve this projectl
Karin Tamhornini
In Support of the San Rafael Airro t Recreation FaciSty Projixf hamply@rufoc.caml
Monday, January 02, 2012 0:54 PM
d 8t21geararinelayeam; Imanchp@whm.comA€j
Thank you for your dme. Im747
Name ` Marcus Witte
Email" mlwdeftfhotmalcom
Message to the Planning Commission' Dear Planning Commission;
I supported this complex almost 5 years ago and still do today, In fact, with budget cuts and the
economy their are fewer fields to play any Sport on, in worse conditions and more players playing
sport as we all try to maintain healthy lifestyles...
Please continue to work hard for the future and incorporate this project in our future here in Marin.
Thanks for your efforts.
Former Dixie Youth Soccer Boardmember, Manager of 1116 boys team in Central Marin, parent of
We kids and player as wait
Kroia Tambov mi
In Support of the San Rafaal Airport Recreation Fa[Ilily Pmjent[normply@rvuNo.cons
Frltlay, December 09, 20114:28 PM
dW2@teYnarinplay.wm; Imanchlptlyaboo.aohnnI
Thank you for your f e.[42731
Name" Robert Kelly
Email" mingsolarcity.com
Message to the Planning Commission' Yeah Soccer in Marini Drop your smart phone, get off the
couch, turnoff your TV, its time to get some exwmise, build community, and team through sport
I am indeed In support of building this facility right hear in Marin. The community needsmore areas to
gather in healthy arena beneficial to all who participate. I can't imagine a single downside.
(hank you,
Rob Kelly
Dominican area San Rafael
Krait Tambormind
In Support of Ilse San outael Airport Recreation Facility Pmled [na-reply([$Wufdo.camj
Friday, December 09, 201110:00 AM
dist2®Ieumarinpley.com; mancbipQyeltoo.com niz
Thank you for your time. [#2721
Name" Steve Grant
Email• chref94903lulive.cem
Message to the Planning Commission ` I've been a resident of Santa Venetia and an active
soccer player most of my life. I've played 12 years in
the SF Soccer Keegan because it offered great competition
but more Importantly began to upgrade their playing
surfaces from natural grass to nexturf over the past 5 years.
It has doubled the participation and enrollment, not only in
soccer, but other field team sports as well.
We desperately need a facility for our families, kids and
community in Mann County for kids and adults who love soccer
antl fun competition that team sports and solid facilities can bring
Kraig Tambornim
In Support of Ilse San Rafael Airport Recreation Faulty Pr jecl [no -reply"c urao.poml
Friday, December 09, 20119:19 AM
dls12Q1ehnarinplay.com; Iman nipthwhoo.com2€Z
Thank you for your time, [X2T11
Name* Brendan Segal
Email* 6tlseival(alvahoo nom
Message to the Planning Commission* Team sports foster the skills of togetherness,
communication, tone to face interaction, community bond making, and a whole slew of others. Lets
allow the forum for our youths the space necessary to develop those skills. Please build the sports
Ganta Venetia Enthusiast
Pal 1 of I
Kraig Tambornini
Fmm: In Suppml of Ne San Rafael AirportRecreafion Facility Pmfecf [no-mply@wufob.cbm]
Sent: Wednesday. November 30, 20115r03 PM
To: dist2Met o- rinplW.com, lmanchip@yaM10 strand 'G
Subject: Thank you foryourtime, iW2P0i
Name • cited Guerry
Small bladinarcaRmhotma!tour
Message w the Planner Commission s
I already pick IF trash Our of to waterway on my walla that occurs tram the writes sncmr fields. There are sme,
Thor say watch out for Clapprt Rall that Is an endangered species here. the Hand's cad the Egrets net too
mentlon the numerous other reactance Inhabitants can't handle the Increased traffic, Serving Wine and bev until
midnight 6 scary. Last I heard there wasn't even resource service In this arca. The city will need to add stop lights at
name germicidal
sa draftRanch ad. and add better history access (nonjus on, lane) to motetbc
traffic cmnmg Irani the Pork and from the cubo sitlq Lucas order to account far the building of the Locesdeproperty
Is the city Partner to add these things before butld[ng all this ¢tuff) Mtlnnts Cmr Eorose can't goon keep umpr assets
In the black and is about m go ander. Why don't"" wou a few years m see if McInnis maims In Wor, going ahead
with acether recreatfoo or ea (Isnn f than what Mtlnnls Golf Course 10
This Is net an appropriate area far this parka[ this time. Rcase do nut approve this.
Kraia Tambommi
5 nFrom; 10 Suppom,NwembeSanr 18, Raf 1 925poort MRecreation Fadlily Pmiact noieplyQweoa corn
To: dcefkletmarinplaycan; Imanchip@yahop.com3€2
Subject: Thank yon far par time. Klan
Name" Fernando Mondry
Email' fern@monrovxivercom
Message to the Planning Commission
Dear Commission,
As a parent, soccer coach, and soccer player I'm In full support of the San Rafael Sports Complex.
There are many reason why you should consider approving this complex such as it's something for
both adults and kids to do that is healthy and fon! Not to mention that tax revenue would stay in Marin
County, rather than going to SpomiCity in Petaluma or Mare Island Sports Complex in Vallejo. Plus
jobs would be created. However, the main thing is the kitls.
Adults talk about not enough to do for kids, well here is a project offering something for everyone in
different sports.
Thank you,
Fernando Monray
Krain Tambornint
In Support of the San Rafael Niryort Recreation Fertility Pmfent InoreplyhR uron_wm]
Tuesday, November 22, 20115:29 PM
dra2@Iarmadrialay.com; ImanLNpecaalmo.mli
Thank you for your time 11%2567
Name" Virginia Bryan
Email' virginieGligenecom
Message to the Planning Commission' I support this project. Very much needed in Marin fora
healthier community.
Kraiq Tamhornint
From: In Support of the San Rafael Arpatl Parmesan son Facility Pamper [no-fepy@efpo.coml
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 20116: W PM
To: dist2@1punamplay com, Imarano@yalaw copraY
Subject: Thank you for your true.[ASrrj
Names' Josh Gibson
Email` L,gibsonGAucsfedu
Message to the Planning Commission" I live in Tena Linda and Strongly support the San Rafael
Airport Sports Complex wrong to fruition. Our community needs recreational facilities like trust
Please help make it a really.
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Supernal` me San Rafael Nryon Recreauon Facility Project Ino-reply@wulo coml
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2011]: 65 PM
To: d1a12@1amadnplay.cam, manohiptemoo.comME2
Subject: Thank you for your time. P2wj
Message to the Planning Commission* MY FAMILY AND I FULLY SUPPORT MOVING
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Alrpod Recreation meetly Pmject hw-rePly@wefoo mml
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 20119:29 AM
To: dial2Qletmarrplay com; ImanchlP®yalmemmm€2
Subject: Thank you for your ti me. lAM2j
Name' John Chudzy
Email" Ichudav(o3amail:com
Message to the Planning Commission" why not?
Kraig Tamborninj
In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility project(n0-reph@ Ufoo.Coml
Wednesday, November 23, 2011859 PM
Thank you foryourtlme. tn2941
Name' Bruce Friedman
Email" bfredmaniaapacbellnet
Message to the Planning Commission* I am in full support of the The San Rafael Sports
Complex. 1 think it will be great for the community.
Kinin Tambornini
From: In Suppwtof tae San RaFael Airporl Recreation Facillly Project No-repy{o�wufoo:noml
Sent Saturday, November 26, 2011 1253 AM
To: dial2iniletmannflay.com; lmancbip®yanoo.com�E2
Subject Thankyou foryourtime. [[4266]
Name" Ali Misaghi
Email' all Msadh'foihotmail om
Message to the Planning Commission" a new complex is definitely a must in the marm area.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Supped ot16e San Rafael Nrport Recreaflon Facility Project In-moly@wuroo cam]
Sent Sunday, November 27,2011857 AM
To: di42Ulefmarinplay com, Imanclbp®yahco.comaF2
Subject: Thank you for your 6me.(42681
Name' Jason rendel
Email` lasonrendelGZihotmalcom
Message to the Planning Commission' I am in favor of the San Rafael Ree facility proleut and
want it to move forward.
Kmin Tambornim
From: In support of San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project .com]
sent: Thursday, November 17, 20112:49 Pat
To: oiet2@10madnplay,00m; Imenchlp@yahoo conn€!
Subject Thank you fix your Urne.[Of53[
Name` m[chaelnewman
Email" newman7546esbcolobalnet
Message to the Planning Commission' we support this?
Basin Tamborninl
From In Suppod of the San Rafael Aimed Recreatbn Facility Project [no-mplygSarroo mm1
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 20116:18 PM
To: nlsQ®Ietmatlnplaycsm; Imanchip@yahoo.coma6
easiest: Thank you far your 6me. 1X2501
Name' MertHoward
Email' mm162001fnlvahoocom
Message m the Planning Commission' I live In Loans Valley and have two children in the Dixie
School District. I am Board Member of the Dixie Youth Soccer Association and a partner at Hanson
Bridget]: LLP. I am a lifelong soccer player and enthusiastically support this project. Let's give our kids
a fun place to stay fit. We need more community gathering places. Live a real life, not a virtual one.
Kraig Tambornini
In Support of the San Rafael AirportRecreation Faulty Pmject(oo-reply@ooM oMd
Tuesday, Novemloar 15, 2011845 PM
dis@@lelmannplay.com: ImanQWo@yahco.com5QZ
Thank you for your ame[n2511
Name* Sean King
Email* seanking74Crkvahoocom
Message to the Planning Commission * I support the San Rafael Recreational Facility Project.
The venue will be a great gathering point for the Community and it will promote health and fitness for
all ages.
Kraia Tambornini
From: In Supped of the Sen (rates] Amort Recreation Faculty Pmled [no.replyCr9rmlmo.ccml
Sent Wednesday, November 16, 201110:06 AM
To: Jis12®lelmariniesy.comllmancbiphkoh000cm&EZ
Subject: Thank you for your true. [#252]
Name* John Brooks
Email* jbsoccGDvahoocom
Message to the Planning Commission* As a former professional player and longtime Mann
soccer coach I urge you to please consider this Facility Project. Marin County is 15 years behind
many other areas not only Bay Area but nationally.
Kids and adults badly need such a facility. It Is long overdue.
IGaig Tamhornini
Fmm: In Support of [be San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility protect No -reply daseco.coml
Sent: Monday, November 28, 28149'. 32 AM
To: manchip®yahwoDmaET
Subject: Thank you for your Unne. ficU l
Name' Michael Pallas
Email' michaeloallas(o3ama'I core
Message to the Planning Commission' I have enjoyed the parks an San Rafael form many years
now and view this project as vital to the development of the park are.
Kraig Tambornini
In Support of the San Rafael Ahpwt Recreation Facility Project Ind-reply®wuloo:cam)
Sa onJay, November 26, 2011 7.32 PM
dist2riletmarinplay com;lmancbiptidyahoo.com5E2
Thank you for your tme. In2671
Name* Jody Timms
Email * jodvtimms(Womcast net
Message to the Planning Commission. Please support the San Rafael Recreational Fear
Project. My son has played soccer In Marin for over 10 years and finding fields has long been a major
problem. We need this facilhy in this countyl
Krait Tambornini
From: In SUPPon of the San Rafael Airport Recreation really Pmjecf [no-feply@xmfco.aom]
Sam- Thumday. November Zk 20119:21 PM
To: dist2®IeMarinplaycoml lmanchimsyahoo.com2€Z
Subject: Thank you for your time.[42651
Name' Smum Pang
Email' simontoan§Colhotrnail.com
Message to the Planning Commission' IYe been playing soccer at me volume Park for 19 years
I am a past president of the Marin Soccer League, a men's amateur league. From a public health
paint of view, playing soccer keeps us physically and emotionally healthy. Build this sports complex,
for the public good.
Simon Pang
Kraig Tam actimmi
From: In Support of the San Rafael sued Recreation Facility Pmject[no -replyeffwulco.coml
Sent: Wednesday, November23, 20112:54 Pal
To: eistySletmarinpiay.com; Imanchipboodoo cui
Subject: Thank you for your nine. 1#263]
Name" Jeanie Sang -
Email" leanesani@gma'Icom
Massage to the Planning Commission` Please make this sports complex happen. We have
daughter; who play a lot of soccer out side of Marin because the county doesn't have sufflcent
playing fields. This complex would be an asset to the city and county. It would also generate income
for people coming to San Rafael to play in the complex. Please make this happen)
Kraia Tamborninl
From: In Suppart of Ne San Nobel Amort Recession rudely Project Ino-reply@%ufp0.caml
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 20118,08 PIA
To: disbabeenamplay.com; branchipeyahoo.comAE2
Subject: Thank you for your amea=2811
Name* Amy Brandon
Email* a'ovonoUvahoo cam
Message to the Planning Commission* This would be a wonderful addition to the San Rafael
community. The sports Complex has my and my familys suppodl
Kram Tambornim
From: In Support of the San RafeelAirport Recreation Facll6y PmjeU [w-repN®wufop:com7
Sent: Tuearay, November 22, 36116:30 PM
To: dW@1letmannplay.com: FinarchipSoomoo.carmEZ
Subject: Thank you for your time,hen91
Name* Cindy greeoberg
Email* ecschtearbAluham
Message to the Planning Commission" we are very excited about a scatter complex A will be very
beneficial to our community
Kraia Tambornini
In Support of the San Rafael Airport Redeaten Faculty Project [nomplyQaufoo.coml
Tuestlay, November 22, 2011538 PM
dielS@nuramplay com, Imanchlpskyahoo.CDm5IZ
Thank you for your time [#2571
Name" Sophia Calvi
Email' scalvi2g88OQmalcorm
Message to the Planning Commission" To Whom It May Commone
I just wanted to make sure you know how important this complex will be In bolstering the soccer
community not only locally but for all of Marin. You have my entire families support as well as many
others. I look forward to seeing it completed.
Sophie Calvi
Terra Linda Resident
Kraig Tambornini
In Support of Ne San Rafael Nrpod Recreation Facility Prgecgnoreply®wuroo.coml
Monday, November 21, 2011 12:60 PM
you for your fare, f#2551
Name* Karl Buder
Email • kbudentOm m co
Message to the Planning Commission'
Ladies and gentlemen:
As the president of the Marin Soccer League, an adult league that has been in existence for over 50
years, I represent approximately 800 adult soccer players. As a Marin resident for over 35 years, I
have attempted to improve the playing fields in Marin during that time without success, due largely to
the limited funds available to the county and the municipalities. To date the fields at McInnis Park am
the only venue where adult soccer players have regular access to playing fields, however, overuse
makes these natural grass fields very dangerous to play on. Hence, the San Rafael Airport Sports
Complex with their artificial turf fields will greatly enhance our ability to enjoy the sport we lave. In
addition to the adult leagues, the facility will also be able to host youth activities, as well as having a
location to enjoy food and entertainment.
We wholeheartedly endorse this project and encourage the San Rafael Planning Commission to
approve its requestl
Vew. truly yours,
Karl Butler
Marin Soccer League