HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2014-06-10 #2Community Dev elopment Department -Planning Division P. D . Box 151 560, Sa n Ra fael, CA 94915-1560 PHONE: (415) 485·3085/FAX: (415) 485 -3 184 Meeting Date: Jun e 10 , 2014 Agenda Item: 2 Case Numbers: Z014-001 Project Planner : Paul Jensen-415.485 ,5064~ REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: San Rafael Municipal Code Amendments -Title 14 (Zoning) -Amendments to zoni ng per mit and performance standard requirements for large family day ca re hom es for c hildren ; City of San Rafael , p roj ect proponent : File No(s),: Z0 14 -0 01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Title 14 , Zonihg of the San Rafael Municipal Code include s permit requirem e nts for larg e family day care homes for ch ildren and adults, when es tablished to operate in residential and mi xed -use residential/offic e zo ning districts , Fo r large family day care homes for children , Title 14 (specifical ly Section 14 .17.040) i nclud es a list of required performanc e and operational standards to ensure that th e day care home operates with minimal im pa cts to surrounding residents , City st aff is proposing amendments to both th e permit and performance standards requirements , The proposed amendments would change the permit requirement from a Us e Permit (Zoning Administrator-level) to an Administrative Use Permit. Further, the performance standards have been updat ed. The proposed code amendments were prepared in collaboration with several representatives of the local family day care home ope rato rs . The proposed code amendments were initiated for several reasons. First, thi s effort was prompted by the discovery t hat 19 of the 27 State-licensed large family day care homes for ch ildren curren tly operating in San Rafae l are un-permitted (no Use Permit). Second , the permit process recent ly undertaken for the large day care hom e at 23 Baypoint Drive prompted a review of the State law and th e extent of performance standards that can be imposed by the City . To that end, the propo sed code amendments would : a) provide a more streamlined permit process for the child care home operators; b) improve and provide clarity to the required performance standards ; and c) wou ld be consistent with the San Rafae l General Plan 2020, which co ntains specific policies and programs that encourage family day care homes for c hildren as a needed community service . RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission take the following action : 1 . Open public hearing and accept publi c comment; 2 . Discuss and deliberate; and 3. Adopt resolution recommending to City Council adoption of municipal code amendments BACKGROUND State Laws Regulating Family Day Care Facilities In the 1970's the State of California passed legislation estab lishing regula tio ns and requirements for family day care facilities (centers and homes). The legislation requ ires tha t each family day care facility be lic e nsed by the State of California (California Department of Social Services Community Care Licensing Division) and it sets speci fi c mandatesllimitations on loca l jurisdi ction perrnitting requirements REPORT TO PLANN ING COMM I SS ION -Case No: Z014-001 Page 2 and rev iew . Allhough there have been some changes in the State laws since the 1970's , the general mandates have not changed . The current State laws prescribe the following : }> Large Family Day Care Facilities . A State license is required by the State of California Department of Soc ia l Services for all fami l y day care facil iti es, whic h include large family day care centers (commercial operation) or day care homes operating in a private residence (nine to 14 chi ldren). In order to ob tai n a State license , the faci lity operator/proponent must meet certain requirements, including but no t limited to : minimum staffing requirements (required ratio of staff to number of childre n); operational procedures ; minimum amount of activity area per chi ld; insurance coverage ; report ing requ irements; and a crim ina l record search. For large fami ly day care faci lities fo r chi ldren (faci lities fo r nine or more children) the State requires that a fire safety clearance ("850 " inspection), wh ich is conducted and passed by the local jurisdiction fire marsha l. The request for inspect ion is made by the State directly to the loca l fire mars hal and the li ce nse is not issued un less and un t il the proposed faci lity has passed this fire inspection . As a one-t ime inspection , the scope of this inspection covers the following : • Ensuring that there is proper posting of the property address • Installation of f ire extinguisher (one , 2-A:10-B :C-rated) • Use of re -Iocatable power taps rather than extension cords • Installation of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in areas where childr en are sl eeping • Installation of a manual fire alarm • Ensuring that there are two acceptable exits and locking devices/hardware on exterior gates • Verify ing that the enclosed garage area is not used as part of the day care faci lity operation A local jurisdiction has the authority to exercise la nd use/zoning permit requ irements and impose performance or operat ional standards fo r large family day ca re fac iliti es (nine or more children) in all zoning d istricts. Many loca l jurisdictions require a Use Permit for large family day care facilities . The State law sets some limitations on the leve l of performance or operat iona l standards a local jurisdiction can impose . The local j urisdiction can impose on ly "reasonab le standards " limited to four types of neighborhood impact : a) spacing and concentration (local jurisdiction Can impose "spacing requirements" meaning the local ordinance can require a mini m um distance between day care homes); b) noise contro l; c) traffic control; and d) parking . A local jurisdiction can a lso require tha t a chi ld care home operator obtai n a loca l bus iness li ce nse . }> Small Fami ly Day Care Facilities . Small family day care f acilities serving eight or fewer children are requ ired to secure a State license . However, these faci lities are preempted from lo ca l zoning and land use permits (e .g ., Use Permi t) and other loca l regulations and requirements such as business lic enses. Th is preemption applies to all zoning distric ts. Essentia ll y, the St ate law requ ires that local zoning treat any small fam ily day care home as a residential use, meaning tha t zo ning cannot be used to impose any requirements over and above those imposed on any home/residence in the residential zones . Consequently, a small family day care home for child ren is permitted to be estab lished in a residence that is located in a sing le-family residential zo ning district and no business li cense or fire inspection is required . San Rafae l Regu l ations for Fam il y Day Care Homes for Chi l dren The City of San Rafael Municipal Code land use regulations for fam ily day care faci lities are current consistent wit h the State law . As mandated , the City does not regu late or requ ire a land use/zoning permit or a business license for smal l family day care fac il ities for chi ldren . However , for large family day care fac ilities for children , the San Rafael Mun ici pal Code requires the fo ll owing : REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: Z014-001 Page 3 » A Use Permit (Planning Commission-level review) is required for all large family day care centers p ermitt ed in non -residential and high-de nsity residential zoning districts . The processing fee for this Use Permit is "cost recovery," meaning an initial deposit amount is required for filing the application and staff time is billed when the deposit amount is exhausted , The ini tial deposit amount for a Planning Commission -level Use Permit is $4,305 .00 , which is estimated to cover 70 - 80% of the staff time for application processing . The Planning Commission 's action on a Use Perm it can be appea led to the City Council. ? A Use Permit (Zoning Administrator-level review) is required for all large family day care homes (n ine to 14 ch ildren) located in residential (R, DR, MR , HR and PD Districts) and residential/office (R/O and 5/MR/O Districts). The fee for a Zoning Administrator-level Use Permit is $2,476.00 (f lat fee). The Zoning Administrator's action on a Use Permit can be appea led to the Planning Commission . » Large fami ly day care hom es for children located in residential districts are required to comply with specific performance standards, which are set forth in SRMC Section 14 .17 .040 . The performance standards are intended to ensure that the day care homes operate in a home environment conducive to hea lth and safety development and that traffic and noise impacts related to the operation do not adv erse ly impact adjacent neighborhood . These standards require, among others : fences and walls in outdoor areas to control noise and maintain privacy ; limitati ons on the hours of operation for outdoor activ ities (7 :00am-9 :0 0pm on ly); sa fe passenger loading/drop-off; off-stree t parking; and light ing . The City of San Rafael requires that the operator of a large family day care home obtain a City business license . The City business li cense for such homes is treated simi lar to a "home occupation : which requires a one-time fire inspection . The business li cense must be renewed annua lly . The goals, policies and programs of the San Rafael Genera l Plan 2020 encourage family day care facilities , which provide a strong support system for res id ents and employees working in San Rafael . The General Plan acknowledges that family day care fac iliti es provide a needed service, which has grown over the years because of the increasing number of single-paren t and dual -i ncome households (both parents working). Regulations for Large Family Day Care Homes in Other Marin Jurisdictions Staff conducted a survey of the local jurisdictions in Marin County to determine and compare the permitt in g and performa nce standard requir emen ts . This survey is presented In attached Exhibit 5. The survey discloses that the permit and performance standards vary by jurisdiction : » The City of Novato requires no Use Permit or specia l permit to estab li sh a large family day care home for children in residentia l districts . A large family day care home is considered to be a permitted use, but st ill must operate under a State license . » The County of Marin requires a "Family Day Care Permit ," whic h requires action by the Community Development Director. This action can be appealed to th e Planning Commiss ion . » The Ci ty of Mill Valley requires a "Large Family Day Care Home Permit ," whi ch is processed similar to a home occupation permit , but requires a not ification to property owners within 100 feet of the facilities before action is taken by the Commun ity Deve lo pm ent Director. T hi s action can be appea led to the Zoning Administrator. » Severa l of the Marin jurisdictions require "spaCing requirements" to Avoid overconcentration of day ca re homes in one area . The County of Marin and the Town of Tiburon do not permit two day REPORT TO PLANNING COMM ISS IO N -Case No: Z014-0 01 Page 4 care homes to abut. The City of Mill Va ll ey requires a minimum distance of 500 feet between day care homes. » Mos t Marin jurisd ictions require that the day ca re home comply with the loca l noise ordinance . like San Rafae l. the County of Marin limits operations on outdoor use areas to 7 :00am to 7 :00pm . » The permit fees range from $500 (County of Marin) to $1,000 (Tiburon). The perm it fees are considerably l ower than the Zoning Administrator-leve l Use Permit required by San Rafael. Current Status of Fam il y Day Care Homes f o r C hildren in San Rafae l The State of California Department of Social Services does not pub lish a list of the State -licensed, small fami ly day care homes for children . Given that these homes are exempt from zoning permits, are not subject to an 850 fire inspection, nor are required to secure a business license, it Is difficult to determine the specific number of sma ll fami ly care homes in San Ra fael. However, t he Department of Soc ia l Services website provides a li st of the large family day care homes by zip code . This information is accessible at http ://www .ccld .ca .gov/docs/ccld sear ch/ccld search .aspx . In San Rafael, there are 27 State -licensed large family day care homes for children, which operate in residential zoning districts . An inventory of these licensed homes is presented in attached Exhibit 3 . A citywide map identifying the gene ral locatio n of these large family day care homes is provided in attached Exh ibi t 6 . In 2013 , as part of City 's annual business license renewal review , the City Finance Department found that of the 27 homes , 2 1 do not have a business license and 19 homes do not have an approved Use Permit . As a result, the operators of these faci li ties were notified , via mai l by t he Finance Departme nt, and were directed to ob tain a bus iness li cense and f il e a Use Permi t app li ca ti on. This noti ficat ion came as a surprise to the operators as most of them have been in bus iness as a large family day care home for many yea rs and had not been previous ly informed or aware of the City licensing and permits requiremen ts. The notif ication to each home operator required that a penalty and past business tax be paid for three years , in addition to the Use Permit fi ling fee of $2,476 .00. In response , on September 16, 2013 , a group of the day care home operators made a presentation to the City Counci l requesting t hat the permit and business license requirements be reviewed and they be provided wi th relief . Since the September 16, 2013 presentation to the City CounCil , staff has been working wit h three representa tives of the large family day care home operators . With t he assistance of the City Manager, the care home operato rs we re guided to fi le for a business license application and past bus iness taxes and penalties were waived . Further, the City suspended the requi rement for the operators to file a Use Permit application until the current permit regulations were reviewed and amended . In initial meetings with the representatives, staff found that nearly all of these businesses had started as small child day ca re homes (less than eight chi ldren) and , over time had grown to large day care home status . The operators had secu red the appropriate State license to change their care home status and were issued the required '850 " fire inspection . However, as part of the State licensing process to change this status , the State provided li tt le direct ion or advice to the operators to con t act the City for required permits and licenses . As our Fire Department inspections were provided directly to the State, there was no prompt for the City to advise the operators that a Use Permit and bus iness license would be required to change the status of their day care 110me from smal l to large . State sta ff has indicated to City staff that they prov ide general adv ise to care home operators on the need to check with the local jurisdictions regarding permit and license requ irements . However, with the e xception of required fire inspection , the Sta te does not have a process that requi res proof of local jurisdiction approval before a State license is issued . For this reason, there is need to estab lish a belte r City process that would inform the day care home operator of loca l permit and license requirements . As a resu lt of this discovery, the C ity has initiated and will be implementing the foll owi ng process steps : REPORT TO PLANN IN G COMMISSION -Case No: Z014-001 Page 5 1. The Fire Department receives a request from th e State to conduct an "850" fire inspection 2. Before th e inspecti on is condu cted, the req ue st wi ll be forwarded to th e Commun it y Development and Finance Departments 3 . The Community Development Department will review to determine City permit requirements 4 . The day care home operator will be co nta cted to inform them of City permit and business license requirements 5. If City permits are required , the Fire Departm en t will respond to th e State and indicate tha t fire insp ectio n wil l not be completed unti l the operator ha s filed for th e appropriate City permit 6 . The "850 " fire inspection will be completed and the State wi ll be inform ed of this approva l before the Ci ty perm it is approved . In working with the rep resentatives of the day c are home operators, it became apparent that our current permit requirements and performance standards we re worlhy of review and revision . The suggestions Ihat ca me forth included the fOllowing : ~ The City fees for securing a Use Permit are very high compa re d to other Mar in juri sdi ctions . It was noted that the re are many child care homes tha t provide a service to lower-income clients , so the pe rmit fee should be affordable . . ~ Most child day care hom es operate without any impacts to neighbors or surrounding residents, so the permit requirements and process shou ld not be overwhelm ing to the operator. ~ The City-re quired performance and operationa l sta nd ards should be re viewed to ens ure they are reasonable and consistent with State law. ~ The City shou ld prepare an informational handout for the public that describes the City perm it , li cense and inspection requ iremen t s for fami ly day ca re homes . This informational handou t shou ld be published in Eng li sh and Spanish . PRO J ECT DESCRIPTION Proposed Amendments to Permit and Performance Standard Regulations After months of research and a review of opt ions for large family day care homes for children , and co nsu ltation with the City Counci l sub-committee and ch ild care home representatives , staff is proposing the fO ll owing amendments to San Ra fael Municipal Code (SRMC) T itl e 14 : » In res identia l (R, DR, MR , HR and PO) and residential-office (RIO , 5/MR/O) districts, it is recommended that current Use Permit (CZ-Zo ning Administrator) be rep laced with a requirement for an Administrative Use Permit (A). This change requires amendments to SRMC Sections 14 .04 .020 (Table 14 .04.020), 14 .05 .020 (Table 14 .05 .020), and 14.05 .022 (Table 14 .05 .022). No changes are proposed to the perm it requi reme nts for large family day care home s for children in the non -residential districts . » SRMC Section 14 .17 .040 (Large famil y day care home) sets forth the performance and operationa l standard s for large family day care homes for chi ldren . In brief, th e amendments t o th ese standards propose the fOllowing : • Acknowledgement of the Administrative Use Permit req uirement and noticing process for action . The Administrative Use Permit would be reviewed by the Community REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: Z014·001 Page 6 Development Department Director for compliance with the standards . Upon finding the application in comp lian ce with the standards, the Director would mail a written decision of action to the applicant , property owner, and th e property owner and residents that are imm edia t ely contiguous to and across the street/road from the proposed day care hom e. The written decision of action would offer th e right of appeal of the decision within five (5) working days. Appeals would be made to th e Planning Commission . • The outdoor activity and play area standards are proposed to be combined . The amendmen ts propose to retain th e current , allowed hours of outdoor activity , which is 7:00am to 9:00pm . An additional sta ndard requ ires that outdoor activities comp ly with the general nois e limits of the City's noise ordinance . • For the off-street parking standards , it is recommended that the use of required , covere d parking for th e residence (garage) for the child care operation be prohibited . Further , the specific provision for two (2) parking spaces is proposed for deletion as the City 's parking requirements vary by residential unit type. The provision for cOmpliance with th e parking requirement for th e residential use would remain . • For the passenger loadi ng standards, it is recommended that th e required passenger load ing plan demonstrate that adequate and safe access can be provided with minimal disruption to local traffic and circulation. • The requirements for the fire inspection clearance and City business license hav e been added to the standards . The proposed text amendmen ts are presented in attached Exhibit A of Exhibi t 1 (draft resolution). Please note that the amendments are presented in underline and stAkee~ format. As noted above, seve ral permitting options were considered along with a more expa nded list of performance and operational standards . A discussion of these options (pros and cons) is presented und er the Analysis section of this report . Recommendation for Amnesty to Current, Licensed Large Family Day Care Homes As most of the 19 ex ist ing , un-permitted large family day care homes for ch ildren have operated for a number of years and had no knowledge of the Us e Permit requirement , staff is recommending amnesty for these operators . For State -li censed, un -permitted, large child care homes in operation prior to January 1, 20 14 (those specific child care homes listed in the Exhibit 3 inventory), the operators will be required to file for an Administrative Us e Permit. Based on a review of the sites and loc atio ns of these individual day care homes, all homes generally comply with the recommended performance and operational standards. Further, with the exception of one family day care home, the City has no record of code enforcement actions for any of the homes that would be cause to find the operations non- compliant with the City code . For thi s reason, the Administrative Use Permit applications for these ex istin g day care homes will be reviewed and approved without an appeal process . The amnesty is addressed in the draft reso lution (Exhibit 1) and will be presented to the City Council to consider with the ordinance cover in g the municipal code amendments . As suggested by the child care hom e representatives, staff is preparing a public information sheet summarizing the City requirements for smal l and large family day care hom es for children . It is expected that this information sheet will be completed in the ne xt several months . The informational sheet will be available in hardcopy and posted on the City 's webs ite . The sheet will be published in both English and Spanish , ANALYSIS Consistency with San Rafael General Plan 2020 As noted above , the San Rafael General Plan 2020 contains policies and programs that strong ly encourage child care . The proposed municipal code amendmen ts would con tin ue to encourage and REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No : Z014-001 Page 7 reinforce the value and importance of ch il d care services in San Rafael , particularly child care homes . Overall , the proposed code amendments would be consistent with the following key General Plan 2020 policies : Land Use Element Policy LU-19 (Chi/dcare)_ Plan for and encourage the development of new and the retent ion of exi sting childcare centers to meet neighborhood and citywide childcare needs . In conjunct ion With the school districts , encourage continuation of chi ld care programs at school sites because of their suitability for such us es and co nvenient locations in residential ne ighborhoods . Response : The propose d municip al code amendments would st ream lin e the permit process for th ese homes, which wou ld encourage th e establishm ent of new and the retention of ex istin g family day care IlOme s for children. Neighborhood Element Policy NH-11 (Needed Neighborhood-Serving Uses). Give pr ior ity to "need ed neighborhood -serving uses." Examples of needed neighborhood -serving uses are: supermarkets; craft stores; cafes ; restaurants; drug stores; neighborhood shopping centers which inc lu de us es such as dry cleaners , delis and market s, video store s, etc .; health and medical fa ciliti es and services ; as well as improved public uses and services such as parks, sc hoo ls, ch ild ca re, and po lice services. Other similar use s that serve primarily neighborhood residents and/or emp loy ees and receive broad neighborhood support may also q ualify. Response : A large family day ca re hom e for children is co nside red a nee ded neighborh ood- serv(ng use, which is provides a critic al service to th e City 's res idents and th e workforce . Th e propo se d municip al code amendments wou ld pro vide a more strea mlin ed permit process and clearer performa nce standards for larg e family day care homes for children. Neighborhood Element Policy NH -52 (New Business Development). Encourag e and give pri ority to new business development that benefits the ne ig hborhood through provisions of neede d se rvi ce s, low traffic impacts or employment of a hig h percentage of neighborhood resid e nts . Encourage opportunities for local residents to own and op erate bu si ness es Response : Til e prop osed municipal code amendments wou ld fur t her support th e hom e-b ase d bu siness of providin g ne eded child ca r e in th e r eside ntial and residentialloffice districts and neighb orh oods through out th e City. Neighborhood Element Policy NH-66 (Chi/dcare). Prov id e more affordab le, quality , chi ldca re faciliti es t hat support the communi ty. R esponse: The proposed municipa l co de amendments would cllan ge th e permit provis ion to require the child ca re hom e operator to obtain an Administrative Use Permit process. The Administrative Use Permit has a more strea mlin ed process and a substantially-reduce d app lication fee , • which is adva ntage ous 10 family clay care hom es that a re marke ting afford ab le ch ild care service. Furiher, the proposed amendments wou ld be consistent with th e City Council's direction to refine, adjust and strea mlin e our City selVices and permit processes com mensura te with reduced budgeting and staffing . • N ote: Th e p ermit fe e wou ld be redu ce d from $2,476.00 to $1,420.00 for an Administrative Use Permit. A redu ction in the Administrative Use Permit fee to $398 .00 is being propo sed by staff with til e l ates t Master Fee SchedLile update . This fee sclledLile update will be presented t o th e City Co un cil f or cons ide ration and ac tion within th e next severa l months . REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION· Case No: Z014·001 Page 8 Consistency with Title 14 • Zoning The proposed municipal code amendments would be consistent and not in conflict with the purposes and provisions of SRMC Title 14 (Zoning) in that: 1. The proposed municipal code amendments wou ld change permit and operational use regulations for large fami ly child care homes for children in residential and residential/office districts only . The proposed amendments wou ld not impact or change use regulations for family day care in other zoning districts in the City . 2 . The proposed municipal code amendments wou ld continue to require a discretio nary permit and compliance with and comp liance with specific performance standards , which would ensure that large family day care homes for children located in res idential and residential/off ice districts wou ld be compatib le w ith and operate with minimal impacts to adjace nt residences . 3 . With the incorporation of the proposed revisions to the perfo r mance standards , the estab lishment of new family day care homes for c hil dren would reinforce ensurin g the healt h, safety or we lf are of the child care clients , the surrounding residents and the neighborhood at large. Other Permitting and Regulation Options Considered As discussed above, as part of the project, a number of options were considered for permitting and adjusting the performance standards for large family day care homes for chil dren . The permitting options are presented in the attached table (Exhibit 4), w hi ch in c lud es a discussion of th e pros and cons for each option . A summary is p ro vid ed as follows : 1. Op tion 1-Status Quo . This option would maintain the current Use Permit (Zoning Adm ini st rator· leve l review) requirement . This opt ion would continue the current process , which is costly to th e child care home operator and would not promot e permit streamlining . 2 . Option 2-Current Proposal. This option presents the Administrative Use Perm it req uirement summarized and recommended in thi s report . While the currently-proposed code amendments wou ld promote a more streamlined , less costly process fo r the chi ld care operator, the current appeal process would not be elimin ated . The potential for appeals would continue, sim ilar to the recent permit review and approva l process that was encountered with the child day care home at 23 Baypoint Drive . 3. Option 3-Hybrid Permit Proposal. This option cons iders: a) the Administrative Use Permit requ iremen t for large family day care homes for chi ldren proposed in attached reside nces (e .g., town home s and condominiums where th ere are shared walls be tween residences and closely - spaced private outdoor yard/use areas such as the day care home at 23 Baypoint Drive); and b) a Ministerial Permit for large family day care homes for chi ld re n proposed in detached residences (e .g ., detached single-fami ly home s on conventionally-sized residentia l lots). Under both situations, the day care hom es wou ld be required to comply with the Ci ty-adopted performance standard prescrib ed in SRMC Sect ion 14 .17 .040 . However, fo r day ca re operations proposed in detached single-fami ly re si dences , there would be no right of appea l to the permit action . This option ha s merit and i s worthy of consideration for the foll owing reasons : a . Th e State laws an d regulation s a ll owing family day care homes in resid ences were in it iall y envisioned and intended for day care hom e operation in detached , sin gle-family homes on conventional residential lots where there are no shared wa ll s and where outdoor yard/use areas provide amp le setbacks and separation from adjacent residents . b. The City's Noise Ordinance (SRMC Chapter 8.10) sets different noise limits and standards f or a single-fam il y residence and multiple-family residences th at have shared wa ll s betwee n units; the all owable no ise (decibel) limits for the latter are lower . REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: Z014·001 Page 9 c. A ministerial permit would truly streamline permit review and reduce cost to the large family day care home for children located in detached res idences . However, a ministerial permit is not recommended for day care homes in attached residences where noise impacts might be better controlled through permit conditions and where there is a more constrained or smaller outdoor yard area . 4 . Option 4-No Permit. This option would eliminate the Use Permit requirement for large family day care homes for children and allow such uses by -right in residential and resident ial/office neighborhoods (similar to code provisions adopted in the City of Novato). This option would not require that the day care home comply with adopted performance standards (such as those currently required by our municipal code). This option is not recommended as it provides little opportunity for tracking family child care homes in the City and provides no neighborhood input into the review of such day care homes . These permit opt ions were presented to the City Council Subcommittee (group homes). The City Council Subcommittee supported Option 2, as proposed in this staff report . The City Council Sub committee supports the reduced Administrative Use Permit because it focuses day care home compliance on the specific list of performance standards , streamlines the permit process and reduces the permit cost to the operator, but retains the right of appeal by the care home operator and public. The following performance standard options were considered for addition to SRMC Section 14 .17 .040 , but were rejected : 1. Requiring a specific amount of indoor or outdoor (yard) activity space for each child who is not an infant (e .g .. 75 square -feet of space per chi ld). This standard is required by State license . Further , this standard is beyond the limits of regu lation that a local jurisdiction can impose on a family day care home . As discussed above , a local jurisdiction is limited to regulating no ise, parking , traffic control and spaCing of fami ly day care homes only . 2 . Imposing spacing or separation requirements between family day care homes (e .g .. a minimum distance of 500 feet between family day care homes). Staff believes that there is no need to impose separation/spacing requirements . As presented in the map of eX isting , large family day care homes for children in San Rafael (Exhibit 6), these homes are dispers ed throughout the City and there is no over concentration in one geographic area . 3. Changing the a ll owable hours for use of the outdoor yard area . The current performance standard provisions allow outdoor yard area use hours of 7 :00am-9 :00pm. One consideration was to change the allowab le use hours from 7:00am-7 :00pm to further reduce potential noise impacts to neighboring residents . This proposal was dismissed for several reasons . First , the child care operator representatives noted that , while evening use of the outdoor yard area is ir regular, the day care home should not preclude early evening use during the summer months . Second , staff has researched the City records of the 27 existing day care homes for possible code enforcement complaints and calls for Police service related to e xcessive noise . No record of noise complaints was discovered . 4 . Requiring compliance with the Building Code . Staff believes that this standard is not necessary . The State-required "850" fire inspection addresses health and safety , as well as complian ce with applicable fire code provisions . ENV IRONM ENTAL DETERMINATION The municipal code amendments do not propose any changes to the City pol icies or regulations that would result in a direct or indirect physical , environmenta l impact. While the code amendments propose REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISS ION -Case No: Z014 -001 Page 10 amnesty for existing , currently un -permitted family child care homes for children, these homes have been operating for many years in general compliance with the existing and proposed operational requirements , For these reasons , the munic ipa l code amendments are covered under the "general rule " that the Ca liforn ia Environmenta l Quality Act (CEQA) app lies on ly to projects that have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment pursuant to CEQA Gu id elines Section 15061 (b)(3), and are therefore, not subject to environmenta l review , NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING I CORRESPONDENCE Notice of this meeting was mailed to all interested and affecte d parties 15 days prior to th e meeting date, The list of those notified includes large family day care homes owners and operators , representatives from all of the neighborhood and homeowner associations , and special interest groups , The proposed code amendments were presented to the Federation of San Rafael Neighborhoods/North San Rafael Coalition at a monthly City -hosted meeting held in April 2 014 , OPTIONS The Planning Commission has the following options : 1 , Recommend adoption of proposed code am e ndments as proposed ; 2, Continue and direct staff to provide additiona l information ; 3 , Re commend revisions to proposed code am e ndments ; or 4 , Deny proposed municipal code amendments EXHIBITS 1, Draft reso lution w ith proposed municipal code amendments 2, Letters from child care operator representatives 3 , Inventory of State-licensed, large family day care homes fo r chi ldren -San Rafael 4 , List of permit and performance standard options reviewed a nd considered 5 , Survey of large fam i ly/child day care home regulations-Marin County jurisdictions 6 , Map of State -licensed , large family day care homes for children in operation as of January 1, 2014 7 , Public Meeting Notice Irgchildd ayca re,PC rp LS10 14 (fin al) RESO LUT ION NO. 14-_ RESOL UT ION OF T HE C ITY OF SAN RA FAEL PLANN IN G CO MMI SS ION RECOM MENDI NG TO T HE C ITY COUNC IL ADO PTI ON OF AN ORDIN ANCE AMEN DI NG S AN RAFAE L MUN IC IP AL CODE TI T LE 14 (ZON IN G), CHAPTERS 14.04 AND 14 .05 (LAND USE REG UL ATI ONS), AND C HAPTE R 14.17 (PERFOR MAN CE ST AN DARD S) TO AMEN D PERMI T AN D PERFO RMA NCE ST AND ARD REQU IR EMENTS PO R LA RGE FAMI LY DAY CAR E HOMES FO R q "LO REN LOCA T ED IN RE S ID ENT IA L AND RESI DENTIA L/OPF ICE DI STR ICTS (ZOI4-00 1) WIl EREAS, Sa n Ra fael Muni c ip a l Co de ( RM C) T it le 14 (somet im es refe rr ed to as "th e Zo nin g Or din ance") includ es, amo ng oth ers, land usc prov is io ns a nd reg ul ati o ns for fa mil y day carc an d re ·icl enti ill ca re homes locate d in res id e nt ia l d is tri cts. Sma ll fa mily day care hOmes for c hildr en and ad ult s (e ight o r fewer c hildr en/a dult s) and sma ll resi de ntial care homes (s ix o r fewc r res ide nt s) a re pel"lnitled by State li ce nse but , by law, may be subj ec ted oilly to limit ed locII I zo nin g regl ll "tion. To es tabli sh and operat e Imgc famil y day car e ho mcs fo r chil dren (nin e or more childr e n) in res idc nti a l and res id enti llVo fl 1ce zo nin g di stri cts, th e Zo ning Ordin ance requir es th e a pp rova l of a Use Pcrmit (Zo nin g Admini stra to l· level rev iew) and co mp liance with spec ific performa nce ta nd ards ( [(M C Secti o n 14.17.040); a nd .. WIl EREAS, th e Sa n Ra fael Ge hern l Pl an 2020 enco ur ages a nd acknow ledge$ the va lue and imp ort ance of famil y day car e homes f or c hildr en. T he s uppo rt for fa mil y day ca l·e homes is addresse d in Ge neral Pl an Land Use Ele)nent P.o licy LU-19 (C hild car e) and Neighb orh oo d Eleme nt Po li cie s NH -II (Nee ded Ne ighb orh oo d • .Se rvi ng Uses), NI -I-52 (Ne w 13u s ines Deve lop ment ) a mi NII -66 (C hild c.re). T hi s se rvice is we ll st lPlio rted in Sa n Ra fae l as th ere are 27 St at e-li ce nsc d, large famll y day ca re homes fo r c hil dre n and a grea ter numb el· o f sma ll fa mi ly day ca re ho mes fo r chil dl-e n in th e co mmunity; and WH ERP,AS, 8S pa rt of th e City's annu a l j·ev iew of bus in ess lice nses in 201 3, th e it y d iscove red th a t o f th e 27 Stat e-Ji qe nse d large fl\mil y day ca re homes fo r c hildre n, 19 al ·e o peratin g witl 10 ut a City-a pp i·ov.e d Use \>e nl1il and do n6t have a C ity bu si ness li ce nsc. Mos t of th ese 19 day care homes have bee n in peratio n fo r man y yea rs, tartin g a a State-li ce nse d sma ll day ca re ope rati on and eve ntuall y g ro win g to la rge day care home s tatus. Whil e a ll are app ro pri ately li ce nsed by the Sta te of Ca l iJo rn ia (Ca liforn ia Depa rtm ent. of Socia l Se rvices Com lllunity Ca re L ice ns in g DiVis io n), it app ea l'S that th e ir opera la rs were un awa re of th e Ci ty pcrmit" and bus in ess li ce nse require mel\t s when tll ey change d th e ir fa mil y day ca re home Ii ·o m s mall to large home sta tll s; and WH ER.EAS , th e Cit y's 2 01 3 di sco vcry o f the unp ermitt ed, large fa mi ly da y ca .. e ho mes fo r c hildr en has p .. ov id ed Il n opp ortunity to: a) imp .. ove (h e coo rdin ati o n betwee n th e State li ce nsin g p .. ocess and th e C ity revi ew a nd pe .. mit process fo .. lar ge fa mil y day ca re ho mes fo r children; b) revie w ,md upd ate th e City's cll .... e nt permit .. equ i .. e ments and perfo .. mance sta nd a .. ds ra r th ese homes; an d oj p .. ov id e a bell er sys tem l"o r inl"b .. ming ex istin g and potenli a l child day ca .. e home operA tors or th e City's pe .. mit and bu s in ess li ce nse requir eme nts; and WII EREAS, in coord inati on with an d ass isted by .. e pr es ent ati ves o f th e loca l child day care home o pera tors, it y staff d ra fte d ame nd me nt s to the Zo nin g O .. din ance whic h wo uld strcilml ine the la nd li se pe rmit p .. ocess (c hange th e pe .. mit req uir eme nt fro m Use Pe .. mit to Admin is t .. ali ve Use Permi t), up d"te th e requ ired pert"o .. mal1ces tand ard s, and pr ov id e an am nes ty prog ram fo .. th e 19 State-li ce nsed la .. ge fa mily day Ca .. e ho mes fo .. child .. en that we re in o perat ion EX HlB l T 1 I -.1 pri or to January I, 20t4 but wh ich are ope rat in g without a City Use Permit. The amnesty pr og ram wo uld require th ese o perato rs tofi Ic for and sec ur e an Admin istrativ e Use Permit, but wo uld waive the oth erwise applicab lc permi t noticing requireme nt s; 811(1 WH EREAS , the proposed amendme nt s to the Zo nin g Ordinan ce were published o n Ma y 30,2014 an d arc pr ese ntcd in Division I be low; and WHEREAS , the amendm e nt s to th e Zo nin g Ord inance do not pr o pose any changes to C ity poli c ies or reg ulati o ns that wou ld res ult in a direc t o r indi rec t ph ys ical , enviro nm ental impact ; th erefore it ha s be en dcter mined th at thi s amcnd ing o rdin ance is exe mpl 1i'0 111 envi ron me nta l review und er th c Ca lifornia Environm ent al Qua lity Act (CEQA) purs uanl to Ih e gen el'lliru le in CEQ A Guid e lines Scc ti on IS061(b)(3) that EQA appli es 6nl y to projec lS whi ch have Ih e potential for ca us in g a s ig nifi ca nt e ffcc t On th e e nvir onm ent ; an d WII EREAS, on June 10,2014 the Pl annin g Com mi ss ion he ld a du ly nOl iced public hen ";n g o n the propo se d Hln ondmcnt s to th e Zo nin g O rdinan ce, acccpting all public tcst im ony and the writte n re port of th e Department of Co mmun ity Development. NO W, THEREFOR.E , BE IT RESOLVE D, thal the Plann in g Co mmi ssio n reco mm end s to the Cit y o uneil ado ption of the a mendm ent s to th e San Rafae l Mtilli c ip a l Co de T ille 14 (Zoni ng) as out li ned in at tac hed "Ex hi bit A" based on th e fO ll ow in g findin gs as requir ed uncl e I' SRMC Sec tion 14 .27.040: I. As prop ose d, the amendm e nt s 10 pr ov ision of the Zo ni np Ordin ance s pec ifi c (0 lar ge family dllY care homes for chi ldl 'e n are Cp ns iste lll wit h th e po licies a nd prog ram s of the Sa n Rafae l Ge ncra l I'l un 2020 i.n th ht: a. Co ns istent witlt Land Use Po licy LU -19 (C hil de ""c), t he am cndm en ts wo uld str ea mlin e th e permit rev iew process for th ese homcs, wh ieh wo uld enco ul'a gc (he es tab lishm ent of ne w, all(lth e retention of ex istin g, fami ly da y ca re homes for children. b .. ~o n s i st e n t \~ith Neighbo)'llo0 d Poli cies NH-I I (Needed Ne ighb orh oo d-Se rvin g U es) ll~d NH-S2 (New Bu siil ess Deve lopm ellt ), th e amendments would furth er supp ol1 th e home-based bu s ines s of prov id in g nceded child day care in the re sid enti a lnoig hb o rh oo ds th ro ughoutlh c Cil Y; and o. Co ns iste nt with Neighborhood Po li cy NH-66 (Chilclca re), th e strea mlin ed Admini st rative Use Permit pr ocess has a s ub stantia ll y-redu ced application and pl 'ocess in g fee, whic h is advantageous to th e fami ly day Care ho mes that are mar keti ng arFo rd able child cnre se rvice . 2. The publi o hea lth , safety and ge neral wel far e are se rved by adopti o n or th e pro posed Zo nin g Ordinan ce umendments , in th at th ey wo uld: a) Sir ea mlin e permi t rev iew and lowe r thc COS I for Ih e child care ho me operato rs; and b) incorporate upd uted performance stan dard s fo r family da y ca re 110mes for ch ildr en; c) impl e ment po li cies a nd pro gra ms in th e San Rafaol Ge nera l Plan 2020 th at cnco urage peri odi c upd ate to the Zoni ng Ordin a nce to ensur e co ns iste ncy with th e Gene ral Plan ; and d) pro mote ex ist in g and new bu s ines ses by simpl ifyin g the plannin g rev iew process. T he foregoing reso lut io n was adop ted at a regu lar meetin g of th e San Rafae l Pl an ni ng Co mm i s ia n he ld on the 10'" of June 20 14. Moved by CO ll1mi ss ioner ___ "nd secon ded by Co mmi s ione r ____ _ EX lilBIT J J -2 AYES : NOES: ABSENT: SAN RAFAEL PLANNING CO MM ISS ION ATTEST: --~~~--~----­Pau l A. Je nse n, Secretary A1TACHMENT: EX HI B IT A Lr gc hldcflI'C.I) rcso 6 10 14 EXH IBIT 1 BY:_-:-:-----:-:,.--,-:-::--:--__ --:oc,.-,- Jo hn (Jack) Rob ert so n, Chair 1-3 EXHIBIT A 1\. Sa n Rafae l Municipa l Code Title 14 (Zoning) -Zo nin g Ordinance Tab le Amendmcnls. The Land Use Tables in Tit le 14 are hereby amended as foll ows: I . Table 14.04.020 in Section 14.04.020 (La nd u e reg ulati ons [R , DR, MR , IIR , PO]), is her eby amend ed to rea d, in pertinent part, as fo llow s: Day C a/'c Dny Ca re Faci lity , child 0 1' adult Family Day Care LftI'ge (9-14 ch ildr en) R DR Mit HR PO 2. Tab le 14.05.020 in Section 14.0S .020 (La nd li se rc gulati ons rOC, NC, 0, CI O, RIO, FBW Cl), is hereby amended to re ad, in pertinent part, as fo ll ows: Day Ca "e Day Care Fnci li ty, chil d or adu lt Fami ly Day Ca re R/O Large (9 -14 children) ~A 3. Tab le 14.0S.022 in Sec ti on 14 .0S.022 (La nd use reg ul ation s [4S RC, 11 0, CSMU, 2/J M UE, 2/J MUW . WEV, S/MRJOll , is here by am ended to rea d, in pertin e nt part , as follow s: Day Cm'c Day Care Facility, c hild or adult Family Day Care S/MRJO La rge (9-14 childr en) ~A B. Sa n Rafael unicipal Code Title 14 (Zo nin !!) -Zoning Ordinance Tex t Amendment s. Tit le 14, Chapt er 14.17, sec ti on 14 .17.040 is hereby ame nd ed to read in il s entirety as follows: 14.17.0 411 Pm nily day clI/'e hom e fo/' child/'en, la'·ge. II . Purpose . :(chese stoo(*o",,15 The Jlrov isio ns of thi s ec ti on are int en ded to se t fo rth )e r",it re uir emcnt s and ope rationa l s tandard s for fIIl &w lar ge fami ly day care homes for childr e n te-Ieeatewhe n es tabli s hed in a dwellin g unit lOCA ted in resi dent ial AeigltSeAl eeas-o r re s idential /o flic e zo ning di stri cts. Large fam il y da y ca re homes 10 1' childr en give ehila ren Jl'ovide a home e nvi ro nm ent conduc ive to sa fe and hea lth y deve lop mcnt"J)r omote susta inabilit y, and arc sUJ}Jlorted by th e policies and program s of the San Ra fae l ge nera l plan . Th e standards reg lliat e poten tial traffi c a nd no ise impa cts related to the ope rati on of la rge family day ca re homes for c hildr en to en sur e EX HIBIT I 1-4 th at th ese uses do not adversely impa ct th e adjacent prope rtic s and th e ne ighborho od ill which thes e hom es are lo cated. B. Appli cability. PeffafffiHttee-Th e permit requ ireme nts a nd op erati onal standard s for lar ge fnmily day ca re homes For childre n apply in all reside ntia l zo nin g di stri c ts, &fld in the mi xed res id enti a l/o ffice ~di s tri c t s whic h permit reside nti a l uses. Co mpli ance with tlel'feflfiflltOO the standard s pre scnt ed in s ub sec tion D, below shall be reviewed thro ugh the s<-itnitli*<flHI 'C lise applicable pe rmi t pr ocess prescribed in sub scction C be low . The provi s ions of thi s sect ion are not applicable to large fnmi ly da.y ca re home s for children in non-reside ntial di stri cts. where a ll owed by use permit. The lerformance !l nd opera ti onal sta nd ar ds for lar ge family day care homes in nOIl- re sidential di strict s shall be es tabli shed through th e usc permit proce ss. C. Permit req uirement s. , I. Admin istrativ e usc permit. An admini strativ e L1se 'permit I)Ur Suant to Chapt er 14.2 1 of thi s Co de shall bere uired for.lllar'e ~ niii" ·tla ca re homes fOr Childr en when establi shed For opera ti on in a dwelling uni t. 10ca teCi in the R, MR . HR , PO , 5/M R/O. or RI O Di stri cts . The .dmini stI"ative usc penni ; is requir ed to con tiI'm comp li ance with the standard s in s ub sec ti on D bel ~w . ' 2, Notice of <Ie c is io n. The Co mmunity -Development Direct o r sha ll vrepare a written dec is ion whic h shall contain th e find in '8." of act up on which suc h dec isio n is ba se d an d co nd iti ons o f appr oval. if any. Notwi lh slllllding the provi s ions of Sect io n 14.21.0 90 of th is Code, the de c isio n s hall be mai led to th e applicant. propertv owne r. and the pl 'ope rt y owners a nd re s id en ts th at are immediately co ntiguou s to a nd across th e slr ee lir oad I"om th e Illiljios~d op e rati on. Lafge fami ly day ca re home s for chi ld ren that we re in operati 6h and . licen se d by th e State of Cali fornia prior to Januar y 1,2014 are exempt from thi s noti oin g requ ir e ment. 3 , Appeal of dec is ion, As required l;y Secti o n 1,(2 1 ,JOO (administrati ve li se vermit) of thi s title. an ami cal of th e deci s ion~s h a JJ be liled \¥ithin five (5) working da ys of th e pe rmit act ioj l . ~. G.Q. S tanda r (l ~ Required for Iss uan ce of Admini strat iv e Usc Permit. I . Outdoor activi lY"and .play area. If an oLit doo l' 1I cti vity and Pl!!.Y. area is pl'Op ose d or provided , th e following are .requir ed to minimi ze potential noise impact s and to mlt infa in th lLpriva cy"b f neighborin g res idents: 1I , "once's and walls . A s ix foo t (6') high so lid fen ce or wall shall be cO nstru cted in th e rea r a nd 's ide yards , Fellces may not exceed the fence heigh t limit with in th e @.Q uircd 1'·onLya rd. All fen ces s hall be constructed to provide for . afety with .co ntr oll ed poini s of entr y, Materia ls, textures and co lors and de sign of th e fence Or wall s hall be co mpa tible with on -s it e deve lop ment and adiacent pr operti es . b. Outa oo r play a,'ea equip ment . Any statio nary play eq uivm ent sha ll not be loca ted in the requi l'C d si de yard se tb ac ks, c. Outd oO r activit y hour s. Outdoor ac tiviti es may be co ndu cted betw ee n th e hour s o f seye n a.lII . (9:00 a.III .) mId seve n 1',111 . (9 :0 0p .m.) onl y. d. Co mpli ance with th e no ise ordin ance . All outd oo r ac ti vities shall co mply wit h th e ge neral noi se limit s set fO lth ill ChaRt er 8, 13 of thi s cod e. I . Fe"ees .... lln&-WtlU~~lIrpe ses ef "a ise A13Ate",eH*>f~"e467 ... h-ig h-seli!l-fetlee sHfl.ll...b ~e "9 1rll e t ed e tl-feAHlfld s id e yards. Fen_nY-ll at elteeecl the ren ee hei g hl +iH,+t-wi~,ilt-the-l'efJ u ire ,1 1hmt-yard . All Hme.. sl,a l+-preYide-46r slIfelywitH eeHfrelled-t*>ffit-s-ef-eIlLry. M "leRa Is, (e"l.tfoo"'!lII{Hel(wS-iln&ilesigtI4 tJ.e-feeee-ef wnl -k h"IJ-e "",n~lIfib l e-witl H)l ... stt<Hievele pmellt a nEl-a~~I'et4ieSo ~lIlde8f-Jlkl.y-A~I~'"l ~es_ef-ee f1~I'&I.J·iHg-A ~tlffi -tllftiHl'ait>ittg-+fl6-t'fi~ neigJffi a l"', any stnt ia Hul)' ~ItIY eqttil'lllelll s h a l~e lae ate!J-i.n..re(fltirea-si.Ie-yAf<.\tr. EXHIBIT I 1 ... 5 :;,...-QttlEleer Aetivity,-fer!H"1*'rpeses ef l1ohse-ftbatet»e'~HtfleeHletiv i ties !HAy only be-eenfl_eEl-ael'weetl-!I,e-ile~l '(HIf,"*"e'HI~"~G-frtl"+ie-HiH~I1T.-f9+G9-jT.t»+ 4~. Parking. On-site parking for large fam il y day care home s 5ha ll not be required except for the amou nt t hat is required fo r the res idential use . A-ln,!tiffitHtl af twa ~>OOes ~tt+loetl-if1--ltl.l-..eas Use of the required. covered parking (garagel for the ehild care opera ti on sha ll be prohibi ted . ~3.. I>asse nger Load ing and Pa l'kin g Plan. A pas se nge r loading and parking pln n is @.. ui re and shall be approved by th e c it y tr artic el1g il1 eer-shllH-b~i+ee. Th e plan sha ll de m nstr ate adc~u ate and safe acce ss wi th minimal dis ru ption to loca l trartic and circ ulati o n. 6~. Light ing. Pa sse nger loa ding a reas sha ll be ill uminated te the snt isl'oe ti an afth&fol·iee Ele~artl1,el1t for sa fety . The lighting shl1l1 be directed away from adj acent propcl1ie s and shall be of comparab le inten si ty co mpatibl e wit h tho ne ig hb o rh ood. +5. Fire inspec t ion clel u·ance. As required by th e State of Califo l'l1i a for care home li ce nsin g. a !'ire in spection sha ll be cond ucted by the fi re departl11ent prior to th e app rova l of the admini slrativ e use permit. 86 . Cit y bus ines s li ce nse. A c ily bu si ness li cense is reH uir ed. T he business li ce nse sha ll not bc iss ued until the administrative li se per mit is IIpproved. 7. State and Oth el' Licen sing. All fami ly da y Cllre racilitie s sha ll be state licen sed and s ha ll be o perat ed acco rdin g to a ll applicab le state and loca l regu lat ions . A cOilY...Qf th e li cen se ap pli ca tion sha ll be s ubm itted with the admi ni strat ive use perl11 it app li cation . Irsch td c."c.PC "cs06 10 1" (flila t <lraO) EX HIBIT I l-G EXHIBIT 2 LETIERS FROM CHILD CARE OPERATOR REPRESENATIVES June 3 , 2014 616 Ta rragon Drive -San Rafael, CA 94903 415.492-9745 www.thewoffpackc/Jil dcare.com -howlpaclt@ComcliI s /.IlIJI Dear Members of the San Rafael Planning Commission, On Septe mbe r 2013, the en ti re co mmunity of Large Family Chi ld Ca r e Providers i n Sa n Rafael was asked to file for Business Li censes and Zoning Perm its. Hav in g never been informed o f the n eed of th e men ti oned lice n ses and perm its before and being asked to pay very high fees , back taxes and go t hroug h an u nfa ir zoning process, t he State Licensed p roviders were nervous and p anicked. Some of us were consi de rin g closing our ch ild care homes, w hi ch wo uld crea t e a deficit in th e ch ild care ava il abil ity for Sa n Rafae l and would be devastating for providers and th e famil ies they served . We consu l te d with t he Chi ld Care Law Center and wa lked in at a City Counci l meeting to ask for cha ng es. We were ve r y h appy w it h th e respo nse from th e City Co un cil meeting, espec iall y from Nancy Mackie, City Manager, who offered to meet with us right away. Afte r a meeting w ith all ch ild care proViders, Rejane Hurst an d I were chosen to represent the providers in future meetings with the City of San Rafae l. We first met with Ms . Mackie and Paul Jensen, Community Deve lopment Director, w ho were ex treme ly atte ntive to our ca use . They not only li ste ned but also suggested t hat we work together to find a solution. We have done extens ive resea rch and so have Ms. Mackie and specially Mr. Jansen, City staff and together with the he lp of Laurie Furstenfeld from the Ch ild Care Law Ce nter, we h ave ha d numerous fo ll owing me etin gs where we have gone through eve ry ste p of, what 10 0 1(5 like, a fair and just process. Th e amendments yo u find attac hed are a result of dedication and com muni cat ion from all parties in volved. Each amend m ent we asked to be made ha s been thorough ly explored and fina lly agreed o n between all parties . We h ave si nce agree d to pay our Business License to The City o f San Rafael and all providers have done so in a timely manne r. We have a lso ag reed on many changes that are fair and have ag reed on the creation of a new an Administrative Permit for Large Family Ch ild Care Providers and ar e in co nsens u s with the Use Permit fee of $399.00. Whi le our neighboring City of Novato does not requi r e large family ch ild care home p rovi de rs to obtain a u se pe rmit because t hey cons ider Fami ly Child Care an asset to the i r commun i ty, we believe in be i ng on good terms wit h o u r Ci t y of San Rafae l and Ms. Mack ie and Mr. Jansen have showed t hat they also want t o ma l<e sure our City i s on good terms w ith us . Please cons ider t he exte nsive work we have all put into th is proces s for the last 9 month s w hen you review th e attached ame ndments we are reques t ing. It is as a result of very close communication and i ntent to the bette r of our community. We be lieve t hat these amendments w ill make the City of Sa n Rafae l a much des ired com m un i ty for the present and f ut u re Fa mil y Child Care Pr ov ide r s. Si ncere ly, Ana Andrade Sa n Rafae l Fam il y Ch i ld Care Prov ider CHILD CARE LAW CENTER 445 CHURCII STI!EET I 4'" fLOOR SAN FRANC ISCO, CA 9 4114 41S.SS8.800 S WWW.CH IL D C II R E LIIW.O R G IN FO @ CfIILDeARELAw .ORG Jun e 4, 20 14 San Rafael Planning Commission Members c/o C ity of Sa n Rafael Com munity Deve lopme nt Department PO Box 15 1560 San Rafa e l, CA 949 j 5 VlA EMA1L : Paul Jen se n, Co mmunity De velop ment Direc t r RE:Proposcd Zoning Ordinance for L:'rge Fa mily C hild Care Home Providers Dear Plannin g Co mmis sio n Member s, We g reat ly Ih an k the Ci ty of San Ra fae l ("the. City") for it s coo peration in reac hin g a mutual goo d-fa ith agre cment rega rding th e Cit y busine ss li cc nse fee and zo nin g permit with th e large family child clire ho me provi dc rs ("Providers"). We a lso apprecia te the C it y'S receptiveness to the C hild Ca rc Law Center's lega l tec hni ca l assi tance throu g hout th e nego tiation pro cess. The Child Ca re Law Ccnter uses lega l expertise to he lp familie s sec ur e hi gh-qu a li(y , affordab le chi ld care, parli c ul ariy for low -i nco me and underservcd conumm iti es . We beli eve that all c hildren have th e rig ht to sa fe a nd Ilurn.rin g ca l'c whil e their paren ts work. Th is lell er offers a summ ary of the Ca lifornia Child Day Ca re Faci litie s Act in so far as it s application to th e negot ia ti o n pro cess, a ba ckgro und oflhc proc ess between th e Cit y and th e Providers, and it s successfu l o ut comes. Th e Child Ca re Law Cent er s upp ort s thc am end ed zo nin g ordinance be fo re YO ll . As further det ail ed be low, we also hi g hli ght that th e Planoin g Com mi s 'ion has th e op tion of adopt in g a less restrictive zoni ng ordinance by c lassify in g large fami ly c hild Ca re hom es as a res id ential use of pro p erl y. A . The ClI lifornia C hild Dav Ca r c Fa cilitics Act PrcllmJIIs Munich):,1 Busilless License and Zo ning Laws tn enacting thc Ca liforni a Child Day Ca re Fa c iliti es Act ("Ihe Act"), th e Leg is lanlre recognized th at th ere a rc ins ufliei Cnt numb ers of reg ul ated fam il y day care home s in Ca lifornia , that th ere wi ll bc a g rowing need for child da y care fa c iliti es due to th e in crea sc in wo rking I)arents, and th a t man y parents prefer ch ild da y care loca ted in th e ir nei g hb o rhoods in fa mily homes. Ca l. HealJh & Safety Co de §§ 1597.3 0 (b)-(d). The Leg is lature flll"l her stated it to be a publi c poli cy of "statew id e co nce ["J1" that fam il y day ca re hom es for c hildr en s hould be situated in normal re si dential s urro undin gs so as to give childr en the hOl11 e environm ent which is conducive to health y and safe deve lop me nl, and tha i child ren ill II famil y da y care hOl11e s hou ld be provided 1 the sa me ho me env ironm ent as prov ided in a tradi tional hom e se ttin g . Ca l. Health & Safety Co de § 159 7.40 (a). In s upp or t of this polic y, the Legislature s tated a "p urpo se o f oec upyi ng th e lield [o f fa mi Iy day Ca re reg ulati on] to the exc lu s ion of muni cipal zo nin g, bu ildin g and fir e co des and regulations go vernin g the use or occup ancy 0 (" fa mily day ca re homes for c hil dren , except as s pec ifica ll y provid e d for in thi s chapte r, and to prohibit any re s tric tion s re latin g to th e use of s ingle-fami ly res id enccs fo r family da y car e hom cs for chi ldre n except as provid ed by thi s c hapter." 'd. 13y a nnolll1ci ng th e reg ul aLion of pl ace men t of fltmily da y care homcs to be a malter of s ta lewi de eonec lll , and sta tin g and intent to occu py thc I·ic ld, th c s late of Ca lifornia c reat ed thc foundation for lega l p rcemption of loca l bu s ine ss li ce nse and land usc ord ina nces th a t conflict wilh its .. I pr ov Isions . Th e Act o lfers that [or th e purpo se 0[" a ll local ord in ances, sIIlall fa mil y day c ar e homes are a resi de ntial use ofl)rOpel"ty , and it ex pli cit ly proll ibi ts loca l gove rnment s /i ·om c ha rging S/lwl/ fa mily child ca re homes any bu si ne ss license, fee , or ta x fo r th e pri v il ege of o pera tin g a s ma ll fam ily day ca rc home. al. Health & Safety Code § 159 7.45 (!\)-(b). Th e ACI's si le nce o n whet he r large fam il y day ca re homes are co nsid ered res id enti a l for the pu rp ose of all loca l ordill (/Il ces, or wheth er a city ca n requir e them to obtain a loca l bll s in ess li ce ns e, givc s loca l gove rnm ents SO lll e f1e xibil ily in re g ulating large fa mily cllild cn re hom es . However, th e Ac t still pla ces requir ement s and limi taLion s on loca l governments l hat wis h to char ge large family child care hom es any pe rmit s or fees. Ca l. Hea lth & Sarety Co dc § 1597 .46 (b). Wil h res pec l to zo ning and permit rees, th e Act ex pr ess ly s tat es tha t "a c it y, co unt y, or city and co unt y sha ll no t prohibit large fa mily day car e homes on lots zo ne d for sing le-family dw e llin gs" and limit s local rc gulati o n o f large fam il y chi ld ca re homes to ·'reaso nab le" standard s re latin g to fo ur di sc reet fi\cto rs: (I) spac in g and co nce ntrat ion , (2) traffic con tr ol , (3) I a rkin , a nd (4) noi se co ntrol. Ca l. Hca lth & Safe ty Code § I 597.46(a). B. Bac kground to Negot iat ion Proces s In Septemb er 201 3, ti le C ity 's rinance Departm enl ("tll e Departm ent ") notifi ed Provid ers that they mll s t obtain a bus iness lice nse. Departl11el1l e mploy ees told Providers who presented ap pli ca tion s and pa yment s in per so n Ihat they owed ad dition al fee s: penalti es for not having a bu s in ess li ce nse, bac k taxe s, and $2,476 for a zo nin g permit. Departme nt e mplo yees inconsistc ntl y assessed pe na lti es and fees, res ultin g in varying charges assessed to the Pro v id ers, with eac h ow in g an avera ge agg rega te amOllnl of$4 ,OOO . O n September 16,20 13 , Prov id e rs informed City Co un ci l memb ers a t the pub lic C ity CO llncil mee ting of th e bu s in ess fee noti flea li o ns sc nt by th e Depar tm cn t and in-l)e rSo n noti ces of th e zo ning pe rmit ree and other fee s and I·axes. C ity CO lill cilmem bers asserted that Ihey were no t aware or th ese pr ac tices and agreed to meet with Ana AJI(lrade and Rcjan c Hur s t, large family I Ca l i forn ia Depart ment of Soc ial Se l'vices , Com munit y Ca re Lice nsing D i visio n, is th e sla te ugcncy lhat rcg lllfl\c s the Ilca llh , sa felY fi nd opera tio n of rami Iy child ctl fC homes tln d child cafe centers, 2 ch ild care hOlll e provide rs acting as rep resent atives of th e Providers, and w ith th e C hild C are Law Center. At a res ultin g mee tin g on Oc tob er 1,20 13 and s ub se quent mee t ings over the pa s t 10 mont hs, and in re la ted e l11a il, Na ncy Mackie, C ity Man<lger, and Paul Jen sen, Co mmunity Deve lopment Directo r, indicated that the City had no in tention o f driving Prov iders oul of bus in ess and wo uld work hard with th e Prov iders to propose a fa ir soluti on . The C ity a lso pro mpt ly nOli lie d a ll Provide rs Ihat bus in css li cense and zoning permit rees wou ld each be sllspend ed unlillhe C il y adopted a fina l d ecis ion o n the individualll1a tlc rs. C. T h e C ity J)ismissed Bus in ess Penalty Fees And Bael, Taxes, A nd Ag reed To A R easonabl e Fee For Providers T he Act s tate s th a I cities a nd co unti es mu sl prov id e n I is l of req u ire d fee s and pe rmit s to a ny ch ild care provider applicHnlllpon requ es t. Ca l. H ea lth & Safe ty Cod e § 1597 .46 (b)( I). Pri o r 10 Sep te mb e r 2 0 13, th e Deparlm e nt rep ea te dl y vio lated the Ac t by mis in fo rm ing Prov iders th at they did not need a bu si n ess lic en e o r zo nill g pe rmi t. Aller me e tin g w i th th e Pro v id ers a nd C hild Ca re Law Center over tile next few mo n ths, Mr. Jensen a nd Ms. Mack ie acknowledged that C ity e mpl oyees mi s take nl y mi si nform ed P rov id e rs that th ey did not need a bu s in ess lice nse, a nd wl'Ong ly cha rge d Provid e rs penalties fee s a nd back taxes . Ulti ma le ly, tlte City di s mi ssed a ll business li cense pena lt y fees a nd back laxes. EfreClive Ja nuary 20 14 , Providers arc now require d to pay for a n initi a l bu si ness li ce nsc fee, j ncl udin g app li ca ti o n a nd assess me nt c harges, of $199, and an $80 a nnll a l fee th e reafte r. T he Providers ar c hap llY with Ihi s resu lt and eac h .has res po nd ed by timely paying for her bus iness li cense. D. The C ity Proposes T o A m e nd The Z oning Ordinance To Require That Providers Obtain All Admi ni strative Use ]'crmit S in ce th e City Co un c il Meeting on September 16,20 13, the C ity has recog ni zed Ih at so me provision s of the Use Permit did not com p ly with the Act. The C ity has filrt hcr agreed th a t the Perm il Fcc of $2,476 would seve rely impaci th e ava il ab ili ty of ch ild care s paces in the Ci ty by driving so me Provid e rs o ut of bu s ines s, and co uld negative ly affe c t the quality of c h ild ca re du e to the overl y bu rd e nso me Usc Pe rmit cos t. Th e am end ed zo nin g ordinance prop osa l is til e p rod uc t of nCllrl y 10 mo nth s of amica bl e ne go tiations bel ween th e Providers and lhe C ity . Th e C hild C are Law Cent e r ha s a lso par ti ci pated in these mee tin gs to provi de tec hn ical lega l as s islance. T hi s co ll abora ti ve efrort en tail e d working on a nd agreei ng to Ih e s ubstantive co nte nt s of eac h pr ovision to e nsu re Ih e hea lth, quality a nd safe ty of e hildre l1 in lar ge fam il y c hild ca re ho mes whil e balancing th e propcrty interes ts or the I rov id ers' ne ig hb ol'S. The Ci ty furth el' pro posed to require t hat Providers obla in a n Admini st rative Use Pel1llit, w ith a fe e of$398, in stead o fthc c urre ntl y requi re d Usc Perl11it that cos ts $2,476 . T hi s redu c tion in cos t grea tl y re li eves the linllnci a l hard s hip o n Pr ov iders so tha t they ca n o ffe r higll -g ualily c hild ca re to th e familie s th ey serve . The amend ed zo nin g ordin a nce p roposa l a lso in c ludes provisions that w ill stream line ti1 e bu s in ess li cense, zo n ing pe rmit a nd lire in s pec tio n pro cess by faci lil at in g coordinati o n betwee n C it y departm e lll s . T h is new Ilrocess w ill save Ih e C ity tim e a nd mon ey by e limi nating 3 duplicative pr occdures, and wil l beller ens ur e lhal Prov id ers adh ere to a ll th e ily's requi rements re late d to thcir large cbi ld eare hom es. E. The C hild Care Law Ce nter Urges T he C ity T n C lassify Large F,unily C hild Care }lome Providers As A Residential Use Of Property The Child Ca re Law Center ap pr eciates th e C it y's re spons iveness to the Prov id ers and proven wil lin gness to reac h a good -failh co mpr omi se . Whi le the Child Ca re Law Ce ilt er s upp o rt s th e ame nd ed zo nin g ordi nance propo sa l, we re spe ctfully ur ge th e C it y to c lass ify large fn mil y ch ild ca re ho mcs as a permill ed usC ofrcsid enlia l pr ope rt y as permitted by th e Ca lifornia Healt h a nd Safe ty ode § 1597.46(a)(I). Like small family ch ild car e hom es whic h are exe mpted uncl er the Ac t from nee din g a bu s ine ss li ce nse or zo ning per mit , large flunil y c hild car e homes maintai n a ho mc-lik c se ttin g a nd offcr qll a lit y ca re ill elose proximity to wh ere fam ili es li ve or work . Pr ov id ers in Sa n Rafael o ffer an inva lu able be ne fit to th e City by supp o rtin g th e d evelo pm e nl ~1 ne ed ~ of ve ry yo un g childr en while th ei r parent s wo rk. Many of th ese prov iders se rv e childr en w ith di sab iliti es o r childr en fTom low-i ncome famili es . The Ci ty 's zo nin g fec, eve n with th e prop ose d redu c ti o n, s till has a signifi ca nt imp act on providers lil at far outw eig hs any reven u e the 'it y wou ld gain . We enco ur age Sa n Ra fae l to show its apprec iation fo r the uniqu e wo rk of large famil y child care h0111 c pr ov id ers and s et an exa mple for oth cr citi e by adopt in g th e Icas t rest rict ive zo nin g ord in ance. If th e Pl a nnin g Co mmi ss ion oppo ses thi s opli o n, Lh e Ch ild Care Law Ce nt er afli rm s the ami cable nego tia tion I)rocess an d offe rs ou r unquali fied suppo rt for th e amend ed zo nin g ordinan ce proposal befo re yo u. Very truly yours, ( ~.A (./1 , " ( (I , \ t ~.,,;£ " (J ~/ Laurie Furstenfeld, Staff Attorney Child Cnl 'e Law Center cc: Ana Andrade, The Wolf Pack Family Child Care Rejane Hurst, Luccabambuccn Child Care lody Windisch, Marin Child Ca re COlln cil 4 EXHIBIT 3 Inventory of State -licensed Large Family Day Care Homes for Children Operating Prior to January 1, 2014 (Updated May 15, 2014) State License Holder Zoning (Use) Fire Inspection -Planning Permits -Status Status of City Business License (post 2009) Facility No : 214199999 Capacity: 0014 AGUERREBERE, BENIGNA 90 1 LAS GALLI NAS R5 Distri ct Yes Use Permit (UP99-016) Business license application filed ; pending use approval SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903 Terra Linda for large family ch ild care (415) 499-0860 (Det SFD ) Facility No : 214200004 Capacity: 0014 ANDRADE , ANA 616 TARRAG ON DRIVE R5 Distri ct Yes No permit Business license appl ication fil ed ; pending use approval SAN RAFAEL , CA 94903 Terra Linda (415) 492-9745 (Det SFD ) Faci lity No : 214005232 Capacity : 0014 CLERC , SYLVIE 15 AN A CO URT R7 .5 District Yes No permit Busin ess license appl ication file d; pending use approval SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903 Terra Linda (4 15 ) 847-5144 (Det SFD ) Facility No: 2140052 10 Capacity: 0014 COHEN, REJANY 20 2 SPR UCE CT . PD-177 9 Dist ri ct Yes No perm it Business license application filed; pending use approval SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903 Redwood Village (415) 517-3404 (Det SFD) Faci lity No: 214005245 Capacity: 14 MARWICK-DEMILLE TAMARA & DENNIS 1335 GRAND AVE NUE R5 Distri ct Yes Use Permit (UP13 -034) Business license issued , 2124/14 SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 Dom inican for large ch il d care home (41 5) 721-7133 (De t SFD) Facility No : 214005141 Capacity: 0014 DIAZ, CLAUDIA 191 0 LAS GALLINAS A V E NU E R7 .5 Distri ct Yes No permit SAN RAFAEL , CA 94903 San Rafael Park (415) 472-2717 (Det SFD) EXHIBIT 3 Inventory of State-l icensed Large Family Day Care Homes for Children Operating Prior to January 1, 2014 (Updated May 15, 20 14) State License Ho l der Zoning (Use) Facility No: 214005153 Capacity: 0014 DIAZ, CONSUELO & PINEDA , HASBLEIDY 13 CORRILLO DRIVE R7 .5 Di strict SAN RAFAEL , CA 94903 (4 15) 491-5018 Facility No: 214005156 Capacity: 00 14 DIAZ, NILDA 1876 LAS GALLINAS AVENUE SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903 (415) 507 -9868 Facility No: 214200061 Capacity : 0014 DIAZ, ROSSIO 169 IRWIN STREET SAN RAFAEL , CA 94901 (41 5) 454-5368 Facility No : 214005249 Capacity: 0014 DUQUE, KARINA AND GALEANA, VICENTE Rafael Meadows (Det SFD) R7 .5 District San Rafae l Pa rk (Det SFD) R7 .5 District Bret Harte (Det SFD) 15 VILLA AVENUE R5 District SAN RAFAEL , CA 94901 Glen Park (41 5) 457-7658 (De t SFD) Facility No : 214200091 Capacity: 0014 GUO, XiJUAN 240 WAT ERS IDE CIRCLE SAN RAFAEL , CA 94903 (4 15) 479 -3883 Fa cility No : 214200098 Capacity: 0014 HANSEN, ILYANA NINETTE 4 YOSEMITE RD SAN RAFAEL, CA 94903 (415) 507-0774 Facility No : 214005216 Capacity: 0014 HURST, REJANE 343 "D" STREET SAN RAFAEL , CA 94901 PD-1449 District Marin Lagoon (Det SFD) PD-1626 District Contempo Marin (M obi le Home) MR2 Distri ct Gerstle Park Fire Inspection -Planning Permits -Status Status of City Busi ness License Yes No pemnit Yes No pemnit Busin ess license applica tio n filed; pend ing use approval Yes No perm it Business license appli cation filed; pend ing use approval No record No pemn it Business license application filed ; pendin g use approval Yes No pemnit Yes No pemn it Yes No pemni! Bus in ess license app lication filed ; pending use approval EXHIB IT 3 Inventory of State-licensed Large Family Day Care Homes for Ch ildren Operating Prior to January 1, 2014 (Updated May 15, 2014) State License Holder (415) 455-5354 Facil ity No : 214005134 Capacity : 0014 KOOP , ALEXANDRA 289 ARIAS STREET SAN RAFA EL, CA 94903 (4 15) 827 -2482 Facility No: 214005033 Capacity: 0014 NOJABAEI, SOROOR 73 U PPER OAK DRIVE SAN RAFAEL , CA 94903 (415 ) 785-2878 Facility No : 2 14005157 Capacity : 0 0 14 RIBEIRO, KARINA M. 901 LAS PAVADAS AVE SAN RAFAEL , CA 94903 (4 15) 246-1409 Facility No: 2 14200171 Capacity: 0014 SAMAN, EDNA 408 BELLE AVENUE SAN RAFAEL , CA 94901 (415) 250-909 7 Facility No : 2 14200172 Capacity : 0014 SANGST ER, DER IN DA 16 1 PROSPEC T DRIVE SAN RAFAEL , CA 9490 1 (415) 457..,825 Facility No: 21 4 005224 Capacity : 00 14 SANTIZO , RINA & ALVAREZ, JUAN 283 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE . SAN RAFAEL , CA 94901 (415) 456-0623 Facility No: 2 1400522 7 Capacity: 0014 SCHAFER, NADIA Zon i ng (Use) Fire Inspection -Planning Permits -Status (Det SFD ) R5 District Te rra Linda (Del SFD ) R7 .5 Districl Mont Marin (Det SFD ) R5 District Terra Linda (Del SFD) R5 Disirict Monte ci to (Det SFD) R10 Distri ct San Rafael Hill (Del SFD) R10 District Black Canyon (Det SFD ) Yes No perm it Yes No permil Yes No permit Yes No permit Ves No permil Yes No permi t Status of City Business License Business lice nse app lication filed ; pending use approva l EXH IBI T 3 Invent ory o f State-licensed Large Family Day Ca re Homes for Children Operati ng Pri or to January 1, 20 14 (Up da t ed May 15, 2014) State License Ho lder 934 LAS PAVADAS AVE NUE SAN RAFAEL , CA 94903 (415) 747-8799 Facili ty No : 214200202 Capacity : 0014 WAREN, SANOY 377 HYACINTH WA Y SAN RAFA EL, CA 94903 (415 ) 479-5885 Zoni ng (Use ) R5 Distri ct Terra linda (Det SFD) R5 -EA Dis tric t Terra linda (Det SFD) THE FOLLOWING HOMES ARE LOCATED IN MULTIPLE-FAMILY DISTR ICTS AND OPERATE WITH A USE PERMIT: Facility No . 214200039 Capacity: 00 14 CHAN-ROSADO, BEATRIZ 185 BAHIA WAY SAN RAFA EL. CA 94903 (4 15) 459-5845 Facility No . 21420007 1 Capacity : 14 EVANS , NOUZHA 87 ELIZABETH WAY SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 (4 15) 532-6049 Facility No. 214005105 Capacity : 14 FIGUEROA, ESL Y 1512 LINCOlN AVENUE SAN RAFA EL , CA 9490 1 (415) 256-9101 Facility No . 214200082 Capacity: 14 GOCHBERG , CLAIRE & JODI 348 BAYVIEW AVENUE SAN RAFAEL , CA 94901 (4 15) 459-5624 MR3 District Cana l (Attch -townhome ) MR5 District Forbes (Attch - 3 un its) HR 1 District lincoln (Det Duple x) DR Distric t Gersti e Park (Attch -3 units ) Fire Inspection -Planning Permits -Status Yes No pe rmi t No record Yes Yes Yes Yes No perm it Use Permit (UP07-042) for large fami ly child care Use Perm it (UP05'{)27) for la rge chi ld care U se Permit (UP11-062) for large fami ly child care Use Permit (UP01'{)33) for large ch il d care Status of City Business License Business license app licat ion filed ; pend ing use approval Bus iness license issued , 4 /30 /14 Bus iness license issued , 1/3114 Business l icense issued , 4 /22114 Bus iness license issued , 5/15 /14 EXHIBIT 3 Inventory of State-licensed Large Family Day Care Homes for Children Operating Prior to January 1, 2014 (Updated May 15, 2014) State License Holder Facility No . 214200085 Capacity: 14 GONZALES-ORTEGA, DEVORA 5 BROOKDALE AVENUE SAN RAFAEL , CA 94901 (415) 455-8 138 Facility No . 214005252 Capacity : 14 RAMIREZ, MARIA C . 23 BAYPOINT DRIVE SAN RAFAEL , CA 94901 (415) 747-83 68 Zon i ng (Use) HR1 District Linco ln (Det Duplex) PD-1562 District Baypo int Lagoon (Attch-townhome ) Fi re Inspection -Planning Permits -St atus Yes Use Permit (UP05-024) for large family child care Yes Use Perm it (U P12-022) for large child care Status of City Business License Busi ness license issued , 5117114 OPTION I ~ Status Quo o Maintain ZA le vel Use ~ Pennit for all large family day care. • Requires public notic e. 15 days before hearing to all property owners/residents within 300 feet • Ob se rves a 5-day appeal period after decision to Planning Commission (then Ci ty Council). OPTION 2 ~ Reduce Level of Rev iew to Administrative Use ~ Pennit for all Large Family day care 0 Update performance ~ standar ds fOT all large fam il y day care. 0 Reduce the lev e l of ~ review for all large Exhibit 4 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT -LARGE FAMlL Y DAY CARE (ZCl4-001) Review of Options (Alternatives) June 10,2014 ADVANTAGE-PRO DISADVANTAGE -CON Provides public notification and process for all • Maintains public hearing requirement, including new large family day care for potential appeal for an y large family day care. Allows discretionary review for all large family • Ma intains a semi-lengthy and more rigorous day care. process. o May not fully address neighborhood! neighborhood concerns. • Does not address concern s ciled by family day care providers to srreamline and sim plify process and red uce /remove barriers to slow or stop new facilities . • Does not address the city Council's direction to streamline planning permit rev ie w. Improves the limited perfonnance standards 0 Cre ates an awkward public proce ss by providing currently in place. notification of decision after approval , for 5 day Continues to provide the City the discretion to appeaL impose conditions or den y establishments of new 0 Continues to prov ide discretionary review, homes. although at a lower level , which is o pen to appeal Partially maintains neighborhoo d/resident concerns about City 's ability to re gulate and permit by maintaining allowing a partially public process. Partiall y reduce s level of review. and therefore process and time line s to apply for zoning STAFF IMPACTS Staff time unknown at this time, except that action will requiTe: 0 Contacting all existing large family day care homes operators to initiate review (ext. 1-2 hrsIeach) 0 Requiring a screening of each to determine sta tu s an d get submitta l (esL 1-2hrs1each) 0 Processing individual Us e Penn its , as required (est. 7-1 2 hr s/each -depends on controversy) 0 If appealed, can add 10 -40 hr s/each . Temporary -Significant staff implication in order to catch up and legalize 22 eXisting large fam ily day care that have come into existence without UP. Long tenn -Statu s quo staffing implication as long as receive application in norma l course . Staff time unknOv.'J1 at this time , except th at action will require: 0 Contac ting all existing large family day care home operators to init iate revfe w (exL 1-2 hrs/each) 0 Requiring a screen in g. of each to detennine status and get s ubmittal (est. 1-2 hrsIeach) • Proc essing individual admin W:\P lanni ng\Current Plan ning\Open Projects\Pa ul\Large Child Care Homes (ZO I4-00 1 )\P Jann ing Commission\.\ltatrix_Large Fami ly Day Care Penn itti ng Optio ns_05.14 .14_fi naJ edits.doc Page J • • OPTION ALTERNATIVE family da y care from ZA level Use Permit to Admin Use Penn it. Provide public notification to adjacent property owners/residents after decision . Provide 5 day appeal period after decision to Planning Comm ission (then City Council)_ OPTIO N 3 Hvbrid -Reduce Level of Review for Lan:!e Family Day Care in AT TACHED homes to Admin level Use Permit and reduce to Ministerial Pennit for day care in DETACHED homes_ • Update performance standards for all large family day care as noted above. • Reduc e level of review to Admin-leve l Use Permit for large family day care in anached I- I- ~ ~ Exhibit 4 ZONIN G ORDINANCE AMENDMENT -L ARGE FAMILY DAY CARE (ZC l 4-00 1) R ev iew of Optio ns (Al t ernatives) J une 10,2014 ADVANTAGE -PRO DISADVANTAG E -CON entitlements. Panially consistent with Ge neral Plan Goal s/pol icies addressing child care needs in the commWlity. Addresses City Council di rection to streamline planning pennit review. Maintains public proces s for more problematic • Creates a IWO tier system fo r review , which situations where large family day care are makes it more tedious to track/document . proposed in attached homes s ince the se typ ically • May not address neighborhood/neighborhood have common wans, small yards, etc. concerns about home day care. Eliminates uncertain public process for large • Does not provide full discretion by the Ci ty to fam i ly day care in detached homes, where typically regulate ; no public process for day care in yards are larger and the re are no common walls. detached homes , aside lTom comp liance with Helps address adve rse neighborhood impacts w ith performance standards. some additional performance standards that would be applicab le aJllarge family cay care Minimal process for businesses most cornpatib~e with goal s of single fami ly neighborhoods. Reduces (for day care in attached homes) leliminates (for day care in detache d homes) burden of time and cost and uncertainty fo r day care pro v iders to go through public plann ing process . • STAFF IMPACTS Use Penn its, as re quired (est. 4-I Ohrs leach) If appealed. can add 10-40 hrsleach and potentially City CounciL Temporary -Large 513 ff implication in o rder 10 catch up and legalize 22 existing large famil y day cars that have come into existence without UP. Long term -Status quo staffing implication as long as receive application in normal course . Admin level is less staff time than ZA level Staff time unknown at Ihis time. except that action will require: I. Contacting all existing large famll y day care home operators ro initiate review (ext. 1-2 hrsleach) 2. Re quiring a screening of each to determine sta tu s and get subminal and classify if need Admin or Ministerial penn it (es t. 1-2 hrs leach) 3_ Processing individual admin Use Permi ts for anached bomes (esL 4-IOhrsleach) or min isterial permit for detached homes (1 -2 hrs each) W:\Planning \Current Planning\Open Proj ects\Paul\L arge Child Care Hom es (ZOI4-00I)\Planning Comrnissionu\l1auix _Large Family Day Care Permi ning Oplions_05.14.14_finaJ edits.doc Page 2 OPTION ALTERNATIVE homes (townhornes, apartments. condo' s). • Eliminate discretionary review to ministerial action (with no public process or appeal) for detached large family day care in single family (detached) bomes subject to compliance with performance standards Staff Recommendation OPTlON4 No Planning PermitlUse PermitINo Perrormance Standards. • Eliminate requirement for discretionary pJanning permit (Use Pennit). • Eliminate perfonnance standards. • Day care wou Id be pennined uses, in residential zoning districts. • Must still comply with State Community Care licensing pennirting and Fire Depanment clearance for safety. ~ ~ ~ • • • Exhibit 4 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT -LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE (ZCl4-001) Review of Options (Alternatives) June 10,2014 ADVANTAGE-PRO DISADVANTAGE -CON Consistent with General Plan Goals/Policies addressing day care needs in the community and cities policies 10 encourage and reduce barriers for home day care. Does not create a non-routine method of providing notice after decision and allowing appeal after decision as Option 2 would creatc. Allows for tracking of all pennilted homes. Addresses City Council direction to stream line planning permit review. Eliminates local permitting process for large • Eliininates any public process. Use would be family day care in any residential area permitted and allowed by right in residential areas . Eliminates and completely streamlines process for • Does not provide full discretion by the City to large family day care.lo opera1e regulate; no public process for day care in detached Consistent with General Plan GoalsIPolicies homes, aside from compliance with performance addressing day care needs in the community and standards. cities policies to encourage and reduce barriers for • Does not potemial neighborhood! neighborhood home day care. concerns about h ome day care. • Does not allow for trdcking or all permitted homes. 4. STAFF IMPACTS 1fadmin Use Pennii is appealed, can add 10-40 hrsIeach to process such appeal to the Planning Commission and potentially City Council.. Srafftime would be completely reduced signifiC3Jltly as no pennit process would be required from Planning Division. W:\Planning\ClJrrent Planning\Open Projects\Paul\LargeChild Care Homes (ZOl4-00I)\Planning Commission\Matrix_Large Family Day Care Pennining Options_05 .14 .14 _final edits-doc Page 3 i Jurisdi cti o n Marin County Mill Valley Novato Corte Madera Larkspur T iburon Sausalito EXHIBITS LARGE CHILD CARE HOMES -SURVEY OF MARIN JURISDICTIONS May 2014 Planning Permit/Land Use Planning Business Standards Clearance Permit Fee License Required? Large Fami ly Da y Care $500 Yes Fire protection (sm o ke detectors, extinguishers) Permit; action by Director, Spacing requirements (day care homes cannot abut) which can be appealed . Passenger loading area required Noise-max operation of 14 hrs/day; outdoor use from 7am- 7pm only Parking for employees + residents . Compliance with zon ing district standards Home Occupation-Large $990 Yes Spacing requ irem ents (min imum distance of 500 ft between Family Day Care Home homes) Permit ; Noise-compliance with City noise ordinance standards action by the Director-notice Parking for employees (one space) provided to applicant and Passenger load ing area required property owners within 100 ft ; action can be appealed to the ZA Permitted , no Use Permit or NA No standards special permit required Nothing mentioned in Muni NA NA NA Code Use Permit-Minor (ZA), $500 Yes None which can be appea led . Use PermIT (PC) ~1000 Yes Spacing requirements (day care homes cannot abut one another) Passenger loading are required Parking for residents + employees Use Permit-Minor (ZA), $851 Yes Findings required to approve= which can be appealed. Must be consistent with GP and Zoning Will not result in overconcentration (subjective) Streets must be of adequate width for safe access and loading Must comply with noise ordinance tak ing into consideration noise generated by children (subjective) Complies with Health & Safety Code ~ !I '> l :; Thi:s base map was ~Ioped primariy & I for General Plan Usage. The Ciry of san Rafael;s not responsible not iiatJle lor U58" beyond its intanded puf'p0&8 . Exhibit 6 • Existing Large Family Day Care Homes for Ch il dren (Stat e licensed, operating prior to 1 January 2014) EXHIBIT7 Public Hearing Notice " r I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING -PLANNING COMMISSION You are in vi ted to atten d th e Pla nning Co mm iss ion hea ring on the follow ing propose d pr oject: PROJECT: San Rafael Municipal Code (SRMC) Amendments for Large Family Day Cares Homes -The City of Sa n Ra fae l pro poses seve ral text amendments to SR MC Title 14 (Zoning Ordi na nce) Chap te rs 14.0 4 and 14.05 (La nd Use Reg ul atio ns) and Chapter 14.17 (Perfo rmance Standards) to ame nd perm it an d performance stand ard require ments for large fa mil y day care ho mes for child ren loca ted In resi den lial and residential/office dis tri cts; Citywi de; File No.: Z01 4-00 1. As requh 'ed by stale law, ~~. project's potentFal envlronmontal Impacts have been assessed. Planning staff recommends that thfs project wlfJ not have 8 significant effect ,,,,! the"enVi!onment 8S It Is covered by the general rule, pursuanl to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b}(3),and Is not subject to environmental review. . ,,,·t:' ~"·""",·n ,. • ~"" I' • MEETING DATESITIMe/LOCATION: Tuesday, Juno 10, 2014 , 7:00 p .m. City Co u ncil C hambers, 1400 Fift h Ave at 0 St, Sa n Rafael , CA . FOR MORE INFORMA TION : Contact Paul Jensen, Project Pl anne r a t (415) 485·5064 o r pauI.J ense n@cltyofs anrafael.org . You can also come 10 the Planni ng Division offi ce, located In City Hall,. 1400 Fi ft h Avenue , to look al the fil e for the proposed project T he office Is ope n from 8 :30 a .m. 10 5:00 p.m . on M on d ay and Thursday and 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m . on Tu es d ay, Wed nesday and Friday. You ca n also view Ih e staff repo rt af\er 5:00 p.m. on Ihe Frid ay be fore t he mee llng at htl p:llwww.cllyofsan rafa el.o rg/m eetl ngs WHAT WILL HAPPEN : Yo u ca n co mmen t on the proj ect. The Pla nning Co mm iss ion w ill co ns ider all p ub li c l esflmony and d eci de w heth er to reco mm end approval to th e City Coun cil o f t he pr oposed ame nd me nt s. The Ci ty Counc il wi ll hold a separa te noti ced pub lic hea rin g foll ow ing the Co mm ission's rev iew and reco mm enda ti on. IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND : Yo u ca n se nd a letl er to the Co mm unity Deve lopm e nt Depa rtm en t, Pla nn ing Divisio n, Ci ty of San Rafae l, P. O. Box 151560, Sa n Rafae l, CA 949 15-1560 . You can also hand deliver It prio r to the mee ting . At tho above time and place, all letters rece ived will be noled and aliiniereeled par1I~8 will btl heard. If you c~e!ler\ge 111 court the matter ciescribed .cbow, yOU may be limited to ra i Sing only Ihose lsaues you or someone etse raised a t t he publle hearing deseribed In this flotlce, or In wrillon correspofj dence delivered ai, or prior to , the above referenced pu blic hearillg (Gov(lmment Code Section 66009 (b) (2». Appeals of deeltlon. by the Plan ning Commission 10 the City Council .hall be made by r~lng • notice thereof In writing wi l h the required fea to the Planning DIvision of ltte CommunitY Development Department w ithin 5 worldng deys 01 a decision Involving Tille 14 (Zoning) (SRMC SecUon 14 .28.030) o r wllhln 10 calendar day. of a decision Involvlng TWa 15 (SUbdivisions) (SRMe 15.56 .010). SIgn lllnouoge and Interprelolion and as$lslhte Hs/enlng devfce $ may be teqvesled by ClIlllng (416) 485-3085 (voice) or (416) 485-3198 (TOO) ttt lettSt 72 hours in adv,nce. CopittS of documents ere 8VOl/ObJO In occe sslbis forms/s upon request. Pub:ic IriInspo".t/on /0 CUy Han Is rwaltsblelhrough Golden GDte TmnSit. l./ne 22 or 23. PenJoirBns lt Is avaIlable by ca lling WlI/st(es/op Wheels at (4 16) 454-0964 , To BIlow Indiv/dulJ/s IYI/h enl/jronmenta' /Uness or muftipJe ch emiCIJI sensitivity to BttOnd the mOl!lInQlheering, indIWdulJls ere requested 10 rmrs '" from W88ring seen/ltd produc!s .