HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2014-12-09 #4REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: GPA14-001; P13-003 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Planning Commission the following action: 1 Open public hearing and public comment Review and comment on Final Housing Background Report (Appendix EIR Addendum. 3. recommendi to the City the adoption of EIR #3 1 ); and 4. resolution (Exhibit 2). to City Council adoption the Final Housing BACKGROUND H 1 been one seven m elements required of local General Plans. must prepared in with the statutory requirements of the Element law. Further, these elements are regulated by provisions under Article 10.6 of ment Code (Sections 65580-65589.8) and are reviewed by HCD. Housing law (Government directs HCD to work with regional councils the Association Area Governments (ABAG) for Bay Area, project regional housing needs and allocate a portion to jurisdiction in the The RHNA is the distribution of housing need by income level that are required to accommodate in their Housing Elements Since first RHNA in 1981) Housing have required incorporate the of projected regional which are typically in a Housing Needs Unlike the State-mandated of local General historically, the requires that the Housing Element updated four-five years, which includes and certification by The RHNA is provided to the jurisdiction for each four-five-year Since 1 1, the City has prepared and adapted five Housing The City has responsive has past Housing certification in a timely manner. Current Adopted Housing Element (2009-2014) The City current 4 Housing Element was adopted by the HCD in included an update of data, information and incorporation of policies compliance State mandates including The Element planned for a capacity 2,539 un to meet previous of proViding an adequate cushion or buffer. Where necessary, the Zoning Ordinance Map were amended to implement adapted Housing Element. Changes the Housing Element Cycle and Review I""n)ct:~55 the Housing (2009-2014) the since 1 1, several must now be taken into consideration (2015-2023), Housing planning extended from four-five to eight in link with Regiona! Transportation Plans thereby redudng frequency of updates. D certified Housing to qualify for transportation the City's currently-certified Element been instrumental in in funding from the Transportation Authority of Marin Bay and other transportation Third, Rafael's has reduced by nearly percent, from 1,403 units to recommends that jurisdictions identify Within grant , To date, approximately $2 million grants to help improve local for this current cycle 15- 1,007 units. However, HCD boundaries is above and beyond the requi housing numbers identified in each RHNA cycle, to offset that may be developed at denslties identified In the analysis, rther, an adequate room for potential for "denSity bon A buffer REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: GPA14-001; P13-003 3 RHNA a "margin of H Lastly, current Housing must in compliance with other legislation including: Bill 2 (emergency shelters by Assembly 1 (facil itating accessory and Unit Law). Senate Bill (compatibility with Sustainable accommodations for persons with disabilities) Bills 520 812 (Reasonable 65915 Density Bonus Law). Following the passage of Senate Bill (2008), I with region-wide planning and MTC in 2013, is planning document housing and use strategies which reduce greenhouse emissions, as by promoting compact, and residential development, which in turn, is reinforced by ABAG's Regional Housing Allocation (RHNA). To qualify for transportation funding and linked to Bay Area, Elements be com with regional transportation plans and demonstrate compliance through HCD The Housing review above is one tools established in to SB 375. pursuing the streaml through Hredlined" (track element to obtain the eight-year obtain City to challenges among others: a) of the City's ability to and approve subdivision until the Housing is b) with the previous cycle; c) an additional requirement to complete a four years of ht for the three planning d) an higher level ny from ; and e} eligibility for State local grants for transportation improvements. The for an adopted Housing Element by City Council for the 201 planning for all Bay jurisdictions is City staff has working M-Group, our planning consultants set a deadline update the Housing Element following from HC update are descnbed as follows: Step 1-Completion of Housing Needs Assessment The City San using was completed in April above, is the first in the update process. assessment is via the following link: 14, which, as noted on-line and can be A of the housing issues identified in is nrrHllr,,;;:,n as follows: )i> For this next 15-2023 the City's RHNA is slightly lower (1,007 residential units). >-The City's senior population is increaSing. Nearly one-quarter of San citizens. reason, is an In housing "aging-in-place" programs. households are and demand )i> The City's homeless for emergency housing has . Based on the methodology that is used to determine this need (survey/census), the housing need is 175 TO PLANNING COMMISSION Case No: GPA14-001; P1J-003 4 an in and housi . A significant percentage of live elsewhere. ~ The City is experiencing an residents own but their median annual annual income ($1 ,914). > While household overcrowding decreased in last from 21.3% in 2000 to 12 in 2010), it continues to be an that rent versus in San the owner (renter overcrowding dropped in certain neighborhoods. The of the Housing must and incorporate the existing and housing needs identified in this assessment was reviewed by Planning Commission on April ,2014 Step 2-Completion of Draft Housing Element On 1, 2014, the Housing and Background and published on the City's The format, organization, content and Element is provided in the Project Description section of report (below) August 12, 2014, the conducted a public hearing on the Draft Element. Following public comment and , the Commission di to: a) a num additional changes, particularly to policies b) submit the document to for review. Step Review of Housing (HeD) September 4, the Draft Housing Element Background Report were submitted to review. On October 23, 2014, HCD to uest clarification discuss minor changes the needs to see in Housing Element. completed edits and returned the document to HCD. With these changes, determined that the Draft Housing Element complies with requi and on November 3, 2014, a letter to the City confirming determination (Exhibit 3). Housing Element will considered compliant with Housing law once by City Council above, Ine is January , 2015) and submitted to Step 4-Final Draft Housing Element Review and Action by City This is currently this step in August 2014 Draft Housing and project description (below) have to the changes by HCD. this step, hearings are conducted by Planning Commission and Council to n:nI'IP\M and on the Fi Housing Step 4-Certification by Following Council adopting Final Housing Element and Background the document be forwarded to HCD for certification. ThiS step is to be completed by mid-January 20 5. PROJECT PTION Overview The following project description provides an overview of the Housing its content The project description is largely same as the description provided 4 Planning Commission except been to reflect the REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: GPA14-001; P13-003 5 HCD. are reflected following links As previously reported, the Element update with targeted revisions. the Final current element with little development a RHNA, the Housing existing housing site inventory that would result in the for new housing or . In fact, as below, several sites were removed from the inventory. In addition, the updated data in the the findings the Housing the most being the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency (RDA), resulting in the elimination or consolidation of a number of Document Organization The document is structured to follow the currently-adopted Housing Element, which i a section on the Policies and as the key of the element. corresponding the plan have been pulled from sections in the General Plan (or Appendices) and strategies and background analyses. These been organized Appendix B (Background Report) and the General Plan will be to include Appendix through 8-5 as below. The Housing Element is as follows: <:!""'~Tlrln outlines the for promoting affordable housing in the City and prOVides a status on the speCific programs that were drafted for currently-adopted Housing As part 2025-2023 update programs were reorganized, consolidated and/or as described below, B~1) - needs housing characteristics has received a complete update from previous Housing Element, drawing from the U.S. other sources. Although data has been updated, changes are not reflected in edits. was done to provide clarity in review and remove impediments in of this document by HCD, City staff interested parties. Housing Constraints (Appendix and non-governmental constraints section been redlined to the Housing identifies may affect the development of housing. The has changed from the Housing Element. REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION· Case No: GPA14-001; P13-003 Page 6 Inventory and Capacity Analysis (Appendix B-3) -this section provides an analysis showing how the City has planned for the requi number of units to meet the RHNA This contains an inventory of sites and shows residential capacity of these sites can meet housing needs in each income level. in this section have been red!ined. an updated and reorganized inventory and capacity A discussion of the site inventory IS Resources (Appendix B-4) -the Housing section identifies the financial resources administrative resources that are to support the development of housing. highlighting the City's effort to promote conservation opportunities are and the energy conservation have been made. Redlined changes show Evaluation of Accomplishments under Adopted Element (Appendix 8-5) -The of Accomplishments section .... ,"" ........ '""'",,,;, that have been adopted in the currently-adopted updates are shown as redlined Public Participation (Appendix 8·6) -The Public discusses public outreach as part of the update nrl"lf"'C><: Summary 1, 2. 3. 4 provides a "roadmap" (Navigation of of the Final Draft Housing Element. fall into the following categories: of the edits to the policies and in the August 2014 draft document, DOIIGIE;S and programs were maintained and carried forward However, most were renumbered as part of the update. In (Inclusionary Housing Nexus a nexus study to: a) evaluate in-lieu inclusionary housing requirements in the Zoning with the 2012/2013 completion of the Downtown Plan, Programs H-15a and H-15b have been area plan. the dissolution of the RDA, programs that were the direct since they are no longer applicable (some programs to remove the RDA reference). Other programs were measureable policies, or are no longer include the Planning Commission's recommendations As directed by the Commission, addressing requirements changes include a that the City ; and b) amend with recent court Plan and Civic to include a program for were were simply were completed, did REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: GPA14-001; P13·003 Page 8 Revisions Completed in Response to Review noted above, in 2014, Housing Element was submitted While HCD conditionally-certified Draft Element on 2014, HCD Housing in changes and to the These edits were incorporated in Final Draft summary of the key requested by Element and Background Report (Appendix 8). A brief is provided as follows ./ New Policy H-1 9 (Energy Conservation and Sustainability) and H-i9a (Sustainabil and have been reinforce linkage to Plan SustainabIHty Element ./ provided in ./ The timeframes for implementing of the element programs were adjusted, ./ For programs to homeless and emergency an discussion of the City's (specifically Economic Development) has provided ./ An expanded discussion and of the standards required emergency shelters provided in the Report. ANALYSIS Compliance with Final Draft Housing update is compliant with requirements set forth by Article 106 of the Government Code 65580-65590)) and consistent with HC update requi of this fifth by: ./ Effectively the existing Needs Assessment. ./ Providing resources, needs in through an law (pursuant streamlined Housing needs, ./ Identifying and updating the preservation of an adequate supply conditions to support the development and the housing, including housing affordable to families and workers . ./ Updating the inventory of sites to Element, have been or have been built out) . ./ Implementing identified in provisions), ./ Refining the strategies such as Compliance with the ng Needs 1"!.::>:~t:::>O;:"',DnT stated above law mandates that previous projected housing needs of all economic of the community. of the element (e,g., for promoting housing for the a number of housing concerns over the 2015-2023 planning housing, for resources for in Element were to specifically Bonus housing example the following poliCies directly to the key concerns identified ./ Pollcy H-6. Funding for Affordable Housing ./ Policy H-7. of the Existi ng Stock REPORT TO PLANN ING COM MISSION -Case No: GPA 14-001; P13·003 ./ Policy H-11. House Sharing ./ Policy H-13. Senior Housing .,/ Pol icy H-16. Second Units ./ Policy H-12. Residential Care Facilities and Emergency Shelters General Plan Amendment (GPA14-001) Consistent with General Plan 2020 Page 9 As noted above, adoption of the Housing Element updated requires an action to amend the San Rafael General Plan 2020 (GPA14-001). Essentially, the action would replace the current Housing Element chapter and Appendix B with the update. This action is represented as a single amendment to General Plan 2020, which is presented in one resolution for Planning Commission consideration (Exhibit 2). The process implemented for GPA 14-001 is consistent with City Council Resolution No_ 8379, which includes notification to appropriate agencies and neighboring jurisdictions. Consistent with Senate Bill 18 (SB18), when processing a General Plan Amendment, the City must consult with the local Native American tribe to determine if there is interest In Tribal Consultation. An offer of Tribal Consultation was made to but the City did not receive a response from the local tribe (Federation Indians of Graton Rancheria). As proposed, the General Plan Amendment action required to adopt the updated Housing Element is consistent with and anticipated by the General Plan 2020. Independent of the State-mandate to update the Housing Element, Program H-1 a encourages an annual review, which promotes updating the element. Relations hi P to Assam bly Bill 1537 (AB 1537 -Levine) Mann County IS part of the greater San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). The MSA designates areas/counties in the region in various categories; these categories influence the residential density obligations required by the State Housing Element laws. Given the immediate proximity to San Francisco, Marin County was included in the "metropolitan" category that is designated for San Francisco and Oakland. For metropolitan areas, the State Housing Element law requires that local jurisdictions plan for higher denSity housing in their Housing Elements, with a "default" minimum zoning density of 30 dwelling units per acre. Our currently-adopted Housing Element and zoning districts that permit higher density residential use comply with this default denSity. The default density of 30 dwelling units per acre is intended to facility the development of lower-income housing In early 2014, Assembly Member Marc Levine authored AB1537, which aimed at re-designating cities within Marin County with a "suburban" MSA category, thus changing the minimum default residential density standard (reducing the current default minimum zoning density of 30 dwelling units/acre to 20 dwelling units/acre) for Housing Element compliance. AB1537 was crafted to affect or be applicable to Marin and other counties in an MSA with a population of less than 400,000 and a city population of less than 100,000. The bill was supported by both the State Senate and Assembly and was ultimately approved and signed by the Governor in September 2014. This new law, which amends Section 65583.2 of the Government Code, will go into effect on January 1, 2015. This new law has some nuances: >-The new law does not impact or change the City's RHNA (1,007 units). ;.;;. The new law maintains a "status-quo" for residential zoning densities Within %-mile of the two SMART stations, in effect on June 30,2014. >-The new law is effective for eight years and will "sunset" at the end of this next RHNA cycle (2023). The approved and signed AB1537 can be accessed and viewed at the following link: REPORT TO PLANNING COMM ISSION • Case No: GPA 14-001; P13-003 10 through the Governor's . As passed, staff 1 the law a minimum default density of dwelling units per acre, the City's current zoning districts that allow for higher density residential use and the Final Draft Element comply with this new law. With the exception this law provides permit residential residential use 'Y2-mile area radius surrounding the two San City an opportunity to the densities of our in excess of 20 dwelling units per acre. in excess of 20 units acre include: HR (Multiple-Family Resldential)-up to (net) o (Office)-up dulac (net) GC (General Commercial)-up to 43 dulac (net) RIO (Residential/Office)-up to 43 dulac (nef) C/O (CommerciaIIOffice)-up to 43 dulac (net) NC (Neighborhood Commercial)-up to 24 dulac (net) All Downtown up to 72 dulac (net) SMART stations, districts that that allow distributed 3. Should the City a "dial back" in the for the above districts, the State (HCD) would not uire that our Housing be re-submitted for review and re- certification provided that all resulting changes ~=-'--"'-'-""-=-'-'-'---"'-'--'-'-'-'--"-'---'-For of review. staff has assessed following two scenarios that would address a "dial in zoning densities: ==-:.!:~--,-.' Assess housing inventory dwelling units the housing stations (maintain current densities per the law) of the housing inventory would be reduced to 1 RHNA capping the zoning within 'Y2-mile this scenario, the units, which would housing inventory citywide capping dwelling units per acre, uding the housing inventory within: a) %-mile of stations (maintain current densities per the law); and b) the Downtown zoning this scenario, the total capacity of the hOLising inventory sites would units, which would meet our current RHNA. or district reasons: 1. Affordable housing is very difficult to finance and build at lower densities. purchase land in Mann nty is extremely high. , the financing that subsidize an affordable housing project typically involves competing for tax are biased to projects yield a higher unit this reason, Marin compete well for credit dollars. densities for the cost to is Ired to dollars which not REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: GPA14·001; P13-003 11 2. As noted above, this law in 2023, which coincides with the of the next RHNA cycle It is that the City's RHNA will for the 3. There is one major side to a "dial back" of zoning As that permit higher density residential use are distributed citywide on fully-developed sites, many would non-compHant with property zoning. There are areas that are residentially-developed densities that exceed 20 dwelling units per acre. Major areas would be impacted include: Downtown; the neighborhood; the Lincoln Avenue corridor; segments of the Montecito/Happy Valley neighborhood Woodland Avenue; and segments Linda, In addition, a dial back of zoning densities is essentially a "down zoning" of properties, which requires significant outreach to all effected property owners, 4, The Housing should cushion or buffer of potential housing above the minimum RHNA A dial-back of would significantly the cushion/buffer that is in Final Draft Housing Element. An reasons, First, every potential housing site its own site conditions challenges. Applying and addressing conditions generally impacts and/or reduces project Per the Housing Element law, if a project is approved and built below the capacity projected in housing site inventory, it must demonstrated that the density can be made elsewhere. it is prudent to include an cushion or buffer to account for potential density bonus Such uests have increased in recent ENV(RONMENTAL DETERMINATION Pursuant to the California Environmental Act (CEQA) Guidelines, a General Plan Amendment action is to environmental components the Plan Amendment were carefully reviewed the Rafael General Plan 2020 certified Environmental Impact Report (Plan EIR), 2004. Based on this review and the completion of an Initial Study, staff has prepared an Addendum (No.3) to Plan EIR. The amendment com would not result in any new significant or an increase in the seventy of the impacts presented in the Plan EIR. A copy Addendum NO.3 has been to Planning for review Also, this can on the City's Housing webpage, which can be accessed by the following link: NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING I CORRESPONDENCE was mai to all and 15 days to notified Includes representatives from all of the neighborhood i 9 (environmental, and agencies and utilities. Correspondence received to date is attached (Exhibit 5). meeting and homeowner , neighboring During the update process, a number of public meetings and meetings with special interest groups were to feedback about housing in Rafael, and to the to Housing Element update, A summary of the public participation process for update is provided in the pages B6-1 and of the Housing Element Background Report, REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION· Case No: GPA14·001; P13-003 12 OPTIONS Planning Commission following options: 1, Direct staff to make further to the documents and return to the Planning Commission for recommendatIon. 2. the final Draft Element and Background Report EXHIBITS 1. Resolution to the City Council adoption of EIR Addendum 2 Resolution recommending to the City Council adoption of final Draft Housing 3, from HCD, November 3,2014 4, Map"-Navigation Table 5, Correspondence received to date 6. Public Meeting Notice (GPA 14-001) EXHmIT 1 WHEREAS, in 2011, the City of San Rafael initiated a General Plan Amendment (GPAII-001) which consisted of I) amending the Housing Element for 2009-2014, 2) incorporating a new Sustainability Element, 3) Amending Conservation Element Policy CON-3, and 4) eliminating the Project Selection Process (PSP). The Addendum to the General Plan 2020 FEIR (Addendum No.2) encompassed these policies and actions; and WHEREAS, in 2014, the City' of San Rafael initiated a General Plan Amendment (GPA14-001) to update the I-lousing Element for the 2015-2023 planning period, requiring Addendum No.3 to the General Plan 2020 FEIR; and WHEREAS, as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, General Plan Amendment GPA14-001 is defined as a 'project' and is therefore subject to environmental review. Given the components and scope of this project, i1 was determined that "tiering" from the General Plan 2020 FEIR is appropriate and consistent with the CEQA Guidelines Section J 5152 in that: 1. The project and its environmental topic areas are broadJy covered and analyzed in the General Plan 2020 FElR. 2. The project proposes a General Plan Amendment that is not site-specific or project- specific; it addresses amendments to current policies that are applicable to the entire San Rafael Planning Area. The level of detailed contained in this tier need not be greater than the program, pJan or policy being analyzed. WHEREAS, to fmiher support "tiering" from the General Plan 2020 FEIR, the Initial Study has been prepared utilizing the most current CEQA Guidelines environmental checklist and considered the following factors that constitute the "baseline" for review: 1. None of the components of the project result in any changes to land use assumptions or projections currently presented in the San Rafael General Plan 2020 and analyzed in the General Plan ErR. 2. No changes are proposed to land use designations or their respective density and intensity parameters, nor are any changes proposed to adopted land use designations for individual sites/properties. 3. The project proposes no changes to circulation (transportation/traffic) projections, policies or implementing programs that would result in changes to level of service conditions at intersections or along arterials. WHEREAS, in preparing the Initial Study, the project was reviewed against impacts identified and mitigation measures included in the certified General Plan 2020 FEIR (2004). The purpose of this review was to detennine if the project would result in: new significant impacts; an increase in the severity of impacts; or new or expanded mitigation measures from those analyzed and detennined in the General Plan EIR; and WHEREAS, the project and the findings of the Initial Study were assessed to determine whether an Addendum to the EIR, Supplemental EIR or Subsequent EIR would be appropriate to address environmental review for General Plan Amendment GPA 14-001. Public Resources Code Section 21166 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 set fOlih limited situations in wh ich a Supplemental EIR or Subsequent EIR is required once an FEIR has been certified. Further, 1-2 supports Supplemental (Addendum) was 2020 previously celiified WHEREAS, the upon which this decision is NOWt recommends to the 2020 the hereby reaffirms the celtifying 1. EXHIBIT 1 for preparation of an Addendum EIR if no is required; and and measures included in under the General Plan EIR or in one or more create substantially in the General Plan ElR. Therefore, Initial Study versus the preparation of a Subsequent ErR or addendum to the certified General Plan 2020 FEIR 14,2014, Addendum (No.3) to the San Rafael Amendment GPA 14-001; and the Planning Commission has reviewed and Amendment GPA 14-00 1, along with the all applicable mitigation measures therein; and documents which constitute the record of proceedings Development Department RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission the Addendum No.3 to San Rafael General Plan GPA14-001 based on the following findings, in adopting Resolution No. J 1664 (listed above) Guidelines Sections 15162 and no subsequent or supplemental EIR (a) substantial changes are proposed in the due to the involvement of new significant severity of previously identified r.>rtt>f'tc· or circumstances of the project's to the involvement of new in the severity of previously was not known and could not have been known at the time ). The project will EIR; ). Significant in the previous ). Mitigation measures or be feasible, and would "",L'i,t<." project, but the alternative; or ). Mitigation measures analyzed in the nn'""m 1 any of the following: not discussed in the previous substantially more severe than shown found not to be feasible would in fact one or more significant effects of the decline to adopt the mitigation measure or different from those one or more significant EXHIBIT 1 effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline the mitigation measure or altemative. 2. CEQA Guidelines Section 15164(a) provides that a lead agency shall prepare an Addendum to a previously certified General Plan 2020 FEJR if some changes or additions to the certified EIR are necessary but none of the conditions call ing for the preparation of a supplemental EIR have occurred. Based 011 the analysis and documentation in Addendum No. 3 and the supportive Initial Study environmental checklist prepared for the proposed project, none of the situations described in CEQA Section 21166 and CEQA Guide] ines Sections J 5162 and 15] 63 apply here. Based on the results of the supportive Initial Study environmental checklist, the City has concluded that the proposed project would not result in new significant adverse impacts nor an increase in the severity of impacts identified and studied in the certified General Plan 2020 FEIR. None of the conditions requiring a supplemental or subsequent EIR exists and the Addendum has been prepared in compliance with CEQA. 3. The Addendum has been prepared in accordance with CEQA, the CEQA Guidelines, and the provisions of the City of San Rafael Environmental Assessment Procedures Manual. 4. The Addendum has been presented to the Planning Commission and City Council, who have reviewed and considered the information in the Addendum and the certified General Plan 2020 FEIR prior to approving the Project Approvals. 5. The Addendum No. 3 and the cel1ified General Plan 2020 FEIR reflect the City's independent judgment and analysis. The foregoing resolution was at the regular City 01 San Rafael Planning Commission meeting held on the 9th day of December 2014. Moved by Commissioner ___ _ and seconded by Commissioner _____ _ AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Paul A. Jensen, Secretary Jack Robertson, Chair HUEUpda!e PCrcso CEQA 12914 1-4 EXHIBIT 2 WHEREAS, on November 3,2014, HCD confinned that the draft document, as revised complies with the State requirements; and WHEREAS, additional edits were made to the draft document to address comments from the Planning Commission and HCD, which have been finalized and completed as the Final Draft Housing Element and Background Rep0!1, published on November 21, 2014. The key changes presented in the update are summarized as follows: 1. The dissolution of the San Rafael Redevelopment Agency in 2012 has resulted in changes that reference funding and management by this agency. The responsibilities previously heJd by the Redevelopment Agency have been shifted to the Economic Development Division of the City Manager's Office, Community Development Department and other City departments and agencies, as appropriate. 2. The time frames [or implementing certain programs have been updated and revised. 3. Consolidation of dupJ icative programs and a relocation of programs to achieve efficiency in the presentation of material, enhance readability and ensure consistency with the goals of the Element. 4. Revised Program H-7b sets the objective to conserve very low income rental units at risk of conversion. New Program H-7c sets objectives to monitor affordable units owned by non-profits as required by funding sources and by private entities as necessalY pursuant to City inclusionaIY requirements. 5. New Program H-9c proposed coordination and outreach with organizations assisting persons with disabilities in finding housing. 6. A new Program H-ll b is proposed to evaluate appropriate zoning regulations to support with the creation of a "Junior Second Units" provision, which will allow for the repurposing of existing space within a single-family dwelling unit to create a semi-private living space for a renter or care giver in conjunction with the owner- occupied unit. 7. New Program H-12d consolidates Existing Program H-16d (Emergency Shelters) and Existing Program H-16e (Transitional and Supportive Housing) and is refined to reflect zoning code amendment adopted with SB2 to allow shelters by right and to explicitly provide for transitional and supportive housing as a residential use. 8. Revised Program H-J4c (Continue to Implement Zoning to Encourage Mixed Use), New Program H-l7c (Waiver or Reduction of Fees), and New Program H-17d (Efficient Project Review) are amended and added, to address issues related to processing and pennit procedures. 9. New Program H-15a consolidates existing Programs H-18g, H-21d, H-22a (High Density Infill Housing Near Transit), H-22b (Station Area Plans), and H-23a by proposing to complete the Station Area parking study and Transit Center relocation anaJysis in 2015 to address housing for the Downtown SMART station area plan. 2-2 adopted scheduling .... 1·r'{'.t>.,rI1 As required, the .... ,.,,,.,,-+ was referred to local agencies and utility/service for review and comment; WHEREAS~ 0[1 March 26, 2014, in accord with California Government Code Section specifically the Bill 18 18), DepaJtment Community Development Department tribal consultation to the representatives of the Federated Indians' the Rancheria Tribal 15 for all that propose an amendment to the local General Plan. The the tribal consultation is to consult with local tribe representatives on potential impacts to Native places, features and in Section 5097.9 and of California Public Resources Code. The prescribed 90-day period was observed for the Indians to respond to but the received no and WHEREAS, following initiation of the General Plan Amendment 14-001 application, the with environmental of the Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines and the Environmental Assessment Procedures Manual, appropriate were followed to complete environmenta1 review of the which a) review the 2020 to detennine jf it adequately assesses environmental impacts of an Initial to determine if the and increase in the severity of impacts, or new or expanded mitigation measures and in the 2020 As a result of this an Addendum Plan 2020 FEIR (Addendum was prepared. Planning recommended to City Council the adoption Addendum No.3 by WHEREAS, on 9,2014, the Planning Commission beJd a duly noticed public hearing on proposed General Amendment 14-001, all public and the written report of the Department of Community Development; WHEREAS, the custodian documents constitute record of proceedings upon which this decision is based, is the Community Development Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends to tbe Council approval of Plan Amendment G14-001 amending the Plan 2020 with text in attached recommendation is based on and supported by the following findings: 1. The public interest would be served by the General Plan Amendment GPA 14-001 in that, regarding the action would State law by updated regularly and by promoting a tracking that measures progress targets. this would Housing Element Program H-Ia (Annual Housing Element Review) by opportunities public and discussion conjullction with the State requirements. Thirdly, this would: I) introduce new policies and programs to address such as H-9c (Housing Opportunities Persons Living with that promote to help with find 1 b (Junior Second Units) that support the evaluation option; streamline of through 'l6a (Second Units) and (Emergency Shelters, TransItional and Housing) ; and 3) housing development around SMART station areas (H-1 DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF HOUSING POLICY DEVELOPMENT 2020 W. EI Camino Avenue, SUile 500 Sacramento. CA 95833 (916) 263·29111 FAX (916) 263·7453 www.hcd.ca.gov November 3, 2014 Mr. Jensen Community Development Director City of 1400 Fifth Ave, Box 1 560 San Rafael, CA 94915 Mr. EXHIBIT 3 PLANNING RE: of San Rafael's Cycle (2015-2023) Draft Housing Element Thank you for submitting the City of San Rafael's d housing element update which was for review on September 9, 14, along with additional revisions received on October 31,2014. Pursuant to Government Code (GC) Section the Department is reporting the of review. Our was facilitated by a conversation on October 23, 2014 with you, Mr. Boloyan, Planning Man and Karen Warner, the City's consultant. revised draft element the statutory uirements of State housing element The revised element will comply with State h element law Article 10.6) when adopted and submitted the Department, in accordance with Section 65585(g}. The Department conducted a streamlined review of the draft housing element based on the meeting eligibility criteria detailed in the Department's Housing Element Update idance. The City also utilized ABAG pre-approved housing data. To remain on an eight year planning cycle, pursuant to Bill 375 (Chapter 728, Statutes of 2008) the City San must adopt element within 120 calendar days from the statutory due of January 31,2015 for ABAG localities. If adopted this date, GC 65588(e)(4) uires the housing element revised every four years until adopting at two consecutive revisions by the statutory deadline. For more information on housing element adoption requirements, visit our website at: Public participation in development, adoption and implementation of the element is essential effective housing planning. Throughout the housing element City must continue to the community, including organizations that lower-income and needs households, by making information regularly available and considering and incorporating comments where appropriate HCD Review of San Rafael's Housing Element November 3,2014 Page 2 of 2 The Department appreciates the hard work and dedication of your staff and Ms . Warner in preparation of the housing element and looks forward to receiving San Rafael's adopted housing element. If you have any questions or need additional technical assistance, please contact Melinda Coy, of our staff, at (916) 263-7425. Sincerely, /.~~ len A. Campara Assistant Deputy Director EXHIBIT 4 "ROAD MAP" -NAVIGATION TABLE AS AMENDED FOR THE FINAL DRAFf HOUSING ElEMENT, NOVEMBER 21,2014 2009-20t4 HOllsing Elemenl Program Recommendation · in 2015,.2023 Housin2 Element H-I HOUSING DISTRIBUTION Policy carried forward·as H-I . B-la. Annual Housing Element Review . Provide an annual assessment of Maintain program . housin g el ement implementation through annual review of General Plan 2020. Provide op portunities for public input and discussion, in conjunction with State requirements. H -l b. Housing Production. Monitor housing production annually to review Consolidate with Program H-la. achievements in meeting the community's housing goals. Monitoring housing production and measuring progress towards RHNA is atready required as part of Annual Housing Element Report. 1-1-2. NEIG~ORHOOD IMPROVEMENTS Policy removed H-2 . Neighborhood Improvements -see NH-2a (Zoning Ordinance) Remove-no associated program. B-3. DESIGN rnA T FHS INTO THE NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT Policy carried forward (remllllbered 10 B-2) H-3a . Design Concerns of Single-Family Ho me s. Examine and amend, as Maintain program . (renumbered needed, zoning regulations and guidelines for single-family homes to address Program H-2a) concerns about bulk, height , setbacks privacy and other impacts of new homes and of additions to existing homes, Consider potent ial cost impacts on housing development when developing new regulations an d guidelines. H-3b. Compatibility of Building Patterns . Adopt design guideline s 10 ensure Maintain program . (renumbered compatibility of neighborhood building patterns . Guidelines may address Program H-2b) setback patterns, garage and driveway patterns, and building scale. Further develop the character-defining elements of the neighborhood. Guidelines may address entries, roof design, windows , architectural style, materials and detailing. Consider potential cost impacts on housing development when developing Dew regulat ions aud guidelines . H-4. PUBUC INFORMATION AND PARTICIPATION Policy carried forward (;e7l11mbered 10 H-3) H-4a. Neighborhood Meettugs . Continue to require neighborhood meetings, Maintain program. Refine to as provided for by the City Council resolution for Neighborhood Meeting replace "require" With Procedures, for larger housing development proposals and those that have "encourage" (r enumbered potential to change neighborhood character . Pro gra m B -3a). Discussion on the City's efforts in assisting am~licants set u{2 meetings with the community (edited {2er HCOj H-4b. Information and Outreach on Housing Issues. Continue to provide Maintain program . (renumbered information to improve awareness of housing needs, issues and programs, and Program H-3b) to collaborate with housing organ izations to publicize in-service training, press releases, fair housing laws , contacts and phone numbers. For example, provide links on the Community Development webpage to housing resources , such as the Department of Housing and Community Developmeot. H·5. CITY LEADERSHlP Pol.icy removed !-I-5a. Housing Element Update. Undertake housing element updates as Remove program. Done as required by law or generally every five years. matter of course, unnecessary to call out as program. H-5b. Constraints and City Incent ives for Affordable Housing. As part of the Move to renumbered program five-year General Plan update, conduct a review by staff and development H-17d -Efficient Project Review ex perts of housing needs, financing, City processing and development (under new policy Regulatory incentives, and potential constraints and opportunities to create affordable Processes and Incentives for housing . Affordable Housing) 4-1 EXHIBIT 4 "ROAD MAP" -NAVIGATION TABLE AS AMENDED FOR THE FINAL DRAFT HOUSING ElEMENT, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 H-Se . Redevelopment 's Imple mentation Plan . Update the Redevelopment Remove program -no longer Agency's Implementation Plan, as required by State law or generally every applicable with loss orRDA. five years . H-Sd . E xpertise in Production of Affordable Housing. Contract with housing Remove program. Done as consultant(s) as needed to provide staff with the expertise to negotiate matter of course, unnecessary to affordable housing contTacts and housing development proposals . call out as program. H-Se . Redevelopment Agency Activities. Promote residential opportunilies in Remove program -no longer the redevelopment area, where appropriate, through the Redevelopment applicable with loss of RDA . Agency. Specifically, develop a summary resource of development requirements for properties around the Downtown and Civic Center transit hubs, and other areas as needed . H-6. COORDINATE WiTH OTHER JURJSDlCTIONS TN ADDRESSING Policy carried forward HOUSING NEEDS. (rellamed am! rellumbered to H-4) H-6a. Inter-Jurisdictional Housing Activities and Resources . Continue to Maintain program . (renumbered implement shared responsibilities, common regulations, coordinated lobbying Program H-4a) efforts and the hOllsing data clearinghouse to efficiently and effectively respond to housing needs within the Cities and County of Marin. H-7. COMMUNITY COLLABORATION AND PARTNERSHIP Policy consolidated and carried forward (renamel! IIl1d cOl/soJidaled willi H-4) H-7a . Cooperative Ventures. Encourage cooperative and joint ventures Retitled Community between owners, developers and community non-profit groups in the Collaboration (Program H-4b1 provision of affordable housing. Give technical assistance to non-profit and [1tovided more detail on developers by providing infOlmarion on other local sources of funding for imQlementation (edited Qer affordable housing and introductions to other funders. HCm /i-S. HOUSING DlSCRlMINA nON Policy carried forward (renamed alld reI/limber-elI 10 H-5) B-8a . Complaints. Continue to refer discrimination complaints to the Maintain program -integrate appropriate legal service, county, state or federal agency, or Fair Housing of within renumbered Fair I-lousing Marln. Program H-Sa. H-8b. Nondiscrimination Clauses . Continue to provide nondiscrimination Remo ve program . Done as clauses for housing receiving City or Redevelopment Agency financial matter of course, unnecessary to assistance. call out as program. H-8c . Fair Housing Laws . Designate the Community Development Director Maintain program. (renumbered as the Equal Opportunity Coordinator in San Rafael. Ensure that written Program H-Sa) materials regarding fair housing law are provided at various public locations, and that infonnalion about fair housing agencies and phone numbers is posted in places such as the City's website, at City Hall, the Public Library and other public places. As palt of the Cooperative Agreement with the County on CDBG funding, continue to require a portion of the City's allocation be directed to Fair HOllsing of Marin andior other fair housing organizations. H-9. F1JNDING FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING. Policy carried forward (rel/umhered to 1/-6) J-l-%. Housing Set-Aside Fund. Contlnue to utilize the Redevelopment Remove program--no longer Agency's Housing Set-Aside Fund for affordable housing development to applicable with loss ofRDA. increase, improve, and preserve the community's supply of housing affordable to low-and moderate-income persons. H -9 b. Trust Fund for Housing. Support efforts by the private sector , local Remove. Completed and employers and housing advocates to create a Housing Trust Fund to assist la nguage consolidated with with the financing of affordable housing. Support eff011s of the Housing renumbered Progra m H-6b. Trust Fund to assist with the financing of affordable housing. This support 4-2 EXHIBIT 4 /lROAD MAP" -NAVIGATION TABLE AS AMENDED FOR THE FINAL DRAFT HOUSING ElEMENT, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 includes identifying sites that meet the funding requirements of the Marin Workforce Housing Trust Fund, notifying the Marin Workforce I-lousing Trust staff of discussion and pending CDBG, HOME and tax credit applications that may require add itio n al support, an d including a link on the City website to the Marin Workforce H Oll sing Tr ust Fund. H-9c. In-Lieu Fees for Affordable Housing. Dedicate in -lie u fee s for Revised program -renumbered affordable hOLlsing, including rehabilitation, acquisition and design support Program H -6a. Expanded for second units and infill housing. Dedicate a portion of the commercial in description, including projected lieu fees for housing for very low income households. funding amounts and objective to direct funding towards acquisition/rehab rather than new construction. H-9d. T echnical Assistance to Housing Developers, Continue to provide staff Remove program. Addressed expertise and assistance to housing developers on methods and resources under renumbered Program H- available to reduce the cost of hous in g units. 4b Community Collaboration. }-I-ge. Funding Resources. Work with community an d elected leaders to Maintain progmm, Added identify potential revenue sources that support loca l affordable housing objective to secure 2 new initiatives, and to leverage the City's and Redevelopment Agency's affordable funding sources (renumbered housing funds. Program H -6b) H-9f. Funding Applications. As opportunities for funding become available, Maintain program. (renumbered coordinate applications for State and Federal subsidies for affordable housing, Program H-6c) and (1) provide technical assistance in public funding resources and local processing requirements, including community involvement; (2) consider project funding and timing needs in the processing and review of the application; and (3) work with applicants to identify appropriate submittal mater ials to enable a timely determ ination of application completeness. H-9g. Wa iver or Reduction o f F e e s . Continue to oITer fee waivers and Move to renumbered Program reductions for applications including affordable units, consistent with 17c -Waiver or Reduction of Resolution 11025. Fees (under new policy Regulatory Processes and Incentives for Affordable Housing). 1-1-9h. Funding for Very Low Income Housing. Work with Marin County, the Remove program. Addressed Chamber of Commerce and Marin Community Foundation to identify within renumbered Program H- approximately $ 1,000,000 for funding for housing for very low income 6b to pursue outside fundi.ng households. sources and a minimum o f $200,000, and renumbered Program H-9d -Housing for Extremely Low Income Households. H-IO. PROTECnON OF THE EXISTING HOUSING STOCK Policy carried forward (renumbered to B-7) H-IOa. Condominium Conversion Ordinance. As stated in the zoning Maintain program. (renumbered ordinance, prohibit conversion of existing multifamily rental units to market Program H-7a) rate condominium units unless the City's rental vacancy rate is above 5.0 percent, as determined by the State of Cali fomi a Finance Department annual Population Estimates. Exceptions include limited equity cooperatives, co- hOllsing and other innovati ve housing proposals that are affordable to low- and moderate-income households. B-lOb. Preserving Existing Rental Housing Affordable to Low Income Maintain program. Households through Ongoing Affordability Restrictions. Continue to work (Renumbered Program H-7b. with nonprofit housing organizations seeking to acquire and rehabilitate Preserving Existing Rental affordable rental housing units in order to maintain ongoing affordability of Housing Affordable to Low the units. Post and update as necessary information about the Redevelopment Income Households at Risk for 4-3 EXHIBIT 4 "ROAD MAP" -NAVIGATION TABLE AS AMENDED FOR THE FINAL DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 Agency's housing conservation program and other funding opportunities and Conversion). Updated scope. programs appropriate for nonprofit housing organizations on the City's Add that the Cit)' will monitor website. affordabilitv (edited per HCrn H-l0c Canal Housing Improvement Program. Work with the Canal I-lousing ReHl:9~'e J3f9gram . RDA Improvement Program (CAH1P) citywide as a housing conservation program funding no lo nger available to to provide financial assistance for nonprofit housing organizations to acquire su pport . Integrated within and rehabU.itate existing poorly maintained rental units and assure long-term renumbered Program H-6a as an affordability of the units (see Program 10 (b)). Post and update as necessary eligib le activity . infonnation about the Redevelopment Agency's housing conservation program and other funding oppoltunities and programs appropriate for nonprofit housin~ organizations on the City's website . H-lOd. Canal Affordable Safe and Healthy Housing. The Canal Affordable RDA funding no longer Safe and Healthy Housing (CASH) program was expanded citywide to available to support . Integrated provide forgivable rehabilitation loans to private owners in exchange for long-within renumbered Program H- tenn affordabiJity of a certain p0l1ion of llJ1its. Information on this program 6a as an eligible activity. and other funding opportunities and programs appropriate for private rental property owners is posted on the City 's websi te and u~dated as necessary. H -\ Oe . Retention of Mobile homes and Preservation of Existing Mobile home Maintain program. (renumbered Sites. Retain where possible this type of housing, which includes the 400-Program H-7e) home Contempo Marin and the 30-home B-Bar-A mobilehome park, and its affordability by continuing to implement the MobiJehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance. Mobilehomes typically provide lower cost housing by the nature of their size and de .sign. B-1L. HOUSING COND.ITlONS AND MAINTENANCE Policy carried forward (renllmbered 1o 11-8) H-lla. Apartment Inspection Program. To assure sa fe li ving conditions, Maintain program. (renumbered continue to enforce housing codes for all apartment projects three units or Program H-8a) larger tn size. H-li b. Code Enforcement and Public Infonnation Programs. Coordinate Maintain program. (renumbered housing, building and fire code enforcement to ensure compliance with basic Program H-8b) Integrate health and safety building standards and provide information about program prior Program H-12a rehabilitation loan programs for use by qualifying property owners. (investigate and abate illegal units) within program H-lic. Rehabilitation and Energy Loan Programs. Coordinate with other Refine program to focus on organizations, including the Marin I-lousing Authority and PG&E. to continue CDBG funded rehab and add to prOVide and expand rehabilitation loan and grant programs to eligible quantifies objectives for homeowners and renter households. assistance. (renumbered Program H-8c Residential Rellabilitation Loan Programs) H-l1d . Volunte er Efforts . Continue to work with community service clubs Remove program . implemented and organizations on volunteer labor-assistance housing improvement but volunteer grouQ has since programs for homeowners physically or financially unable to maintain their been dis banded . properties. Support such programs through volunteer coordination and assistance, public information campaigns, and financial assistance . H-I ) e. Maintenance of Older Housing Stock.. Pursue funding for conservation Remove program . Addressed and rehabilitation of the viable older housing units to preserve neighborhood under Residential Rehabilitation character and, where possible, to retain a supply of low-and moderate-income Loan Program (renumbered I-J- units. Allocate a portion of alUlual CDeG funds for the County Home 8c) and In-Lieu Fees for Rehabilitation program. which provides funding for owner-occupied homes Affordable Housing Program and group homes for the disabled . In addition, provide Redevelopment (renumbered H-6a) Agency funds to nonprofits to purchase and rehabilitate existing multifamily housing, and continue to require the recordation of long term affordability covenants on the property . H-J Lf. Relocation Assistance . Require applicants to provide certain limited Maintain ~~ram. (renumbered 4-4 EXHIBIT 4 "ROAD MAP" -NAVIGATION TABLE AS AMENDED FOR THE FINAL DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 SHELTER S (renumbered to H~I2) H-16a. Countywide Efforts to Address Ho meless Needs. Work with other Maintain program. jurisdictions and agencies in Marin to provide emergency, transitional, and (Renumbered Program R-12a). supportive housing and assistance for families and individuals who are . Clarify staiTs role as homeless 11Omeless. Continue to support and allocate funds, as appropliate, for coordinator for the County programs providillg emergency, supportive, andlor transitional shelter and (edited per ReD) counseling services . H-16b. Good Neighborhood Relations Involvi.ng E mergency Shelters and Maintain program. Eliminate Residential Care Facilities. Where determined necessary during review of an reference to Use Permit. application for a Use Permit application, encourage positive relations between (renumbered Program H-12b) neighborhoods and providers of emergency shelters and residentia I care facilities by requi.ring shelter outreach communication programs with the neighborhoods. l-I-16c. Residential Care Facilities. Regularly update zoning regulations that Maintain program. (renumbered govern residential care facilities to confonn to federal and State laws and to Program I-I -12c) encourage their location in areas that do not result in overconcentration of care facilities. Explore the feasibility of requiring affordable wlits in assisted living facil ities) for example, reduced rentals with access to market-rate services . H-16d. Emergency Shelters. Revise tJ1e zoning ordinance to allow emergency Refine program to reflect zoning shelters as required by State law. Continue to allow emergency she lters with a code amendment adopted use permit in areas zoned for office and commercial uses, including those consistent with SB2 to allow areas designated as General Commercial, Retail/Office, R esidential/Office) shelters by right and to 'Industrial, Light Industrial/Office, and Public/Quasi-Public on the Land use explicitly provide for Map. Amend the zoning ordinance to comply with State law and designate the transitional and supportive LIIO and other zoning districts south of Bell am and east ofhighway 580 housing as a residential use. where San Rafael's need for shelter beds as described in Appendix B may be (Renumbered Program H-12d). provided without a use permit or other discretionary city approvals, and with Amend zon ing code to clarify appropriate performance standards as allowed by State law. ~uirements that are !!ennissive, rather tban mandatory under State law (edited oer HCD). H-16e. T ransitional and Supportive Housing. Amend th e zoning ordinance, C onsolidated with renumbered consistent with State and Federal law, to recognize tTansitional and supportive Program H-12d -Emergency housing as residential uses) subject to the restrictions and standards of similar Shelters, Transitional and residen ti al dw ellings in the same zone . Supportive Housing. H-I 7. SENT OR HOUSING Policy ca rried forward (rellulllberelito H -13) H -17a. Assisted Living. Amend the zoni.ng ordinance to provide regulations Maintain program. E valuate for new assisted living housing. estab I ish ing in cl usionary housing requirements for ass isted living. (renum bered Program l-1-13a) H-J7b. Deleted Remove . H-17c. "Age-in-Place" Assistance. Provide assistance to older residents who Maintain program. (renumbered want to remain independent and in their homes for as long as possible, such as Program H-13b) the Police Department's "Are You O K?" program, the FLre Department's "Safety Check" program, Code Enforcement's continuing cooperation with the Marin County Social Services, and Community Services social activities offered tbrough the Community CeJ)ters. H-18. ADEQUATE SITES Policy consolidated and carried forward (rellllfllbererllo 11-/4) H-18a. Affordable I-lousing Sites. Encourage residential development in areas Mainta in program. Rename appropriate and feasible for new housing. These areas are identified in "Residentia l and M ixed Use 4-6 EXHIBIT 4 "ROAD MAP" -NAVIGATION TABLE AS AMENDED FOR THE FINAL DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 Appendix B, Housing Element Background, Summary of Potential Housing Sites InventoJY" (renumbered Sites (available for view on the City's website). Program H-14a). Add that the City has em!11o):ed different strategies to deliver infonnation about develoI2ment and these are ongoing and evolving (edited per HCD). H-l 8b. Efficient Use of Multifamily Housing Sites. Do not approve Maintain program. Z oning residential-only development below minimum designated General Plan ordinance amendment densities unless physical or envirorunental constraints preclude its completed. achievement. Residential -only projects should be approved at the mid-to (renumbered Program H-14b) high-range of the zoning density. If development on fl. site is to occur over time the applicant must show that the proposed development does not prevent subsequent development of the site to its minimum density and provide guarantees that the remaining phases will, in fact , be developed . Amend the zoning ordinance to allow residential use as a permitted use in Downtown zoning districts. H-18c . CEQA review . Use-CEQA exemptions for infill development Integrate within renumbered whenever possible. If environmental rev iew is warranted, require the Program H-17d -Efficient appropriate level of review based on the environmental issues identified in the Project Review initial study. H-18d. Reuse of Commercial Sites. Encourage adaptive reuse of vacant Refine as "Continue to buildings and underutilized sites with residential and mixed use development Implement Z oning Provisions to on retail, office and appropriate industrial sites . In addition: Encourage Mixed Use" to a. Explore zoning regulation incentives to encourage lot consolidation where promote mixed use and higher needed to facilitate housing. density development within the b . Review zoning requirements for retail in a mixed use building or site, and Downtown . (Renumbered to amend the zoning ordinance as necessary to allow for residential-only Program H-14c.) buildings in appropriate mixed-use zon in g districts . H -18e. Underutilized Public and Quasi-Pub lj c Lands for HOllsing. E xplore Remove program -staff effective ways to share housing site information and developer and financing completed . information to encourage housing development of un de rut iIi zed institutional lands (City, County, School District, Sanitation District, religious institutions, etc.). H-18f. Air Rights Development. Take an active role in evaluating the Rem9¥e (:!f9(;!am. Maintain fe asibility of air rights development and consider possible zoni.ng incentives !1rogram. (Renumbered Program for such development. Encourage developers of affordable housing to utilize H-14d). Set time frame of2020 air lights, such as above public parking lots or commercial uses Downtown. (edited per HCD). H -18g. R evisions to the Parking Standards . Review parking standards, and Remove program . D owntown amend the zoning ordinance to allow for more flexible parking standards for parking ana lysis integrated' housing development. Issues to study include the following: with in renumbered Program H- a. Parking issues in neighborhoods with congested on-street parking. ) 5a -Downtown Station Area b. Reduced parking requirements for projects in close proximity to a SMART Plan. station. c. Tandem Parking . d . Residential parking in public Jots and garages . e. Shared parking for mixed use. f. A parking reselve designated for parking if needed in the future, but in the interim, U1e area is landscaped or used as a tot lot or gardens. g . Designated, secure bicycle park ing areas . h . Expanded or new parking distrlct(s) to address parking issues around the new SMART stations. i. Flexible parking design in structures regarding minimum parking stall and aisle width dimensions. 4-7 EXHIBIT 4 "ROAD MAP" -NAVIGATION TABLE AS AMENDED FOR THE FINAL DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 H-18h. Staff Consultation. Continue to provide developers conducting a Remove program. Done as feasibility analysis of potential housing development a consultation with staff matter of course. unnecessary to to identify potential design and/or zoning considerations, such as methods for call out as program. early discovery of historic resources and mitigation(s). I-I-18i. Las GalJinas Sanitaty District Fees. Work with other local jurisdictions Integrated with renumbered to lobby Las GaUinas Valley Sanitary District to reduce fees for water for Program H-17c-Waiver or affordable ho usin.1!: and for second units. Reduction of Fees H-18j. Ho usin g for Extremely Low Income Households. To meet the needs of Maintain program. Eliminate extremely low income households. prioritize some set-aside funds and in lieu reference to RDA set-aside. fees for the development of housing affordable to extremely low-income (renumbered as Program H-9d) households. to encourage the development of programs to assist age-in-place seniors, to increase the amount of senior housing, to increase the production of second units. and to facilitate the construction of multifamily and supportive housing . H-18k. Lot Consolidation. To promote redevelopment of under uti lized mixed-&eme"'@ ~Fagtam. Integrated use sites and to provide more design options, amend the zoning ordinance to within ren umbered Program H- provide a 12 foot (one story) height bonus where two or more lots are 17b -He ight Bonuses. Lot consolidated into Olle parcel of at least 10,000 square feel. consolidation als o addressed under Program H-1 4c- Continue to rmQlement Zoning I Provisions to Encourage Mixed Use H-22.1NFILL NEAR TRANSIT (REFIN ED AND MOVED TO TJ-IlS NEW Policy refined and carried LOCATION) forward (rellumbered to H-15). Added lim et'r ame for ~roI:.T.!lm s: "Ol!e vea r a fte r the st art of SMART services" {c.drte.d I!er 1KJ)~ H-25 SECOND UNITS (REFTNED AND MOVED TO NEW THIS Policy refined and earned LDCATIO"'? forward Jrenllmbered to H-16) H-17. REGULATORY PROCESSES AND INCENTIVES FOR NEW POLICY with programs AFFORDABLE HOUSfNG consolidated from other sections (rellumbered 10 H-17) H·l9. LNCLUSIONARY HOUSING REQUIREMENTS Policy carried forward (rellumberel/lo H-18) H-19a. lnelusionary Housing. Engage with the local development community Refine as "Inelusionaty Housing and affordable housing advocates to evaluate the Inelusionary Housing Nexus Study" (renumbered Ordinance and in-lieu fee requirements for effectiveness in providing Program H-18a) affordable housing under current market conditions. Evaluate the Inelusionary Housing Ordinance in light of recent court decisions. Amend as necessary, consistent with State law. H-20. PROTECTION OF EXISTING AFFORDABLE HOUSING Policy carried forward (Programs moved and consolidated into othel" Policy sections) H-20a. BMR Resale Regulations. Continue to require resale controls on Maintain program. ownership BMR units to assure that units remain affordable to vety low. low (renumbered/renamed as and moderate-income households. Continue to monitor database with Marin Program H-7d). Housing. H-20b. BMR Rental Regulations. Continue to requ ire ongoing repolling for Maintain program, consolidate BMR rental projects to assure that these units remain at an affordable price under renumbered Program H- level. 7b (Preserving Existing Rental 4-8 EXHIBIT 4 "ROAD MAP"-NAVIGATION TABLE AS AMENDED FOR THE FINAL DRAFT HOUSING ELEMENT, NOVEMBER 21, 2014 H-23a. Zoning Amendments to E ncourage Mixed-Use. Review existing Integrated within renumbered development standards to encourage hOLlsing development in m ix ed-use Program H-14c -Contin ue to zones . Incentives can include reduced and shared parking based on the use Imple me nt Zon ing Provisio ns to mix and allowances for tandem , shared and off-site parking. Encourage Mixed Use, renumbered Program H-1Sa - Downtown Slation Area Plan and new Program H-15b -Civic Center Station Area Plan. H-24. CONTRIBUTlONS TOWARDS EMPLOYEE HOUSING Policy carried forward (Programs moved and consolidated into other Policy ~. Jobs/Housing Linkage Ordinance. Continue to implement the sections or removed) Integrated within renumbered affordable housing zoning requirement for nonresidential development Program H-6a -In L ieu Fees for 2.I"oiects . Affordable Housing. H-24b . Employee Housing Opportunities. Work with businesses, public Rems're I!f8gFam . Integrat e agencies, and local school districts to seek opponunities to help employees within renumbered Program B- lind local housing, such as new construction , purchasing or leasing larger 4b-CommunilY Collabor at io n. facilities to provide local housing opportun ities, mortgage buy-downs or subsidies, rent subsidies, etc . Seek the commitment of philanthropic and non- profit housing organizations and others to address employee-housing opportunities. H-25 . SECOND UNITS Policy carried forward (Policy and Programs moved to new H- 16 wbere old programs were consolidated and new programs were added) H-25a. New Second Units. Encourage sec ond units, including some second units as part of new single-famil:{ development. H-2Sb . Second Unit Assistanc e. Pr ovide staff as s istance to explain financing options, recommend design options to designers, assist property owners with preparing a rental management process, and guide property owners through the process of legalizing an illegal unit. Consolidated into s ingle H-25c. Publicity. Promote se cond un its through the City 's news letter, workshops, updates as needed of the Community Development Department's program addressing second units second unit handout, and use of the qty's website. (renumbered Program H-16a). H-25d . Required Parking for Second Dwelling Units. Ex plore zoning Component addressing reduced amendments to permit a waiver or reduction in the required off-street parking fees for second units integrated for second dwelling units . within renumbered Program H- H-25e. City Fees to Reduce Second Dwelling Unit Costs . Amend the 17c (Fee Waivers/Reductions). Citywide Traffic Mitigation Fee to waive the amount that is currently charged Create new program to adopt for second dwelling units, as a financial incentive and cost savings to property owner s . Implement a deferred andlor easy payment plan for required city standards to facilitate junior fees . Explore using the commercial in-lieu fees to subsidize second dwelling second units (renumbered unit fees. Program H-Ilb) H-25f. Detached Second Dwelling Unit Stock Plans . Reduce barriers, such as design and permit fees, to building second units by developing a program to assist property owners who want to add a detached second dwelling unit on their property . Work with architects and residents to prepare stock plans appropriate for second units in San Rafael neighborhoods. 4-10 EXHIBIT 5 Housing Element Update Correspondence Received to Date