HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2014-12-09 #3Community Development Department -Planning Division P. O. Box 151560 Sail Rafael, CA 94915-1560 PHONE: (415) 485-3085/FAX: (415) 485-3184 Meeting Date: Agenda Item: Case Numbers: Project Planner: December 9, 2014 ED14-068 & U~020 Kraig TambOrni®15) 485-3092 REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: 1700 Fourth Street (G Street Mixed Use) -Environmental and Design Review Permit and Use Permit for a new three-story mixed-use development with 10 apartment units, 750 square feet of ground floor retail space and 14 on-site parking spaces located on a 7,500 square foot parcel in the West End downtown area. APN: 011-192-07: WEV Zoning District; Ralph Epstein, Epstein Properties, LLC, Applicant; Hanna Anki, Owner. Case Number(s): ED14-068 & UP14-020; Continued from October 28,2014. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution approving the project as presented, with conditions. BACKGROUND The Planning Commission considered this project at its October 28, 2014 hearing, accepting public testimony, the staff report and a draft resolution prepared for the project. On a 5-1 vote (Chair Robertson opposed, Chai r Pick Absent) the Com mission voted to conti n ue the project to the Decem ber 9, 2014 meeting with the following comments and direction: 1. The mixed-use infill project including the land use, size, bulk and mass at this location is supported as appropriate and consistent with the General Plan. 2. The Commission has concerns with two driveways serving the site, specifically with the garage opening onto Fourth Street. Revisit this design and ensure all options for parking have been evaluated that might allow G Street to serve as the single ingress/egress access for the project. Further, meet with Public Works to discuss whether alternative parking faCility "dimensions and desIgns' (per Section 14.18.130) could be recommended to deviate from the typical standards in order to facilitate elimination of the second driveway onto Fourth Street without reducing the number of required on-site parking spaces; given that a request for a parking modification to reduce the number of required parking spaces is not recommended as supported by the Commission. 3. The 20-foot setback for the gate at the garage entry is not supported by the Commission in this circumstance given that the times and frequency when the gate access would occur are limited, which would not offset the potential for the area to be an attraction for homeless encampment. This needs to be discussed further with Public Works to determine If the setback recommendation would be changed considering that the gate would be open during the day and only triggered as needed by residents after normal business hours. 4. Discuss whether projection of balconies over the right-of-way can be supported, or the issues and concerns with this type of improvement, or the process required to pursue support of this type of REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION ~ Case No: ED14-0B6 & UP14-020 Page 2 encroachment. Building encroachment on upper floors over the public right in downtown areas is a common allowance in other communities and in Downtown, the Commission's concerns with architecture and a, Additional articulation is considered necessary on scale results in a very well designed and b, West elevation interior wall articulation and highly visible elevation for the foreseeable future. c, Revisit for options to provide more dark. d. the depth of balconies through upper floor levels stepped back from the e. the Fourth Street fayade as driveway, if removal of the nrn,p'h'''''' clarification on adequacy of the area to recommendations of Marin Sanitary Service, 7. Provide a bicycle parking space for each unit. incorporate appropriate revisions to the conditions of discussed during the hearing. in as follows: elevation to ensure the mass that this is likely to remain a appear to be too way or adjustment of the of the building. with elimination of the above, on the specific to the applicant's letter, as 9. Include a condition of approval requiring a construction plan with the specific intention to address construction workers parking to assure construction projects would not have an adverse impact on parking in the area. 10, an update on the status or progress the City Council to address concerns residents in G project the traffic study recommended by during review of the nearby 21 Commission was satisfied that electric vehicle parking and opportunities the building would be at time of construction, and that residents in m use project would not adversely affect auto service use adjacent to they are in a mixed use commercial area). have items. The prior meeting October 28 meeting a continued meeting date. The applicant eliminating the second driveway on Fourth recommendations on the alternative driveway and The project has been revised responding to concerns includes alternative driveway concepts that may be Commission reopen the hearing to accept further public to the October 28, 2014 meeting comments. site advertising the options for a memorandum with October 28 meeting, and if desired. Staff recommends the on the proposed in response REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: ED14-086 & UP14-020 Page 3 PROJECT REVISIONS The existing site plan has an approximately 16 foot driveway curb cut at the west end of Fourth Street and an approximately 24 foot curb cut at the north end of G Street, with at least three (3) on-street parking spaces available along the curb. The applicant has met with City Planning and Public Works staff, conducted further studies of the site and has presented the following changes in response to the direction given by the Commission: Option A -Original Concept, with revisions. This option complies with all Zoning Standards. Site Plan Sheet 9, Floor Plans Sheet 10 and 13, Green Features Sheet 12, Sections Sheet 16, Elevation Sheets 17 through 21 and Colors and Materials Sheet 22 shows the followi ng: ).> Use o Maintains the retail and residential building configuration ).> Architecture o Maintains aluminum storefronts, ceramic tile and precast stone base, metal railings with wood cap, fabric awnings, smooth troweled stucco, painted wood shutters, metal garage door, decorative corbel, and sconce lights. o Proposes a trellis along the Fourth Street garage building section frontage that would overhang the sidewalk. o Extends depth of second floor balconies facing G and Fourth streets to five-feet with encroachments over the sidewalk. o Adds recessed faux window and shutter details on the west interior wall. o Maintains horizontal bands maintained at the upper story level and scoring along the interior walls. o Maintains vines to grow up the interior west and north side walls softening views the lower story walls. o Maintains precast concrete base along the interior west and north Sides. o Proposes a lighter color palette for the building o Proposes two ground floor faux windows on the exterior garage wall facing Fourth Street. ).> Colors and Materials o Proposes a revised lighter olive-green, "peale" green, off-white and semi-transparent wood stain color palette (subject to review of a paint out in the field), with dark gray & bronze metal railing and aluminum windows, "fern" green awning, and forest green 6" tiles. (Note: A revised colors and materials board Will be presented at the hearing, along with the original proposal) );;. Landscaping o Maintains landscape planters in front of the building up to the property line with five Crape Myrtle or Aristocrat Pear street trees o Adds a vine covered trellis along Fourth Street. o Incorporates benches in the landscape area along the building frontage. ).> Driveways o Maintains a 12 foot egress driveway at Fourth Street. TO PLANNING COMMISSION No: ED14-086 & UP14-020 o Maintains a 12 foot wide ingress driveway at G Street. );> Parking );> o Maintains a 14 space including two ADA and two parking on the street frontage from the current three (3) o Maintains proposal to spaces to five (5) Fourth Street. with up to two (2) spaces on G Street and (3) on 0 Moves garage gates eliminate the 20 foot setback from line. Bicycle Parking 4 0 Maintains a 10-foot bicycle parking area within with hanging bike racks shown to 0 Proposes installation );> Trash Room 0 Confirms with Marin to serve the refuse the MSS refuse and );> Traffic 0 Offers $2.000 contribution This option requires approval of a driveway dimension, which is Alternative Option B concept is door and a east and Option C summarized as foHows: );> Architecture for 15 bicycles. bike rack on Fourth (MSS) that three (3) 96 cans are sufficient use. Tenants would need to the area, as do not support trash chutes a study of traffic concerns in area. Modification to Parking Lot Design for substandard by Public Works. Bare o The Fourth would be revised to match the Option C concept (discussed below) Le., with additional faux window treatments proposed in of the Fourth Street garage door. ;-Driveways o The 12 foot wide driveway at G Street would be maintained, used as a single Ingress/egress driveway, o The 12 foot driveway at Fourth Street would be eliminated and replaced with exterior C concept. );> Parking o This concept would ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,0 parking supply on the street frontage from the current three (3) with up to two (2) soaces on G four (4) spaces on Fourth REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -No: ED14·086 & UP14·020 5 This option requires approval a Parking Modification uced off-street parking, which could by Public Works, Planning Parking A Floor Plan and Elevations 1, 2 a separate insert with the revised project plan 3 for Concept C have been provided (included as which propose the following changes to the project components: , Architecture o Reconfigures the lobby G ::::'f'I""I"'In1mt'"\I"lCl,rO the widened driveway. o Relocates a utilities area near the ).> Driveway o A 20 fool wide driveway on G replacing the 12 foot driveway. ,"('r,rr"'"n"",.,,, two-way traffic for the project, o The Fourth Street driveway is o three (3) required o Tandem parking along o On-street parking on four (4) spaces; with one (1) DISCUSSION Planning Commlssion comments have 1 -Land Use, scale and mass. noted above the Commission found the land with the General Plan, Item 2 -to concerns with two opening onto Fourth Street. primary alternative concepts Band C to eliminate the follows: proposes eliminating the Fourth concerns as it would driveway is not n;:.r.nrY1ITl Wide 'UIIlJ-".''''' Francisco and Berkeley would be eliminated. from the current three (3) spaces to three (3) spaces on Fourth as follows: and mass were appropriate and consistent the site, specifically with the driveway were evaluated, as the applicant has located elsewhere in ;, proposes to widen the G Street entry two-way driveway concept could be supported by both Planning and Works staff, though it would approval of a parking reduction for loss ui commercial parking spaces, which was supported by the Commission. However, can recommend a parking reduction to support this concept given that it would not create traffic the commercial parking could be addressed off-site, There is an existi 15 public parking lot located at 1550 REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: ED14-086 & UP14-020 Page 6 Fourth Street, east of the site and in West End area, which is currently underutilized (28% to 50% of the lot is utilized during the morning and evening peak periods). Further, on-street parking would be increased along the property frontage as a result of the project, as indicated on the plans (with at least one (1) new space created by eliminating the driveway on Fourth Street). The public parking lot and one (1) additional on-street parking space would provide more parking than needed to address the three (3) space parking demand of the new commercial space. Planning staff agrees that eliminating Fourth Street driveway provides a more pedestrian-friendly design. However, concepts Band C both result in parking and traffic concerns, which have varying levels or support and opposition from the applicant and Public Works staff. Both of these concepts also require approval of deviations to the parking standards, as follows: e Concept B requires approval of a modified driveway design standard, to allow the 12-foot driveway to serve as two-way access. This may be supported based on evidence provided by the applicant that the reduced standard would not create undue safety hazards and would result in safe and efficient ingress and egress for the residents and commercial tenant. However, this concept is not supported by Public Works given concerns that the design could pose safety conflicts. • Concept C accommodating a single standard 20 foot dimension two-way driveway requires approval of a Use Permit to allow the demand for the three commercial parking spaces to be satisfied off-site, along the property street frontage and in the City parking lot located east of United Market, at 1550 Fourth Street. However, the Commission did not previously support reduction in on-site parking (given the concerns expressed by residents in the area about existing parking. Planning, Public Works and the applicant all are in agreement in support of Concept A, which maintains an exit at Fourth Street, given that it meets all applicable City development standards. Concept B represents a more urban and pedestrian-scale concept, but it is not recommended by Public Works due to safety concerns. Concept C can be supported by Planning and Public Works staff, which represents a balanced urban design solution and eliminates traffic circulation concerhs. Findings have been included in the draft resolution of approval to accommodate the alternative concepts. However, if an alternative option is selected then draft conditions would need to be revised. A general use permit and/or design review permit condition would be recommended for an approval granted to permit an alternate driveway requirement. Use Permit Condition 1 and 14 and Design Review Condition 1 should be revised if the project is approved with a reduced or modified parking supply. Lastly, staff notes that a fourth concept (Option D) was reviewed for study purposes, which showed how parking could be provided to meet the two-way driveway standard with a significantly revised building layout. However, this concept was not recommended for further investigation given that it requires a significant redesign of the building, particularly along the G Street frontage. This concept is not considered feasible or desirable and exceeded the directive of the Planning Commission. Item 3 -Elimination of the 20-foot setback for the gate at the garage entry. Planning and Public Works have supported relocation of the gate toward the front of the building, with the conditions recommended to ensure the gate would be open during the day and electronically activated when closed. The plans and conditions have been updated to reflect this change. TO PLANNING COMMISSION -Case No: ED14-086 & UP14-020 Item 4 Projection of balconies over the right of way. Planning and Public Works support further projection of the balconies, with concerns would Plans and condltions have been Changes recommended to building architecture and ........ """"1" and west elevations. been revised as noted in the Project follows: have been extended to five feet in depth ... Fourth elevation has been further articulated with translucent windows along the garage elevation. a wood it west building elevation has been further articulated with II darker color palette has been revised to provide more elements and lighter color scheme, it Options have been presented to eliminate the driveway .. areas have reviewed and confirmed as .. Bicycle parking has been demonstrably increased, with commercial users. II Driveway gate(s) have been relocated to the front of Page 7 Fourth as the the not. revisions add detailing and articulation that contributes significantly to the quality of the design. Staff recommends support of the revisions presented in the revised plan details. A detail for the ucent window has also been included as a separate Exhibit 4 6 -Adequacy of the trash area applicant has met with MSS staff and confirmed that the site would Ion cans. Further, multiple trash pickup is available in downtown if uately served with three would have to recycling down to the trash room, as the waste hauler using waste chutes, bicycle parking space for each detail would be subject to street improvement details into the ED permit draft conditions of approval. Item 8 -Revise conditions in response to the applicant's to conditions have been made in ro<:>nr\r,c:; 9 -Require a construction management pian (eMP) CMP conditions have been included, with specific assure that the project in conjunction with other """''':''~I have an adverse impact on parking in the area. foot deep area inside right of way. The to ensure that it incorporated construction workers parking and occurring in the area would not REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION Case No: ED14-086 & UP14-020 8 Item 10 -Provide an update on address resident concerns Public works a comprehensive has offered to incorporated into update on CONCLUSION Planning staff fjnds that all which is supported by City superior in satisfying the WEV community reduced driveway concept is superior in satisfying the community require a parking modification to allow public parking locations. Staff recommends that the Comm best satisfies the WEV district design goals, benefits. As noted above in or progress made toward pursuing the traffic study to Option A is superior in satisfying zoning standards, and reflected in the draft Resolution. Option B is preferences for urban in-fill development, but the by Public Works due to safety concerns. Option C is and the engineering design concerns, but would parking to be accommodated in existing and new require revised conditions to acknowledge a and select the option that, on balance, concerns and providing long-term community if Option B or Option C were pursued this would reduction or revised driveway dimension. OPTIONS The Planning Commission has the following 1. Approve the project with as 2. Approve the project with further standards of the WEV 3. Continue the applications to allow Commission (not recommended) 4. Deny the project, either with or without (not recommended) EXHIBITS 1. Draft Resolution & Attachment A - 2. PubliC Works Memorandum -Revised Parking 3. Prior Project Plans presented on October 2014 4. Conceptual Wall Section (Translucent Revised Project Plans (Distributed to the Planning recommended) to implement the goals, policies and additional comments or concerns of the return with a revised resolution on A through D 1 NO, RESOLUTION OF THE SAN ENVIRONMENTAL AND LlLJILJ.L\.J PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING AN PERMIT (ED14-068) AND USE (UP14-020) FOR A BONUS, TWO-FOOT CONSIDERATION OF WHEREAS, on July and an Environmental Hannas Restaurant site at 1700 WHEREAS, on UCI;OD!~r processing; and WHEREAS~on fonnal review of the project 5-0 vote, unanimously WHEREAS, upon exempt from the requirements Section 15332 of the CEQA WHEREAS, on noticed public hearing on accepting ali oral WHEREAS, on .t.JV'"VH revisions and responses consideration of the public testimony NOW PROJECT WITH A THREE UNIT DENSITY MODIFICATION(S) LOCATED 1700 Epstein Propeliies, Permit application to in the WEV District; and application was accepted as '-VAU,,"''"'''"' for application) the project Envirorunental Quality which exempts in-fill development 2014, the San Rafael Planning Permit and Environmental and testimony and the written J~'J'~"'/', Commission voted 1-1 to its December 9, Community ect revisions and responses RESOLVED, the Planning to pursuant to and to makes the following Permit Approval Findings (UP14-020) A. General Finding. requires and the ,","uU'U,",,'''' project consisting feet) and one ground floor applicable WEV District for an administrative use unit (ranging in (at 1 ~350 gross square a 14 space parking Tables, the project for a mixed-use to 1,215 square over a 750 square as proposed and· December 9,2014 PC Meeting Exhibit 1 (Draft Resolution) conditioned is aJ1d found to be in Plan, the General Specific Purposes of the Purposes (Objectives) of WEV district Section 1 Section 14.01 a. b. =.:..:..::::.~~=-'-===='-!....!...;;,!.!==.:. The project is in v.v .... 'vJ.u General Plan 2020 as follows: L A detailed summary the applicable General been reviewed by 11. III. 1. the Planning Commission (i.e., General Plan 2020 ,-v,,,,;.c> Table included as Attachment A to Resolution and incorporated by reference). No General Plan have been one "partially consistent" policy Sustainability with regard to tree removal and as discussed in the considering all of the in the General pertinent General Plan 2020 and programs, several that would specifically apply to project and . These specific policies discussed in detail in include development timing mixed use 1, LU-2 and H-23; land use policy LU- policy 1-1-22; neighborhood policies NH- and; Traffic related policies to specifically implement use designation and the "y\p,71npnt I-'VJ.;',","~'" policies and a significant amount of improvements in order for a restaurant use to be re-established or continued by a new owner, in order La comply with current building codes and health and safety imposed by the City and The proposed use would the goals and policies Plan by proposmg a that would comply with related The project would sunounding uses discussed fU1ther c. Chapter 14.05 WEV District Specific Purposes Finding, The projects fulfills specific purposes of the WEV district as 1. The WEV district an older commercial village to are located in or near the downtown with the district based on 2 11. Ill. IV. B. b. below. c. d. e. f. . all applicable provisions would be satisfied by the dri veway and parking 7,500 square feet is confom1ing project complies with area to lot area given that the 5,250 square feet of paJcel dimension of of25 feet. - 3 - J.'-LLJ'''''''~ Municipal Code , ...... , ........ u. • ..., as listed in development ,",n.B"!"> code, as discussed by Planning the zoning project has shown it and without respects the for review, minimum lot area as provided for in affordable to a as discussed area ratio of 0.7 a 750 square floor area. to the that the project as one of two of the project (or 0.7 unit requirement has order for the g. Lot Coverage. The project is not subject to a maximum lot coverage limitation. Therefore, the project may cover 1 DO-percent of the lot with structures, whereas i[ proposes approximately 92-percent lot coverage. h. Landscaping. The project is not subject to a minimum landscaping requirement but, consistent with design recommendations, the project would provide a 4-foot minimum landscape planter area along G street frontage and 2-fooL minimum landscape planter area along Fomih Street. 1. Outdoor Area. The project is not required to provide usable outdoor area, however, consistent with design recommendations the project proposes a 10 foot deep by 73 foot long terrace on the second floor level of units facing north, with balconies facing Fourth Street, and approximately six foot (6') deep decks on the third floor level of units facing G Street and Fourth Street. J. Site and Use Regulations. The applicable Site and Use Regulations of Chapter 14.16 would be satisfied as discussed in Finding C below. k. Performance Standards. The applicable Site and Use Regulations and Performance Standards of Chapter 14.17 would be satisfied as discussed in Findings D below. 1. Parking Standards. The project as proposed would satisfy the applicable parking requirements of Chapter 14.18 as discussed in Finding E below. m. Design Review Standarcls. The applicable standards for design review in Chapter 14.25 would be satisfied as discussed in Finding H below. c. Chapter 14.1QSitt;;:and Use Regulations. The project complies with all applicable site and use regulations as follows: a. Height Bonus Finding. Consistent with state and local law, the project qualifies for and the City shall grant, up to two concessions for provision of one (1) very low income unit (i.e. 1 O-percent of the project base units). A height bonus of six-feet may be granted as one of the concessions available for the project, wi thin the WEV Dowl1town district, which provides affordable housing units pursuant to SRMC Section 14 .16.03 O.H.3 .a.iii. The height bonus is implemented through concurrent Use Permit approval by the Planning Commission pursuant to Section L4.16.190.AA.a. The Use Permit is supp0l1ed based on the following: 1. The applicant has requested the six-foot height bonus as one oftwo available concessions for providing one very low income unit, which shall be granted upon request based on the density bonus regulations. 11. Findings for approval of the project with a density bonus and up to two concessions have been satisfied as discussed below. 1II. Findings for grant of a Use Permit have been provided herein. b. Affordable Housing Findimz. The use as proposed and conditioned conforms to the Site and Use Regulations of 14.16.030 Affordable Housing as follows: 1. At least lO-percent of the project is offered as affordable housing units to very low income households, consistent with subsection B.2, as required to qualify for a housing bonus and/or for a project that offers units for-sale. J1. Affordable housing is not required for the commercial component of the use given that the area is less than 5,000 square feet. 111. The project includes a density bonus request pursuant to subsection H.l, and qualifies for a 33-percent, or three (3) unit, increase in density according to Table 14.16.030-1 based on the proposal to provide one (1) unit as affordable to very -4 - D. c. d. e. low income tenants Therefore, the project iv. The affordable H~~<ULH a. 2. a. 3. v. provided on place anteru1a on the 16.280. b. The building has of one to three buildings in as follows: - 5 - <.J.V<.'VH,<.n density bonus units). orciDo;sea 10 i:"J'""~HnAJ. by the City .iii and concurrent approval of to satisfy parking. to which it js with the conforms to the Site and requirements, given that comer at G and Fourth Streets that recommended by the feature, subject to concurrent conditioned conforms to the Site and that use as proposed and conditioned 14.17. 00 (Residential uses in as E. L lmits are located on the upper level as required in the WEV district with ground floor retail provided so along Fourth Street is not 11. The building has been levels, to reduce the appearance of the commercial fTOntage with step backs on the story building. lll. The residential units have with a separate defined access from G Street. lV. The project would include would continue the downtown street tree frontage improvements that c. project would provide adequate 1. Parking has been provided in The project would not create discussed herein. d. height is appropriate to LV"<''''''-'-on a well-suited in-fill site in e. location would not create noise, buildings, particularly on any other f. units as proposed and ~~A'~L',"VA'~~ 14.16.260. g. and exterior lighting at for security and a sense of well-being in h. storage and location has been provided consideration of tenant needs and 1. Consideration has been given to the location As a result of this as discussed herein. 14.18. or circulation hazards, as mixed-use development vicinity. with the noise standards in with Section 14.16.227 to areas and entrance ways for J. based ";.."" .... , ...... ,, ... '" waste issued by the closure of the station facility prior to conversion to a as proposed as follows: a. to 14.18.040 project will provide up to 14 and tandem parking as penni tted under the Chapter 14.18 14.16 Affordable Housing regulations and Govenunent Code following required number of parking spaces are type} addressing the parking requirement per each 250 square feet of"",.,,,",.,,, of commercial spaces; per one-bedroom unit in downtown, a tenant -6- One and one-half (1.5) spaces [two (2) two-bedroom unit in downtown (outside (2) additional tenant spaces. b. The project is not required to provide clean area space which only requires three (3) parking commercial parking lots with more than c. off-street loading and unloading which is in a do\vn10wn -0"""''',,,-, only 750 square feet in size. As a to occur outside of peak AM and PM d. Parking for the existing commercial use environs parking exemption ------0 is currently provided for the provided commercial parking for new parking standards (Chart 14.18.040). e.. The project would potentially frontage, by at least one additional f. project has chosen to limit the demand. Therefore, the project is not al.1'angement pursuant to SRMC I 18.080. g. The project requires one two bicycle area. As proposed and conditioned, customers. h. The project complies with the L Standard space dimensions for downtown are by eighteen feet (18'). for each commercial tenant is required for or feasible for that on-site "" ... "uu·p the project has with the the property street the combined parking shared parking and includes a bike storage be available for as follows: and one-half(8.5') 11. Compact parking space dimensions are provided at (8') by sixteen feet (16'). 111. As conditioned, compact IV. Tandem parking is proposed two entry driveway off G (R9 approved pursuant to v. Guest parking for downtown Vll. Landscaping screening is not garage. VIlt. Adequate parking and deemed adequate as discussed consider grant of a llse the parking lot design and ....... 1"' ..... ""'.1 the requirements of SRMC access and parking given that included in the project as acc:me:a <>1"""''''",,,, follows: -7 - as parallel spaces along the requested and shall be 14.16.030. and findings consistent with to allow alternative considered and may be by the Planning Commission as 1. A single twelve-foot wide driveway on G Street would not meet the minimum City standard. However, the applicant has identified similar projects that have been implemented in the bay area with this driveway design. Based upon this infonnation the applicant has shown 3 reduced driveway could serve the small in-fill project without creating any significant traffic conflicts at G Street. 2. A potential reduction to eliminate the three on-site commercial parking spaces may be allowed based on the following: 3. An existing public parking lot is located in the WEV area east of the site (1550 Fourth Street), has 15 metered spaces. Parking Services has repOlied that this lot has an average occupancy of28% from 8AM to 1 DAM and 50% from 4PM to 6PM. b. Elimination of the driveway on Fourth Street would accommodate at least one (I) additional public park ing space on the Fourth Street frontage. Specifically, the alternative options would increase the on-street parking from the current three (3) spaces with lip to six (6) oil-street spaces provided with Option B and four (4) on-street spaces with Option C. IX. Garage lighting shall be provided to meet the minimum lighting standard, and shielded from public view pursuant to Section 14.16.227 (light and glare), as a condition of approval. l. The project would provide residential and corrunercial handicap parking on-site as required to satisfy accessible parking requirements. F. As required by the municipal code, the physical location and placement oftlle use on the site has been found to be compatible with and relates harmoniously to the surrounding uses in the neighborhood based on the discussion provided under Finding D.b above and additional findings related to the mixed-use project including its compliance with WEV Development Standards, Site and Use Regulations, and Design Review Standards. G. Chapter 14.22 Use Permits. As requi red by the 111 unici pal code, the following additional findings would apply to the project, including the altemative design concepts: a. The height bonus of six-feet has been w3nanted as an exception for a mixed use project that includes affordable housing, and has been documented as pennitted for the affordable housing development through grant of a conditional use permit, as fmiher documented in Finding C above. b. Modification to pennit off-site parking may be warranted based on the fact that there is additional parking available nearby as documented in Finding E above, thus grant of a reduction in commercial parking to accommodate an alternative design solution would not result have adverse parking impacts on the area. H. Chapter 14.25 Design Review. The use as proposed and conditioned conforms to the design c11teria in SRMC Chapter 14.25 given that the design ofthe project has reviewed and recommended by the Design Review Board, and findings for approval of the project Design Review Permit No. ED 14-068 have been prepared and considered concurrently. 1. Health and Safety Finding. The project together with the conditions of approval will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity, or the general welfare of the City as follows: - 8 - a. The project must obtain building permits, grading pemlits and encroacJunent penn its which are required to ensure that a11 work is completed in accordance with local and state requirements including building and safety codes. . b. A geotechnical investigation of the site has been completed and determined that the site is suitable for a three story building. c. A phase n site investigation has been completed and determined that the site is free of any potential contamination. d. Conditions of approval have been required to ensure the building will be constructed and maintained in good repair and condition for the life of the project as presented on approved plans and that noise, light, glare and traffic issues would not occur. J. CEQA Environmental Finding. The Planning Commission exercised its Independent judgment and detennined that the Class 3 categorical exemption for the project is appropriate and consistent with the provisions of CEQA in that the project involves construction of a mixed-use development project on a small in-fill site meeting the following conditions: a. The project is consistent with the General Plan WEV land use designation and all applicable General Plan 2020 policies as well as the applicable zoning designation and regulations as discussed in the findings above. b. The proposed development occurs with the City limits on a project site of no more than five acres that is located in a downtown urban setting and surrounded by urban development on all sides. c. The project site is developed with an existing commercial use arid has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. d. Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality or water quality given that: L The project has a minimal net increase in traffic and would pay traffic mitigation fees as required to fund improvements required to accommodate the anticipated build-out anticipated for the site and area lmder the General Plllil 2020. 11. The project is consistent with the General Plan 2020. Ill. The site is not subject to undue air quality impacts and would likely be served by mechanical ventilation systems in compliance with building code requirements. Furthelmore, site grading would not be substantial in scope or duration and would be controlled through issuance of grading and building pemlits. IV. Noise requirements apply to the project that require compliance with interior noise standards established by the General Plan 2020 that are also enforced by building codes and would be verified through the building permit process. v. Light and glare concerns have been identified and addressed in project conditions of approval. Vl. The project would not have any impacts on public views nor be subject to any other' exceptions' that would preclude the use of a categorical exemption in this case. Vll. The project requires a grading pelmit that would include best management practices imposed and enforced, on plans and during construction, by the Department of Public Works, which are required to comply with local stormwater poJlution prevention program (SWPPP) requirements. e. The site can be adequately served by all required utilities lli1d public services given that it is located on a developed site in the downtown area, which is already served by Police, Fire, and City Hall, and the San Rafael Sanitation District and Marin Municipal Water -9 - District agencies have identified that the site is currently served and that the redevelopment would be within existing service capacities. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Plaru1ing Commission makes the following findings relating to the Environmental and Design Review Pennit: Environmental and Design Review Permit Findings (ED14-068) A. General Finding. The project design is in accord with the General Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and the WEV Zoning District PUJposes as discussed in the Findings provided for the Use Pennit UP 14-020 above, which are the same as applicable to the Design Review Pennit and incorporated herein by reference. B. Chapter 14.05 District Design Criteria Finding. The project design is consistent with all applicable site, architecture and landscaping design criteria and guidelines for the WEV district in which the site is located as follows: a. As discussed in Use Pennit UP14-20 above, the project is compatible with the WEV district based on the fact that it proposes a small local retail use and a design that would fit in with the historic low scale development pattern ofthe area. The building has been designed to maintain the predominant character of the area comprised of one to three story buildings. 111e materials are higb quality, vibrant earth tone colors that reflect the character and chann of the neighborhood. The Design Review Board has concluded that the building as designed is in scale with the adjacent buildings in the area and appropriate at this location. Furthermore, the building has been articulated and setback, with step backs on the upper levels, to reduce the appearance of the three story building. b. The design review criteria in the General Plan 2020 for the West End Neighborhood, which are reflected in the WEV design standards in the zoning code, in the Chapter 14.25 Design Criteria and in the San Rafael Design Guidelines, have also been specifically documented as being satisfied in the General Plan Consistency Table provided as attachment A. C. Chapter 14.25 Design Review Criteria Finding. The Design Criteria in Chapter 14.25.050 have been satisfied as follows: a. The plans have been prepared with adequate details and infonnation that would assure the project can be built as designed. b. The building is situated logically in relationship to the site and smyounding development. c. The project does not impact any significant views or viewsheds. d. The site parking and access have been adequately studied and would comply with both state City standards. e. The design considers orientation to the extent possible, with patios provided on the rear facing (north) lower units that are open to the sky to maximize visible light access to these areas. f. No above ground utility connections are proposed. g. The design is harmoniously integrated in relation to the colors, materials, scale and design of buildings in the vicinity as discussed in Finding Rb. above. h. The project creates interest with balcony and awning projections, recessed upper story decks, eaves and window details, wainscot materials, placement of retail storefronts and building entryways to focus on the street frontage and considers the predominant views -10 - D. 2. l. j. k. 1. building from Fourth 0I!1lpOneI1T:S, with sufficient attention use color on the fac;ade to to the interior sides patios are proposed. the building building, 1. 11. are way. matte in appearance. property Rafael Design Guidelines satisfied as follows: criteria for nonresidential development have been landscaping, orientation, bui as recommended by project includes review YHJ.<"""'U<.U tower feature building facing the recol1unended by the colors to result in a high within the West End and Board. street location, street entrance locations, building .... V'''~l', is to respect the contribute to the vitaHty Board. of an additional two-foot (2') setting, above the building height at comer of the of 0 and Fourth Streets, which reviewed comer and highlight the Board as appropriate to accentuate the storefront. 18 ~"~'.H''''_ any of potentially public health, safety or improvements the vicinity. that the Permit Conditions of Approval (UP14-020) Department. Planning is granted for a at least 750 square further conditioned under be subject to the same shall be valid for -11 - residential and commercial area, and up to 14 parking for the concurrent 3. building is granted a six-foot (6') for the building subject to up to 36 feet in height, to allow a third at least .one (I) affordable housing 4. New commercial tenant occupancies shall be reviewed for compliance with the current zoning district land lise tables and WEV standards, or any future amendments to the zoning district land use may be applied to the site. 5. and unloading activities shall not of public streets during weekday Standard sized delivery vehicles WU"J_~ products during the day. 6. daytime hours, especially during AM an existing permitted parking insulated windows, noise exposure of less to comply with the building ventilation systems for the with building codes and to ensure and doors dosed, as 7. area shall be provided on the equipment and residential or _XIJ,<L'~"" and satellite antenna satellite antenna. AU ,""Vy",,'''''''' ~XX~~H~'U~~' located on the roof of the building, J."""OJ.UJl"" by the Planning Division. Satellite '-'L';>,I).""" or exterior walls of the building or dishes to the rooftop shall be noted 8. Modification to the rooftop area may to prior review and approval by the to accommodate this equipment, 9. shall not be permitted to use the balcony or areas for personal storage purposes or to hang items from the balcony areas are exclusively permitted for outdoor oyment by tenants, which and similar items that are enjoyment and use restriction of patio areas shall be 10. Marin Sanitary 11. the building and individual tenant by the Building Division, and installed 12. to the building use or to the site parking areas, configuration, number, or size shall be subject to prior -12 - provided on a needs of the site or rodents). but not limited to the the Planning 13. Once implemented the use site 10 with aU perpetuity). (Parking) 14. The project residential provide up to 14 parking con",,,,,,,,, mix and the ) the (3) "",",l"~'" per 250 r.>/'i1'·"I"\,rrI unit and 1 space for required project. to meet area, 2 No additional ..... ,U,u'"'J,U parking with no separate provisions. parking required, as 16, design dimension of proposed and on-site parki facilities for compliance with the Downtown parking requirements (i .e" Chapter 14.18, or subsequent amendments). at the to the advising customers that commercial 18. Accessi with properly and labeled, compliance 19. parking be provided the commercial tenant in front the building. rack detail placement shall approved by Planning and Public Department, final details as specified design approval. 20. remain open the daytime hours of7AM to 8PM and may closed at gate shall operated automatically by opener to ensure that vehicles shall not block k or while the opens. be provided the building to create a sense of well-being, as concurrent Review Permit no. 22. The appearance the duration landscaping be maintained in good Development Department, Housing shall be Jl.1.'-,UL'-.U prior to occupancy the as affordable to acceptable by -13 - the building. low income Environmental and Design Review Permit Conditions Approval (ED14-068) (JTJI'IU".Jrll Department. Planning "'I'>.-_,,,,,,>,'U UIL,","'I.L-UiYv building with a 36-foot taU 2. valid for an initial period of two (2) 4. shall be null and void if a building permit is not == the expiration a building permit application is the initial approval period shall be extended an must secme a building project to completion. zoning entitlements, the outcome S, project approvals shall be deemed vested once a substantial improvement(s) have been made in 6, Once a been issued for the project, 7. diligently to completion. If the zoning approval Of bui expue, shall become null and void and buildjng has been initiated, (2) years. If constmction is be applied. including nine 1-bed and a 14 space u"'r"-UL" approval. Minor changes (i.e., December 9,2016) and extension granted prior to to this Initial expiration date, six (6) months durIng an extension oftime in approval and expiration been issued, and Issuance. shall be pursued IS and the entitlements shall not exceed additional shall be required for placement tenant andlor .~,,~"'v above the 9. All exterior the building, Division, L&JlUO '_' No is permitted and satellite antenna provided as deemed necessary and 10. Satellite dishes shall not on the edge of the parapet or on decks ofthe bui or units, This requirement limiting placement of rooftop shall be in tenant lease agreements. -14 - on the roof of Planning walls Of on dishes to the 11. Entrance gatee s) shall plans, and shall not at the front of the driveway dri veway entry in order as proposed in approved creating recessed accumulation. alcoves that could create an nuisance from 12. Any future additions, to the review and approval H~'.vUH"', revised painting Community Development etc., shall be subject a. Include details improvement these conditions of windows, translucent for building identification railings, driveway b. Show all building architectural, and as proposed in project including but not limited to doorways, waH finishes, addressing, trellis, awning, areas, bicycle parking, etc. avuk"IS~ improvements 811d site required by for constll.lctiol1 of u~~,~vu profiles, signage balcony and that is ....... ,",,, .• >:\ by other agencies, including of separate c. Include a copy of building pennit. d. Document that construction limit of less than 45 Ldn with the building and systems may be e. Identify an area on mechanical equipment f. mechanical A construction management plan vehicles, equipment the area. A of Public Works. conditions of approval in submitted for the units shall comply with nOlse exposure with windows and doors as required to comply noise requirements. , .. "_'-'UQU •. ,-,,,,, ventilation units. for placement or commercial .-WI"" .. "."""" or future meters structure (on method used to accomplish and approved by the Plarming provided which ensures that contractor ~"_,-,_~.,-" etc. will not adversely may be required for site I5 15. Green building features be implemented substantial compliance with applicable Building Codes as generally indicated on Plan 12. of the Planning a (Bicycle Parking) 17. Bicycle storage shall provided for residential units substantial conformance with details on Plan 12 (Le., accommodating 15 secure bicycle for residential storage area, with ng racks or equivalent methods provided). 18. At bicycle racks provided on the conforming public improvement standard implemented the area (e.g., dark bronze design placement on the propelty The bicycle racks subject to ari encroachment pennit and shown on ic submitted to public (Lighting Landscaping) 19. final landscape plan shall submitted with building pennits the Planning Division and installed to building occupancy. the building face to right of way line/property line. The applicant shall plans to Marin landscaping improvements, comply any of of occupancy, as determined the review of prior to Verification of final Jandscape shall be submitted to issuance of building 21. appropriately andlor shielded to light sources and avoid spillover onto adjacent properties. The intensity the minimum amount to provide a sense of at building walkways parking (e.g., one (1) foot-candle level overlap at doorways, one-half (\4) foot-candle overlap at walkways and parking lots, and fall below one (1) foot-candle at the property line). 22. light sources. jllumination high- a review city to assure that with public street intensity on mixed-use and 11011- and review reVlew as Maximum wattage lamps shall on the submitted electrical pemlits. comply City's Ordinrulce, SRMC Chapter 8.13. -16 course of constructiol1 l archaeological or resources are f'f"nJpTr.'{1 at the site (surface or resources) work shall be immediately meters (150 feet) of until it can be evaluated by a qualified professional The City of San """"', ... "" Planning Division and a archaeologist (i.e., registered with by shall apply a preliminary "paint-out" of the building approval by the Planning prior to applying colors. The review is to ensure that colors as applied in the the samples presented approval, and do not aP1Del:rr "JI".HLLH,UlJ.'" darker or or more reflective than paint-out shall cover a portion of to allow for of the colors in the having to cover a 4 by 4 on which applied, and with the Planning the paint-out is ready 28. The ,JU'-'u.lU shaH contact the to request a final the desired inspection inspection at (2 business days) shall be subject to a post installation inspection to allow for and assure compliance wi th this v_~,,~. Community Development Department, site work, as materials required a permit be prepared and submitted upon the preliminary architectural plans reviewed by the Building Division for project (and as approved by Commission). to the October 1,2014 memorandum from the Standard on the submitted for the subject entitlement. 31. Impact required and paid at Traffic impact of building perm it, Sewer District not limited to U'-JClV," 32. provided that requirements have Municipal Water District and include payment of permit issuance or completion provision of water to submit required required inspections. 33. Plans referred 10 the Department of Pu blic Works for review and approval or building pennits. permits shall be and approved, within right orway. 7 34. Accessible and uscs shall and with building requirements. general, this reql1lres one van for each V"""'I.+LJ'-"" unloading area two independent van accessible spaces may 35. for demolition construction the project comply City Green Ordinance. This shall plans for demolition and construction debris 36. Construction staging indicated on pJans and approvaL 37. shall that roofing shall with green high albedo (reflective) materials. grading and approval Depattment 2104 memorandum for more construction. requirements to the August plans lding entitlement to prior October 2, project 40. An encroachment permit shall be obtained work in the of way. 41. 43. project shall not designate street as a If entrance daytime are the gale( s) from 7AM to 6PM. Gate(s) otherwise area. "'-E., .... " ...... ,''"' and early morning hours subject to automatic entry/exit. ""<V'C)"""', the gate(s) be designed automatically with an opener (without requiling the to vehicle to the gate) to ensure that vehicles shall not block sidewalk or G while opening staging areas laydown area the project. Utilization of may not be possible. 44. Plans demonstration that and building construction can occur without entering neighboring property or the shaH provide an with neighbor(s) allowing access or work to occur on the property to the -18- 45. mitigation "'-"-=-=-=-= is required for 2AM and trips by by the City <4LW,",S'" calculations prepared that new development flow to be the same or than existing. applicant improvements to accommodate rW10ff which shall be onsite with additional and piping, necessary. into the of way by approximately four 47. Small 13 feet be permitted that they are not considered space roadway. The applicant must a revocable public right for private use. The license of the prope11y as directed by occupancy until any required agreements executed. 48. The applicant shall a $2,000 towards an I-' .... " .... L ..... U traffic to be ",y"""" .. <>n for the area. complete civil/utility plans that with the Requirements. shall be ",,,,,·,"_~,ri to SRSD for of building to August 26,2014 further direction 50. Sewer connection fees shall paid prior to of building. 51. to determine condition, shall forwarded to SRSD or sewer lateral, and .,..,rn,.,"'f and fulfill requirements district to as required by water district. (Service No. 06812) Economic Development Department, Housing a below market rate housing (rental one very income unit. -19 - regular 14. of San "~~LLUI'> Commission Moved by _____ and seconded by AYES. COMMISSIONERS NOES: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS SAN RAFAEL PLANNING COMMISSION Ro bertson, Chair ATT ACHMENT: A. Plan Consistency -1700 Street 20 - Exhibit 1, Attachment A . TABLE ANALYZING PRO.T.£CT CONSISTENCY VVITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL PLAN 2020 G SQUARE MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT -1700 FOURTH STREET (APN: 011-192-07) PROJECT FILE NO.'s: ED14-068 & UP14-020 PURPOSE OF THE GE NE RAL PLAN 2 02 0 AND PROJECT-BAS E D AN ALYSIS Th e San Rafael G en e ral Plan was a d opte d in 2004 after a length y process involving comm unity rev iew a nd participati on . The San Rafael G e ne r a l Plan is the g u ideHn e for the f ut"ure of th e City. It conta in s goal s , polici es and programs describing the community 's long range vision for econ omic viability , livable n eighborh oods and environm e ntal prot ection. T h e document s atisfi e s Cali fomia state law that requ ires all cilie s a nd c oun ties to prepare and adopt compre hensive lon g ran ge and internally co nsistent gen e ral pl ans address ing the following seven specifi c a n d r equired topics (aka, e lem e nts ): Land Use, C irculation, Hous ing , Open Space, Con servation, Safety and N oise . The San Rafael General Plan in cludes a dditional optional elements , as follows: Community D e sign, N e ighborhoods (tbat i.ocorpo rates the many o f t he . nei g hborhoo d plans -s lIch a s the G erstle P ark and Ne ighborh ood 13114 plans -and vis ion documents -such a s tb e Downtown Visi on -which had b een prepared and impleme nted wi thi n th e City over prior ye ars), Infrastru c ture, Parks and Recreation, Gove rnance (an d community inv o lv e m ent), Economic Vitali ty, C ulture and Arts, A ir and Wa ter Quality a nd Sustai nabi.li (y (r ecentl y added to respond to c limate chang e as a 20) 1 am endm ent to the gen era l plan, a ka, File N o . GPAII -OO I). General Plan 202 0 is a 20 year long ran ge planning document that was adopted in 2004 after se veral comm uni.ty meetings, and followin g preparati on and adoption of an En vironmental Impact Report. T he G eneral Plan 2020 is review ed annually for updates a nd to eva luate progress m ad e toward the programs id e n t ifi e d to implemen t t he several goals a nd polic ies contain ed in the plan elem e nts . In particular, the City is required by th e sta t e to update its hou s ing e lement on a. cyclical b as is an d demon strate t hat the C ity is meeting its o bligation for acco mmodati.ng g rowth anticipated in the re g ion by pro viding adequate hou s in g sites a n d reg ulati on s to fac i litate housing. The G eneral Plan was al s o subj ect to a progranUlla t ic le v el envir onmental impact repo11 (EIR) that e valuated the potenti aJ e n vironm e ntal impacts o f impl e m entatio n of th e p lan , sp ecificaJIy wi th regard to the anticipated level of n e w developmen t. S tate law requires that the plan mllst evaluate infrastTucture capacity require d to acco mmodate antic ip ated development, a nd in particular, a water s upply m ust be identiJ'ie d th a t would accommodate anticip ated and planne d growth. HOW THIS TAB LE rs U S ED Thi s tabLe summarizes the Ge ne ral Plan polici es de te n nined to appl y to the particul ar project b e in g considered for approval. Not all policies apply to a spec ific developm.e nt project or .are s pec ific to s pecific geo graphic ar eas or land us es. Th erefore, polici es that hav e been identifi e d a s n ot a pplicable have not b een li sted. G en era ll y, tb e tabl e will identify, for each oftb e appli c able policies, whether the proj ect h as been found to be cons ist en t , co ns isten t w ith c ondil io ns ,partialLy consistent (1 .vith diSCUSS ion), poten t ially incons is tent , or inco ns is tent. In revi e \ov in g and making decis ions on projects, the re m ay be competi ng economic, housin g, environmental and des ign concern s that mlls t be b a lanced . Jf competin g polic ies are ide nti fi e d, they w i ll b e fwth er discll ssed here in and als o in staff's report to t he decision-maki ng bo d y . Ulti matel y , th e decision-m a ki ng body shall detennine t he level of proj e ct cons istency wi th th e. p o lici e s and o verall intent o f the G e n eral Pl an 202 0 . .L-AN'D USE 'EL EMENT LV-I. Planning Area and Growth to 2020. Plan the circulati o n system a nd in fr as tructure to provide capacity fo r th e tota l deve lopment e x pecte d by 2 020 . N e ll' lV/i..-t e d Us e D evelopment /700 Fourth Stree t P age I I I1JS £USSJON I Consistent T he C ity has up date d its t raffic mit.i g ati o n fee s to as sure that funding for traftlc i mprovements ide mitted as required to a ccommodate de v e lo pment a nticipat e d under the G e nera l Plan 2020 tirn eframe could be made. The state certi fie d pas t updates to the City Hous ing E le m ent, and the City is in the process of preparing its most r ece nt r e quired housi n g el e m ent update. Dev e loEm ent within the City to date has been w ell within th e Fil e #: £D1 4-068 & UP14-0 20 T it le: General Plan 20 20 CousiSl.cncv Table Ex hibit : lA UJ-2. and welfare reasons, new when infrastructure is available consistent with the traffic will nOt cause the level of service establic;hed in the Circulation Element to ____ be ~~,~~&,ri""ri :\'ew }"fixed Use Development 1700 Fourch Street 2 ~omond (Loch Lomond 'Marina) 84 :;ingle and residential units and commercial mixed use issued for ./ 56 San Pablo Road, 3 residential condominium units. ./ 203 Lincoln 36 residential unil~ nnrm:"ri near downto\'I.'n san Rtlfael not ./ 33 San Pablo Ave -g2 unit residential condominium ...vlH~Il"A, ./ 1867 Lincoln Avenue J 6 unit residential condominium . ./ 190 El Cerrito 2 residential lOTS . ./ 21 G Street 8 new residential units in dC}\\Tltown San Rafael. ./ 224 Belle Ave new single residemiallot and uniL ./ 522 Third Street 3 new residentitl! condominium units and office . ./ 45 Lane 1 new ramil y n:sidential lot not ./ 1144 Mission Ave -3 new residential condominium units (under ./ 524 Mission Ave -Condominium rcdevelonment (aooroved. nOT ./ I Lincoln Ave -24 Units r"nnr1"rl that it has built 143 units rrom 2007 to 2013, with 1,260 units allocation number for the current housing plan The most significant commercial Shoreline Center and build-oul of San and . 1t1clpated There have been no land use increased inlra~lructure to be Consistent offices, ,",vnpf'T"rl to 3 new out of (7 less to the site and 3 less 2014 File Title: U"'lH..l!;;U j Ja..u LI..1LV ,,-,VII.;')l:tL\.<U"Y Exhihil Jll b. Any circulation needed to maintain the level of service standards established in the Circulation Element have been and funding has been committed c. review of needed circulation ImlClrovelnelat projects has been d. The time frame for of the needed cifculation will not cause the level of service in the Circulation Element to be eX4::eede(:J,. Of the fmdines set forth in Policy C-S , have been and e. water and other infrastructure imoTOvements will be available to serve new the time the deVelooment is constructed. New Mixed U3e Develornnenl J 700 F ourllt Street 3 SAN GENERAL PROJECT 1700 FOURTH STREET (APN: 01 FILE UP 14-020 auul,;.p""UJU level of in the O)UUU-VUl under the General Plan. No to proceed. n"'n~rTm,"'nt of Public Works has reviewed the n"'~V'", .... garage, and nr ... u,",,,,,, Memorandum from Kevin Assistant The n<lTVina garage entrance and exit ways would comply with antICIJ)au~d traffic or conflicts. The traffic "I'\T.hrTnP'r! with a net new increase in both AM and PM hours as a result of the new residential deveionment. Traffic would be required for up to 2 AM and 2 PM net new trIOS. or included 1,000 square footage Works also reviews potential Public Works has provided standard will need to submit final draina"", calculations and demonstrate prior to issuance the project will the increased the with facilities on-site or win the to accommodate the increased flow. (e.g., increase storm drain pipe alter current patterns, that --"-'--.J paved and The project would result ill an in a net surfaces. The surface area on-site would increase from I 7 square feet square feet net new hardscape An additional 67 square antlClt)ate~CI in the public right As noted on Sheet C2 and hvrl ..... IIlCN Michael Robertson. RPE. there is not a "Hlnn,,,,,,nl square feet nrnnr>~rI Sewer The San Sanitation District has reviewed the not identified any ~~nl'l~itv infrastructure nor any upgrades that would be to accommodate of the site. Conditions have been orovided by SRSD for Ihe oroject to address at time File #: _:.L:!:~~,.!,!.!..!:t:~ of Residelltial ,'Vew:\/ixed 17()O I'our!h Street 4 pursuant to its AugusT Water no. RAFAEL 4-020 18,20J4 for the district's ability to continue to serve this property. water service for [he new residential units. The MMWD service for the new units will be included as standard conditions of time of construction service and building upgrades moratorium based on current Therefore. the at this time. that in-fill urban . . 1S m acres in the General Plan 2020 COllsiJltent ] he site is mcume . up to the next whole unit in accord with State Water conservation j" included as part ornew f'tnt>ntprl nor initiated any action to pursue a the state and the emitlement and subsequent as a more sustainable elimination of of San Rafael and broG'lder gross acreage). Under the WEV the site maintains a base of affordable units unit as affordable to "ven low" 3 bonus units Exhibit 6 of the General the maximum FAR for this site in the Downtown San Rafael is nrnnMPt1 comml.:rcial floor area on the site would be 750 which results in 0.10 Fi[e rille: 1.6 E xhibit 1, Attachment A TABLE ANALYZING P R OJECT CONSISTENCY WITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL PLAN 2020 G SQUARE MIXED USE DEVELOP MENT PROJECT -1700 FOUR TH STREET (APN : 011 -192-0 7) PROJECT FILE NO .'s: ED14 -06 8 & UP14-0 20 Exhibits 4 ,5 and 6). Maximum allowable FAR's are not guaranteed, particularly in environmentally sensitive areas . Intens ity of commercial and industrial development on any site shall respond to the fo ll owing fac tors: site resources and constraints, traffic and access, potentiall y hazardous conditions, adequacy of infrastru cture , and C ity des ign policies. LU-I2. B u ild ing Heights. Citywide height limit s in San Rafael are d escribe d in Exhibits 7 and 8. For Downtown height limi ts see Exhib it 9: LU-l3. Height Bo n uses. A heigh t bonus may be grant ed with a use permit for a development that provides one or more ofthe amenities lis ted in Exhibit 10, provided the bui lding's design is consistent with Commun ity D esign p olic ies and design guidelines . No more than one height bonus may be granted for a proj ect. (See page 28 San Rafael 2020lLand Use) LU-14. Land Use Com patibility. Design new development in mixed residentia l and commercial areas to minim ize potentia l nu isance effects and to enhance their surroundings. New Mixed Use Development 1700 Fourth Stree t PageS FAR and within the maximwn allowable . 70 FAR. The small shop is cons idered j ust large enough for a viable reta il shop. A larger retail space would be desirable. However, t his would requ ire the applicant to propose a reduction in units and/or to request a parking reduction in order to reduce the on-site parking requirement . C01l Sis t ellt According to Exhibit 9 (Bu il ding Heights Limits in Downt o wn San Rafael) o f the Genera l P lan, the mlL'Ximum height limit for this propeliy is 30 fee t, measured to the top o f parapet for a flat roof or to the roof deck fo r a mansard roof. The General Plan allows for a s ix-foot height bonus for projects th at include affordable housing. The height bonus quali fies as a zoning concessi on that must be granted by the City upo n request for a proj ect that provides affordable housing per State law. Consist el1t The proj ect includes affordable housing and qua lifies for a six-foot height bonu s . Con s is t ent, wid t con ditions T he project site is loca ted in a mixed-use area of the Downtown . There is a multi-family residentia l comp lex to th e rear of the site, and one and two story commercial and m ixed buildings to the west, east and south (across Fourth Street and G Street). T he proposed mixed use building is characteristic of other uses found in the vicinity and anticipated for the area The design of the structure is a lso within t he size a nd mass ing of mixed use structures anticipated for the area, as well as the comm ercial buildings foun d throughout the nearby Downtown area, including H Street mixed use building to the east. Project impacts such as noi se, refuse service, lighting, parking, traffic, etc. are being eva luated as part of the review of th e Use Permit. Any land use concerns or potential c onflicts will be evaluated and conditions will be recommended and implemented to address any issues. File #: ED14-068 & UP 14-020 T itle : General Plan 2020 Con sistency Table Exhibit: l A the retention and Imn,.."",'",,, Land use are or land uses and titles that define a nrpcinrnimmt Exhibit 1l). All must meet and r AR Lxhibits 4, 5 and 6) for that lype and standards. Some Iisled uses arc conditional uses in the ordinance and may be allowed in limited areas or under limited circumstances. ::v1aintain a Land Use that illustrates the distribution and location ofland u~es as envisioned General Plan policies. Exhibit 11). Vel~ ;\;/ixed Use 17(}{) Fourth Street Page 6 Con.\·i.\·tenf The use would maintain commercial usc Founh Street which is in the WI~ V area. ,A:!' 1 for a As noted in LU-9 A retail space would be desirable. to propose a reduction in units and/or to request a oarking reduction in order to reduce the on-site parking with thc West l~nd Vi which was established to of San Rafael Downtown Vision document. This allows residential uses on the Fourth Street of a mixed use project Soecificallv, Exhibit 11 identifies the WEV category: "Retail uses, retail and restaurants. P"'''O-'",n use,~ are allowed. Vrork uses are Street. and on the elseVrhere. " the Ordinance WLV Downtown """,-rn;1+",1 commercial-retail uses for the district residential and of Land Use )owntown area bas been rueml!led In lhe (Jeneral Plan 2020 to created because of its to and scrvicc~. File I We: Exhibi( l£\ G H-2.~. . construction ornew housing can enhance a investment in housinf! that adds to the appearance and value of a Context. remodels and additions to be minimize clIect:; on [-1-4. Public Provide groups to advocate programs that will increase affordable and Ensure and aUl:ljU,W:: Vew A1i:x:ed [)se 1700 Fourth Street of new housing will --=-:':-===-:=9"':':':::;_ of the an ,,,,,o:,,,,m<" of residential to need for S,m Rafael. Within shall also maintain a sufficient suoolv of to meet the 10\\ and moderate income [0 the Downtown area would an "alive aITer five" additional and utilize the Downtown after normal business hour:;, The would add a valuable type to thG a to orovide more and includes affordable Can.'.istent The Downtown area has been identified in the General Plan 2020 to be an area in which additional it created because of its to and services. l:',,_h~r~ the addition is encouHH!ed in the as noted ahove. Consi ... lent The is located in thc Downtown which i:. characterized as a mixed-usc area. The Downtown includes a of building heights and architectural This consistent with the limits for the DistriCT in which it i5 located and was reviewed Review Board and found to be comoatible with the mass and scale of the Consistent Notice has been mailed to residents and which has. resulted in DubHc awareness and on site in with notification in the process. Several letters Ilnd comments nr<nt"""'(1 on the at the and staff was contacted by onc re~ident The left additional and orovided his contact information to meet with any residents to discuss Consi,~fent rhe site is with a mixed-usc and thereiore is to include This proposes residential allowed for this site and includes allordablc that exceeds the this would not reduce the orland np'""'l'l,,'rf'n affordable and moderate income housing units. file Tirle:~ Exhibit: lA E xhibit 1, Attachment A T ABL E ANAL YZI NG PROJECT CONSISTENCY WITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL PLAN 2020 G SQUARE MIXED US E DEVELOPMENT PROJECT -1700 FOURTH STREET (APN: 011-192-07) PROJECT F ILE NO.'s: ED14-068 & UP14-020 8 -19. Inclusiollsry Housing Requirements. Require residential projects to provjde a percentage of units for below market rate (BMR) housing, as indicated below. Provide units affordable at below market rates for the longest feasible time, or at least 55 years. The City's primary intent is lhe construction of units on-site . The units should be of a similar mix and type to that ofthe development as a whole, and dispersed Uvoughout the development. Specific requirements are: • 10% for developmenl with 2 -10 Housing Units H-21. Density Bo n uses a nd other Regulatory Incentives Affordable H ousing. Create regula lory incentives to promote the provision of affordable housing illcluding density bonuses, height bonuses, fee waivers, reduced parking and exemptions from the Project Selection Process. H-23. Mixed Use. Encourage development ofresidential uses in commercial areas where the vitality of the area will not be adversely affected and the site or area will be enhanced by linking workers to jobs, and by providing shared use 0 f Ule site or area. NEICHBORHOODS .ELE·lVlENT NH-1. Neighborhood Planning. Engage neighborhood associations in preparing neighborhood plans for their New Mixed Use Development 1700 Fourth Street Page 8 C01lsistent As a 7-unit residential development (base density before density bonus), this policy req\lires that this project dedicale 10% of the tota1 units as affordable, with 50% of the units dedicated being affordable to low income households and the other 50% affordable to moderale income households . Based on this requirement, 0.7 of the uuits would be required to be affordable and fractional units below 1 unit are required to be rounded up, so 1 on-sile affordable unit would be required. The project propollent has proposed to dedicate one unit as affordable to very low income households and thus qualifies for a 33% State density bonus (see below). Consistent The affordable housing proposed as part of this project provides a greater number and affordability than that which would be required by the City's current regulations. The City's General Plan and Zoning Ordlnance would have required 10 % or .7 units (rolUlded up to 1 unit) be provided as affordable for a 7 unit residential development. The project proponent has proposed to provjde 1 unit as affordable to velY low income residents, and therefore has qualified for a State Density Bonus of33%, or 3 bonus units, above the base density of? units (based on required rounding-up for a fractional unit). Consistent This project proposes to construct a mixed-use development and would be situated -in an area with olher similar uses . Allhough the commercial part of this mixed-use projecl is fairly limited, the sile is surrounded by numerous other office, retail and service uses that would allow this new housing to be added lo a mixed-use area . The Downtown area would be enhanced by the creation ofadditional residenlial units that would shop and live in the commercial area. Further, the parking provided for residential tenants could be made available for shoppers in the area during the day, which would decrease on-streel parking demand in the area. This may help reduce conflicts between lhe commercial and downtown single-family residential ne ighborhoods located in the immediate downtown WEV area. This area in not covered by an active neighborhood association but is locate<l in tile West End Village that currently has specific Neighborhood Element (NH) goals, policies and programs adopte<l for the area. The File #: ED 14-068 & UP 14-020 Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table Exhibit: lA area. G II enhance and maintain the "nrhrmrto to make them should: II Incorporate sensitive transitions in setbacks JTom adiacent ofooerties to .. strUCTUres .. landforms and natural features o MainLain or enhance infrastructure service levels .. Provide a housmg mix with a and sizes. In areas New Mixed Use Development the site is the s.pecific West lnd l\H below. C()n,~b>lent around the downtown of for the area, as lurthcr discussed The WEV area includes older residential on F, I G and lda SLrcet~. Residents have concerns that additional result of the densitv. traffic, oarkim~. scale and desil?:n of the Commission. The Board review of the for compat; ufthe Hoard. it was noted that the Cmuistelli rhe nroiec! would add to the Con.,i\tellt mixed use commercial the City ufthe in character with the type of Review Hoard and which included a demand on-site and provide no infrastruclure and supply) or have been identified that would need to be addressed before the stock with livable units that fit within the policy B-1, I1-18,H-19 and H-21 above. mr'nl"lC'lnr·"tF street trees and minimum six-foot walkw<I)os, as within the downtown area. 1\0 other tor the rile if: U.L)I'J"1'-VVU LL \j f700 fourth ,)'treel Title: UI,;II1,;J"-J J .dB LllLV.'-.v""~'v,, .. ' "LV'" Page Y Exhihit: lA E xhibit 1, Attachment A TABLE ANALYZING PROJECT CONSISTENCY WITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL P LAN 2020 G SQUARE MIXED USE DEVE'LOPMENT PROJEC T -1700 FOURTH STREET (A P N: 011-1 92 -07) PROJECT FILE NO.'s: ED14-068 & UP14-02 0 NH-6 Bicycle a n d Pedestrian-Fr iendly Streets: Create bicycle and p edestrian friencU y residential streets with large street trees, s idew a lk s and other appropriate amenities. NH-7. Neighborhood I dentity and La ndmarks. Enhance neighborhood ide ntity and sense of commun ity by retaining and creating gateways, landmarks, and landscape improvements that help to d efine neighb orhood entries and focal points. NH~8. P arking. Maintain well-landscaped parking lots and front setbacks in commercial and institutional properties that are located in or adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Promote ways to encourage parking opportunities that are consistent with the design guidelines. NH-14. G athering Places and Events. To spark s ocial in teraction and create a greater sense of community, encOlUage both daytime and nighttime gathering places and eve n ts in appropriate locations, sllch as cafes, restaurants , outdoor eating places, bookstores, shopping facilities, Hblaries , schools, churches, paries , recreat ion facilities .... ( etc.) NH-15. D ow ntow n Vision. Continue to implem ent Our Vision o f D owntown San Rafael. NH-1 5a. Downtown Vision. Base periodic review of Downtown policies on the Vision. New Mixed Use Development /700 Fourth Street Page 10 Consistent See discussion ofNH-5 above. Consistent As noted a bove Ole design is consistent with the type of development anticipated and encouraged for the area, and would provide frontage improvements with wide sidewalks and street trees to match the chruacter of the area. TIle site is on a major transportation corridor (FOWlll Street) but this is not a gateway localion n or does the site contain any significant landmarks. See General Plan 2020 Exhibits 17 and ] 8 . ConsisteTll The project proposes parking to meet its demand and comply with development standards adopted by the City. The parking would be within a covered parking area. However, the project could make residential parking available to sh oppers during the day which may help alleviate an existing concern in the neighborhood with spillover of parking for commerciaJ uses i nto the immediately adjacent downtown residential neighborhoods located on F, Latham., G and Ida streets. P ru'king in the garage would be available dw·jng the day, i.e., during daytime business hours. COllsistent The project would provide retail new development and residents in the area that would contribute to the vitality and character of the area, even in consideration of the development it is replacing. There is no requirement in the General Plan land use category or zoning ordinance for the site to provide any public gathering area on-site. Consistent The project would contribute to the livability of downtown and maintain a retail character aJong Fourth Street. Mixed-use development is encouraged in downtown, where it can be accommodated to provide needed in-fill and sustainable housing close to tran sit services, and add to the vitality of the downtown area by bringing residents into the downtown . Further, the retail presence is promoted and required to retain a pedestrian scale and retail oriented streetscape in the WEV mixed use district. File #: ED 14-068 & UP14-020 Titl e: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table Exhib it: lA 'IIH-Hi. Economic Success. Downtown's economic success and increase """,,,,rtm .. ;t;pc for retail. office and residential :'IIM-I 7. environmental and balanced, No one factor should the health ofDownlown, 8. B:conomic Center. Downtown's financitll and office center fbr economic base a combination ofretail. office, service and uses, Retail Sector. Promote a retail would increase retail and re~idential np\iPl"r.rr\pn of the west end nei!!hborhoDd area, Consistent The mixed u!;e residential mixed use As noted the commercial space could he would lead to increased into the downto\vn commercial and residential mixed use and residences were not built with sufficient , commercial and residential OCCU101:l11tS concern for this A reduction in on-site in the and contribute to the for a were reduced. This lead to increased demand on the streets, the street" in front of residences on F, G and Ida strecl'i, Ifincreased commercial is desired, this could likely be offset a shared on-sire. Further evaluation and discussion of the and demand would be needed to determine if a reduction in would be Con.\'i,\'tenf. A'i noted and retail mixed use plan land use ,lo,';"n"t govern and control of the site. Residential order to retain the downtown retail core and character on Fourth StreeL C(Jnsi.~teflt that meets the standards adoPl:ea to a successful and prosperous DoV'mtown. The retail space is the area, in size to a small husiness and with New :'vfixed [,'se Development 1700 Fourth Streel Page I j File #; LV i "'t~v\}'u Title: General Exhibit: lA Exhibit 1, Attachment A TABLE ANALYZING PROJECT CONSISTENCY WITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL PLAN 2020 G SQUARE MIXED U SE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT -1700 FOURTH STREET (APN: 011-192-07) PROJECT FILE NO.'s: ED14-068 & UP14-0 20 NH-22. Housing Downtown. Create a popular and attractive residential environment that contributes to the activity and sense of community Downtown. This includes: a. Preserving and upgrading existing units, b. Providing incentives to encourage new private sector construction of housing, particularly affordable housing, live/work units, and si ngle room occupancy (SRO) units, c. Designing units that take advantage of Downtown's views, proximity to shopping and services, and transit, and d. Implementing zoning standards that reflect Downtown's urban character. NH-25. Pedestrian Comfort and Safety. Make Downtown's st reet systems more comfortable and safe for p edestrians by : • Balanci ng b etween the needs of pedestrians and the desire fo r efficient traffic flow, • Slowing t raffic where necessary, • Providing two-way traffic where feasible, • Making pedestrian crossings direct and safe, • Establishing pedestrian environments u nique to each District, • Improving anellor expanding sidewalks, street trees , landscaping and other sidewalk amenities, New Mixed Use De:velopment /7 00 Fourth Street Page 12 As noted above in the LU and NH policy discussion above, the small shop is consideredjust large enough fo r a viable retail shop. A larger retail space would be desirable . However, this would r equire the applicant to propose a reduction in units anellor to request a parking reduction in order to reduce the on-site parking requirement. If pursued, the Planning Commission would need to determine ifit would support a parking reduction or shared parking arrangement for the property . Consisteltt This p roject would create an a ttractiv ely designed new mixed-use project in the Downtown area and would create urban housing for residents in the center of the Downtown area. The units would be located in proximity to shopping and services in the downtown and would be close to transportation corridors of Second and Third Street as well as public transportation . The design of the project was reviewed by the Design Review Board which recommended support of the design. The subject urban in fill mixed-use project would integrate with the existing urban corridor and fulfill numerous general plan land use, housing, neighborhood. community design, sustainability, and economic vitality related policies. Consistent The project would include street trees and minimum six foot wide walkways with a landscape edge along the building which will enhance the sense of safety and well-being for pedestrians using th e sid ewalk. The project proposes landscaping along the building edge, and would extend this into the excess sidewalk frontage if permitted and desired by the City. The project does not propose nor require any street improvements. Traffic is discussed further in the Circulation section below. File#: ED 14-068 & UP14-020 Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table Exhibit: IA .&l.L./' ...... ...., USE !II Inr.r~~'an!T VI,lhliltV to storefronts and l)U~lLIC~~C III :'Iln~21. Continue to make convement and easy to rind Downto\vn's urban. include: !II 111 ., garages . .. .. :\'e\\' M.ixed Use DevelrmnlP.nl 17(}{) Fourth Street J3 solutions that address areas where areas ""rlcino lots and as Con.r;i.~tent. with condition,<; See NH-17 and :\,H -19 for further discussion on and Darking supoh provided the The parking concerns to meet the demand it would generate for the mixed commercial and residential uses and a reduction is not Three of the 14 to be cDnstructed on-site would be for the commercial tenant. may ensure cu~tomers are aware that the garage is available lor use the residential CDuld potentially be made available to customers and the which would to several dmmtown residential propeny owners. The has not a formal parkmg tor [he area. An mtormal count was for the W cst End Area by the Economic Division in 20 I O. At the time of the study, it was Jound that the combined number of on-street and off-street spaces rc!>ulted in a sUDolv that was adeQuate for the square or existing retail anc! mixed u~c tenants. The services department that manages metered also manag<;s garages in the downtown monitOrs traffic needs throu ghout the Cit'\<, and and Council to measure progress. This information is one and work tor each year. the staff as Orib routine is to reviev. which would assure the project is !lnd criteria that have been identjfied ali to the The Review Board revieVlcd the on ~------------.-------~----- File #: 'I ilk Exhibit lA Exhibit 1. Attachment A TABLE ANALYZING PROJECT CONSISTENCY WITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL PLAN 2020 G SQUARE MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT -1700 FOURTH STREET (APN: 011-192-07) PROJECT FILE NO.'s: ED14-068 & UP14-020 • Diversity in architectural design, and • Historic heritage and buildings. NH-29. Downtown Design. New and remodeled buildings must contribute to Downtown's hometown feel. Design elements that enhance Downtown's identity and complement the existing attractive environment are encouraged, and may be required for locations with high visibility or for compatibility with historic structures. Design considerations include: • Varied and distinctive building designs, • Sensitive treatment of historic resources, • Generous landscaping to accent buildings, • Appropriate materials and construction, and • Site design and streetscape continuity. NH-30. Pedestrian Environments. Enhance Downtown's streets by establishing pedestrian environments appropriate to each District. These environments could include the fo llowing: • Well·designed window displays and views into retail stores, • Outdoor businesses and street vendors, • Signs that are easy for pedestrians to see and read, • Sun-filled outdoor courtyards, plazas and seating areas, • Attractive street furniture and lighting, • Information kiosks and public art. NH-31. Ground Floor Designed for Pedestrians. Ensure t hat all buildings, regardless of height, are comfortable for p eople at the street level. This includes: • Relating wall and window heights to the height of people, • Use of architectural elements to create visual interest, New Mixed Use Development 1700 Fourth Street Page 14 and fonnal meetings, and voted Wlanimously to recommend the project design as presented on fonnal review. Consistent As noted above the Design Review Board has reviewed the proposed project on conceptual and fonnal review, and recommended unanimously support for the project. The design presents a unique design to the City of San Rafael that is appropriate for the urban downtown environment. The mass and scale are consistent with that anticipated for mixed use development in the area, and appropriate for the site and its surroWldings. The project would enhance the downtown area and would provide materials and colors that are appropriate for the site and its surroundings. The project is considered to be an example of the type, scale and design that the Downtown Vision and General Plan 2020 envisioned for infill development in downtown. Consistent The project provides an adequate pedestrian environment, through the provision of a ground floor office tenant with large window display area, defined entryways, adequate landscaping, and pedestrian friendly site improvements. These features create a pedestrian environment appropriate for this District. Consistent See NH-30 above File #: ED14-068 & UP14-020 Title: General Plan 2020 Consislency Table Exhibit: IA .. .. upper stories back as increases 1\111-32. Historic Character. and use the character orDovmtown's mtlny attractive, well- historic new sites in the Downtown area to be ('nmn~!I" historic ~H-33. Downtown's Neighbors. from areas entrances to dov.'lltown with treatmenls, .. all Downtown activities wilhin the Downtown area, and I> Pmvidintl )1 nranllal transition into within Downtown. the VI/est End a desirable and Activities in this dislrict needs ofthe surrounding residential use on the upper floors of b. Unioue shopping district. Continue to encourage that makes the West End One-of-a-kind n::st!mnmts, craft store;;, art and furniture stores; outdoor uses such as sidewalk and a retail anchor are all onhe West End's blend of retail. ---- :\'('11' Alixed Use 170() Fourth Slreel f'age 15 Consistent As discussed the is to review which would assure the respects and contributes the historic character of Downtown. The project would not conflict 'Aith any There are no historic structures on site or adiacent to the Con,\istent The oroiect proposes a that the WLV borhooO area. witll conditions As di5.cussed in the LU and NH the proposes an attractive mixed use within the and scale jor the an:a, with retail maintained on Pourth Street to salish,' the demand generated by the retail and residential uses. File '4: Title: !.?H ....... vo;..v "/~Jn.""j JL~I"':~~~'~== Exhibir: Exhi bi t n, Attach me n t A T AI1LE AN ALYZING PROJE CT CO NSISTE NCY VVIT H SAJ"J R A.F AE L GENERAL »LA N 2020 G SQUARE MIXED USE DEVELOPME NT PROJECT -1700 F OURT H STREET (APN : 011-192-07) PROJEC T FILE N O.'s: E D14-068 & U Pl4-020 c . Reta il Anchor. Enco ur age up grad ing t he Yard bird ' s Center retail anchor by: o Integrati ng all tbe in div idu al p r oper hes and parkin g lots into a we ll designed center. o Coordin ating and connecting th e s h opping cente r with tbe o t her stor es and services alo ng the west end of F ourth S t reet , o Providing a wide variety of goods an d ser v ices, and .. Incl uding ou td oo r restaurants , sales and activities. d. rmpr ovc parkin g . Upgrade exist ilJg p ar ki ng and create new, easy to fi nd parkiJlg areas by: o Requi r in g new development to provide adequate ne '\V parking areas, ., Scr eening parkjug areas w ith l ands caping, and o Locating parking lo t e nt rances on s id e s t reets where p o ssib le. e. Parkiog .L ots of F ourth Street. En co ur age th e r l::development of parki n g lot sites (such as car d ealers and private, open par kiJlg lots) on F ourth Street west of Shaver Street. . . ~H-4J. Wes t E n d Villa ge Des ign Consideratio ns. a. Res id e nt ial desig n . Blend ne w mu ltif ;:ml il y develop ment on Second and Third Streets into t he c h a r acte r and appearance ohhe I.atham Street neigh borhood. F o r example , new development shOll lei h ave cleme nts simil ar to ex.i st i ng stru cture s, e ntrances oriented toward t he str eet, and cl rive\\'ays and garages that are recessed o r under the buildings . Enc o urage lot con sol id a ti o n for bette r site des ign. b . Village identity. C reate a di s lin ct identity for th e I'le w lviixed Use Deve /opmelll 1700 F Ollrlh Street Page 16 CO l/si stellt. As noted herei n t he p roject complies w ith pa rkin g , height an d des ig n stan dards of t h e district, retains reta il p resence on Founh Street. incorporates lancl scapjng al ong the bu i ld ing fronta g e a nd street trees on the street edge and maintains th e existing street scapc: \\'i th fr ontage improvements a nd t he bui ldiug fac;:ade. The b uilding incorporates set backs and articulation to minimize t h e height of t he bui lding wh ic h w ill not exceed t h r ee stor ies, as permi tted by the distr ict. T he s ite appears (0 be well-s u ite d to accommodate a mi x ed use project w itho m given tha t it wou ld not create any d irect privacy, noise, light, parking or o ther conflicts with the a(lj acent uses . The C it y has replaced tbe s id ewalks an d s treet trees , an d appearance of f o url h Street through the We st End Fil e H: f;D14-068 & LJP 14 -020 Tit le: Den.eral Plan J()JO COQs i sr.cnc v Tab le Ex hibit: IA c. relaxed. lborhood charactcL its historic appearance and small-scale: buildinl!s. \Vest End includes: the small storefront pattern. and .. and d. Increase interest for " " .. Small area'; for events in the and/or extend into the " Sidewalk 10 Views to the creek where possible. and I> Plentiful and colorful c. Fourth Street Retail Core connection. connect the to the for and trees similar to those in the Corc. r Height. the 10\\ scale develooment of one to three stories in or office above ground iloor retail. g--:::--::---- 23. Commercial areas. Retain mixed-use and zoning districts in the commercial Consistent with these encourage active floor and retail uses on fourth Street. Ney, :vllxed L'se /700 I-ourrh Street Ii Comistent art or other slrcetscape lmprovement<:: into the wide sidewalk tne City encourages and supports use of public sidewalks for purposes, if desired by cafe and food service uses. As discussed herein the project propDses an mixed use with retail maintained al floor on the Fourth StreeT at the corner G Street where the building will be visible to vehicles and Fourth Street. File '-'~ L -, ~~v ~ Tilit:: Exhihit: 16. COMMUNITY DESJGN ELEMENT CL)-1. Cit'\' Image. ReinJorce the and the by the natural features uLI:a;ting historic resources, and of the focal gateways, corridors. and CD-Ja. Enhancements. Fund enhancements. ClIJ-l b. Finer Grain -maximum use of available area to creCite visual interest and foster sense of the natural environment in new and opment~. the use of a variety of materials. and Downtown. "hometown" image of San Rafael • the character of the " and the scale and character ofthe n:sidential -----''---- Nr:w .vilxed Use lJ(:'velopmem I lOO 1-ourth Stree:1 /R Consistent As discussed above the would contribute to the character of the Llty tly provu1mg new in the \\'est End which is and anticipated in the General Plan. Consb.tent As discussed above the prOJect propo~cs an that is intended to lit in with the streetscapc and character of the We~t End file:i: .. "". , vvv ~ ~ •• 1 ille: F.xhibir: TABLE PROJlECT SAN RAFAEL SQl:AlRE <II Improv mg the appcanmcc and function of commercial areas; and ,. limited commercial uses in residential crhhf\rh()()rl~ that serve local re,idcnt~ and places, .. and enhance to thL: greatest extent views of the and its church bell tOVier, Marin Civic Center and hills and streets, parks and oubliclv accessihle , CD-7. Downtown and Marin Civic Center. Build upon the character oflhl.:se areas controlling land uses to clearly their Mission San Rafael architectural characteristics and land uses that these areas their CD-to , preserve and enhance the to the economic vitality of commercial areas. to ensure that new nonresidential and fits within and the and the ~~~~~~ _~~~~.'J :=~~~~ New ;\-fixed L~'e 1700 Fourth Street PaRe 19 f' site is located within the dO'l'mtown on a and vehicle corridor of Fourth Street. The for the site and its Consistent This would not have a on views of the hills and Tamalpais or the St church bell tower from vantage around the site. is within the limit established for the site and \vithin the context oftht: the Design Review Board reviewed the ofthe General Plan, Consistent Given the distance rrom thee the Mission and St this the nrnn""",n new mixed-use character or features of these The wou Id introduce a higher auality of architecture to the site. Consistent witll conditions As pan of the General Plan 2020, the residential The Review Board reviewed the for onhe Filc#: for non-residential with both the with a the Title: Gen.:ral Klan LULU l.on~lstcncy 1 ZlD1C Exhibit: TABLE , CD-I L Multifamily Guidelines. clements that ensure and elements of CD-lS. Revie\"'. Provide for involvement in the review of new and public with the a) and other information rdevant to the as de!';cribcd in the Communitv Design Element that would be used or the aevelopment process submittal information. timelines fi)f public notice c) standardized thresholds that state when review process. _n~~'_~" Maintenance. Provide incentives to achieve desirable ",,.,,.,..prh Xew Mixed Use lJevelopmem 1 Fourth Street 20 site in Ihc and Consistent See CD-l 0 above " .... n1lcatlOn for this groups. Notices and interested parties within 300 of the "ansi.'itent. with conditions FOuRTH UP14-020 of would be subiect to conditions 'Q.1IU~l.;al)L and maintenance. as of this filT new the front of the structure review to confirm thc levels and necessary rik#: '[ itlc: YlwjJvHU 1 HIH L..".£.V v Exhibillil if CD-20. Commercial and CD-20a. Sign Ordinance. Ordinance and, when rlp'up!,,,,,, into account the cumulative eifects of rf\~rlu"Hr or corridor. F.rONOMIC VlT ALITY Impacts. In tranic and take the Into account policies and land use decisions arc ill to and • commute reduction and affordable II Additional or a economy ami generaTe revcnue for the would be to future review for with criteria established for downtown area Consistent As noted herein the would units and maintain commercial retail space in downtown. in a desirable in-lill mixed use development-The units would future workforce tenants. The retail area would also maintain fulfilled bv tenants that would occupy the or similar a balance sile. the project is considered an appmnri small restaurant use (originallv established in 1 and services. The mixed usc local ~8. of our Economic ==:"::"::::.::.1=-=_--______ -'--_~'!~~~ __ _ :Vew .1Ji.:xed Use Vr!.velonmenl 170r; Fourth Slreel 21 File Title: ~~=-'-~ 1.~~~b!!:!!9J~ a full-service _ _ a broad and range of businesses. [tV -Sa. Industrial loss or industrial bu~inesses. lEV -8b. laborers. Assist in ldentlty mg an and convenient location li)r a center for the for laborers \vho and accessible source of labor for and maintenance. EV-l2. Workforce encourage creation and retention or workfDrce both owner and lor public safety and service nf'r<.:(mnpl EV-13. Rusiness Areas. Promote San Rafael's econumy and the and a benefits of all of its business areas. Pursue actions That revitalize and sustain San Rafael'S bl1sim:~s areas such as: and manasdm .. the and ovcrations of • Beautification efforts _ and economic • 'v1ulti-modal circulation and customers. CIRCULATION ELEMENT areas, such as street trees, and for residents, c-s. Traffic Level of Service Standards. A. Intersection LOS. In order to ensure an efb:tive maintain traffic lcvt.:ls of _-,-.:.::...:..::.::..:.'--'.:=-,--,_consistent with standards for __ "". ___ . __ _ \'r;:1" }"flXed Use 1 IO() Fourth Street Fag822 As noted ! Consistent would maximum to the property; which is 2020 The includes affordable and would workforce rental housing fOf one or t\'I'O lamilv residents_ Con,d.~tenl The the Consi,\tent The uroiect would not site with commercial and residential uses that are and which address the applicable develovment standards. the from the restaurant use on the propcny. A~ noted in the discussion the is within the level of under the General Plan 2020 build-out scenario and would not cau~c intersection File ritle: lA Exhibit 1, Attachment A TABLE AI\ALYZI~G PROJECT CONSISTE~CY WITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL PLAN 2020 G SQUARE MIXEJ) USE nEVELOP)1E~T PROJECT -1700 FOLRTH STREET (AP~: 011-192-07) PROJ}:CT FILE NO.'s: ED14-068 & UP14-020 intersections in the A.M. and P.M. peak hours as shown below, excepr as provided for under (B) Arterial I,OS. £nterscction Level of Service Standards, A.M. and P.V!. Peak Hours Location LOS Citywide, except as nott:d below D a. Downtown except as noted below E I. Mission Ave. and Irwin F b. Irwin Street and Grand Avenue between E Second Street and Mission A venue c. Andersen and West Francisco E , d. Andersen and aellam E e. Freitas at Civic Center/Redwood Highway E f. McrrydaJe at Civic Center Drivc E g. Merrydalc at I.as Gallinas E R. i\ rterial LOS. The City Trllffic Engineer may apply artcriallevel of service anal) sis as the primary method of" anal) sis for any proposed development project. The City Traffic Engineer"" ill make this determination based Oil intersection spacing ami other characteristics of the roadway system where conditions are better predicted by arterial analysis. Where arterial LOS analysis is \varranted, a proposed development must he consistent with the following lIrterial LOS standards. If an intersection LOS is above or below the standard, the project shall 'Je\'els of service to be exceeded. Although the project would result in a net reduction in totai AM and PM peak hour trips, the residential units and commercial use would increase the AY1 peak hour nips above current estimates ofthe restaurant usc. Thcrclore, traffic mitigation fees would be required to be paid to lund tTaffie improvements identified as required for bui Id-out in the area under the General Plan 2020 (pcr Policy C-6). be considcred consistent witp this policy if the arterial . I.OS is within the standard. The project will not be dcemeL consistent with this policy if the anerial I,oS fails to meet the standard . . When arterial level of servicc is applied as the primary _ Yew :\,fixed US!! i)c vei()pm enf 17()() Fourth Sireel l'aRe 23 l-ik if : .!.'; . .I) '-4 -068 & UP14-020 Tille . Gcn~ral Plan 2020 .Con~isl1:ncy Table J::xhihit M G method of for a propo~cd the shall be deemed to be consistent with this policy ifit is demonstrated that the arterial LOS standards described belol.'< arc mel of the intersection Dr the shall be deemed to be inconsistent with this ifthe arterial LOS standards are not met regardless of the intersection LOS. Arterial Level of Service A.M. and P.M. Peak Hours Location LOS except noted belo\v D ,L Downtown except as noted below E ,if~~~~~_=_. c~~~~~,,. 0 at LOS E outside F and F (l) (I) For arterials and F as orthc date of Appendix C. C. Exemptions. intersections at HighVltay 101 and Inler:;tate 580 onramps and are from LOS standards because at these locations is affected bv traHic and not local measures. "Ierits. in order to balance the affordable maintain a vital economy and desired servicc:-. with the need to manage traffic _ lhat 'would exceed the level of service standard:; set forth above be ., .... ",."·,t,, ..... :"iew 'vIo:ed Cw: Development /7()(} Fourth Srreer PaRe 24 RAFAEL l"OLRTH & 4-020 File1i I'jth:::: '-..I1 •. .!1""1IU.' , H..Lil ..... \J.:...v ...... ,v~~.,;).t,::H"'H"'~· l UVH. •• C-29. BeUer use of p,.rl.riruy C-30. Downtown space~ Downtown. C-30a. Downtuwn District. Conduct evalualion~ and, consistenl v,ith State modify The Downtown to meet needs and lo Downtown. INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT __ " __ '" _ .. ____ .. _ and .... ·r'<!,ip,". Vew Mixed Um 1700 Fourth ,)'tree:t 25 ,-.",",n,,,,,,,, with conditions circulation necessary to maintain LOS in San Rafael were identified. To help fund these 'mnrr",prn that generate new A.M. or P.M hour to pay its fair share contribution for by up to 2AVl and 2PM as a result is within the planned for the area in the Gcncral Plan A total of $16.984 traffic fee would be for the use at time in accordance with actual !ina I trip generation and/or to account tor in nation. The would parking to meet its on-sile demand. The could also provide shared of the residential residents are tvoicallv at work. spaces, the day when businesses are open and proposes an supply of that would meet it:; demand consistent with based on the mix offe5idential and commercial uses_ parking has been identified street space and with 1550 Fourlh Street which maintains demand of the lISC, ifneeded. new on-street that with at least one new on- lot at vacancies that could satisfY the three space commercial File if: ='-=----'-"-''--'' -::::..=-"--'----'--"= -rjLle: '-1;",.-Ji ..... U:.,u I HJU ..:....v ....... v \......'\'H.;)I:!IL\o..lU .... '( Exhihil: LA Exhibit 1. Attachment A TABLE AKAlL YZlf'J(~ l)RO.n:Cr C01\SiSTF:1\CY WiTH SAN RAFAEL GIC\r'~RAL PLAl\ 2020 G SQU.JARE .\HXED USE DEVELOP\'IENT 'PROJECT -1700 FOURTH STREET (AI)]\": 01 '-192-07) PROJECT FILE ~O.'s: ED1-1-068 & lJ}l.1.4-020 :"SSllriO that dcvelopment can be adequaTely sen'cd by lhe CiTY'S infi'astruc(ure ilnd Ihat nc\\ 1 ~1l;i1ili l'5 arc; well planned and well dcsigned, -_ .... 1-4. Utility Undergrounding. C()nlinut: to pursue The lJ Ilclergrc'lInd ing (d-()\'crhcc1Ll uti Ii ry I i ne~, J-R. Street Trees. Crcate street tree planting ~md maintenance program,> and encOllrag.e the lhe or large C<11l0P\' trees wlwrc appropriate in order TO control TempeHltllre , improve air quality , cmnrol wind . ddinc neighborhoods . and improve: sln::clllpp<'arancc. ~-Sa Street UJ'CC Program , Dl'\'c lop a comprehcn::.iw cit: widc street tree planting, maillTenancl", replm'cmcnL diversification , WOlle! IItili7.aTion ,wd Trel~ \,a~le-rc(:vding. program, The: cit) wid l' ~lrcct trce program should clln s idt::r The tl ~e of large: Cclll!'py trce s \1 heTe the planting arcas and loc(ltions make SLLch lrees feasible and appt"op1'ial c. Include coordinalifln and .::omI11LLni(:ali,)J1 with PG&E regarding tree mainte:n~ncc in relation W pOI\'c1' line5, Uiliz.e volunLc c:r$ to The eXlenl IC'l~ibk in cfeating a qrcl'l trt:c in velltol'), l-8h, Street Trees for ''lew I)evelopml'nt. Req uire ~lrcel trees at frcq Lle:nt sracing. in aJl Ih'\I ' diOvelopmenh and propl'J1: upgrades , and consider mitigaTion lor In:c removal b: planting slr ec IIIT('~ in location,> othe'1' Lhan The project ~itl', l-Ik. Su·ct't Tree Maintcnanl'.t', Sl'ck di versified funding. sources lOT SLTcn tree maintenance and repla.::elTIcllt, i-8d. Lanthc<lpt' Maintenance "lnt to Sidewalks. Revi~(' Cit! ordinance~ to nXluire ... _-.. -_ .. _----,------ The publk Ulilily agiOncics that would provide II'aler. scwcr and (\ther services to The site: have rcvic:\\ed rhe propos ed project and Je:l ~mlillcJ thatthenO' i~ adeqwJ.Te capilcil~ to s('r vice thc niOW project gi ven that thc pr~)posed llc W 115e would be within tll('lli,turical h;vcl ~ of uSe, COlHhll.!l1l, llIil" colldiliollS The ~iLc is already ,>erved by utilities and Ci bli~cd on Cit: p(Ijic y , all ncw milii) conneCTions would be rcquin:d to be undcrgrouncled. /\ condition of approval has been added to r('quirt: this unclergwul1ding_ COl/sisle/lt The project would install stn:d Lrecs consistent \\ ith (he e,'I.;"t ing ~trcl'llTt:'e planting program, '--____ I_n_ainlcn~nc~ of pri vat e hm(bcaping \\ hich ___ ---'-__ _ "\',·,w lli~l!J ['.I''' /)n"';/()(iIIl(',i/ 1 H it! PO!!I'!h Srr,·'''' ... I\,~!{! 2() File ~: F:D 14-116S & 1.·Pl ·l-020 Title: Cic',naall'l ;I).l 2()?(I C0n,is lt:llC\" TaJ)Jc: h:hibir: 1.,1 encroaches onto the and sidewalks, J-9. Water 1-10. Sewer Fa~flities. and future needs should bl:: coordinated with "i'>'''''-''--> to assllre that Jacility and/or meets Federal and State standards and occurs SllST AINABIUTY sU-t Land lJse. General Phm land use V"'.'LlI~" to increasl.: residential and commercial densities within distance of high frequency transit centers and corridors. St:-3. Alternative Fuel and Fuel Efficient Vehicles. on non-renewable resources. _ Trees. Plant new and retain trees to maximize energy conservation and carbon Nc:w Mixed (ise J 7()O F nurth SlrI?1:'1 27 NO. Consi<;tent SAN FOURTH UP14-020 See discussion of LU-2 above. The site is an in-fill urban property that is s.erved and j!> within the water diSHict olanned sefV icc Consistent See discussion ofLU-2 above. The site is have reviewed the Consistent The mixed use is and determined that there is consistent with this the San Rafael Sanitation District and to ~I.:rvc the addition of this. rp"ni-.-"d to with new that for alternative fuel vehicles. L.on.usrem, with conditions The will be reQuired lD with the b'Teen LJUIlUlIlo; which would 1"1lrtlllllL' consistent v.ould remove 9 mature syciimore trees located on the propert)' to accommodate the The is a dO\\'TI!own infill and not to tree rlf'v~l(mm~nt in hillside areas only. Five (5) new street trees would be street tree olanting program. The environmental benefit" of the in·fill mixed and water etncicnl features should off-se1loss of the File ri. A....-i.L.#.l.-vvu I...lL-':..' Title: ,"~VU.~l.I.;l~""'iJlv~ 1 eLL/H.::: PROJECT RAFAEt FOrRTHSTRE.ET UP14~020 G MIXED USE DEVELOP.ME~T PROJECT ClJLTURE AND ARTS resources. .. information and direclion to nr,rm"rtv I> owncr~ in order to make them aware ofthc~c resources. measures to preserve and protecl resources. CA-15a. Archeological Resources Ordinance. Continue to implemem the Re"ources Ordinance. SAFETY ELEMENT Seismic ,Vew ,l1ixed Cse Deve/uDmen! lIOn Fourth Streel 28 FILE's: mature trees. Con'ii~tent rhe oroiect would the affordable which reduce commute and ('(m<YF"d, Con,~istent with conditions While this site has been disturbed in the past, there that an accidental of remains of cultural or may occur during site standard conditions of anproval would be recommended to address this. in the Consistent witlr conditions A gcothechnica! ha~ been for the site 8,2014, which would be utilized to prepare construction , There are no unusual site conditions that would the nrl'm{)~l'tl further evaluation. l-'iie:#-£ • .>."_J'A' ",vV' ~ "--'II I lLle: y ...... U.Vl1,4J ,. .LUi L-\.1L.H "HIli Exhibil: JA any Exhibit 1. Attachment A TABLE ANALYZING PROJECT CONSISTENCY WITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL PLAN 2020 G SQUARE MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT -1700 FOURTH STREET (APN: 011-192-07) PROJECT FILE NO.'s: ED14-068 & UP14-020 c onsnuct all new buildings to resist stresses produced by earthquakes. T he minimum level of seismic d esign sha ll be in accordance with the most recently adopted building code as required by State law . 8--13. Potential Hazardous Soils Conditions. Where development is proposed on sites with known previous contamination, sites filled prior to 1974 or sites that were historically auto service, industrial or other land u,ses that may have involved hazardous materials, evaluate such sites for the presence of toxic or hazardous materials. The requirements for site--specific investigation are contained in the Geotechnical Review Matrix . 8--14 . Hazardous Materials Storage, Use and Disposal. Enforce regulations regarding proper'storage, use and disposal of hazardous materials to prevent leakage, potential explosions, fires, or the escape of harmful gases, and to prevent individually innocuous materials from combining to form hazardous substances, especially at the time of disposal. S·17. Flood Protection of New Development. Design new development within the bay mud areas to minimum floor elevation that provides protection from potential impacts of flooding during the "1 OO·year" flood. The final floor elevation (elevation of the first floor at completio n of c onstruction) shall account for the ultimate settlement of the site due to consolidation of the bay mud from existing and ne w loads, taking into account soils conditions and the type of structure proposed. Design for settlement over a 5 0-year period is typically considered sufficient. 8--25. Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Requirements. Continue to work through the New Mixed Use Development 1700 Fourth Street Page 29 See S·5 above Consistent A Phase II site investigation was conducted by Will Bono Environmental Services in F ebruary o f2006, for presence of hazardous materials including su bsurface testing and no contamination has been found. COllsistent No hazardous materials are proposed to be used, stored or disposed of at this site as part of the new mixed· use building. This proposed project would not impact th at pemlit and no further permitting or evaluation is necessary. Consiste1l1 The subject site is not located in the 100·year tlood zone and would be required to be constructed in accordance with Chapter 18 of the City's Municipal Code . Consisteltt witll CQIlditi011 This project has been reviewed by the City's Public Works Department whichjmplements the Stormwater File #:'ED14-068 & UP14-020 Title: General Plan 2020 Consistency Table Exhibit: I A S-26. Fire and Police Services. Maintain cost- effective fire protection, and services. Minimi7e increases in service needs from new continued fire mevention and NOISE ELEMENT 1 1\-1. I\oisc on ~ew in new from excessive noise noise standards in land use decisions. the I.and Use Standards Exhibit 3 ) to the siting of noise environments. These standards of a based on nnise exceeds the standards. in Exhibit 3 J , shall be reauired to identifv noise should i",n'wt~ from outside noise sources. :'oJ-s. TratIlc 'IIoisc from :\few Minimize of increased off-site traffic caused storrndrain system. A standard condition to submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWI'PP) for review and Rafael Public Works Department prior to the issuance of Consistent witlt conditions The fire codes and include and security the property and residents. Consistent Witll c(mdition Exhibit 31 Df the General Plan 2020 illustrate!> the land use ",ell"..,"''' . . standllrcls for locatmg ne\\' J""lnrllnf'.lnl In environments. The land u"e (-~tp'mM for the u~e would be residential. New uses in this category are o.-VUUH1VJ in environments that exhibit between 60 a d 75 (dH). The would be designed so thatthe interior lcvds of the units would be con"islcnt with the noise attenuation standards Consi .. tenl See'\' -I above described bv Stale Administrative Code standards, Title as would generate additional trips within the intensity and Where the exterior I is 65 dl3 or",. __ no --I _ • ..-.... under the Geneml Plan 2020. No undue additional traffic noise would be the A'ew Mixed Use J700 Fuurth Street 30 Fi1c-#:~n)"v~ \.....I. ;'''-V'':;''V 'I'itlc: '-J ..... U"""~l j 10.11 "':"'V"::"'.I.-! Exhlbit: Ji\ Exhibit 1, Atta~hment A TABLE ANALYZING PROJECT CO~SISTENCY WITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL PLAN 2020 G SQUARE :vaXED USE DEVELOP:.vIE~T PROJECT -1700 FOURTH STREET (API\": 011-192-07) PROJECT FILE NO,'s: ED14-068 & LP14-020 : a residential building or outdoor use area and a plan, program, or project increases traffic noise levels by more than Lon 3 dB, reasonable noise mitigation measures shall be included in the plan, program or project. AIR AND WATER QUALITY ELEMENT I AW-t. State and Federal Standards. Continue to comply , and strive to exceed state and federal standards for air quality for the benefit ofthe 13a)' Area. A W-2. Land Lse Compatibility. To ensure excellent air quality. promote land usc compatibility for new development by llsing buffering techniques such as landscaping, setbacks and screening in areas where diITerentland uses abut one another. AW-7. Local, State and Federal Standards. Continue to comply with local, state and federal standards for water quality. :\'ew ;'vfixed [/se Development 17()() F()urrh Street /'aKe 31 ---... _----- proposed levt:! of development. Com;i:,'tent with condition Due to the nature of the proposed mixed use development, the project would not generate any air quality impacts and would be consistent with the Bay Area Air Quality District requirements Traffic assllciated with the facility was evaluated and found to be less than the historical levels oftraflic Ii-om the site and wlluld therefore be within the thresholds e~lablished for air quality impacts. Furthermore, the proposed development is within the additional development assumed under the General Plan 2020 and therefore cumulative impacts have been analyzed and found to be acceptable. Consistent This mixed-usc development is ~ituated in the Downtown area and abut~ many other similar mixed use buildings. The proposed land usc from this project is compatible with surrounding land uses. Consistent with conditioll The project would he required to comply I.'.ith the City's Stonnwater PDllution Prevention standards which are derived from the Regional \\-'atcr Quality Board. The proposed drainage plan is designed to be consistent with the storm water pollution standards by treating stormwater runoff on-site in landscape areas or through an on-site filtration area before it enters into the stonn drain system. filet': ED14-068 & UP14-020 Titk: G~ncml Plan 2020 Consistcncv Table Exhibit: .L1 i A W-8. Reduce Pollution from Orban Runoff. Address .. .. ncccs:.ary limit disturbance to natural walef bodies and Vel~eIi:l.ri(m to absorb and filter pesnclQes and orner Vcw iv!ixr:d U\"r: J)eve{opment 1700 Fourth Sireet Page 32 Con,~i.'iitent See A W -7 above. would imnl~m~nl WITH SAN RAFAEL GENERAL -1700 FOURTH 4-068 & U P14-020 Pile #: ,L..,vt' '--f--VVV ~ 'L.IA I.,·····~, 'Title: General PlaD ..... v"-v _vU .. )t • .,"'lvW .... <t Exhibit: 1A TO: Exhibil2 Comments: l700 SAN RAFAEL, RAFFI BOLOYAN PLANNING MANAGER OF PUBLIC DATE: November 18,2014 14-106 FROM: KEVIN MCGOWAN FILE NO: 13.02.19 ASSISTANT WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY Building -Kraig The Planning Commission met on this particular issue several weeks ago to public work involvement 1. Entry gate position Background: The original plan for this shows an entry gate to the property line. applicant has stated that the gate will patrons the to park. The gate is to be utilized by building tenants. Project Planner) that several issues area located on the the daytime to allow would only If a vehicle out of their vehicle to enter a lo access the gate at night, their the sidewalk and would vehicular path of travel on G which is a concern. DPW the gate be moved back from the line to allow for a vehicle to pull roadway and not block the sidewalk when the was opened. The Planning was concerned that this 20 feet of space would attract homeJess and would be an area that is unsafe for tenants and the general publ In a meeting with the applicant the Planning Commission that all tenants would have an device similar to a gate so that the tenants would nol have to out of their the gate and the Plann Comm ission' s coneem the gate on the propcl1y line is ac(~el)laO Allow the gate to be pJaced on the propel1y line is acceptable in this case. be closed at night and tenants shall not be required to have an gate and not block the sidewalk or G vehicles while the gate opens. 2. StructtJral intrusions into the road right way The plan submitted shows small These decks are not of Pubhc Works protruding into the road right of way by are not considered livable Exhlbil2 may only to open the 4 Review Comments: 1700 41h 3. mlDlmum 13 that decks do not ,\\/I"I'""n req ues t is "" " ,.""y".,', The intrusion of vehicular travel. space is Since this is not livable space (not vehicular travel this which is ,"At',.,.,",,,,,,... Based on II Commercial Total J4 The Concept A This alternative is exits onto ConceptB C This ConceptG B This alternative of the narrow driveway. Concept D Department of Public Works Exhibit 2 LD14-106 sidewalk, The sidewalk is greater than 5 feet wide such which conflict with vehicle travel. public for a private USe{. There are other intrusions into the road right-of-way such that this is not to block or obstruct not conflict with travel or the use of a revocable IS the an entrance to the parking area off G Street comm had concerns about an exit onto Fourth in limiting the exits and entrances from this were interested in other configurations of on this request, the applicant submitted Public reviewed each of these and plan for the It contains j 4 parking spaces but 3 G Street and has only 11 parking spaces the Municipal Code. This entrance and 24 feet onto G Street showing that same space. If a vehicle entering the 111 with other. One of these onto G street which has active traffic as well as would a conflict point City of San Rafae1 PC Meeting December 9. 2Q14 E)(hlbll2 Exhibl12 Review Comments: 1700 4lh 106 This option the retail first story space. The shown that 11 spaces are available with this option;' , with further reconfiguration of the Lobby, Storage, an additional 2 spaces are a total of 13 option is noted to undesirable for the applicant since reconfiguration may needed. parking 7,8,9 back Ollt drive aisle, which is not DPW Department of Tn an effort to assist with parking DPW also developed an alternative, which i.s and provides 14 parking with a but nan'ower retail When this option was presented to the developer by planning the developer this option will not work with the level Concept A as submitted does allow the required number of however, onto FOUlih which is generally not suppOticd by the Concept B C as submitted required number parking spaces. based on 14.18.040 B of the vehicular circulation but not allow for the option would require a parking modification Code. AT\,..,,,,,,,t G B is not on installation of a let point utilizing a width two way driveway cannot be SupPo11ed by staff Concept D & DPW does provide the necessary parking may not be as conducive to the applicant's needs and, therefore, is currently not recommended. The demand parking in the West End San Rafael has been growing over the years and popularity shops in this area. on code compliance, Concept A meets cond itions. B C provides circulation within the parking area but does not meet the requirement parking for patrons utilizing the retail space. Other business in area similar situations in that they not have parking for their such that approving Concept B C may be considered fair and equitable with other businesses in the area. Alternative: Based on projecl has the fact t.hat parking in this area of the IS 1I1 ability to parking to meet tizing A. the parking for the is commensurate with other in the area and appears to provide internal circulation the parking area. applicant shall a ulodificatioll in compliance with the Municipal Code procedures if this concept pursued. Works 3 of} City Rafael PC Meellng December g, 2014 Exhibil2