HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2016-02-09 #4•
Community Development Department -Planning Division
P. O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915-1560
PHONE: (415) 485-3085/FAX: (415) 485-3184
Meeting Date: February 9, 2016
Agenda Item: 4
Case Numbers: ED15-068; SP15-001
Project Planner: Steve Stafford /(415) 458-5048
SUBJECT: 990 Francisco Blvd. E. ("Royal Coach Carwash") -Environmental and Design
Review Permit and Sign Program Amendment requests to allow demolition of an
existing automated car wash facility and construction of a smaller, 2,030 sq. ft .. ,
automated car wash facility and associated signage and landscaping improvements on
a 22,000 sq. ft. site; APN: 008-103-01; General Commercial (GC) District Zone; Bill
Poland for BlueWave Express Development II, LLC, Applicant; Wilma C. Thomas,
Owner; ED15-068; SP15-001.
Project sponsor, BlueWave Express, proposes to replace an existing 4,000 sq. ft., single-story
automated car wash facility with a smaller, 2,030 sq. ft., more efficient, automated car wash facility. The
project also proposes to construct a new 14-stall self-service vacuum canopy, located along the rear or
west property boundary shared with westbound 1-580 off-ramp. The project also proposes to significantly
increase landscaping on the site, from 5% (1,000 sq. ft.) to 31% (6,820 sq. ft.), plus an additional 4,200
sq. ft. of landscaping located within the City's ROW along the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage, plus an
additional unknown square footage of landscaping located within the adjacent Caltrans-owned parcel
along the Bellam Blvd frontage. BlueWave is pursuing a lease or licensing agreement with Caltrans to
allow improvement of the neighboring Caltrans property with landscaping and irrigation.
Planning staff finds that the proposed project meets all applicable General Plan Policies and Zoning
Ordinance regulations and standards.
The Design Review Board (Board) reviewed the project at two (2) separate meetings; a concept review
and a formal review. At both meetings, the Board provided unanimous support for the project design,
subject to minor modifications, which have been incorporated into the project plans presented to the
Planning Commission.
The project requires an Environmental and Design Review Permit (site and building design) and a Sign
Program Amendment (update existing Sign Program). The Planning Commission will act on the project
following the recommendation of the Board.
It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the attached resolution (Exhibit 1) approving the
project (Environmental and Design Review Permit ED15-068 and Sign Program Amendment SP15-001)
with conditions.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case Nos.: ED15-068; SP15-001 Page 2
I Address/Location: I 990 Francisco Blvd E. I Parcel Number(s): I 008-103-01
I Property Size: I 22,000 sq. ft. (approx.) I Neighborhood: I Canal
Site Characteristics
General Plan Designation Zoning Designation Existing Land-Use
Project Site: GC GC Automated Carwash
North: GC GC Gas Station; Motor
Vehicle Repair;
Commercial Retail
South: NA NA Bellam Blvd. Off-Ramp;
Westbound 1-580
East: NA NA Francisco Blvd. E.
West: NA NA Bellam Blvd.
Site Description/Setting:
The subject site is an isolated or 'island' parcel, surrounded by public right-of-ways; the Bellam Blvd. off-
ramp from westbound 1-580 is located immediately to the south and west; Bellam Blvd. is located
immediately to the west and north, and Francisco Blvd. E. is located along the frontage, immediately to
the east. It is a long (368' avg.) and narrow (51' avg.) 'flat' parcel (no cross-slope or grade change),
approximately 22,000 sq. ft. in size.
The site is currently developed with a single-story, 4,000 sq. ft. (approx.), automated, car wash with
customer service waiting, restrooms, mechanical, equipment and storage, office and cashier areas. A
1,600 sq. ft. (approx.) detailing canopy is attached to the southern portion of the building. A smaller, 600
sq. ft. (approx.) freestanding canopy is located immediately north of the building providing vacuum
service prior to entering the automated car wash. The site has six (6) dedicated on-site parking spaces,
located at the south end of the site. All carwash operations have ceased, though the structures remain
on the site.
Pertinent development and permitting history on the site includes:
• On May 12, 1964, the Planning Commission conditionally approved a Use Permit (No. 6446) and
Architectural Approval to allow construction of the existing development on the site and the operation
of an automated car wash.
• On April 27, 1976, the Planning Commission approved a Sign Program (SR76-028) to allow
installation of the existing three (3) signs on the site totaling 100 sq. ft. of combined sign area (two
freestanding signs with one a changeable copy sign, each 32 sq. ft. of sign area, and one 36 sq. ft.
wall sign).
Planning Applications:
The project requires an Environmental and Design Review Permit (new commercial building) and a Sign
Program Amendment (new sign design, sizes and locations). The Planning Commission acts on the
proposed project following the recommendations of the Design Review Board.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case Nos.: ED15-068; SP15-001 Page 3
The project proposes to replace the existing automated car wash facility on the site with a smaller, more
water-efficient, automated carwash facility , install a 14-stall self-service vacuum canopy with fabric
awning and landscape enhancements.
l?ite Plan:
The project proposes to demolish and replace the existing 4,000 sq. ft., single-story automated car wash
building with a smaller, 2,030 sq. ft. single-story automated car wash building . All existing ancillary
structures are also proposed to be demolished and new ancillary structures are proposed to be
constructed, including a 14-stall (3,700 sq. ft.), self-service vacuum canopy, a 198 sq. ft. self-service pay
station canopy, a 85 sq. ft. trash enclosure and a 75 sq. ft. vacuum pump enclosure.
The primary site entry/exit would continue to be located immediately across from Castro Avenue. The
existing on-site vehicular circulation pattern is proposed to remain the same , though the location of the
carwash building is proposed to shift approximately 35' east, from the rear of the site to the · front, closer
to the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage. Vehicles are proposed to enter the automated carwash at the south
building elevation and exit at the north building elevation along the Francisco Blvd . E. frontage , then
wrap around to the rear of the building to access the self-service vacuum stalls before exiting the site. A
new self-service pay station canopy is also proposed to be located along the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage ,
south of the carwash building. The new self-service vacuum canopy is proposed to be located along the
rear western property line, behind the carwash building , and the two small enclosures are proposed to be
located south of the vacuum canopy. An existing, 12'-wide, 'exit lane' is proposed to be relocated
approximately 60 ' south of its current location, between the carwash building and the self-service pay
station canopy.
The project proposes a rectangular-shaped, contemporary design for the new automated car wash
building, characterized by multiple exterior fagade textures in a tan-brown color palette, with a small
'wrap-around' metal awning projection over the cashier entrance. Proposed exterior materials would
include stacked ledge stone wrapped around the ends of the building with a mixture of brick veneer and
stucco for the remainder of the building , in a unique 'wave-like' pattern . The vehicular exit from the
automated car wash , and the most dominant architectural feature of the project , is proposed to be
defined by 1" x 6 " horizontal aluminum slat 'sign tower', with 2.5 " spacing between boards and dark
brown in color. A curvilinear metal roof , in both dark and medium shades of blue, is proposed to
'cascade' over vehicles exiting the automated car wash. A parapet cap and the metal awning projection
are proposed also to be dark blue in color. The height of the new, single-story , carwash building is
proposed to be a maximum height of 16' 8" above finished grade to the top of the parapet and 27.5' to
the top of the proposed sign tower element.
The design of both the self-service vacuum and pay station canopies are proposed to be similar tubular
curvilinear metal material, dark blue in color, with fabric awnings, medium blue in color. The height of the
new accessory canopies is proposed to be approximately 10-11' above finish grade
The design of both the trash and vacuum pump enclosures are proposed to incorporate the same
stacked ledge stone exterior facade texture , in a tan-brown color palette , as proposed on the new
carwash building. The heights of the new accessory enclosures are proposed to be 6' above finish grade
for the trash enclosure and 8' for the vacuum pump enclosure. .
The applicant will provide a Materials and Color Board, with samples of the proposed exterior colors and '
treatments , during the meeting. .
The project proposes to substantially increase the landscape character on the site, by enhancing existing
landscape planter areas and by creating new additional landscape planter areas , particularly along the
Francisco Blvd. E. frontage. Four (4) existing conifer and three (3) palm trees , located along north
property line closest to the intersection of Bellam Blvd. and Francisco Blvd. E., are proposed to be
preserved. The project proposes to plant eight (8) new Brisbane Box trees (Lophostemon confertus), 24"-
box size, and 11 new Queen Palm trees (Syagrus romanzoffiana) 10'-exposed trunk height. New
understory shrubs in existing and new planting areas include Sherwood Abelia (Abelia grandiflora
'Sherwood), Mediterranean Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis), Hopseed Bush (Oodonaea viscosa),
Rainbow Warrior Flax (Phormium 'Rainbow Warrior), Yellow Wave Flax (Phormium 'Yellow Wave'), and
Xylosma (Xylosma congestum), all in 5-gallon container size with the exception of the Mediterranean Fan
Palms which are proposed to be a 24"-box size. New understory groundcover and vines in existing and
new planting area include Emerald Carpet Manzanita (Arctostaphylos 'Emerald Carper), Sunset Gold
Coleonema (Coleonema pulchellum 'Sunset Gold) and Lowfast cotoneaster (Cottoneaster '1owfast), all
in 1-gallon container size with the exception of the Sunset Gold Coleonema which are proposed to be a
5-gallon container size.
The project proposes a 570 sq. ft. storm water treatmentlbioretention area , located behind the carwash
building and extensive landscaping in the public right-of-way (ROW) along the Francisco Blvd. E.
frontage . The project also continues to independently seek the appropriate approvals from Caltrans to
landscape their parcel, located between the north property line of the site and Bellam Blvd., with the
same planting palette as proposed for the site.
The project proposes two (2) new signs to be located exclusively on the proposed sign tower feature;
one, 48.9 sq. ft. 'wall' sign , located along the north elevation facing the intersection of Bellam Blvd. and
Francisco . Blvd. E., and a second, 48.9 sq. ft. 'wall' sign, located along west elevation facing the
westbound 1-580 off ramp and the westbound 1-580 freeway. Both signs are proposed to be internally-
illuminated LED, individual channel letters with 'white' faces and dark blue returns to match the dark blue
color trim on the parapet cap and 'wave' or curvilinear metal roof feature
San Rafael General Plan 2020 Consistency:
The General Plan land use designation for the project site is General Commercial (GC). The GC
deSignation allows general retail and service uses , including motor vehicle sales and service uses such
as the existing and proposed automated car wash facility, consistent with Land Use Policy LU-23 (Land
Use Map and Categories).
The project has been reviewed by staff for consistency with all applicable San Rafael General Plan 2020
poliCies, a complete analysis of which is provided in Exhibit 2. Staff finds that the project, a.s conditioned,
would be consistent with all applicable General Plan policies related to Land Use , Community Design ,
Circulation, Sustainability, Safety, Noise, Conservation and Air and Water Quality.
Zoning Ordinance Consistency: .
The project site is located within the General Commercial (GC) District zone, which allows motor vehicle
washing facilities to operate subject to Use Permit approval by the Planning Commission (Commission).
The existing automated cash wash facility on the site was originally approved by the Planning
Commission in 1964 (Use Permit #6446). Though the operation was shuttered just prior to the holidays
(December 2015), the project proposes to continue the legally permitted automated cash wash facility
use with a new, smaller, more efficient, car wash facility; the current Use Permit approval remains in
effect and no amendment is necessary. The project has been reviewed by staff for consistency with all
applicable standards and regulations of the Zoning Ordinance, a complete analysis of which is provided
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case Nos.: ED15-068; SP15-001 Page 5
in Exhibit 3 . Staff finds that the project, as designed , would be consistent with all applicable development
standards, including maximum building height , maximum FAR (Floor Area Ratio), minimum landscaping
and minimum on-site parking requirements .
Use Permit
On May 12 , 1964, the Planning Commission approved a Use Permit (#6446) to allow the operations of
an automated car wash on the site , subject to following conditions: .
• The project plans shall be revised to incorporated all requirements of the City Engineer; and
• Landscaping shall be provided along the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage.
While the existing car wash operations on the site was recently shuttered (December 2015), the current
Use Permit approval remains in effect and would allow the proposed project to operate without
amendment the existing Use Permit or obtaining a new Use Permit approval.
Sign Program Amendment
In 1976, a Sign Program (SR76-028) was approved by the Planning Commission, allowing three (3)
signs on the site totaling 100 sq. ft . of combined sign area (two freestanding signs with one a changeable
copy sign , each 32 sq . ft . of sign area , and one 36 sq . ft. wall sign). Though the prior automated carwash
use was recently shuttered (December 2015), the site structures and their signs remain . The project
proposes to amend the Sign Program by both reducing the number of signs on the site and their total
sign area while upgrading their sign type and location. The project proposes two (2) new signs to be
located exclusively on the proposed sign tower feature ; one, 48.9 sq. ft. 'wall ' sign , located along the
north elevation facing the intersection of Bellam Blvd. and Francisco Blvd. E., and a second, 48.9 sq. ft.
'wall ' sign, located along west elevation facing the westbound 1-580 off ramp and the westbound 1-580
freeway . Both signs are proposed to be internally-illuminated LED, individual channel letters with 'white'
faces and dark blue returns to match the dark blue color trim on the parapet cap . and 'wave' metal roof
Pursuant to Section 14.19.046 D (Sign Programs; Findings) of the Zoning Ordinance , a Sign Program
may be amended if:
• All s igns contained in the program shall have common design elements , such as placement , colors ,
materials , architecture , illumination , sign type , sign shade , letter size and letter type ;
• All signs contained in the program shall be consistent with general design standards specified in
Section 14.19.054 (i.e. all site signage shall be " ... an integral part of, compatible with , and
complement the design of buildings and improvements on the site where th e sign is to be located and
shall be compatible with the character and design of signs in the immediate neighborhood of the site.
Creative and unique design is encouraged provided that the design is appropriate for the site and
improvements and compatible with the character of the surrounding area."); and
• All signs contained in the program shall be in scale with the site and the immediate surrounding
Staffs Comments. The proposed site signage is a unique design which integrates well with and
complements the unique design of the new building . The relocated sign elevations and signage located
high on building elevations is in character with existing signage along both Francisco Blvd . E . and Bellam
Blvd ., includ ing 863 , 901 and 986 Francisco Blvd . E. and 115 Bellam Blvd . Both 'wall ' signs on the tower
element are identical in design , size , color and illumination ; they are distinct only by their location on
different building elevations. The curvilinear blue metal roof, which 'cascades ' downward over the
vehicles exiting the automated car wash , is as important to the 'BlueWave ' sign concept as the actual
sign lettering . As such, the proposed sign tower element is itself a four-sided freestanding sign, which the
Board agreed with during conceptual review of the project. As requested by the Board during conceptual
review , modifications have been made to both the sign tower and the signs to improve the scale signage
to fit better with that of the site, the project and existing freestanding signage in the immediate vicinity. A
detailed discussion of the Board's recommendations during concept review on the project, and how the
formal project design has responded to these comments, is below in staff's report.
Environmental and Design ReviewPermit
Pursuant to Section 14.25.040 (A)(1) (Environmental and Design Review Permits; Major Physical
Improvements) of the Zoning Ordinance, the project requires Environmental and Design Review Permit
approval by the Planning Commission for the proposed replacement of an existing automated car wash
facility with a smaller, more water-and energy-efficient car wash facility. The project is subject to the
review criteria for Environmental and Design Review Permits, pursuant to Section 14.25.050 (Review
Criteria; Environmental and Design Review Permits), as follows:
• Site Design. Proposed structures and site development should relate to the existing development in
the vicinity. The development should have good vehicular and pedestrian circulation and access.
Safe and convenient parking areas should be designed to provide easy access to building entrances.
The traffic capacity of adjoining streets must be considered.
• Architecture. The project architecture should be harmoniously integrated in relation to the
architecture in the vicinity in terms of colors and materials, scale and building design. The design
should be sensitive to and compatible with historic and architecturally significant buildings in the
vicinity. Design elements and approaches which are encouraged include: a) creation of interest in the
building elevation; b) pedestrian-oriented design in appropriate locations; c) energy-efficient design;
d) provision of a sense of entry; e) variation in building placement and height; and f) equal attention
to design given to all facades in sensitive location.
• Materials and colors. Exterior finishes should be consistent with the context of the surrounding area.
Color selection shall coordinate with the predominant colors and values of the surrounding landscape
and architecture. High-quality building materials are required. Natural materials and colors in the
earth tone and wood tone range are generally preferred. Concrete surfaces should be colored,
textured, sculptured, and/or patterned to serve design as well as a structural function.
• Walls, Fences and Screening. Walls, fences and screening shall be used to screen parking and
loading areas, refuse collection areas and mechanical equipment from view. Screening of
mechanical equipment shall be designed as an integrated architectural component of the building
and the landscape. Utility meters and transformers shall be incorporated into the overall project
• Exterior Ughting. Exterior lighting should provide safety for building occupants, but not create glare or
hazard on adjoining streets or be annoying to adjacent properties or residential areas.
• Landscape Design. Landscaping shall be designed as an integral enhancement ofthe site and
existing tree shall be preserved as much as possible. Water-conserving landscape design shall be
required. A landscaped berm around the perimeter of parking areas is encouraged. Smaller scale,
seasonal color street trees should be proposed along pedestrian-oriented streets while high-canopy,
traffic-tolerant trees should be proposed for primary vehicular circulation streets.
Staffs Comments. The review criteria for Environmental and Design Review Permits require that the
proposed design (architecture, form, scale, materials and color, etc.) of all new development 'relate' to
the predominant design or 'character-defining' design elements existing in the vicinity.
Site Design
The project proposes to replace the existing automated car wash facility with a smaller, new car wash
building in, generally, the same location on the site. The new carwash building is proposed to be
relocated approximately 35' east on the site, closer to the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage. The current
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case Nos.: ED15-068; SP15-001 Page 7
carwash facility and on-site circulation and queuing pattern has existed since it was originally approved in
1964. The project design proposes to re-orient the vehicle entrance to the carwash, from the north
building elevation to the south building elevation. This re-orientation will result in a shorter queuing or
vehicle stacking lane; however, the applicant has provided adequate documentation to the City Engineer
to review and support the new site design with a shorter stacking lane, due to the projected shorter
vehicle wash cycles and the relocated 'exit only' driveway, which allows vehicles to bypass the
automated carwash facility quickly, if needed.
The proposed single-story scale with two-story tower element relates well to the existing scale of
buildings in the vicinity of the site, which is a combination of both single-and two-story structures. The
site is located up to 20' below the grade of the westbound 1-580 flyway over Bellam Blvd before it merges
into northbound U.S. Highway 101.
Colors and Materials
The project proposes a cohesive contemporary design accentuating the 'blue wave' theme of their
business name, given that;
• The new building would be characterized by multiple exterior fagade textures and
earthtone/woodtine/bluetone colors, including stacked stone 'wrap-around' at the ends of the building
with a mixture of thin brick and stucco for the remainder of the building, in a unique 'wave-like'
.• The sign tower to the new building includes a curvilinear metal roof, in both a dark and medium
shade of blue, which appears to 'cascade' downward onto vehicles exiting the automated car wash;
• The new accessory canopies and enclosures proposed for the site are designed with the exterior
colors and materials to match those proposed on the new carwash building.
The project proposes to increase on-site landscaping from its current 5% (1,000 sq. ft.) presence to 31%
(6,820 sq. ft.), plus an additional 4,200 sq. ft. of landscaping within the City's ROW along the Francisco
Blvd. E. frontage, plus an additional unknown square footage within the adjacent Caltrans-owned parcel
along the Bellam Blvd frontage (pending lease or licensing agreement between the project sponsor and
Caltrans). This landscaping proposes a variety of new trees, shrubs and groundcover plantings along the
entire perimeter of the site and along the Francisco Blvd. E. and Bellam Blvd. frontage ROWs. All new
landscaping will be drip-irrigated to meet current MMWD water-conservation requirements. The
landscape design will also provide an approximate 570 sq. ft. storm water retention or bioswale area,
located behind the car wash building to meet current MCSTOPPP storm water run-off requirements.
The Design Review Board (Board) has reviewed the project at two (2) separate meetings; a concept
review and a formal review. At both meetings, the Board expressed unanimous support for the new,
more efficient, automated car wash facility and landscape enhancements. The Board, in general,
recommended reducing the height of the sign 'tower', redesigning the signs to improve proportionality on
the tower element and readability and increasing the landscaping along the entire perimeter of the site
July 21, 2015
On July 21, 2015, the Board (Commission Liaison Paul) provided conceptual design review
recommendations on the proposed project. At that time, the Board expressed unanimous support for the
new, more efficient, automated car wash facility and landscape enhancements. The Board, in general,
recommended reducing the height of the sign 'tower', redesigning the signs to improve proportionality on
the tower element and readability and increasing the landscaping along the entire perimeter of the site.
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case Nos.: ED15-068; SP15-001 Page 8
In direct response to the Board's concept review comments, the formal design submittal was modified as
o The height of the sign tower was reduced from 29' 9" to 27' 6";
o The number of signs proposed on the tower feature was reduced from three (3) to two (2); signage
was eliminated along the east elevation;
o The color of the sign facing on the individual channel lettering was changed from navy blue to white;
o The proportionality among the sign lettering was made to be more uniform and lettering determined
to be unnecessary ("Express") was removed'
o The spacing between the horizontal aluminum slats that provide the backing for the signage was
reduced, from 4" to 2.5", to improve readability; and
o Site landscaping was increased substantially along the entire perimeter of the site.
The formal design submittal was additionally modified as follows:
o The location of the carwash building was relocated approximately 35' east, from the rear of the site to
the front, closer to the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage, which allows the elimination of the previously
proposed sign on the east elevation as repetitive due to the high visibility of the proposed sign on the
north elevation from both Bellam Blvd. and Francisco Blvd. E.
o The orientation of the car wash building was reversed; vehicles now enter the car wash from the
south elevation and exit from the north elevation. This re-orientation allows the more interesting
building fagade to face the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage.
o On-site parking was increased from six (6) to 14 parking spaces/vacuum stalls.
January 20, 2016
On January 20, 2016, the Board (Commission Liaison Schaffer) expressed unanimous support for the
proposed smaller, automated carwash facility, with contemporary design and coordinating colors and
materials, and a significant increase in on-site and off-site landscaping, and recommended approval of
the project, subject to the following recommendations for minor revisions, which have been incorporated
into the design;
o The blue. metal awning, along the south elevation, should be aligned better with door to the cashier's
o Articulate the storefront windows, along the east elevation, with mullions; and
o substitute a 'compacta' species of Xylosma for 'congestum' for those areas adjacent to the drive aisle
or relocated the 'congestum' to provide a greater setback from the drive aislebuilding design
characterized by multiple exterior fagadetextures in a tan-brown color palette, including stacked
ledge stone wrapped around the ends of the building with a mixture of brick veneer and stucco for the
remainder of the building, in a unique 'wave-like' pattern site improvements. The Board, however,
provided the following comments on the conceptual design:
Both the July 21, 2015 and January 20, 2016 Board meetings may' be reviewed online at:
http://www.cityofsanrafael.org/meetings/ and clicking on the link to the specific Design Review Board
meeting date.
The proposed project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA), pursuant to Section 15302 (Rep/acement or Reconstruction) of the CEQA Guidelines which
exempts the replacement or reconstruction of an existing commercial structure or facility where the new
structure or facility will have substantially the same size, purpose and capacity as the structure or facility
replaced. The project proposes to replace an existing 4,000 sq. ft. automated car wash facility on the site
with a smaller, 2,030 sq. ft., automated carwash. While the project proposes to increase on-site parking,
from six (6) uncovered parking spaces to a 14-stall, 3,700 sq. ft. self-service vacuum canopy, this is an
ancillary function (Le., providing self-service vacuuming opportunities) of the new carwash facility rather
than an expansion of new carwash facility capacity ..
REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case Nos.: ED15-068; SP15-001 Page 9
No Neighborhood Meeting was required for the proposed project since it does not include a request a
General Plan Amendment, Rezoning or any other action requiring the preparation of an Environmental
Impact Report (EIR).
Notice of hearing for the project was conducted in accordance with noticing requirements contained in
Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance. A Notice of Public Hearing was mailed to all property owners and
occupants within a 300-foot radius of the project site, the appropriate neighborhood group (the Marin
Villa-Canal Housing Alliance), and all other interested parties, a minimum of 15 calendar days prior to the
date of all hearings, including this hearing. Additionally, public notice was posted on the project site,
along the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage, a minimum of 15 calendar days prior to the date of all hearings,
including this hearing.
At the time of printing staff's report to the Planning Commission , staff has received no comments as a
result of this noticing.
The Planning Commission has the following options:
1. Approve the application as presented (staff's recommendation);
2. Approve the application with modifications or additions to conditions of approval.
3. Continue the applications to allow the applicant to address any of the Commission's comments or
concerns; or
4. Deny the project and direct staff to return with a revised resolution.
1. Draft Resolution of Approval
2. GP Consistency Table
3. ZO Consistency Table
4. Vicinity/Location Map
5 . Interim Nonresidential Design Guidelines
Color 11" x 17" reduced plans provided to the Planning Commission only.
990 FRANCISCO BLVD. E. (APN: 008-103-01)
WHEREAS , on May 12 , 1964, the City of San Rafael Planning Commission (Planning
Commission) conditionally approved a Use Permit (No. 6446) and Architectural Approval to
allow construction, essentially , of the existing development and operation of an automated
carwash facility at the site , located at 990 Francisco Blvd. E.; and
WHEREAS, on April 27 , 1976, the Planning Commission conditionally approved a Sign
Program (SR76 -028) to allow installation of the existing three (3) signs on the site totaling 100
sq . ft . of combined sign area (two freestand ing signs with one a changeable copy sign , each 32
sq . ft. of sign area, and one 36 sq . ft. wall sign); and
WHEREAS, on June 19, 2015 , a Pre-Application for Conceptual Design Review
(CDR 15-003) was submitted to the City proposing to demolish the existing carwash facility and
construct a new, smaller, 2,030 sq. ft., carwash facility with associated signage and landscaping
improvements on the site; and
WHEREAS, on July 21, 2015 , the Design Review Board (Board) reviewed the
Conceptual Design Review in a duly-noticed public hearing and provided preliminary comments
on the proposed project. At that time , the Board expressed unanimous support for the new,
smaller, more efficient , automated carwash facility and landscape enhancements . The Board , in
general, recommended reducing the height of the sign 'tower', redesigning the signs to improve
proportionality on the tower element and readability and increasing the landscaping along the
entire perimeter of the site ; and
WHEREAS, on August 21 2015 , Formal Planning appl ications for an Environmental and
Design Review Permit (ED15-068) and Sign Program Amendment (SP15-001) were submitted,
proposing to construct a new, smaller, 2 ,030 sq. ft., carwash facility with associated signage
and landscaping improvements on the site. The formal design submittal revised the project, as
follows: 1) The height of the sign tower was reduced from 29 ' 9" to 27 .5'; 2) The number of
signs proposed on the tower feature was reduced from three (3) to two (2); signage was
eliminated along the east elevation ; 3) The color of the sign facing on the individual channel
lettering was changed from navy blue to white ; 4) The proportionality among the sign lettering
was made to be more uniform and lettering determined to be unnecessary ("Express") was
removed; 5) The spacing between the horizontal aluminum slats that provide the backing for the
signage was reduced , from 4" to 2 .5", to improve readability; 6) Site landscaping was increased
substantially along the entire perimeter of the site ; 7) The location of the carwash building was
relocated approximately 35' east , from the rear of the site to the front , closer to the Francisco
Blvd . E. frontage , which allows the elimination of the previously proposed sign on the east
elevation as repetitive due to the high visibility of the proposed sign on the north elevation from
both Bellam Blvd. and Francisco Blvd . E.; 8) The orientation of the car wash building was
reversed ; vehicles now enter the car wash from the south elevation and exit from the north
elevation . This re-orientation allows the more interesting building facade to face the Francisco
Blvd. E. frontage; and 9) On-site parking was increased from six (6) to 14 parking
spaces/vacuum stalls; and
WHEREAS, on January 20, 2016, the Board reviewed the formal Planning applications
and unanimously (Board Member Spielman motion, Board Member Lentini second)
recommended approval of the project, subject to the following recommendations for minor
revisions, which have been incorporated into the design; a) the blue metal awning, along the
south elevation, should be aligned better with door to the cashier's office; b) articulate the
storefront windows, along the east elevation, with mullions; and c) substitute a 'compacta'
species of Xylosma for 'congestum' for those areas adjacent to the drive aisle or relocated the
'congestum' to provide a greater setback from the drive aisle; and
WHEREAS, Planning staff has determined that the proposed project is exempt from the
requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15302
(Replacement or Reconstruction) of the CEQA Guidelines, which exempts the replacement or
reconstruction of an existing commercial structure or facility where the new structure or facility
will have substantially the same size, purpose and capacity as the structure or facility replaced.
The project proposes to replace an existing 4,000 sq. ft. automated car wash facility on the site
with a smaller, 2,030 sq. ft., automated carwash. While the project proposes to increase on-site
parking, from six (6) uncovered parking spaces to a 14-stall, 3,700 sq. ft. self-service vacuum
canopy, this is an ancillary function (i.e., providing self-service vacuuming opportunities) of the
new carwash facility rather than an expansion of new carwash facility capacity; and
WHEREAS, on February 9, 2016, the Planning Commission held a duly-noticed public
hearing on the proposed project, accepting all oral and written public testimony and the written
report of the Community Development Department staff and closed said hearing on that date;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of
San Rafael does hereby approve Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED15-068) and
Sign Program Amendment (SP15-001) to allow demolition of an existing carwash facility and
construct a new, smaller, 2,030 sq. ft., replacement carwash facility with associated signage
and landscaping improvements on the site, based on the following findings:
Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED15-068)
A. The project design is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the Zoning
Ordinance, and the purposes of Chapter 14.25 of the Zoning Ordinance; in that:
1. As documented in the General Plan 2020 Consistency Table attached to the staff report
to the Planning Commission, the project will be consistent with Land Use Policies LU-2
(Development Timing), LU-9 (Intensity of Nonresidential Development), LU-12 (Building
Heights), LU-16 (Building and Automotive Services) and LU-23 (Land Use Map and
Categories), Neighborhoods Policies NH-4b (Improve Property Maintenance; Design
Review Conditions of Approvaf), NH-51 (Existing Business Areas), NH-53 (Building and
Automotive Services) and NH-73 (I-58011011Bellam Blvd. Interchange Improvements),
Community Design Policies CD-1d (City Image; Landscape Improvement), CD-2
(Neighborhood Identity), CD-5 (Views), CD-9 (Transportation Corridors), CD-10
(Nonresidential Guidelines), CD-15 (Participation in Project Review), CD-18
(Landscaping), CD-19 (Lighting) and CD-20 (Commercial Signage), Economic Vitality
Policies EV-2 (Seek, Retain and Promote Business that Enhance San Rafaef), EV-7
(Environmentally-Friendly Business Practices), EV-8 (Diversity of our Economic Base),
EV-13 (Business Areas) and EV-14 (Support for Business Areas), Circulation Policy C-
22 (Attractive Roadway Design), Infrastructure Policies 1-2 (Adequacy of City
Infrastructure and Services), 1-3 (Availability of Utilities) , I-Sb and I-Sd (Street Trees;
Street Trees for New Development; Landscape Maintenance Next to Sidewalks),
Sustainability Policies 8U-5a (Reduce Use of' Non-Renewable Resources; Green
Building Regulations) and 8U-6 (New and Existing Trees), Safety Policies 8-17 (Flood
Protection of New Development), 8-1Sa (Storm Drainage Improvements) and 8-32
(Safety Review of Development Projects), Noise Policy N-4 (Noise from New
Nonresidential Development), and Air and Water Polices AW-4a (Particulate Matter
Pollutions Reduction; Pollution Reduction), AW-7 (Local, State and Federal Standards)
and AW-S (Reduce Pollution from Urban Runoff).
2. As documented in the Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table attached to the staff report
to the Planning Commission, the proposed project will be consistent with the objectives
of the Zoning Ordinance, which is to promote and protect the public health safety,
peace, comfort and general welfare, given that;
a. The proposed project will implement and promote the goals and policies of the San
Rafael General Plan 2020, as identified in Finding A1 above;
b. The project will reduce or remove negative impacts caused by inappropriate location,
use or design of buildings and improvements, given that; 1) the Board is recommending
approval of the project, subject to the following minor revisions which have been
incorporated into the design: a) the height of the sign tower element has been reduced
from 29' 9" to 27' 6" above grade; b) the number of signs proposed on the tower feature
has been reduced from three (3) to two (2) with; signage eliminated on the east
elevation; c) The color of the sign facing on the individual channel lettering has changed
from navy blue to white; d) the proportionality among the sign lettering is more uniform
and lettering determined to be unnecessary ("Express") has been removed; e) the
spacing between the horizontal aluminum slats that provide the backing for the signage
has been reduced, from 4" to 2.5", to improve readability; and f) site landscaping has
been increased substantially, including along the entire perimeter of the site; 2) the
Board is recommending approval of the project, subject to the following
recommendations for minor revisions, which have been incorporated into the design; a)
the blue metal awning, along the south elevation, should be aligned better with door to
the cashier's office; b) articulate the storefront windows, along the east elevation, with
mullions; and c) substitute a 'compacta' species of Xylosma for 'congestum' for those
areas adjacent to the drive aisle or relocated the 'congestum' to provide a greater
setback from the drive aisle; and 3) the project proposes to substantially exceed the
15% landscape requirement for the site, which will both beautify the site and the public
right-of-ways (ROW) along the Francisco Blvd. E. and Bellam Blvd. frontages but will
also increase permeable surface on-site and immediately adjacent to the site to capture
particulate matter pollution surface and roof stormwater runoff before it enters the City's
stormwater drainage system;
c. The project will protect, strengthen and diversify the economic base of the City,
given that; the project proposes to continue operating .an automotive service use
(automated carwash facility) on the site for the convenience of the both San Rafael
residents and businesses, which has been in operations as an automated carwash
facility on the site continuously since 1964;
d. The project will provide for adequate, safe and effective off-street parking and
loading facilities, given that; the project proposes to voluntarily increase on-site parking
from six (6) spaces, as required under the existing Use Permit (#6446), to 14 by
constructing a 14-stall, 3,700 sq. ft. self-service vacuum/parking canopy along the
western (rear) property boundary line while reducing the size of the carwash building,
from approximately 4,000 sq. ft. to 2,030 sq. ft.;
e. The proposed project will promote a safe, effective traffic circulation system, and
maintain acceptable local circulation system operating condition, given that; 1) Vehicular
access to/from the carwash building is proposed to continue in a counterclockwise
circulation pattern, however, the carwash building is proposed to be relocated
approximately 35' east, closer to the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage, where vehicular
queuing or stacking will be compressed, which has been reviewed and approved by the
City Engineer; and 2) the City Engineer has determined the proposed project would not
adversely affect the LOS for the nearby intersections and the payment of traffic
mitigation fees to fund the project's fair share of local circulation improvement projects
by the City is not required;
f. The project will preserve and enhance natural resources and key visual features in
the community, including the bay, shoreline, canal, wetlands and hillsides, given that;
while the proposed sign tower element would likely create a view impact of the hillside
north of the site as seen from both the westbound 1-580 flyover and off-ramp, this impact
is minor and insignificant due to the limited size (20' x 20') of the sign tower and the
grade difference of up to 20' between the site and the westbound 1-580 flyover over
Bellam Blvd. This view impact has been further mitigated by a recommendation by the
Board during concept review of the project that the sign tower be reduced in height "by a
couple of feet" to improve proportionality with the new carwash building and proposed
new signage. The formal project design submittal reduced the height of the sign tower
from 29' 9" to 27' 6" and the Board is recommending approval of the project design,
including the reduced sign tower height; and
g. The proposed project will provide for effective citizen participation in decision-
making, given that; the City has provided opportunities for public involvement in the
review of the project through: 1) the referral, notice and hearings of the Conceptual
Design Review submittal to the appropriate neighborhood group (Marin Villa-Canal
Housing Alliance) and in compliance with Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance (Public
Notice); and 2) the referral, notice and hearings of the 'formal' project review in
compliance with Chapter 29. Notice of two (2) separate Board meetings and this hearing
were mailed to all property owners and occupants within a 300-foot radius of the site,
and the appropriate neighborhood groups, a minimum of 15 calendar days prior to the
meetings or hearing, and notice was posted on the project site along the Francisco Blvd.
E. frontage. At the time of printing staff's report to the planning Commission, staff has
received no public comments as a result of any noticing for the project. Comments
received from other City departments and non-City agencies on the project have been
incorporated in the review, revisions and/or conditions of approval of the project.
3. As documented in the Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table attached to the staff report
to the Planning Commission, the proposed project will be consistent with the purposes
of Environmental and Design Review Permits, given that;
a. The project will ensure that the location, design and materials and colors of
development blends with and enhances the natural setting, given that; the proposed
project has been reviewed and recommended for approval by the Board;
b. The project will maintain and improve the quality of, and relationship between,
development and the surrounding area to contribute to the attractiveness of the City,
given that; 1) as identified in Finding A3 (a) above, proposed project has been
reviewed and recommended for approval by the Board; and 2) the project proposes
to increase the site landscaping from 5% to 31 %. Additionally, the project proposes
to landscape both the City's ROW, between the site and Francisco Blvd. E., and the
State (Caltrans) ROW, between the site and Bellam Blvd. Conditions of approval
have been included requiring all new project landscaping, both on-site and within
these adjacent ROW areas, be maintained in a healthy condition at all times and
replace all dying or dead plantings in a timely fashion, if necessary. (see Condition
#7; ED15-068); and
c. The proposed project will preserve and enhance views from other buildings and
public property, given that; as identified in Finding A2 (f) above, the new sign tower
element is proposed to impact public views briefly and minimally, and the Board has
required reductions on the height of the sign. tower to further mitigated view impacts
resulting from the project design.
B. The project design is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and landscaping design
. criteria and guidelines for the GC District in which the site is located, given that;
1. The proposed project will be consistent with property development standards for the GC
District (Chapter 5 of Zoning Ordinance), including:
a. Maximum building height (36' allowed; 16' 8" proposed to the top of the parapet
above finish grade and 27' 6" to the top of the sign tower);
b. Minimum landscaping (15% or 3,300 sq. ft. required; 6820 sq. ft. proposed plus
4,200 sq. ft. within the ROW along the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage plus
additional unknown square footage within the adjacent Caltrans-owned parcel
along the Bellam Blvd frontage) and ;
c. Maximum floor area ratio (FAR) (0.21 FAR or 4,620 sq. ft. allowed; 0.09 FAR or
2,030 sq. ft. proposed).
2. The provisions of Marin Municipal Water District's most recent water conservation
requirements apply to the project, as specified by MMWD Ordinance 421. Any project
that proposes 500 sq. ft. of new landscaping or rehabilitated existing landscape areas
equal to or greater than 2,500 sq. ft. shall require review and approval prior to the
issuance of any building or grading permit. This requirement has been made a condition
of approval (see Condition #42; ED15-068);
3. The proposed project will be consistent with all applicable parking standards (Chapter
14.18 of the Zoning Ordinance) for all new or relocated parking, with the exception of
three (3) requests for 'Parking Modification', including:
a. Minimum one-way drive aisle width (12');
b. Minimum on-site parking (14; one space at each vacuum stall);
c. Adequate clean air vehicle parking spaces (1) (see Condition #10; ED15-068);
d. Minimum parking lot landscaping (1 canopy tree for every 4 parking spaces);
e. Parking area and exterior .building lighting designed to provide adequate
minimum illumination levels of:
• One (1) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided in all exterior
doorways and in all vehicle parking areas;
• Minimum one-half (1/2) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided
along all outdoor pedestrian walkways; and
• Less than one (1) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided in all
property boundary lines .
4 . The proposed project will be consistent with review criteria for Environmental and
Design Review Permits (Chapter 14.25 of the Zoning Ordinance), given that; the Board
reviewed the formal application submittal at their January 20, 2016 meeting and, after
determining the project adequately met the review criteria for Environmental and Design
Review Permits, unanimously (3-0) recommended approval of the proposed site and
building design, subject to the following recommendations , which have been
incorporated into the project plans provided to the Planning Commission at their
February 9, 2016 hearing on th.e project ; a) the blue metal awning , along the south
elevation , should be aligned better with door to the cashier's office ; b) articulate the
storefront windows , along the east elevation, with mullions; and c) .substitute a
'compacta ' species of Xylosma for 'congestum ' for those areas adjacent to the drive
aisle or relocated the 'congestum ' to provide a greater setback from the drive aisle .
C. The project design minim izes adverse environmental impacts , given that:
1. The project proposes to significantly increase the site landscaping from 5% to 31 %.
Additionally, the project proposes to landscape both the City 's ROW , between the site
and Francisco Blvd. E., and the State (Caltrans) ROW, between the site and Bellam
Blvd. Conditions of approval have been included requiring all new landscaping, both on-
site and within these adjacent ROW areas, be maintained in a healthy condition at all
times and replace all dying or dead plantings in a timely fashion (Condition #7; ED15-
068). This increased landscaping on-site and off-site, within the adjacent ROWs, will
both beautify a busy transportation corridor (1-580/Bellam Blvd/Francisco Blvd . E.) but
will also help filter particulate matter pollution from surface and roof stormwater runoff
prior to entering the City;s stormwater drainage system;
2 . The project design includes an approximate 570 sq. ft . storm water retention area or
'bioswale ', located behind the new carwash building , which will have the effect of
reducing peak flow runoff to or below pre-redevelopment levels ; and
3. The site neither contains , nor is contiguous to, recognizable wetlands , creeks or
similarly sensitive environmental features , and it has not been identified in the San
Rafael General Plan 2020 (Exhibit 38 -Threatened and Endangered Species) as a
general location were threatened and endangered species have been previously
observed or maintain a suitable habitat for their likely presence to be found.
D. The project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or
materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity , given that ; the project has
been reviewed by appropriate City departments , non-City agencies, the appropriate surrounding
neighborhood group (Marin Villa-Canal Housing Alliance), and the Board and .conditions of
approval have been included to mitigate any potential negative impacts anticipated to be
generated by the proposed project.
Sign Program Amendment (SP15-001)
1. All signs contained in the proposed Sign Program Amendment have one or more common
design elements such as placement , colors, architecture, materials , illumination, sign type,
sign shape, letter size and letter type, in that; both signs proposed by the project are
identical in placement (at the same height on the tower element) size (48 .9 sq. ft. each),
colors (white facing; dark blue returns), materials (acrylic), illumination (internally-illuminated
LED or light-emitting diode), sign type (slanted and stacked individual letters), letter size (2'
5" for "BlueWave" above approximately l' 8" for "Car Wash") and letter type (combination
upper-and lower-case for "BlueWave" and upper-case only for "Car Wash"); they are
distinct only by their location on different elevations of the tower element. (proposed on north
and west elevations of tower element);
2. All signs contained in the proposed Sign Program Amendment are in harmony and scale
with the materials, archtiecture, and other design features of the buildings and property
improvements they identify, and the Sign Program Amendment is consistent with the
general design standards specified in Section 14.19.054 ( (i.e. all site signage shall be "".
an integral part of, compatible with, and complement the design of buildings and
improvements on the site where the sign is to be located and shall be compatible with the
character and design of signs in the immediate neighborhood of the site. Creative and
unique design is encouraged provided that the design is appropriate for the site and
improvements and compatible with the character of the surrounding area."), in that; during
concept review of the project, the Board recommended minor modifications to project signs
to improve readability and to reduce the scale of the sign tower element. In response, the
formal project submittal incorporated the following revisions: a) the height of the sign tower
element has been reduced from 29' 9" to 27' 6" above grade; b) the number of signs
proposed on the tower feature has been reduced from three (3) to two (2) with; signage
eliminated on the east elevation; c) The color of the sign facing on the individual channel
lettering has changed from navy blue to white; d) the proportionality among the sign
lettering is more uniform and lettering determined to be unnecessary ("Express") has been
removed; and e) the spacing between the horizontal aluminum slats that provide the
backing for the signage has been reduced, from 4" to 2.5", to improve readability. The
Board, at its January 20,2016 meeting, recommended approval of the new sign design; and
3. The amount and placement of signage contained in the Sign Program Amendment is in
scale with the subject property and improvements, as well as the immediately surrounding
area, in that; the existing Sign Program approved three (3) signs on the site totaling 100 sq.
ft. of combined sign area (two freestanding signs with one a changeable copy sign, each 32
sq. ft. of sign area, and one 36 sq. ft. wall sign). The project proposes to reduce the number
of signs on the site, from 3 to 2 signs, while increasing the size of each sign, from 32-36 sq.
ft. to 48.9 sq. ft., and relocating the signs to the tower feature on the new carwash building.
The total sign area for the site is proposed to be reduced from 100 sq. ft. to 97.8 sq. ft.
Signage located high on building elevations is in character with existing signage along both
Francisco Blvd. E. and Bellam Blvd., including 863, 901 and 986 Francisco Blvd. E. and 115
Bellam Blvd.
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Finding
1. The proposed project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15314 (Minor Additions To Schools) ofthe CEQA
Guidelines which exempts the replacement or reconstruction of an existing commercial
structure or facility where the new structure or facility will have substantially the same size,
purpose and capacity as the structure or facility replaced. The project proposes to replace an
existing 4,000 sq. ft. automated car wash facility on the site with a smaller, 2,030 sq. ft.,
automated carwash. While the project proposes to increase on-site parking, from six (6)
uncovered parking spaces to a 14-stall, 3,700 sq. ft. self-service vacuum canopy, this is an
ancillary function (i.e., providing self-service vacuuming opportunities) of the new carwash
facility rather than an expansion of new carwash facility capacity:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Rafael
approves Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED15-068) and Sign Program Amendment
(SP15-001), subject to the following conditions:
Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED15-068)
Conditions of Approval
General and On-Going
Community Development Department, Planning Division
1. The building techniques, colors, materials, elevations and appearance of the project, as
presented to the Planning Commission at their February 9, 2016 hearing, labeled B/ueWave
Express Carwash; 990 Francisco B/vd. East, San Rafae/, California; Planning Commission
Package, November 11, 2015, and on file with the Community Development Department,
Planning Division, shall be the same as required for issuance of all building/grading permits,
subject to these conditions. Minor modifications or revisions to the project shall be subject to
review and approval of the Community Development Department, Planning Division. Further
modifications deemed not minor by the Community Development Director shall require review
and approval by the original decision making body, the City's Planning Commission, and may
require review and recommendation by the City's DeSign Review Board.
2. The approved exterior materials and colors for the project are on file with the Community
Development Department, Planning Division. Any future modification to the color palette shall
be subject to review and approval by the Planning Division and those modifications not deemed
minor shall be referred to the Design Review Board for review and recommendation prior to
approval by the Planning Division.
3. This Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED15-068) allows the construction of a new
automated carwash building, approximately 2,030 sq. ft., and new ancillary structures, including
a 14-stall (3,700 sq. ft.), self-service vacuum canopy, a 198 sq. ft. self-service pay station
canopy, a 85 sq. ft. trash enclosure and a 75 sq. ft. vacuum pump enclosure.
4. The emergency exit or 'exit-only' egress driveway shall be designed with a minimum 12-
5 .. All "off-haul" of excavation and delivery/pick-up of construction materials and/or equipment
shall occur during off-peak traffic trip hours -between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday only or between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Saturdays. Sunday and federally-
recognized holiday work is strictly prohibited.
6. All grading and construction activities shall be limited to 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday and 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Saturdays. Sunday and federally-recognized holiday work is
strictly prohibited.
7. All new landscaping shall be irrigated with an automatic drip system and maintained in a
healthy and thriving condition, free of weeds and debris, at all times. Any dying or dead
landscaping shall be replaced in a timely fashion. This requirement to replace and maintain all
project landscaping shall include any right-of-way access or right-of-improvement agreements
entered into with either the City's Public Works Department or the State of California (Caltrans)
by BlueWave and its successors for grading activities and/or the installation of landscaping and
irrigation on the adjacent land located immediately east of the site, along the Francisco Blvd. E.
frontage, or north of the site, along the Bellam Blvd. frontage.
8. All public streets that are impacted by the grading and/or construction operation for the
project shall be kept clean and free of debris at all times. The general contractor shall sweep
the nearest street adjacent to the site on a daily basis unless conditions require greater
frequency of sweeping.
9. All new lighting shall include a master photoelectric cell with an automatic timer system,
where the intensity of illumination shall be reduced or turned off when the carwash operations
on the site are not in use.
10. The 14-stall self-service vacuum/parking canopy shall designate one (1) parking space for
low-emitting, fuel-efficient, clean air vehicles. The designated parking space shall be painted,
using the same paint color as the parking stall striping, with "CLEAN AIR VEHICLE" which shall
be aligned with the end of the stall striping and is Visible beneath the parking vehicle.
11. All submitted Building Permit plan sets shall include a plan sheet incorporating these
conditions of approval.
12. If archaeological or cultural resources are accidentally discovered during excavation/grading
activities, all work will stop within 100 feet of the resource and the qualified archaeologist will be
notified immediately. The qualified archaeologist will contact Federated Indians of Graton
Rancheria (FIGR) and the Planning Division and coordinate the appropriate evaluation of the
find and implement any additional treatment or protection, if required. No work shall occur in the
vicinity until approved by the qualified archaeologist, FIGR and Planning staff. Prehistoric
resources that may be identified include, but shall not be limited to, concentrations of stone
tools and manufacturing debris made of obsidian, basalt and other stone materials, milling
equipment such as bedrock mortars, portable mortars and pestles and locally darkened soils
(midden) that may contain dietary remains such as shell and bone, as well as human remains.
Historic resources that may be identified include, but are not limited to, small cemeteries or
burial plots, structural foundations, cabin pads, cans with soldered seams or tops, or bottles or
fragments or clear and colored glass
If human remains are encountered (or suspended) during any project-related activity, all work
will halt within 100 feet of the project and the County Coroner will be contacted to evaluate the
situation. If the County Coroner determines that the human remains are of Native American
origin, the County Coroner shall notify FIGR within 24-hours of such identification who will work
with Planning staff to determine the proper treatment of the remains. No work shall occur in the
vicinity without approval from Planning staff.
13. This Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED15-068) shall run with the land and shall
remain valid regardless of any change of ownership of the project site, subject to these
conditions, provided that a building/grading permit is issued and construction commenced or a
time extension request is submitted to the City's Community Development Department,
Planning Division, within two (2) years of this approval or until February 9, 2018. Failure to
obtain a building permit and construction commenced or a time extension by the specified date
will result in the expiration of this Environmental and Design Review Permit.
14. This Environmental and Design Review Permit (ED15-068) shall run concurrently with the
Sign Program Amendment (SP15-001) approval. If the Environmental and Design Review
Permit expires, the Sign Program Amendment approval shall also expire and become invalid.
The Use Permit (#6446) approval, allowing the operation of an automated car wash facility on
the site, shall remain in effect in perpetuity.
Prior to Issuance of Grading/Building Permits
Community Development Department. Planning Division
15. The applicant shall provide copies of any right-of-access or right-of-improvement
agreements entered into with the State of California (Caltrans) to the Planning Division for any
grading or installation of landscaping and irrigation on the adjacent land located immediately
north of the site, along the Bellam Blvd. frontage.
Public Works Department
16. Provide excavation ('cut', 'fill' and 'off-haul') calculations for the project. A grading permit,
from the Public Works Department, is required for earthwork over 50 CYDS. If a grading permit
is required, the project shall also provide soil erosion control plans and a construction
management plan.
17. All work in the public right of way requires the issuance of an encroachment permit from the
Public Works Department. The project engineer shall submit three (3) sets of plans showing all
work proposed in the public right-of-way, including details of all utilities, to the City Engineer for
review and approval.
18. Provide a stormwater pollution control plan in compliance with MCSTOPPP requirements.
For assistance on the required stormwater pollution control plan, please refer to the
MCSTOPPP section of the Marin County website, "Tools and Guidance", "Post Construction
Requirements" (http:www.marincounty.org/depts.lpw/divisions/mcstoppp/developmentlnew-
19. A construction vehicle impact fee shall be required prior to building permit issuance,
calculated at 1 % of the project valuation with the first $10,000 of valuation exempt.
20. Include the attached sheet "Pollution Prevention -Its Part of the Plan" with each
construction drawing set submitted for building permit.
San Rafael Sanitation District
21. Complete Civil/Utility plans shall be submitted to the San Rafael Sanitation District (SRSD)
which comply with all San Rafael Sanitation District requirements for review and approval.
22. Sewer connection fees may be required and shall be paid prior to building permit issuance.
The applicant shall provide an inventory of all existing plumbing fixture units inside the existing
building on the site prior to demolition, including complete photo documentation. Without this
inventory, the SRSD will be unable to credit the project for existing fixture units when calculating
new connection fees.
23. If the applicant intends to use the existing sewer lateral serving the old building, the existing
sewer lateral shall be televised to determine its condition. The results of this televised survey
shall be submitted to SRSD for review. In the event the televised survey recommends
improvements or repairs to the sewer lateral, the applicant shall be responsible for completing
the improvements or repairs in coordination with SRSD staff.
Community Development Department. BuildingDivision
24. The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with the 2013 California
Residential Code, 2013 California Building Code, 2013 Plumbing Code, 2013 Electrical Code,
2013 California Mechanical Code, 2013 California Fire Code, 2013 California Energy Code,
2013 Title 24 California Energy Efficiency Standards, 2013 California Green Building Standards
Code and City of San Rafael Ordinances and Amendments, or as amended at the time of
building permit submittal.
25. A building permit is required for the proposed work. Applications shall be accompanied by
four (4) complete sets of construction drawings to include:
a) Architectural plans
b) Structural plans
c) . Electrical plans
d) Plumbing plans
e) Mechanical plans
f) Fire sprinkler plans
g) Site/civil plans (clearly identifying grade plan and height of the building)
h) Structural Calculations
i) Truss Calculations
j) Soils reports
k) Green Building documentation
I) Title-24 energy documentation
26. The occupancy classification, construction type and square footage of each building shall
be specified on the plans in addition to justification calculations for the allowable area of each
building. Site/civil plans prepared by a California licensed surveyor or engineer clearly showing
topography, identifying grade plane and height of the building.
27. Each building must have address identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and
visible from the street or road fronting the property. Numbers painted on the curb do not satisfy
this requirement. In new construction and substantial remodels, the address must be internally or
externally illuminated and remain illuminated at all hours of darkness. Numbers must be a
minimum 6 inches in height with 'h inch stroke for commercial applications. The address must be
contrasting in color to their background SMC 12.12.20.
28. If any portion of new fencing exceeds 6' in height, a building permit is required.
29. With regard to any grading or site remediation, soils export, import and placement; provide
a detailed soils report prepared by a qualified engineer to address these procedures. In
particular the report should address the import and placement and compaction of soils at future
building pad locations and should be based on an assumed foundation design. This
information should be provided to Building Division and Department of Public Works for review
and comments prior to any such activities taking place.
30. Any demolition of existing structures shall require a permit. Demolition permit submittal shall
include three (3) copies of the site plan, asbestos certification and PG&E disconnect notice. All
required permits from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District shall be obtained and
documentation provided prior to building permit issuance and any work commencing ..
31. The site development of items such as common sidewalks, parking areas, stairs, ramps,
common facilities, etc. are subject to compliance with the accessibility standards contained in
Title-24, California Code of Regulations. Pedestrian access provisions should provide a
minimum 48" wide unobstructed paved surface to and along all accessible routes. Items such
as signs, meter pedestals, light standards, trash receptacles, etc., shall not encroach on this 4'
minimum width. Also, note that sidewalk slopes and side slopes shall not exceed published
minimums per California Title 24, Part 2. The civil, grading and landscape plans shall address
these requirements to the extent possible.
32. Public accommodation disabled parking spaces must be provided according the following
table and must be uniformly distributed throughout the site:
Total Number of Parking Minimum Required Number of
Spaces HIC Spaces
1 to 25 1
26 to 50 2
51 to 75 3
76 to 100 4
101 to 150 5
151 to 200 6
201 to 300 7
301 to 400 8
401 to 500 9
501 to 1,000 Two 'percent of total
1,001 and over Twenty, plus one for each 100
or fraction thereof over 1,001
33. As a new building, the project is required to comply with the California Green Building Code,
including Tier 1 standards. The specific requirements are as identified in San Rafael Municipal
Code (SRMC) Section 12.23.020.
34. Prior to any use or occupancy of this building or structure or any portion there of a
"Certificate of Occupancy" must be issued by the Chief Building Official pursuant to California
Building Code Section 111.1. Failure to secure a "Certificate of Occupancy" is a violation and
will result in a $500 citation per day that the violation continues.
San Rafael Fire Department. Fire Prevention Bureau
35. The design and construction of all site alterations shall comply with the 2013 California Fire
Code and City of San Rafael Ordinances and Amendments.
36. A building permit is required for the proposed work. Applications shall be accompanied by
four (4) complete sets of construction drawings to include:
a) Fire sprinkler plans (Deferred submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau).
b) Fire underground plans (Deferred submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau)
c) Fire alarm plans (Deferred submittal to the Fire Prevention Bureau)
37. Show the location of address numbers on the building elevation. Each building must have
address identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or
road fronting the property. Refer to Fire Prevention Bureau Premises Identification Standard 09-
1001, Table 1.
38. A Knox Box is required at the primary point of first response to the building. A recessed
mounted Knox Box # 3275 Series is required for this project; the Knox Box shall be clearly
visible upon approach to the main entrance. Note the Knox Box must be installed from 72" to
78" above finish grade; show the location on the plans.
39. Hazardous Materials Placard shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 704.
40. Provide a copy of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan which has been submitted to
Marin County Department of Public Works, CUPA.
41. Contact the Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD) to make arrangements for MMWD to
provide adequate water supply service for the required fire protection system.
Marin Municipal Water District
42. Final landscape and irrigation plans for the project shall comply with the proVisions of Marin
Municipal Water District's (MMWD) most recent water conservation ordinance (currently
Ordinance 421). Construction plans submitted for issuance of building/grading permit shall be
pre-approved by MMWD and stamped as approved by MMWD. The building permit application
submittal shall include a letter from MMWD approving the final landscape and irrigation plans.
Modifications to the final landscape and irrigation plans, as required by MMWD, shall be subject
to review and approval of the Community Development Department, Planning Division.
During Construction
Marin Municipal Water District
43. The project shall comply with all indoor and outdoor requirements of District Code Title 13 -
Water Conservation. Landscape, irrigation, grading and fixture plans shall be submitted to the
District for review and approval. Any questions regarding District Code Title 13 -Water
Conservation should be directed to the District's Water Conservation Department at (415) 945-
1497. You may also find information on the District's water conservation requirements online at
44. The project shall comply with the backflow prevention requirements, if upon the District's
review determines backflow protection is. warranted, including installation, testing and
maintenance. Questions regarding backflow requirements should be directed to the Backflow
Prevention Program Coordinator at (415) 945'1558.
Pacific Gas & Electric
45. Electric and gas service to the project site will be provided in accordance with the applicable
extension rules, which are available on PG&E's website at
http://www.pge.com/myhome/customerservice/other/newconstruction or contact (800) PGE-
5000. It is highly recommended that PG&E be contacted as soon as possible so that there is
adequate time to engineer all required improvements and to schedule any site work.
46. The cost of relocating any existing PG&E facilities or conversion of existing overhead
facilities to underground shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant or property owner.
47. Prior to the start excavation or construction, the general contractor shall call Underground
Service Alert (USA) at (800) 227-2600 to have the location of any existing underground facilities
marked in the field.
Prior to Occupancy
Community Development Department, Planning Division
48. Final inspection of the project by the Community Development Department, Planning
Division, is required. The applicant shall contact the Planning Division to request a final
inspection upon completion of the project. The final inspection shall require a minimum of 48-
hour advance notice.
49. All landscaping and irrigation shall be installed prior to occupancy. In the alternative, the
applicant or property owner shall post a bond with the City in the amount of the estimated
landscapinglirrigation installed cost. In the event that a bond is posted, all areas proposed for
landscaping shall be covered with bark or a substitute material approved by the Planning
Division prior to occupancy. Deferred landscaping through a bond shall not exceed 3 months
past occupancy.
50. The landscape architect for the project shall submit a letter to the' Planning Division,
confirming the landscaping has been installed in compliance with the approved project plans
and the irrigation is fully functioning.
51. All exterior lighting shall be shielded down to reduce off-site glare and include a master
photoelectric cell with an automatic timer system, where the intensity of illumination shall be
reduced or turned off when the carwash facility is not in use. A minimum of one (1) foot candle
at ground level overlap shall be provided at all exterior doorways and throughout the vehicle
parking area. A minimum of one-half (1/2) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided
on all outdoor pedestrian walkways and common areas. Less than one (1) foot candle at
ground level overlap shall be provided at all property boundary lines. Following the issuance of
a certificate of occupancy, all exterior lighting shall be subject to a 60-day lighting level review
by the City to ensure that all lighting sources provide safety for the building occupants while not
creating a glare or hazard on adjacent streets or be annoying to adjacent residents. During this
lighting review period, the City may require adjustments in the direction or intensity of the
lighting, if necessary.
52. All ground-and rooftop-mounted mechanical equipment shall be fully screened from public
Public Works Department
53. Do Not Enter (R5-1) signs shall be placed at all one-way drives.
Sign Program Amendment (SP1S-001)
Conditions of Approval
Community Development Department, Planning Division
1. The building techniques, colors, materials, elevations and appearance of the Sign Program
Amendment as presented to the Planning Commission at their February 9, 2016 hearing,
labeled BlueWave Express Carwash; 990 Francisco Blvd. East, San Rafael, California;
Planning Commission' Package, November 11, 2015, and on file with the Community
Development Department, Planning Division, shall be the same as required for issuance of all
building/grading permits, subject to these conditions. Minor modifications or revisions to the
project shall be subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department,
Planning Division. Further modifications deemed not minor by the Community Development
Director shall require review and approval by the original decision making body, the City's
Planning Commission, and may require review and recommendation by the City's Design
Review Board.
2. This Sign Program Amendment approves 97.8 sq. ft. of total signage for the site; one, 48.9
sq. ft., internally-illuminated LED, wall sign on the north elevation of the tower feature (facing
Bellam Blvd.) and one, 48.9 sq. ft., internally-illuminated LED, wall sign on the west elevation of
the tower feature (facing the westbound 1-580 off-ramp).
3. This Sign Program Amendment shall supersede all previous Sign Program (SR76-028)
4. This Sign Program Amendment shall run shall run concurrently with Environmental and
Design Review Permit (ED15-068) approval. If the Environmental and Design Review Permit
expires, Sign Program Amendment approval shall also expire and become invalid.
The foregoing Resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the City of San Rafael Planning
Commission held on the 9th day of February 2016.
Moved by Commissioner XXX and seconded by Commissioner XXX:
ATTEST:~~~ ____ ~~ __
Paul A. Jensen, Secretary
BY: ---:-;---;'--:---;------;---::-;---,
Mark Lubamersky, Chair
Exhibit 2
LU-2 .. Development Timing. For health, safety and
general welfare reasons, new development should only
occur when adequate infrastructure is available consistent
with the following findings:
a. Project-related traffic will not cause the level of
service established in the Circulation Element to be
b. Any circulation improvements needed to maintain the
level of service standard established in the Circulation
Element have been programmed and funding has been
c. Environmental review of needed circulation
improvement projects has been completed;
d. The time frame for completion of the needed
circulation improvements will not cause the level of
service in the Circulation Element to be exceeded, or
the rmdings set forth in Policy C-5 have been made;
e. Sewer, water, and other infrastructure improvements
will be available to serve new development by the
time the development is constructed
LU-9. Intensity of Nonresidential Development.
Commercial and industrial areas have been assigned floor
area ratios (FAR's) to identify appropriate intensities (see
Exhibits 4, 5 and 6): Maximum allowable FAR's are not
gnaranteed, particularly in environmentally sensitive areas.
Intensity of commercial and industrial development on any
site shall respond to the followin g factors: site resources
and constraints, traffic and access, potentially hazardous
conditions, adequacy of infrastructure, and City design
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash " Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
The project proposes to demolish an existing automated car wash facility, approximately 4,000 sq. ft. in
size, and construction of a smaller, 2,030 sq. ft., automated car wash facility and associated signage and
landscaping improvements on a 22,000 sq. ft. site. While the existing carwash facility has been shuttered
since December 2015 , it has been and continues to be currently served by City infrastructure and services.
The City's Engineer has reviewed the project and determined that the smaller carwash would not impact
the LOS (Level of Service) for the nearby intersections and the payment of traffic mitigation fees are not
required. Additionally, the quasi-governmental agencies that would provide water and sewer service to the
site have reviewed the proposed project and determined that there is adequate capacity to service the new
The project proposes to demolish all existing structures on the site and to construct 2,030 sq. ft. of new
gross floor nonresidential development. The maximum allowable floor area ratio (FAR) or intensity of
development within the General Commercial (GC) District is 0.21. For the site, this constitutes a
maximum allowable 4,620 sq. ft. of nonresidential development, based on a lot area of22,000 sq. ft. The
existing FAR on the site is approximately 0.18 or 4,000 sq. ft. and the project proposes to reduce the FAR
nearly in half to 0.09 or 2,030 sq. ft., well below the maximum allowed on the site.
File #: ED15-068; SP15-0017
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 2-1
Exhibit 2
LU-12. Building Heights. Citywide height limits in San
Rafael are described in Exhibits 7 and 8 . For Downtown
height limits see Exhibit 9.
LU-16 Building and Automotive Services. Maintain
availability of sites for building, automotive and service
industries important to San Rafael's economy and the
convenience of its residents and businesses.
LU-23. Land Use Map aod Categories. Land use
categories are generalized groupiogs of land uses and titles
that define a predominant land usc type (See Exhibit II).
All proposed projects must meet density and FAR
standards (See Exhibits 4,5 and 6) for that type of use, and
other applicable development standards. Some listed uses
are conditiona l lIses in the zoniog ordioance and may be
allowed only in limited areas or under limited
circumstances. Maintain a Land U s e Map that illustrates
the distribution and location ofland uses as envisioned by
General Plan policies. (See Exhibit II).
New "Blue Wave &press Carwash" Fa c ility
990 Francisc o Blvd. E.
Accordiog to Exhibit 7 (Building Heights Limits in Central San Rqfael) of the General Plan, the maximum
height limit for this property is 36 feet, like the surroundiog General Commercial neighborhood. The
General Plan defines height of a bui(ding for non-hillside as the vertical distance above a reference damm
measured to the highest point of the copiog of a flat roof or to the deck line of a mansard roof. The
reference datum is determined as follows: if the difference in grade between the lowest and highest grade
point is greater than 10 ', the reference datum is located 10' vertically from the lowest grade point. The
project proposes to construct the new carwas!l building on a flat, previously graded site, with no
perceivable cross-slope and which is currently developed with a single-story commercial building. The
project proposes a building height of 16' 8" to the top of the parapet from finished grade and 27' 6" to the
top ofthe sign tower feature. The project also proposes four (4) accessory structures ; a self-s ervice vacuum
stall/parking canopy and a self-service pay s tation canopy, 10-11 ' io height each, and a va cuum enclosure
and a trash enclosure, 8 ' 6" and 6 ' in height, respectively. The propos ed project is therefore consistent with
the height limits for this site.
The existing carwash facility operates in compliance with a Use Permit (#6446) approved by the Planning
Commission in I 964.This use permit approval remains valid. The project proposes to continue operating
an automotive service use (automated carwash facility) on the site for the convenience of the both San
Rafael residents and businesses.
According to Exhibit II (Land Use Categories) of the General Plan, the GC land use category defines
allowable land use s as "General retail and service uses, restaurants, automobile sales and service uses,
and hotels/motels. Offices as secondary uses except along Francisco Blvd. West where retail
re development is strongly encouraged'. The site currently operates as a automated carwash facility or
automotive service use. The project proposes to continue to operate under the tenus of the approved (Use
Permit #6446) carwash facility use on the site, which would be consistent with the automotive service uses
allowed io the GC land lise category.
File #: EDl5-068; SPIS-0017
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 2-2
Exhibit 2
NH-4b. Improve Property Maintenance; Design review
Conditions of Approval. Through development review,
require that design r eview approval include langnage
whereby owners maintain lands caping in good condition.
NH-Sl. Existing Business Development. Support and
encourage the upgrading of existing business areas,
consistent with infrastructure needs. Encourage
redevelopment and upgrading of exi sting sites.
NH-S3. Building and Antomotive Services. Maintain
availability of sites for building, automotive and related
service indnstries important to San Rafael 's economy and
needed for the convenience of its residents and businesses .
NH-73. I-S80/1011Bellam Blvd. Interchange
Improvements. Pursue improvement of the 1-
5801l01IBellam Blvd. interchange.
NH-73a. Caltrans. Work with Caltrans on an effective
and attractive design for the Highway 101 and 1-580
New "Blue Wav e Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd. E.
Consistent with Condition
The project proposes to increase the site land scaping from approximat ely 1,000 sq. ft. (5%) to 6,820 sq. ft.
(31 %). The project also proposes to landscape 4 ,2 00 sq. ft. of exi sting right-of-way (ROW), located
between the site and Francisco Blvd. E., which is supported by th e City's Public Works Department. The
project sponsor is also currently in final negotiations with Caltrans for approvals neces s ary to allow the
installation of lands caping and irrigation on their property located inunediately nortil of the site, between
the site and the Bellam Blvd. frontage. Property development standards for the site require a minimmn of
15% or 3,300 sq. ft . of landscaping. Conditions of approval have been included in the Planning
Conunission's Resolution for the project requiring all new landscaping to be irrigated with an automatic
drip system and maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free of weeds and debris , at all times and
any dying or dead landscaping shall be replaced in a timely fashion. This condition also requires
replacement and maintenance of all project landscaping includes landscaping located within the public
right-of-way (ROW), along the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage, or on the State of California (Caltrans)
property, located immediately north of the site, along the Bellam Blvd. frontage. (Condition #7 ; EDI5-
See NH-4b discnssion above. The project proposes to replace the existing automated carwash facility in the
site with a smaller, more efficient, automated carwash facility. The project proposes to increase the
landscape character on the site, with the ROW along Francis co Blvd. E. and on the adjacent Caltrans
property significantly. The project also proposes to increase on the on-site parking from s ix (6), as
approved for the existing carwash facility , to 14 (l4-stall, self-service vacuum/parking canopy), which will
be consistent Witil the applicable parking standards (I parking space at each vacumn stall).
See LU-16b discussion above.
Consistent with Condition
See NH-4b discussion above.
File #: ED15-068; SP15-0017
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 2-3
Exhibit 2
CD-I. City Image. Reinforce the City's positive and
distinctive image by recognizing the natural features
of the City, protecting historic resources, and by
strengthening the positive qualities of the City's focal
points, gateways, corridors and neighborhoods.
CD-ld. Landscape Improvements. Recognize that .
landscaping is a critical design component. Encourage
maximum use of available landscape area to create
visual interest and foster sense of the natural
environment in new and existing developments.
Encourage the use of a variety of site appropriate plant
CD-2. Neigbborbood identity. Recognize and promote
the unique character and integrity of the city's residential
neighbornoods and Downtown. Strengthen the
"bometown" image of sari Rafael by:
• Maintaining the urban, historic, and pedestrian character
of the Downtown;
• Preserving and enhancing the scale and landscaped
character of the City's residential neighborhoods;
• Improving the appearance and function of commercial
areas; and
• Allowing limited commercial uses in residential
neighborhoods that serve local residents and create
neighborhood gathering places ..
CD-S. Views. Respect and enhance to the greatest extent
possible, views of the Bay and its islands, Bay wetlands,
St. Raphael's church bell tower, Canalfront, marinas, Mt.
Tamalpais, Marin Civic Center and hills and ridgelines
from public streets, parks and publicly accessible
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash " Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
Consistent with Conditions
See NH-4b discussion above. According to Exhibits 17 (San Rafael Community Design) and 18 (Central
San Rtifael Community Design) of the General Plan, Francisco Blvd. E. is identified as a "transportation
corridor" which contribute to the City based not only on land use and transportation function but also how
it is experienced by the public. While specific corridor design guidelines do not currently exist,
landscaping within ROWs is highly encouraged. The project proposes to increase the site landscaping from
5% to 31 %. Additionally, the project proposes to landscape both the City's ROW, between the site and
Francisco Blvd. E., and the State (Caltrans) ROW, between the site and Bellam Blvd. Conditions of
approval have been included in the Planning Commission's Resolution for the project requiring allqew
landscaping, both on-site and within these adjacent ROW areas, be maintained in a healthy condition at all
times and replace all dying or dead plantings in a timely fashion, if necessary. (Condition #7; ED15-068)
Consistent with Conditions
See NH-4b discussion above.
While the proposed sign tower element would likely create a view impact of the hillside north ofthe site as
seen from both the westbound 1-580 flyover and off-ramp, this impact is minor and insignificant due to the
limited size (20' x 20') of the sign tower and the grade difference of up to 20' between the site and the
westbound 1-580 flyover over Bellam Blvd. This view impact has been further mitigated by a
recommendation by the Design Review Board (Board) during concept review of the project that the sign
File #: ED15-068; SPJ5-0017
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 2-4
--------------_. --... -
Exhibit 2
CD-9. Transportation Corridors. To improve the
function and appearance of corridors, recogoize those
shown on Exhibi ts 17 and 18 and derme each corridors
contribution to the City based upon its land use and
transportation function and how it is experienced by the
CD-9b. Right-or-Way Landscaping. Encourage
Caltrans to install and maintain landscaping along its
CD-IO. Nonresidential Design Guidelines. Recogoize,
preserve and enhance the desigo el ements that contribute
to the economic vitality of commercial areas. Develop
design guidelines to ensure that new nonresidential and
mixed-use development fits within and improves the
immediate neighborhood and the commuuity as a whole.
CD-IS. Participation in Project Review. Provide for
public involvement in the review of new development,
renovations, and public projects with the following: a)
design goide lines and other information relevant to the
project as described in the Community Desigo Element
that would be used by residents, de sigoers , project
developers, City staff, and City decis ion makers; b)
distribution of the procedures of the development process
New "BlueWave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
tower be reduced in height "by a couple offeet" to improve proportionality with the new carwash building
and proposed new sigoage. The formal project desigo submittal reduced the height of the s igo tower from
29' 9" to 27' 6" and the Board is recommending approval of the project, subject to minor modifications to
the carwash building fa~ade and s ite plant materials whicb have been incorporated into revi sed plans for
r e view by the Planning Commission which have been incorporated into revised plans for review by the
Planning Commission.
Consistent with Conditions
See CD-IICD-ld and NH-4b discussions above.
As part of the General Plan 2020, the City adopted interim desigo guidelines for residential, non-
residential, Downtown projects and projects in close proximity to buildings identified as historic resources .
During their revie w of the project, the Board determined that the proposed site and building desigo was
consistent with the City's interim Nonresidential Desigo Guidelines in terms of parking lot, landscaping,
lighting, building scale and architecture and material and colors, s ubject to minor modifications to the
carwash building fa,ade and site plant materials which have been incorporated into revi sed plans for
review by the Planning Commission (A copy of these interim Nonresidential Desigo Guidelines is attached
to staff's report to the Planning Commiss ion , Exhibit 5)
Consistent with Conditions
The proposed project has provided for effective citizen participation in decision-making, given that; the
City has provided opportunities for public involvement in the review of the project through: I) the referral,
notice and hearings of the Conceptual Desigo Review submittal to the appropriate neighborhood groups
(i.e., Marin Villa-Canal Housing Alliance) and in compliance with Chapter 29 of the Zoning Ordinance
(Public Notice); and 2) the referral, notice and hearings of the 'formal ' project review in compliance with
Chapter 29. Notice of two (2) separate Board meetings and this hearing were mailed to all property owners
and occupants within a 300-foot radius of the site, and the appropriate neighborhood grouJ'S , a minimum of
File #: EDl5-068; SP15-00J7
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 2-5
Exhibit 2
that include the following: submittal information, timelines
for public review, and public notice requirements; c)
standardized thresholds that state when design review of
projects is required (e.g. residential conversions, second-
story additions); and d) effective public participation in the
review process.
CD-I8. Landscaping. Recognize the unique contribution
provided by landscaping, and make it a significant
component of all site design.
CD-I9. Lighting. Allow adequate site lighting for safety
purposes while controlling excessive light spillover and
CD-20. Commercial Signage. Provide sign regulations
and guidelines that allow adequate visual identification
necessary for successful commercial uses, while also
taking into consideration the visual impact along any given
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
15 calendar days prior to the meetings or hearing, and notice was posted on the project site along the
Francisco Blvd. E. frontage. At the time of printing staff's report to the Plarming Commission, staff has
received no public comments as a result of any noticing for the project. Comments received from other
City departments and non-City agencies on the project have been incorporated in the review, revisions
andlor conditions of approval of the project.
Consistent with Conditions
See CD-IICD-ld and NH-4b discussions above.
Consistent with Condition
The lighting plan (location, type and design) with photometric study (lighting levels) was reviewed by the
Board, along with the other design elements of the project, and recommend approval with the project. The
proposed photometric lighting levels generally meet the City's minimum illumination standards:
• All exterior lighting shall be design or shielded down to minimum off-site glare.
• A minimum of one (1) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided at all exterior doorways
and throughout the vehicle parking area.
• A minimum of one-half (112) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided on all outdoor
pedestrian walkways and common areas.
• Less than one (I) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided at all property boundary lines.
• Following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, all exterior lighting shall be subject to a 90-day
lighting level review by the City to ensure that all lighting sources provide safety for the building
occupants while not creating a glare or hazard on adjacent streets or be annoying to adjacent
These lighting standards have been incorporated into conditions of approval (Condition #51; ED 15-068).
The existing carwash facility operated with both a Use Pernlit (#6446) and a Sign Program (SR76-028).
The existing Sign Program approved three (3) signs on the site totaling 100 sq. ft. of combined sign area
(two freestanding signs with one a changeable copy sign, each 32 sq. ft. of sign area, and one 36 sq. ft. wall
sign). The project proposes to amend the Sign Program to reduce the number of signs on the site, from 3 to
2 signs, while increasing the size of each sign, from 32-36 sq. ft. to 48.9 sq. ft., and relocating the signs to
the tower feature on the new carwash building. The total sign area for the site is proposed to be reduced
from 100 sq. ft. to 97.8 sq. ft. During concept review of the project, the Board recommended minor
modifications to improve sign readability and to reduce the scale of the sign tower element. These
recommendations were incorporated into revisions to the project at formal application submittal and the
File#: EDIS-068; SP15-0017
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 2-6
Exhibit 2
EV-2. Seek, Retain and Promote Businesses that
Enhance San RafaeL Recruit and retain businesses that
contribute to our economic vitality, thus helping to provide
needed local goods, services and employment, and
enhance the City's physical environment.
EV-7. Environmentally-Friendly Business Practices.
Promote environmentally friendly business practices that
reduce the need for non-renewable resources.
EV-S. Diversity of Economic Base. Keep San Rafael a
full-service city by retaining and supporting a broad and
bealthy range of businesses.
EV-13. Business Areas. Promote San Rafael's economy
and the strengths and benefits of all of its business
areas. Pursue actions that revitalize and sustain San
Rafael's business areas such as:
• Planning and managing the supply and operations of
parking .
• Beautification efforts along City public areas, such as
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd. E.
Board has recommended approval of the project design, including amendments to the Sign Program, to the
Planning Connnission.
See LU -16b discussion above.
Consistent with Conditions
The project design proposes to incorporate the most recent water-efficiency technologies into the
operations of the new automated carwash facility. Additional environmentally-friendly business practices
• All landscaping is designed, and required by condition, to be migated with an automatic, water-
efficient, drip system (Condition #7; ED 15-068); and
• All site lighting, with the exception of the building sconce fixtures , is designed with energy-saving
LED (light-emitting diode) technology and is required by conctition to include a master pbotoelectric
cell with an automatic timer system, where tbe intensity of illumination shall be reduced or turned off
when the carwash operations on the site are not in use (Condition #9; ED15-068).
• The project is required to be designed and constructed in compliance with all applicable current
California Building Codes, including the 2013 California Green Building Standards Code (Condition
#24; EDl5-068).
See LV -16b discussion above.
Consistent with Conditions
Bee LU-16b and NH-4b ctiscussions above.
File#: EDIS-068: SP15-0017
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 2-7
Exhibit 2
installation and maintenance of planters, street trees, and
lighting .
• Housing and economic development .
• Multi-modal circulation improvements for residents,
workers, suppliers and customer.
EV-14. Support for Business Areas. Support and
encourage public and private redevelopment and
upgrading of both existing and underdeveloped
commercial and industrial properties, while retaining
economic and architectural diversity .
C-S. Traffic Level of Service Standards.
a. Intersection LOS. In order to ensure an effective
roadway network, maintain adequate traffic levels
of service (LOS) consistent with standards for
s ignalized intersections in the A.M. and P.M.
peak hours as shown below, except as provided
for under (B) Arterial LOS .
C-22. Attractive Roadway Design. Design roadway
projects to be anractive and, where possible, to include
trees, lands cape buffer areas, public art, integration of
public spaces and other visual enbancements. Emphasize
tree planting and landscaping along aH streets.
1-2. Adequacy of City Infrastructure and Services.
Assure that development can be adequately
served by the City's infrastructure and that new
facilities are well planned and well designed.
1-3. Availability of Utilities. Promote the availability of
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash " Facility
990 Fran cisco Blvd E.
See LU-16b discussion above.
Consistent with Condition
See LU-2 discussion above.
C onsistent with Conditions
See CD-I/CD-ld and NH-4b discussions above.
See LU-2 discussion above.
File #: EDl5-068; SP15-00l7
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exbibit: 2-8
Exhibit 2
reliable and reasonably priced utilities necessary for
business es and residences to prosper.
1-3b. Water Supply Impacts. Work with Marin
Municipal Water District to meet the projected water
demand and to ensure reduction of existing and
projected water supply impacts.
I-g. Street Trees. Create street tree planting and
maintenance programs and encourage the use oflarge
canopy trees where appropriate in order to control
temperatore, improve air quality, control wind, define
neighborhoods, and improve street appearance.
I-Sb. Street Trees for New Development. Require
street trees at frequent spacing in all new developments
and property upgrades, and consider mitigation for tree
removal by planting s treet trees in locations other than
the project site.
SU-S. Reduce Use of Nonrenewable Resources. Reduce
dependency on non·renewable resources.
SU-6. New and Existing Trees. Plant new and retain
existing trees to maximize energy conservation and
carbon s equestration benefits.
SU-6d. Carbon Ofrset Program. Consider the
feasibility of a local carbon offset program to support
tree planting and maintenance.
New "Blue Wave Express CanvQsh" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
---- -
Consistent with Conditions
See NH-4b discussion above. The project design proposes to increase landscaping on the site and within
ROW areas along the Francisco Blvd. E. and Bellam Blvd frontages with a consistent diverse planting
palette of trees (both deciduous and evergreen), shrubs and groundcovers. The Board reviewed and
recommended approval of the project design, including the proposed landscape plan , at their January 20,
2016 meeting, subject to minor modifications to the carwash building fa9ade and the site plant material s
which have been incorporated into revised plans for review by the Planning Commission.
The project will comply with the most recently adopted CBC (California Building Code) Green Building
r egulation and Title-24 Energy regulations, and the Marin Municipal Water District's most recently
adopted water conservation regulations (Ordinance #421).
Consistent with Conditions
See EV -7 discussion above.
File #: ED15-068; SP15-0017
Title: General Plan 2020 Consi stency Table
Exhibit: 2-9
Exhibit 2
S-17. Flood Protection of New Deyelopment. Design
new development within the bay mud areas to minimum
floor elevation that provides protection from potential
impacts of flooding during the "IOO-year" flood. The fmal
floor elevation (elevation of the first floor at completion of
construction) shall acconnt for the ultimate settlement of
the site due to consolidation of the bay mud from existing
and new loads, taking into acconnt soils conditions and the
type of structure proposed. Design for settlement over a
50-year period is typically considered sufficient.
8-18. Storm Drainage Improvements. Require new
development to improve local stonn drainage facilities to
'accommodate site rnnoffanticipated from a "IOO -year"
S-32. Safety Review of Deve lopment Projects. Require
.crime prevention and fire prevention techniques in new
development, including adequate access for emergency
N-4. Noise From New Nonresidential Development.
Design nonresidential development to minimize noise
impacts on neighboring uses.
a. Performance Standards for Uses Affecting
Residential Districts. New nonresidential development
shall not increase noise levels in a residential district
by more than Ldn 3 dB, or create noise impacts that would
increase noise levels to more than Ldn 60 dB at the
property line of the noise receiving use, whichever is
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd. E.
The site is located within the "IOO-year" floodplain. The project design has been reviewed by the City
Engineer and found that it would not pose potential flooding danger.
The proposed project has been reviewed by the City Engineer which implements the Stonnwater Pollution
Prevention standards and regulations. The City Engineer has detennined the project design includes
adequate measures to reduce stonnwater rnn-off consistent with the standards established by the RWQCB
(Regional Water Quality Control Board). The project design includes an approximate 570 sq. ft. storm
water retention area or 'bioswale', located behind the new carwash building, which is anticipated will have
the effect of reducing peak flow runoff to pre-redevelopment levels :
The San Rafael Fire Department, Fire Prevention Bureau, has reviewed the proposed project and
recommended approval, subject to Conditions #35-41, EDI5-068.
The project proposes to demolish an existing automated car wash facility, approximately 4,000 sq. ft. in
size, and construction of a smaller, 2,030 sq. ft., automated car wash facility and four ancillary structures
on the 22,000 sq. ft. site. it is not anticipated to generate any new, permanent traffic impacts, including
noise, and would therefore not increase noise levels by more than Ldn 3 db .. While the project design
includes a new 14-stall (3,700 sq. ft.), self-service vacuum canopy and a 75 sq. ft. vacuum pump enclosure,
it is not anticipated to increase noise levels by more than Ldn 3 dB due to the relatively higb ambient noise
surronnding the site created by high-volume City (Bellam Blvd. and Francisco Blvd. E.) and State (I-580)
transponation corridors.
File #: EDI5-068; SP15-00l7
Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 2-10
Exhibit 2
the more restrictive standard.
AW-4. Particulate Matter Pollution Reduction. Promote
the reduction of particulate matter pollution from roads,
parking lots, construction sites, agricultural lands and other
AW-4a. Pollution Reduction. Through development
review, ensure that any proposed new sources of
particulate matter use latest control technology (such
as enclos ures, paving unpaved areas, parking lot
sweeping and landscaping) and provide adequate
buffer setbacks to protect existing or future sensitive
AW-7. Local, State and Federal Standards. Continue to
comply with local, state and federal standards for water
qUality .
A W-S. Reduce Pollution from Urban Runoff. Address
non-point source polJution and protect receiving waters
from pollutants discharged to the storm drain system by
requiring Best Management Practices quality.
• Support a lternatives to iropervious surfaces in new
developm ent, redevelopment or public iroprovement
projects to reduce urban runoff into storm drain
system, creeks and the Bay.
• Require that site designs work with the natural
topograpby and drainages to the extent practicable to
reduce the amount of grading necessary and limit
disturbance to natural water bodies and natural
New "Blue Wa ve Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
See NH-4b discussion above. The project proposes to significantly increase site landscaping plus convert
existing impermeable hardscape located within the public ROW, between the site and Francisco Blvd. E.,
into new landscape areas. This substantial increase in permeable surface on-site and within the adjacent
ROW will help to filter particulate matter polJution and reduce its runoff into the City's storm drainage
syst em.
The project would be required to comply with the City 's Stormwater Pollution Prevention standards which
are derived from the Regional Water Quality Board. The proposed drainag e plan is des igned to be
consistent with the storm water pollution standards by treating surface and roof rainwater runoff on-site in a
landscape bioswale filtration area, located bebind the new carwash building, before it enters into the City 's
storm drain system.
See NH-4b, AW-4 and AW-7 discussions above.
File #: EDl5-068; SP15-0017
Title: General Plan 2020 Con sistency Table
Exbibit: 2-I 1
Exhibit 2
drainage systems.
• Where feasible, use vegetation to absorb and filter
fertili zers, pesticides and other pollutants.
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd. E.
File #: EDlS-068; SPIS-0017
Tide: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table
Exhibit: 2-12
Exhibit 3
14.05.010 -Specific Purposes. in addition to the general purposes listed in
Section 14.01.030, the specific purposes of the connnercial and office
districts include the following:
A. To promote specialized commercial environments which provide
appropriately located areas for retail, service and office development, and
provide the city with a wide range of neighborhood, local and regional
serving uses;.
C. To promote commercial and office projects at appropriate building
intensities and trip-generation characteristics which will maintain acceptable
traffic-operating standards;
D. To promote high-quality design in new or remodeled connnercial and
office development consistent with design guidelines.
14.05.020 -Land Use Regulations. Motor vehicle sales and service
(including automobiles, motorcycles, trailers, trucks and recreational
• Coin-o!, washing C
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd. E.
• The existing carwash facility operates in compliance with a Use Permit (#6446)
approved by the Planning Commission in 1964.This use permit approval remains
valid. The project proposes to continue operating an automotive service (automated
carwash facility) on the site for the convenience ofthe both San Rafael residents and
• The project proposes to demolish all existing structures on the site and to construct
2,030 sq. ft. of new gross floor nomesidential development. The maximum allowable
floor area ratio (FAR) or intensity of development within the General Commercial
(GC) District is 0.21. For the site, this constitutes a maximum FAR of 4,620 sq. ft.,
based on a lot area of22,000 sq. ft. The existing FAR on the site is approximately
O.IS or 4,000 sq. ft. and the project proposes to reduce the FAR nearly in half to 0.09
or 2,030 sq. ft., well below the maximum allowed on the site. The City's Engineer has
reviewed the project and determined that the smaller carwash would not impact the
LOS (Level of Service) for the nearby intersections and the payment of traffic
mitigation fees are not required.
• The Design Review Board (Board) reviewed the project at their January 20, 2016
meeting and recommended approval of the proposed site and building design, rmding
the project design is adequately consistent with the nonresidential design guidelines,
review criteria for Environmental and Design Review Permits and the findings
required for amending the existing Sign Program, subject to the following
recommendations for minor revisions, which have been incorporated into the design;
a) the blue metal awning, along the south elevation, should be aligned better with
door to the cashier's office; b) articulate the storefront windows, along the east
elevation, with mullions; and c) substitute a 'compacta' specieS ofXylosma for
'congeslum' for those areas adjacent to the drive aisle or relocated the 'congeslum' to
provide a greater setback from the drive aisle.
In 1964, the Planning Commission approved a Use Pennit (#6446) to allow the
development and operation of the existing automated carwash facility, which has remained
in operation continuously until December 20 15 .The existing Use Permit approval remains
File #: EDI5 -06S; SP15-001
Tide: Zoning Ordinance ConSistency Table
Exhibit: 3-1
Exhibit 3
14.05.030 -Property Development Regulations
• Maximum density: 1,000 sq. ft. oflot area/unit
• Maximum height: 36 '
• Mioimum landscaping: 15%
14.16.110 -Drive-Through Facilities. Drive-through facilities shall comply
with the following standards:
A. Traffic and· Circulation.
1. The drive-through stacking lanes shall be separated physically (i.e ., by
raised curb or landscape planter) from the parking lot, and shall comply
with the following capacity ·standards:
Use Len gth of Stacking LaneCs)'
Financial Institutions 3-{) cars, depending upon volume
Fast Food Restaurants 8-12 cars, depending upon
Kiosks 2 cars .. -
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd. E.
valid, allowing the project and no amendment of the Use Pennit is propos ed or required at
this time.
• The project proposes to demolish an approximate 4,000 sq. ft. automated carwash
building facility and construct a new, smaller, 2,0030 sq. ft. automated carwash
facility with no residential units.
• .The project proposes a building height of 16' 8" to the top of the parapet from finished
grade and 27' 6" to the top of the sign tower feature. The project also proposes four
(4) accessory structures; a self·service vacuum stall/parking canopy and a self-service
pay station canopy, 10-11' in height each, and a vacuum enclosure and a trash
enclosure, 8' 6" and 6' in height, respectively.
• The project proposes to increase the site landscaping from approximately 1,000 sq. ft.
(5%) to 6,820 sq. ft. (31%). The project also proposes to landscape 4,200 sq. ft. of
existing right-of-way (ROW), located between the site and Francisco Blvd. E., which
is supported by the Public Works Department.. The project sponsor is also currently
in final negotiations with Caltrans for approvals necessary to allow the in s tallation of
landscaping and irrigation on the ir property located immediately north of the s ite,
between the site and the Bellam Blvd. frontage. Property development standards for
the site require a minimum of 15% or 3,300 sq. ft. oflandscaping.
The City Engineer has reviewed the project design, including the queuing or stacking
proposed between the entrance to the site and the self-service pay station canopy, and
recommends approval of the project due to the anticipated frequency of carwash
turrover and the requirement that the existing 'exit-only' driveway remain, relocated
between the self-service pay station canopy and the carwash building.
The proposed landscape plan for the project includes dense planting along the
perimeter of the site to help screen the off-site glare from vebicles proceeding through
the automated carwash facility .
File #: ED1S-068; SP1S-OOI
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consi stency Table
Exhibit: 3-2
Exhibit 3
II Other I Determined on an individual basis
• Provide 20 feet per car length.
2. The drive-through stacking lane shall be situated so that any overflow
parlcing from the stacking lane shall not ·spill out onto public streets or
major circulation aisles of any parking lot. If the overflow is directed to
the street, additional overflow capacity shall be eighty percent (80%) of
required stacking.
3. Pedestrian crossings of the drive-through lane are discouraged.
4. Entrances and exits to drive-through facilities near high volume
intersections shall be located so as to maxiroize the di stances to the
5. Confus ing on-site circulation shall be avoided. Entrances to and exits
from drive-through facilities should be at least twenty feet (20') from the
property line.
6. Parking spaces for drive-through special orders may be required.
B. Noise. Speakers at drive-through facilities shall not be audible from
adjacent residential uses or disturbing to adjacent nonresidential uses. Sound
attenuation walls or other mitigation measures shall be required as necessary.
C. Hours of Operation. Liroited hours of operation shall be required where a
drive-through facility could affect nearby residential us es .
D. Emission Control. Drive-through stacking lanes shall not be located
adjacent to patios and other pedestrian use areas, other than walkways, and
should be discouraged where adjacent nonresidential buildings are within
thirty feet (30') of the proposed lane . Drive-through stacking lanes shall not
be located within fifty feet (50') of any residential uses.
E. Design Review. All drive-through facilities are a minor pbysical
improvement subject to tbe provis ions of Chapter 14.25, Environmental and
Design Review Permits. Generally, the drive-through facility s hall be
architecturally compatible with nearby structures, provide landscaping to
buffer adjacent uses and provide adequate lighting which is shielded from
adjacent propetties. Trash receptacles adequate to control litter will also be
New "Blue Wav e Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisc o Blvd. E.
File #: ED15-068; SPJ5-001
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-3
Exhibit 3
14.16.150 -Floor Area Ratio (FAR).
In conjunction with Exhibit 4 (Floor Area Ratios in Central San Rafael) of
the General Plan, the maximum allowable F loor Area ration (FAR) for
"General Retail and Service" uses in the General Commercial (GC) District
is 0.21.
14.16.227 -Light and Glare
Colors, materials and lighting shall be des igned to avoid creating undue off-
site light and glare impacts. New or amended building or site colors,
materials and light ing shall comply witb the fo llowing standards, subject to
review and recommendation by the police department, public works
department, and community development department:
A. Glossy finishes and reflective glass such as glazed or mirrored snrfaces
are discouraged, and prohibited where it would create an adverse impact on
pedestrian or automotive traffic or on adjacent structures; particularly within
the downtown environs and in commercial, industrial and hillside areas.
E. Lighting fixtures shaH be appropriately designed and/or shielded to
conceallig b t sources from view off-site and avoid spillover onto adjacent
C. The foot-candle intensity of lighting should be the minimum amount
necessary to provide a sense of security at building entryways, walkways and
parking lots. In general terms, acceptable lighting levels would provide one
(1) foot-candle ground level overlap at doorways, one-balf (V,) fo ot-candle
overlap at walkways and parking lots, and fall below one (I) foot-can dl e at
the property line.
D. Lighting shall be reviewed for compatibility with on-site and off-sight
light sonrces. This shall include review of lighting intensity, overlap and
type ofiIlumination (e.g., high-pressure sodium, LED, etc.). This may
include a review by the city to assnre that lighting installed on private
property would not cause conflicts with public street lighting.
E. Installation of new lighting fixtures or changes in lighting intensity on
mixed use and non-residential properties shall be subject to environmental
and design review permit review as required by Chapter 14.25 (Design
F. Maximum wattage oflarnps shall be specified on the plans submitted for
New "BlueWave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
The project proposes to demolish all existing structures on the site and to construct 2,030
sq. ft. of new gross floor nonresidential development. The maximum allowable FAR for the
site (0.21 FAR) would allow a maximum allowable 4,620 sq. ft. of nonresidential
development, based{)lI a lot area of22,000 sq. ft. The existing FAR on the site is
approximately 0.18 or 4,000 sq. ft. and the project proposes to reduce the FAR nearly in
half, to 0.09 or 2,030 sq. ft., well below the maximum allowed on the site.
Consistent with Condition
The lighting plan (location, type and design) with photometric study (lighting levels) was
reviewed by the Board, along with the other design elements of the project, and
recommend approval with the project. The proposed photometric lighting levels generally
meet the City's minimum illumination standards:
• AU exterior lighting shall be design or shielded down to minimum off-site glare.
• A minimum of one (I) foot candle at ground level overlap sball be provided at aU
exterior doorways and throughout the vehicle parking area.
• A minimum of one-half (1 /2) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided on
all outdoor pedestrian walkways and common areas.
• Less than one (1) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided at all property
boundary lines.
• Following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, all exterior lighting shall be
subject to a 90-day lighting level review by the City to ensure that all lighting sources
provide safety for the building occupants while not creating a glare or hazard on
adjacent streets or be annoying to adjacent residents.
These lighting standards and lighting review period have been incorporated into
conditions of approval (Condition #51; ED 15-068). In addition, all site lighting, with the
exception of the building sconce fixtures, is designed with energy-saving LED (light-
emitting diode) technology and is required by condition to include a master photoelectric
cell with ari automatic timer system, where the intensity of illumination shall be reduced
or turned off when the carwash operations on the site are not in use (Condition #9; ED 15-
File #: EDI5-068; SP15-001
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-4
Exhibit 3
electrical permits.
G. All new lighting shall be subject to a 90-day post installation inspection
to allow for adjUS1ment and assure compliance with this section.
14.16.243 -Mechanical Equipment Screening. Equipment placed on the
rooftop of a building or in an exterior yard area shall be adequately screened
from public view. See Chapter 14.16 for exclusions to maximum height
requirements and Chapter 14.25 for design review requirements
14.16.370 -Water-Efficient Landscaping
A. Purpose and)\utbority. Effective January 1,2011, certain new
construction and rehabilitation projects that include landscape and
irrigation improvements are required to comply with water-efficient
landscape requirements and to monitor water usage for irrigation, as
mandated under California Government Code Section 65595(c). For the
purpose of administering this state. mandate, the City of San Rafael
hereby adopts by reference, the Marin Municipal Water District
(MMWO) Ordinance (Water c;onservation), as adopted and periodically
amended, and designates MMWD, tile local water provider, to implement.
enforce, and monitor the requirements of this ordinance. For projects that
are subject to the water-efficient landscape requirements, the c ity defers
to MMWD to administer the provisions of this chapter, which include:
I. The application and monitoring of a "maximum applied water
allowance," that is established for applicable projects.
2. The review of required landscape and irrigation plans, specifications
and supportive documents prepared for applicable projects for
compliance with water-efficient landscape restrictions, including
limitations on the type and amount oflandscape materials and plant
3. The review, inspection and approval oflandscape and irrigation that
is installed for applicable projects to ensure compliance w ith the
approved landscape and irrigation p lans and specifications.
4. The post-installation monitoring of water usage for irrigation by
applicable projects.
B. Applicability. ThCjJTovisions of this section and the MMWD
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
Consistent with Conditions
The project design include roof mechanical equipment which is fully-screened from public
view by the carwash building parapet. In addition, a condition of approval (Condition #52;
EDI5-068) has been incorporated requiring all ground-and rooftop-mounted mechanical
equipment to be fully screened from public view.
Consistent with Conditions.
The project proposes to increase the site landscaping from 5% to 31 %. Additionally, the
project proposes to landscape both the City 's ROW, between the site and Francisco Blvd.
E., and the State (Caltrans) ROW, between the site and Bellam Blvd. These proposed
landscape improvements would both ereate more than 500 sq. ft. of new landscaping and
rehabilitated existing landscape areas equal to or greater than 2,500 sq. ft. on an existing
nonresidential and is, therefore, required to comply with the provisions of Marin Municipal
Water District's (MMWD) most recent water-conservation ordinance (currently Ordinance
42 I). Final landscape and irrigation plans for the project shall be included in all
construction drawing sets submitted for issuance of building/grading pennit and shall be
pre-approved by MMWD and stamped as approved by MMWD. A condition of approval
(Condition # 42; ED 15-068) has been included requiring the building pennit application
submittal include a letter from MMWD approving the final landscape and irrigation plans.
Modifications to the fmallandscape and irrigation plans, as required by MMWD, shall be
subject to review and approval of the Community Development Depar1ment, Planning
File #: EDI5-068; SPlS-OOl
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-5
Exhibit 3
Ordinance as adopted and periodically amended are applicable to the
following projects:
1. Any project that proposes new or rehabilitated landscapes which are
developer-installed in single-family residential and all other residential
developments, regardless of size, where the proposed landscape area is
equal to or greater than two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet;
2. Any project that proposes new or rehabilitated la ndscap es which are
homeowner provided and/or homeowner-hired in single-family
residential, two-family residential and multiple-family res idential
deve lopments, where the proposed landscape area is equal to or greater
than five thousand (5,000) square feet;
3. Any new nonres idential construction projects exceeding one
thousand (l,OOO} square feet oflandscaped area;
4. Any project that proposes new or rehabilitated landscapes which are
developer-installed in nonresident ial developments where the proposed
landscape area is equal to or greater than two thousand five hundred
(2,500) square feet.
C. City Review of Applicable Projects. City review of ap plicable
projects shall be processed as follows:
I. Projects Requiring Approval of an Environmental and Design
Review Permit. When an applicable project is subj ect to an
environmental and design review permit pursuant to chapter 14 .25 of
this title, the landscape and irrigation plans required by and submitted
with this permit application shall be designed and prepared to comply
with the provisions and requirements of MMWD Ordinance as adopted
and periodically amended. The approval of an environmental and
design review permit shall be conditioned to r equire the applicant to
provide written verification of plan approval from MMWD prior to the
issuance of a building permit and/or grading permit.
2. Projects Requiring a Building Permit and/or Grading Permit only.
When an applicable project is not subject to an environmental and
design review permit but is required to secure a building permit and/or
grading permit, such permits shall not be issued until the applicant has
secured, in writing, MMWD approval of the landscape and irrigation
plans confrrming compliance with MMWD Ordinance as adopted and
periodically amended.
D. Inspections and Post-Installation Monitoring and Enforcement.
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd. E.
File #: ED1S-068; SP I S-OO I
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-6
Exhibit 3
MMWD shall be responsible for:
I . In s pecting and approving aU landscape and irrigation installed for
applicable projects prior to project completion and/or occupancy; and
2. Monitoring water usage for installed landscapes to ensure
compliance with MMWD Ordinance as adopted with amendments. All
enforcement actions for ordinance noncompliance or violations shall be
adminis tered by MMWD.
14.18.040 -Parking Requirements
A. Off-street parking shall be provided in accord with the following chart:
• I space at each washing or vacuum ing stall .
14.18.045 -Designated Parking For Clean Air Vehicles
A. Applicability. Parking spaces serving new nonresidential buildings shall
be designated for any combination of low-emitting, fuel-efficient, and
carpooVvan pool vehicles, as defined by Section 5.102 of the California
Green Building Standards Code, California Code of Regulations, Part II of
Title 24.
B. Number of Short-Term Spaces Required . Parking spaces for clean air
vehicles shall be provided in accord with the following chart:
Total Number of Parking Spaces
151 -200
New "Blue Wave &press Carwash" Facility
990 Franc;'co Blvd. E.
Number of Required Clean Air
Vehicle Spaces
The project design includes a 14-stall, self-service vacuum canopy. The parking
requirement for the project is based not on building square footage like traditional
commercial development but, rather a one (I) on-site parking space at each vacuum stall.
Essentially, the 14-slall, self-service vacuum canopy is the required parking for the project..
Consistent with Conditions
The project design includes a 14-stall, self-service vacuum canopy or 14 on-site parking
spaces. A condition of approval (Condition #10; EDI5-068) has been incorporated
requiring the project provide one (1) clean air vehicle parking space and designated
appropriately with paint markings. The building permit plan submittal will show clean air
vehicle parking space code compliance prior to issuance.
File #: ED1S-068; SPIS-OOI
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consi sten cy Table
Exhibit: 3-7
Exhibit 3
I 20 I and over I At least 8% oftotal
C. Parking Stall Marking. The following characters shall be painted , using
the same paint for stall striping, such that the lower edge of the last word
aligns with the end oftbe stall striping and is visible beneatb a parked
vehicle: "CLEAN AIR VEffiCLE".
D. Prewiring for E lectric Vehicle Charging Stations. In new or
substantially renovated parking facilities of twenty-five (25) or mor e spaces
electrical co nduit cap able of supporting suitable wiring for an electric
vebicle charging station shall be installed between an electrical service
panel and an area of clean a ir vehicle parking spaces as required by this
section. The conduit shall be capped and labeled for pote ntial future use
14.18.130-Parking Facility Dimensions and Design
A. Minimum Standards.
1. The following shows the minimum dimensions for aisle widths and
parking s paces for parking facilities. Where the configuration and/or
layout angle for proposed parking differs from those shown, the
dimensions shall be prorated and adjusted accordingly, as approved by
the city traffic engineer.
2. Aisle widths and parking space dimensions in excess of the minimwn
standards may be required on the recommendation from the city traffic
engineer, city engineer or fire department where indicated by traffic ,
grade or site conditions. An exception to the minimum aisle widths may
be granted, subject to Section 14.24.020(F), Parking.
14.18.140 -Access to Public Right-of-Way
A. Driveway Widths. The minimum driveways width for nonresidential
uses serving 7 to 24 spaces is 12' (I-way) or 20' (2-way).
14.18.160 -Parking Lot Screening and Landscaping.
New or substantially renovated parking lots with more than five (5) spaces
shall provide landscaping in accordance with the following standards.
Substantially renovated parking lots shall be those for which paving
material and curbing is removed and the resulting lot is reconfigured. The
following provisions shall also be used as guidelines for parking lot
New "Blue Wave Express Carw~sh" Facility
990 Fran cisco Blvd. E.
The project proposes a parking space design where the City's Parking Standards do not
provide minimum dimens ion requirements. The City's Parking Standards provide
minimum dimension requirements minimum dimension requirements for parallel parking
spaces and 60°, and 90° angled parking spaces only and standard parking space dimensions
of9' x 19 '. The project proposes 45 ° angled parking spaces. Generally, the City Engineer
allows deviations from the 'standard' parking space dimensions if the parking spaces are
design e d to be wider and , sometimes, deeper. The project proposes both wider (12') and
deeper (20') parking s pace dimensions . The City Engineer has review the project, including
the parking space design, and recommends approval of the project.
The project design includes a 14-stall, self-service vacuwn canopy or 14 on-site parking
spaces and a 12'-wide, one-way drive aisle accessing these on-site parking spaces.
The project proposes to remove no existing trees on-site though four (4) existing conifers,
located on the adjacent Caltrans parcel, are proposed to be removed. The project proposes
to increase the site landscaping from 5% to 31 %. Additionally, the project proposes to
landscape both the City 's ROW, between the site and Francisco Blvd. E., and the State
(Caltrans) ROW, between the site and Bellam Blvd. These proposed landscape
File #: EDI5-068; SP15-001
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-8
Exhibit 3
improvements on remodel projects.
A. Screening. Parking areas visible from the public right-of-way shall be
screened to headlight height through the use of landscaped earth berms,
low walls, fences, hedges, or combination thereof, with trees and
plantings, or similar means. Fences, walls, and hedges need not be solid
B. Minimum trees. A minimum of one (1) canopy tree shall be provided for
every four (4) parking spaces. Trees shall be distributed throughout the
parking area to shade cars and paved areas. Clustering of trees may be
considered subject to approval of the decision making body, where it is
demonstrated that the intent will be met to provide ample shading and
screening of parking areas and enhance the visual appearance of parking
lots. In downtown, this section does not apply to parking lots for twenty
(20) or fewer cars, and the standards in this section may be reduced for
parking lots for twenty-one (21) to forty (40) cars, subject to
recommendation by the design review board and approval of a minor
design review permit.
C. Bio-filtration. Persons owning or operating a parking lot, gas station,
area of pavement or similar facility developed with hardscape surfaces
shall undertake all practicable measures to minimize discharge of
pollutants to the city storm drain, in compliance with city standards,
including utilization of all best management practices and the
requirements of San Rafael Municipal Code Title 9.30 (Urban Runoff)
enforced by the department of public works. To facilitate compliance
with city storm drain pollution discharge requirements, innovative
landscape design concepts may be substituted for the above standards
subject to the approval of the appropriate review body, including use of
permeable pavers, bio-swales, at grade curbs and openings in curbs to
allow filtration of runoff through landscape areas. Landscape plans and
alternative measures shall subject to compliance with any
recommendations of the department of public works.
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
improvements inclnde five (5) new evergreen canopy trees (Marina Strawberry trees) and
eight (8) new pahn trees (Queen pahn trees) on-site and another nine (9) new Marina
Strawberry trees and three (3) new Queen pahn trees within the City's ROW, along the
Francisco Blvd. E. frontage, and within the Caltrans property, located immediately north of
the site, along the Bellam Blvd. frontage. These new trees will be distributed throughout
the site though not the specific parking area. The parking area is, instead, already covered
by a 3,700 sq. ft., canopy, 1O-1l' in height above grade. The project design also includes an
approximate 570 sq. ft. storm water retention area or 'bioswale' area, located behind the
new carwash building, in compliance with MCSTOPPP requirements, which will have the
effect of reducing peak flow storm water runoff to or below pre-redevelopment levels.
File #: EDl5-068; SP15-001
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-9
Exhibit 3
14.19.046 -Findings Required for Sign Programs. The planning
commission shall make the following findings in rendering a decision on a
sign program:
I.All of the s igns contained in the program have one or more common
design elements such as placement, colors, architecture, materials,
illumination, sign type, sign shape, letter size and letter type;
2.All of the signs contained in the program are in harmony and scale with
the materials, architecture, and other design features of the buildings and
property improvements they identify, and the program is consistent with
the general design standards specified in Section 14.19.054 ; and
3.The amount and placement of s ign age contained in the program is in
scale with the snbject property and improvements, as well as the
immediate ly s urrounding area
New "Blue Wav e Express Carwash" Fa c ility
990 Franci sco Blvd E.
1. All signs contained in the proposed Sign Program Amendment have one or
more common design elements such as placement, colors, architecture, materials,
illumination, sign type, s ign shape, letter size and letter type , in that; both s igns
proposed by the project are identical in placement (at the same height on the
tower element) size (48.9 sq. ft. each), colors (white facing; dark blue returns),
materials (acrylic), illumination (internally-illuminated LED or light-emitting
diode), sign type (slanted and stacked individual letters), letter size (2 ' 5" for
"BlueWave" above approximately l' 8" for "Car Wash") and letter type
(combination upper-and lower-case for "BlueWave" and upper-case only for
"Car Wash"); they are distinct only by their location on different elevations of the
tower element.(proposed on north and west elevations of tower element);
2. All signs contained in the proposed Sign Program Amendment are in
harmony and scale with the materials, archtiecture, and other design features of
the buildings and property improvements they identify, and the Sign Program
Amendment is consistent with the general design standards specified in Section
14 .19.054 ( (i.e. all site s ignage shall be " ... an integral part oj, compatible with,
and complement the desig n of buildings and imp rovements on th e site wher e the
sign is to be located and shall be compatible with the character and des ign of
s igns in the immediate ne ighborhood of the site. Creative and unique design is
encouraged provided that the design is appropriate for the site and
improvements and compatible with the character afthe surrounding area."), in
that; during concept review of the project, the Board recommended minor
modifications to project signs to improve readability and to reduce the scale of
the sign tower element. In respoDBe, the formal project submittal incorporated the
following revisions: a) the height of the sign tower element has been reduced
from 29 ' 9" to 27' 6" above .grade; b) the number of signs proposed on the tower .
feature has been reduced from three (3) to two (2) with; signage eliminated on
the east elevation; c) The color of the sign facing on the individual channel
lettering has changed from navy blue to white ; d) the proportionality among the
sign lettering is more uniform and lettering determined to be unnecessary
("Express") has been removed; and e) the spacing between the horizontal
aluminum slats that provide the backing for the signage has been reduced, from
4 " to 2.5", to improve readability. The Board, at its January 20, 2016 meeting,
recommended approval of the new sign design; and
File #: EDlS-068; SPJS-OOJ
Title: Zoning Ordinance C onsistency Table
Exhibit: 3-10
Exhibit 3
14.19.054 -General Design Standards.
All signs subject to the approval of a sign permit shall comply with the
following design and performance standards:
A. Sign Design. The design of the sign, including the shape shall be:
I. An integral part of, compatible with, and complement the design of the
buildings and improvements on the site where the sign is to be located and
shall be compatible with the character and design of signs in the immediate
neighborhood of the site. Creative and unique design is encouraged provided
that the design is appropriate for the site and improvements and compatible
with the character of the surrounding area.
2. The sign message, including the nse of graphic symbols shall be simple.
Lettering shall be legible, uncomplicated, and appropriate to the image of the
B .Sign Type. The type of sign shall be appropriate for the building and
improvements on the site where the sign is to be located. The following sign
types are encouraged:
I. The use of individual letters incorporated into the building design is
encouraged and preferred over signs contained in a canister or frame, or
signs directly painted 00 the surface of a building.
2. Monument-type free standing signs are encouraged and preferred over
pylon or pole-type signs.
Upon request, a bonus sign area often percent (10%) above the maximum
permitted sign area will be granted as an incentive to select one of the
encouraged sign types. A request for bonus sign area must be included in the
application for a sign permit.
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
3. The amount and placement of signage contained in the Sign Program Amendment is
in scale with the subject property and improvements, as well as the immediately
surrounding area, in that; the existing Sign Program approved three (3) signs on the site
totaling 100 sq. ft. of comhined sign area"(two freestanding signs with one a changeable
copy sign, each 32 sq. ft. of sign area, and one 36 sq. ft. wall sign). The project proposes
to reduce the number of signs on the site, from 3 to 2 signs, While increasing the size of
each sign, from 32-36 sq. ft. to 48.9 sq. ft., and relocating the signs to the tower feature on
the new carwash building. The total sign area for the site is proposed to be reduced from
100 sq. ft. to 97.8 sq. ft. Signage located high on building elevations is in character with
existing signage along both Francisco Blvd. E. and Bellam Blvd., including 863, 901 and
986 Francisco Blvd. E. and 115 Bellam Blvd.
The Board reviewed the proposed project, including new signage, at their January 20, 2016
meeting and recommended approval, subject to the following recommendations for minor
revisions, which have been incorporated into the design ; a) the blue metal awning, along
the south elevation, should be aligned better with door to the cashier's office; b) articulate
the storefront windows, along the east elevation, with mullions; and c) substitute a
'compacta' species ofXylosma for 'congesturn' for those areas adjacent to the drive aisle
or relocated the 'congestum' to provide a greater setback from the drive aisle.
File #: EDIS-068; SPIS-OOI
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-11
Exhibit 3
C Sign Colors and Materials. The colors and materials for the sign shail be
compatible with and complement the colors and materials of the buildings
and improvements on the site where the sign is to be located. The following
standards are required:
I. Sign colors shall be subtle . Bright and reflective colors shall be avoided,
unless such colors are proposed to promote a creative or unique sign design.
The use of contrasting colors between sign background and the sign script or
logo is encouraged to maximize legibility.
2. Sign materials shall be compatible with the materials used on the
buildings and improvements found on the site.
3. Sign materials that are metal or have reflective qualities shall have a matte
or non-g1are surface .
14.22.130 -Approval to Run With the Land. Any use permit approval
shall run with the land and shall continue to be valid for the time period
specified whether or not there is a change of ownership of the site or
structure to which it app lie s.
14.25.050 -Review Criteria
Projects must meet the following design review criteria:
A. Consistency with General Plan design polices.
B. Consistency with Specific Plans
C. Design criteria must meet the objectives of Chapter 25 (Design
Review), which include ensuring that the design blends with the oannal
setting, maintains and improves the quality of and relationship between
the development and the surrounding area, preserve the balance and
hannony within a neighborhood, promotes excellence in design, and
preserves and enhances views.
D. Site design is harmonious amongst structures within the development
New "BlueWave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
The existing carwash facility operates in compliance with a Use Pennit (#6446) approved
by the Planning Commission in 1964. This use permit approval remains valid. The project
proposes to continue operating an automotive service (automated carwash facility) 00 the
site for the convenience of the both San Rafael residents and businesses.
As designed, the project is consistent with all applicable design-related policies of the
General Plan as well as the review criteria of this chapter. At their January 20, 2016
meeting, the Board (Commission Liaison Schaeffer) reviewed the proposed project and
unanimously recommended approval of the site and building design for a new automated
carwash facility subject to the following recommendations for minor revisions, which have
been incorporated into the design ; a) the blue metal awning, along the south elevation,
should be aligned better with door to the cashier's office; b) articuJate the storefront
windows, along the east elevation, with mullions; and c) substitute a 'compacta' species of
Xylosma for 'congestum ' for those areas adjacent to the drive aisle or relocated the
'congesturn' to provide a greater setback from the drive aisle.
File #: EDI5-068; SP15-001
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-12
Exhibit 3
and existing development in the vicinily, natural site features should be
protected and preserved, safe access and adequate parking should be
provided, drainage should be designed to be ensure proper surface
14.25.090 -Findings
The following findings must be made to approve a Design Review Pennit
A. Project design is in accord with the general plan, the objectives of the
zoning ordinance and the purposes of this chapter;
B. Project design is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and
landscaping design criteria and guidelines for the district in which the
site is located
C. Project design minimizes adverse environmental impacts
D. Project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safely or
welfare nor materially injurious to properties or improvements in the
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
A. The project design is in accord with the General Plan, the objectives of the
Zoning Ordinance, and the purposes of Chapter 14.25 of the Zoning Ordinance;
in that:
1. As documented in the General Plan 2020 Consistency Table attached to the
staff report to the Planning Commission, the project will be consistent with
Land Use Policies LU-2 (Development Timing), LU-9 (Intensity of
Nonresidential Development), LU-12 (Building Heights), LU-16 (Building
and Automotive Services) and LU-23 (Land Use Map and Categories),
Neighborboods Policies NH-4b (Improve Property Maintenance; Design
Review Conditions of Approval), NH-SI (Existing Business Areas), NH-S3
(Building and Automotive Services) and NH-73 (/-580/10 IIBeliam Blvd
Interchange Improvements), Communily Design Policies CD-Id (City
Image; Landscape Improvement), CD-2 (Neighborhood Identity), CD-S
(Views), CD-9 (Transportation Corridors), CD-IO (Nonresidential
Guidelines), CD-IS (Participation in Project Review), CD-18
(Landscaping), CD-19 (Lighting) and CD-20 (Commercial Signage),
Economic Vitalily Policies EV-2 (Seek, Retain and Promote Business that
Enhance San Rafael), EV-7 (Environmentally-Friendly Business Practices),
EV-8 (Diversity of our Economic Base), EV-13 (Business Areas) and EV-14
(Supportfor Business Areas), Circulati,on Policy C-22 (Attractive Roadway
Design), Infrastructure Policies 1-2 (Adequacy of City Infrastructure and
Services), 1-3 (Availability of Utilities) , 1-8b and 1-8d (Street Trees; Street
Trees for New Development; Landscape Maintenance Next to Sidewalks),
Sustainabilily Policies SU-Sa (Reduce Use of Non-Renewable Resources;
Green Building Regulations) and SU-6 (New and Existing Trees), Safely
Policies 8-17 (Flood Protection of New Development), 8-183 (Storm
Drainage Improvements) and 8-32 (Safety Review of Development Projects),
Noise Policy N-4 (Noise from New Nonresidential Development), and Air
and Water Polices A W-4a (Particulate Matter Pollutions Reduction;
Pollution Reduction), A W -7 (Local, State and Federal Standards) and A W-
File #: ED 15-068; SP 15-00 1
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-13
Exhibit 3
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd. E.
8 (Reduce Pollution from Urban RunofJ).
2. As documented in the Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table attached to the
staff report to the Planning Commission, the proposed project will be
consistent with the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance, which is to promote
and protect the public health safety, peace, comfort and general welfare,
given that;
a. The proposed project will implement and promote the goals and policies
ofthe San Rafael General Plan 2020, as identified in Finding AI above;
b. The project will reduce or remove negative impacts caused by
inappropriate location, use or design of buildings and improvements,
given that; I) the Board is recommending approval of the project after
the following minor revisions were incorporated into the design: a) the
height ofthe sign tower element has been reduced from 29' 9" to 27' 6"
above grade; b) the number of signs proposed on the tower feature has
been reduced from three (3) to two (2) with; signage eliminated on the
east elevation; c) The color of the sign facing on the individual channel
lettering has changed from navy blue to white; d) the proportionality
among the sign lettering is more uniform and lettering determined to be
unnecessary ("Express") bas been removed ; e) the spacing between the
horizontal aluminum slats that provide the backing for the signage has
been reduced, from 4" to 2.5", to improve readability; and f) site
landscaping has been increased substantially, includiug along the entire
perimeter of the site; 2) the Board is recommending approval of the
project, subject to the following recommendations for minor revisions,
which have been incorporated into the design; a) the blue metal awning,
along the south elevation, should be aligned better with door to the
cashier's office; b) articulate the storefront windows, along the east
elevation, with mullions; and c) substitute a 'compacta' .species of
Xylosma for 'congestum' for those areas adjacent to the drive aisle or
relocated the 'congestum' to provide a greater setback from the drive
aisle; and 3) the project proposes to substantially exceed the 15%
landscape requirement for the site, which will both beautify the site and
the public right-of-ways (ROW) along the Francisco Blvd. E. and
Bellam Blvd. frontages but will also increase permeable surface on-site
and immediately adJ!lcent to the site to capture particulate matter
File #: EDI5-068; SP15-001
Title: Zoning Ordinance ConSistency Table
Exbibit: 3-14
Exhibit 3
pollution surface and roof storm water runoff before it enters the City's
stormwater drainage system ;
c. The project will protect, strengthen and diversify the economic base of
the City, given that; the project proposes to continue operating an
automotive service use (automated carwash facility) on the site for the
convenience of the both San Rafael residents and businesses, which has
been in operations as an a utomated carwash facility on the site
continuously since 1964;
d. The project will provide for adequate, safe and effective off-street
parking and loading facilities, given that; the project proposes to
voluntarily increase on-site parking from six (6) spaces, as required
under the existing Us e Permit (#6446), to 14 by constructing a 14-stall,
3,700 sq. ft . self-service vacuum/parking canopy along the western
(rear) property boundary line while reducing the size of the carwash
building, from approximately 4 ,000 sq. ft. to 2,030 sq. ft.;
e. The proposed project will promote a safe, effective traffic circulation
system, and maintain acceptable local circulation system operating
condition, given that; I) Vehicular access to/from the carwash building
is proposed to continue in a counterclockwise circulation pattern,
however, the carwash building is proposed to be relocated
approximately 35' east, closer to the Francisco Blvd. E. frontage, where
vehicular queuing or stacking will be compressed, which has been
reviewed and approved by the City Engineer; and 2) the City Engineer
has determined the proposed project would not adversely affect the LOS
for the nearby intersections and the payment of traffic mitigation fees to
fund the project's fair share of local circulation improvement projects
by the City is not required ;
f. The project will preserve and enhance natural resources and key visual
features in the community, including the bay, shoreline, canal, wetland s
and hillsides, given that ; while the proposed sign tower element would
likely create a view impact of the hillside north of the site as seen from
both the westbound 1-580 flyover and off-ramp, this impact is minor and
insignificant due to tlle limited size (20' x 20') of the sign tower and the
New '"Blue Wave Express Carwash'" Facility File #: ED\5-068; SP\5-001
990 Francisco Blvd. E Title: Zoning Ordinance Consi stency Table
Exhibit: 3-15
Exhibit 3
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
grade difference of up to 20 ' between the site and the westbound 1·580
flyover over Bellam Blvd. This view impact has been further mitigated
by a recommendation by the Board 'during concept review of the project
that the sign tower be reduced in height "by a couple offeet" to improve
proportionality with the new carwash building and proposed new
signage. The formal project design submittal reduced the height of the
sign tower from 29' 9" to 27' 6" and the Board is recommending
approval of the project design, including the reduced sign tower height;
g. The proposed project will provide for effective citizen participation in
decision·making, given that; the City has provided opportunities for
public involvement in the review of the project through: I) the referral,
notice and hearings of the Conceptual Design Review submittal to the
appropriate neighborhood group (Marin Villa-Canal Housing Alliance)
and in compliance with Chapter 29 of tbe Zoning Ordinance (Public
Notice); and 2) the referral , notice and hearings of the 'formal' project
review in compliance with Chapter 29, Notice of two (2) separate Board
meetings and this hearing were mailed to all property owners and
occupants within a 300·foot radius of the site, and the appropriate
neighborhood groups, a minimum of 15 calendar days prior to the
meetings or hearing, and notice was posted on the project site along the
Francisco Blvd. E. frontage. At the time of printing staft's report to the
planning Commission, staff has received no public comments as a result
of any noticing for the project. Comments received from other City
departments and non·City agencies on the project have been
incorporated in the review, revisions and/or conditions of approval of
the project.
3. As documented in the Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table attached to the
staff report to the Planning Commission, the proposed project will be
consistent with the purposes of Environmental and Design Review Permits,
given that;
a. The project will ensure that the location, design and materials and colors
of development blends with and enhances the natural setting, given that;
the proposed project has been reviewed and recommended for approval
by the Board;
File #: EDIS·068; SP1S·001
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3·16
Exhibit 3
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
b. The project will maintain and improve the quality of, and relationship
between; development and the surrounding area to contribute to the
attractiveness of the City, given that; I) as identified in Finding A3 (a) .
above, proposed project has been reviewed and recommended for
approval by the Board; and 2) the project proposes to increase the site
landscaping from 5% to 31 %. Additionally, the project proposes to
landscape both the City's ROW, between the site and Francisco Blvd.
E., and the State (Caltrans) ROW, between the site and Bellam Blvd.
Conditions of approval have been included requiring all new project
landscaping, both on-site and within these adjacent ROW areas, be
maintained in a healthy condition at all times and replace all dying or
dead plantings in a timely fashion, if necessary. (see Condition #7;
EDl5-068); and
c. The proposed project will preserve and enhance views from other
buildings and public property, given that; as identified in Finding A2 (f)
above, the new sign tower element is proposed to impact public views
briefly and minimally, and the Board has required reductions on the
height of the sign tower to further mitigated view impacts resulting from
the project design.
B. The project design is consistent with all applicable site, archltecture and
landscaping design criteria and gnidelines for the GC District in which the site is
located, given that;
I. The proposed project will be consistent with property development standards
for the GC District (Chapt er 5 a/Zoning Ordinance), including:
a. Maximum building height (36 ' allowed; 16' 8" proposed to the top of
the parapet above fmish grade and 27' 6" to the top of the sign tower);
b. Minimum landscaping (15 % or 3,3 00 sq. ft. required; 6820 sq . ft.
proposed plus 4 ,200 sq . ft . within the ROW along the Francisco Blvd.
E. frontage plus additional unknown square footage within the adjacent
Caltrans-owned parcel along the Bellam Blvd frontage) and ;
c. Maximum floor area ratio (FAR) (0 .21 FAR or 4 ,620 sq. ft. allowed;
0.09 FAR or 2,030 sq. ft. proposed).
2. The provisions of Marill Municipal Water District's most recent water
File#: EDlS-068; SPIS-OOI
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-17
Exhibit 3
conservation requirements apply to the project, as specified by MMWD
Ordinance 4 2 1. Any proj ect that proposes 500 sq. ft. of new landscaping or
rehabilitated existing landscape areas equal to or greater than 2 ,500 sq. ft .
shall require review and approval prior to the issuance of any buildi.ng or
grading permit. This requirement has been made a condition of approval (see
Condition #42; ED 15-068);
3. The proposed project will be consistent with all applicable parking standards
(Chapter 14.18 of the Zoning Ordinance) for all new or relocated parking,
with the exception of three (3) requests for' Parking Modification',
a. Minimum one-way drive aisle width (12');
b. Minimum on-site parking (14 ; one space at each vacuum stall);
c. Adequate clean air vehicle parking spaces (I) (see Condition # I 0; ED15-
d. Minimum parking lot landsCaping (I canopy tree for every 4 parking
e. Parking area and exterior building lighting designed to provide adequate
minimum illumination levels of:
• One (I) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be provided in all
exterior doorways and in all vehicle parking areas;
• Minimum one-balf(lI2) foot candle at ground level overlap shall
be provided along all outdoor pedestrian walkways; and
• Less than one (I) foot candle at ground level overlap shall be
provided in all property boundary lines.
4. The proposed project will be consistent with review criteria for
Enviromnental and Design Review Permits (Chapter 14.25 of the
Zoning Ordinance), given that; the Board reviewed the formal
application submittal at their January 20, 2016 meeting and, after
determining the project adequately met the review criteria for
Envirorunental and Design Review Permits, unanimously (3-0)
recommended approvaL of the proposed site and building design, subject
to the following reconunendations, which have been incorporated into
the project plans provided to the Planning Commission at their February
New "Blue Wave Expres s CQ/w ash " Facility File #: ED 15-068; SP15-00 1
990 Francisco Blvd. E. Title: Zoning Ordinance Consi stency Table
Exhibit: 3-18
Exhibit 3
New "Blue Wave Express Carwash " Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
9 ,2016 hearulg on the project; a) the blue metal awning, along the south
elevation, should be aligned better with door to the cashier's office; b)
articulate the storefront windows, along the east elevation, with
mullions; and c) substitute a 'compacta' species ofXylosma for
'congestum' for those areas adjacent to the drive aisle or relocated the
'congestum' to provide a greater setback from the drive aisle.
C. The project design minimizes adverse environmental impacts, given that:
I. The project proposes to significantly increase the site landscaping from
5% to 31 %. Additionally, the project proposes to landscape both the
City's ROW, between the site and Francisco Blvd. E., and the State
(Caltrans) ROW, between the site and Bellam Blvd. Conditions of
approval have been included requiring all new landscaping, both on -site
and within these adjacent ROW areas, be maintained in a healthy
condition at all times and replace all dying or dead plantings in a time ly
fashion (Condition #7; ED15-068). This increased landscaping on-site
and off-site, within the adjacent ROWs, will both beautify a busy
transportation corridor (I-580/Bellarn BlvdIFrancisco Blvd. E .) but will
also help filter particulate matter pollution from surface and roof
stormwater runoff prior to entering the City;s stormwater drainage
2. The project design includes an approximate 570 sq. ft. storm water
retention area or 'bioswale', located behind the new carwash building,
which will have the effect of reducing peak flow runoff to or below pre-
redevelopment levels; and
3. The site neither contains, nor is contignous to, recognizable wetlands,
creeks or similarly sensitive environmental features, and it has not been
identified in the San Rafael General Plan 2020 (Exhibit 38 -Threatened
and Endangered Species) as a general location were threatened and
endangered species have been previously obseTVedor maintain a
suitable habitat for their likel y presence to be found.
D. The project design will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or
welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity,
given that; the project has been reviewed by appropriate City departments , non-
City agencies, the appropriate surrounding neighborhood group (Marin Villa-
File#: ED1S-068; SP1S-OOI
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-19
Exhibit 3
New "Blue Wave Express Cm'Wash" Facility
990 Francisco Blvd E.
Canal Housing Alliance), and the Board and conditions of approval have been
included to mitigate any potential negative impacts anticipated to be generated
by the proposed project.
File #: EDl5-068; SP15-001
Title: Zoning Ordinance Consistency Table
Exhibit: 3-20
~ -Q) ,
(f) .-c.> r:
E u.
r -
San Rafael Design Guidelines
As modifications are made to San Rafael, whether through public improvements or as private
development affects neighborhoods or the Downtown, the design quality of these changes should
improve the quality of life in San Rafael. These guidelines provide a framework of design principles
that builds on the strength of the existing character of an area and that strives to improve the
visual unity of the area. .
Parking Lots
.:. A logical sequence of entry and arrival as part of the site's design should be provided .
• :. Where pOSSible, design entrances from the street to direct views towards the building
entry .
• :. Parking should be distributed to provide easy access to building entrances .
• :. Where poSSible, parking should be located to the rear or side of a building in order to
reduce the visual impact of parking areas .
• :. Design for adequate vehicle maneuverability in parking areas. Vehicles should not back out
from a parking space onto the street.
.:. Parking areas should be screened from the street with hedges, walls, fences or berms,
subject to security considerations .
• :. On major arterials, where possible and appropriate, consolidate curb cuts and reduce entry
and exit conflicts .
• :. Auto and pedestrian entrances into the development should be easy to find. For example,
special entry treatments, such as colored concrete, special planting and signage should be
located at the entries to the site .
• :. Shade trees should be provided in parking lots per the zoning ordinance.
.:. Landscaped areas should be planned as integral parts of the development and to create a
strongly landscaped character for the site .
• :. Unsightly uses should be screened .
• :. Commercial signage or displays should not be hidden with landscaping .
• :. Trees should be planted in a variety of locations, such as along the side property lines,
clustered in planting areas, or distributed throughout the parking lot, consistent with the
zoning ordinance.
San Rafael Design Guidelines
.:. Pedestrian areas should be made visually attractive with special planting and flowering
trees .
• :. Where feasible, landscape the area between the building and the property line even when
a building is located at the minimum required side or rear yard setback .
• :. Retain and maintain existing public street trees and add additional street trees where
.:. Limit the intensity of lighting to provide for adequate site security and for pedestrian and
vehicular safety .
• :. Shield light sources to prevent glare and illumination beyond the boundaries of the
property .
• :. Lighting fixtures should complement the architecture of the project.
Pedestrian Circulation
.:. Consider pedestrian orientation when designing building entries, windows, signage and
doors .
• :. Include a well-defined pedestrian walkway between the street and building entries .
• :. Clearly define pedestrian movement through the parking lot. For example, provide
changes in pavement or separate landscaped walkways .
• :. Where appropriate, pedestrian walkways should be provided between adjacent lots .
• :. Special design elements should be included, such as bollards, pots, benches, trash cans,
unique paving, tree grates, tree guards and pedestrian lighting to add visual richness to
areas designed for pedestrian access .
• :. Where appropriate, include outdoor gathering places and seating for the public .
• :. Adequate facilities should be provided for bicycle parking, consistent with zoning
Building Form
.:. Where appropriate, locate the building, or a substantial portion of the building along the
front yard setback or street edge to create spatial enclosure in relation to the street.
.:. Consider the pedestrian experience when designing the ground floor of buildings .
• :. A continuity of design, materials, color, form and architectural details is encouraged for all
portions of a building and between all the buildings on the site .
• :. Consider the development's visual and spatial relationship to adjacent buildings and other
structures in the area.
San Rafael Design Guidelines
.:. A defined sense of entry with pedestrian orientation should be provided .
• :. Building entrances should be defined with architectural elements such as roof form
changes, awnings or other architectural elements.
.:. If a tower is included in the design, it should perform a definite on-site function, such as
delineating an entrance to a site or a building entry, or emphasizing a display window .
• :. The tower should provide an attractive distinctive silhouette against the sky .
• :. Where appropriate, the visual bulk of the upper portion of the tower should be reduced to
reduce its apparent bulk, for example with openings through it or with open latticework.
.:. Arcades may be used in shopping areas to provide weather protection for shoppers, add a
sense of unity to a larger project and/or provide depth to the building .
• :. Arcades may be topped with a simple broad band for tenant signing .
• :. Internal illumination may be used to emphasize arcade forms at night.
.:. Where appropriate, provide well-designed awnings to enhance the design of the building,
provide weather protection, and add liveliness, interest and a sense of human scale .
• :. Provide a uniform treatment of awnings on multi-tenant buildings .
• :. Awning colors may be varied and should be compatible with the colors of the building and
of adjacent buildings .
• :. Signs may be provided on an awning, consistent with the zoning ordinance .
• :. Translucent, internally illuminated awnings are not encouraged .
• :. The following building code standards are included for reference:
Minimum height above grade: 8 feet; 14 feet at alleys, parking lots or other areas with
vehicular traffic
Maximum horizontal projection (from face of building): 7 feet, or 66% of the distance
between the building and curb, whichever is less
Minimum distance to curb: 2 feet between the awning and curb
Materials and Colors
.:. Use articulation, texturing and detailing on all concrete exposed to exterior view .
• :. Exterior materials should minimize reflectivity .
• :. Use color to provide appropriate accents on a bUilding.
#1 -From 1-580 Offramp looking Northwest
#4 -From Francisco looking West
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#2 .. From 1-580 Offramp looking North #3 -From Bellam Looking East
#3 -From Francisco looking Southwest #6 -From Francisco looking Sorth
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EXisting BlueWave Building Photo's
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