HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission 2012-05-29 #2 CorrespondenceComments ®f Suppoi°t
TELEPHONE 760.43 1.9501
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May 17, 2012
Via E -Mail
Robert F. Epstein
Epstein Law Firm
369-B 3rd Street #182
San Rafael, California 94901
Re: Proposed San Rafael Airport Recreational Facility Project
(Case Nos. ZC05-01, UP05-08, ED05-1 S)
Dear Mr. Epstein:
This letter is being submitted in connection with the above -referenced project, and is
directed to you in your capacity as the City Attorney for the City of San Rafael. By way of
introduction, our firm provides legal counsel to the project applicant, San Rafael Airport, LLC,
on airport -related matters, and has been asked to address certain issues raised in the March 9,
2012 comment letter that Mr. Tamborini, City of San Rafael Planning Division, received from
Mr. Ron Bolyard, an aviation planner with the California Department of Transportation, Division
of Aeronautics ("Caltrans"), regarding the referenced project. Our firm is uniquely qualified to
address Caltrans' comment letter on the project as it co-authored both the 2002 and 2011 editions
of the California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook ("Handbook"), which is referenced by
Caltrans as a source of relevant information in its letter. Further, our firm regularly provides
legal counsel on airport land use compatibility planning efforts arising from the State
Aeronautics Act (Pub. Util. Code, §21670 et seq.).
As you know, in its March 9 letter, Caltrans asked the City to "consider" information
presented in the 2011 edition of the Handbook regarding potential safety risks associated with
the project's location and proposed uses relative to San Rafael Airport, a private use airport. The
objective of this letter is to clarify the role of the Handbook relative to the State Aeronautics Act,
and private use airports, like San Rafael Airport.
Mr. Epstein
May 17, 2012
Page 2 of 3
First, it is critical to emphasize that the provisions of the State Aeronautics Act (Pub. Util.
Code, §21670 et seq.) that the Handbook seeks to further are not applicable to private use
airports, such as San Rafael Airport. Rather, the legislative intent associated with the operative
statutes is narrowly and expressly extended only to public use airports. (See, e.g., Pub. Util.
Code, §§21670(a)(1) ["It is in the public interest to provide for the orderly development of each
public use airport in this state and the area surrounding these airports so as to promote the overall
goals and objectives of the California airport noise standards adopted pursuant to Section 21669
and to prevent the creation of new noise and safety problems."], 21675 [authorizing preparation
of airport land use compatibility plans for public use and military airports only].) In other words,
the Handbook is to be utilized by airport land use commissions and local land use jurisdictions to
plan for development in areas surrounding public, not private, use airports.
The inapplicability of the State Aeronautics Act's airport land use planning construct to
private use airports, such as San Rafael Airport, is also reflected in the March 9 letter from
Caltrans. In that letter, Caltrans recognizes that, because the San Rafael Airport is not a public
use airport, the City is not subject to the same parameters established for airport land use
commissions with jurisdiction over public use airports. Rather, the March 9 letter simply
requests that the City use the Handbook's safety recommendations as "guidance" and that the
City "consider" the information provided.
The tailored field of interest established in the State Aeronautics Act also is expressly
recognized by the Handbook: "personal use airports [such like San Rafael Airport] are not
subject to the Handbook." (Handbook, p. 3-28; italics added.) As such, the Handbook notes that
airport land use compatibility planning efforts for private use airports fall to local governments,
such as the City. (Ibid.) Instead of mandating utilization of the criteria presented in the
Handbook at private use airports, the Handbook simply recommends that local government
consider the safety guidance provided in Chapter 4 when preparing general or specific plans for
areas in the vicinity of such airports. (Ibid.)I
Here the City has complied with the Handbook's recommendation by considering the
pertinent safety guidance through the completion of an in-depth, project -specific safety review
that is based on project conditions and airport -specific circumstances, including flight patterns,
number of operations, and types of aircraft. An entire chapter of the project's Final
Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") is dedicated to this analysis. The inclusion of this analysis
in the Final EIR exceeds the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, which
' Relatedly, although the Handbook can be treated as an advisory and guidance document
in this regard (as suggested in the Handbook and Caltrans' March 9 letter), the Handbook has no
regulatory effect in and of itself, as it was not adopted pursuant to California's Administrative
Procedures Act (Gov. Code, § 11340 et seq.).
Mr. Epstein
May 17, 2012
Page 3 of 3
only requires that the Handbook be utilized as a "technical resource" when assessing the impacts
of projects located within the vicinity of public use airports. (See Pub. Resources Code,
§21096(a); Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, §I5154(a).)
The results of the Final EIR's analysis are summarized at length on pages 24 through 33
of the January 24, 2012 Planning Commission Report for the proposed project. Additionally,
those results have been re -enforced in the May 3, 2012 letter report of Mead & Hunt, an
established aviation consulting firm that co-authored the 2002 and 2011 editions of the
Handbook, and is qualified to make project -related safety determinations arising from the site's
proximity relative to the airport runway. In short, the record of proceedings before the City
contains substantial evidence showing that the proposed project is consistent with the
Handbook's usage intensity limits, and would not result in a people -per -acre total in excess of the
Handbook's recommendations; as such, the project does not present any airport -related safety
In closing, I hope this letter has provided information that is responsive to Caltrans'
March 9 letter and instructive on the relevance of the State Aeronautics Act's airport land use
compatibility planning construct relative to private use airports like San Rafael Airport. Please
do not hesitate to call me — at 760.431.9501 — if you have any questions regarding the
information presented above. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this
Very truly yours,
:c� o
Lori D. Ballance
Gatzke Dillon & Ballance LLP
cc: Robert Herbst, Manager, San Rafael Airport
Kraig Tambornini, Project Planner, City of San Rafael
May 19, 2012
Chair Viktoriya Wise and Commissioners
City of San Rafael Planning Commission
14005 th Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
®ear Chair Wise and Planning Commissioners,
All levels of government that serve our youth in California continue to reduce their
financial support for the education of our students. Whether in the class room or the playing field,
dollars continue to disappear for our children's education and development.
I am writing to the planning commission to urge you to support the development of the
San Rafael Sports Center. Sports and the opportunity for our school children to participate in
them is part of the educational process. First of all, it provides an outlet for both boys and girls to
develop skills, participate in a team environment, as well as exercise. Skills obtained in the
process of playing sports, such as developing concentration, are rewarding as one can see the
development of their skills with hard work and practice.
This same model is applicable in classroom work as well. The participation and team work is a
critical part of learning; i.e., respect for others, sharing resources, and the opportunity to develop
camaraderie with one's peers. We are all aware of the projections that have been made
regarding the growth in childhood obesity and the life time illness than can result from obesity.
Obviously participation in sports will provide our youth with the exercise that should mitigate
On a personal note, I have had the opportunity to get to know and work with Mr. Joe
Shekou, the airport owner and project sponsor. He is an honorable man, a man who loves
America and is proud to be an American. I have seen firsthand his philanthropy towards the City
Of San Rafael. Over the years he has made substantial contributions to our police and fire
departments which have been used to fund training and purchase equipment. He has been a
longtime supporter of local recreation, and made a substantial contribution for the new building at
Pickleweed Park Community Center. He fully understood and supported the need for all that the
complex offers, such as knowledge from a library, a development of computer skills, classrooms
for educational purposes, as well as recreational uses.
I know that the commission will treat this applicant fairly; I also know you will listen with
an open mind to those who may choose to oppose this project. All I ask is that you address
reasonable concerns in a reasonable manner.
There is county -wide support for the use at this site. McInnis Park across the creek is a
county -wide facility that is overworked with use. Our youth and adults who use this facility
deserve the opportunity to have additional playing venues that are sorely needed in Barin
County. After all, that is why past planning commissions and past city councils advocated for
recreational use on this property and zoned it accordingly.
The San Rafael airport site is one that is zoned for the use before you. There is no
question for the need of such a facility. This is a facility that is fully funded by private enterprise.
In the foreseeable and long-term future, public funding for such a facility to say the least is highly
This is a legacy project and one that will benefit youths and adults for years to come, and
I urge you to approve it.
Veer truly your;;
Al Soro
San Rafael Mayor 1991-2011
cc Mayor Phillips and City Council
May 3, 2012
Dear Mayor Phillips and Fellow San Rafael Council Members,
I am writing this letter in support of the "San Rafael Airport e Soccer Complex
Project". This project is vital to the needs of the community and exactly what we called
for in the General Plan to build the recreation we need without one dime of taxpayer
While a member of the San Rafael Planning Commission and later the City
Council, recreation facilities and playing fields were always a need that we were unable
to address, due to a lacy of funding and also available locations. That is one of the
reasons we voted to rezone the airport property for airport and recreational use. This is a
unique opportunity to, utilize land alreadyzonedfor recreational use comblllerd with
private funding and provide a valuable asset to the community directly adjacent to
another valuable recreational asset McInnis Park.
The number of playing fields for all sports has been a problem for decades and
continues to be a problem. I have lived in San Rafael for 48 years and my wife and I
raised two daughters here. When we first moved to San Rafael I became involved in
Little League Baseball as a coach and later as my daughters got old enough I coached
Dixie Softball, San Rafael Girls Softball, and Terra Linda High School Softball. Both my
daughters played Soccer/Softball and the lack of fields was also a problem then and has
only intensified.
In fact, over the years I helped organize the community to build additional playing
fields because the need was so great. Prior to 1994 the Terra Linda High School Softball
Team did not have a field of their own. They had to use the fields at Bernard Hoffman for
daily practice, which they had to share with San Rafael Grins Softball. This was
extremely difficult as the girls had to walk from TL to Bernard Hoffman after school,
arriving somewhere between 3:45 Ptd/!, practice would begin at 4:00 PM and end
promptly at 5:00 PM because we had to give the field to San Rafael Girls Softball.
Neither entity had a chance to practice properly. TL had to rent a field at McInnis Park to
play their Home games. The parents had to transport the players from the school to the
games, as the coaches were not allowed to transport the players and the School District
did not have enough money to pay for transportation. The end result was that I requested
the TL Boosters Club to build a field next to T L High School. The Boosters Club did not
have funding and as Mayor Phillips may remember he challenged me to build a field.
With the help of the Petaluma National Guard, local businesses and volunteers who
pro -";A ed labor and materials 1 -was ablo to build the field.
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community. It will provide them the opportunity to be involved in a sport that has
become extremely popular through out the past decade and involve them in team sports
rather than gangs. Sports leaches young people about teamwork, regulations and
interactions with others. It will hopefully reduce the amount of time spent on video
games, TV, texting etc. and instead provide exercise that will help fight obesity, which is
becoming so prevalent in our young people today. These are all concerns that we read or
hear about every day.
Please do not listen to the opponents, who object to every project that isn't directly
involved with wildlife or its habitat or their own interests. They are spending billions of
taxpayer dollars to reestablish wetlands habitat throughout the Bay Area, which I agree
with and is commendable, however, how about letting someone provide a worthwhile
project for our youth and young adults. Do not let the same thing happen to this project
that happened to George Lucas on the Grady Property.
I strongly urge you to approve this project as it will prove to be an asset to our
youth and the 'community as a whole.
Very truly yours,
' Oor--z3
Md .W=ilhns
ormer ' San an Rafael Planning Commissioner & City Councilmember
SGS Chan 11 n'r
March 1, 2012
Mayor Gary Phillips and City Council
Chair Victorlya Wise and Planning Commission
City of San Rafael
1400 Fifth Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94915
Re: Proposed Sports Complex in San Rafael
Dear Mayor Phillips, Council Members and Commissioners:
On behalf of the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors we are writing to voice our strong
support for the proposed San Rafael Sports Complex. The San Rafael Chamber currently represents
more than 550 businesses with over 11,000 employees.
The proposal is extremely beneficial not just to San Rafael but to all of Marin County and its residents. It
fills a vast and immediate need for sports fields in extremely high demand by San Rafael and Marin
County residents.
San Rafael and Marin County residents benefit from building an indoor recreation building and new
sports fields in San Rafael. This project will increase our community's quality of life creating a healthier
community, physically and economically. This facility will be a resource for residents of all ages -seniors
parents and kids. Our city will benefit from new jobs and local sales tax revenues.
The San Rafael Sports Complex addresses these very concerns of health and fitness for our young
children, teenagers and adults, and provides recreation opportunities for the entire family. Recreation
facilities are a big part of keeping a community healthy, vibrant and a desirable place to live, and this
facility will be a positive influence for the citizens of San Rafael and all of Marin.
The San Rafael Sports Complex will be a community asset to the City of San Rafael and will generate
sales tax for the City and increase the pool of local jobs, especially jobs for teenagers and young adults.
In addition, local restaurants in the North San Rafael area will likely see an increase in business from all
the new families visiting the area, particularly on weekends.
Marin County residents deserve a high quality of life. Providing good quality parks and recreation
facilities is one way local government enhances the quality of life for its residents. For soccer alone,
there are over 6,000 Marin youth playing on 500+ teams and another 4,000 adults on 300+ teams - ALL
fighting for less than 50 fields in the entire county. Marin suffers from a field shortage that this project
addresses for our residents.
Both the San Rafael and Marin County General Pians recognize the Importance of this issue and have
called for the creation of additional cost-effective all-weather fields and indoor recreational facilities to
combat these existing shortages and problems.
817 Mission Avenue I San Rafael, CA 949011 (415) 454-4163 1 FAX: (415) 454-7039
SR Chamber
The San Rafael Sports Complex is the exact kind of project San Rafael's General Plan calls for and will greatly assist
the city in meeting its goals:
® PR -4. Provide opportunities for recreational activities for boys and girls, teens, and adults
through the creation of additional facilities such as fields for active sports.
a PR -4a. All Weather Fields: Provide cost-effective all-weather fields to optimize year round use
of community sports facilities.
O PR -13. Commercial Recreation. Encourage private sector development of commercial
recreational facilities open to the general public.
0 PR -14. Amateur Multi -Sport Athletic Fields. Strive for the development of publicly or privately funded,
large multi -sport athletic field clusters to address the needs of the community.
The San Rafael Sports Complex will allow many different sports groups year round access to indoor and
outdoor facilities as well as many great programs, classes and activities.
The San Rafael Sport Complex project also addresses several important Green Attributes:
® Project fully complies with City"s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy for new projects
® Building a LEED Gold certified facility
O 100% powered by solar panels
G Includes ample bicycle parking and designated Clean Air Vehicle parking
® includes Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
® FieldTurf synthetic turf eliminates need for watering field or applying harmful
In conclusion, the San Rafael Sports Complex project has endorsements that, in total represent over
10,000 Marin families. Please add that list the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce 550 businesses
representing over 11,000 employees. The San Rafael Chamber of Commerce believes that a healthy
business community is invaluable to the community as a whole. We urge your approval of the San
Rafael Sports Complex as soon as possible.
Rick Wells
President and CEO
cc: Chamber Board of Directors
City Manager and City Staff, Planning Dept.
817 Mission Avenue I San Rafael, CA 94901 1 (415) 454-4163 1 FAX: (415) 454-7039
To City of San Rafael:
As coaching director of the San Rafael Youth Soccer League, I represent over 1,000 San Rafael
youth soccer players and their families. To say that this project is desperately needed is an
We arc appalled at both the lack of available playing fields as well as the dangerous field
conditions on which our kids currently play. Our playing fields are shut down for 6+ months
out of the year and there is not one single field in the city of San Rafael fields that has lights
for soccer play. In the past 20-25 years, only the two new fields at Picklev'reed Park have
been created to take care of the total overall soccer and others sports field demands and those
Pickleweed fields are currently closed for over a year!
This present situation cannot be sustained without a severe deteration in the quality of our overall
league. Under the present situation, our league cannot grow and we cannot continue to provide
such poor quality conditions and expect our players to have fun, improve their skills, compete
with other leagues and stay with this great sport.
The proposed San Rafael sports facility would be a godsend for our league and our players and
families will benefit tremendously from having this facility in our city. It will allow our kids and
adults to play year-round on perfect, grass -like playing fields and reduce the tremendous time
and financial burdens we currently have to travel around the bay area just to find quality fields
and facilities for our kids.
The indoor game is different than outdoor soccer in that the fields are much smaller with fewer
players on the field. The ball does not go out of bounds very often so play is continuous. This
provides our kids with many more touches on the ball, which quickly increasing their technical
skills and the kids don't even realize the incredible amount of fitness they are getting by playing
small sided soccer because they are having so much fun doing it.
Also, both the kids and parents who.have previously experienced this type of sports center love
the overall fantastic soccer and social atmosphere that this kind of facility will provide. Our
teams and parents will always have a great meeting place, there will never be rainouts and this
facility will become the central hub of our local soccer and sports community. I am also sure that
many of our adult parents will also play at the facility.
The outdoor synthetic field with lights is absolutely crucial for us. The will allow our teams to
have an all-weather field to train on year-round, especially in the winter/spring early evening
hours when all of our fields are closed and it gets dark so early.
The combination of having the indoor fields and this outdoor field with lights is exactly what
San Rafael Youth Soccer needs and we wholeheartedly endorse this facility! With the severe
field shortage in our city and no other options for us on the horizon, please take advantage of this
opportunity to have such a fantastic facility be built in a perfect location at NO COST to the city
or taxpayers.
This is truly a gift for our citizens and should be passed quickly. Quite frankly, it should have
been passed years ago. If you truly care about our community, its kids and your legacy as
policy makers, please do the right thing. Our soccer and sports community is sick and tired of
ridiculous and non-existent environmental and other issues that are used by certain individuals
and environmental groups that get taken, more seriously than the well being of our family's
health and happiness.
Steven Sosa,
Coaching Director, San Rafael Youth Soccer League
San Rafael Planning Commission,
Dixie Soccer Youth Soccer Association is a recreational based program serving primarily
the area that comprises the Dixie School district. We have a very robust program for
children from ages five to nineteen with an average annual enrollment of 800 to 1,000
As with other local soccer programs, our biggest challenge is providing sufficient safe
fields for both practices and games. We currently rely on the various school fields but
they are often in poor condition due to weather and over -use and as a result we have to
limit our programs.
We are writing to you today to express our support for the proposed Airport Sports
Complex. We think this is in the best interest of the community and it will be a great
benefit to promoting youth sports. We encourage the planning Commission to approve
this project.
Glenn Cooper
`Tice President
Dixie Youth Soccer Association.
_ssValley Y��&vccer Club
•' fir. ^
January 2412
San Rafael Planning Commission,
The Ross Valley Youth Soccer Club is a recreational based program serving the towns of
San Anselmo, Ross, Kentfield, Greenbrae and Corte Madera. We have a very robust
program for children from ages seven to nineteen with an average annual enrollment of
around 400 players. RVYSC is also an important feeder program for the Central Marin
and Marin FC competitive soccer programs.
As a board members, parents, former coaches and players, we feel qualified to make a
rather blanket statement about the playing fields in Marin.
"When compared to the rest of Northern California, the quality and availability of our
current facilities are sorely lacking."
Although we live in an area that many would consider the ultimate spot to live in
Northern California, many of the fields that our children play on are not on par with our
neighboring counties and beyond. We currently rely on the various school fields but they
are often in poor condition due to weather and over -use and as a result we have to limit
our programs. There are obvious geographical, environmental and economic limitations
to what we can and cannot create in Marin. Therefore, when an opportunity to build a
state-of-the-art facility comes along, which overcomes these limitations, we should
embrace it.
We are writing to you today to express our support for the proposed San Rafael Sports
Complex. We think this is in the best interest of the community and it will be a great
benefit to promoting not only soccer, but youth sports in general. We encourage the
Planning Commission to approve this project.
Chris Livermore
Paul Herzog
Ex -President / Board Member
Ross Valley Youth Soccer Club
November 14, 2011
San Rafael, Planning Commissioners,
Thank you for the opportunity to voice our support for the Recreation Facility;
The Central Marin Soccer and other youth soccer clubs are very excited about the potential for this facility. When it was last at the
Design Review hearings many years ago I spoke as President of SRYSC. Now, as the President of Central Marin Soccer Club I wish to
repeat my presentation to the Planning Commission and City Council.
Marin is extremely lacking in quality Sports facilities for its youth, and soccer, as well as other sports in the Central Marin area,
continuously struggling to obtain access to fields, particularly during late fall and winter months. We work closely with the San Rafael
Recreation Dept. and Pickleweed fields, which unfortunately are over used and need to be replaced with all weather fields, and.111 of the
school districts, which provide us field space. However if you venture outside of Marin you realize that this very wealthy County has a
dearth of quality sports facilities in comparison to similar communities. We consistently have to cancel and reschedule games due to
inclimate weather, to protect our limited fields. Compared to other communities in Northern California, Marin has a great deal of natural
open space but extremely limited recreational facilities. Toward the goal of providing more sports facilities for the youth in our County
and in San Rafael:
The Three Recreation Programs: Dixie (Terra Linda), San Rafael Youth Soccer and the Ross Valley Youth Soccer Clubs have
approximately 2,000 players and Central Marin has 4U0 players for a total of 2400 soccer players in the Central Marin Area. This does
not include other sports.
- The Central Marin Soccer Club, which includes over 400 families, wholeheartedly supports the proposed facility and we hope that it
could be even be enlarged and include additional outdoor fields In the future. Our Central Marin Club's Budget for Field rentals this year
is approx. $37,000. We know that all the fields are impacted, overbooked or over -used or both. To this I would like to add these points:
understand that residents are concerned over parking and traffic; however as an architect who also proposes developments where
parking and traffic are an issue, I typically find that once"built, parking and traffic are never as bad as people envision and often
adjacent residents find that it Is a positive to live nearby a facility which is viewed as an finportant part of many peoples everyday lives.
- Projects such as this often adds value to a surrounding neighborhood, as now young homeowners often look for these types of
recreational activities for their younger children. Just because some residents have grown out of their children's recreational program
years, does not mean that we should not continue to provide new opportunities for our youth.-
- And as San Rafael and Marin County have limited funds, it is fantastic that a private organization would provide the facility, which 1
would like the City of San Rafael and the County of Marin to provide. If this applicant cannot provide the facility I would ask the City of
San Rafael and the County of Marin to step up and provide the facility for our youth.
- They want nothing to change and that is not the promise of a vacant airstrip or an empty industrial area. This is not a natural area.
We have a great deal of beautiful natural areas; and we have a shortage of sporting opportunities. "
And please note: that as a resident of San Rafael in the Gerstle Park Neighborhood I understand that neighborhoods are concerned
about traffic and noise etc.; However 1 support baseball at Albert Park, a project in my neighborhood; because I believe that this is for
the greater good of my larger San Rafael Community.
So please do not let concerned neighbors whom feel that if they yell and scream and threaten a lawsuits, they can prevent the
Commission from supporting this and many other important community asset projects. It is important to think of the many and not only
the few when making such an important decision.
Our Club and myself, -as a resident of San Rafael for many years, wholeheartedly support this proposal for the sports facility, and hope
that the City and County work with the operators to even expand it further in the future.
Thank you for this opportunity,
Rick Williams, President
Central Marin Soccer Club . 508 D Street, San Rafael, CA,94901
February 14, 2012
Sats Rafael Planning Cozntnission,
The Marin Coed Soccer League is a recreational adult soccer league that was established
in 1986. We have twelve tears that play in both the Spring and Fall. Some 200 to 300
participants play with us each year. Unfortunately, we routinely have to turn away
interested players since we catuiot find enough field time to allow us to add additional
teams. At the moment, we have still not found all of the field time we well need for our
upcoming Spring season. Most of the available fields in the county are over -used, and as
a result, they are often in poor condition. This affects the quality of play, but more
importantly, can result in dangerous conditions for the players.
The San Rafael Airport Sports Complex will significantly improve this situation for our
league and others, due to its inclusion of a lighted, all --weather artificial turf, field. This
field could support up to about 14 adult matches or 18 to 20 youth matches each weekend
throughout the year.
Our league supports the development of the San Rafael Airport Sports Complex, anal we
ask that you approve this project. We believe it would be of significant benefit to our
Rob lreson
Coordinator, Marin Coed Soccer League
P. O. Box 849
Larkspur, CA 94977
November 2192011
San Rafael Planning Commission
San Rafael, CA
Ladies and gentlemen:
As the president of the Marin Soccer League, an adult league that has been in existence for
over 50 years, I represent approximately 800 adult soccer players. As a Marin resident for
over 35 years, I have attempted to improve the playing fields in Marin during that time
without success, due largely to the limited funds available to the county and the
municipalities. To date the fields at McInnis Parr are the only venae where adult soccer
players have regularnccess to playing fields, however, overuse males these natural grass
fields very dangerous to play on. Hence, the San Rafael Airport Sports Complex with their
artificial turf fields will greatly enhance our ability to enjoy the sport we love. In addition
to the adult leagues, the facility will also be able to host youth activities, as well as having
a location to enjoy food and entertainment.
We wholeheartedly endorse this project and encourage the San Rafael Planning
Commission to approve its request!
Very truly yours,
l f;
Karl Buder
!'Yesi cent
Marin Soccer League
January 5, 2012
City of San Rafael Planning Commission:
I am writing to yourin support of the Marin Indoor Outdoor Soccer Facility
that is behng proposed at Mc Innis Park.
The league that I manage has '38 teams and over 800 players with several
different levels. As president of the league, the league and Iffully endorse
this soccer facility and the chance to have it here in Marin.
There is such a shortage of soccer fields in Marin especially in the winter
three when all of the holds are closed.`Piclde deed is currently closed and
will not be open for the entire winter. This facility will allow all of our
soccer enthusiasts to stay in shape and play all year round. ,
Not only will the facility allow .us to recreate throughout the year it will help
to beep our lids off the streets and will give then- a safe place to go and be
Soccer is huge part of our cube and vre are gory passionate about the
game. It's not just the players that enjoy the game but our families enjoy the
social atmosphere that goes along with the sport.
A facility life this will provide opportunities for Flispanic lads .ad families
to play and socialize together, and with the greater community as well as
provide job opportunities.
Please feel free to contact me with any, questions.
(415) 716-9977 or cIadadicadiazcalrirya.,,I-ioo.com
Lam Soccer League President.
}� °.a�1 _
Kraig Tambornini
Senior Planner
City of San Rafael
1400 Fifth Avenue
San Rafael, CA 94901
February 9. ''012
Dear Mr. Tambornini,
Please accept this letter from the Marin Women's Soccer League (MWSL) in support of the
development of the indoor soccer complex at the San Rafael airport. The MWSL has been in
existence since 1996 and represents over 250 adult women players. Our members are not only
players but many are also parents of soccer playing children.
In the past twenty-five years Marin, like everywhere else in America, has been hit by the boom
in sports participation by girls and adults, and by the astounding increase in the popularity in
soccer. This can be seen in our own league as we rew from six teams in one division to 13
teams in two divisions (all -age and an Over 35 divisions) today.
Although no one doubts the intrinsic value of those societal changes, they've also resulted in
acute playing -field shortages in Marin, where most field complexes were built 30 to 50 years
ago. The National Recreation and Park Association guideline for per capita soccer fields is one
field per 20,000 people. According to the Marin Countywide Plan adopted in 2007, Marin
currently has l soccer field per -3 1,000 residents.
The proposed facility will also include indoor fields that are desperately needed in Marin.
Currently, our members must travel to Alameda or Santa Rosa to utilize actual indoor soccer
fields or must compete with youth volleyball and basketball to get access to local gymnasiums.
With this apparent shortage throughout our community it is imperative to make this complex a
reality. With.the land situation in Marin, the space to build such a community gathering place is
quickly disappearing. Marin Women's Soccer League therefore will support this complex on
every Ievel possible. It will be a true injustice to our overall community if this opportunity is
thwarted as projects in the past have been.
L -7 -
Laida Aronovsky
Marin Women's Soccer League
To Whoin It May Concern:
It is the determination oft' ootbal I Club 'Marin, its members, and supporters to billy
support with unbridled entitusiasin the creation of the indoor/outdoor soccer complex-
omplexproposed oil the airport property adjacent to McInnis Park. We represent the families �\
ofover 100 kids, 100 iodividusl adult players, and 400 supporters of our organization.
Personally, as President of Club iiMarin, a consultant for the yfarili Athletic Coalition,
and member of the 2020 Vision 16- San RAM's General Plan, it is clearly
understood by our contingency how dire the +iced is for such a facility in our
community. Currently, all kids and adults are traveling oil mid -week nights to o
northern Santa Rosa, Vallejo, and Alameda to be able to play in such a complex as 40,
proposed to tl?e city of San Rafael.
The experience of our supporters goes back decades watching the lout; and
unsuccessful opportunities lost with the Mwin Athletic Coalition's proposal's on
Hamilton AFB, St. Vincent's, and the Silveira's properties. It has been made clear
this may be the last opportunity for our county, city, and conimmnity to have a much o
desired and needed facility.
In the past twenty-five years klarin, like everywhere else in America, has been hit by
the boom in sports participation by girls and adults (especially �voirien;, and by the
astounding increase in tate popularity in soccer. Although no one doubts the intrinsic
value of those societal changes, they've also resulted in acute playing -held shortages
in Marin, where most field complexes were built 30 to 50 years ago.
Back then, an athletic complex usually comprised of a football field with a
surrounding track, a baseball diamond and probably an extra fele( where the football
team could practice. Soccer teams didn't even exist.
With this apparent shortage throughout our community it is imperative to make this
complex a reality. With. the land situation in Marin the space to build such a ��°�
community gathering, place is quickly disappearing. Football Club Malin therefore !
will support this complex ori every level possible. It eviil be a true injustice to our,
overall community ifthis opportunity is thwarted as projects in the past have been.
Sincerely,` fl 0 ,l
,• fi
dfighe ullivan
PresiPent Club Marin
2020 Vision, San Rafael General Man
ROBERT T. 1.)uvl_t
Sheriff. Cormer
!'oderdwh irt"
The Honorable Gary Phillips
1400 51I' Avenue
Said Reline]; CA 94901
Deur Mayor Phil ' s
3501 Civic C:em,er Drkc. Room 145 . Sari Rmftel. CA 949013
Marcel 21, 2012
I ant writing to urge yo.ur support lbr: the Sports C'c>mplex proposed at (lie Smith Ranch
Road Airport.
In the 1990's I was a Board member for Novato Ycluth Soccer for several years. At that
tinic adequate fields dict not exist for adult and yotith soccer iii Marin County and I still
believe that to he [lie case. The Sports Complex would aced to the: existing inventory of
fields and it would be a wonderful opportunity to have this facility.
The Sports Complex will provide indoor and outdoor soccer fields alone; with held
areas for baseball and gymnastics training. What a gi.11, a privately funded athlctie
lltcility not at the taxpayers' expense.
I understand people have expre'ssed their concerns about the SGrvicc of alcohol at the
Sports Complex, i know of'both the pce�ple who will be managging the stele of Deer and
Wine. '['his will take place at the bifG located on .Slee? second f ooi-, in a dillbrvnt location
than the fields. They manage other facilities.that serve alcohol and to nay krimledge
they have never receiver! any 41cohol-reltited eompltlints.
Awl,% Coori 415
2.1 -teethe! to,i ml to
C'llall,.0 rr� t�':k rtr r',t
Additionally, as an Advisory Bota.rd Member to Fight Clime: Invest in Kids Crilitbrilm; n:i<JUR C utntl:.4
we know that providing opportunities for Youth outside: norm l school hours reduces the Tm 1'Ottr'l
likelihood of anti -social behavior. The Sports Complex Wruld contribute to future
On a personal note for 30 years I lived 1'11 Novato actiac'ent to (lie soccer fields at Novato 473-723.3
High Schmi.l. The field was used year round fay adult and youth soccer. 'I'o nae it
sce'Mod that the traffic and noise, level were in the normal range when less than one field -t73-7?Sitl:128;
was beitig used by the High Schoch,
W5w AN1a
"In Partnervitip with our C"ominunities"
c�tiv�c.ttt;arinslleriIT.org ti�,%;w,ci m,tritixaus
I cannot stress enough the impp4price of providing adequate opportunities ror adults
and youth to engage; in productive and positive activities.
R(UB R'r I'. DO1'L
P.O. Box 4423, San Rafael, CA 94913 (415) 721-9686 info@hcemarin.com
March 5, 2012
Gary Phillips, Mayor
San Rafael City Council Members
City of San Rafael
1400 Fifth Ave.
San Rafael, CA 94930
RE: Support for San Rafael Sports Complex
Dear Mayor Phillips and City Council Members:
The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Marin is sending you this letter in support of the proposed San
Rafael Sports Complex. The Hispanic Chamber has nearly 200 business members and represents several
thousands of their employees, many of whom are Marin residents.
According to the City of San Rafael and the County of Marin general plans, there is a 50% shortage of
playing fields in Marin. This complex, at no cost to the taxpayer, would be providing a much-needed
resource to families and youth in San Rafael and Marin. With the increasing number of soccer teams in
Marin (500+ youth teams, 300+ adult teams), the need for this type of facility speaks for itself.
Sports City is a family-owned business with a great community track record. They established their first
facility in Santa Rosa in 1996 and another one in Cotati in 2001. We think that by building this "family -
friendly" complex, with indoor and outdoor playing fields, Sports City is showing their commitment to
our community at large, but also to the Hispanic/Latino residents of Marin who have special ties to this
sport. In Santa Rosa, Sports City has noted that about 40% of their clients are Latino youth and adults.
They expect this to be the same or more in Marin.
As you know, soccer is a popular international sport and, as such, it is a multicultural bridge builder.
Having this facility would not only add to the physical and economic health and well-being of our
community, it can also be a place where cultural exchange can happen. We like that idea.
In addition, this complex would generate jobs for youth and adults, and has been strongly endorsed by all
the Marin adult and youth soccer leagues. We would like to add our name to the growing list of
supporters for the San Rafael Sports Complex, and urge the City Council to move forward with approving
this facility.
Cecilia Zamora
FW: Central Marin Youth Soccer game this Sunday 3 pm at Wiseman Airport Park in Pet... Page 1 of 1
Kraig Tambornini
From: Robert Herbst [rherbst@jhsproperties.net]
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 9:25 AM
To: Kraig Tambornini
Subject: FW: Central Marin Youth Soccer game this Sunday 3 pm at Wiseman Airport Park in
Attachments: Wiseman Airport Park photos.pdf; Airport Aerial Diagrams.pdf
Fyi on email invite I sent to PC and Council Friday afternoon. Gary Phillips and Damon Connolly went to check it out. Not sure if anyone
else did.
I'm compiling safety zone diagrams for additional airports , to include in our official response to the Caltrans letter. Meanwhile our
attorney will have a legal letter over to you and Rob Epstein in the next day or two. It will be very strong stating that Caltrans has
absolutely no legal authority over land use at San Rafael Airpot, and that its guidelines are discretionary without backing of law, and even
public use airports are free to ignore them without risk of liability.
From: Robert Herbst
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 5:25 PM
To: Kbcolin@mail.com; mab cpuc.ca.gov; cpick@basisarch.com;
jack.robertson@lennar.com; viktoriya.mass@gmaii.com; I.a.paul fprodigy.net;
Cc: barbara.hellar@cityofsanrafael.org; damon@damonconnollylaw.com;
andrew mccullough@150Pelican.com; marcblevine@gmail.com; Gary Phillips
Subject: Central Marin Youth Soccer game this Sunday 3 pm at Wiseman Airport Park in
Dear Planning Commissioner and City Councilmembers,
The safety of the proposed San Rafael Sports Center has been called into question by a recent Caltrans letter to the City. We intend to soon provide a thorough written
response about why this is legally and factually incorrect.
Meanwhile we invite you to go see for your own eyes this Sunday at 3 pm at Wiseman Airport Park at Petaluma Municipal Airport. The under 13 girls team from
Central Marin Youth Soccer League will be playing. As you may know, Marin teams commonly travel to play at Wiseman due to our field shortage here in Marin.
Wiseman Airport Park is located in Safety Zone 3 at Petaluma Airport (see attached diagram). This is the same Safety Zone as the proposed sports center at San
Rafael Airport. Attached are photos ofkids and families next to aircraft at Wiseman Park.
Nor is this situation unique within California. Attached are diagrams of Reid Hillview Airpot and Santa Monica Airport, both showing family recreation facilities
in Safety Zones 3 & 5 . There are many others. By the way, all of these airports are public use airports (we are private use only) with larger planes and
massively greater flight activity than San Rafael Airport. Petaluma is the least busy of these 3 with 146 daily flights. We have less than 5 daily flights here. Frankly
out kids are at much more risk driving on the highway to Petaluma than they are playing soccer at San Rafael Airport.
Wiseman Airpot Park is located at 2175 Augustine Circle in Petaluma
Best regards,
Bob Herbst
------ End of Forwarded Message
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Page 1 of 1
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2012 10:52 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#298]
Name x Jeanie Kegley
Email x ikegley3@comeast.net
Message to the Planning Commission Are you planning on putting a stop sign or stop lights at the intersection by Contempo
Page 1 of 1
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 10:48 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; lmanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#297]
Name'' Marcus Witte
Email x mlwitte r�hobnail.com
Message to the Planning Commission Please know I support for the San Rafael Recreational Faciity Project.
1 have been waiting for over 5 years. My daughter was 7 years old when I heard about
the project and attended a design commission event. Now she is 13 years old. Our
community needs a place to play..
Page 1 of 1
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 10:41 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#296]
Name * Susan Gess
Email * s.gessaatt.net
Message to the Planning Commission *
I an extremely excited to have a sports complex here in San Rafael. We are soccer players (adults and our kids) and there is a huge limit of
available fields in this area. There is always a struggle to find space for practices and games. This facility could help alleviate a lot of that
congestion. In addition, it would be fantastic to have a local place to have birthday parties with an athletic theme. In the past, we have travelled
to Cotati / Rohnert Park area. I would rather spend my money in my own town. I think the San Rafael Planning Commission should support
businesses that are thinking of expanding or starting, especially in this economic downturn. Please support the San Rafael Sports Complex.
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2012 11:27 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.com5€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#295]
Name *
Email *
Ricki Singer
rsinaerl 4@comcast.net
Page 1 of 1
Message to the Planning Commission * I support the sports complex because the kids of today and tomorrow
need places to go. This sounds like a great well thought out complex.
Marin needs this!!!
Page 1 of 1
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2012 1:13 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.com5€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#294]
Name * John Allen
Email * allenjhnny@aol.com
Message to the Planning Commission * I am support the San Rafael Recreation Facility Project.
Kraig Tambornini
Page 1 of 1
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 11:35 AM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#293]
Name *
Email *
Message to the Planning Commission *
Victor Meneses
Thanks for let me write a comment. We know that what important will
be this project, I read about it and that we were waiting for years. Now
I'm a father and I want to my children have a nice place to do sports
and enjoy the nice enviroment. Our children in Marin need to be bussy
doing any sport, and take them out of streets trust me we need our
children doing sports and not in jail. Thanks Victor Meneses God bless
Page 1 of 1
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 1:58 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#292]
Name * Ben Polk
Email * ben.polk@gmail.com
Message to the Planning Commission * I would like to communicate my support for the San Rafael Airport
Sports Complex. As an older soccer player (51 and still going!), I play
all year both because I love the game and because for more "mature"
players it is hard to start and stop such a demanding activity through
the year.
Currently many of us older players in Marin drive to the lighted fields
in San Francisco or the East Bay to play evening games in the Winter
months. Reducing these long drives is a benefit that should be
considered when evaluation this project.
Kraig Tambornini
Page 1 of 1
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 11:21 AM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.com5€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#291]
Name *
Email *
Message to the Planning Commission *
Rob Smith
to whom it may concern:
I can't think of a better way to spend funds. we need to have good and
safe fields for our children to use. please consider this a potential plus
for our community.
thank you
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2012 6:52 AM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Iman chip @yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#290]
Name *
Email *
Tracy Smith
Page 1 of 1
Message to the Planning Commission * Being a soccer player myself and raising two young girls currently I
know that Marin is lacking in sports field availability. Kids and adults
need places to run around and get the exercise they enjoy. Thank you
Kraig Tambornini
Page 1 of 1
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 8:42 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#289]
Name *
Email *
Message to the Planning Commission *
Lydia Collins
our family supports the San Rafael Airport Sports Complex project!
Kraig Tambornini
Page 1 of 1
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 5:33 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#288]
Name *
Email *
Message to the Planning Commission *
Marielle Leon
We need more recreational facilities in San Rafael. Field for sure but
please add a POOL.
Kraig Tambornini
Page 1 of 1
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 5:24 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€Z
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#287]
Name *
Email *
Message to the Planning Commission *
Laurie Pedersen
Our family is in support of the San Rafael Recreational Facility Project.
Kraig Tambornini
Page 1 of 1
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 4:53 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#286]
Name *
Email *
Message to the Planning Commission *
Phil Sisson
philsissonl @comcast.net
Please approve the sports complex project. It's a good use of
city/county facilities.
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 3:30 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€Z
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#285]
Name *
Email *
Susan Todaro
Page 1 of 1
Message to the Planning Commission * I would like to voice my support for the new Recreational Facility in
San Rafael. There is a dire need for new sports fields and this seems
like a very viable solution. Thank you.
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 2:37 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#284]
Name *
Email *
gait geary
aig Igeary@yahoo.com
Page 1 of 1
Message to the Planning Commission * Since the project EIR came out well, and given the void of sports
venues available during inclement weather, I support going forward
with the project, COMMUNITY will be well served having such a facility
at our childrens avail.
Page 1 of 1
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 2:22 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€Z
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#283]
Name * Noel Perkins
Email * info@hrthinking.com
Message to the Planning Commission * A new sports complex would be a huge boon to San Rafael. It's a
quality of life investment for all Marinites but esepcially those of us
who live and play in San Rafael. Please move forward on this project.
Noel Perkins
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 2:01 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#282]
Name *
Email *
Page 1 of 1
Message to the Planning Commission * Please approve the SR recreational facility project and give the people
of SR, both children and adults more playing fields. There is a huge
shortage of fields in SR. Help keep our community healthy by passing
this project.
Freda OBrien
Page 1 of 1
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 1:56 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€Z
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#281]
Name * Leslie Allen
Email * allenlesliea@aol.com
Message to the Planning Commission * This is a no-brainer! We are in dire needs of fields in Marin Co. This is
a great, safe, healthy place for kids to be! Please approve this.
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:20 PM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#301]
Email *
Suzanne Bernard
suzanne bernardwahoo.com
Message to the Planning Commission To show my support for this Project!
Our kids and family need it.
Let's make it happen for the benefit of all of us!
Yes to the Sports Complex!!
Page 1 of 1
Page 1 of 1
Kraig Tambornini
From: In Support of the San Rafael Airport Recreation Facility Project [no-reply@wufoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 7:02 AM
To: dist2@letmarinplay.com; Imanchip@yahoo.coma€2
Subject: Thank you for your time. [#302]
Name x Erin Becker
Email * Erinbeckeracomcast.net
Message to the Planning Commission This project will solve issues facing our community... not limited to:
A safe place for kids to play
A community bridging location
Investing in the health of our youth
A public statement defining what is important to our community