HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2014-12-09 #24 "4. a Memo to Planning Commission -Re: 1600 Mission Ave. December 2,2014 Page 2 of 3 Management Plan (TOMP), as submitted by the applicant in the document titled Marin Academy Transportation Demand Management Plan, prepared by Parisi Transportation Consulting, dated May 30, 2014. Implementation of this TDMP shall be voluntary and encouraged while MA maintains an enrollment of 4QQ41 0 or fewer students. Implementation of the TOMP shall be mandatory anytime the school operates with an enrollment above 4{)Q41 0 and belewup to the maximum 450 students (410 students represents a Ilmeaningful increaseu in enrollment above the school's previous enrollment cap. Monitoring the TDMP before any meaningful increase in enrollment is not productive, as it is simply re-measuring baseline or near-baseline conditions): a. Requirement and Content of Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDMPL With the additional enrollment of 50 students approved by this Use Permit (UP14-013), a (TOMP) is required to be implemented ~reduce vehicular trips and parking impacts (both on and off campus) a aon the surrounding public streets. Given that the increase to enrollment may not occur at one time, the TOMP shall only be required when the school expands enrollment above 400410 students. Once above 400410 students, the school shall implement the measures identified in the TOMP as outlined in the document titled Marin Academy Transportation Demand Manage/nent Plan, prepared by Parisi Transportation Consulting, dated May 30, 2014, and as modified below: b. Term of TOMP Requirement. The TOMP shall be required once MA increases enrollment above' 4Q.G410 students. _Once enrollment exceeds 4QQ410 students, the TOMP shall be ~reparedmonitored two (2) times a year (as noted in Condition 4c below) for five (5) years from the date MA increases enrollment above 4QQ410 students. After five (5) years of bi-annual review, the TOMP shall be monitored and re viewed annually. G -4t=le-AaFH---1-s-t-ef-(i.e . I one (1) time each year) for f ive (5) add itional years . At the conclusion of the second five-year period. MA shall work with Planning staff and with MA's neighbors to determine if additional periods of TOM monitoring are necessary. c. Monitoring. By ~FiIMav 1 st and OctoberNovember 1 st of each year, MA shall submit to the Community Development Department, Planning Division, for review and comment. a follow-up report endorsed by a registered traffic engineer evaluating the following: 1) Student/faculty/staff travel patterns, including: i. Number of students driving ii. Number of students dropped off/picked up and the period of drop-off/pick-up iii. Number of students carpooling and the size of carpool iv. Number of students utilizing one of the Marin Academy-provided school buses v. Number of students utilizing public transit vi. Number of students traveling via other methods vii. Number of students parking on-site viii. Number of faculty parking on-site ix. Number of staff parking on-site x . Number of students, faculty and staff parking off-site xi. Ride share program (specify number of students, faculty and staff who share a ride and how often) xii. Bicycle or alternative forms of commuting (state the number of students, faculty and staff commuting by other methods) Memo to Planning Commission -Re: 1600 Mission Ave. December 2.2014 Page 2 of 3 2) Review and summarize all of the types of strategies implemented by MA as presented in the TDMP and t-Re+l=--the strategies' effectiveness in reducing weekday a .m . and p.m . peak hour vehicle trip generatio al vehicle parl<ing demand compared to the Baseline November 2013 levels sl own in the M submitted by MA with their formal application . P rovide performance measures of the various strategies implemented, such as the number of carpool spaces assigned in the parking lot, utilization of the carpool spaces, number of "transit bucks" issued, number of bicycles parked on campus, etc. 3) Conduct weekday peak period t urning movement c.ounts at two key intersections (Fifth and Cottage Avenues, and Mission and Cottage Avenues) surrounding the school and compare to 1=t+ster.fGbaseline counts to determine if travel patterns and/or numbers of vehicles on the roadwa y h as been affected by the TOMP. 4) Identify new mitigation measures and/or new or expanded TDMP strategiesras AeeaeeJ, if the adopted TDMP does not succeed as anticipated. If the TDMP is not effective in reducing vehicle trips or vehicle parking demand to the Baseline November 2013 levels , on two (2) consecutive reviews ! MA shall be required to achieve reduction in the level of tfafflsvehicle trips and/or vehicle parl<ing demand on the next required review. Failure to achieve the required reduct ion iR4~~will result in : a) the requirement that additionalup to 13 on-site or remote parking spaces be provided by MA in a pro rata amount relative to the increase in vehicle parking demand above the Baseline November 2013 level ; or b) the maximum allowable enrollment rotuFA back to 4GGbe reduced, to levels in a pro rata amount relative to the increase in vehicle parking demand or vehicle trips above the Baseline November 2013 levels , or a combination thereof. 5) MA will continue its current practice and neighborhood covenant of not allowing students or school employees to park on neighborhood streets north of Mission Avenue ." Analysis The proposed revisions to Condition #4 of UP14-013 are supported by both MA as well as the neighbors who spoke at the public hearing on the project with concerns. Staff has reviewed the proposed modified language and finds it, generally, more restrictive and that it provides more clarity and details without affecting the intent of the requirement for implementing the TOMP. Conclusion Staff recommends that the proposed result in an equal or more restrictive requirement that provides additional clarity to this condition. Furthermore, the revisions were cooperatively developed between MA and the neighbors . Therefore l staff recommends that the Commission approve the amendment to the Resolution to incorporate these changes . Attachments 1. Draft Resolution with proposed amendments to Condition of Approval 4 of Use Permit UP14-013 2 . Supporting Correspondence (emails from Marin Academy and the potentially affected neighbors supporting the additional modified language to Condition 4 of UP14-013) 2 a to 14-06 a on 2. a. and nt"lll,I"'IOO::-of 3 b. c. d. e. f. II g. h. 3. a. b. 5 B. 1 3. 4. c. a. b. c. d. a. b. c. structure. d. e, f. g. h. i. 5. that: 1. 2. 3. 7 1. 2. 3. B. A. 8 2. 3. 4. All a.m. 5. 6. void 9 7 . ., II 8. use. 10 sets a 18. 21 with 12 28. 3~. i) j) I) its rAy-.et'-l l3 At 8 14 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 f) i) j) 44 . .-,...,.':..1<':'" 3 l';:)lQI!IVI".I and 15 48. here a fire hydrant is located on a fire apparatus access road, the minimum width of the road shall be 26-feet. The 26-feet width is required to remain clear and obstructed for at least 20-feet of roadway on each side of the fire hydrant. 49. When a building is fully sprinklered, all portions of the exterior building perimeter shall be located within 250-feet of an approved fire apparatus acces.s road. 50. The lYlinimum width of the fire apparatus access road shall be 20-feet. 51. The minimum inside turning radius for a fire apparatus access road shall be 28 feet. 52. The fire a.pparatus access road serving this building is more than 1S0-feet in length. The project shall provide an approved turn-around. Please contact the Fire Prevention Bureau for specific details. 53. As the building is over 30 feet in height , an aerial fire apparatus access roadway is required parallel to one entire side of the building, The Aerial apparatus access roadway shall be located within a minimum 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet from the building. 54. The minimum unobstructed width for an aerial fire apparatus access road shall be 26-feet. 55. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire apparatus access roadway, or between the roadway and the building. 56. Fire lanes must be designated; painted red with contrasting white lettering stating uNo Parking Fire Lane') A sign shall be posted in accordance with the CFC Section 503.3. 57. The project shall provide a stairway for roof access . 58, Evacuation placards shall be installed at all classrooms. 59. Hazardous Materials Placard shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 704. 60. Provide a copy of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan which has been submitted to Marin County Department of Public Works, CUPA. 61. This property is located In a Wildland-Urban Interlace (WUI) area. Provide a written Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) submitted to the San Rafael Fire Department. This VMP must be completed and verified prior to final approval. Refer to City of San Rafael Ordinance1856 that may be viewed at www.ci tyofsanrafae l.org /firevegetation, or you may contact the Fire Department at (415) 485-3308 and talk to Deputy Fire Marshal John Lippitt for any questions or comments. Requirement of continued compliance with the approved VMP must be placed within CC&R1s. 62. Contact the Marin Municipal Water District (MMWO) to make arrangements for MMWD to provide adequate water supply service for the required fire protection system. During Construction Marin Municipal Water Distr'ict 16 63. The project shall require the installation of a new and separate water meter. Water seNice will be available upon request and fulfillment of the following requkements: a) Complete a High Pressure Water Service Application. b) Submit a copy of the current. building permit c) Pay the appropriate fees and charges. d) Comply with the District's rules and regulations in effect at the time service is requested, including the installation of a sepat"ate meter to serve the new structure. e) Comply with all indoor and outdoor requirements of District Code Title 13 -Water Conservation. Landscape, irrigation, grading and fixture plans shall be submitted to the District for review and approval. Any questions regarding District Code Title 13 -Water Conservation ?hould be directed to the District's Water Conservation Department at (415) 945-1497. You may also find information on the District's water conservation requirements online at www.marinwater.orq. f) Comply with the backflow prevention requirements, if upon the Districts review backflow protection is warranted, including installation, testing and maintenance. Questions regarding backflow requirements should be directed to the Backflow Prevention Program Coordinator at (415) 945-1558. Pacific Gas & Electric 64. Electric and gas service to the project site will be provided in accordance with the applicable extension rules, which are available on PG&E's website at htto:l lwww.pg e.com/myhome/clistomerservice/other/newco nstruction or contact (800) PGE- 5000. It is highly recommended that PG&E be contacted as soon as possible so that there is adequate time to engineer all required improvements and to schedule any site work. 65. The cost of relocating any existing PG&E facilities or conversion of existing overhead facilities to underground shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant or property owner. 66. Prior to the start excavation or construction, the general contractor shall call Underground Service Alert (USA) at (800) 227-2600 to have the location of any exIsting underground facilities marked in the field. Prior to Occupancy Community Development Department. Planning Division 67 . Final inspection of the project by the Community Development Department, Planning Division, is required. The applicant shall contact the Planning Division to request a final inspection upon completion of the project. The final inspection shall require a minimum of 48-hour advance notice. 68. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed prior to occupancy. In the alternative, the applicant or property owner shall post a bond with the City in the amount of the estimated landscaping/irrigation installed cost. In the event that a bond is posted, all areas proposed for landscaping shall be covered with bark or a substitute material approved by the Planning Division prior to -occupancy. Deferred landscaping through a bond shall not exceed 3 months past occupancy. 17 69. The landscape architect for the project shall submit a letter to the Planning Division, confirming the landscaping has been installed in compliance with the approved project plans and the irrigation Is fully functioning, 70. All exterior lighting shall be shielded down. A minimum of one (1) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided at all exterior doorways and throughout the vehicle parking area. A minimum of one-half (1/2) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided on all outdoor pedestrian walkways and common areas. Following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, all exterior lighting shall be subject to a 60-day lighting level review by the City to ensure that all lighting sources provide safety for the building occupants while not creating a glare or hazard on adjaGent streets or be annoying to adjacent residents. During this lighting review period, the City may require adjustments in the direction or intensity of the lighting, if necessary. Use Permit Amendment (UP14-013) Conditions of Approval Community Development Department Planning Division 1. This Use Permit Amendment (UP14~013) authorizes tAe Marin Academy {MAl to increase l-Ae enrollment by 50 students for a maximum enrollment of 450 students . Any additional increase in the maximum enrollment at MA shall require amendment of this Use Permit and .§....subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission. 2. This Use Permit Amendment (UP14-013) shall supersede all previous Use Permit (UP97- 004) and Use Permit Amendment (UP02-027 and UP04-035) approvals, 3. This Use Permit Amendment allows operation of a private high school facility, providing educational services (both academic and athletic). This Use Permit also allows all ancillary uses which would typical serve the students, faculty and staff of an educational facility. 4. The Use Permit (UP14-013) shall require the implementation of a Transportation Demand Management Plan (TOMP), as submitted by the applicant in the document titled Marin Academy Transportation Demand Management Plan, prepared by Parisi Transportation Consulting, dated May 30, 2014. Implementation of this TOMP shall be volutltary and encouraged while MA maintains an enrollment of 4QQ4 HJ or fewer students. Implementation of the TDMP shall be mandatory anytime the school operates with an enrollment above 4004 10 and gelewup to the maximum 450 students (410 students represents a "meaningful increase" in enrollment above the school's previous enrollment cap. Monitoring the TOMP before any meaningful increase in enrollment is not productive, as it is simply re-measuring baseline or near-baseline conditions): a . Requirement and Content of Transportation Demand Management Plan (TDMP). With the additional enrollment of 50 students approved by this Use Permit (UP14-013), a (TOMP) is required to be implemented ~reduce vehicular trips and parking impacts (both on and off campus) aRdon the surrounding public streets. Given that the increase to enrollment may not occur at one time , the TOMP shall only be required when the school expands enrollment above 4GQ41 0 students. Once above 4Q94 10 students, the school shall implement the measures identified in the TDMP as outlined in the document titled Marin Academy Transportation Demand Management Plan , prepared by Parisi Transportation Consulting, dated May 30, 2014, and as modified below: 18 b. Term of rDMP Requirement. The TDMP shall be required once MA increases enrollment above 4GQ4 10 students. _Once enrollment exceeds 4GG410 students, the TDMP shall be f*eparedmonitored two (2) times a year (as noted in Condition 4c below) for five (5) years from the date MA increases enrollment above 4flG410 students . After five (5) years of bi-annual review, the TDMP shall be monitored and reviewed annually-;- afl--t.t.:\e--AFii--+st of (i .9., o ne (1) time each year) for five (5) additi o nal years . At the conclusion of the second five-year period. MA shall work with Planning staff and with MA's neighbors to determine if additional periods of TDMP monitoring are necessary . c. Monitoring . By Af*HM ay 1st and GeteBefNovember 1st of each year, MA shall submit to the Community Development Department Planning Division, for review and co mment. a follow-up report endorsed by a registered traffic engineer evaluating the following : 1, Student/faculty/staff travel patterns, including: a) Number of students driving b) Number of students dropped off/picked up and the period of drop-off/pick-up c) Number of students carpooling and the size of carpool d) Number of students utilizing one of the Marin Academy-provided school buses e) Number of students utilizing public transit f) Number of students traveling via other methods g) Number of students parking on-site h) Number of faculty parking on-site i) Number of staff parking on-site j) Number of students. faculty and staff parking off-site k) Ride share program (specify number of students, faculty and staff who share a ride and how often) I) Bicycle or alternative forms of commuting (state the number of students, faculty and staff commuting by other methods) 2. Review and summarize all of the types of strategies implemented by MA as presented in the TDMP and tfl.e.if-the strategies ' effectiveness in reducing weekday a.m . and p.m. peak h ou r veh icle trip generati o n and vehicle parking demand compared to the Base line November 2013 levels s hown in the TOMP s ubmitted by MA with their forma l application . Provide performance measures of the various strategies imple m ented, such as the number of carpool spaces assigned in the parking lot, utilization of the carpool spaces, number of "transit bucks" issued, number of bicycles parked on campus, etc. 3. Conduct we ekday peak period turning movement counts at two key intersections (Fifth and Cottage Avenues. and Mission and Cottage Avenues) surrounding the school and compare to ~FH;baseline counts to determine if travel patterns and/or numbers of vehicles on the roadway has been affected by the TDMP. 4. Identify new mitigation measures and/or new o r expanded TDMP strategies,as eeded , if the adopted TDMP does not succeed as anticipated. If the TDMP is not effective in red ucing vehicl e trips o r veh i c le parking demand to the Baselin e November 2013 level s . on two (2) consecutive reviews, MA shalt be required to achieve reduction in the level of t-Fa:f.f,ie vehicle trips a nd /o r vel icle pa rk ing demand o n the next required review. Failure to achieve the required reduction ~iG-tF~will result in : a) the requirement that II.) a€i€Htf~~up to 13 on-site or remote parking spaces be provided by MA in a pro rata amount relative to the increase in vehicle parking demand ab ove the Baseline November 2013 level ; or b) t he maximum allowable enrollment r:ektFn baok to 400be reduced , to levels in a pro rata amount relat ive to the increase in vehicle parking demand or vehicle trips above the Baseline November 2 0 13 levels . or a combination thereof. 5. MA will continue its current practic e and neighborhood covenant of not allowing students or school employees t o park on neighborhood streets north of Mission Avenue . 5. The swimming pool is allowed to be used by outside groups 6-10 a.m. and 4-8 p .m. weekdays and 7 a.m.-noon weekends. 6. The 235-seat theater is allowed to be used by community theater groups for rehearsal and performances . Performances by community theater groups are limited to no more than 25 weekends per calendar year. 7. Consistent with General Plan policies encouraging schools to provide recreational and cultural activities to the community as well as educational opportunities, MA may share campus gymnasium and athletic 'field facilities and meeting space with other schools, programs, community and neighborhood groups as long as these activities remain ancillary to the primary private school use on the site. Any rental of facilities with amplified music or for use after midnight shall require temporary Use Permit approval from the City. 8 . MA shall maintain a parking program in order to limit the impact of student, faculty and staff parking within the surrounding residential neighborhood. This Use Permit Amendment (UP14-013) hereby amends the current (June 2005) Marin Academy Parking and Traffic Plan through of the I'Marin Academy Parking and Traffic Study; Science and Innovation Center Project; Dated June 6, 2014". 9. This Use Permit Amendment (UP14-013) shall run with the land and shall remain valid regardless of any change of ownership of the project site, subject to these conditions, provided that a grading permit or building permit is issued by the City and work commenced or a time extension request is submitted to the City's Community Development Department, Planning Division, within two (2) years of this approval or until GGtaber-December 928 , 2016. Failure to obtain a grading permit or building permit or submit a time extension request by the specified date will result in the expiration of this Use Permit. The foregoing Resolution was ado ~ted at the regular meeting of the City of San Rafael Planning Commission held on the 2:81'-~day of December Q &teSef-.2014. Moved by Commissioner ____ and seconded by Commissioner ______ _ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: _________________ __ Paul A. Jensen, Secretary SAN RAFAEL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: ________ _ Jack Robertson, Chair 20 Dear agree with with us. Let me Brian 316 G Street San if you need comments and to work these issues ke Dear with Let me Imow if you need Brian 316 G Street San comments to "1"1"1"\11",,"\ these issues