HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAC 2020-07-02 Agenda PacketAGENDA
JULY 2, 2020 AT 7:00 P.M.
Telephone: (669) 900-9128
Meeting ID: 86432477967#
1. Call to Order 2. Approval of March 5th Meeting Notes 3. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items 4. Presentation and Discussion – Downtown Precise Plan – Barry Miller & Opticos 5. Project Updates
• Website: https://www.cityofsanrafael.org/major-planning-projects/ 6. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
7. Adjournment
City of San Rafael
Citizens Advisory Committee for Economic Development and Affordable Housing (CAC)
Meeting Summary Notes
March 5, 2020
CAC Members Present: Mari Jones, Bill Carney, Kati Miller, Glen Koorhan, Dirck Brinckerhoff, Joe
McCallum, Gladys Gilliland, William O’Connell
CAC Members Absent: Roger Smith, Andrew Naja-Riese, Madeline Silva Khan
City Staff Present: Simon Vuong
Guests Present: Barry Miller
Members of the Public Present: Joanne Webster
1. Call to Order: Chair William O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm.
2. Approval of February 6th Meeting Notes: Approved as submitted.
3. Presentation and Discussion – Economic Vitality Policies – Barry Miller:
As context for the Economic Vitality policy, Mr. Barry Miller provided General Plan 2040 (“GP”) and
Downtown Precise Plan (“DPP”) status updates as well as statistics on community engagement. Mr.
Miller also discussed upcoming changes to zoning regulations and form based codes, and plans to
come back to the CAC in April or May to discuss the subject at more length. Mr. Miller mentioned that
most elements of the GP had been discussed by the GP Steering Committee and the public to date. In
regards to the Economic Vitality Element (“EVE”), Mr. Miller noted that it is a high priority for the City
of San Rafael. Mr. Miller led the CAC through the GP goals and policies and encouraged immediate
feedback from the CAC, as well as written feedback through the end of March.
Member of the public, Ms. Joanne Webster of the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce, provided color to
the points of the EVE that the Chamber provided their input on. A key focus of the Chamber
surrounded the preservation of existing industrial commercial property.
Chair William O’Connell posed the question of how the EVE can be implemented for future use. Mr.
Miller said that the GP is intended to serve as a “roadmap” to enable the success of businesses in the
City. CAC Member Dirck Brinkerhoff asked to see examples from other cities before the CAC provides
its feedback. Members of the CAC agreed and Mr. Miller said he would provide such examples.
Mr. Miller mentioned that the GP consultants, Opticos, will be conducting informational meetings on
form based codes in the context of the DPP. In regards to the EVE, CAC members were supportive of
the effort for public input and further discussed and recommended such topics as; beatification, safety
and security, maintaining simple language as was done in GP 2020, and complying with Senate Bill 35 in
regards to approving housing.
4. Homeless Housing Proposal – 190 Mill Street:
Mr. Simon Vuong provided a status update on the project, which he reported was well received by the
City. The project is a “by-right” two-story development of an emergency shelter and supportive
5. Los Gamos Rd Housing – Follow Up Letter:
Approved as submitted.
6. Project Updates
No further updates were provided outside of Item 4.
7. General Plan Updates
No further updates were provided outside of Item 2.
8. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
9. Suggestions for Future Agenda Items
Chair William O’Connell will consult with Mr. Barry Miller on a date in April or May to revisit discussions
surrounding the GP as noted in Item 3.
10.Meeting Adjourned at 8:58 PM
Respectfully submitted by Joe McCallum